Wil KM K < AMK -Illi; I l NN AM) lug u girl of »Ixtecti; tlm Hecond wua Ulltrill It IMII.N III. mm procurisi frotu Ilio Lo* Angeli'» hos­ pital, il « luofher heing a »eventi" n Ind tli«< I nil I* Not Yet, I'K ii I nto your old girl. Tho llilrd rumo frinii Till« Ihty, Nor ilu< Next, Nor Ilio county hoHpllul. und tlm foiiilh tli«< Om> F< «lay* wlit'ii Wlllliitu th«> iippenr before ili« giuud Jury und t«s- Hitroiid, ■uc<‘«HiHor to Theodora th«' tlfy a* to I»11 filli* coonected wlth thè 1‘liHt, wiih ruler of (ho I.anil of Do . fnke. < ul|>Mi|liii, on (ho great Plulu (hut1 llcth hoyomt the Mountain* of Hlskl- < II IIIIM IN < Ahl: TO RESIGN you and In the Valley of (ho l«akox i of the Kliiniulh mid In (ho City that Republican Slut« < ciilral ('«iiiiinlt («■<■ I* llko unto Jorusalem, being the I W III I'roliiilily Ik- < ailed To- dwelling place of the ruler* of the gether on February 12 Country round about W. M. Cuke, chairman of the 11« Now In tho Hocond Year of the Rule of Wlllluin tho Hocond, there publican Hint« Ccntrnl Committee, dwelt In the City that I* llko unto ha» announced that be will resign JeruHuleiii many People of many con­ on account of th« pr«**» of profes­ founded tongue* ngroolng only In sional bUMlnes*. It I* the present In < hii*lng (ho Hhekt'l* from (he rlwltig tentloti of Mr Cuk« to assemble th» to tho going down of tho miiii , ouch committee In Portland on February one for hlniMolf, und among them 12. lit which time Ills rimlgnutlon were certnln Men called "Ihmatera," will be presented. There I* a prob­ und fut mid happy were the ItooHter* ability that Mr. Cuk«' may have to und Mild oiiu to another, "We will go to New York, mid In that event Boost for oureelvea only, and woe th«* committee will not be callpd to unto that Mini who Incite* a 'H c I i I hiii ' gether until hl* return Inter in the und Boost* a Boost Hint I* not our month. It Is not known who will *ucce«d Boost. und We »ay unto You. that ' Man I* tin ulxinilnutlon and »hull be to th« chairmanship, but undoubtedly It will be Hom« one favoring the as­ < nut Into outer dnrkneu* ■ " Now, be II known, thut tho Temple sembly plan, a* thl* I* th« sentiment • >t tho Land In which ruled tho Tux of a majority of th« members of th« Gatherer und tho Keep«- man for Klmimth County, and there Ing Interpreted mean* a dlareputabl«’ i* n question whether he can legally old Hliai'k and of the pout Pliocene > hold th« position »Inc« he Is no period and there was much grum-l longer a resident of tho county, it I* probable that he will be a»ked to bling among tho People therat — Then there did come Into tho Lnnd resign ho that th« county committee n Stranger named "Orejohunon," who can have th«' opportunity to select .« hnd many Shekel» and Ding lint* and j successor to represent th« Republi­ many Vineyard* In unit round about can voters. It I* quite essential that a (he City, ami then «lid "Orejohnson" I th«* State commltteemaa should »ay unto tho People, "Behold thy r«’*ld«nt of th« county ,and personally Shack. I will glvo unto th«w a better ; acquainted with the wl*h«-s of hl» <>no without Money and without Price, party. und more, I will give Thee pure water therefor, und more, I will make CON TRO I ERM OYEIt PIN! IIOT'S it round about a pleasure to the «ye, ItEMOV II, <11 MEN FAT MATY and plcawant for th« Hubble» thut I'ortin-r Pmf«»»or ««f Tni*«-r*ity of Jonlle each other on the Highway.” Then did th« Chief of the Money , I l«*nna < ausc* l-'iglit by l>e- nouio ing l*i*c»if the Tribe of Booster*) and *ay one to another, "Who hath lni|M>rte logical condition». Th«« professor went into n saloon People, "It »eemidh to Me a Oood Thing;" und did Herald It forth that today und while enjoying a glass of all the People might hear mid be b««r started an argument regarding the Plnchol removal. In which he se­ mad«' wise thereby Then dl other being AFTER Tl Ml LTUOUH SESSION the "Klckists,” mid then did (lie lilcklHt* gather In a Cave beneath the < In-'li Dm* to Airing «if Grh'Vaiices AgniliMt I.«H ill t nimi < Htlcer» Temple of the Money Changer anil ay. ■'Behold. We will have an Organ, and It »hall belch forth tire and smoke United Press Service. