Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 24, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 47
thing /
use in quelling the disturbance aris­
ing out of the all Ike of the atreet car
men of thia city. Penrose assured
I them that be would use every Influ­
ence st his command to prevent the
| «ailing out of the troops. Thu sire* *
railway company declares that It v St!
not arbitral« and the struggle will
I»* carries! to a deflnite and flnul con­
clusion, intimating that It would no
longer |>ermlt the unions to dl<-tul>*
to It tn Its denllnrw with their em­
Bolli Men Nustnln Noere P«uil«ti-
Today is a ureal contrast to the tur­
unni—Nelson llanlly Able lo
bulence of yeaterday. when the city
N|M-ak and I.hlng on Hoop
i come the courage, the persistent ef-
I forts of our new president, Mr. 8. O.
¡Johnson, who can aid you in accom-
' pllshlng anything for the good of
your region; but remember, no musi­
cian ever played his best to a deaf
' audience.
If Klamath Falls grows as she fONCLl DKS THAT UPPER PRO­
I should. It can only be accomplished
, by united efforts, by all pulling to-
i «ether, and not by pulling apart like
j a balky team for whom any load, no
I matter how light, is too heavy. We THE WORK 1$ PARTIALLY CQMPLETHI
are willing to do our share in the
future as in the past.
Simple Gravity System Will Be Ek-
To the people of Klamath County,
lent of toivernmmt Work—Who
a few blocks near the court house; I am most sincerely,
Will Pay for R»*««ertoir?
that would have been the condition
no doubt, now as in the past, had
Klamath Falls remaln««d a hamlet, SUPPOSED DEAD MAN RETURNS
If ever there was a farce commit­
which it could not escape nor out­
AND FREES MAN FROM PRISON ted against the people of any section
grow. unless some courageous public
there certainly is one shown *n th«-
spirited p«»ople should r«»cognlxe the Was S»-nt«*nc«*<l to Life Imprisonment operations of the Reclamation Serv­
for His Murder
merits of that great empire, organ­
ice in the Klamath Project during
ise a railway company, raise the
the past five years. Secretary Bal­
GALVESTON, Tex.. Feb. 23.—One linger has now announced that the
money and build the line, making it
possible for Klamath Falls to grow of th« strangest cas«»s in the history entire upper project is to be aban­
and take a place with her sister cities of this State was brought to light to­ doned and practically everything, ex­
lying west of the Mississippi and day through the liberation from the cept that covered by the gravity sys­
cast of the Coast rani*«*, such as Den­ State penitentiary of Roger Wil­ tem. in the lower project, thus re­
ver. Salt I-ake, Spokane and others. liams, who has served ten years of a ducing the acreage to about 138,000
I wish to assure the people of life sentence for a murder he was acres. This will probably leave, the
Klamath County that if the meager ’ supposed to have committed years lands covered by the extension of
commerce of Klamath Falls lying on ago. Nearly twelve years ago Wil­ the gravity system; the completion
either side of Main street, a thor­ liams and a man named Carter en­ of the Keno canal and the reclama­
oughfare» 60 fe«_t wide, skirted in the gaged in a life and death struggle, tion of the lower Klamath Lake, not
main with indifferently constructed during which Williams stabbed Car­ counting Tule Lake.
frame biiildings, were all the sup­ ter. A few days after the fight the
The reason given for thus reduc­
port a railroad could expect, the authoriti«»s found a decomposed body­ ing the area is that irrigation of th«-
building of th«* line would have not in the river and it was identified as upper project would cost from 350 to
ap|H*aled to me: but our beneficent that of Carter, whom it was sup­ *65 an acre, and that only 60 per
Greater fortunately ,endowed me with posed had died from the wounds in- cent of the lands have been signed
sufficient foresight to appreciate the flict«»d by Williams.
up. The Reclamation Service knew
It develops, however, that follow­
wonderful resources of that vast in­
that not over 60 per cent of the lands
land empire, otherwise not even the ing the fight, friends of Carter con­ were signed up before they began
matchless eloquence of Wm. S. Wor­ veyed him to an El Paso hospital, the construction of the Clear I-aKe
den could have induced me to under­ where he recovered from his wounds. dam, and they have bad five yeais
He never returned to the scene of
take so large a task.
in which to find out what the cos*
his fight and knew nothing of the ar­
But in their arguments they
was going to be. It seems that th«*
rest of Williams and his subsequent
showed your natural store houses
information gained in that time can
conviction and sentence. Shortly aft­
not be of much value when even tow
and 1 was impressed, and we stood
er his release from the hospital he
loyally by the county, and today it is
they are unable to guess within SIS
went west and settled in Seattle,
opened to commerce and society. where he has amassed a large for­ of the probable cost.
