DANGER IN DELAY CARTER’S Bill PASSES SENATE U'THORIZEN CKRTIF1CATK SI E OF THIRTY MILLION 1S- SEE WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR THE CIO Kidney DI m » m «* n An- Too Dang«-r«>us FEEUN HIN 1‘REROGATIVKN ARE BEING ENCROACHED UPON for Klamath Falls 1‘eopl«- to Neglect The great danger of kidney troub les is that they get a firm hold before th«* sufferer recognizee them Health is gradually undermined Backache, headache, nervousness. lameness, .soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Bright*« disi-as«* i follow in merciless succession Don’t neglect your kidneys. Cure th«- kid neys with certain and safe remedy. I Man’s Kidney Pills, which lias surd people right here in this locality. Judge W. M. Thomas, of Yreka. Cal., says "I used Doans Kidnet Pills and am glad to sav that they gave me relief. I was suffering from kidney trouble for a long time, the most annoying symptom being too frequent passages of the kidney se cretions. I also stiffen'd from severe headaches and dizzy spells I was in a bad shape when Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and I procured a box. I began using them and felt better in a short time. I was finally cure«! of the lameness in my back and all th«» other symptoms of the trouble entirely disappeared. I have no hesitation in recommend ing Doan’s Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from kidnej complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s and take no other. But, Alas, He is Beginning to Reali««- That lie Is a Dowu-aiid- Outer Baldwin is mad. The Rt. lion George T. Baldwin, formerly county judge, builder of the high school, chief booster of the booster club. Is mad clean through. And why? Be Fir**t Slop Tow ani the Completion of cause It lias been Intimated that the all Projects sow I nder great dally that ho is s<*eking to «-s- Construction tablish here, and for which practi cally all of the funds must be put up by someone else, is f«>r his special United Press Service. benefit. Look wBut he has done for WASHINGTON, 1». C„ March 2.— Klamath Falls! Has not he gone to The Carter Bill, which provides for Portland and San Francisco ami the issuance of irrigation certificates strutted around with guileless news to the amount of 130,000,000, the paper men and gullible citizens of proceeds of which * to bo used for those metropolises and told tht-m the conipl .ton ot . pp roved irriga that he was th«* bull of the woods tion proj*. "s and > teir extensions, In the Klamath country? Hasn't he passed the Se n at« to/.ty and now talked, talked, talked at home and goes to the House of Representatives abroad? Hasn't he boosted every for action. The passage of this thing that would help Baldwin .* Why measure is in compliance with the of course, he has. What doos it mat expressed wish of the President, who, ter if he has declared time and again at the solicitation of Secretary of the that he wished the railroad never Interior Ballinger, urged such a cam«* to Klamath Falls? Of what measure on Congress. It is the first consquence is it If he has declared step that has been taken looking that he made more money prior to toward the clearing away of the mis its coming, bringing with it. as it has. takes that have been made by the competition? What right has any - Reclamation Service in undertaking one else to come in here and try to the construction of projects for which jar hint loose from the man he bene they had not the means ot carrying fited so much—the farmer? Was not to completion. this city and county created for his When Secretary Ballinger assumed special benefit? Then, why shouldn't bis office as head of the Interior De- he have a special newspaper to sing partment he found that the heads of his prais«*s and boost his boosts? the Reclamation Service had been That is only proper. carrying things with a high hand and PORTLAND, Ore., March 1 The Consequently he is mad clean construing the reclamation act to their own ideas. This resulted in people of Oregon. Washington ai.d through at this paper for daring to the starting of work on a large num the P:«c>lic Northwest w> I i..tv .-•> intimate that he has only selfish in- ber of projects and discounting the opportunity to see a ”.n «n-blrd" in terests at heart when he gets out prospective accretions to the recla actual fight. Lots of us have read and hustles for tjie founding of a about flying machines and it is the new daily paper, It makes no dlffer- mation fund. When Secretary Ballinger discov desire of every one to see one of ence whether it pays or not not to ered this conditions of affairs, he was these soaring across country, disput him, for the other fellow must ntak< It should be suffi ed a halt on further new work and ing for space in the heavens with the the ends meet. appealed to the President for his clouds, and making speed that will cient that he—the great, judge, presi influence in the securing of the pass put the fastest bird in the worltP to dent of a bank, founder of the high school. builder of a four-story brick,! age of an act authorizing the issu shame. : There will be a big Aviation Meet booster front boosterviile, gives his i ance of bonds, the proceeds of which 5, 6 and 7, approval. As long as he has taken j were to be used in completing the at