Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 20, 1910, Image 3

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in the consummation of the great
scheme of development that will
eventually make Klamath County out-
of the great agricultural m -< tlons of
the Pacific Cogst. Klamath County
needs a few more such men as he,
and with their coming will lie solved
the greatest of problems that has
confronted the man «if small means
for the past years that of the culti­
vation or his land at a cost within ilia
means and only In proportion to the
net amount realized after the pay-
meat of tax«-s, interest and operation
PORTLAND, Ore., Jun, 18
(Hp< I'uri liascM ICqulpiueiit Willi Will« li He
Print ipal Butcher Now Working tor
< an < ut Sage Unisti, Plow latlid,
ciul '
A l>lg convention of th« com­
« Good Gymnasium for flic
ing year for Portluml is that of the
Sow Need un<l Harvest Prop
County Institution
Ancient Order of llllx-rnluus
On Haturdny the Oregon Trunk annual gathering of Hi«’ National
This week the (hath knell of the
One of th« most Important steps
tiled In the Lakeview Lund Office an body will bo held here July 19-24 tbe sag« brush of Klumath County,
recently taken for the betterment of
application for a right of way ex­ a ii «1 it Is thought th« greatsst meet­ or ut least that purt of It thut flour­
th«* Klamath County High Hchool was
tending Its survey south to th«’ Klam­ ing In tlie history of th«* order in ishes under the Irrigating dltilies of
the determination ot the County
ath Indian Reservation line.
It Is America will occur at that tlm< the Klumuth project, was sounded,
Hchool Board to add a manual train­
understood that the tipplh utlon for There are 1-4 01» accredited delegates und the time is not fur distant when
ing department to the school, T! ;«
th«< right of way across th«« reserva­ who will be In attendance and In u«l not an acre of irrigated land will be
decision was reached by the board
tion will be made In Washington, dit ion, many other members and their afflicted with this pest. W. W. Mas-
upon the strong representation of
anil therefore uny further upplci«.- friends will make the trip to th« ten lias just closed a contract for the
Principal Butcher ami the real of the PLAN HOTEL H>lt SII I FIT NGTON
tlon of the Oregon Trunk will not : Northwest.
It is expected that no purchase of a 10-foot combined Holt
High Hchool faculty. Prof. Butcher
< <>l lisi. IS .Kalil« I LTI IIE
Ire filed In the Liikevlew office until less than 30,000 visitors will be at­ harvester und one 40-horse power
W. I. Clark arrived Thursday even­
has worked hard since taking charge
from Oakland and he and .Ma
the survey Is completed across the tracted to tii« North Pacific Coast l»y cataplller englner, and It lu with this
of the High Hchool to accomplish
The winter short course* opened
rnaervatlon and readies public lands, ' tills ctmventlon. Committees are at outfit that be proposes to «-bang« the
this end and is entitled to due credit jor Worden signed an agreement for
at the Agricultural College Tuesday.
the erection of a large tourist hotel
wherever that may be.
work ptunnlng entertainment for th« face of the Klamath country during
for his success.
The survey of the Oregon Eustcrn llllx-rnluiis und every Indhullon now the next few years. When he bus January 4, with th«’ largest and most
The value of manual training in a at Shippington on the Upper Lake,
practically parallels that of the Ore­ points to the gathering being u big demonstrated tii at his method of representative body of students ever school can not be too highly esti­ which has been talked of for some
gon Trunk from th« north boundary success,
bundling the soil Is th« correct one, in attendan«:«. There are men and mated. Practical education is fast time.
women ranging in age from 16 to 65
Mr. Clark would not state what the
of Township 37, llangu H, until it
Wool growers of th«* country will lie will doubtl«-sH have a number of
becoming an important factor of the
rea< lies th« reservation, mid at sev­ gutlier at Portland In 1911, bringing followers, with the result that tin- years an«l representing almost every successful school of today and no probable cost of the hotel was to be
eral points the surveys conflict. Tie* to this city a convention represents area cultivated will be rapidly In- walk of life. Side by side with the school is now considered complete un­ but admitted that it was to be mod­
Oregon Eustcrn lias been working live of u great industry. iJelegiPes < reused until ull of the Irrigated, and girls and boys from the ninth and less it includes courses in drafting ern in every respect and sufficiently
from each end nnd has the survey to th«* recent convention of the wool u great deal of the unlrrlgated, farms truth grades of the public schools of and Iron and wood work, in connec­ large to accommodate all those who
completed from Klamath Fulls to men ut Ogden from th«* Pacific North of the county will be raising crops. the State ar«- graduates of Brown. tion with its chemistry and physics come to Klamath County to enjoy
th«* south line of the reservation just west were 11 unit for Portlan«) as the
The outfit purchas« d by Mr Masten Yale, Lake Forest anti many other departments. In this way the student themselves with gun and rod. Worx
above Naylox, no the connecting link next meeting plue« und they captured Is one of the most up-to-date In the great Eastern and Middle West hnl- becomes acquainted with the practi­ is to commence the first thing In the
across the reservation In all that re­ tii«- gut tiering without sr-rlous op|«osi- West. It is capable of cutting the versitles and colleges. There are cal things and is better fitted to ente*- spring.
