Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 20, 1910, Image 7

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< ( ’on 11 li m-«l from Hlxllt I'ugc)
pur iicru prior to the Government en­
tering till* project, mid the entire
Hysti-m could have been purchllsed
for |50,0t)0 The Government bus
given the lunil owners under th« Van
Brimmer ditch, which Iles adjacent
io th« Admits ditch, n paid up water
right in exchange for a water light
which originally cost them $5 per
aero and the maintenance under the
Van Brimmer ditch Is less thun $0.15
per acre per milium, It seems that
all consti iictli’ii work which huH been
done In the Klatniitli Project, either
under contract or bv force account,
lias been at lv« i lian th« original «•-
tints) v<| cost and yet th« price for
the farmer has doubled tor lit» water.
From these facts we deem it ad­
visable for your comlinttou to take
the matter under con;«l<leratlon by In­
vestigation, or other wise «»certain
the reason for the Increased cost of
watet; ami allow ua to say in addi­
tion thnt the price fixed by the engl
i«era was $18.60, which Included
maintenance and operation until the
ditch wna turned over to tbe Water
Users* Association, and In order to be
on the safe aldo, as the engineers put
It, they Increased this to (20, and
therefore mad« the public announce-
meat, repr-' cntlng themselves as
agents of th« Secretary of the Inte-
■ lor, (tint water would not cost less
than 110 nor more thnn $20 per acre
Ami from the present calculation*
obtainable from our local engineer,
and from Supervising Engineer llop-
on, the coat will not only double
the fIK.00, tint will even be greater
than thnt. and as we seem to look
after th« Intercut of our property,
feeling that wo should have just and
• qultiild« treatment nt th« bands of
the United Slates Government. w<*
foel It our duty to call your attention
to this. In order thnt you may prop­
erly probe th« situation and give us
un it«mlx«d expenditure of th« cost,
■dnee wo ultimately have th« coat to
pay an<l place the matter on a busi­
ness basis. While this board Is very
reluctant to make charges «if "graft,'
yet w<< are in tho dark ns to where
all tbe money has gone, am! until
wo nr«- given the expenditures by an
itenilx'd statement and can s«<> that
ihlng has b«-*-»i M ononm •« ‘
lieaded. not only the board but th«
people In the project will always have
n suspicion that matters have not al­
ways gon« as they should In tho
handling of the lleclamatIon funds.
We feel that wo are entitle«! to a
statement of this kind, and that th«
lt«cliuiial Ion Act should be so amend­
ed that tho officials administering
■ list act should account to Congress,
and that the Project Engineer give
us an Iteinltcd monthly statement for
th« preceding month for every ex­
penditure made. We earnestly rec­
ommend an Investigation of tbe proj
•it, and ask that we be permitted
to bo allowed at such Investigation
to b« represented bv ii peraon or per-
on» select cd by the Board of Di­
Faithfully yours,
■ Ngdl
l’rojiict, covcrlng Ibis sum« terrltoiy,
cover» a total of 31,700 ucres.
Third The Klamatli Ugnai Coni
pany ( referred io uh a privato diteli
couipnnyl eni«r«d luto coniracts tip
on a basi» of »10 per urrà for wuter
rlgbt, wltli ti perpetuai mulnt«iian<■«
cliarg« of noi lesa tlmn $1 per acr«
und Interest ut 5 per cent per un
num; iifti-rwards a propoultion was
Iliade lo sell thè diteli wlien compl« t
«d for $H> per acre, Interest ut «• pur
cent pur annulli.
('onsldcriitions brought
luto quc.illon wlier«’ water rlghts.
righi» of wuy, ripnrlan rlghts and
vested righi» wi - ii - luvolvi-d are fully
»< t foli li In Communications uu«l ulti
davlt» submltteil uh "Exhlblt»." Tlier-*
I h no valli! reiiHon wliy any suggestion
of grufi sboiild havu «ver b«-en In
clu«l««l In uuy such report.
Flfth Wi- flnd thut thè meeting
held by tho Director» were poorly
ad veri I hc «I, limi jioorly ut teiid«-«!, ami
In »olii«* casi*» no meeting wuh h«l«l
at all..
