Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 27, 1910, Image 1

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LAIN t ni » it t l i i NUI i:
Klamath Proj-i t Mill lb- <'<>iii|>l«-t>-<l
If Water l sers Will Comply
W Itli All Terms of < outrai t
John E Lathrop, special cortes-
pondent of th«- Oregon Journal, has
an artici«« in a recent Issue of the
Journal containing correspondence
between Senator Chamberlain and
H«>« retary Bullinger In regard to th«
roclumutlon money In Oregon.
|s»rtloll of the letter of Mr Ballinger
Is as follows;
“Boon aft«-r the pausag«* of the re
claniatlon act, invvxtlr.ntlun» were
■lart«*d throughout tiii arid portions
of <>r«-gon to discover feasible irriga­
tion projects, with th« result that
two projects wer<* found which ap-
peat <4 to be f«-uslbl- from a physical
standpoint, namely, the Klamath nnd
Molheur projects. After surmount­
ing a greut many difficulties, Includ­
ing necessary legislation by the
United States and the Htntes of Cali­
fornia and t»r«-gon. ami th«- purchase
of n«-c«-saary rights and properties
nr< < »aary for th«- project, th« Klam­
ath project was finally approved and
construction started.
Eff«»rts were
mad«’ to remove many difficulties In
the way of the Malheur project, th«-
principal ones being the iarg«» land
holdings In corporate ownership an«!
the complications of rights of way,
water rights, etc.
After strenuous
and long continued attempts to over­
come these obstacles the project was
finally abandoned as being infeaaible.
K|» < iff«- Qua stions and Answers
“Specific answers .0 your five
question» nr«- given herewith:
" First —Ik» your plana contorn­
plate expending ili« major portion as
above d«’scrlb.*d that Is I2.32S.OOO
In Oregon, In addition to the pres-
nt expenditures beforo 1912?’
“Th«-y do, subject to th«- conditions
of feasibility and practicability a*
outlln«-«! In the law.
" 'Second Will this amount be
iivallabl« from the probable revenue,
anti will It be d«-vot«-d to work In
Oregon, even If projects In other
States must be heli! back correspond­
"The amount mentioned Is much
h-as than the annual receipts into the
reclamation fund, and will be avail*
abb- from probable revenue by hold-
Ing back work In other 8tat«-s.
” 'Third
Assuming that this
money Is to be expended in Oregon,
in It your plan to utilise this sum fot
the completion of the Klamath pro­
ject, which I understand will requir«-
In all about $4,800,000?’
“It in, subject to the compliance
by the water users with all the terms
of the contract between the United
States an«l th«’ Water Users' Associa­
" 'Fourth—Th«» amount of $2.-
325,000 will, I ussume, bo more than
sufficient to complete Oregon's sliar«-
of the Klamath project. If thin In
the case, will th«» balance be devoted
to the extension of the Umatilla pro­
ject. or to begin some other project
In th«- State?'
“It will be th«« policy to do which­
ever appears most feasible, subject to
the conditions of practicability and
feasibility, as defined In section ’J of
the reclamation act.
“ 'Fifth Assuming that there will
be a balanc«« which will not be needed
for Klamath and Umatilla, will you
devote thlH balance to the Malheur
“None of the difficulties have peen
overcome which were nt one time re­
garded an rendering this project in­
feasible, nnd It In not likely that they
could be overcom«’ nt thin time. Th«-
department hnn not felt justified In
Manuring the land owners that I be
project would bo taken up In ciao
theae difficulties could be removed,
because th«’ cost of the cheap«*st pro­
ject Hint enn b«« properly worked out
on the Malheur I h more than $5,000,-
000, nnd in so much In excess of the
requirements of the law and would
Impose such a hardship upon other
projects, owing to the present stat«»
of the reclamation fund, that I do
not feel at this tim«» warranted In
considering th«» project 'practicable,*
NO. 43
though 111« removal of ull the dlffl-
cultltm Involved should render li
“A provision by Congreu« for th«
I hsiii * of bonds as reeommende«! In
my annual report, or other means of
expediting the work of th«» reiliima
lion service, would
bring Hi«- .Malheur project within th«-
reu I in of consideration
"If conditions on th«- Klamath and
Umatilla projects warrant««! pushing
work at those points with rapidity
•."> Hint they cun be completed In
1912, the cost of th« se projects will
exceed the present restl|ct<<d fund
for Oregon by more than $ 1,000.1100
The uncertainty of future receipts I
am l> thut tli<- amounts expend«-«! upon
t)>e«u< two projects will not nearly or
quite «quai the r«-strlcte<! fun«! at th«-
end of th«- ten y«-ai period.”