farmers and fruit growers who own
mains In doubt.
tlon. Ninety per cent of the wool rag« brush, plowing the ground, sow­
upon the duties of life, when he is
The Oregon Trunk, however, seems growers of tlie country are members ing the seed and harvesting the crop. or manage farms ranging from five readv to make his entrance into the
West Virginia’s production of coal
to b« making on« survey, that from of th«* orguiilzution und the conven­ I The engine bus a speed of five rilles to 2500 acres. There are teachers business world. If he wishes to take last year was 41,897,843 short tons,
th« north, and what course it will tion will bring thousands ot visitors an hour on the road and with its at- and bousewlv»--, stockmen, dairymen, up any of the trades or professions, a decrease from the output of th«
follow lu reaching Klamath Falla 1« to Portland. The next meet Ing of the I tachments is capable ot plowing a horticulturists, business men and cap­ he already has a solid foundation year before of about 13 per cent.
italists. This representative attend­ laid, and is better equipped to win
not known. It lu the belief tiiat the National body will be held here «n strip fourteen feet wide.
Oregon Eastern survey skirts the res­ January. 1911.
In discussing I i I b plans, Mr. .Manton ance speaks well for the future of than if he was deprived of this knowl­
Agricultural Oregon.
ervation line, being about six miles
Grocers of the State will gather at said:
Farmers’ w*-*k at the Oregon Agri­
from tin* went lln<* until reaching Ho Eugene January 36 and 27 for th«
It is the hope of Mr. Butcher to
"The time Is at hand when Klani-
Wllllnmnon River canyon, mol should unniinl convention of th«* Oregon fle- ' nth County must adopt the modern cultural College will commence, Mon­ be able to secure a good gymnasium
th«* Oregon Trunk follow this survey, tull Gro<-< ra’ Association There Is a methods of handling the soil. The day, February 11. Th«* a<-tlvlti«>s will for tha school another year, and b«
It wouhl appear that It woulti hav< splendlil program of deep Interest to modern way m«-ans the money-saving be conducted in institute form an 1 is using every effort to this end and |
For an U|*-ro-«late wheel. gv*s
a dlffli ult time lit getting a Un« down th«* dealers Iti foodstuffs and th«* nt- way, and 1 believe that the equipment will cover all branches of agriculture, * should receive the encouragement of
a Its miller, on sale at the Gl fi
from the Marsh to Upper Klamath tendance is expected to be the largest which 1 huve ordered is the best that horticulture, dairying and domestic the business men in his laudable
Lake. Hhoulil th«« Un«* go through In th«* history of the State associa­ can be found. Of course, the time science. Anyone who Is interested in undertaking.
Tenia to rent.
We r*n-j
W«H><| Hiver Valley there would b<> tion Problems coming up In the gro­
a full line of sixirtlng gooda
will come when outfits of this kind the practical problems of farming. |
heavy work getting over on to th« cery business will be discussed and will not b«* used here. That will b) fruit growing and housekeeping and '
valley slop«', and the same trouble iniituul help gained from the inter­ when this section Is divided Into the new and improved methods which j
«gists in coming down Wllllamsoi. change of Ideas of th«’ various deal­ small farms, but that Is some time may be used In their solutirm, will dot
j. R. ( HAMHKR m
River, as the Oregon Eastern had ers,
In the meantime steps must be
Petition by Postmaster an«l Citizens \
« lp|H>alte the Am«rl<-*a Ht *0-4
much trouble a«-< urlng a satisfactory
Portland is entertaining today what taken to meet th«- present conditions,
or the Munici|ml Authorities
—..... . ......................