Klamath Falls has the handsomest tune. A few days ago he learned of
In the eyes of the world the gov­
(not the largest) passenger depot In Williams' conviction and he left im­ ernment has simply been playing
the United States.
mediately for Texas, where he pre­ horse with the people of this country
Good people of Klamath Falls and sented himself to the Governor, and it would look as if the land own­
County, don't forget that the Weed stated tho facts and secured a pardon ers of the upper country were fortu­
Lumber Company donated free of for Williams.
nate in getting free from the grasp
cost about forty-two miles of right
Carter left for Seattle at once, ac­ of the government before they were
of way to the end that we might all companied by Williams, whom he burdened with a further expense
go «o Klamath Falls by rail.
will aid in getting a start in life and which they would be tinable to liqui­
The time has now come when the in part make amends for a mistake date. The people will have to sit
west end of town should no longer that caused him so many years of im­ still and await the solution of the
expect to build a city on a main prisonment and suffering.
problem as to who will have to pay
street of sixty feet wide with bluffs
for the Clear Lake reservoir site,
on one side and water on the other.
for which the government paid some­
They should take the broad view that ENGLISH PARLIAMENT
thing like *187,500. It would be
MAY BE DISSOLVED interesting to know who will get th«*
they are to be part and parcel of a
great growing city where all are too
benefit of this exp; nse, but it will
busy to pull back on the halter with The Vacillating Attitude of Asquith all come out in future developments,
Comes in for Bitter Scoring
their ears laid back like the prover­
if the people will only have patience.
bial jack ass who can't go ahead
It would be easy to make a gues» at
United Press Service.
very fast, but can pull back like h l.
LONDON, Feb. 23.—King Edward this time, but that is unnecessary.
If we are to have a city we must
Yonna Valley will probably be hurt
is considerably criticised today for the
have people front wherever we can
influence he is alleged to have exer­ worse than any other section by the
shake them loose, whether from New
cised over Premier Asquith, who has decision of the Secretary. Langell
York State or Missouri, or even from
turned from his bold stand against Valley can secure water from pri­
New Jersey, and If the west end of
the Lords to a vacillating policy vate pumping stations and it Is be­
town don't kick too hard we may
which threatens to dissolve Parll«»- lieved at much less cost than If the
send a large additional population
ment and throw the nation Into ’he project was completed by the gov­
from California.
throes of another election. It Is ernment. The greatest harm done
Think It over: I did before under­ charged that (tie King has "bought by the Reclamation Service has been
taking the building of the railroad off" Asquith with promises of social the uncertainty of their course. For
in 1905.
advancement, which, it is declared, five years the people of this section
Tho foregoing speaks somewhat of has been the ambition of the Pre­ have not had a guarantee of what
my views and the work accomplish­ mier's wife. Critics say that this is they could expect. It has slmply
ed; It Is considerable; It is what you the influence that has caused him to been a lot of child’s play with the
all said you wanted. But a word in waver in his course, and if that is not people paying the cost.
Every portion of the project re-
passing—there Is a. new force at the the case then he is one of the most
helm of the Klamath Development arrant political cowards that eve-
( Con tin ned on Page 4.)
Company. Your people should wel- occupied the position of Premier.
Development Company Willing to Do Its Share in the Future
As It Has in the Past
a as In a turmoil of riot and blood­
San Francisco, Feb. 15, 1910.
shed Director of Public Safety Clay
Editor Evening Herald. Klamath
United Press Service.
told the United Proas that there had
Falls. Oregon.
been no disturbance today and that
BAN FRANCISCO, Cal . Feb. 23.
Dear Sir:—Your issue of February
Ad Wolgast evidently never forgot the situation waa well In hand. Thou-
11 I««, a welcome visitor on my desk,
tils du term I nanon io defeat B.ittWjia s.mdz of uniformed police and 1.' no
and I note with much pleasure th ■
Nelson, even if it required the forty plain clothes men patrol.«si tn««
j broad and liberal view expressed I't
flvv rounds called for In the articles ' tbteatened districts during the no- n
I your article commenting on th«* nega­
of agreement, for he guarded care hour to prevent disorders, Tin
tive views as expressed by Rev. Mr.
fully against wearing himself out a» »tu-et railway company Is insSte’-t
1 Bledi«««* regarding th«* court house
he did In the Lo* Angeles conical *'
that the State troop:« be call ■ I out,
| removal to that most tt-sirable of
it took forty rounds for him to de­ hut t)>ia will not lx* done as !onj; i s
i sites donated bv the Klamath Deve­
feat the Bane, and they were forty of conditions remain as they ar
lopment Company
the hardest fought rounds that were pi «sent.
