Root, New York 3,000,000 lirandt-g««. Connecticut 3,000,000 ! tit her Senators whose wealth Is es- ' “Never Again.” Says Senator Filat of tlmnt««l to ba over a million ar< 1 Briggs, of New Jersey; Hmith, of California—Will Return t«> l«i» Preet lc«« Michigan, McEnery, of Ixmlalana; Owen, of Oklahoma; Penrose, of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ l*«imsylviinla. Perkins, «if Culifornlu, ♦ Rayner, of Maryland, uml Bailey, of "The Fulled States Hcliatu I h ♦ no place for u poor mun." It-XUS. « Flunk P. Flint, U. H Senator Aiming the ''poor'* Senators are Cullom, of Illinois; Cummins, or ♦ from Cnllfot nlu ♦ Iowa; Bristow, of Kansas; Galling«-' , t of New Hampshire; Burnham, or j ♦ Estimated cost of Cali­ ♦ Connecticut; Dick, of Ohio; Oore. th« fornia's next Senato­ ♦ blind Senator from Oklahoma; St on« rial campaign $ 57,000 ♦ Senator Flint's p | rob­ und Warner, of Missouri, un«l Bever- idge, of indiami able expenses in ♦ ♦ Washington for six ♦ 60,000 years ♦ < ♦ II 17,000 A « ♦ ♦ A ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Total expenses that ♦ must be reckoned ♦ for term *117,000 ♦ Total money coming In ♦ from Uncle Baine .’•O.tlOO ♦ ♦ «7,000 ♦ ♦ Most of tin* prominent sto« k ship­ pers of the county, among them L. Gerber, .M< Keudrce and Ju« k Horton, nr« complaining of th«« d«luy In sc curing curs for th«« shipment of their stock. Mr. Gerber lias 175 head of catti« nt Midland awaiting shipment, uml Mr. McKendree has six cars of sheep nt th« Klamath Falls yards. Cars were ord« red from tin- railroad and the stock driven here from th«- fci-dlng grounds in th«« expectation thnt th«- cars ordered would be ready. When th« stock arrived al the sta- lion no curs wore in sight, and the shippers have b««-n put to the ex- pens« of feeding and th«« loas to the stock by standing around for several dnys In the mud. Mr. Gerber states that h«- request«-«! the ng«-nt to notify him by lela-phone In case the can could not be ready when ordered In that case he could wait a few day* until cars were secured, but this Is not done, and stock men are allow«-«i to drive their stock to th«« stations only t<> find that cars are not ready for them, It Is probable that tin­ matter will ta« ■ taken up with th«- freight department und an adjust-! s ment ««'cured. GIUM'ERN* ORGANIZATION Protective Association Is Formed for Mutimi Benefit of D«-uler un«i < tautomer At I u inectiiiK held lust Friday by the I grocers of the city steps were taken for the permanent organisa­ tion of un association for the mutual benefit of th« merchant ami the cus­ tomer. Full pians of the association have not yet been completed, but the organization is In accordance with modern business methods and Is sim­ ilar to such organizations In the cities. No black-list will be kept, us is the custom In some places, but <-a« li merchant will have an oppor­ tunity of ascertaining the reliability of any prospective customer, and In this way financial losses can be pre­ vented by th«- merr-hant. Another ud- vantagc Is in a saving by combining in ordering goods In car load lots. This saving In cost would be shared with th« customer. Probably the greatest benefit, however, In the as­ sociation, will be in the establishing of more friendly feelings among the merchants of the city. Unjust rivalry and animosities will n<<<-Ksarily be forgotten by personal contact and much good can b«« done by united - ffort for th« city. of It was cash. The friends of Mr. Graven will be glad to learn of his good rotune, for he has resided in good fortune, for he has resided In twelve years and they feel that he earned »11 he got. The property I m ideally situated for the purpose for which it has been bought, and will no doubt be the site of a thriving city before many years. It could not be learned Whether the Hill people were Interested directly in the deal or not. Soutlerri Putiti«' Nfs-nding About on Wagon Roa«l at. Modo«- Point Supl. II. G. Wilson, who was in the city from the Agency last week. states that In coming here he drove over a portion of the n--w wagon road being built by the railroad at Modoc Point, to replace the old road cover­ ed by its right of way. It I m the opin­ ion of Mr. Wilson that it will cost the railroad company nearly 825,000 for