Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 13, 1910, Image 1

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Oi 11 RS (OINH
I'jOJKHL A h tlliw»
ihin will dotibl«» mih !
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to enter
In th*- lo< ni Ion u f th«« Court 1 louu««.
It hud b«H‘H hill n«*<! it Hit H |1impon!»
thill wn lo I-
btlillti* «1 Io th «• Com-
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Gr­ it Intim
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received bj
e relation oi
created by
Kt riti igs tract,
i»r In re|i
and con
i to the
Th«« dehgutlot* was pt«- -lit nml
mad«* Its protest tn-fme tne proposi­
tion hud been r<*ceiv«*«l by th«* court,
and the statement was niud<- that it
looked us If tlie court and the | per»
effor* t >
were acting t«>gcih<-r in an
k«*ep the mutter secret, so that th«
«hnngii could In* m.id« before the
people hat! any knowled Ige of what
was It* Ing don«. Judge Griffith, after
first reading the proposition, stated
that n<> change woul«l b<* made in th*
loratlon of tlie Court House nt '.11«
term ot court, nor any action lookim:
toward a change.
Among tlie tiiislm-ns men who call« «!
on the court were: C. S Moore. Fr«*l
Melhasr, I. F. Willlta, I II. frisier.
F. M. White, Harry Stilts, Geo. R
Hurn, Oeo. T. Baldwin. E R. Reames.
Mr. Maddox. Frank Ward. F L. Foun­
tain. Ales. Martin Jr.. Wilber Whit'-.
W. T. Shiv«' ami others» Th«* atll-
tud«* of th«* Commissioners, In not
< onaid'Tlng the propo-*ltion this term,
will somewhat of u blow to tho dcl«*-
gatlon. as they ha«l b«-«*n inforim-d
thnt the Conmilsaloners wer«« Intend­
ing io si-cure the transfer and make
the change today. Th«* Judge ami
Commlsnlonera stat«*«! thnt this was
th«- fli >t time a proposition had l> '<-p
made to them and In matters of ‘.his
nature It had always been their ml««
to allow everyone a chance to he
henrd on the matter. Following la
r copy of the proposition of the Klam­
ath Development Compan
Jan. 6, 1910.
To the Honorable County Court <>r
of Klnmath County. Oregon.
It having come to
our knowledge that you contemplate
the const ruction of a new Court
House during the coming year,
upon tile present site on Main street
in the City of Klamath Falls. It has
occurred to us that the- present loca­
tion Is not sufficiently large*, nor the
light elevation, nor sufficiently night­
ly for the construction and mainte­
nance of the magnificent building
you no doubt will erect.
In pursuance to a resolution
passed by the Board of Directors of
the Hot Springs Company, 1 am vest­
ed with authority to offer you what
we are pleased to consider a much
better location In ninny ways, and
the acceptance of which will mean
tho Having of a good many thousand
dollars to the taxpayers of Klnmath
We offer you absolutely free, with­
out charge, block ten (101, in the
Hot Springs Addition to the City of
Klnmath Fulls, to be used for the
purpose of the construction ami main­
tenance of the new Court House
This alto comprises five (5) acres
and is located sufficiently high above
Ihe surrounding territory to make it
sightly, and is easily accessible tn
vehicles or pedestrians.
We have nlwaya kept this block
Intact, expecting later, when the timo
became ripe, to construct a large ho­
tel and sanitarium at a cost of not
less than |150,00() to 1200.000. In
case of your acceptance, we will lo­
cate this important structure on or
near the park immediately below.
We consider block 10 a very valu­
able tract.
For Instance, the five
acres could be platted into thirty
lots, and we could easily secure for
these lots, at present prices, a thou­
sand dollars each. This would mean,
at the present time, a valuation of
r: The National Corn
. <1 l<
just closed in tills city
Hinted success. The wor 1
as n
It y.
lu th« title is employed
"< urn’
rifle <’<> will run Its through train“ in the
tic, rather than the sp -
from Portland. Hau Francisco, Hu< ra- dfic. i
intirtnuch as th« display
in< nto. Reno utid tli<* Oregon Short
in no sense confined
Lin*', south, ninth slid eii«t<-rn <>ut-
covered the entire group
to con
i«-ts througii Klamath Fulls.
