KLAMATH REPUBLICAN SIMMONS mad» on the 30th day of January, A. I>. 1910. In the Circuit Court of th«> State of THOMAS DRAKE. Oregon, for the County of Klamath. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Klamath Falls, Oregon. E. J. MURRAY, Editor. George II. Merryman, Plaintiff. V«. Geo. E. Allen, Defendant. Hl AIMONS To Geo. E. Allen, defendant, above named: In the name of the Statu of in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to Oregon, for Klamath County. appear and answer the Complaint Abner Weed, Plaintiff, vs. Alon«» Al­ TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE tiled against you In the above en- len. Defendant Sult In Equity to , tith'd action on or before Thursday, Quiet Title th«' 21th «lav of March. A. D. 1910, All communications submitted (or publication In th«» columns of this , that being the last day for the publi­ To Aloano Allen. Defendant: in the name of the State of Ore- paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume cation of this summons and the last gon; You are hereby required to ap­ articles will be published. day of th»» time within which th«> de­ pear and answer the complaint filed fendant Is permitted to answer as against you In the above entitled suit fixed by th«' order of th«' Court for on or before Saturday, th«« 6th day COMMITTEE U ’ POINTFI) IO IHE ANNOUNCEMENT publication of summons herein: und of March. A. D. 1910, that being the if you fail so to appear and answer, date of the last publication of the FROM BALLINGER COl XCII. M IKES Issl sSMIX Is I the plaintiff will take judgment summons In this suit and the lust Property lb-i«etlte«l Mill I'll, .VI Per against you for the sum of three date in which you, the defendant, la (Continued From Huge One.) hundred dollars, with interest there- required to answer said complaint, us Celli of Co-1, Uliicli Mill II«- 1 on at the rat«> of ten per cent per fixed by the order of the Court for About .1.1 ('«uta Front Foot niitted to surrend«'r L»r cancellation annum from and after November 11. publication of this summons, und If ; A. I». 1909, anil for reasonable attor­ you fall to appeur, and answer, uu their stock subscriptions, and that Several new ordinances were in­ ney's fees and for th«' costs ami ills- aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to! th«> lands belonging to them be re­ troduced at th<> meeting of th«> City hureements In this action; and (or an th«» Court (or th«» relief prayed for lieved from any lien or charge for Council last evening, among them order of this Court, that certain ¡»er-| in such complaint, to-wlt: Quieting construction costs; t3) to exclude one providing for the repair and im­ sonal property, to-wlt, one automo- plaintiff s till«» to th«' following de-1 from the lower proj«s-t the elevated provement of Second street; one on bile, and fixtures and attachments, ns scribe«l real estate: Northeast quar- tracts which au only b«' irrigated by th«> establishment of grades through­ wt'll ns all the appliances, tools and ter ( Q > of Northwest quarter ( 8* > 1 j instruments, belonging to you and I of Section Six (t»i, in Township | pumping ] 'ants and so otherwise re­ out th«» first unit of tlie sewer sys­ us«si upon or about the said automo- Thirty-eight (381, South of Rango duce Its limits to 138 >00 acres as tem. and one for additional tire hy­ bile, attaiheil under uud by virtu«- of Nln«> ('.»', East of th«» Willnui«*tt<< 1 shown by th«- i.:;,,» or 1 at hereto at­ drants. n-certain attachment writ Issued here- Meridian In Klamath County, Stat«>! of Oregon, containing 10 11« ■«*« of j tached; (!> to require a further A committee was appointed con­ in. be subjected to the payment of land. guarantee* for the repayment of the sisting of Willits, Hanks and Castel, any judgment that plaintiff may ob­ This summons Is publish«'«! in the ! tain herein. cost of construction either in th«* for th«- purpose of Investigating the This summons Is published In the "Klamath Kepubllcnn.", •« weekly 1 shape of an increase in the par value securing of a suitubb* sit«1 for a new Klamath Republican, a weekly news­ n< wspaper. printed amt published nt . of the shares of stock in the Water city hall. A committee was also ap­ paper printed and published at Klam­ the City of Klamath Falls. In said Users’ Association or that the land point'd consisting of Ohenchain. ath Falls. Klamath County. State of Klamath County, wherein said de srrlb«-«! land Is altuat«»«!, l»y order <»t owners within th«' lower project indi­ Summers an«! Wilkins to tnvesiigate Oregon, by order of Honorable George Hon. G«'«»rge Noland. Judge <»f th«' Noland. Judge of said Court, said or­ vidually or acting jointly through a and report on a sit«- for a garbage der dated the 5th day of February, 1 above-name«! Court, such order be­ trustee subji'ct their lands to a lien dump. 1910. dirn'ting such summons to be ing dati-v the s<» published for six consecutive I this summons to be made, amt is, that the Water Users’ Association re­ Mayor on sewer assessment made its weeks, the first publication to be on , made on the 20th day of January. th«> 10th «lay of February, A. I» 1910. base from the lien for construction I report which was filed. The report \ d I mo . H. M. MANNING. THOMAS DRAKE. charges al! lands excluded from the' will be posted for a period of ten days Attorney for th«' Plaintiff, Postoffice Attorney (or the Plulntiff. limits of the lower project and also j and If no objection is made on the and Residence Address. Klamath i Klamath Falls. Oregon. Falls. Oregon. 