the building of this five miles of road, as the contractors have had over 100 men employed on the work since the first of the year, This new piece of road is more than twice the width of the old cne and I m on an excellent grade. The greater portion has been built through rocks and boulders, but the work has been don-- so well that when completed it will be one of th- b< rt stretches in Klam­ Bill Introduce«) in l»i--t in ICcMponæ ath Count lo Rc«|Urat Troni Parlile Coast WASHINGTON, D C. Feb 1» MM II \ 1« TIM Hi IX« After jotting down th«« above figure l'nited Press Service. and taking u glanc«- at his bank book, TOKIO, Feb. 19. President Na­ I l*ow«l«-r < inipauy .«starts Investigation Henator Flint, of California, held up kai»«», on behalf of th- Toklo Chatn- to D- u rmiii«- Cause of Ills right baud und tried, 'Never l»--r of Commerce, has Introduced a Explosion again!" l-lll iu the Diet for the reduction of SAN LEANDRO, Cal., Feb. 18.— Ho be Is going buck home to lain the tariff l on oil from 50 to 30 per Eng Sing, a Chinese helper, is dying Angeles to eke out u miserable exist­ cent. The bill is th«* result of a ami will probably be the ninth vic­ ence with a pitiful law prattle« that < .«bl«« j in from the Associated Cham­ tim of th«- explosion of the Trojan will probably net him only *3<>.00u bers of Commerce of th«- 1’a-ttlc Powder Works at Roberts Landing or |u»,o«»o a year. But. ut home he’ll Coast, asking th«« reduction in the yesterday. The others who were In­ not be <>bllg«- Chambers of Commerce, when told of CHETE EXPERIENCES Nakano's bill, declared that the early i»ngl-«," said Senator Flint, ' and hav- HEAVY EARTHQUAKE Modem Portrait Gallery ¡action on the request was indicative com« to the com lusion that th" Unit­ ed Stales Senato la no place for a The Miller Photo Company. com- of success of th« appeal. He said United Press Service. CANE A. Crete, Feb. 18.—Many poor mun if he hulls from California pos«*d of Chas. R. Miller and Cr l«-n that the commerce of the entire coast und must make his campaign every Johnston, has secured a three-yea’* would be benefited, but declared that buildings were damaged by an earth - six years under the new direct prl- lease on the Mongold Studio and will th«-ro was no connection in the ap­ quake which occurred here today mary law. How much will the next assume charge on April 1. Mr. Miller.' peal and th«« recent granting to Japan No dead are reported here but r® «ampalgn cost? I don't know; have who la In the city from McCloud, of a minimum tariff by Congress, al­ ports from Vatrope say that six bodies not th«« retnostest idea Nobody has. states thnt they will put a firat-clasn though it was apparent that the time have been taken from the ruins ‘here. Heavy loss of life is feared when the for It hasn't b«*cn tried yet. Hut J'd portrait man In charge and he as-; for such request was opportune. reports are received from the Interior. have to maintain an organization In sure* th«« people of this city that It The quake is the heaviest that hae «•very (’«mgreealonal district and ev­ In their Intention to turn out such' GKAVES CIXISES DEAL Kilt SALE OF KIM II been known here for years. ery county. Culifornlu la more than work that there will be no necessity 1 1.000 miles long. Therefore. I'd have to go to Han Francisco or Portland Money I'aid Over Totlajr and Properly HOUSE COMPANY to rover u territory as lung as from tor photograph work. l’a»-*-, to New < >un<-rs ELECT'S OFFICERS Main« to the Carolinas along th«» At­ Th<< studio will be in addition to The stockholders of the Ready lantic Const. If the Slate were small the one to be located in the Hot Charles Graves arrived in the city and compart, like som«« of the New Springs addition, the contract for the Inst Saturday from bis ranch near Mad«- House Company held their an­ England commonwealths, the case building of which has already been Odell, and with hint camo J. H. We- nual meeting last Thursday at the of­ might I n * different and the expense let. Messrs. Miller and Johnston will nandy, E. J. Bourk and L. F. Wake­ fice of Judge H. L. Benson, when the Ines. I would really have to make devote their personal attention to field. These are the gentlemen who following dir<«ctors were elected: F two campaigns, one