l.t will be shown nt th«* opera houso tonight. The teachers and County School Superintendent of Klamath Count) are planning for the Inauguration of TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE an industrial and educational school fair to he held In Klamath Falls n«*x All communications submitt* ! for publication In the columns of this paper will be Inserted only over the nan >■ of the writer. No non de plume fall, probably In October. Such fairs are held In several counties of the articles will be published. State and have proven Justly popular and a strong means of arousing more Ines of these men ami their families? interest and attention on the part of "LEMON « ITY" OF h .AMA l H It is evidenced in the tight which children in agriculture, wood work (Continued from t.) some of these men are now making and domestic arts. ter our destruction. Tills paper Is To make the fair a success a great perieneeil over the pr> position to not. and never has been, published deal of hard work must be don«*. The O1 location change the for the purpose of injuring anyone, teachers who ar«* undertaking th- house. The cause of th, « xci< its policy las always been to live management of it realise that It at that time was the cr.’atiot and let jive. and it will pursue this means work, but they believe th** new city in Klamath County. policy in the future, It has outlined educational value and practical r«>- new metropolis bore the euphonious its course and will fallow it to the suits that will come from It w ill well name of White Lake Cit more re­ end. compensate the trouble. cently having been Christ *d "Lem­ Th«' citIsens in general and th > on City." There is no more dis­ Mill- Nou WANT To parents tn particular should wclconi** graceful page in the anna! of Klam­ KNOW \\ HERE MONEX IS this movement and encourage It In ath County than those bearing th«* any way possible by their help and history of the rise ami fall of this Representations of Promoter to Pur* co-operation. Their boys will make piece of fraud. The matter was ig­ ciutM* Machinery Have Never better men by taking an interest in nored for a time by this city, and lieen Carried Out raising something worth exhibiting would, perhaps, lave been left to or making something that will pl«*asc meet with the fate that was in store Stockholders In a company know i for it without any outcry, bad it not as the Klamath Oil Company, are be­ those attending the fair. Every teacher In the county should been for the faei that the promoters I ginning to enquire as to what has be­ co-operate with the commit­ heartily were carried away with the success I come of the money which they paid is only by the help of the tee. It with which tl y met and began the in as purchase price for stock in the cry that it would soon be the county ; organization. As some of the stock­ teachers in th«* various schools tha* success can be assured, Teachers In seat of Klamath County. holders have never b«*en notified of each district should « call meetings That slogan touched the match that1 any meeting since the organization, it and tin* teacher and parents consult set off the fireworks, and it was no is stated today that a demand is to b«* together. trouble for anyone to hear the words mad«* for a report of the business of It is not too early to begin th«* ••thieves.” "bunco men," "grafters,” the company and an «counting of the plans In «*arnest although most of and other such pet titles handed out money collected. th«* work will have to b«« don«* by on all sides. The storm was so great The Klamath Oil Company was or the pupils during vacation. In the that if aroused the fear of the pt«>- ganized some three or more years ago ICi'cotniiM'ndatIon of tlx* Grand Jury wood work, cooking anil sewing the moters of this scheme and the dup«*s by E. B. Hall, of this city. After the* should lie Followed to Pro­ should begin at once. Such product­ who bought lots were taken from organization G. Heitkempcr. Jr., was viti«* I uiids will have to be made over again. Keno to the scene of the bilking, for elected president and E. B. Hall, man­ What a fine thing it will be If fear that they might learn the truth ager. It is said that G. W. Whir«*, The Jury In the trial of E. E. twenty-five boys plow and sow halt in passing through Klamath Falls. then president of the First National an acre of grain and s«*lect their Lyons for violation of tb'*lom>u>-m - d on Wedn«*«- lay. some joined hands with the Hog well machinery at Medford, and that one hungry for a week to look at it. The regular panel of Jurors was ex­ Combine in its fight on the Herald wells were to bo drilled and tests While teachers and parents ma hausted and it wns nt*c«*ssary to issue It is beginning to dawn on these made at once, This was the induci - advise and encourage, all the actual special venires for twenty-four more. men that the court house is not eve y- ment offered to prospective Investors, work must be done by the child. This IL H. Manning, attorney for the de thing that Klamath Fails needs. That and many put their money into the should be honestly observed by teach­ fondants In both cases, ask«*«l lit.