P» h ... •
grade, ev«n with th« whole country is said to be the blgg«*st excursion it is my Intention. In addition to us­
to select from
As Klamath Falls will soon be en-
party ever organized In th«* North­ ing the outfit in th«« working of my •STREET (XI.M.MITTEE
The survey of the Oregon Trunk west and which includes 225 resi­ own farms, to take contracts for the
TO ASSESS BENEFIT titled to free delivery of mail, the
just fib <| reaches a point on th«’ res­ dents oF Spokane, th«* Couer d’Alene clearing and plowing of uncleared
following provisions contained in the
ervation Just fifty-eight miles direct •ountry, Walla Walla and the Patou*-« land, I will, if desired, sow the seed Property
postal laws will be applicable at this I
north from Klamath Fulls, uud onl> country, und of the t’unndiun Prov­ and harvest the crop, and 1 think
fifteen miles from <*rat«r Luk«, which inces of Alberta und Saskatchewan. that I can do so cheaper and quicker
•’Applications for the establishment!
At an adjourned meeting of the of the free delivery service at any ■
Iles to the southwest. In the surveys The party occupies 11 special train than the owner of the land can do it
City Council Thursday night it was de­ $>ostoffice entitled thereto may be\
filed the Oregon Trunk cross»-*« th«* of Pullmans and Is bound for Cull with his present methods.**
And get ground ready ior big
cided that 50 per cent of the cost of made by the postmaster, by the citl-;
Oregon Eastern twice In a distance of fornla. It wus organized by the Ppo-
One of the great drawbacks to the
crop returns next year.
the sewers in the first unit should be zens joining in a petition, or by the I
less than five tnllet, and hence It Is kune Chamber of Commerce un«l the
more rapi«l development of the sec­
anticipated that there arc likely to Walin Walla Commercial Club In con-
tion that has passed Into the hands |s*r cent be assessed against the prop­ municipal authorities, and should be -
Some good bargains can be
be lively times when construction act­ ticcllon with the ilurrlniun lines. It
of new owners has been the difficul­ erty benefited. The sewer ordinance, addressed to the First Assistant Post-1
ually commences.
had in sagebrush land.
master General. Division of Free De­
having become the custom to run a ties met with In the preparation of
midwinter excursion to California the soil for the planting of the crops, which was introduced at the meeting livery.
SWAMP LAND in desirable
“Applications should give the pop­
each year. While tn Portland the where the farm purchased has not last evening, was filled in to conta*««
excursionists are being entertained Ix-en cultivated. The homoaeeker I.« this provision. The property owners ulation of the city, village, borough,
locations will be higher in price
of th«* city will be given time, before according to the last general census,
by the Portland Commercial Club.
Obliged to gather together his equlp-
Alxeduti-I) ItefUM-n l<> Ar<«-|»t Seer«'
An example of the big money In went of horses, cutters. plows and the final passage of the ordinance, to taken by authority of the State or
be heard in case the 50 per cent ar­ United States law. and the gross reve- |
tary Knox's Pro|M»>al
hog ruining was given here during other farm machinery,
He has to
the past week when a single porker, build his barns and his home, and. rangement should not meet their nue of the postoffice for the preced­
United Press Service.
weighing 6s0 pounds brought $61.20. very often, the initial expense is views.
ing fiscal year.
The time allowance for completing
TOKIO, Jan. 18
Never since th*- This is the highest price thnt a single
“They should also state the condi­
greater than he is able to pay. Under the work was decided upon at 150
Japanese government emerged front hog ever brought at the stock yards.
th«* proposed scheme advanced by Mr. days from the date of contract. It tion of the sidewalks, whether the'
Capt. O. C. Applegate,
its life of benight«-«! ignorance nnd Th<> hog wus raised by Henry Larkin,
Mastcn, he will be relieved of the was decided by the Council in accord­ houses are numbered, the names of
donned the robes of Western civilian of Colfax, Wash. Hogs reached $<30
Office Manager
the streets posted up and the city
greater part of this burden, with th«
ance with the provisions of the ordi­ properly lighted.
lion has it been more «leariy detnon- during the week.
result that he will have the first
Fifth St., Near Main.
atrnted that Its statesmen have
“Mail must be frequently and
Coos Hay seems to be In lln*> for year’s return from his crop to add to nance that the duty would devolve
upon the street committee to appraise promptly delivered by the carriers so
Hclxxded themselves In the art of some real railroad building and both
his small means to aid in the comple­
and determine th«’ benefit and the that citizens may have no occasion
diplomacy to a remarkable degree the Hill anti Harriman systems are
tion of his plans.