for th«« primary large scenic work and already bav«« have purchased the Graves property Ferris. C. N. Meyers, Henry Rabbas and one for the election. large contracts which will keep them at Od« I), where It is proposed to lay XV. XV. Nickerson and W. O. Smith, “If the dlr««ct primary law is to busy the greater part of th«« summer. out a townsite and build the metrop­ At a m««eting of the directors held stand, a poor mun can never hop«« to olis of Northern Klamath County, i this forenoon F. Ferris was elected MAHTK.N OUTFIT ARRIVES run for th« Senate until after th«- metropolis which M>mo day they be­ president: C. N. Meyers, vice-presi- passuge of some extra legislation for lieve will be the county seat of a new dent; Wm. AVagner, secretary, and XV. O. Smith, treasurer. his protection, some corrupt practice 15-llorM- Power Catapillcr Engine county. and ml»in«-d IlnrvcMcr and act that will forbid the spending of When seen in regard to the trans ­ Suge Brusii Grubber any moni-y whatever In a political action none of the parties interested Ward Graves, son of Chas. Graves «ampalgn. or for the State Itself to would talk for publication, stating of Odell, came down Friday from the The big combined harvester and defray th«« expenses. that they were not yet ready to make reservation, where he has been work­ “Of course. If 1 were so dlapoa<«d catuplller engine, w hich was recently i an announcement of their plans. ing with the Oregon Trunk surveying ordered by O. W. Muston, arrived last I might allow friends or friendly or­ It Is understood that the price paid crew. He will remain here and enter Friday and was unloaded Saturday. ganizations to help mo out. On«« or j for the ranch was <20,000, and al) the publie school. two organizations back home have In- ; The engine is 45-h. p. and Is a mammoth nffalr. weighing about tlmated thnt they would I m « glad to ♦ contribute *5,000 or 110,000. But eight tons. It runs equally well on level ground or aldo hill and travels hardly. It is bad enough to hav«« an opportunity to hav«« an organization at the rate of six miles per hour , or an individual mako contribution« The combined harvester was also to th«« party; its out of the question shipped with the outfit, but the at­ to think of them putting up money I tachment for grubbing sage brush was not ready and will arrive here for the candidate personally. in about thirty days. The outfit will “I must say that I like the Sena- torshlp. If It were not for the sake be taken to Maaten's place at the old Horton ranch. of family, I would like nothing better than to stay hero th«» rest of my life. MICHAEL RI E< K MEETS But 1 owe my family something, and WITH SEVERE Alt TUENT if I hnd to spend *50,000 or *00,000 every six years for th«« campaign and While Returning Home la-g Is Brok­ then come to Washington and spend en l>y Horse Falling on It more than my salary as I have dur­ ing tho laHt six years— It would only BONANZA, Ore., Feb. 19.—About Ixo n question of time when 1 would 4:30 yesterday afternoon Michael go broke,” Hueck was the victim of an accident Here is a list of the multl-nilllion- that will necessitate his confinement alres In th«« Senate with whom Flint to Ills home for many weeks and pre­ is now associating: vent Ills conducting the affairs of his Ouggenhcim. Colorad«» . »50,000,000 farm this spring. 11c was returning Elkins, West Virginia 25,000,000 on horseback to his homo and when Stephenson, Wisconsin 20,000,000 about one milt- south of town the nni- Warren, Wyoming 15,000,000 ninl stumbled and fell, pinning Mr. Nixon, Nevada 15,000,000 Ilueek under him. The hors«« re­ Dnpcw, New York 15,000,000 gained him feet, Mr. Hueck still re­ Oliver, Pennsylvania I 5. »00,003 maining In the saddle. He realized Crane, Massachusetts .... 10,00« 000 that, he was severely Injured and re­ Aldrich, Rhode Island 10,000,000 quested his children, who were fol­ Wetmore, Rhod«« Islam! 10,000.000 lowing him in a buggy, to return to DuPont, Delaware 8.000,000 Bonanza for Dr. Truax. Ho contin­ Hiii-.h' . Coloriido 5,0 ii ->.