Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 03, 1910, Image 3

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Twievr i*awM-nic'*na Arc lujtir«-.! nu«l
Twenty Are still
whether the relief parties ulready
sent out have reached the stalled
A relief train la due here at. t;
o’clock this evening carrying some of
th« Injured.
Thu bodies of those
killed In the avalanche will have to
lie transported overland on sledges
Horrible Fate of Inhabitants Who
for twenty miles. A relief party of
Are Caught hi Mountain
seventy men, together with provis­
Know Slide
ions and emergency hospital supplies,
left Everett for the scene this morn
Ing They will go us far as they can | United Press Service.
by train and will then attempt to
WALLACE, Idaho, Feb. 28. As
travel the rest of the distance on 'Hie day advances the full horror of
l the destruction of Mace, a milling
I town five miles from here, is being
levealed. The mountain snow slide,
i which buried the entire town, was
<’. II Daggett ct ux. to Chester I,. distinctly heard here, it Is estimated
Hovey, warranty deed. Elk Hw1', 8«■< I that between 100 and 150 are lying
dead under the mountain of snow
4.Elk. Nw%. Bee it. Tp 37, 8. I'. ».
■ which blotted out the town. This
E. W M , Merrill, »10.
’ morning twelve bodies had been re-
Oregon Valleyl.and Co , lo Uriah 'I' < overcd, A partial list of the dead
Mrs. George Farwell, Mrs. Car­
I'viilnger, warranty deed Elk. Heli 'art-
a miner, and bls wife and
Be«- 3. Tp 37. B. It 15. K. W. Mt 1300.
two babies; A. L. Laird and wife,
Oregon Valley Land Co. to Theo
Moyal, Edgar Pascoe arxl Inez Pas-
W Walters, warranty deed to N 1» of «or. son and daughter of Standard
Th«- session of the Presbyterian I
Church ut Its meeting In.-.t September j
started a plan tor some special evan- : NEW < ITY < IIAKTEIt IH READY
gellxtlc meetings. This plan is just
about to materialize. The pastor of
the church wax Instructed to invite
ln«rea«H-s Warrant mol IU>n«l lii<l«-l>t-
Rev. J. E Snyder to hold these meet­
«-dii«-«« and Provi«!«-» for Ini-
ings. At th«« meeting of tye Snoyd
pruvemx-nt Bond»
of Oregon lit Newberg last October,
lt«v. Snyd«r prornlK««! th«! pastor to
come to Klamath Falls during tip­
Th«- charter committee, which was
winter and hold these meetings. The appointed last year by th«.- City Coun­
first date set was January 30. Be- cil. has completed Its labors and the
cauae It was Impossible to hold the new charter has been Hied with the
meetings at that tlm«? the date was Police Judge and will probably be
It is now said that the N.-C. O.
changed to March 8. March I is next acted upon by the council at Its next
i railroad will be extended north from
Tuesday and next Tuesday night al meeting on Monday evening. There
[the Dorris ranch in the spring and
7:30 the long expected and long were seven members originally ap-
¡will leave Alturas off to the west
planned meetings will begin in the pointed on th«- committee, but on ac­
1 The line is now surveyed and the
Presbyterian Church.
count of other business, it has dwin- grade stakes are driven. We are sor-
Rev. Hnyder Is not a profesalonal db-d down to three members. The
j ry to hear of this. There seems to
evangelist who bus sent out circulars committee which completed the for­
have been a flght on between Alturas
and ultra«'<-d attention by sensational mation of th«- new charter consisted
and the railroad ever since the rati-
11« lx a pastor of a new of Thos. Drake. H. L. Benson and
1 road came into the town.
and thriving church In th«- city of A. L. Leavitt.
History teaches us that railroads
Before taking this church
As soon as th«- new charter is ap­ make towns and mighty few towns
In Portland he was pastor of one of proved by the council several hun­
ever make railroads. It seems that
the large Presbyterian churches of dred «oplex will be printed and put
Alturas is depending on the Hili and
Chicago. Before going to Chicago be in book form to be distributed among
Hlk Of 8c% of Ne 14 Sec. 33. Twp mine superintendent; wife of If F.
Harriman lines as Its .«vior. To
was pastor of the church at Vancou­ the voters. Th«- adoption of the char­
I'ascoe missing, believed to be dead.
what extent their hopes will be real­
3». 8 It. 16, E W. M . 1200.
ver. Wash.
At one time he had ter will be voted upon at the coming
ized remains to be seen.—Surprise
N T. J. Ib aughaus et ux to School
charge of the Men's Resort In con- city election
Th« principal features Valley Record.
SPOKANE. Wash., Feb 28
It Is
nection with th«- First Presbyterian of the new charter are the increasing
Dial. No. 11, part of Nr *4 of HW 14
rumored that a second slid« occurred
at Portland.