Hhotihl you erect your n> w build­ of food product for a vast territory
ing oil the Bit«' suggested, 1: will b" in n:,d brought together a vast array
plain vl<-w of thou uinds and tl ou-
satnls of people who must look a< It of producers from almost every Stat>-
whether they will or not. Tills will of the American Union as well as
lin-lin a great d'-al of good to the from the Cnnadiun Northwest, from
county from i<n a<lv«rtisliig stand- t'uba, from Porto 111*-«» and Old Mex­
l-olnt. since in plalti view of the tour-
1st» will be, first, the magnificent ico. Among -his wonderful display
Court llotis«, then the Public H'hool of the products of tills most favored
a abort distance to th« rear, am! In section Gi< re was probably no single
the bin kgrotind and a little above on one that attract* d more attention and
the hillside. Ihe County High Nchopl.
producing a picture which run not excited more favorable comment than
full to miik' a good Impression upon the one from the Klamath Falls dis­
the minds uf the traveling public. trict.
With Its 100-pound squash
This means more than the ordinary 2 4-pound cabbage, 14-pouud turnlpn
person appreciates, imd. taken In con­
junction with tin- magnificent $30,- 6-p* ind sugar beet:« and 5 > and £
«•00 d«*pol which tlie Southern I't- pound potatoes, together 1 with it
rifle C<>. is «-rectlng, would tend to wend- rful record in the production
make this town tnlk>-d of nil over the of wheat, oats, rye, barley, alfalfa
' nltt d states.
ml ti ll' . embrticifig Italian prune-.
Then, there Is another feature
which we think is p< rhups tin- mosi «lid plums, hnckleberrles, apples,
lm|Hirtnnt of all. Th« county will peaches ami pears; its moderate el<*-
not only ncqulr«« this sit« free of any vtitlon of 4,100 feet above tho sea.
coat, but it <itn also sell the present
Its genial climate and fertile soil; it
alt« for a large sum «>! money, and
th« pro«-« < ds can be used In the con­ was tl revelation, indeed, to thou-
struction of tlie m w bulding. which tands of Intelligent ami observing
«d Itself meana n SAVING, and people that did not fail of a deep and
money In th« pockets ot every tax-
lasting impression. It would be im-
paver in the county.
You have In your present site, ns possible to compute the advertising
I understand it, a block of land 2 40 value of your exhibit, as an adver­
feet along Main street, und 240 f<*et tisement of your section of the great
wide, surrounded by tour streets. writ, and I confidently predict that
property w«n assi-ssed In thls par-
titular locality, by th«* laiit Board <»f before your next crop is harvested
Equallznllon. at $100 a front foot. there will be an Influx of honieseek-
It has been selling In th< i> vlelnlty of « rs to your country that will be a
$150 n front foot, Taklng tho aa­ revelation to you people at that end
s*- s<-<) valuation, lt meana that the
reallte from this I ot Ihe line.
county «»ught to realize
block, say 240 f«** t nt $100. which I
"Very truly yours,
nii-iitis $24.000. That part fronting
on Klamath avenue should bring nt
least half a« much. Tli^
e \< h iN<;i: coi rtesii s
a total of $36.000. to
I.. *
. uscii in the
construction of th«* new building.
The Mayors of Ashland and Klam-
Also you are paying nt the present
time, for h«-atlng and city water. uth Falls exchanged courtesies Satur­
$750 p«r year. Under tho new re­
day over the Western Union tele­
gime. this lt«*m of expense will be
««•ry small. Should yon purstm your graph line, which was first opened to
present m«*thod of ln*atlng in th« the public on that day. Following
new am! large building, th«* pnment are tin- messages received and sent:
< xpensi- would be doubled or trcbl«*«!.
