Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 17, 1910, Image 5

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Soma of the World's Inhabitants Eat
SIS Meala During Ono.
If we should meet ii man and ha
ahould casually remark that he mo
310 meal« yesterday we would doubt
leas be somewhat ualonlsbcil at Ills ap­
petite. Likewise we would feel sorry
Hie man who said that, liming
foolishly eaten three eggs with bacon
for breakfast, he hnd no nppetltu for
This Triek Perform«! and Thsir Lay* Ida Christmas dinner. Itut may Im the
Toyathar, tha
Halplaaa Ural mnn wna from Hpltxbergen, where
they hnve a day three mid a half
Qaaaa Ara Ready, If Not Willing, VI»-
inonlha In length, wlierena thu poor
lima For tha Expert Pickers.
••Imp who missed the Christmnn feaat
"Yoe,** said a manufacturer and deni­ lived In Finland, nt Torena, where
er III bud fu r ii lab I ug a, "It lx nuceaaury Clirlatinns day lx something less ttinn
Hint guuao feallieia ahould Iw taken three hours long
from the live goon« If we lire to atudy
On the whole, It would lx* rather
the health and comfort of |>eople who wiae If one should undertake to do
think they tnuat have feather bed» nod certain work, to receive so much per
jdllown. I lend goiMM feiithera lire not day In payment, to understand just
luui'h butter I linn huaku to lie on nnd where tbs work In to be done, else one
have not that grunt virtue of huaka- might hnve Io labor eighteen mid a
half hours nt Rtockbolm, If It happen
"They auy It duvan't hurt u goose to <<d to lie the longest day of the year,
|>lu<k It, but It aeema to me I hut otiu or nil the time from May 21 to .Inly 22
might na well any that It wouldn't hurt If at Wardbnry, In Norway. In Ht.
u Wall to hnve Illa whlakera yuiiked out Petersburg thu longest day Is nineteen
by the handful The renaou they give hours nnd the shortest five hours. At
for iM'liuvIng ii giHiae doesn't suffer Torena, Finland, there In a twenty-two
when Ila fenthera are belug plucked hour dny. Al Ixmdou mid Bremen the
vut of it la that tt never squawks or longest dny la sixteen nml a half
aquenka or makes n fuaa while the hours, while nt Hamburg nml Inmlzlg
plucking la going on.
there nre auvcnleeii hours III the long
“Now. I believe It liurta u goonu like eat dny. In Washington thu longest
the tnliH'hlef to linvu Ila fenthera pulled day la about fifteen hours Exchange
out. coming na they do from tliu leu
dereat spots on Its Ixaly, nnd the rea
aou thu fowl doesn't utter noy proteat
prompted by pnln la. according to tile
way I liuve ailed gi*eau up. because It Propounded In Proao. It Was Answered
In Rhyme.
la such a bliiuiu fool. A goose will
In the olden time before the war,
aqunwk nnd clatter nnd cuckle ua If It
were Buffering more ngouy than n the dnya ao famous for generous hos­
borne with the colic just lit thu mere pitality In tliu south, a brilliant party
night of you, but If you corner It up was nascnihle<r at dinner In n beau­
nnd |Mdt It with atones It seems to for­ tiful country homestead. Across the
get that It linn u Voice and will take table wit flash«! back nnd forth, and
all the punishment you give It without the guests began to vie with one an­
a further won)
other In proposing conundrums.
"The I'ununy Ivnnla Dutch farmers
Mr. Alexander II. Stephens offer«!
pluck geeau today Just the same ua one which puzzled the whole company,
their forbears did time out of mind, “What la It that we ent nt breakfast
and I don’t know na there la uuy other mu! drink nt dinner?"
way, It certainly couldn't t>u made
For some time no answer catne, and
ntiy pleasanter for the gooae uuluna the bright eyes of the southern orator
the plucker held chloroform or some began to sparkle with triumph, when
thing Ilk» that to Ita none while the Colonel Johnson, taking up the “Com­
plucking wna going on The greet* to monplace Book" of tile hostess, which
Io» bereft of their fenthera are llrat lay conveniently by. wrote Impromptu
gut together In mi Incloaure uaed for upon the fly lenf the following answer:
the purpose
Thu pvrapli ncity of What la <*at«n for breakfast and drunken
.geuae tuny lie strikingly made known
for dinner?