-* its removal or retention means bu- company with this definite under­ ers and parents so that each child they be tri«*d together. This was . («• little, and that if the money sub­ standing. may present a statement to that ef­ ject«-d to by Kuykendall, on th«- scribed for the founding of a new Some time has elapsed since then grounds that they had insisted on fect. newspaper was devoted to securing a and nothing Is known of any attempts The committee appointed to begin separate trials, In the first place, manufactory for this city it would b«> made to drill for oil. It is stated the plans has prepared a list of th«« against his wishes. more productive of results in a busi­ that the option on the Horton ranch The failure to secure conviction In things that it will call for exhlblta. ness way than half a dozen public has since been sold for several hun­ Th«« amounts to be offered for prizes these local option cases. Is another buildings. Even the most radical dred dollars. As no tests are knu vn can not be determined until a (inane,« evidence of the need of funds to la- will admit that a first-class hotel to have been made or expenses In­ used by the sheriff in lnv<*stigalit«g committee has taken that part up. would be far better for the center of curred, the stockholders can not x**-:* Two prizes for each individual ex­ these ca“**s. They arc costing the the city than a court house. If a why there should not be considerable hibit will be offered, one for those county an taimens«* amount of monov business block with large, commodi­ money in the treasury. If this is the over 12 years old and one for those and there should be some way of ous store rooms on the ground floor case they are anxious to get back knowing that th«- evidence justific'i under 12. and well equipped and furnished what they put in. the expense of a trial. If attfficlen*. Following is the list of exhibits: rooms on the upper floors replaced proof can not be secured the comity The best decorated school booth. the court house it would bring more should not be put to the expense of JIDGE HANNA RESIGNS Agricultural people to the center of the city, have a trial. The recommendation <»f he Potatoes, squash, cabbag««, turnip, a better effect on the homeseeker and Grand n«l ing is a non-producer. This fact ,’s The resignation of H. K. Hanna, I same of barley, same of wheat, same so well known that no well informed Circuit Judge of the First Judicial J of rye sEl.s XVO.NDERIT L GROWTH man will dispute it. That being true, District, composed of Jackaon an«l | Wood Work why not cast around for something Josephine Counties, was accepted by : Bird house, piece of furniture, sic 1. W. G. Fort maun, representative of that will be a • roducer and let it take Governor Benson Thursday. Frank ! Cooking th«j Aachen ami Munich Fire Insur­ the place of the court house? M. Calkins, of Ashland, was appoint-! Bread, jelly, canned fruit, roll of ance Company, Is In the city from Thousands of dollars have been cd by the Governor to fill the vacancy, i butter. San Francisco. Mr. Fortmann was subscribed for the founding of a new The news of the resignation of Judge , I’lain Sewing in Klamath Falls two years ago and daily paper. How many of the bu si­ Hanna came as a surprise to the Hand mad«.* apron, hand made says he can ace a wonderful growth ness men contributing to *hi3 people of the district, as no announce­ dress, machine made apron, machine in the city since that time, He Is sum stopped to consider whether it. ment had been made even to his made dress, darning trimmings not particularly pleased at the action of would not have been better to have close friends. The Judge was hold-' to count in Judging best dressed the City Council In securing the In­ used this money in subsidizing a fac­ ing court at Grants Pass at the tint« 1 dolt (open only to children under 12 stallattan of sixty add it Iona I hy- tory that would employ 100 men' the resignation was accepted, which I years of age). drants. As soon as theso are put in, Which would have produced the oe.- is to take effect on February 1 Poultry Mr. Fortmann says, a general reduc- ter results for the business man? Ii Judge Hanna is 80 years old and Best coop of spring chickens, best tion in insurance will be made. it better to subscribe funds for ties gives his extreme age as the reason ’ pair of spring turkeys, best pair of d«g|truction of a plant that has been for his action in resigning. His pres­ spring ducks. The longest telephone wire span In paying into (he pockets of the busi­ ent term would have expired January I School Work the world crosses 1-ake Wallenstadt ness men of this city nearly $700 a 2, 1911. He has been a Judge in th«- Penmanship, pencil drawing, water in Switz« rland, the ste<-l towers sup­ month or to have them used for the * First District for the past twenty-fiv«* i color, map of North America, pulp porting It. being nearly 8000 feet founding of other revenue producing years. It is the second time that h< relief map <>t Oregon. apart. enterpiises? These are questions has resigned during that period Composition — Subject, Alfalfa that the business interests of this city About ten years ago Judge Hanna re-. Culture," limited to grammar grades should stop and consider. fused to obey a mandate of the Su-' over 12 years of age, not. to exceed Among the more active in the ef­ preme Court and was on the verge i 250 words; under 12, not to exceed fort to crush this paper the statement of being tried for contempt when he ■ 150 words. has been made that “it Is about time resigned. At the election following i Composition High School stu­ to have a paper here that will pub­ he was renominated