2-10-3-21 [ permit the ow ners thereof, stockhold­ part of those affected, an ordinance ers in the Water Users’ Association.1 will then be drawn embed'Ing the NOTICK. SI MMO\> to surrender for cancellation the report and passed. The report con­ Parti«»« wishing sagebrush land stock now held by them. tains an estimated ass- ssment of the In the Circuit Court of the State <»r clearev call on or write. “In arriving at the above conclu­ benefit to each piece of property un­ W. W. HASTEN, Oregon, ill and for Klam­ sions, the Department has not over­ der the first sewer unit, and contains 13-3tf Klamath Falls. Or* ath County looked the claim that has been made a complete description of the prop­ to the effect that the Government is erty and the supposed owner. It con­ Oscar F. North Plulntiff, vs. J. A under a moral obligation to construct tains about 250 names of property I Wilson, Defendant. the whole project at a cost to the owners. When this ordinance is To J. A. Wilson. Defendant above land owners of not more than $20 adopted and goes into effect, the as­ named: per acre. It would serve no good sessment can then be made a lien on In the Name of the State of Ore- ’ purpose at this time to enter into a the property. The property benefited discussion of the merits of this claim. ’ is to pay one-half th«» cost of building gon: You are hereby required to ap­ But even should it be conceded that it ■ the sewer, and it is estimated that pear and answer the complaint file«! 1 rests upon a substantial basis if it ' the property owners will pay about against you in the above entitled ac­ were the only factor to be considered, 55 cents a front foot on an average. tion on or before Thursday, the 17th j ELLSWORTH A. MITCHELL day of March, A. I). 1910, that being j there might be some force in the 1 VETERINARY SURGEONS the last day of publication of this contention of the land owners and. REPORTS FROM XICARAttl A AND DENTISTS SUMMONS and the last day of the AKE STILL I'OXFLKTIXG stockholders of the Water Users’ As-' Office CrlMter-MtlW Hulldlue Wiuna TM time within which the defendant is 1 sociation to the effect that the Gov-1 permitted to answer, as fixed by the -rnment should proc«?ed with the en-1 United Press Service. BI I EFIELDS. Feb. 26.—(Wire­ order of the Court for Publication of tire work along the lines as originally 1 planned and under the existing con- I less from Colon).—Reports from Summons herein; and if you fail so | ATTORNEY AND tract with the Water Users' Associa­ Western Nicaragua are still conflict- to api»oar and answer, the plaintiff COUNSELOR AT LAW S'*8 today say that a group will take judgment against you for tion, But another question is pre- *n!î- KLAMATH FALLS, OKtGON sented, namely, whether under the of insurgent stragglers arrived at La the sum of One Hundred Seventy anil law the Secretary of the Interior can Libertad and report fighting it Ac >|>- 25-100 Dollars, with interest thereon : ROOMS TAB, MURDOCK BLDG so proceed. The answer to this ques­ apa. Stevencinte and other eastern at the rate of 6 per cent per annum ! tion is found in Section 4 of the Re- P01“'8 is not entirely favorable to the from ¿«nd after the 5th day of Janu­ WILL A. LEONARD ciamation Act, which provides that provisionals, . It is also unofficially ary, 1910, and for the costs and dis-! the ‘estimated cost’ of iih from npprovi’d bank« <’hi n «-s .u.l lux. s pulii Individual depoalta aubject to chock Dviniiml certificates of ib'poalt Tim«, certi ficai <*a of deposit Haqiuga de|u>alta 1 36 000 00 48.64 .......... 60,930.11 350.00 .......... 11.685 00 ..... 37,010 M3 ... $121.854.68 T.'tul State of Oregou. ) County of Klamath, I sh 1 J W Ht'lmena. Ciislih 1 <1 tin» altove ni«m<*n MURPHY. GRAM110. »1 anulai.w'.r , IwtfMM (W*M SATISFACTION Nyal’s Vego- tabli Prescrip­ tion is Indicat­ ed in all ordi­ The feeling 1 want to exist between you and me. nary diseases of women. This I am trying to make my name and satisfaction remedy never synonymous. You can help me. disappoints, its g'.od effects be­ Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you ing perceptible and it ’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and from tho very first. It is com­ give me’a chance to make my word of guarantee posed of the good. purest and tha reliable most One receives a certain amout of satisfaction in mercu- drugs; buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s oplatee rials, and other har­ worth. mful drugs be­ Those arc the very kind of goods I carry and are ing excluded. The many dls- all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to eOBC rtlng in­ have your business. fluences to. which woman [ I have been told that I am on the WRONG side Is constantly! of the street nevertheless you are not treating your­ subjected ren­ der her liable self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. to many runctlonal disorders that not only tend to destroy her comfort vnd happiness, but which gradually merge into chronic and serious dis­ eases. Nyal’s Vegetable Prescription Is without a peer for the successful I treatmnet of female weakness, pain Miss Runk and Miss Schneider ful and disordered menstrutation, hysteria, cramps, "bearing down hav«» returned from Han Fran- ; ATTORNEY AT LAW pains," inflammation and falling of cisco, where they have purchased a j the womb. This io a remedy of new line of millinery which will be I General Law Practice State and Fed­ sterling worth. on exhibition In a few days. Miss eral Courts Runk reports that the people on the I Examiner of Land Titles outside .ire very enthusiastic about First National Baek Block Cor. 7th and Main Streets Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls . . . • Oregon the future of Klamath Falls. J I M'HATTAN L. E. ELLIOTT UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY