Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 17, 1910, Image 3

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FOREIGN UNDKHIRABLEH KAME enough that he Isn't fit for American
High Average Allulie-d by Ixirgenl
"In ail, the people of the country
Nearly (Joohr<l U ltli Hiram
Direct Lino from Deschutes Through
I lass Given Exaiiilnullon in
I lilted Ntrtli-a Ni-csln Stricter linmlgra-
paying for the keep of 1,34 7,000
Reservation and Marell to
ih*' C ounty
lion Iziws to Hhut Out In-
United Press Service.
people born In other lands. I believe
convlctcd Criminals
HAN DIEGO, Cal., Feb. 14
the best part of our Immigration Is
On Haturduy Superintendent Swim
Hpeclal to tho lierau.
past and that the laws should be
Hewn men were terribly burned und
BONANZA, Feb. 14
The follow­
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 12.-
made more strict every year. In the
four ho budly tbnl they muy succumb, ing rulroad news wus received by your lurgeHt class of applicants for teaib-
"The law should be the name for
last seven years there were 6,517,000
when a tube blew out in the boiler correspondent from u reliable source, urs' certificates that baH ever been
ctlminals as for white slaves. If we
immigrants let Into this country and
of tile torpedo boat Hopkins liere to­ but was withheld for some time examined In the county. Mr< Nellie
fit d a woman as a white slave within
over 70 per cent of them came from
day. The Hopkins wiih Hteaming with awaiting Ils confirmation which has I'ui rlsb received an average of 94 per
three years after her entry we may
Southern and Southeastern Europe
others of the torpedo lleet for prac­ now been mudu direct from headquar­ cent, being tho highest, while MU.
deport her. If a man I h convicted
tice In the north when the accident ters al Portland, as follows:
Frieda Nltai helm was second with It” of felony, however, he I h landed In and Western Asia.
"People don't realize bow many
occurred. The Injured are: Chief
That the Oregon Trunk will build The average of the successful appli­ jail, fed by the people, and then
Waler Tender K F. Hunt, Fireman to Klumath this year Is the announce cants was H4. which I h considered un lit rnod loose upon the community. people that meanu. Why, that's more
than a million more than the popu­
<1. II. Mnrtln, W. A Native, It. E ment of C. II. Carey, attorney for excellent showing.
TI i I h statement was mad«- by Secre­
Taylor, It. D Caretllle, Waler Tender the line, who bus returned from Chi­
Great aHHlHtance wax given ,omu >t tary of Commerce and Labor Nagel lation of New England today. It is
T. Clary, Coal Passer T J llrown.
applicants who hud been taking lu dlscuHslac for the United Press more than the combined population
cago, New York and other Eastern
The accident occurred near the cities. The announcement lian also the teachers' review In tho County the case of an Australian, reputed In of California, Oregon, Washington,
wharf on the Coronado aide of the been made that the Hill Interests have High School, and the success of this four countries to be a thief, yet never Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico,
bay. where the flotlllu hud weighed filed with tho Interior Department at plan wuh shown In tho result of the convicted. The man was undoubtedly Utah, Colorado. Wyoming, Montana,
anchor. The men were imprisoned In Washington application for right ot examinations.
Those taking the an undesirable citizen, but the Immi­ the two Dakotas and Nebraska."
the boiler room when the tube gave way through the Indlun Reservation course were Freldii Nltschelm, Wade gration Bureau wuh for a long time
I I: t|N->
way. Riling the room with live ateam.
This right of wuy will complete tho Odon, Cora Nichols, ('ora Griffith and at a loss for means to deport him,
Hoven were caught mid unable to ch Hill road from the mouth of the Des­ Alma LuPralrle. MI sh Nltchelm has and suco < d<-d only through a twist
cape before being HcrlotiHly burned. chutes to the reservation lino, thence accepted the position of seventh and of the law.
Thousand PnsM-ngrrs on Trains—One
The crew noon rescued them and car from there tho lino will cross the eighth grudo teacher at Bonanza. Tim
He embarked at Liverpool, Eng.,
Dying and Score or Mon-
rled them to the upper decks. From Klamath Marsh to Hprague River, at successful applicants were:
for American shores last November.
there they were conveyed to Hl. Ag­ what Is commonly called the Illg
Third grade—Wade II. Oden, of Coming first class, he slipped Into United Press 8ervlce.
news Hanltarium, where a corp« of Hprlngs; thence up Trout Creek to Dairy; Ella May Nichols, of Bonanza; the country without examination by
BERKELEY, Cal., Feb. 12.—More
doctors and nurses awaited All wore Hquaw Flat; thence down Hquaw Flat Amy Bussey, of Ixirclla; Buella John­ the Ellis Island officials.