Slxth Ri-ullzlng tliat prcllmlnary
est limite» are often neccHsarlly uncor
talli, owlng to chungc» In cosi of ma­
terial und lubor, It I» eccepì««! uh G ii -
ln«-vltal>le operatlon of thè principi«-
of <’iiu»«> and « ffect tlmt iniik''» thè
cosi of thè Klaimith Project 130 per
acre, Inatead of wlthln th« original
Ili conclusloo, we «'armsly roque it
that judgnixnl of th« Klumuth Pro­
ject or of II» popi«* he noi pii»«'I
upon thè Impressici! conveyed by tli-i
mls»tnlein«*nt» and puljuibl« «rrors
contnlm-d in thè report» »iibmltt>*d b/
th« Board of Dlri-ctor» of Iti« Klnni-
ut Wut<-r Usurs' A mhoc I u I lon.
Klumuth Project «-ipbrace» a terrltm-*
of romarkablu fertility; a mutch-
soli ree
wh«-re thuiiHund» <»f farmers may fimi
ph-iisant und profilatilo homi*», ami
w<- urg<- early jirovlslon «if thè funds
to Insurc prompt complctlon of th<*
colisi rilettoli of ibis great project.
Iti-Hpictiully submItted.
It«« iiiuiiieiiils
I lamination of lt«M>k*
«nil Records From a Bu*l-
ncM Sian<l|Hiliit
l’ermlssion Is Granted by lie- Interior
I lepa riment—West failli« of Wil­
liamson Itlier Is < Imsen
In th« midst of all the turmoil h nd
trouble of the past few days thnt has
stirred Into uctlon th« dormant far-
tors In th« city, th«-r« has b««ti going
on In the northern pint of th« county
us well ns In th« oil)« «'M of th«; Oregon
Trunk Railway In Portland, und In
th« office <»f th«- S«-cr«tary of the In-
terlor In Washington, D. <’ , a little
tempest all I heir own.
When t he
■ urvi jors for the Oregon Trunk en-
t«-r«d th«« Klamuth Indian ll<-serva-
tlon, Huperlntendent Wilson notified
tlii-nt that they could not proceed un­
til permission Io do so had been
granted from Washington. This Is
In ucordiim«- with th« rules ami r«-gu
latlons of the Indian Service.
Won! was dispatched Io th« officers
■ >f tlu* company in Portland am! they
imim-dlately got busy with the hi­
lt was Sunday
terlor Department,
week when Huperlntendent Wilson
>«rvcd th«* notice, and It required
until Thursday to straighten the mat­
ter out sufficiently to secure th«- per­
mit. This was grant« d and the work
of running the survey to this city was
The Surveyors ar« working along
the west side of the Williamson
Hiver canyon, tlx* «ast bank being
<>• « ujiled by the survey of the Bouth-
• iii Purifie line from this city to
Natron. No hint has been given ns
to which side of the Up|H-r lake the
survey will occupy, although the be­
lief still grows thnt the west side
will bu chosen.
l*rc«i«lrtit of Water I mt »' A mmm iatio*
Accepts O imh I Offer for
til«- Property
The Grand Jury, which has be-*n
di u hurg«-«!. In Its final report, r«-com-
mends that th« Sheriff b«« provided
with funds for the purpose of In­
vestigating violations of the local op­
tion law and for securing evidence
and keeping a closer observation on
pine«« Buspcct«!d. It also favors fre-
<iu«nt examinations of the r««<ird'
iiml accounts of the county ofilcurs
and recommends that an expert b<*
employed to make a proper exami­
nation, simply from a buslm-ss stand­
point The full report Is as follows
"We, th«- Gran«! Jury of Klamath
County, Oregon, b«-g leave to report
First that we have examined
Into the condition of all public pris­
ons within th«* county ami th«- ol!lc«*s
pertaining to the Courts of Justice
of the County, and find th«- same to
I m - In a satisfactory condition, except
lion Thomas II Carter, Chairman Ir­ us hereinafter mentioned.
*‘Secon<! We have Inveatigati*«! all
rigation Committee, U. S. Senate,
crimes committed or triable within
Washington. D. C.
Dear Sir.