Is It coft«> or csss or butter or meats?
to you when they nre le-ltig rounded
double the stomach of obdurate sin­
tip in atK'h nn incloaure If there should Burs ner
iidppvu to I m * n knothole In one end of
Who eats what he drinks and drinks
it. the door being ut the other. That
what ho eats.
door mny I m * h I x feet high and throe But let ua consider. 'Tie surely not but­
lirond. but gixa* after gooae will Ig­
Nor coffee nor meats, whether broiled or
nore It nnd try Ita beat to get through
the knothole. Induced, though, to try
eggs nor poached nor fried In
tliu door, every gooae will bob Ita head Nor boiled
a batter
down na It ptiaees through for fear of
It must, then, bo broad. All, yes—when
Ila toast!
kuocking It ngnitial tliu top of thu
Atlnnta Constitution.
door jamb. ala feet above.
"There la a man or a l»oy In every
Blackburn's Eloquence.
neighborhood where geese nre plucked
Tho story la told of senator I’roctor
who la an expert lu getting the gooae
ready for the process Not every one of Vermont In reminiscences by Vice
can do that Thu wings of thu goose I’rcaldent Htevenson Hint when luvlt«l
have to tie locked together by n pecul­ to go out of the senate chamber just
iar arrangement of tliu two near tb<* before the day's session began he re-
■ boulder, ami. while they are uot tied pll«!: “Excuse me. I am paired with
<*r f.iat< tied In nny other way. tliu lock Blackburn on prayers.'' When tho
la such Hint no gooae can unlock It. Itev. I >r. Butler retired from the
The goose's feet nre tlwl together with chaplaincy of the senate Blackburn's
>i broad Im ml of aoft muallu. Then It ■|H*ecli surpassed all others for nrdor
and felicity of expression. "The coun­
1« ready for the plucker
"Thu plui'kcra. who nre almoat al- terpart of thu acene that followed his
waya women, go nmoiig the geuae with closing words hnd never t>ceu wit­
ibelr tienda mid faces entirely covered nessed 111 legislative assembly. All
with I kmm I x fnnteb«! around the u« k were In tears. It wan even said that
with n aldrr airing There nre holes In venerable senators who had never shed
the hoods for the eyes nnd nlao at the a tear since the ratlflcntlon of the
none to supply fresh air for breathing treaty oftlhent actually nobbed aloud
From the n>**d* down the ¡tickers are nnd refused to be comforted.
covered with a glazed muslin garment length, nmld silence Hint could be felt,
to which no feather or down will cling an adjournment was eflfected. mid Hie
The pinchers will nit on low stools senators pa**««! out to their homes. As
around n bilge mid |>erfectly dry tub. he passed the chair Senator Vest in nn
Each taken lu tier lap a goonu made undertone remarked to tho vice presi­
helpless by Ita Interlocked wings and dent. ‘Joe never saw him.'"—Wash­
bound legs mid with rapid plying of ington Herald.
her fingers separates tliu feathers from
A Pot Wailoper.
It. Tliln In done with such aklll. though,
The parliamentary register for isutl
that the plucker rarely break a the
goone'n akin or causes blood to follow show«! that there was then only one
the plucking out of n feather. The nlr pot walloper In all England. One nee
Is constantly tilled with the light feath Ing the term for tho first time might
era during the plucking, but they net easily Imagine that a pot walloper wna
n speclrs of Ichthyosaurus or some oth­
tie Into the tub nt Inal.
“But there Inu't nn much call for the er reptile of a past nge. It will be dis­
gooae to undergo thin raping of Ita cover«! upon Inquiry, however, that
fenthera nn there used to lie. Not one the term "¡sit walloper" in literally one
pound of gooae fenthera la lined today who twills a pot nnd was nppll«l to vot­
where there were fifty pounds twenty- ers In certnln boroughs of England
five years ago Odd ns It mny seem, where before ttie paxruige of the re­
asthma mid liny fever long ngo began form bill of 1832 the qualifications for
to hnve n g<xxl deni to do with decreas­ suffrage was to hnve boll«i (walloped)
ing the d.mnnd for feather beds and his own ¡>ot In the parish for six
pillows. It wna discovered that asth­ months.—Loudon Notes and Queries.
ma nml liny fever hnd nn affinity for
Wonderful Musical Memory.
aucli couches mid head rents; that
Sir John Stainer hnd a wonderful
nothing would start mi nathmntlc off
for n cheerful night's wheezing so musical memory. It was put to the
quickly an a feather bed. This dlscov test once nt the Crystal palace when
cry spread, and the goose owes n great he lind to play the organ In the "Mes­
deni of Its later day comfort to the siah" and a folio copy, on which alone
nsthma.”—Detroit Free Press.
he could see the score, was not forth­
coming. The conductor was In despair.