"The Honorable Mayor. Klamath
ami this nmans an Item of expense
Falls, Ore.:
Best wishes for a pros­
We think it more tlinn probable perous New Year, Ashland to Klam­
that tlie purposes for which tin- pr«*s- ath Falls over the new telegraph
ent Court House property will be line. It. N. Snell. Mayor.'
used, would enhance the value uf
"Mayor Ashland:- Klamath Falls
other property In that vicinity, great­
er than would the building of a new returns your kind wishes, and wel­
Court House there, and it has been comes the advent of every public
our oliservntlon that court houses, as utility as more closely linking the
n rule, in cities of consequence, are
but seldom located on tin* principal two principal cities of Southern Ore­
gon in a common purpose—tho ad­
business streets.
You must appreciate thnt th«* tren I vancement of Southern Oregon. F.
of the City of Klnmath Fulls is in T Sanderson. Mayor of Greater Klam­
an «'irsterl.v and northerly direction.
If tin* city grows to the proportions ath Falls."
thnt we nil expect, it is going to
cover from the lower limits of th«*
Enterprise tract to th«* Upper Klam­
ath Lake, ami every part of the pre.« I
R. S. Smith has made the an-
ent town shoul«l be good.
It Is not the wish nor the des*r * cf nouncement thnt he will on March 1
tho Hot Springs Co. nor th«- Klamath remove from this city to Eugene,
Development Co. to depr«*ciat«> the where he has formed a partnershln
property of any pnit of Klamath with A. R. Woodcock,
Mr. Wood-
Falls, ’th«* only way for us to suc-
of the
....... is to have a larger and greater
Klnmath Falls, ami pull together, ami leading attorneys of the State and
we do not se«* why, looking ahead hns a practice that is considered the
Into th«« future, that the location we largest outside of Portland, The
ar«* offering you now will not be In
the center of the new and greater change will be of considerable finan­
cial benefit to Mr. Smith, inasmuch as
Wo should be glad to have you It insures him a legal business that
consider this and to accept it. and will make his income close to $10,000
w«> wish to aHsur«* you of th«* hearty
co-operatluu of th«* Klamath Devel­ annually. It is this fact only that
opment Co. In every way during the has influenced him in making the
p«*rlod of construction ami after- change, since he was on the thresh-
1 nrds.
hold of success In this county, with
Respectfully submitted.
a future that promised a largo and
increasing clientele.
By S. O. JOHNSON. President.
B. E. Hayden has gone to Yuma to
O. T. McKendree arrived In the look after property which ho owns
city Inst Friday from Lakeview and there. He will meet his wife In Los
Angeles, where she is visiting.
is stopping at the Lakeside Inn.
w ilch
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: which y
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It sot
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♦ *
NO. 41
.,1 MM! K '• .AINTVG St IBM»!,
i ho ns to briri
them dos** to th«
1 present site of Ihe city. If Mr. John-
I son had this matter In vie* when
> his company purchased the wV d
holdings, then he should he given
1 rvi-ry powKlbh? aid in bringing a boat
! the result he s«eka, for It will mean
InrreaMcd popu latino as well /is the
thousands of d ,ilari
e- nature of payrolls,
he overlooked that will
is city the big »Veyer-
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Oregon Rank > Seventh Among All tin
Stat«-» in Railroad Con­
»ns Will Be Held in the Fore­
noon During tlie Va­
Klamath County has the ideal cli­
mate f<.r a summer school. While
the rest of the world Is sweltering in
PORTI. ND, t Ore., Jan. 1 0
an effort to exist, this county is revel­
(‘ r ga 4"l
ing In fresh, cool breezes and brill­
national forest
( >w Cr<
iant sunshine. It has long been rec­
and Washington
us ognized by the educators of the
u IX
to the two commonwealths of more county that one of the positive needs
Fort K
than $300,000. This sum will go to of our schools was a summer train­
ip a' Odell, the school and road funds of the two ing school. Such a school has been
sufficient to States, the countie s benefited being ’ talked and planned for several years
•ntiriue far those in which the timber grew. The' but no satisfactory arrangements
(dies distribution of this money will mean I could be made for carrying on such
great improvement to both States.