Portland on March 5» projects already undertaken. Presi which will be the first chance that over the reins handed to him by his dent Taft readily saw the wisdom of has been given the people of this i master, C. S. Moore, why should h«- i Didn’t Moore such action, and incorporated the part of the country to see this actual not do the driving? marvel. People «ho talked of flying say that we must have a paper here recommendation in his message. I. It is expected that it will meet machines five years ago were consid "that would^do our bidding.” That with some opposition in the House, ered dreamers, but it is guaranteed ' would be sufficient. And in the meantime, what right | but not of such a nature as will de- by the busiue&s men of Portland who ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ are back of the flying machine meet has anyone to kick on coming! 'eat it. that unless there are genuine cross through with their money when they ' (The passage ot this bill means country and high altitude flights tick are told to do so? There must be much to the Klamath Project. It et money will be refunded. Charles a paper here that will do as it is told definitely assures the land owners K. Hamilton, the daring aviator who. by the “higher ups." and it is only —Jhat the funds necessary to complete operating a Curtiss biplane, holds the right and proper that the little fel C. F. GOODRICH, Proprietor the project will be forthcoming, and world’s records for high speed with lows paj' the fiddler while the man Rest ii«- Trains En<oiint<-r Drifts Forty that nothing remains to insure the a mile in 1:37, the world’s slow with the axe to grind dances. Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Feet Des-p in an Effort to completion of the project except the speed, which is more difficult with a These are the questions that are Carpets. Rugs, Wall Paper Reach the Keene short-sightedness of the land owners mile in 4 minutes, will try to take agitating the noble and progressive and Groceries themselves. the high altitude record at the Port . mind of the judge. He asks and Throughout that portion of the land meet. Because of the stillness answers them himself. But while he Flue* Table Malt, 50 |M>un<la for ........................ • .75 project which the secretary has an ot the air currents around Portland, Is engaged in this pleasing task there United Press Service. < > EVERETT. Wash.. March i. ('offer, per pound........................... • • • • ..lac to .40 nounced will he completed is a con he believes he can do this. are a few others who are playing the Tea, |M*r pound ............................... 40« to .50 "Mall train stalled in mountains > < siderable amount of land that has Railroad rates of one and one- same game. These are the men who Ntar Tobacco, per plug................ .45 not been signed up to the Govern third fare have been secured on all were inveigled into subscribing for wiped out by snowslide today.” This Horseahoe 1Y>I mu -<-<>, jwr plug . . • • • • ............. .. .45 broken telegraphic message reached ment. The owners have refused to railroads leading into Portland stock in the newspaper company. Spear Head Tobacco, pre ping • • • • ............. .. .40 the Northern Pacific offices here this Rice, per pound ................................ . Sc, lOc anti .11 do so until assured as to the cost of Rates extend to Medford on the They are naturally asking what they Beans per |>ouii<l ............................. .............. Sc and .07 reclamation. Now that the secretary south and The Dalles to the east. are going to get for their money, afternoon. A relief train with all Columbia Oat F1ak«*s, pi«*er fo chlnawaer in. has announced that the price would Every person in the State will have what Interest they have in the con- the«avallable nurses, doctors and la each package ........................... « • « • • •••••• .35 not be more than $30, and as this an opportunity to witness this great cern and who is going to hold the borers. was rushed to the mountains Violet Data, package ..................... • • • » • • • s s s a .15 Violet Pancake Hour..................... • • • • • a s a a s a sum meets the general approval of event. J sack when the thing ‘ busts.” The immediately. The train referred to .15 Is undoubtedly the Spokan«* lmal pas Rolled Data, In bulk, Itl pounds for . i.eo the land owners, it is more than like Among those who will have flying ' men who are pushing into the field < • Dried Prum-s, 20 pountls for . . .... ................ 1.00 ly that every acre of land will be machines to take part in the contest this new paper have had several ex- senger which has been stalled near Gold Dust ............................................. .25 signed up and every obstacle remov are several well known Portland bus perienced newspaper men here for Welling since Thursday, February 2 4, with thirty persons aboard. ed from the path of completing the iness men who have made recent pur the purpose of taking hold of it. One It is feared that the train with all project.) chases, and it is certain that the man had been in the business over Highest Price Paid for Hides and Produce dates of the meet will contain inany thirty years. He told them, as did Its occupants has been swept Into ALL COIER D’ALENEN interesting features of what has been all of the others, that It would be a the canyon by an avalanche of snow .MOURNING DEATH accomplished within the last few losing proposition and that it could The rescue trains may be unable to reach the scene on account of the years in the manufacture of flying never last. Of course, they knew Nineteen Bodies Recovered and 30 In drifts which. In many places, are machines. that in advance, and that is why they jured, Many of Whom Will Die forty feet deep. were planning to buy the outfit "on I.INEN PARALYZED ! time," and unload their holdings so United Press Service. Miss Rose Myers left Thursday BY HEAVY WASHOUTS i as to let th«, little fellow, whose edu WALLACE, Idaho, March 1.