Hi ate In a final contest at the State
University during commencement
week in June.
“Farmer« and Mere liants National" FOR FIRST TIME HIS NAME CON-
U«uil<l I^M>k Miglily Good to
People of County
Now that the banks have entered I
MW PAPER IS AN ELI PHAN I the n««wspaper fl«-ld and are going to | EH NEY
dictate to the farmers and working
people what they shall d«> it 1« up A< < um i I E-.-f ongressnMin Will Take
IM-rsoiiul litter«-,!*« Ain a<ly ¡tending
to the farmers to protect theruselve*!
tin- Stami in Hi» Own
Ranks of Those Wh>> tw-ek to
by organizing a bank of their own.
.Wohl I’uldic Opinion
It Is «.-stimat«<l that fully halt of the
deposits in the banks in Klamath
Falls is money b«l«>nging to the United Press Service.
United I’rt-ss Service.
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 26.— As the
agitation of the local option qu«.-s- farmers, Many of these men have a?
HAN FRANCISCO. Cui., Jun. 26.
much as $5000 lying to th«.«- In-li- government draws its case to a close
That there is u great lack of enthiisl- lion, but, from reports, that question
vldual credit for which they are not It cannot but be seen that the noted
asm over the proj«.-ct to create a new 1 was quite an issue at the meeting of
one cent in interest, while prosecutor from San Francisco has
Stat« out of a combination of seven j the stockholders of the proposed new
their money is being loaned by the made a very poor showing. Through­
Califoinia and x«-ven Oregon «««unties
Word was receive«! here this morn­ Is Indicated by the dispatches receiv- ; V. I Houston, backed by a large nuni- banks to their neighbors at from 10 out the whole proceedings it has
ing announcing the death of M H ••<! her«« today, in som« »--ctions there her of the contributors, wants to use to 12 per cent interest.
borne the earmarks of persecution,
The farmers of the county have and the prediction is frequently mad»
Sargent at his horn« In |n-ha, Ohio. has already appeared a great deal of the paper, when started, to further
Mr. Sargent died la-t evening nt 7:45 opposition to the plan, The strongest the 1 interests favoring a wet county, enough surplus money in t'ae banks that Binger Hermann will be acquit­
Th* <!<■«« .; <! wus well known In this support comes from Yreka, which On the other hand, there is Alex, t«> start two or threw bank« if tbey ted. Many" are of the opinion that
city, where he lived for nearly a y--t«r. seeks to becou»«* the capital of th«- Martin and many others, who can wished, so why shouldn't they protect he should never have been indicted,
themselves and at the same time rc- and most certainly never have been
11« came 11« re last spring. exp«-<ting projected Htate.
hardly *-• their way clear to publicly
advocate such a policy. Alex., you c«ive the income which is now going prosecuted on such a flimsy showing
to remain permanently, but on ac­
to the «present financial combine?
count of th - ultltude was continually
REDDING. Cal., Jan. 26
There Is know, at the last election took the When every bank in a country, as as that so far made by Heney. There
is no expectation that Heney will
troubled with his heart, an affliction no liability of an alliance between the stump in favor of local option.
rich as that surrounding Klan-a'.L
with h«> had suffered for many years people of this city and the advocates It would look as if there would be a
spring tn eleventh hour surprise, the
and which was the direct cause of for a new State. There is no agita­ disagreement among the many sub­ Falls, form a combination such as the general opinion being that he has in­
Klamath Publishing Company, it
troduced his heaviest artillery with­
scribers, even before the paper is
his death.
He returned to his old tion along that line here.
time for the p«*ople to ask what
home lust November, but th« change
out marked effect.