- hi ( i ued on to the homo of a Mr. Daniels, Koan, MOW Jersi-y .,.000.1101) about half a mile distant, when« ho Nowlands, Nevada 5,000,000 remained until th«« doctor arrlv«« Htate of Oregon, accord­ ing to the decision of four of tho Judg««s of the Supreme Court, which was rendered this week at Salem. Justice King dissents from the de­ cision of the other members of th«- court, and holds that the law does not contravene th«« constitution. Justice McBride, in passing on the qu«-*Hon, hold« that it Is best to first consider the intent with which th«.* sections of the constitution claimed In opposition to the law, were enact­ ed. He th«-n reviews the early his­ tory of the territory and State in regard to local road laws, and shows that. during«th<- early days It was the practice to appropriate large sums for local roads, citing numerous instance« where this was done. It is significant, the court says, that these laws, after the organization of th«« Oregon territory, were not pub­ lished among the general laws, but were compile«! together in a separate volume and entitled local laws. Passing directly to the Crater Lake roa«l case, Justice McBride argues that “If the Crater Lake road is a State road it permits the county courts of Jackson and Klamath to lay a burden upon the taxpayers of those counti«*s not shared equally by the taxpayers of the other parts of the State. Impose-«« Tu\ on All “If, on the other hand, it is to be regarded as a county road in each of the counties through which it passes, it imposes taxes upon the people of the rest of the State for the con­ struction of county roads in Jackson and Klamath Counties and in either case it is local.” ALASKAN STEAMER SMASHES INTO MONSTER ICEBERG Sevratjr I’«x»>wng«-n> Have a Thrilling Ex|s-rien«-«- and Narrow Escape L'nit«.*d Pr«*ss Service. JUNEAU, Alaska, Feb. 17.—The Alaska Steamship Company's liner Yucatan, south bound from Skagway to Seattle, hit a monster iceberg in Icy Straits today. An immense bole was torn in her bow, and the sea be­ gan pouring through the opening. Pandemonium reigned among the passengers and it was with the great- est difficulty that some of the more excited were prevented from jumping overboard. Excellent discipline pre­ vailed among the crew, which imme­ diately mann«’ the lifeboats prepara­ tory to launcning them if it became n«*cessary. The captain head««d straight for the mud banks and sue-j ceeded in reaching them before the boat settled. There were seventy pas­ sengers aboard, all of whom were re- I move«! iron» the injured ship by th«'' steamer Santa Ana. which hastened to the relief of her stricken sister.' Th«« damage to the ship is heavy, and ' it is doubtful if she can be put in i shape for service this summer. Henry Conn arrived in the city last i week from Roseburg. Mr. Conn j came here to close up a deal for the | sale of his ranch below town. — The corn was simply shocked by the cutting manner of the farmer. NEIGHBOR If he takes the Republican. If he does not urge him to do it, so as to lend a hand in the fight for his rights REAL EHTATE TRANSFERS Robert A. Moore et ux, to Raney C. Grimes, deed, lot 9, blk 15, Opport'i- nity Addition to Klamath Falla. F. H. Pag«-, et al to Abm-r Weed, warranty deed, 48.07 a< res in Sec 4, Tp 34, S. R. IV, E. W. M. Abner Weed, et ux. to F. H. Pag-- et al, waranty deed lol 1, and part of lots 3 A 4, Sec. 4. Tp 34, 8. R. 7 *- E W. M. Rebecca Eggleston to Horace G. Falrclo warranty deed, N M NwV* N% Ne’A S»-c 1 Tp 40, S. R. 9 E. W. M. Horace G. Fa ire io to E. M. M- - Intire, et ux warranty deed, N|*s Nw«4 N«4 Ne%, Sec 1 Tp 40, S. S R. 9, E. M. W. ATTACH SUNKEN BOAT Deputy Sheriff Schallock went to the upper lake this morning to at­ tach the steamer Hornet, against which a suit has been filed by Evans, Hamaker fc Co. The deputy sheriff found the steamer on the bottom of the lake and covered with water, but will hold the property until the suit Is decided unless it is washed to pieces by the wave«. BICYCLE S For an ap-to-alate wheel, ge« a Rambler, on sale at the GUN STORE. For sale or rew«_ Tentx to rent. Guns. We carry a full line of sporting goods. THE GUN STORE J. B. CHAMBKRa. Opposite the Amr ricaa Bats*. in. .. • aos. BUY FARM LANDS NOW And get ground ready for big crop returns next year. Some gixMl tmrgains can be had in sagebrush land. SWAMP LAND in desirable locaUons will be higher in price soon. BUY NOW. FRANK IRA WHITE Capt. O. C. Applegate, Office Manager Fifth St., Near Main.