Sir John cut the knot by n wonderful
She Had Enough.
As Mrs. May of lllrchdalo Corners tour do force, playing the part fault­
was leaving the exhibition hall of the lessly right through nnd entirely from
county fair a man stepped out of a memory, probably tho only time tho
“Messiah" Ims been so rendered.—Lon­
booth nnd accost«! her.
“Won't you enter," maid lie, "and nee don Standard.
the startling spentharlacoplc scintilla
lions of radium?"
Nephew (Just return«! front abroad)
Mrs. May shook her head—with a
smile, however, for she Is courteous If —Tills franc piece, mint, 1 got In Paris.
Aunt Hcpsy 1 wish, nephew, you'd
not scientific.
“I'm obliged to you," she snld. "but fetch«! home one of them Latin quar­
my bng I? chock full of samples now.” ters they talk ao much about.—Louis­
ville Courier-Journal.
—Youth's Companion.
An Operation Nccossary to Pro­
cure Goed Feathers.
A Braggart.
Made Very Clear.
"Pa. wlint Is n brnggnrt?”
Tommy Pop. which la correct, “I
“He's a man, my son, who Is not
ahull" or "I will?" Tommy's Pop—
It depends on the sex, my son. A man afraid to express bls renl opinion of
says "I shall" and a woman snys "I himself." -Boston Transcript.
will."—Philadelphia Record.
Till* great question Is not so much
Make your life your monument.— wlint money you have In your pocket
as what you will buy with it.—Buskin. I
Ben Jonson.
Klamath Republican, a weekly newa-
A Toothaome Revenge.
During the reign of t.'barlM 11.. tho paper printed and published at Klam­
Parties wtahlng aagabrwsh lasfl
‘ age of gallantry. It waa the custom ath Falls, Klamath County, State of
among gentlumeu when they drank a Oregon, by order of Honorable clears«, call on or write.
lady's health In order that they might
Drafting Methods by Which Their do her still more honor to destroy at George Noland, Judge of said Court, 13-3tf
Klamath Falls. Ore.
tliu same time some part of their cloth said Order dated the 31st day of
Strength Is Maintained.
January, 1910, directing such Sum­ KEGIHTERED
| Ing
Upon on« occasion Hlr Charles K«l- mons to be so published for six con­
TRICKS OF THE CONSCRIPTS. ! ley waa dining In a tavern and bad a secutive weeks, tho first publication
particularly One u«’ktlu on. wheru- to be on the 3rd day of February,
I have some fine young registered
Holstein bulls for sale; A-l stock and
: upon one of bls friends to play him a 4 1910.
All Mannar of Dodges Are Adopted by trick drank to the health of a certain
Klamath, Oregon.
tha Eligible Young Men to Avoid tho lady, at the name time throwing his
Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflce and
Enforced Military Service That la Bo : uecktie In the tire. Of course Mir ,
Residence Address, Klamath Falls,
Hateful to Them.
ev«i. for uot long after that, dining
For Klamath county lands. Send me
We hear a go<sl deal atxiut conscrip­ with tue «»"¡e company, he drank the
tion. but few |x*oph> know whnt It ac­ health of a fair oue, at the aame time
terms and price, and I
tually means, lu no country Is every I ordering n dentist whom he bad en­
will sell It for you. Ramsey Realty
person who Is able to tight drafted gaged to be present to pull out a re­ In the Circuit Court of the State of
Co., 217-218 Central bldg , cor. 6 and
Oregon, for Klamuth County.
Into the unity. All mules who are lia­ fractory tooth which had been trou­
ble to serve undergo a physical exnm bling him. Every one else was obliged Abner Weed. Plaintiff, vs. J. E. Lan­ 8 Main st., Los Angeles, Cal.
caster and Mattiff C. Waterbury,
liiatlon, resulting In only n certain , In this manner to mourn a molar.
Def mdanta. Sult In Equity to
number Itelng passed ns nt for service.