While it is certain that the defense­
dl«l not prove beneficial, an«l ho grad­
EUREKA, Cal . Jan. 26. Tlie peo­
W. H. Bohannan would be a goo«l
A bank is usually considered a will ask for a dismissal of the case,
ually fulled until death cam«- nnd re­ ple of Humboldt County are a unit in man for th«- anti-local optionists to
it is not likely that the request will
lieved him from his suff'-rlngs
A I opposition to th«* proposal to créât«* have at the head of the paper, He Is 1 business organization, one
makes its profits from the loaning of be granted. This belief is shared
letter r«-c«-iv>-d here a short time ago Ì a new State, under th«* name of SIs- fully conip)-tent to hand out the sa
money. Of course, it is generally
even by the attorneys for Mr. Her­
stated that he was making prepara­ i klyou. There is absolutely no sup- loon dope, but evidently his price was
known that the bulk of profit is made
tions to return to Klamath Falls
I port iu this section in favor of such too high, as he left Wednesday on by loaning other people's money, but mann, and they are hard at work pre­
paring for the introduction of their
During his bllef residence In this i a move.
his return to Nevada. It Is said that
nevertheless, the main business of a evidence.
Mr. Hermann will take
city the deceased mad«« a host of
he was offered the management of
bank is loaning money. Why then
friends, who will be deeply grieved
MEDFORD, Ore.. Jan 26.—The the paper if he wouhl put in $5000, should these banks, as is the caae in the stand in his own defense, and it
is thought will make a splendid show­
l«arn of his death and who will has­ advocates in this city of th«- new Stat«» but Bo could not see it that way. The
Klamath Falls, impress upon every­
ten to extend their heartfelt synipu- of Siskiyou are k«*enly disappointed new paper is incorporated only for
one that they are doing them a spe­
For the first time since the com­
thy to the bereaved daughter, Mias over the wet blanket reception given $8000, and naturally he could not
cial favor if they should condescend mencement of the trial, which enter­
lamlse Hargent, who Is heart-broken i the proposal to hold a convention for help feeling that his supporters were
to advance money, at a high rate of
ed on Its third week yesterday. Binger
over the loss of her father. Between 1 the promotion of the scheme. They lacking in confidence when they
interest, on security many times the Hermann's name was today directly
father an«l duughtcr there existed a . hav<* announced that they will begin would ask him to put up two-thirds
value of the loan?
connected with the conspiracy. This
bond of love that had always been a campaign of «-duration to show op­ of the money. It is reported that he
If you go to one of the banks in
was done by Emmett Callahan, who
the aourra- of much joy to both and ponents the desirability of the plan. offered to take the management of
this city to negotiate a loan, the stated that in a conversation he had
the admlrutlon of theirOfrlenda. <
IT'.«* movement originated here, be­ the new paper and run it until
chances are that you will be met with with Mr. Hermann, the latter said-
Mr. Hurgcnt In survived by his tause of the seeming inability to s«*- went broke, if they would give him
the statement that "money is very "Oh, why bother about it? It is only
widow, two sons Frank, of this city, curo r«-«-ognltlon from the northern the plant after said event'happened.
tight; we haven't got it to loan. Aw­
who was with his father at the time part of Oregon. The leaders her«
While it has never been publicly fully sorry, etc.” Of course, there a matter of two hundred thousand
acres. The State will profit by the
of his death, and John, of Sh reve- claim that they have assurances of stat«*d just what the exnet purpose of
are always a favored few who can transaction as well as a few men.
port, I.a. -am! Miss Ixiulsc Sargent. •upi>ort from all sections of Southern the paper was to be, yet it generally
get money at any time.
These are our friends and all Ore­
The funeral scrvicea will be held to- Oregon. Indicating that the sentiment was understood that it was organize 1
It is only natural that the people
morrow, interment being in Delta.