Sac 8, Twp 3». H it. 10, E. W. M ; today at the town of Burk«- In the
of the possible warrant indebtedness POLITICS ENTER
While Mr. Snyder is primarily a from »20,000 to »40,000, the increas­
<'otter d'Alene«. The estimated dead
pastor, yet he has done a great deal ing of the |M>ssible bond indebtedn«-ss
Janu s It. McCrapk to Chester I.
of work as an evangelist and had to »150.000, and the providing for
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Feb. 28 —
lanche which destroyed the towns of
Hovey, warranty dede to 8*4 of N<-*4
wonderful success. H<! is at this time the issuance of city improvement Politics has entered the strike situa­
Mace and Burke varies. One report
Wlk Be ’4 Bee 5, Tp 37, B R. 9, i 'ates that there were thlrty-two «'hairman of the Evangelistic Com­ bonds for the improvement of streets. tion here and it Is believed a sympa­
mitter- of th«- Presbytery of Portland In case of pavements or other street thetic general strike will surely oc­
E W. M 11.000
>l«ud, while another Is to the effort
and has just completed the preaching improvements, bonds can be issued cur.
It is asserted that the City
American Bank A Trust Co to <’ that there arc eighteen d«-ad t« Mae«
of th«- Rev. .Mark Matthews of the and the property owners can pay the Council is dominated by Senator Jas
L. Hovey, warrantydeed, 8w <4 Sw1, | alone. Mining men here b«-U«ve that First Presbyterian Church of Seattle,
P. McNichol, who has declared that
same in ten annual installments.
the two slides ure confused and that
Bee 13, and N’4 Nwl4 Nw% Nel4
In the First Church of Portland.
would force the council to end the
ihc total number was secured by
Mr. Snyder comes to Klamath Falls MORE 4-OMPI. II.NTS At.AI NST
strike. McNichol is the political co­
Sec 13,Tp. 33, 8 If. ». E. W. M.
doubling those at Mace. Rescue trains
EHB KSON Ä PETTERSON worker of State Senator Wolfe, vice-
Margerie Hoagland to 8 E llama- are running out of Hpokan«- on the for a two w«-eks" meeting. While he
is here he would like to preach to
president of the transit company. The
ker, warranty deed 814. Be >4 Bee 28 O. It. A N. A majority of the In-
every mail, woman and child in the lti»< luirg<-<l Employ«»-* 4>e< lar« TViey strikers declare that Wolfe is respon­
and N‘k Ne% S»-c 33. Tp 40. B. It
city. Consequently, all are Invited to
sible for forcing the strike.
Have Not Been Treated Fairly
¡the rescue at Mace when the second
9, E W. M . »1.600.
minor clashes were reported today.
j slide occurred this morning, and oth- h«-ar him If you come once, you will
Albert T. Wolvertin, a former em­
R. I. Kilgore ct ux, lo B E. llama- ; <-nt had been warned, so loss of life want to come again.
Remember the dates— March 8-20. ployee of Erickson A Petterson, the
ker deed. Wlk Wlk Sec 37, Tp <0. H at llurke Is not believed to be heavy.
The time Is 7 30 p. m. The place is Southern Pacific contractors, com­
It 13. E. W. M . »1.600.
plains that the contractors discharged
th«- Presbiterlan Church.
Adaloln l.angls ct vir to C F Gal-
him without any provocation or rea­
son. Some time ago a general com­
nrmcau warranty deed, lot I blk 3, Menabò« Like laiiiilx-r Company Will STOHM Ml LEI’S OVER
plaint was lodged against the firm
For an up-to-date wheel, gtt
I ■■—toll I ar« I al Railroad for
Fairview add , to Klamath
which created quite a stir and c-ame
a Rambler, on aale at the OUR
'carrying With It Drath and Disaster very near getting into the courts, but
H. H. llesslg et ux, to Jos V. and
and Paralyzing Traffic
Mr. Petterson promised at that time
Tents to rent. Gons. We carry
Th«- Meadow I.nke Lumber Com­
J. If. Heeaig, warranty deed. 8« *4. 8« pany has purchased eight lotM from
to see that no further cause for com­
a full line of sportlnf go oMs
LEWISTON. Idaho. March 2.— plaints would be given. For some
>4. Sec33. Wlk 8wl4 Sw 14 , Sec 34. th« Klamath Development Company,
Reports that have been received here time everything went along smoothly,
south of the freight depot near the
Tp 33. 8. R. 7 Ik. E W. M. »10.
during the past twenty-four hour^ but complaints are beginning to come
county road, which It expects to use
Indicate that the Inland Empire is in again, and it looks as if, for the
Abn«-r Weed et ux to Klamath Dev-1
as a lumber yard for the storage of
opment Co. warranty deed, Known as fir lumber for export shipment. This In the grasp of the worst flood in reputation of this section, it will be
Oppoalte the Amrrtrau HoOsA.
