Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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ProJ«M t
Engineer Pal« Il States T hai
Main I M W III lt< to P»«»O<I.-
I'oruge for IliirM «
« •
♦ ♦
beef, sent to him by bls foreseeing
wife, Will» U Vengeance. Ill tile » veil
liig li« came home cold, tired mid
hungry, but his basket wan stlil
empty. II. M. Manning, win» ninny
years ago lived on tho bunk of the
I.Ink, Is another of the unsucc» ssful
old-timers. After fishing tho river
from Lake Ewuuna to Hiilpplngton
oil the Upper Lake, he ate beef steak
»lili a relish at the Long l.nke board­
ing house. He camo home with a
tlrtli.li lit tills was entirely duo to the
generosity of u kind-hearted old gun-
tieman who Ilves at tbs head of th«
river. Tho men mentioned aro not
the only ones who liave had trying
experiences. Their failure should not
be taken to reflect too severely on the
reputation of Link River us a trout
stream. Fishermen who have the
knowledge and the patience, are well
rewarded. Trout abound lu th»-
stream nnd during the cold weather
are of the Nuest quality.
A lease from C. E, Worden to th»
The Normal School question which
Bids have been advertised for
United States Reclamation Bcrvlci
lias been fought over during every for the construction of the new $20.-
was fill'd for record Tuesduy with
session of Hie Legislature for many 000 school building which I m to be
th»* County Clerk. The leas«» covers
years will now l»e transferred from I erected In this city on the'west side
eighty ucres In Section 32, Township
the Slate law making body to the of the river. The specifications for
¡I# ». near .Midland, ami is for a term
volera of tho State. Bills will b< the material to be used in the walls
of fifteen years, but can b<< terml
drafted and petitions circulated for eliminates everything but what Is
signatures to place them on the bal­ called “good hard burned brick.” As
naled by the Government nt any
sill Illi I ox lìti IL
time. The consideration la u rental
lot for the election In November next. It Is an admitted fact that these spec­
of $25 per annum, nnd Mr. Worden < liarged Willi Assault on Person of
Alumni of Monmouth, "Mother of ifications <an never be met with any
has io pay the taxes. During tho
the Normals,” are back of the open­ clay brick ever manufactured in
<’. <’. Ilrow er
term of the leas»' the lessor does not
Justice Court has been In suasion ing gun and have drafted a bill pro­ Klamath Falls. It would ap|»ear that
pay uri) water coat, but at th»' expire most of the afternoon, the case on viding for continual maintenance of it would be necessary to ship material
Hoti of the lease tho cost of the Water trial being the State of Oregon v . tliat college, which Is to be placed b<- from the outside for the construction
right of $:io an acre will become Sheriff W. li. Barnes. Mr. Barnes Is foie tho voters of Oregon for their of the new school building, It is
payable In ton annual Installments. charged with an assault on the poi- acceptance or rejection. This bill has true that burned brick can be manti-
Project Engineer Patch, when aon of C. C. Brower. The evidence now been pr< pared and within the fact u red bere, but it has never, to
naked as to the purpose of tho lease, adduced showed that the complain mar future will be printed and put anyone's knowledge, been called
staled that tho land would be put in Ing witness went to the sheriff’s ortl'-e In shape for Its circulation for sig- "good.” This leave* the contractors
grain nnd hay to furnish forage for yesterday morning on business. The natures, preparatory to putting it on rather up in the air as to what the
th»' Government horses, and that In matter pertained to the serving of an the Initiative ballot.
directors might consider good brick.
addition experiments would I»»- mad execution. In the dispute that fol­ T»»-nty-S»-v»-ii Thousand Annually
The Hydraulic Stone A- Brick Com­
In growing other products. The pro­ lowed the sheriff ordered Mr. Brower
pany, manufacturers of concrete
It provides an annual tax ot one
visions of tlio contract, however, state out of the private enclosure In his
blocks and cement brick, has askel
of one mill on all the
that tho "United States shall be per­ office. Upon not complying with th»
a number of times to allow its ma­
mitted to fence, level, ditch. Irrigate, order lie was forcibly ejected by Mr. I taxable property of the Htate, which teria) to be considered in submitting
. would produce at present approxl-
dyke, drain, install pumps and oth- Barnee.
