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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1910)
WATER USERS TO ASK I OR NEW CONTRACTS FROM OWNERS GOVERNMENT BIGINS \< l'l\E l'ROSECI I ION OF BUI E I BI ST Reclamation of 8waiii|M> May Be Com Owners of About 113 Per Cent of l.uiil Sixty-Eixv Mile* X<>w Ender Con struction Will lie Completed in Emlocse Answers Preparvti by menced This Summer If the l.< «« Iban liar ami a Half l luinils r of Commerce Owners Resiamd Promptly I mie Sam I- Adding Ills l.illle to the Meeting Held for l*iir|H>«e of Decilllug W oes of the Big Combine on Furl Iler Extensions ' United Press Service. Chief Construction Engineer II. P. CHICAGO. III., Jan. 24. The Heel The minority report containing the A new stock subscription and con tract has been sent to all owners of new set of answers, prepared by the Hoey, of the Southern Pacific, has re Barons are beginning to believe that swamp lands under the Klamath Pro Chamber of Commerce, to the ques turned from Natron mid Portland, ; troubles never Come singly With the ject, by the Water Users' Association, tions submitted by the Senate Com where ho has been looking after con boycott daily cutting off largo slices with the request that the new con mittee to the land owners, was for struction work on the north end of of their profits hurnsalng them on one \s side. Undo Sam has added to their tract be executed at once and re warded to the committee and the Sec tin Klamath Falls Natron line. turned. The new form of contract retary of tin- Interior Friday usual. Mr. Hoey declined to mak ■ troubles by attacking them tn tie is requested by the Reclamation President IN'Uel of the Chamber o' 1 public any of the plans of the rail rear with a dissolution suit, with Service and has b«*en approve d by Commerce states that 120 signatures road company, bill the announcement prospects of being more the Directors of the Association. I were received. representing a little I in the following article appearing In this time than he was at the In .t al the Portland Journal, will be good I tempt. Practically the only material change leas than 40,000 acres of hind, Subpoenas were Issued today foi over the old contract is in the pro- Most of these signatures were re news to the people of this city: will " We have not been heralding our witnesses in the Investigation that vision which allows for sub-irrigation ' ceived in the upper project, although th. if that should be found more feasible ‘ some were sent in from Merrill att.I doings down in that part of the State will have as its ultimate object the than surface irrigation. A letter was the Klamath Basin. The papers XS VI ■ with the blare of trumpets,* said disruption of u combination that him sent with the contracts explalutug the sent to Bonanza and circulated from Judge Fenton, 'and hence littlv Is controlled the beef market for iimuy necessity of the change, portions of I there. Mr. Delzell states that verv j known of the work going on there, yearn. The hearing will start before which are as follows; little effort w as made to secure sig- su- I but 1 will say at this time that for the Federal grand jury this after “The present contract, in substance, i natures of farmers living between; i the present 65 miles of road are in noon. James Wilkerson will be the carries the obligation to have irrlga- this city and Merrill, but that ma.ty i <outs<* of construction mid that It chief assistant Io District Attorney tion water delivered upon each quar- ■ of them came to town and signed no. ’ will not be more than IS months at Sims, who will have charge of the United Press Service. ter section of land, with no avenue! The 40.000 acres represented by 1 the most until traius will be operat prosecution. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal . Jan 22 of escape from such obligation to j the signatures to the new answers is! ing between Portland and San It is believed that an attempt w III It was reported here today that iiiiikk have water delivered and to pay for about 25 per cent of the total acre- , Francisco over a road having at no be made to Indict the Individual same, even though these marsh soils age under the project. The Water' place more than 1 per cent grade.* packers, the effort being confined t-> meetings lire being plnnned hi Los after adequate drainage, prove of a Users' Association was incorporated "Thus spoke W. 1». Fenton, atto»- indicting them collectively and Indict Angeles, Portland, Tacoma mid S. nature that would derive sufficient . with 100,000 shares, each of which’ ney for the Harriman lines In Oregon, the National Packing Coni|>aiiy ns a tittle for the purpose of inaugurating moisture by sub-irribation. [represented one acre, but there hat at the banquet given to the Oregon corporation and the boards of dlrec among the working people of these It Is be "The newly required contract adds I been an excess of about 50.000 acres Retail Hardware and Implement tors of the various companies com cities the meat boycott. lieved that other towns are planning a provision that will permit of dis- ; signed up. At first the entire acre Dealers' Association at the Commer posing the big organization. pensing with the surface irrigation of age was allowed to vote, but accord- cial Club last night. The greatest array of legal to join tin' movement and it is court •'This win the first official an that this country has ever se. n Is dentl.v cxpei te<| among the lender- these lands in case we should being to the State law, it would be li able to demonstrate to the Secretary ) legal to vote more than lOO.OOu nouncement touching upon the com gathered in the city today for the that the working men In every clt of the Interior that the