history. Railroad and wagon bridges necessary to have a full and complete
Pbo.«» ftM.
will be separate from the yard of the
Weed Tract. »10.
have been swept away, telephone and
Wm. M Vaughn ct ux to R. E box company, which purchased Its en­ telegraph wires are down and the investigation. There are State laws,
both in California and Oregon, cov­
Wattenburg warranty deed E *4 Be *4 tire cut of box lumber. The Meadow ■nighty waters of swollen streams
ering the employment of labor and it
Lak«- Company expects to store its
Sec 4 Tp 40S. It. 9. E W. M; »1« woo«! and |M»ts at this yard, which are spreading death and destruction might be well to see if the contract­
Della Lee et vlr
to Agn«-« J will probably be sold to the retail throughout the territory embraced in ors are living up to the law.
tile Inland Empire. All hope of re­
Men are hired at »1.75 a day. l«?ss
la-«-, warranty deed, Elk Sei». Sw>4 trade.
suming railroad traffic for many days board and hospital fees, and are
H«c 9. N'w % Nelk Sec 16, Tp 35.
has been abandoned, for the havoc promised a Ixrnus of 25 cents a day
And get ground ready for big
8. R. 14. E. W. M ; »1,000.
I I \ nt II. LABOR I X1OX wrought has disrupted the great if they remain a certain length of
Louis Dennis et ux, Eldon Dennis,
crop returns next year.
organization ot the railroad compa­ time, but are fired before that time
nies and all semblance of discipline arrives. They are given free trans­
ct ux, warranty deed to Wilhelm United Frees Service.
Some goo«l luirgains can be
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Feb 26.— seems to have gone.
portation in here and let out after
Witte, Blk 8wl4, Sec 14.
Nez Perce, Peck and Mobley, in a few days' i\ork without any means
had in sagebrush land.
NW4 8ec23, Tp 39. 8. R E W. .M
bor Union, wax arrested today fol­ I this State, are inundated and hun­ of getting away. This city certainly
lowing the publication of an inter­ dreds of families are at the mercy does not want a class of unemployed ■
SWAMI’ LAND in desirable
Mary E. Bowing to George E. Ste­ view threatening trouble, and v. as re­ of the floods. Many lives have been men dumped upon it. without any'
will be higher in price
phen warranty deed lot No. 3. Sec I leased on bail. Murphy denies the reported lost and it is expected that means of support. If the contractors I
bring men in here whom they do not:
soon. BUY NOW.
31. Tp 39. 8. R. 12. E W. M ; ,50. interview, although a number of re­
death list will be appalling. The ex­
George W. Stephens et ux to porters declar«- that he was accurate­ istence of many of the mountain set­ want they should be made to take
them back where they got them. On j
ly quot«*d. There were no further
Fred Bertholf, warranty deed lot 3, disorders today.
The strikers re­ tlements is threatened and families the other hand, if they are not fol-'
Sa-c. 31, Tp 39, 8. R. 12. E. W. M ; fused to accept the offer of th«- com­ are fleeing to points of safety. Many lowing the law- in the employment of ■
pany to re-employe them as new em­ of these may be rushing to their men, there should be an investiga- (
John Hausen et ux. to Mary L. Eg- ployees If they return to work by death in snow slides and avalanches tion. It is time that the necessity]
Capt. O. C. Applegate,
which are of frequent occurrence for these complaints was eliminated, j
ert warranty deed, Nels Sec 23 Tp Thursday.
: throughout the stricken district.
Office Manager
38 8. R. 10. E. M. W
— ■.
.. —
One does pot need a perfect knowl-
Don’t forget that when it comes to
Fifth St., Near Main.
Jatqea II. Whitman el ux to Geo ! edge of grammar to speak good and
The horse has no need of money, raising things the yeast cake is not a
for he is never without fore quarters. bad second.
L. Davis warranty deed Selk. 8el4 j true words all the time.
United Press Service.
EVERETT, W uh I i . Mart h S
rullroud world of th<* Pacific North
west today stntids appall«-«! ut th»
magnitude of the disaster that swept
Into eternity over two-score of pass
augers nt Wellington yesterday The
hint definite Information relative to
the < utaatroph« waa received here to­
day. when Conductor John H Rogers
and u party of nine reached thia city
Mr. Kogers told the following story
of the situation prior to the dlauster
“Wo loft Houp Lake u week ugo
by the Orest Northern and we had
<>n board sixty passengers when we
reached the mountains. Wcdnusda)
evening we were stopped by drifts at
the eastern portal of the Cascade tun­
nel and were forced to remain there
until Friday. Wo ate al .the bunk
house that In located at that point
and slept aboard the train. The
paaaeugers realised the hazardous
position In which they were plated
and every able bodied man bent every
energy to extricate the train from its
perilous situation
The storm raged
all of th« time, snow falling In great,
thick clouds, and wan driven by a
gal«, making It very difficult to carry
on the work of clearing the tracks
“We Anally bucked and shoveled
our way Into th« tunnel
after leaving the spot an avalanche
descended, burying th« bunk houn •
and killing two m«n who happened
to be In It ut the time
We sue*
c<«cd«d In reaching Wellington, which
is located about one-half mile from
the western portal of th« tunnel Al
thin point there were three tracks.