bids, but no satisfaction has ever been
mutely $27,000 annually. At Hood
er machinery, er««ci buildings and
Mr. Brower was the only wltneo ' River, steps have been taken to received, further than the statement
carry out whatever operations muy appearing fur the Htate. The defense
that the Board did not consider the
be n»*ci»saary or convenient to th e ca­ had as witnesses Deputy Hherlff it. E. I launch a bill providing for the estab- blocks strong enough. Offers were
tabllsbmi'iit of said demount ration Guthrldge, Witi. Wagner nnd Mr
made to demonstrate the strength,
er, und it is probable that this bill
farm ami works.”
Barnes himself. At the time of our ; will stain be going the rounds for but the Board evidently was not open
This la tho property which Holl going to press, Mr. Barnes had not
to conviction as the offer was re­
Expert Ilion secured a lease for from yet taken the stand in bls own behalf.
Ashland and Weston have not been
Mnjor Worden over a year ago. for
The Ferguson System of hollow
Both tho Htate and tho defendant ' heard from by any public action, but
the purpose of establishing an up­ i were represented by counsel and a
concrete walls, the rights for which
land experimental stntlon, nnd which number of altercations between the I it Is very probable that the friends in Klamath County are owned by the
was turned down by the service at attorneys occurred. During the en­ I of these two Inanitions will bestir Hydraulic Stone & Brick Company
that time. Tho lease was approved tire proceeding* the court room was themselves and put the claims of of this city, is used all over the
their schools forward* for the recog-
on Jauuary 21, 1910.
United States in buildings where
filled with spectators.
nltion of the voters at an early date.
strength, fire proof qualities and
beauty are essential. The power
tion will be presented squarely be-
house of the Chicago Drainage Canal
i fore the voters, and, It is hoped, set -
is a recent demonstration of a Fer­
Fishermen Hilo llave Ktiowlislge and
Member» of t'ongrt**a of Both House« I tied once for all In November.
System building. This struc­
Faticare Are Well lU-wnnla-d
In launching their proposal th“
Still I rgtng ImrsiigHtion of
ture is built entirely of concrete
Monmouth Alumni
Itigli <’<Mt of Idling
block with no reinforcement. It is
Raro sport la enjoyed by the fa
Association have given the question
386 feet long, 64 feet wide and 46
vored few who understand the art Vnlted Press Service.
exhaustive study and thought, and
feet from foundation to roof plate.
of landing tho wily trout In Link
WASHINGTON. D. C.. Feb. 2.—
Rlwr. Every afternoon tho banks, Tho third resolution to Investigate In support of their Institution alone. All trusses and roof are carried on
the walls, which are 50 per cent hol­
yes, and also the middle of tho river tho high cost of living
was intro- At the same time, while standing
is lined with would-be disciples of duced In the Senate today by I.odge. back of their alma mater, they do low. The Board of Engineers of Chi­
cago. after the most rigid tests, speci­
old Isaac Walton. Those who sue- The resolution was
referred to the not wish It to be understood that fied this material for the building, to
or.>d In making the catches usually Finance Committee.
Senator Elkins they are opposing the claims of either
the exclusion of brick or natural
go fishing early in the morning when Introduced a similar
resolution which Ashland or Weston.
stone, the walls of which must with­
they exercise a peculiar charm over la now before the committee. On ac­
Claims of Monmouth First
stand vibration by 30,000 horse
the finny tribe, It has been alleged count of the continued action of mem­
They decided, however, that it power. The contract price was
that tho charm consisted of a visit bers In introducing new resolutions
to tho Upper Lake, tho forbidden on this subject, the committee will would be best for them to present $292,000.