an enterprise. Recently, however,
Sales this year will be the heaviest Superintendent Sw las perfected
yet made from government reserves, i plans which insure •«<. a
< Ol li U I. Vi'HI K OVER
I .a st year sales in the two States an-4 the coming ftnminer, at has*.«and
gregaled 130,000,000 feet, board , which will in all probability reauIVIn
it I m predicted that the cold weath­ measure. This year proposals have i
its becoming a permar'nt and no
er I Is h about ov«*r
over for thia
this winter. The been made for the purchase of about)
small factor in the educational
ice on the lake and in the river is £50,000,000 feet. Growing* scarcity
growth of the county.
breaking up. and since the snow of of timbe-r on private holdings is lead-,
The work for the coming season
Thursday the temperature has mod­ Ing mill men to the reserves for log’ t
will be arranged to meet the needs of
erated considerably. The coldest re­ This increase is expected to continue
several classes of persons. It ought
ported by tin weather officials this for the next few years until the point ;
to interest those desiring to take the
month was on Monday and Wednes­ is reached where only mature limb-]
county examinations with a view to
day of this week, when the ther­ b
will be cut.
teaching; those teachers holding a
mometer showed three below zero.
Stumpage prices this year charged county certificate who desir» a better
On Tu<- day morning zero was reach­ by the government are about $3. The
one; those wishing to write on sub­
ed, but the last two nights the lowest forestry law provides that 25 per
jects for State papers; those desiring
was eleven above.
cent of the stumpage revenue shall go to review the common branches pre­
to the State where the forest is cut. paratory to taking the fall examina­
<« *. This means that the revenue to the tion for eighth-grade diplomas, and
two Stats fur the coming year iron, those who tor any reason wish to
timber cut off forest reserve lands work up or review any of the
President Johnson Has Been Work­ will be about $1,200,000.
branches included in the course.
ing for the IxK-atiou of a Rig
Numerous important convention’
The program will be arranged to
Plant at That Point
of interest throughout the Northw.-t mee» as early as p<
bls the n-ieds
Stan - areTsrt.rulied " for Portland of everyone. The sessions will be
Through the San Francisco office during the present month. The Ore­
held in the forenoon and the term
of the Klamath Development Com- gon State Federation of Labor and
will be ended in time for the August
pany was consummated a deal that the Northwest Retail Harness am:
teachers’ examination. The instruc­
may have back of it important de­ Saddlery Association opened their an­
tors are Messrs. Swan, Butcher and
velopments for this city—develop­ nual gatherings today, and interest­
Faught, all of whom are thoroughly
ments that may mean more for Klam­ ing sessions are being held by both
familiar with this kind of work and
ath Falls than anything of the kind of these bodies.
Good attendance are expert in the subjects assigne«!
that ever transpired in this country. has marked the conventions, the dele­
them. It is expected that a large
It was the purchase by this corpora­ gates being widely representative of
number of teachers, high school and
tion of the Abner Weed holdings at the North Pacific States. The Oregon
eighth grade students will take ad­
the lower end of the Upper lake. Retail Hardware and Implement
vantage of this opportunity and help
About 4 00 acres are in vol veri in the Dealers’ Association, which embraces
to make the first Summer Normal a
transaction, and joins onto the pres­ those portions of Washington tribu­
ent holdings of the Hot Springs Com­ tary to Portland as well as this whole
pany. extending north along the lake State, will meet here January IS and
and back into the foothills.
This 19, and the Pacific Federation of
properly controls very desirable lake Hardware and Implement Dealers’
I wish to extend my heartfelt
frontage, and makes it particularly Association will meet here January
to the many kind friends who
valuable for factory sites.