He was than a score of men were injured,
burned severely on the head and to Yonna; thence to Bonanza und son, of Klamath Agency, and Frclda soon apprehended and held for de­ some fatally, early today when the
arms, and bandages were necessary l.angi II Valley to Htuel Hwmnp, and Nltschelm of Klamath Falls.
Berkeley train on the Key Route
completely covering the faces. Hunt from there to Alturas. This Is a
Second grade—Joseph Ringo, of
Here the trouble started. He had pier, about two miles from shore,
wsh the only victim who was able to utralght-almost
air line from the Crescent; Alice Lytle, of Bonanza; twice been In Jal), but each time for telescoped the Oakland train, which
talk through the wrappings, und he Klamath Marsh to Alturas mid most Ethyl Gibson, of Midland; Bessie: contempt of court, which Is not an had stopped for signals. It is claim­
said that the water tube blew out was of the wuy Is through a very rich, Mioscly, of Fort Klamath; Alma La- act Involving moral turpitude, and ed that the motorman of the Berkeley
all that happened. Just as they wore fertile country of furmlng and timber Prulrle, of Klamath Falls; Mabie so could not be in-nt back on these train could not si-e the danger on
getting ready to leave harbor; must lands, and making the beat route for llarpold, of Bonanza, and Nellie Par- conditions
He was out of the Aus­ account of the dense fog on the bay.
have been a weak lube as the steam u road possible for thut distance.
I i h. of Slerrlll.
tralian jails simply because the offi­ The victims were occupying the
gauge only showed JOO pounds Hunt
First grade -Chas. E. Mulkey, of cials of that country called when he smoker on the rear of the Oakland
Now, thlH Is not n new thing, fori
was the only one of the Injured who during the first days of December. Fort Klamath.
was not at home; he had skipped train. All the women and children
was not agonised. The others wore IbOtt, Frank McGee, who was employ-1
The following took the examina­ bond in England and was generally were uninjured, although they were
unable to utter a word, but squirmed e<| by the Reclamation Hervlce, told tion for state papers, the returns on known as a member of a famous band so frightened that a panic nearly en­
and writhed on the cots. Taylor ap- your correspondent that he was well which have not been received: Mrs. of Australian thieves. Io short, the sued.
peurod the most severely Injured and acquainted with one of the lllll men. Mary lumibi-rt and Grace Lytle, of man's only recommendation was that,
There were more than a thousand
It Is thought he will not recover. who visited him at Clear latke, and I Bonanza; Mabie Campbell and Nettle being a crook, he was a good crook. passengers on the two trains, and the
After a careful examination the doc­ ho told him of the then proposed McIntyre, of Klamath Falls.
But as he had never been convicted fact that the Berkeley train piled on
tors Ml ill that they believed that six route which Is Identical with our In­
Cora Griffith and Hara Gorden were of theft or any other crime there top of the Oaklander was all that
of the men would survive, though the formation. JamcH Taylor was here unable to complete the examination seemed to bo no law under which he saved the lives of the passengers, as
suff<-rlng was Intense. The steam vir­ on the 11th Inst, und stated that on account of ill health.
could be kept out.
otherwise the Oakland train would
tually boiled the heads, backs and some of the Bly people wero Io the
If he was allowed to enter the have been pushed into the bay, caus­
arms, and when the clothing was re- Trout Creek country last week and ' OPPOSITION TO MAKING
chances were great that he would be­ ing a terrible disaster and probably
PEARY REAR ADMIRAL come a Jal) bird sooner or later and drowning the occupants of the entire
Uloved the cuticle came off In HtrlpH. saw the lllll engineers there ut work ■
cost the public the price of several train. E. F. Stone, a salesman of
runnnlg tho lines up Trout Creek.