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 3. and pump the People full of 'tlotare,' mill It »hull *ay to Ore Johnson. Go-to After a tumultuous session, th«« Unit­ • and describe the place ho la to go­ ed Mine Workers of America, who to We want not of Your Vineyard have for Home time been In annual nor of your piennant paths, nor of convention in this city, adjourned nt your Shi'kcl* nor anything Thou ha*t. 3 o'clock this morning. The clash Lo, We have told You; Wo Aln’t-ln- In the closing hours of the conven­ oti-lt, and It shall *ay to the Stranger tion was due to the airing of griev­ thnt cometh within our gate*, be­ ances against officers of local unions. ware of the Scribe; ho wlsheth to par- While most of those seemed trivial tnke of Orejohnson's bounty, which many of them arc of sufficient impor­ tance to make It necessary for the 1» un abomination io us"—- And Io, there wiih great dlHsenHlon next convention to take them under nmong the People of the Kh-klHt* and consideration. The miners went to the Boosters, anil the followers of tho Toledo today for n Joint conference Scribe, mid tho end is not yet even with the mine operators. Indianapolis, Toledo, Rochester and unto this day. St. Louis fought hard for the next UDONOOOIAM. convention, hilt St. Louis had the best organization and won by a handsome QUADRI PI,KT FAKE BEING majority'. PHOBED IlY GRAND JURY l.o* Angele* Woman Di«l Not Give lllrtli to Any of the Children United Pres* Service. I.OS ANGELES. Cai., Feb. 3. Tho fake perpetrated by Mrs. W. W. Wilson, when it was announced (hut she hud given girth to four children, is being investigated by the grand Jury. Mrs. Catherine Smith, bend of tho »anltarhim where the Wilson wo­ man was supposed to hnvc become mother of the quadruplets, today tes­ tified before Judge Wilber, of the .Iuvenil« Court, ns to who was the parents of tho children which Mrs. Wilson tried to palm off as her own. Hhe stnted thnt the first secured from (he Smith sanitarium, Its mother lic- WILL SI < < EED THOMPSON Tho bulletin has just been Issued by the Southern Pacific Company an­ nouncing the successor to F. M. Thompson as agent nt Klamath Falls. As previously stnted, Mr. Thompson has bei'ii promoted to tho position of traveling agent. C. II. Mills, of Red­ din'.; has been appointed agent nnd i expected here In about a week with his family. Auditor Geo. H. Hamilton will bo here at the time to superintend the transfer. F. E. Wright, the present cashier and telegrapher, is to go to Kennett, und \. V. Shutt, of that stntlon, will bo transferred to this city. Mr. Shutt Is expected to arrive here tonight. < ALIFOR.NIA GEIS SI.I I. DEt ISlON <1 I. H. < lit Iti Dll,I, of Bsi.aii«« I I • ' Hupn me <’• art up- SCHOOL BOARD AMENDS SPEI I- FROM THE PoRK BAItllEL EUE 1 REI LA MAT ION WORK holds this contention an«! in conclu- EH ATIONS FOR BI II.DING slon Hays that th« d«iuiirrer to the G ihh I Team Work of llic Da l'giitlou (‘outeutloii 1» TI im I G« vorumrtil II iik complaint, no far as It relutes lo th" No .N«< •••'•Ity for Shipping in M»t< rinl Brings Itenult» No Right lo It«« laliii Oilier for Public Building»—Mon«-y deeds of dat« August 21, 1891, and 'Ilian Public I jiik I* Sliould Be H|M'i«t Hrre the on« issued In 1893, will be over­ United Press Her vice. ruled. And as to the one under «late WAHIIINGTON, D. (*., Feb 3. BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 1 Tlm con­ At a meeting of the school dlrec- of January 18, 1893, it will be »u»- It wus learned authoritatively here stitutionality of th« reclamation act tors of the city school Thursday It tain«d and the decree on facts a* to today thnt the rivers mid liurbor bill, will be t'»t«-d before the United <1 «!