If the Directors are partial to brick
ground during tho winter months. be forced to make its report and It th«« claims of Monmouth alone. In or­
Thia, however, can not bo substan­ will thus soon bo brought before der that the people should be able there is nothing here stronger or that
tiated as tho fish wardens have re­ Congress for action. Tho McCumber to judge of the merits of each case would make a neater building than
to come before them Individually, and cement brick. Every one of these
ported no arrests.
resolution is now before the Agricul­ not be bound by any combination of
are uniform in size and would make
It Is safe to say that during the tural Committee.
schools. In this way those who favor a handsome structure, equal in ap­
past ten days not loss than twenty
three schools can vote for that num- pearance and strength to pressed
men have visited the river daily. Of
nei < non - wolgaht eight
ber, those who desire to neo two brick, which would cost nearly three
this number not more than a half
IM'ho018 can vote their choice, or those times as much.
dozen have succeeded In catching Forty-Five
who back one school will have an op­
As the members of the School
Place in Alameda oil Wash­
enough to supply tho Friday table.
portunity to express that desire by Board are not spending their own
ington's Hlrthday
All this despite the fact that Link
their ballots.
money, but that of the taxpayer, it
River is known as ono of tho best
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. 2.—
would seem that it was their duty to
trout streams In Southern Oregon,
get bids on more than one material,
Among thoso who aro familiar with Following a conference with Battling UNITED MINE WORKERS
the habits of the fish to the extent Nelson, who arrived here today, Pro­
TO ASK FOR INCREASE if they were fulfilling their trust and
working for the best interests of the
they seldom fail to make a good moter Slil Hester made tho announce­
people. As they are absolutely with­
catch aro A. Hardenbrook, Fred ment that the 45-round match be­
knowledge of the cost of any
Houston, Carey Ramsby, E. Sharp
held on Washington's birthday by the
other material than clay brick, it
and a few others.
would appear that they were care­
In a few raro cases some of the Alameda Athletic Club In Alameda. United Press Service.
to say the least, of the best in­
nowcomers have been successful in
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 1.—
catching enough to mnko a showing a permit In San Francisco or San The scale committee today reported terests of the taxpayers whose money
Chester Hymcr, a young man recently Mated, caused him to make arrange­ to the convention of the United Mino they are spending.
from Nevada, where ho studied Wal- ments for the fight at Alameda.
Workers, recommending an increase
tonlan doctrines on tho Truckee, has
of 10 cents a ton for mining coal. |
managed to mako a favorable show­
The present scale is 90 cents, and
ing, Charles A. Thomas, recently
the new demand will bling the price Mrs. I.cdetiv Goes to San Quentin for
Murder of A. N. McVicar
from San Francisco, for tho past
MEDFORD, Ore., Jan. 31.—The up to $1, the highest price ever
Week has spent most of his time
Medford Commercial Club last week
STOCKTON, Cal., Feb, 2.—Mrs.
along the river, So fnr his efforts
Besides the Increase asked for, the
fired the first gun in a campaign for
have been futile, but It has been sug- good roads throughout Southern Ore­ committee recommended that eight Emma Ledeux, who recently saved
gested that this Is due to the fact gon when It adopted a motion ap­ hours constitute a day's work, with the county $15,000 by pleading guilty
that he went out in the company of a pointed a committee to draw up a a half-holiday on Saturday. The re­ of the murder of A. N. McVicar, was
certain real estate dealer, Newcom- petition Invoking the Initiative asking port also disagrees with the Lewis sentenced to life Imprisonment and
era, however, aro not tho only ones that a constitutional amendment be proposal, thnt no general strike be taken to San Quentin today. Mrs.
wtio have failed to mako a catch. submitted to the people of the State ordered should negotiations be pend­ Ledeux absolutely refused to make
Frank A. Smith, who fished tho tur­ of Oregon next November giving the ing when the present contract ex­ any statement and resisted all efforts
bulent Link when wlckieups lined counties of the Stntc tho power to pires. The report further recom­ ) to secure an Interview.