Following the meeting Klamath County that have come to
• ■f thu members of your committee our knowledge, and have taken such
of the United States Senate with action tbervon us seemed advisable to
members of th« Board of Directors of
law and the evidence
«ho Klamuth Water Users' Associa­ us under the
tion. held in Klamath Falla, N'ovem- * produc«*d.
i>«r J. 1909, It came to the attention
"Third — Wo would recommend that
of a large number of tin- water users all of the books and records of the
of this project for thu first time that
a series of questions had been sub­ county be examined by competen*,
mitted several months previously, the persons expert In thnt kind of work,
answers to which as presented do not not because we have any Iden that
• xpreaa the sentiment of more than there are any irregularities, but for
a small percentage of the people of
th«* reason that we believe that fre­
this project.
examination of such records
For the purpose of present Inn an
expression of the sentiments of the and accounts Is proper from a bttsl-
individual land owners the stockhold- ncss standpoint.
era of the Klamath Water i'sers’ As-
"Fourth We believe that
Hociatlon, have, therefore, felt im- for«« ini-lit of th«- local option law
tolled to
l»ounded bv your committee, together woulil be more efficient If th«- uxecu-
with exhibits included ns evidence to tlv<* officer of this court were mor«*
establish clearly the facts and contro­ active In Investigating «Mindltions an*!
vert misrepresentations, errors and In th«* detention of violators of that
misleading statements contained In
the answers and letter of transmittal law.
"Fifth W«- would recommend that
submitted by the Board of Directors
• >f tho Klamath Water Users’ Assocln- soln«- arrangement be mad«- wherebi
th«- officers whose «Inly it Is to see
Owing to an unfortunate mlsundci' that the laws are enforced can have
-landing on the part of our people as
to the time of the public mo-ting held funds avnllabh- for the purpose of in­
for n conference with your committee, vestigating violations of the laws, Ru­
but a small number of land owners th«- |iurp<is«< of obtaining evidence
were In attendance. Hud It been pos
slide to have had n large representa­ and keeping a closer observation of
tion, notwithstanding the cxtrciue'v places where they may hav«' reason
inclement weather thill made It itn- to believe th«- lnws are being vio­
poslsble f«ir your committee to be­ lated. or are likely to be violated.
come familiar with the physical fea­
"Having completed our work we
tures of the project by personal 'n-
spcctlon, It Is reasonably certain that would respectfully ask that we be
you would have received convincing discharged.
evidence Hint the laml owners have
"FRANK WARD. Foreman.”
the fullest faith In the country and
future of the project.
Affidavits contained In the exhibits
During th«- months of November
herewith to show the actual value < f and Di-ccmbcr Klamath County paid
land and actual crop production are
Intended ns fair average showing, to out a total of $596.GO In bounties on
which could be added the testimony scalps. Only $68.10 of this amount
of scores of other land owners and was for rabbit scalps which Is paid
farmers, were it deemed ni-cessary.
entirely by the county, but th«- count-,
In reference to certain alb-gut loim
contained In the letter of transmittal had to expend $528.50 for coyote ami
from the Board of Directors of the wild cat scalps, according to the pro­
Klamath Water Users’ Association visions of a State law. Half of this
we beg to call your attention briefly amount Is refunded by the State, bin
to the facts, as follows:
First The capacity of the Ankeny the fact remains that the expense in­
('anal was only sufficient to Irrlgat - curred each year for this ptirpos««
about 5,000 acres, and owing to Its i enchcs Huch an enormous amount
location It would have been Impracti­ that It Is a heavy drain upon tho
cable to have enlarged it to increase
the capacity to nn.v considerable ex­ county.
I. <«ntly J. A. McReynold «. of
Lyle. Wash., came to this city to look
over the surrounding country. Ho
was favorably impresiu-d with the
farm lands am! through the Home
Realty Company began negotiations
for the J. G. Stevenson ranch, seven
miles southeast of the city.
farm Is one of the b'-st In the Klam­
ath Basin. It ia all under the ditch
and comprises 160 aerea, less a small
area taken up by ditches.
Mr. Stevenson has Hpared no efforts
In improving th«* ranch. He* believe«*
In progrcsslvem-sa on the farm. He
i*r«-ct«d buildings which are substan­
tial and adequate for all demands.
Iands«<*k<-rs coming Into th«- valley
never failed to comment on the ex­
cellent appcaranc«* of the Stevenson
ranch. Mr McReynolds, Ilk«* others,
was easily Interested In this Idenl
country home.
Tbursdsy the first
payment was mad«* to Mr. Stevenson,
who agrees to deliver possession on
March 1.