MABE ISLAND NAVY YARD. Feb This Is the best pass front Sprague, Sei rotary Meyer Opposed on Ground years' prison board. So the authori­ Oakland, had his skull fractured and
That It Would I m - an Injus­
It whh learned thl» afternoou River that can bo found and the en- 1
ties ordered that he be deported as is one of the worst Injured. He was
tice to Line Officers
that before the Hopkins sailed south­ tiro route from the Klamath Marsh to
one "likely to become a public taken to the Harbor Hospital In San
WASHINGTON. D C . F. b 1 1
ward six weeks ago. Naval Construc­ Alturas will lie on less than one-half
charge.” The "public charge" clause Francisco with many others. Motor­
tor Evans received anonymous letters per cent grade and the stralghtest It Is believed that the plan to make Is designed to prevent an Influx of man Ellis of the Berkeley train is
warning him to "Look out for Hop­ road In Oregon for the name distance Robert E. Peary, the discoverer of Immigrants unable to earn a living. missing and it Is feared that he was
the North Pole, a rear admiral will
kins," which he then overhauled mid
He was educated, and a man of far hurled into the bay. Manager Kelley
It seems to have been long known
found boiler tubes stuffed with old by several of the people here that fall. The sub-committee of the Na- above average intelligence. He could of the Key Route system has issued
tilth, metal wire, wood and rubbish, thin route was planned by tho lllll vu! Committee today reported ad­ easily prove his ability to earn a liv­ a statement charging Ellis with care­
which probably would cause an ex­ people some years ago. At one time versely and It Is quite probable that ing and s<> fought the decision In the lessness and being responsible for
plosion. It la now believed that one It wan thought thjit the lllll Interustn Its decision will be sustained. Sec­ courts.
the accident by not heeding the block
of the tubes must havo been over­ were going to take over tho Carr retary of Navy Meyer today sent a
The New York Court of Appeals
looked or not entirely emptied. It Is property and develop an Immense letter to the House committee stating sustained the decision of the Immi­
alleged that this Is tho result of power plant In Ixrst River canyon
gration Burt-au. holding that the
trouble between the engineering and below the present dam site, where be an injustice to lino officers and of­ man’s character warranted the as­
Reported Tliat Bunting A Miller Have
fering the suggestion that Peary be
construction departments.
tho government now has pinna under
Been Awarded Contract for
retired as u civil enlgneer with the sumption that be would get into
way to develop power fpr the entire
trouble, and In jail, and that in this
Stage Line
HAN DIEGO. Cal., Feb 15. It was country. Thin will make one of the rank and pay of rear admiral.
way be was "likely to become a public
announced today at tho 8t. Agnew bent power nites on the Coast as the
The report comes from Lakeview
hospital, where the scalded sailors water can bo used for power »nil | FRENI H LINER LOST IN STORM
that Frank Bunt'n» and associate
That there are any number of im­ have been awarded the contract to
were taken from the torpedo boat then be turned Into the canyon and
Vessel Total Wreck—-Only On«- Pass­ migrants entering this country every
Hopkins after tho explosion, that six used below for Irrigation.
carry the mail between Klamath Falls
enger Saved Out of la>rge List
year of this type, “unconvlcted crimi­ and Lakeview. This report, however
of the survivors wore expected to live.
With these ends In view, and the |
PALM. Majorca Island. Feb. 11.— nals,” or men of criminal character, cannot be verified here as none o.’
There la some doubt about L. B. early completion of the Upper project,
steamer General Chanzy. which seems born out In the report of the the Oilier bidders have been notifiel
Carletlllo, second fireman, who la wo feci that the Ixird han surely i
very badly burned about tho head and smiled upon us, and we, who have sailed from Marseilles Wednesday superintendent of prisons of New of ^uy action by »he governni’U’
cheat. II. E. Taylor, head fl reman, lived ami struggled through the trials with a heavy cargo, Is a total wreck York, that 25 per cent of the In­ T* ese bids are usual.v opened on
died last night, Court Inquiry Into and hardahlpn of pioneer life, will i off the north coast of this island. mates of Auburn, Sing Sing and Clin­ Ftrruiry 2, and Poai.- aster Eniiukt
tho cause of the accident will be hold live to neo the country develop and Only one passenger Is reported to I ton penitentiaries are of foreign birth. n. -• in 'eived notice to rt advertís» fot
at Sea while tho flotilla la proceeding be transformed Into one of the richest have been saved out of the entire A census of the prisons throughout blds on the Fort Klamath line, so a
passenger list, the estimate of which the country last year showed 15 per decision has probably been reached
to Han Francisco.
parts of Klamath County.
Is placed ns high as 1,000. Shortly cent of the prisoners were foreign on the other linea. Bidders in this
has given uh all tho natural faclU-
the steamer cleared she ran Into born.
city are anxiously awaiting to hear
tlaa for making this one of the great­
"This problem is far more Impor­ from the Postoffice Department, as
gale which has been sweep­
GOT DYNAMITE AT MINE est Inland cities on tho Const, the
ing South Europe for the past forty-I tant than the White Slave business all mail contracts in this county are
moat fertile lands adjoining It of any
Officers Still Working on Mystery of
eight hours.