When we reached them we found
one track was occupied by the pri­
vate car of Superintendent Onehllls
and three motor cars These housed
fhe superintendent, train crews and
porters. My train occupied the mid­
dle track
it consisted of th« engine,
baggage car, two coaches, two sleep­
ers and an observation car. Th«
outer track was occupied by the fast
mail, on which sixteen mall clerks
rnd eighteen laborers were staying
“Sunday morning I noticed thn top
of th« mountain, on which waa an
immense amount of snow.
it wax
hanging precipitously over the tracks,
held only by the sparse timber which
grew there. Occasionally jMirtlonx of
rh« Immense bank of snow would
break loose and hurl Itself down the
mountain aide, sometimes reaching
the track. Each slid« made more
dangerous our position, and we be­
gan to fear for the safety of the
“The accumulation of snow on the
mountains was the greatest tn his­
tory. and the fury or the storm and
the perpetual fear induced by the Im­
mense body of snow dampened the
spirits of the stalled passengers, and
little or nothing was done In th« way
of trying to clear the tracks. Real­
ising the precarious situation in
which we were placed, 1 announced
Sec 22. Tp 39. 8. R. 10 E. W. M
my determination to leave there and
< ome on foot. Nine others signified also lots 4 and 6, 8e<- 22. Tp 39, S
their desire to accompany me, and 1 R. 10. E. W. M »1.
am thankful that wo have at last
Geo Toldt to C. II Daggett war­
reached hero.
Many times on the ranty deed. Elk Sw 14 Sec 4. and Blk
trip we lost heart from the great
Nw 14 8eg 9. Tp 37. 8. R 9. E. W.
hardships we had to undergo, but w<-
are now glad that we did not remain,
Oregon Valley Land Co., to Joe
for if we had we would certainly
have perished with the others.
Chlottl warranty deed, Nik Nik of
“When we left the trains wen- He 14 of No 14 Sec 13, Tp 39. 8. R
hopelessly stalled under that threat­
tuning masB of snow, and I* am not 15. E. W. M. »200.
Oregon Valley Land Co. to J. H.
surprised at the news I hear.
warranty deed, 8Ik Nwl4 of
was still snowing when wo left and
the wind was blowing a terrific gale No % 8«c 5. Tp 36. R. 14. E. W, M r
and It was Inevitable that an ava­ »200.
lanche must descend nnd send into
John V. Johnson to P. L. Fountain
eternity the souls who stayed with
3. Sec 1, Tp 37. 8. R. 10. E. W.M. |
the trains In the hope that the storm
might abate and relief reach them." »10.
The Great Northern officials an­
John Y. Tipton to John Y. Johnson
nounce this afternoon that twenty- warranty deed lot 3, Sec 1. Tp 37, 8. ;
live were kUled and twelve injured
R. 10. E. W. M.; »10.
In the Wellington avalanche. Twenty ,
Amos 8. Bonnett to J. J. Rahn
passengers art* still missing, and they !
are unable to determine whether they warranty deed, 5 acres of land In lot
are still burled in the snow or wheth-' 3, Sec 10. Tp 38, 8. R. 8, E. W. M.;
er they sought safety In flight. The »200.
wild, unauthentlc reports of the great
J. L. Ketch et ux, to W. A. Klck-
loss of life that have been current
warranty deed lot 16, blk, 11
here were emphatically denied by the
officials, who stated that they believ­ Whitelake City, Ore. »1.
ed that the death list would not ex­
Samuel Dixon et uxv to Frank
ceed thirty.
Carpenlng, warranty deed lots 4, 5,
No word was received directly
from the scene of the disaster slnco Sec 14. Tp 39. 8. R. 10, E. W. M..
early today. The railroad company lots 1. Sec 15 nnd lot 6. Sec 14, Tp
has wired to a point In the vicinity of 39, 8. R. 10, E. W. M.; »3,000.
the only Information obtainable has
Herman Wehr to Chester L. Hovey-
to come over It. All the relief work
warranty deed 814 Sw*4, W14 Selk
lx being conducted practically In the
dark, ax It Is Impossible to learn Sec 26 Tp 37, 8. R. 9, E. W. M.: »10.
If he takes the Republican. If he
does not urge him to do it, so as to
lend a hand in the fight for his