No government has sufllclent funds
To J. E Lancaster and Mattle C.
to draft the whole of these men Into
Waterbury, Defendants:
the regular army. so a sel«*tlon la , than the whole of England, Scotlaud 1
In the name of the State of Ore­
made by ballot, the number of men en­
gon: You are hereby required to ap­
roll«! varying according to the funds est length of Britain is <X)K miles, and pear and answer the complaint filed
its greatest width 325 miles, while a against you In the above entitled suit
In the hands of the authorities
The pay provld«! for Hie conscript Canadian forest in the Hudson bay on or before Saturday, the 5th day
la necessarily very trifling Indeed and and Labrador region Is l.mx) by 1.7<J0 of March, A. D. 1910, that being the
date of the last publication of the
will not «impure with that paid to vol­ i miles lu extent. Another big forest summons in this suit and the last
unteer soldiers. In fact. It Is generally
date within which you, the defend­ ELLSWORTH A. MITCHELL
true that the conscript must full buck state. The Amazou basin. Mouth Amer- ants. are required to answer said
upon hla private means.
as fixed by the order of
; miles of forest, while Central Africa complaint,
the Court for publication of this sum­
The methods vary In each «mntry
tins n forest region 3'XX) miles from mons. and if you fail to appear, and
Office CrlMler-Htllu BalMiUff
Phone 72S
But take the case of one European ■ north to south and of unknown width
jxiwer. Every mule subject not phys­ from east to west, aud the pine, larch answer, as aforesaid, the plaintiff
ically Incapncltutcd Is liable to enter and cedar forests of Siberia are 8.000 will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In such complaint, to-wit:
tho army at the ago of twenty, al­ by LOOO mllM lu extent.
Quieting plaintiff's title to the fol­
though (hose who cure to enlist may
lowing described real estate; North­
do ao at eighteen.
east quarter I *4 ) and the Southeast
A register la kept of all the youths
"What—a boy of your age doesn't quarter ( *4 ) fit Section Six (6), in
who reach the age of twenty In the know the parts of speech!” exclaimed Township Thirty-eight (38), South
of Range Nine (9), East of the Wil­
particular year. .Men under five feet the schoolmaster.
lamette Meridian in Klamath County, ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCK BLDG.
two Inches In height nre exempt from
“No, sir." replied the pupil.
of Oregon, containing 320 acres.
service, ns well, of course, as those
“Haven't you ever heard of a noun?"
This summons Is published in the
who suffer from natural Infirmities
"Klamath Republican,", a weekly
which render them unsuitable for ac­
“Well, what comes next?"
newspaper, printed and published at
tive service.
the City of Klamath Falls, in said
“1 don't know, sir.”
Other men nre also exempt If they
“A pronoun," said the master. “Now Klamath County, wherein said de­
hnve helpless dependents — thus the remeuitier that. Then comes the verb. scribed land is situated, by order of
White-Maddox Bldg.
Hon. George Noland, Judge of the
only son of a widow or of a disabled Now what follows that?"
fattier, the latter category also Includ­
“A proverb, please, sLr."—London above-named Court, such order be­
ing dated the 17th day of January.
ing Hie only son of a father who 1» Scraps.
A. D. 1910; the first publication of
above seventy years of age. Theo the
this summons to be made, and >s
eldest of u family of orphnns Is ex­
made on the 20th day of January, Office in American Bank A Trust Com
empt. nnd In the cose of two sous only
A. D. 191<>.
st M.MON'S
pany’e Buiiding
one Is liable, there living various other
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Klamath-Falls, Oregon.
The term nerved tiy the conscript Is
Oregon, for the County of Klamath.
one of twenty-tive years, three years George H. .Merryman. Plaintiff, vb .
Geo. E. Allen, Defendant.
being spent In the regular army, nix
To Oeo. E. Allen, defendant, above
nnd one-half lu the army reserve, nix
In the Circuit Court of the State of
In the territorial nrtuy and the re­
United States Commissioner
Oregon, for Klamath County.
maining nine mid u half yearn In the Oregon: You are hereby required to
territorial reserve, all liability to serv­ appear and answer the Complaint Agner Weed, Plaintiff, vs. H. T. Cof­
111«! against you In the above en­
fin, Defendant.—Suit in Equity to
ice ceasing nt forty-flve.
titled action on or before Thursday,
Quiet Title.
The service la frequently so hnted the 24th day of March, A. D. 1910,
that all manner of methixls are adopt­ that being the last day for the publi­
Office, Third and Main, opposite Citj
In the name of the State of Ore­
ed In order to avoid It. In many cation of this summons and the last
Telephone 301.
cases sulistltutes nre provldwl by the day of the time within which the de­
pear and answer the complaint filed
wealthy, though there are stringent fendant Is permitted to answer as against you In the above entitled suit
regulations with regard to the pro­ fixed by the order of the Court for on or before Saturday, the 5th day of
publication of summons herein; and March, A. D. 1910, that being the date
vision of the substitutes.