Mr. Reynolds recently sold exten­
sive holdings in Klickitat County,
Washington, and he is now making
arrangements to bring his family anu
«ffects to Klamath Falls.
other |>arties residing In the vicinity
of Lyle, Wash., purchased lands In
this basin last fall and will be here
within a few weeks to tak«* up their
homes on the tracts purchased.
Th«- price pal«! for the Stevenson
ranch was in excesa of $60 per acre,
which is conclusiv«* evidence that
Klamath lands are becoming more
valuable every year.
Second Th« Little Klamath Water
Ditch Company had about 0000 ncres
under Irrigation, and might hnvi- been
• -nlarged Io cover about 10,000 acres.
This amount, with tlml «if the Ankeny
Canal, rOpresonted th«- total acreage
irrigable under the two systems,
whereas the first unit of the Klamath i
II. C. Barker camo down Thurs­
day from Fort Klanmth on a llttl«,
Imslnes ..*ip, Mr. Barker Is on«- of
the progressives that Is helping to
mak«- tli«- northern part of this county
blossom into full mntnrlty nn<! is
meeting with good success.
On Thursday and Friday we win
have by expri-ss from California fresh
lettuce, celery, grape fruit, pine­
apples. Columbia River fish nn 1 oys­
ters. Monarch Mercantile Co. 1011
l ump
There Is a reason why the Monarch
Mercantile Company has been suc «« . h -
f 111 ami enjoys th«- largest trad«- of
uny Ilk« establishment In the city.
This reaiwin la because they ar« con­
tinually on the watch to secure the
most desirable and choice articles for
their customers. They ar«- not con­
tent to supply the regular line of
staples, but believe there Is nothing
to«» good for the people of this city.
If you want something a little better
thun the ordinary, you «an always
find It at th« Monarch.
As «-vldence of this the people of
Klamath Fulls ar<- Invited to view th«
apple display In th« Sixth »trwt store
window. Nearly a hundred boxes of
th« choicest Rogue River apples have
Just bi en r«-ceived and arc now dis­
played In th«.- window. These are
apples that usually g«» to th«- New
York markets, but th« Monarch n«v«-r
lets a good thing like th« -«- gel t away.
This shipment will be the last I in tbe
market this season and orders should
be place«! early.
The Sixth street store is being
fitted up exclusively as a market for
fruit, vegtables, poultry, fish ami oys­
ters. Every modern convenience for
the proper handling of these goods
is being installed. All of the old cus­
tomers and new residents In the city
are cordially invited to call ami get
acquainted with our new quarters.
Five lots, sign.;/ location, $1500.
Can loan $750 cn the <t«al.
A nice cottage with bath, largs
lot, SI700. A good buy.
United Press Service.
A i.irge residence, fire lot. $35o«l.
PRINCETON, 111., Jan. 17. The
Three cottages on three lota. Room
gr«-at Cherry mln« disaster that claim­ •ncugn tof another cottage; $JZ50
ed nearly 400 miners for Its victims
wax brought prominently Into th*
limelight today, when President Me
Donald of th«- Unit««! Mine Worker«
wired A. J. Earling, demanding tha*. In the County Court of th«- State of
Oregon f'*r Klamath County
the mine be r«iop< n«-d imemdlately
and that tbe b«»dies of the victims b< In the Matter of the Estate of Gus­
sin«- Wheeler, Deceased
recovered. There are 310 b«»dl«-s still
Notice Is hereby given, by the un­
«-ntomb*-«l in the mine, and It is to r«- dersigned administrator of th«- estate
cure the removal of th«se anil 'heir of (;• tin«« Whcder. d«-< cased, to the
decent burial that the demand nav creditors of said «-state, and all per­
been made «>n the mine owner. Ea.- sons having claims against the said
deceased, or the said estate, to pre­
Ilng lx th« controlling owner of the sent such claims with the proper
Ht. Paul ('oal Company.
vouchers within six months from the
Th«- Cherry min«- disaster wan one date of this notice to salti administra­
of the gnratest in th«- history of the tor at his his residence In the Tows
mining Industry of th«- world. It ot- of Fort Klamath, Klamath County,
i Oregon.
curr«-d at the time for changing the
Dated this 13th day of January,
shifts, when over 1,000 men were A. D. 1910.
underground. An «xplovic-n o<curr««i
setting fir«' to th« mln«- and cutting Administrator of the Estate of Ges­
sine Wheeler, Deceased.
off over 4 00 men. A few of th«*««
managed to find their way out. All
hope for saving those who remained ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
was abandoned, an«l steps were taken
< •
to seal ui> the mine until the fire
< >
burned its«.*lf out. Ihe advic«* of th«
State Inspi'Ctors anti th«- miners pre­
vailed over that of the experts, who
ridicul« d the ;d«a thai anyone- re­
mained alive In the mine, and th»-
work of endeavoring to reach s«»ni«-
Wor<l win received In tbe city last of the men was continued.