—All for Midland on a visit with friends of the Couer d’Alenes district is to Six Lines Entering Salt lj«ke Tied cation along the lines of high finance and relatives. A. choice lino of invest has not been so thorough, hold the day mourning the deaths which oc Up—Preparing to Resume sack. They were the ones to stand curred in the snowslides which wiped ment» that will make ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ out the towns of Mace and Burke. At SALT LAKE, March 1.—Six lines the loss and foot the bills. The “big tlio purchaser money 1 o'clock a total of nineteen bodies entering Salt Lake are almost paral- teilows" would reap the benefit. But there have been some opening of had been recovered. Three Italian yzed by washouts. The Denver & I laborers are the only persons still Rio Grande arrived today, being the eyes during the past few days and missing. Thirty persons were injured, first train to reach here in twenty it looks as if the big fellows will many of whom will probably die. Jas. hours. The Union Pacific and Ore have to foot the bill if it ever starts. Rogers, who joined the work of the gon Short Line are preparing to re notwithstanding the fact that the Rt. Hon. George has nodded his head and rescuers when Mace was wiped out, ( sume operations. pointed his finger. He is at last be was caught in the second slide and OGDEN, March 1.—The Espee of ginning to realize what nearly every died last night. The funeral of the ficials announce that it will be a day one already knew—that, he is past dead will be held this afternoon. before the Overland route between president and grand < xalted ruler You Can Cure That Backache here and San Francisco can be open many times over of the “Has Been" This Mon* is pn*|nired to an Pain along the back, dizziness, head ed owing to washouts. The track is club. swer It. ache and general languor. Get a worse at Loray, Battle Mountain and The occaalon nuty I m * uliat it package of Mother Gray’s AUHTRA- Winnemucca, where the Overland UNIONISTS PREPARING will—it’s our fluty to I m - really J.IAN-LEAF, the pleasant root and train is stalled. to supply, anil we can do it, tía». FOR GENERAL STRIKE 1 erb cure for all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. When you feel WASHINGTON BLOCKADES With pleasure to you because United Press Service. of tin* size of our display, with GROWING MORE SERIOUS all run down, tired, weak and with profit to you because of EVERETT, Wash., Feb. 28.—The PHILADELPHIA, I’a,, March 1. out energy use this remarkable com ability to sell close. bination of nature’s herbs and roots. blockades of th«- Great Northern Rail Powerful influences are at work at As a regulator it has no equal. Moth road are growing hourly more seri tempting to force arbitration of the When the gift question senta itM-lf, let M show yon er Gray’s Auxtralian-Ix-af is sold by ous. A heavy snow is still falling street car strike before a general easily we can match your Ideas. druggists or sent by mail for 50 cts. and six trains have been stalled for strike Is called. All newspapers In MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r three days. It is estimated that there the city have joined in a general de Sample sent FREE. Address, The are 500 passengers on the stalled mand that a settlement be made. Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. trains who are seriously threatened Unionists are preparing for a general Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club One of the surest ways to lose n with hunger. Further west the snows strike, but It is believed it won’t be Rooms, Etc., Fite. friend is to lend him money. have turned into rain and has re necessary to call it. The street car sulted in two passenger trains being officials declare that, they won’t arbi A horse may know a good bit with v.recked, although no injuries are re trate, but it Is believed that they will For Higli-Gratfa- Jewelry SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS ported. out a college education. finally. FOB THE RECLAMATION PROJECTS The Cookerette Cooks Without Fire Will pay for itself five times a year in saving of fuel. Saves more than half the labor of cooking. Keeps the kitchen sweet and cool in summer. Prevents cooking odors in your home. Food cooked in it is more nutritious, delicious and healthful. GILLETTE’S FURNITURE HOUSE WITH THIRTY PASSENGERS ABOARD Goodrich’s Cash Store M ason «.S lough ABSTRACTERS The Question What Shall It Be? Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON A, SLOUGH Lakeside Inn, WINTERS J