and elected. dents: Subject taken from some lish the news.” This paper admits Frank M. Calkins, who is appoint­ phase of physical geography of Klam­ in the Matter of the Estate of Thomas it has not published ail of the news ed to fill the vacancy, i* well known ath County. I Hodg««, Deceased Not Ice. »—particularly about the men who arc in thi3 county, having attended court Collective School Exhibit Notice is hereby given that John using this as a slogan. There have here as official reporter when Klam- Prizes will be given for the best Administrator <>f been many opportunities passed by ath and Lake Countles were in the collective exhibit from (first.) high I Frederick Wilson, when this paper could have publish­ First District, He afterward studied schools, (second) more than one- the «-state of Thomas Hodge, de- ed much that would be of unusual law and wa3 admitted to the bar an«l room schools, (third) one-room I ceased, has file«l his final account, of interest, especially to these self-same has been practicing in Ashland for a schools. Number of pupils enrolled the administration of said estate with individuals. It could have toid of number of years. 'the Clerk of the County Court of considered. their gambling escapades, of their vis­ Klamath County, Oregon, and that Cut Flowers . its and troubles in questionablemaces, IN< REASE IN MEMBERSHIP Finest bouquet of sw<***(. peas, dah­ said Court has appointed the hour of of misapplications of funds, of drunk­ 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Satur­ lias, roses. en brawls, and numerous other af- The Woodmen of the World initia­ This list may be revised in so.ne day, (he 5th day of February, 1910, fatrr that would have made extremely ted thirty-five ned members Tuesday particulars, but will likely have little as the time for hearing objections, interesting reading for the general evening at the Redmen Hall. This If any there be, to hitch final account change. public. Instead of so doing it chose makes a total of eighty-three mem and the settlement thereof. to cover them over with the cloak of bers taken into the order in this city In cutting glass for optical pur- This notice Is published by order charity, and bury them away with during the past six weeks, A ban-,1 poses a French manufacturer refrig of said County Court, made and en­ the thousands of other secrets that quet was served after which dancln«' : orates it to prevent it chipping. tered In the records thereof the 4th are always to be found in the archives was enjoyed. day of December, 1909. of a newspaper. The first pneumatic tires were JOHN FREDERICK WILSON, What has been our reward for this Red meats are less liable to con- made of leather for a horse-drawn Administrator of the Estate of Thom­ generous consideration of the feel- lamination than fish or chicken. vehicle in London in 1845 or 1846 as Hodge, Deceased. 1-6-1-27 REI’ORT OF THE CONDITION <>F No. 71(17 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK al Kliimnth F u II h , In tli<< Stnt«» f I iiih I ik * hm , Novumlwr 16, 1909. ■ 1 1 -J.'... JiE-«.y.* .■.. .¿=— 1 :.~a RKHOt ltt ES IMHXARN Louna and Discount* I Ovordtnfa. aecured and uiixecurctl l' S. bunda t<> H«'«'iir<> cln uliitioii Ronda, oocurltkm, ntc Banking I iouhc , flirtili ili«« ami llxtunn <>th«*r rasi ««stai«« ownod l>in< (rotti nntlonal lianka (noi rvmirvu agoniaI Duo from alata and privato bankH and tiankora, trust coiupanles and savlnas batik* Dito troni approvo«! rusurvo ag' iits Notes of olitor nntlonal batik* Fractlonal |>ap«*r curroncy, nlckela and conta l.nwful money r«*.««'i vo in l>iink. via: apoda, $6.066.60; li'gal t«*ndcr luitos, $xr5 OD l{* n fund witb li. H. lr«’uaur<*r 1.« por ««*nt <>f « ir culatloni 62,94 1 2UU.M2 10.000.ut) 9,«92.99 10,462 114 640.50 36.00 2,091.07 31,716.00 1,020 00 149.4 I li,SMI 50 :« "" " o Total DOI.I.AItM LIAItll.lTIEN t 1 In Surplus fund Vmilvlded profila, lesi ««xiloli ■ « and taxea pnld National batik noto* outatnnding DUO !■' "i'«< i n.iiu'ii.il li.iiii* . Duo lo aiata and privato batik* und banttara . Individuai deposita aubject to cliock Dt'lnalid corillliatos of doposlt $ - «.<>*'<• 0 7,600.00 4,048 90 9,700,00 1,«.Oli 01 991.70 90,320.78 7.425.37 $i«i;.f,96.7< tal Stato of Oregon. • t'ounty <>f Klamath.laa. 1, XV. A Dvladl, caahler <>f thè nbova nanied bank, do ani- ««tunly a»«*ir thnt ilio attore statement l» truo tu thè beat of tuy ktiowl- \\ | Corraci Attesi 1 lEl./.EI ,L. « '.« «Ili* « X WILLIIH. GEO. T. BAI.DWIN. .1 A. MADDOX. Dtrectors. Subst'tlt><*d ami sworn to beforo lite ibis I9th «la* of November. 1909, 1* 1, Fot NI'AIN, Nutary l’ubile. |, f . Before Yon Bov Your Winter Supplies •f Don’t forget to get our prices on Canned Goods, Sugar, Beans Dried Emits and everything in the Grocery Line. 25c. Monarch Try our Coffee. You can't beat it in quality t MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY Phone 1051 SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist between you and me. I.am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a.chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain aniout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. Those are the very kind of goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms. I wotdd like to have your business. I have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your­ self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. T. MCHATTAN