Let me say. If you pleas«*, that th««
ever pulled off In this State. Through­
Klamath Development Company hi*,
out the tight the bitter enmity that NKARAGl'A.N REVOI.I I'loNisls
no quarrel with uny one in Klamrth
has always existed between the two
CONTINI E TO W I X \ I TOR 11 «• ' Falls, or in Klamath County, ami
cropped out continually and the vt-
perhaps that company would tyver
clousncsu with which both men United Presa Service.
have been created, but for the ccis«
fought showed a determination on
Feb. 23
leas efforts of Major Worden ami his
the part of each to punish his oppo­ The capture of Giana.Ui and the seiz­
William S. Worden, who visited
nent as much as possible. The de­ ure of the steamer Victoria by the
Weed. Cal., In the spring of
sire to Inflict Injury wemed at times Nicaraguan revoutlonlsts was r< port-
to overtop the deuire to win, and ns t«d to the State liepartinent today In 1904, at their own expense, bringing
I with them self-prt'pared maps of tl.«<
n result both men are badly used up. a message from t'onsti! .Moffatt, dat« «!
Wolgast Is today trying to rest Blucflelds, Monday night. It is be­ great Klamath region showing tile
from the effects of the battle. Nel­ lieved that tho revolutionists are wonderful resources of that immense
son is In bad shape. He Is hardly marching on Managua, the capital country.
I was much Impressed with what
able to articulate and bls lips are of the Republic. Pr«*sld«*nt Madriz'
had to say. and th«» honeetv of
so badly swollen that he In compelled forces, suffered heavily tn the en­
tn dribble soup through the the cor­ gagement of the 18th, scoiex of un­ purpose manifested In their efforts
ners of his mouth. He has taken his burled <lead remaining on the- field to Interest me to the extent of un­
defeat to heart and his spirits are when the government fore«-* were dertaking the fltianclng and building
of a lint* of standard gunge railrornd
consequently at a low ebb.
forced to vacate Acoyapa. The revo­
Wolgast Is extremely happy over lutionists lost only six men. 'lite re­ Into the Klamath Basin with Kb ni­
the outcome of the battle. Ho says ports are somewhat conflicting. Im nth Falls as the terminus.
that the next year will be devoted to it is believed that the revolutionists . Late in th«* fall of 1904 w> made
theatrical engagements, after which were successful In th«' tight air! tlv.t an Investigation of th«* resources in
he will meet anyone, but emphati­ the capture of Managua is « niy a and tributary to the Klamath Basin,
and we beiam«» satisfied that •!*« r«>
cally states that his next opponent mutter of a few days.
gion was sufficiently rich In timber
must weigh in at tho ringside nt 133
other resources. though *tidet«’-
oped, to warrant th«» extension of
Connected with tho fight In a ro­
our logging lines Into Klamath Falls
mance that has just leaked out, and
And true to our promises nmt’t to
Is the subject of much talk among
the p«»ople of the county (not only
nini \\ < II
the followers of tho ringside. As a
Klamath Falls), we organized the
result of his victory Wolgast will
California Northeastern Railway Co
probnhly win tho haml and heart of United Press Service.
in th«» early part of 1905, and liter
BAN I'llAM'ISCO, Uni . I'. I. .
Miss Eugonlo Howey, to whom he
to the Southern I’acd'; Com­
has been engaged for the pnst year.
He mot her at one of the Los Angeles pals murder mystery was exploded pany.
From that time to this da*.’ verk
l enches nnd It was a cnse of love at today when Margaret McKeany, who
first sight with him. Ho pressed his hnd been Identified from jewelry and on the 11m» has been pushed with
suit with all tho vigor at his com­ clothing as tho victim, appeared at persistent vigor, completing tho road
Mrs. to Klamath Falls In Juno, 1909, and
mand. nnd finally got her to consent police headquarters today.
to their mnrrlngo, the condition be­ Leonard R. Tuttle of Mill Valley, If all things go well, th«» line should
ing Imposed by Miss Howey thnt he who Identified tho skeleton and be­ be completed to Natron by lulv I
win bls fight with Nelson. It Is re­ longings as those of Miss McKeany, 1911.
Then Klamath Falls, instead of
ported that tho marriage will take also appeared and Identified her as
place soon, though no date has been tho woman whom she thought had being the terminus of a good lino of
been murdered. This lenves the mys­ road, such as my associates nnd I
Het for the event.
tery still unsolved.
could have built with resources at
our command, will b«» an important
city located on the main trunk line
of the Southern Pacific between San
Francisco and Portland, and over
l*tiihi<k'lpl>in Striker«« Want Them
United Press Service.
this new artery of commerce will
Kept Front tin' City
PORT TWONSEND, Feb. 23. The flow the vast passenger nnd freight
Ifnitod Press Service.
death today of Ensign P. O. Griffith traffic of the Southern Pacific; and
PHILADELPHIA, Pit., Feb. 23.— made th«« (mirth smallpox victim on yet we who have been the means of
A committee of labor leaders re­ board the cruiser Washington. The bringing about the completion of the
turned here today after n visit to vessel will be held here for fumiga- line so earnestly prayed for by the
Washington, where they went for the tion, although the smallpox flag has people of Klamath County are called
purpose of inducing Senator Penrose been lowered and tho crow discharg­ outsiders.
The article states that the farmers
to use his influence to prevent tho ed from quarantine, after all of them
want to do all their business within
oiling out of the Stato troops for had been vaccinated.