«1 of date, 1889, will be reversed. was decide«! to amend the speeifica- commonly known in legislative dr- Htat«-» Clri ult Court of App«al* at j tlon* for the new *20,000 building ides as I be "pork barrel," will con­ Han Franclnco February 18, th«« date i to allow bids on cement brick a* well l house. There mid on thlu plea be will have a re- while th« Government ha* the right nine enumerators needed for this Is no necessity for this, and It 1» to heiulng All of the money will be to r«Tlalm public land, It cannot r«e «oiinty and thirteen applicant* are the interest of the people of the city uvullulde next year. The success «net claim private land, for by ao doing It being examined. Among them are: that, th«! material sho*il«l be purchas­ with Is due entirely to the barnionl- «tigag«-* In a private enterprise. Thl* Cha*. W. Sherman, of Dairy; B. M. ed here. This would mean that all ous cooperutlon of the California del­ contention was upheld In a Colorado I Hall, of Bonanza; J. H. Hobbs, of of the money would remain in this Merrill; O. A Stearns, E. M. Heppe, city an«l the larger portion of it be egation. case. Mr. Buriey I* general passenger ' W. A. Boudinot, Frank Applegate, returned to the merchants and the RESPONNIHLE FOR THE APRALI« agent of the Oregon Short Line, with Mrs. F. E. Ankeny an«l Mrs. J. S. taxpayers. headquarters at Salt Lake City. Fields. ING MINE DINANTERH Mr. Childers states that he already Home year* ago h<- entered 280 acre* ha» about 100,000 brick on band inriioli of Cobi Air IncrcuM-» Amount of desert land In what Is now the BELIEVE IIARRI.MAN'H LINES and will put up sheds in the vpry of Gas—Nugget« Remedies WILL GO TO LAKE COUNTY near future and begin manufactur­ Deer Flat Reserve of the f’ayette- lo Prrvciit It Bolse Project. The Government later ing so that there will be plenty of withdrew from entry a large body of Amen«l««l Survey of Ohl Route I* brick for any buildings contemplated. I'nlted Pres* Service. Filed ami lu«llcatiotin Point to land adjacent to Boise, Caldwell and The Hydraulic Stone & Brick Com­ NEW YORK, Feb. 3.— Tho mine Nampa, with the idea of reclaiming Imnietliate < oiistruction pany are already gathering their ma­ disaMtcr* that have appalled the na­ It and building a big reservoir out of terial and will open the plant as soon A diHpatch from l^akevtew to the tion this year, resulting In a lo** of the Deer Flat. This was subsequent­ as the weather will permit. All that Ilf« aggregating 16 m , I n due mainly ly done, water being taken from it«' Oregon Journal says that on«! of the either of these concerns ask is that to th«« atmoMpberlc conditions prevail­ Bolre River through the New York ■ more important of reo-nt happenings their material be given a fair »how ing at this time of the year. Is the (.anal to the reservoir, an 1 the !at«l I is the filing of an amended surrey by in the awarding of contracts. opinion expressed by John Mitchell, of Mr. Burley was flooded. An at­ the Oregon Eastern Railway a« the Childers Bros, spent *15,000 in former president of the United Mln«« tempt was mad«« to purchase the land I Lakeview Government Land Olfic«, wag««« last Hummer and expect to i through township 27 south, range 8 Workers of America. from Mr. Burley, for which he de­ spend as much if not more this sum­ Mr. Mitchell explained bls remarks manded 350 an acre. The Govern­ ! east, which lies in the vicinity of the mer. The Stone & Brick Company by stating that the cold air entering ment refusi-d to pay this amount, Walker range of mountains In Klam­ expended *6000 after starting up last ath County. This township is the t'l« working* iikh 'I s the warmer air went to trial and a verdict of *20 an year and already have contracts u jthln the mln«» and ha* a tendency acre was received. Mr. Murley took one in which the postofflee of Odell which will mean an expenditure of is situated. The old survey went t<> Increase the amount of gas usually an appeal. between *20,000 and ,25.000. All I northeast of the own of Odell and prevalent In the working*. He fur- The d could be lujured throughout the cabin and barn, for *300. Running The importance of the amended stream. I have about eight home­ mines, affording sustenance to min­ United Pre»» Service. ers who might « »cap«! with their lives WASHINGTON, D. C. !'• b. 4.