In most Eur<*i*eun countries military if you fail so to appear and answer, of the last publicaticn of the sum­
American Bank
malingering in order to avoid compul­
mons in this suit and the last date
you for the sum of three within which you. the defendant. Is
and Trust Bldg.
sory military sen Ice has reached the against
hundred dollars, with Interest there­
singe of a tine art In fact, a formida­ on at the rate of ten per cent per required to answer said complaint, as
ble list of new crimen has t>een added annum from and after November 11, fixed by the order of the Court for
to the statutes ns a result, and medical A. D. 1909. and for reasonable attor­ publication of this summons, and if
men frequently have to suffer for their ney's fees and for the costs and dis­ you fail to appear, and answer, as
aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to
nsMstance In this particular kind of bursements in this action; and for an the Court for the relief prayed for in
order of this Court, that certain per­ such complaint, to-wit:
Thus some time ngo a number of sonal property, to-wit, one automo­ plaintiff s title to the following de­ General Law Practice State and Fed­
Cologne doctors were arrest«! u(x>n n bile. and fixtures and attachments, as scribed real estate: West half ( *4 )
eral Courts
charge of having administer«! pills to well as all the appliances, tools and of the Northwest quarter ( Í4 ).
Examiner of Land Titles.
young* conscripts. These pills consist- Instruments, belonging to you and Southeast quarter ( *■* ) of Northwest
First National Bank Block
«! of drugs which prisiuced the symp­ used upon or about the said automo­ quarter (*4), and Northeast quarter
toms of heart disease so effectively ns a certain attachment writ issued here­
Completely to deceive the military au in. be subjected to the payment of Section Six (6). in Township Thirty­
eight (38), South of Range Nine (9),
thorltlen. with the result that the con­ any judgment that plaintiff may ob­ East
Nyal’s Vege-
of Willamette Meridian in Klam­
scripts were d« larcd unlit for service. tain herein.
tabl3 Prescrip­
ath County, State of Oregon, and
Il> this case the fraud was brought to
tion is indicat­
This summons is published in the containing 160 acres of land.
ed in all ordi­
light by one of the conscripts dying as Klamath Republican, a weekly news­
This summons is published in the
nary diseases of
n result of an overdone of the medi­ paper printed and published at Klam­ “Klamath Republican.”, a weekly
ath Falls, Klamath County. State of newspaper, printed and published at
lu Germany, where the conscript Is Oregon, by order of Honorable George the City of Klamath Falls, in said
disappoints, its
frequently treated with the greatest Noland. Judge of said Court, said or­ Klamath County, wherein said de­
gsod effects be­
harshness, there are very few towns der dated the 5th day of February, scribed land is situated, by order of
ing perceptible
where there nre not R[>eclallKta whose 1910, directing such summons to be Hon. George Nolaud, Judge of the
from tho very
so published for six consecutive above-named Court, such order be­
living depends solely In inducing such weeks, the first publication to be on ing dated the 17th day of January.
first. It is com­
ii condition of affairs as will render the 10th day of Februarv, A. D. 1910. A. D. 1910; the first publication of
posed of the
young men exempt by reason of unfit­
purest and tha
this summons to be made, and is
Attorney for the Plaintiff, Postotflce made on the 20th day of January.
drugs; mercu­
In the French army It Is quite com­
and Residence Address. Klamath V D. 1910.
mon for youths to feign all manner of
Falls, Oregon.
and other har­
Attorney for the Plaintiff. •
Ills, deafness being the usual ailment
mful drugs b«-
Klamath Falls. Oregon.
trusted to 'ii order to esi'a|>e the serv­
ice. As a result the military doctors
The many dis­
hnve made nn especial study of meth- In the Circuit Court of the Stall* of
concerting in-
<sls of detecting feign«! deafness and
Oregon, in anil for Klam­
fluences to
In the Circuit Court of the State of
to trap the cunning youth who acts
ath Coufity
Oregon, for Klamath County.
the part of a deaf man.