In favor of amalgamation is univer­ to prevent the moving of the Court should wonder why the banks of this gonians.” This remark was made in
House, and to put the Republican out city should need a paper and whj response to a protest made by Mr.
sal throughout that section.
of business. It would seem that the they should desire to own one. Un- Callahan relative to the manner in
hi: \ ill <>F Mils. U AV Ki
The Republican wants to know just Court House question has been lost der such control it is a foregone con- which the creation of the reserve was
Sister of I». IL CamplH'll Rica in On­ who from this county expressed them- Bight of in the effort to advance ■ the elusion that the common people will being carried out and the evidence of
selves In favor of the movement. The particular end of the individuals 1 sup- not have a look in in the management fraud in connection with the transac­
tario After Prolonged
only ones that can be suspected of porting the paper.
of city and county affairs, if they
The government will close its side
Besides the anti-local optionists, have their way. Of course, they
such leaning are the bankers who
the case tomorrow and it is
The following article is taken from have eyes on securing the State de­ who hope to put the county in the might prevent the building of the
now that Mr. Hermann will
the Daily Times, of St. Thomas. On­
Court house another year, and Mel-
tario. relative to the <l«*ath nnd fun­ terest thereon. The rest of tlie public who is said to strongly desire again hase, of the American Bank, will be the first witness called by the de­
eral of the late Mrs. Davey, a sister simply consider the movement the to h««ld down the offic«» of County have the use of $20,000 to $50,000 fense.
of D. II. Campbell of this city. Mr. eph< moral ebullition of superabund­ Judge. Mr. Baldwin Is usually run­ of the taxpayers’ money. This alone
Campbell was present at lite funeral: ant ■ nthusia tn that has done so much ning for something. It is quite nat­ is worth $2000 or $3000 a year. The
ural that the banks would like to Farmers and Merchants National
"After a prolonge«! and painful III- for Medford.
keep the rate of interest up to 10 would look mighty good to the people Ramage Will Probably Reach Two
nesa, the death of Mrs. Georgo W.
12 per cent, and it wouhl be to of this city and county.
Davey, took place at th«’ family resi­
Huiulred Millions of hollars
their interests to discourage outside
dence. 42 Queen str«-et, at 3 o'clock
in France
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Davey was Carleton E. Spencer Takes High leM capital from entering the field. It
teachers ' tests ready
doesn't tak«- the people long to find
one of the most widely esteemed la­
United Press Service.
Place ill Ih'lMting at the
out the reasons for such radical ac­ Examinations for State anti County
dles of the city nnd general anxiety
PARIS. France, Jan. 26.—Floods
tion as that of the banks and busi­
as to her condition has prevailed for
P.||H |- Will B b ll<l«l in
are still rampant in West Paris, A
ness men in trying to confiscate the
several w«»eks past.
company of artillery saved the village
The Sunday's Oregonian contains property of this paper ant put it out
"The funeral took place from th«
of Lux today by cannonading the dike
Notices have been sent out to the above the village, thus permitting the
family residence, 42 Queen street, at the following article which was sent i of business, and it didn't take them
Young Spencer long to see that the Court House teachers of the* county of the exami­
2:30 Tuesday afternoon, and was out from Eugene.
spread of the water to the surround­
very largely at^-ud« <1. Services wen- spent two years in the Klamath question was simply a bug-a-boo, nation which is to be held at Klamath ing country. The foreign office on
conducted nt the house by Ven. Arcli- County High School, where he won which these interests hit upon to hid«* Falls from February 9 to 12. The Quai d’Orav is entirely surrounded
From here h«> their real purpose. However, there examination will be held in the public j
il^acon Hill, assisted by Rev. E. Les­ honors in oratory.
with water and deserted, the officials
lie Pldgoon, and were most impres­ moved to Roseburg, where he finished are too many interests involved to be school building.
escaping in boats.
The State examination will com-«
servetl by one paper, and the dis­
sive. A quartet composed of Miss his last year in the High School:
The mammoth trunk sewer of the
“For the first time in local college agreement of Tuesday is only th«* mence on Wednesday and the eighth­
Ethel Jones, Mr. Newton and Mr. and
city at Clichy broke today, turning
Mrs. E. A. Caughell, sang beautifully history a freshman carried ofT the forerunner of many even more seri­ grad«* examinations will be held the the national road into a canal am’
favorite hymns of deceased, Including highest honors n university debater ous ones. In the meantime, the mer­ latter part of the week.