— survey is understood when it is steads, level and good running water. after th« first explosion. In addition President James J. Hill, of the Great known that the survey has been gone For particulars write to to those precautions he sugg«-sts that Northern and Oregon Trunk Rail­ over several tim»>s during the past JOHN KRISTT, compartments be built for the refuge roads, has called upon Senator Geo. few years by the Harriman interests, Fort Klamath, Oregon. of miners, where they could seek pro­ E. Chamberlain for maps and statis­ which are at the h«?ad of the Oregon A FFW BARGAINS. tection while the work of r«?scue was tics of Oregon. He states that his Eastern Railway. The construction work on the amend«.'d survey will be In progress. road will prepare and distribute bul­ Five lots, slgn.ly location. , 15«0. letin* relating to Oregon industries, very heavy, but initial cost of con­ Can loan ,750 cn the deal. Ni \\ MONSTER I Nt.INES similar to those for Montana and struction will be more than offset by A nice cottage with bath, large the d«»creas< <1 cost of operation. TO CLIMB SINKIYOUS Washington. There is every indication that the lot, ,1700. A good buy. The policy of J. J. Hill has always A large residence, fi’e lot. ,:«S««0. ASHLAND. Feb. 3.—It Is reported bf-en to settle up the country through Oregon Eastern Intends to build Three cottage* on three lota. Roons that the Southern Pacific will soon which his railroads run and it can something more than a mere side­ »«•nd two of their big new Mallet confidently be expected that as fast track from the Juncture with the >ncugn for another cottage; ,225* MASON * SLOUGH compoum! engines, their latest exper­ as hi* road is built into Oregon, just pr«>|>osed main line of the Southern iment In monster locomotives, to Ash­ so fast will new settlers be brought Pacific now building northward iron« laud to be put in the helper service in and placed upon the land and the Klamath Falls and southeasterly NOTICE TO CREDITORS across the Siskiyou» to Hornbrook. country settled up and developed. from Natron to Odell. In th«' County Court of th«' State of Those monster machines havo a Oregon for Klamath County weight of 390.000 pounds on the I'.l I II \ E Ml RDERI D t.lRI. LINER KENTUCKY SINKING drivers, as against 180,000 for the WAS RESIDENT OF < ITY OFF CAFE HENUM’EN In the Matter of the Estate of Ges- sine Wheeler. Deceased. big moguls now In common use. They Notice is hereby given, by the un­ V««M'lage l»y Wireh'as, "Mater of this extreme length the engineer'* creditors of said estate, and all per­ Gaining in Hold" enb is plac'd in front and ahead of That the murdered girl, whose skele­ sons having claims against the said th« txiller to enable him to see the ton was found near Mt. Tamalpais, deceased, or the said estate, to pre­ United Press Service. was either a tourist or resident of track ahead. sent such claims with the proper CHARLESTON, S. C.. Feb. 4 — vouchers within six months from the The Mallet compound Is virtually San Fiancisco is the belief of the two engines in one. There Is no turn­ police, who are seeking Identification The liner Alamo is rushing to the date of this notice to said administra­ tor at his his residence in the Town table on the Shasta division nt pres­ through means of a watch found on assistance of the liner Kentucky, of Fort Klamath. Klamath County. ent larg«' enough to handle one of the body and which bears a local which is reported to be sinking off Oregon. Dated this 13th day of January, tiles«' monster machines which would Jeweler's number. A whiskey flask Beaufort, N. C. The reports of the have to depend upon a "Y" track to with the name of a San Francisco sa­ threatened disaster were received A. D. 1910. JAMES G. WHEELER. loon was also found near the body. here today by wireless. The Ken­ Administrator of the Estate of Ges­ make a turn. tucky belongs to the Alaska-Pacifiic Th«» theory advanced by the police sine Wheeler, Deceased. ANOTHER MINE DISASTER authorities is that the girl was lured Lines and was making her maiden VI M>S ESPERANZO, MEXICO from the tavern and attacked and voyage from New Y’ork to Pacific ESTRAY* NOTICE killed. The marine and local au­ Coast ports. The cause of the Ken- ’ Strayed, from my ranch, eight head MEXICO CITY. Feb. 3.—Slxty- thorities are making a full investiga­ tucky springing a leak is not known. long yearling heifers, branded P over threc miners were killed nnd be- tion of every evidence that can be half circle on left hip. Under bit twi'en thirty ami forty were injured secured in the case. WASHINGTON, D. C.. Feb. 4.