amount of cost to be assessed against to call at the postoffice for mail, and
than Is shown in th«* manner In which reported to be showing Interest <n
Th«* machinery purchased by Mr. I the property which Is to be sewered
thut country Is now bundling th* ; that section, it is said work Is to be
the local addresses of those receiving
Masten represents an investment ot
mutter of th« Manchurian Rallwuy.
mail through the general delivery
resumed on the Hout hern Pacific line something over $6000. It again dem-
It Is rumor«*«! here today thnt tbh from Drain an«l the Northern Pacific
be secured and their mail de­
Pumps Water, Rune
government haa sent to the United in said to be negotiating for big hold
livered by carriers to the greatest
Milker, Separator,
Htiiten u courteous but well guarded Ings, which lie cion« to Marshfiel«! foresight nnd remarkable enterprise,
160 acres of land near railroad, practicable extent.”
Chops Fet*d, Etc.
ubsolut«* refusal to accept th«* proposal
cabin and barn, for 1300. Running
Saves Wage»
of Secretary Knox to neutralize the KE <.<»11«.E IX FAMOUS CANYON
State your need»,
Wm. Vhrman. of Dairy, was in the
stream. I have about eight home­
Manchurlnn Hallway.
Ho cnrefully
rite for catalog. Mention paper
ideas other than those confined en­ steads, level and good running water.
has the wording of the refusal been
brand book should be published for
For particulars write to
prepared that it h*aveH no room for a Swollen t r«-«-k l«eaves Channel and tirely to his own selfish aggrandiz«*-
the guidance and information of the 3KMUINX
. Mrtart. •MAU»Ca«tsM< Stew Cup«. Boil«
and < overs the Adjacent Isind
reopening of the matter with the
rteSCBcpporv.WladsUllCawM ripoCl’tin«» *’
-led lu S«t»k al rOKTLAXU. UKJ.I.OA
J W. McCoy returned last Thurs­ his money in order that he may aid
Japansao government or for future
Ainerlcnn proposals on similar ques­
tions. It Is clearly a triumph for the
diplomacy of the Japanese.
Another evidence ot th«* energetic
manner in which the Japaneae meet
such questions as these is shown In
the telegram from Pekin today con­
veying the information that the pub­
lic there Is beginning to doubt the
sincerity of the American govern­
ment, and fear la being openly ex­
pressed that It Is nn attempt on the
part of the United States to place
Chinn In 11 more <!nngi>rous position
than sh«’ Is now occupying. Indica­
tions point to the joining of forceH
of Russia and Japan on this question.
Information from a reliable source is
to tho effect that those two countries
have entered Into an agreement to
simultani'oiisly, within a few days,
send a refusal of the American pro­
A few tons of stream tin, sluiced
from gravels of the Seward peninsula,
Alaska, constituted the entire output
of that meta by the United States last
To tak<* care of the overproduction
of potatoes in Germany several «ac-
torlea havo been established to dry
them for market, as fruit is dried in
this country.
STRAYED — From my atablo In
Klamath Falls, one bay driving,
mare branded Z; weight about 1100
pounds; had on a blanket and head­
stall of a halter. Information leading
to the recovery of same will bo suit­
ably rewarded. J. B. Mason.
day from Fort Klamath, where ho
lias been for the past five days on
business connected with his Interests
in that section of th<> country.
Mr. McCoy reports that Anna Creek
has overflowed Ils banks for a dis
lance of nearly a half mile and Is
doing considerabl<> damage to the ad­
jacent hay lands by leaving a heavy
deposit of sand nnd pumice, A sort
of ice gorge ha<l formed In Anna
Creek Canyon, which broke up and
is now being carried down the stream
to the meadow lands, bringing with
it a considerable quantity of eartli
and sand. The creek has left tha
channel about a mile above Fort
Klamath. It is estimated that it will
mean quite an expens«' to clean awa.v
the wash and return the water to the
proper channel when spring opens up.
FOR SALE- X complete threshing
outfit, consisting of on«’ 20 h.-p. Alt­
man-Taylor engine eq nipped for
burning oil; one 36-64 Aultman-Tav-
lor separator with Parson feeder, sep­
arator is rebuilt about same as Buf­
falo Pitts with Jones attachment; has
been run one season. Hard oil cups
all over.
One Daniel Beat cleaner that cleans
the grain before It enters the sack.
Ono Derrick table, derrick and
wagon In good shape.
Ono aldo elevntor, new last year;
also new draper last year.
Two water wagons, oil drums, ro­
tary pump, two low-down water
For particulars write
Nelson, Butte County, Cal.