the banks of tho it ream, spent sev­ bond themselves for the purpose of mends that a joint conference be
eral days recently In n vain attempt building good roads. Tho petitions Held to settle demands, and thnt in
to satisfy his craving for trout. On will be circulated by the club nnd na­ the event there Is a prospect of a Convenience of Shipping Facilities
ono occasion ho went out early in tive press bureau work undertaken general strike, that organizers be
Great Advantage to Stock-
tho morning to familiarize himself so as to mako tho matter a success rushed Into non-union districts and
men of This County
with the peculiar charm exercised by at tho election.
enroll nil workers in the union. The
A| Hardenbrook nnd others. The
It Is proposed to bond Jackson convention adopted the provisions of
Tuesday a train ’ord of cattle
morning passed without so much as County for at least 11,000,000 and the report reintlng to the increase of and horses was loaded at the Klam­
a strike. Noon camo nnd ho ate to build good roads throughout.
ath Falls yards for shipment to San
wages and the hours of labor.
NO. 44
Francisco. There were eighteen ear
loads of cattle, shipped by Jack
Horton, and one car load of horses
belonging to E. Htewart, of Han Fran­
cisco. Mr. Htewart has made several
shipments of horses within the past
few weeks.
Mr. St»rwart recently purchased EXHAI STIVE < ROSS EXAMINA
about nineteen head of mares and
colts of Howard Van Valkenburg,
among which was a three-year-old
mare raised in Klamath County DEVELOPS BAI ILL OE WIES
which weighed 1900 pounds. Klam-
utii County horses are of the besf
grade and bring a good price in the lleriiutnn Dimita S< liool |jtn<Lo Could
Ite I M-d for Fraudulent
Since the
completion of the rall-
road to this
city, the stockmen and
shippers of the county have found it
PORTLAND; Ore.. Feb. 2.—Bing.-r
very con ivenient for them as it en-
Hermann, who was placed on the
ables them to hold thier stock until
the market is right In the cities. ' stand in his own defense, was sub-
I Jected to an exhaustive cross exami­
Heretofore they have been compelled
to drive the stock to railroad point.* nation during the entire day by
many miles distant when the condi­ Heney. Questions were hurled at him
tions of the weather were most fa covering the early history of Oregon
and carrying him up to the time
vorable, and this very often happened
when he became Commissioner of th«
when the market was at the lowest.
' General Land Office. Heney forced
I Hermann to admit that he had a gen­
, eral knowledge that school land.*
could be, and perhaps were, being
| used for fraudulent exchange.
The entire session was an interest­
(San Francisco Chronicle. Editorial) ing one for the spectators, as it de­
There is a controversy in the en­ veloped a battle of wits between the
terprising town of Klamath Fails, prosecutor and Hermann, in which
Ore., over the location of a new I first one and then the other got the
County Court House which presents better of it. No testimony of real
some interesting features to the out­ Importance, however, was secured, al­
side world, because it appears to have though the rapid-fire questions at
had infused into it the spirit which Heney kept Hermann working his
Inevitably, when ft gets control, re­ brain overtime to keep from unguard­
sults in impeding progress, and there­ ed replies which might have hurt his
fore may be used as a valuable ob­ case.