loosing the sewage of the entire sewer
'Peace, Perfect Pence,' and 'Nearer, can receive, by winning the alumni chants who were scared out of adver­
system. The water is eight feet d-?ei>
My God to Thee.’ A wreath of floral medal for the best Individual de­ tising in the Republican are feeling
in the basement of the city hall, while
tributes of the most beautiful de­ bater, against seven other contest­ the loss of business and these bankers
there is five feet in the Hotel Conti-
scription evidenced th«, esteem felt ants, in the annual contest in Villard ar«* not reimbursing them to any ex­
NEW YORK, Jan. 26.—Judge nental. The Bericy quarter in East
tent for the loss of trade of the farm­ Hough today order«’«! the Indictment Paris is completely inundated. The
for the departed and included, among Hall last night.
“The man who thus upset hallowed er and common people.
many appropriate designs and flowers
quashed charging criminal
libel crest of the flood is expected tomor-
from relatives and friends, a 'Gates tradition was Carleton E. Spencer, oi
against th«» Press Publishing Compa­ row, when the most ¿ritical danger
Ajar, At Rest,’ design from the em­ Roseburg, 20 years of age, who was DO \\ E NEER I’OSTAI.
ny, the publishers of the New York will be reached.
SAVINGS banks : World. The indictment grew out of
ployes of the Ingram & Davey Co., also n member of the team which de­
Ltd.: a stnr mounted on a pedes’a! feated the University of Utah debat­
the controversy over irregularities in
PARIS, Jan. 26.—The National
from the members of Rathbone lodge ers here a week ago. Spencer is a
This is the question that will be the Panama Canal, which were pub­
Cabinet, which is in session, has esti­
No. 1. Knights of Pythias: a beauti­
threshed out by the debaters of lished by the World during the Taft
mated that the damage caused by the
ful spray of red nnd cream roses and gained his experience In the Ore­ Grants Pass High School and the campaign, and which the government
floods, is fully $100,000,000, with the
front th«* Elgin Riding Club, of which
Klamath County High School on the deemed libel against the Roosevelt
probability of it reaching $200,000,-
Mr. Davey Is president; and a hand­
evening of February 4. Errol Gilkey, administration.
000. The towns of Nogent and Saint
MHM wreath of roses, wliit«- roses
Miss Irene Ahern and Rauboix Rich­
Maur are the latest reported com­
and lilies, from the I). H. Howdoii
ey, representing the Puss, will con­
pletely inundated. The Chamber of
Co., of London. A special carr'ag«-
tend that we are very much in need
Deputies has gone Into special “Ca­
conveyed the flowers, the casket be­
Jos. Wright, who came here front lamity” session, for the purpose cm
C. W. Murphy, of Fresno, has pur­ of such a system, while Vernon
ing borne from the house to the chased sixty head of horses from E. Motscenbacher Roy Nelson nnd How­ Ashland about two months ago, has
determining on a policy to be adopted
henrse through a floral lane, the flo­ Stewart. The horses were shipped ard Boggs, for Klamath Falls, will purchased the II. E. Pointer ranch
for the stricken nation.
Paris Is
ral bearers boing George F. Fergu­ Tuesday from Midland to be used prove that a system of postal savings below town. The price is said to
threatened with complete inundatii.-i
son and A. Lewis, nsslsted by the 25 by th«» Weed Lumber Company in its banks would prove detrimental rath­ have been in the neighborhood of $65
and the population is fleeing to the
employes of the Ingram & Davey Co., logging operations.
er than otherwise. This debate is an acre. The sale was made through
country and the higher ground.
Mr. Stewart is now feeding nearly only one in a series of debates h«ld the Home Realty Company.
400 bead of horses in the Merrill under the auspices of the State De­
Capt. J. W. Siemens and wife ar-
E. L. Gardiner, who has been visit­
An easily molded alloy for light country.
Most of these were pur­ bating League. The winner of this
castings Is made of eighty-seven parts chased in the Silver Lake section in contest will meet Roseburg, the win­ ins his parents at Fort Klamath, left rived home Wednesday night from
San Diego.
ner representing this portion of the Thursday for his home at Seattle.
lend to thirteen of antimony.
Lake County.