— right ear, over slope on left ear. In­ in th«' Palau mine. Los Esperanzo, The battleship Louisiana was ordered formation leading to their recovery, Mexico, according to tho latest re­ .11 IM.E HENSON REVERSED IN by wireless to proceed at once to or delivery, will be rewarded. H. S. PARRISH. ports received here. Fifty-two bodies the aid of the Kentucky. WARNER VALLEY CASK Im Merrill, Ore. hnvc alr«*ady b«‘en recovered from the third level of shaft No. 3, where the Will Havt' to Go Rack t«» Ijike County NEW YORK, Feb. 4.—The Ken­ explosion occurred. The work of res­ Court—May Mean Cancella­ tucky is a stern wheel steamboat for­ < > cue is being ptiHhed with all possible tion <>f Patents merly belonging to the Joy line, ply­ < ) < ► speed, the rescuers now working on ing between Providence and Boston. ; — SALEM, Ore., Feb. 3.—In a de­ She cleared New York ten day» ago the lower levels. < ► cision rendered by Justice Eakin, of: with a crew of thirty men and was RROMOI ION SUGGESTED FOR the Supreme Court, Judge H. L. Ben- lab! up a short time at Norfolk. She DISt ttVERER R. E. I’EARY son. of the Circuit Court for Lake was en route to New Station when County, Is reversed in the famous she sprung a leak. Bill lntr«Mliic«Ml to Promot«' Him to Warner Valley land case, which will Com«' in »eli«'«, |«ains and burn­ ing seiisatioiis. I'ooltion of Rear Ailmiriil again have to be tried In the Circuit NEW YORK, Feb. 4.—Late this Court in I-ake County. afternoon every Atlantic seaboard is United Press Service. Most «'vcrylxHly feels these The suit was brought by the Attor­ trying to get in touch with the ves­ symptoms sooner or lat«'r—hut WASHINGTON. D. C.. Feb. 3.— ney General for the State against th«' sels rushing to the assistance of the i few ¡«copie heed them soon Senator Hale of Maine today intro­ Warner Valley Stock Company to liner Kentucky, which was reported | enough. duced a Bill authorizing tho President cancel patentH to 22,4 71 acres on the sinking when last heard from. Since ♦ If you have cauae t«» rul< your to appoint Robert E. Peary, rccog- ground that the law had not been the first signals of distress flashed by nlz«'«l discoverer of tho North Pole, : eyes When reading at niglit. or complied with, in that the surveys McGinness, the Kentucky's wireless to the position of rear admiral and when sewing, it is anipl«* time had never been made and that it was operator, nothing has been heard. | « to get the help of glasses. < ► pince him on the retire«! list. Tho useless to attempt the designation or The operator said that the Kentucky bill will probably become a law. Identification of the lands filed on by had sprung a leak and that the water Th«' right glasses will give the company’s officials. was gaining in the hold despite the < ► you iniinediate relief. MBPONni n i \ ui : on 11 i A demurrer filed to the complaint crew's pumping. "Need help Imme­ COMMITS SUH IDE in the lower court was sustained ex­ diately; we are sinking; hurry," were We ar«' abb' to fit you |»'r- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. 3.— cept on the last deed issued by the the last words from the ship. The <> fts-lly in the quickest possible Despondent because of lack of money State in 18S9, conveying 5228.11 Alamo picked up the message and re­ < < ► » time. C. A. Farrar, an aeronaut of local acres, on the ground that suit was peated it to shore and rushed to aid < > < > W are looking for the most repute, ended his life by Inhaling barred l>y th«' statute of limitation in * difficult cases in glass fitting. According to me Federal Bureau gas from the balloon which he was that it was not brought within ten ’ > engaged to fly. Farrar was missed years from the date of the deeds; of Entomology, the work done by the < ► < ► last Tuesday and his body was dlc- also by the provision that no suit bees of the country in fertilizing the o eovered today on the roof of tho Tha- ■ shall be maintained to cancel a pat­ blossoms of fruit trees alone is worth i ♦ Graduate Ai State Rcgistcreil Optician lln dance hall, which used the balloon ent by either tho United States or more than the *20,000,000 worth of «► ♦ Oregon unless begun within ten years honey that they produce each year. as nn advertisement. Eye Warnings H. J. WINTERS