ject lesson. At present the court sits
in a very inferior building which
stands on a lot far below the estab­
lished grade and which it would cost Brilliun Reception Given Last Even­
about $6,000 to fill. The desirability
ing in Honor of One of the
of the site for business purposes Is
generally recognized, and the county
bas received offers for it ranging as
One of the most brilliant social
high as $40.000. At the same time events of the season occurred last
the Klamath ' -velopment Company Tuesday at the Whice-Mtrddox hall,
has offered the county a tract of five when the members of the Ladies’
acres on an eminence across the Gov­ Bridge Club tendered a farewell re­
ernment canal from Main street, ception in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
which includes the grading of streets, Richard Shore Smith, who are soon
the laying of cement sidewalks, the to leave to make their home in Eu­
construction of a bridge across the gene. 500 was played during the
canal, free water for irrigation pur­ early part of the evening, after which
poses and hot water from the hot an elaborate luncheon was served ia
springs for heating, the ■»hole gift the large banquet room. Mrs. Smith
having a cash value of at least $30,- was presented with a handsome cut
000, which will be enhanced in the glass dish as a token of the esteem
in which she is held by the members
It would seem that Klamath Falls' of the club. Beautiful favors were
would jump at the offer, as it means i also presented to the successful ones
a gain of at least $70.000 to the; in 500. Mrs. Francis J. Bowne re­
county, whereas the maintenance of ceived first ladies' prize, and Fred H.
the Court House in its present loca­ Mills the gentlemen's prize. Conso­
tion would involve an unnecessary- lation prizes were won by Mrs. C. P.
outlay of cash to bring the site to Mason and B. St. Geo. Bishop. The
grade. Opposition, however, has de­ Ladies’ Quartette, consisting of
veloped. Property owners near the Mesdames Zumwalt, Henry, Mason
present location fear that its removal and Gates, rendered several delight-
will depreciate their holdings. It is ful selections, while Mrs. Don Zum-
difficult to comprehend how this could wait favored the guests with a vocal
occur if the site was sold for busi­ solo and encore. After the iuncheon
ness purposes. In that event the new dancing was engaged in until a late
use to which it would be put would hour, the music being furnished by
contribute much more to the value the Baldwin Orchestra.
of surrounding property than the re­
Those present were: Messrs, and
tention of the Court House. Busi­ Mesdames Richard Shore Smith,
ness never benefited by the immedi­ Chas. F. Stone, O. B. Gates, D. 8.
ate proximity of public buildings. Painter, B. St. Geo. Bishop, E. J.
Doubtless tho erection of a Court Murray, George Noland, G. Heltkem-
House in a town promotes its growth per Jr., Don J. Zumwalt, C. H. Under­
but its location in an undesirable wood. W. O. Smith, W. S. Wiley.
spot would not contribute nearly so Burge Mason. F. H. Mills, R. M.
much to that result as its erection in Richardson, Alex. Martin Jr.. C. Ross
a place where it would be an orna­ Anderson. E. B. Henry, C. P. Mason.
ment as well as a convenience to Francis J. Bowne; Mesdames C. F.
the community.
Powers and W. J. Brennan; Misses
The controversy derives its Interest Elizabeth Bell and Marie McMillan,
from the fact that it brings into view and Mr. E. K. Temple.
a tendency of American communities
to think too much of the present In
dealing with problems like that now
confronting Klamath Falls. The re­ Thirty-Three Dead and Many Missing
sult has been to fill the land with
in Kentucky Disaster
towns whose public buildings are not
located as they should be, thus de­ United Press Service.
priving them of an advantage which
DRAKESBORO, Ky„ Feb. 2.—
a little intelligent provision might Thirty-three dead, two missing and
have secured for them. Klamath over a dozen fatally injured is the
Falls will make the same kind of a complete report of the casualties in
mistake if it allows present consider­ the explosion of the White mine at
ations to interfere with the placing Browder, near here, which occurred
of the Court House on the spot where yesterday. Many of the bodies were
it would present the most imposing so mutilated that they were beyond
recognition, and many still remain
Southern Pacific Agent F. M
Thompson has been appointed trav­
eling ngent for the company between
Sacramento and Ashland, and Weed
and Klamath Falls, and expects to
enter upon his new duties within a
week or so. The bulletin announc­
ing his successor has not been pub­
lished yet by the railroad, but it is
expected within a week.
B'shop Paddock, of the Episcopal
Church, will arrive here this week
and will hold services at 7:30 on
Friday evening at the Methodist
Church. Morning services will be
held on Sunday In the Opera House
at 11 o'clock. Sunday evening serv­
ices will be announced later.