sub-irrigation ! shares. It is not known under which pletion of the Natron-Klamath Falls purpose of looking after the Interests and town on the Pacific Coast will and was received with •« of the packers. None of them will have become volunlaty vegetarian is fully efficient for proper cultiva- head the 40,000 acres come, but i*. extension, 1 of cpidause from the 350 busi- express an opinion and absolutely r tion thereof, in which case the land is probable that some would be eu-; storm i the poor house owner would have no cost of surface I titled to vote, while probably a por- ness men from all parts of the State to discuss tli- Invest I cat loti the Items that in •* the banquet irrigation to pay for. , tion would uot. A number of th *’ assembled • ■- — *■ -------- • hall. would be In jail "This new contract also includes signers afterward came in and re- th< hospital th* 'leans Bouille Tracking a free right of way for all needed quested that their names be wlth- "The Natron-Klamath Falls exten drainage and irrigation ditches, etc., drawn, but the report lied already sion. by making a detour througn Twelve Children in Xlne Years I« from each land owner, which will i been sent to Washington, passes In the Cascade range to Klam Record That Ought to Sat avoid delays in securing same from ‘ — ------------------------ is siittl<• I.■ n11y dense nt a height of ath Falls and thence to Weed on the isfy Teddy time to time as needed, and thus too miles to make them Incandescent ASKS FOB INSTICI ’CT ED JI BY main Hue of the Southern Pacific in secure better progress of reclamation through friction, but num has been California, will practically mean the United Press Service. able to pnrtlnll) f-xploi« only about work. Re-Trial of H. E. Peltz for Violation double tracking of that large section LOS ANGELES. Cal , Jan 22 "With these two changes, the new sixteen miles of It. of Liquor laiws Conn** to of the line and give much better W. W. Wilson and wife, who received snap contract remains in substance the Abrupt End time for heavy freight business by a letter of congratulation from Presi I let- D Front my »laido iti same as the present one. the elimination of the heavy climb dent Roosevelt upon the birth of trip "Prompt action is urged in the re iti Falls, ufi« bay drivlng On motion of Attorney Manning, ! over the Siskivous. lets. today are parents of quadru indcd Z. wdglit nbout 110’* turn to the committee of these newly representing H. E. Peltz. Judge No-! Pennsylvania produced nearly do "The line from Weed to Klamath plets, two boys and two girls. In executed contracts, as the early de land instructed the jury to re Falls, known as the California North buri on n blankot and head per cent of the total coke output of livery of same is necessary to meet . turne a verdict in favor of the tí e- eastern, has already been completed the last nine years Mrs. Wilson has the country last year, approximate!) hulter. Information luading the requirements that will enable the j fendant. The case against E. E. and is now in operation, and the ex given birth to twelve children, twins, 15,500,000 short tons, out of a total covery <>f nume will he sull- two sets of triplets and the last ar Reclamation Service to proceed with Lyons was continued for the term irded. J. II. Mason. production of about 26,uOO,OO0. tension from Klamath Falls, alon-; rivals. work that will place the marsh lands Both Peltz and Lyons, who were the east shore of Upper Klamath ready to seed to grasses during the j indicted for violation of the local op- Lake and west of the Klamath res- I leca use the enormous rats of coming summer. This is possible j tion law, had been tried and the jury ervation, is now under way, section London public schools taught more Uganda are so voracious, mlsslonarl.-s provided the land owners respond at ' in both cases failed to agree. In the contracts having been let covering n than 3200 children to swim last year. are using books bound in tin I former case it stood nine to three total distance of approximately 65 once to this request. “The Reclamation Strvice is in pos ' for acquittal, while in the latter the miles. On these stretches wort is session of all material riparian rights jury was eleven to one for convic being pushed as rapidly as money that in the past have barred the tion. The jury in the re-trial of and men can do it. drainage of the Lower Klamath I Peltz had been secured, and after Will Cross Deschutes River Marches. placing one witness on the stand and "The extension will cross the east “It Is highly probable that the Sec- , [ asking two questions, the District retary of the Interior will be ready ! Attorney stated that the state rests. fork of the Deschutes River to Odell Lake, thence across the Cascade to approve of the construction work I i As no evidence had been introduced, Mountains and down the middle fork of reclamation of these lands long be- I i Attorney Manning asked for an in- of the Willamette River to Natron. tore the contracts are all returned to [ i structed jury, which was granted. North of Klamath Falls the road is the committee, and as the approval ; In addition to the regular panel, a known as the Oregon-Eastern. depends upon the approval of , special venire of twenty-four men "From Natron business can reach these contracts, it is urged that each had been secured, and it seemed to Portland either by way of Springfield land owner make ft his especial duty be the opinion that it would be im and Eugene, or by way of lx.