Majorca Island, near | ever will be,” said Commissioner of to be re-let.
other town In Southern Oregon or
Explosion nt Btirkc'n Sani­
whore the steamer foundered, is the Immigration Keefe. "Why should we
Northern California All we now need
About 70 per cent of human be­
largest of the Balcarac groupe In the fill our jails with this sort of truck?
to complete thin paradise Is the i om-
was Hermann even indirectly con- If a man becomes criminal within ings have eyes that differ in their
pletlon of the lllll road, that 1.« com­
United Press Service.
three year» after he enters it is proof Hrength.
as fast as money and labor can cast of Barcelona.
OltAVH.I.i:, Cui. Feb IS
bring It. Watch us move.
Iff Chubbuck, of Butte County, mid
Sheriff Smith, District Attorney Lea RICHARD MELHASE PLANNING TO
and Court Reporter Scott, of Sonoma III ILI» OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE
County, left today for Dr. Burke's
mine nt Kanaka Peak, where tho dy-i \\ ill Make This tine of tlic Best Busi-
namlte used In the mysterious explo- j
■less Blocks In Retail Dis-
n|on at tno sanitarium. Is alleged to
trict of City
have been obfalned. Contrary to first
It Is reported that Richard Mel-
reports, It was learned today that six
sticks of dynamite had been obtained hase. who owns tho property adjoin­
by Doctor Burke and taken to Santn ing that of tho Odd Fellows opposite
R ohii by him, previous to tho time of the Court House, is planning to erect
tho attempt on tho life of Luolla a buHlnens block this summer. The
Smith, tho young lady who barely Odd Fellows have their preliminary I
escaped with her life In the explo­ plans already ready for a three-story |
sion at Dr. Burke's sanitarium. Tho building and there la very little doubt j
officials are expected back hero thin but what the work will be carried j
evening with depositions of the men through early In tho season. With
these two buildings this block will '
employed at tho mine.
AHMlstant District Attorney Hoyle, take on an entirely different appear-'
of Sonoma, went to Berkeley and ance and bo the means of holding I
San Francisco today to endeavor to the retail business In this section of j
It now remains for the1
get a statement from a man at whose tho city.
owners of the property on tho two I
home Miss Smith formerly lived.
corners to build and this will be then '
one of the best business blocks In
Taim lUrw Out of Boiler unti H.nu
Refused to Discuss E x plosion of Tor­ DEATH OF MRS. SPRECH LEK,
pedo Boat Hopkins I'ndl
VALLEJO, Cal., Feb. 15—Naval
BAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. 15.—
Constructor Evans and bride return­ Mrs. Anna Christiana Spreckles, wid­
ed last evening from their wedding ow of the late Claus Spreckles, the i
tour In the East. Evans refused to sugar king, died today at her home I
discuss tho explosion of the torpedo on Howard street at the ago of 79 I
boat Hopkins, and said that he could years.
The deceased had been ill
not tell whether tho explosion had I since tho death of her husband.
any connection with the stuffed tubes Members of the family and physicians
at tho yard until an inveatlgation had wero present at the doathbed. She
been made and he learnod which Is survived by four sons and two
boiler had exploded.
If he takes the Republican. If he
does not urge him to do it, so as to
lend a hand in the fight for his
Midnight Wreckers Secure Over Trw
Thousand Dollars
United Press Service.
Masked robbers early today dyna
rnlted the safe of the Citizens Bank
at Chatsworth and made their es
cape with the plunder.
The men
drove Into town shortly after mid­
night and after gagging and binding
William Kayle, the night watch man,
left him guarded by one of the num­
ber while the others broke Into the
hank. Albert Kerben, a citizen, at­
tempted to interfere but was seized
and bound. The robbers used four
charges of nl’ro-glycerine, practically
demolishing the safe, after which
they made their escape. An exami­
nation by the cashier showed that
they had gotten away with all the
contents of the safe, amounting to
|S000 In currency and over >2000 In
gold and silver.
The consumption of beer in Russia
has increased 45 per cent in the last
fifteen years, and the output 97 per
A metal pole. If unprotected when
planted in the ground, begins to cor­
rode seriously in about ten years.
For an
a Ramliier, on aale at the Gl X
Tenta to rrnt.
We eatrry
a fall llne of aportlng guada
And get ground ready for big
crop returns next year.
Some good Imrgains can be
had In sagebrush land.
SWAMP LAND in desirable
locations will be higher in price
CapL O. C. Applegate,
Office Manager
Fifth St., Near Main.