Sunday of ihe <l< ath of Dennis Crow­ ten days thirteen men were found to
ley. which occurred Wednesday night be alive and the hopes of hundreds
Whichever you prefer. A
at the State Insane Asylum at Salem. of bereaved families were once mor«.-
ni<e effect is produced by ritn-
Crowb-y was « «»inmitted to th«- as« lute kindled, only to meet with disap­
leM spectacle*—artistic in a|>-
from this county over twelve years pointment, for every effort of the
IM-arance and perfci tly secure.
ago and is known to al) of the old rescuers to reach other chamb«*rs of
But the lenses are the principal
residents of this city. He made his the mine met with defeat.
tiling to think alsiut. The style
home at the old Moore place on th
The peremptory demand of Presi­
of glasses may I m - any of several
Upper Lak«-, south of the Frank Me dent McDonald Indicates that the
different kinds—but the lenses
Cormack ranch.
United Mine Workers are going to
have GOT to I m - JUST SO. To
Death was due to senile- exhaustion. ! insist on the removal of the bodies
determine this tbe utmost ac-
He had been gradually falling for: i remaining, and If his demands are
curacy must be observed. Our
some time an«i confined to his bed for ' i acceded to the work of recovery may
Optical Dc|mrtment is thorough­
the past three or four weeks. Hei [ bring to light the cause of the disas-
ly <s|uip|M-d to deal with your
was very old and feeble and steadily i i ter. What effect the refusal of the
case—and it is always at your
failed until relieved by d«-ath.
<oal company to comply with the de­
We are looking for
i :nand is problematical. It would not ♦ the most difficult cases in glass
J. A. Scott has returned from Fort 1 l.e surprising if it were made an is-
George, in Northern Manitoba, He : : ue. resulting in a strike, that might
tays that the Canadian ft Northern ! have far-reaching proportions.
is pushing its line from Winnipeg to
Graduate A State Registered
Col. Wilkins, who has been con­
Hudson Bay, and that the whole of
that country is being developed and fined to his residence with stomach
will be a great wheat growing region. trouble, is feeling better.
Glasses or
:♦ Spectacles
* ♦
All Women’s Coats, Suits
and Petticoats at Cost
STYLES and in some cases
Old and Young
Baby to Grandma
less than cost; for
Hunt for Rhinoceros—All the
Members Are in Fine Spirits
United Press Service.
Bl'TIABA. Uganda, Africa, Jan. -7
Beturnlng to camp today after one
of the most successful hunts after
rhinoceros, ex-President Roosevelt
learned for the first time of the re­
moval of his friend. Gifford Pinchot.
lie refused to make nn.v statement
for publication, except expressing
surprise that conditions should have
arisen thnt would make it necessary
for President Taft to take such a
radical step. It was plainly evident
thnt the ex-President felt keenly the
apparent overthrw of his Chief For­
ester, but no word could be secured
from him that would indicate that
Mr Iloosevelt considered President
Taft’s action as a direct slap at the
"Roosevelt policies."
All of the party is tn the best of
spirits, particularly Mr. Roosevelt.
Tbe rhino hunt has been one of the
most exciting of all the incursions
and has been followed with unusual
good luck. Some splendid specimens
have been added to the museum col­
lection, and the experts are busy pre­
paring them for shipment to America.
Price 20 Cents
$14.75, Sale Price, $9.75
Including a 15-cent Pattern Absolutely Free
We are determined to close out
so look at the reductions
Regular $7.50 and
12.00 and
15.00 and
25.00 and
$8.50, Sale Price $4.95
Mercerized Petticoats and Silk Petticoats, Hether
bloom. Reg. $6.95 Silk Petticoats, sale price $4.65
All Heatherbloom and Mercerized Underskirts one-
half price Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats
at cost
Successor to
Boston Store
Successor to
Boston Store