* ba non to see that the contracts are placed possible to secure a conviction at this and Woodburn, by which Natron now in the hands of the committee with time, especially in the face of the fact has connection with the Southern Pa out delay. of the first jury disagreeing. cific main line. "We are informed by the Reclama "The completion of the extension, tion officials that there is sufficient JUDGE BENSON SUSTAINED it is explained, will not cause the money now held tentatively to the abandonment of the line across the credit of the Klamath Project to cov Supreme Court Upholds Decision in Siskiyous. but will relieve the con er all urgent needs for the immediate Carroll-Bow ne Case gestion and overcome the grades now reclamation of the marsh lands, and making the hauling of heavy freight the owners of the lands may confi The Supreme Court has Just >and- necessarily slow and expensive.” dently expect prompt reclamation of ed down a decision in the case of the same, providing each and every John D. Carroll This is the time of year when al et al vs. Francis J. land owner shall promptly do his Bowtie et al. manacs should flourish, but those you whole duty in preparing the way for This was a case in which Mr. buy in the book shops are not the such reclamation.” | Bowne began an action in the Circuit ones meant. The almanacs of today i Court to collect a promissory note are books, encyclopedias of informa BUYS OPTION ON MOTET for $1750, executed in his favor by tion on every topic that an almanac Mr. Carroll. Mr. Carroll filed a cross buyer doesn't care for. They con Horace Dunlap Secures Valuable bill in equity, claiming equitable de- tain every manner of political fact, Right on American Hotel , fenses against the collection of the the census of towns you never heard Property [note. Mr. Mills, attorney for Bowne,’ of, the dynasties of the reigning fam Horace Dunlap has purchased filed a demurrer to the crosj bill, ilies, and the world's record for the the unexpired option tor the pur which was sustained by Judge Ben running high jump. But where is the son, and the cross bill was dismissed, j almanac which used to hang by a chase of the American Hotel property Mr. Carroll appealed and the Supreme red and white string from a nail in from W. E. Seehorn. The option still Court now affirms the decision of the the kitchen; the old almanac with has five and a half years to run an 1 Mr. Dunlap already has a lease on the lower court, holding that the c.-nss the bilious cover and the illustration building covering that period. The bill did not state sufficient facts to showing how a man looks after he property is valued at »20,000 and hat entitle the defendant to equitable re has comimtted hara-kari; the alma lief. nac with the marginal notes and the produced a big revenue during the dgns of Gemini, Capricorn, Sagitta The action on the promissory note past two years. It is centrally lo cated and ts bound to greatly increase will now be tried out, without the [ rius, and all the other boys of the zodiac? It Is all well enough to intervention of a court of equity. in value. know who made the discus record In 1909 and who Is representative from POUCE AT RAILROAD TESTS FOR CENSUS TAKERS cc [ the Eleventh Indiana District, but what we want to know Is when the Agent Thompson, of the Southern R. J. Hendricks, Supervisor of the M Census for the First Congressional Pacific Company, has notified the best time to cut hoop poles and what cures the pip. These things can be Mayor that they would like police District, has announced that a tert for enumerators who have applied protection at the depot grounds. A3 found only in the old almanac, and for positions, will be KlamaJi soon as the present cold weather is we don't know where to find one. Falls on February 5 at the postoffic’. over it is probable that an addition | Chicago Tribune. The postmaster will have supervision will be made to the force and a man A steamship 420 feet by 50 of the examination under rules pre detailed for that section of the city feet beam has been converted Into a around the railroad yards. scribed by the Supervisor of the Cen This will be very necessary, espe floating slaughter house and refrig sus. The work of mailing supplies cially during the arrival and depart erator by an English firm for use in to all of the applicants has been com Australia to save inland charges on pleted by the Supervisor of this dis- ure of trains. Many undesirable peo meats. ple will be coming into this county, trlct. and around the railroad grounds is A wealthy New Yorker han had the best place to spot them. CATTLE SHIPMENT moving picture Aims of the romping* of his three-year-old boy made so he Louis Gerber and J. C. Mitchell Louisiana alone produces almost as can see them when he grown up. Successor to U17iÿÍO Successor to shipped Friday IS car loads, contain much sulphur as the whole United Boston Store I I I xs ing 500 head of cattle, to California. States consumes each year. The only Esparto grass, a North Africa pro Boston Store The Gerber cattle were shipped from other States in which it was corn* duct, one of England's most impor Midland, while those shipped by Mr. mercially produced last year were tant paper stock materials, in about Mitchell were loaded at Mt. Hebron. Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. 56 per cent by weight available fiber. All Women’s Coats, Suits and Petticoats at Cost and in some cases less than cost; for instance TAILOR SUITS Reg. “ “ “ $14.75. Sale Price, $9.75 $19.75, $14.95 $25.00, $16.75 $30.00, $19.75 We are determined to close out all coats, so look at the reductions: Regular $7.50 M - — — and - 12. and and 15. 25.00 and $8.50, - — — Sale -- Price $4.95 - — 12.50, 6.95 17.50, 8.95 35.00, 16.95 Mercerized Petticoats and Silk Petticoats, Hether- bloom. Reg. $6.95 Silk Petticoats, sale price $4.65 All Heatherbloom and Mercerized Uuderskirts one- half price. Men’s and Boys’ Sults and Overcoats at cost