Another common practice In France Oscar. F. North Plaintiff, vs. J. A.
subjected ren­
len. Defendant.—Suit in Equity to
Is to tamper with the eyesight, though
der her liable
Quiet Title.
disorders that
this frequently results In permanent
not only tend to destroy her comfort
injury. For Instance, short sight is To J. A. Wilson, Defendant above
In the name of the State of Ore­ and happiness, but which gradually
prislue«) by wearing powerful con­
gon: You are hereby required to ap­ merge into chronic and serious dis­
cave glasses tor a considerable time
lu the Name of the State of Ore­ pear and answer the complaint filed eases.
despite the risk of bringing itbout |>er- gon: You are hereby required to ap- against you in the above entitled suit
Nyal’s Vegetable Prescription Is
nuinent blindness. It is no uncom­ I pear and answer the complaint filed i on or before Saturday, the 5th day without a peer for the successful
of March. A. D. 1910. that being the treatmnet of female weakness, pain­
mon occurrence for men to commit sui­
cide rather than submit to fore«! serv­ ' against you in the above entitled ac­ date of the last publication of the ful and disordered menstrutation,
tion on or before Thursday, the 17th summons in this suit and the last hysteria, cramps, "bearing down
ice In the army.
In eastern Europe most brutal meth­ 1 day of March, A. D. 1910, that being date in which you. the defendant, is pains." inflammation and falling of
required to answer said complaint, as
This is a remedy of
ods are Adopted by parents in order the last day of publication of tills 1 fixed by the order of the Court for the womb.
that their sons may tie nble to work ¡SUMMONS and the last day of the j publication of this summons, and if sterling worth.
for them Instead of serving In the time within which the defendant is you fall to appear, and answer, as
army. The boys are frequently III
I permitted to answer, as fixed by the aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to
treat«!, and It is not'nt nil uncommon
Cor. 7th and Main Streets
the Court for the relief prayed for
even for their limbs to be broken or order of the Court for Publication of in such complaint, to-wit: Quieting Klamath Falls .... Oregon
their sight to be destroy«! in order to Summons herein; and if you fail so, plaintiff s title to the following de­
prevent nny likelihood of their having 1 to appear and answer, the plaintiff scribed real estate: Northeast quar­
) of Northwest quarter t Y* )
to become soldiers.
I will take judgment against you for ter t
Section Six (6), in Township
Switzerland protmbly has the cheap I the sum of One Hundred Seventy and of
Thirty-eight (38), South of Range
est nrmy nnd the least burdensome 25-100 Dollars, with interest thereon Nine (9), East of the Willamette
methmis of conscription, (lie service
! nt the rate of 6 per cent per annum Meridian in Klamath County, State
being much lighter Hum In the other
of Oregon, containing 40 acres of
continental armies. Inde«l. the con­ ■ from and after the 5th day of Janu- land.
script In the Infantry army tins to un­
This sutnmoqs is published in the
dergo actual training for only 135 days I bursements in this action; and for an "Klamath Republican,", a weekly
during the entire period of Ills service. I Order of this Court, that certnln prop- newspaper, printed and published at McC'.IX
t . !
1 tor My.c-, perfect fit, simplicity • .i 1
City of Klamath Falls, in said
rvlubiiity nearly 1, » yt s, St'ld in i cai r
— Philadelphia l.«lger.
| erty, rights, and credits, attached the
err city anil tuwri i i ti • Ur-irtl States »• I
Klamath County, wherein said de­
<1 It i
| under and by virtue of a certain At­ scribed land Is situated, by order of
l’.!r.ikl.», cr br ma .. direct. More
Knew Her Minutes.
’ ' • St 1 lor I k ■ catalog .
tachment Writ Issued herein, and for Hon. George Noland. Judge of the Mc'-wh « ' MAC/XZ
Bridget—Will yez have your dinner
above-named Court, such order be­
ary oi’ r t.ish i
now. sorr, or wait for the missus? any nnd nil property, rights, and ' ing dated the 17th day of January*. * 1 - .1 zi YC —Bullion .a Iluta
Bi-Arth. Ir\... .ub'c. 1
4 t btylrA. p.ittun« , drr* vinnkny, n üLn« ,
Head of the House-Where Is your credits which may hereafter be at­ A. D. 1910; the first publication of
i scwir-J.in v iTfiücwi' k. e iiv¿rc«8Í’ ,
mistress. Bridget?
Bridget—There's tached under and by virtue of said this summons to be made, and is
■ it *, » - . C • L ) rent, a
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putt. .
nn auction beyntit the corner, sorr. an Writ belonging to you. be subjected made on the 20th day of January,;
.r ft nd for ramphs co .
she sold she'd stop there for a mlnnlt. to the payment of any judgment that \ 1>. 1910.
Fiend of the House Have dinner now, plaint iff may obtain herefn.
. prrnutum C.it.l'.O
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Bridget—New York Sun.
This SUMMONS is published In the
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
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