20 and 21.
kindly assistance and help
Local representatives of the com
The Young People’s Societies of
during the last sicknes and death of
pany today denied any knowledge oí Christian Endeavor throughout the
any connection between this trans­ State are planning to send full dele m? beloved wife, and for the many
tokens of sympathy received in the
action and the erection of large saw gallons to the big State convention
hour of my bereavement. I wish to
mills, stating that they were not con­ to be held in Portland February 15.
assure all my friends of my sincere
versant with the details of the trans­ 16 and 17. Dr. Francis E. Clarke, f, •>:
appreciation of their friendship.
action, inasmurh as ihe deal was ne­ Boston, president of th« World s
gotiated and closed in San Francisco Christian Endeavor Union; Genet a!
Fort Klamath.
A remarkable coincident in connec­ Secretary Wiliam E. Shaw, and Dr.
tion with tills purchase, however, is John Willis Baer, president of the
that it comes close on the heels of Occidental College, are among ihe
a strong rumor that the Weyerhauser prominent names that will be on the
The Western Union will not install
Timber Company contemplates the program.
clocks in the business houses of the
erection of tlie largest sawmill in the
The Redmond Commercial Club,
city at the present time. It is re­
world at a point on the Upper lake, just organized at Redmond, Ore., is
ported, however, that the installa­
and this point has been located in th« one of the latest members of the
tion will be made within three
vicinity of the property purchased by Oregon Development League, it hav­
months. The accessary ordinance for
the Klamath Development Company. ing applied for and been admitted
the extension of the lines will first
It is a well known fact that S. O to fellowship in the big family of
have to be secured from the city. It
Johnson, president of the company, Oregon’s most progressive communi­
is expected that there will be about
is closely associated with Mr. Weyer­ ties. There are now 102 duly ac­
twelve clocks used by the busines i
haeuser. The latter has known Mr. credited members of the Oregon De­
houses of the city this summer.
Johnson from boyhood and has al­ velopment League.
ways taken a lively interest in every­
Oregon ranks seventh among all
thing that he has been Identified the States in railroad building during
with. The fact that Mr. Johnson is 1909.
These figures are compiled
Henry Rabbes, of the Home Realty
making good in the eyes of the finan­ by the leading railroad publications Company, sustaihed a painful acci­
cial interests identified with the big of the country and show that the dent on Sunday while in his barn.
timber syndicate has the advantage Beaver State added 134 miles to its Turning quickly, he ran into a pro­
of adding weight to any suggestion railroads during the year just closed. jecting piece of limb wood, breaking
he may make to them. That he has The Pacific Northwest is declared to his glasses and cutting his cheek to
suggested the advisability of locat­ be the great goal of competitive rail­ the bone.
Had the limb been an
ing the mill at the point indicated is road building in the United States. inch higher, he would have lost his
strongly suspected and that it is now The struggle of the railroads to enter right eye. Dr. Hamilton stitched up
receiving Berious consideration is a Central Oregon is detailed and de­ the wound and Mr. Rabbes feels glad
velopment in the Willamette Valley that the accident was not worse.
well authenticated rumor.
Notwithstanding the fact that the and in the Oregon Coast country is
Weyerhaeuser people have an ideal recorded. This is a far better show­
site for a mill at Rocky Point, it is ing for the past year than was made
believed that with Mr. Johnson’s in­ in 1908, when 79 miles of new rail­
Six carloads of Klamath County
fluence the location for the plant may­ way was built in this State.
horses were shipped Monday from Mid­
Confidence in Oregon’s future i-> land for San Francisco. The horses
be changed and brought nearer to
Klamath Falls. This is a matter that rhown by Eastern investors every were recently purchased throughout
should receive the serious considera­ little while and an instance has just the county by E. Stewart, the horse
tion of the business men of the city. been recorded In the negotiations pre­ buyer, and are the first shipment to
If Klamath Falls is to become a city liminary to the taking over of the be made this year.
"from lake to lake,” then the saw Portland Gas Company by the Elec­
I. D. Applegate returned Friday
mills that are to reduce the great tric Shore & Bonding Company of
timber resources of the county to New York, at a cost of about $4,000.- from Fruitvale, where he spent the
holidays with his family.
marketable lumber must be located 000.
struí tion