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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1910)
♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ on i< I 4L paper of ♦ ♦ ♦ KLAMATH (X)UNIY. ♦ ♦*•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VOL. XIV. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 6, 1910 every resident member of the Asso stock of dry goods, boots and shoes elation In the project with iiistru«- and ladles’ and gents’ furnishings, lions to urge them to be present and anti commencing Saturday, January vote yes, and If h«« does not abso 8, 1910, will offer same at cost, con lutely know that he will be present, tinuing th«; sale until we have en- secure bla proxy to be voted for It. tlrely dlspoiw-d of such goods. Our This would Inaure u quorum, and If | reason for this action is to put us in the llourd will do this there would I position to conduct a larger and bet KLAMATH 1 ALLS t AN SEI I RE A AN ERA OF PROHPERITY HAS WATER I HERN NUDILI» GRANI' not. In my opinion, bo one per cent ter grocery business and we will con III. It 111.1» INLAND EMPIRE (O.MPANk IN STATE 1.1 ARD U INIIEM OF HERVK E of the stock voted against It. tinue In this line at our pr«*sent place of business enlarging our stock of Secretary Ballinger has announced groceries and will endeavor to give that it Is bls purpose to nee that Ore NOW IS HIE I IMI I OR AC I ION gon gets the portion of th«* reclama IRRIGA I ION AND RAII ROADS MEI) K)UR MORE COMPANIES I the public better service, with our i usual first-class goods and fair prices; i lion fund to which It Is entitled as j twain as funds are available, and a Investore of < it pH« I Ar«- Striving With Adjutant (•«■ueml Finger Writes Huit while this sale will be conducted on a Hon. < lut». N. Minin' Hii'« Gr,-ut Dull- cash basis, our regular customers ; I III has already been Introduced in Eiuli Other for Foothold in This Military Board 1« < <>n«i<i< r- g«-r In Aulitili«* ut lutnil may have such purchases as they de this Congress providing for Issuing \ n»t I n<l«*v<*lo|M*<l Nection ing This City Owu«*ra sire placed on their monthly bills. boi,ds against the reclamation fund This Is not the usual Annual Clear t the extent of *30.000,000, with ance Sale offered, but a genuine ef which to complete existing projects. Reports from Lake County are to If there ar«; enough of the young To 111«* Editor: It I m now ulmost 1 This plan lias the Indorsement of fort to close cut a line of merchandise the effect I bat un era of development men of Klamath Falls interested it n year sin«** tin* I<«*<-| miiiu IIon offiilul» President Taft, who recently stated which has only been on the shelv«-s h <1 v I h > i | (hr llouril of Directors of thu that It was a great Injustice to keep has set In equal to the one Klamath will be poHsible to secure the estab since October 3, 1909. Wntrr ruota* Association (hai mime st tilers waiting indefinitely for water County has b«*en enjoying for the lishment of a company of State mill-1 Very truly yours. thing« would Imvt* to li« don» by the until funds came In from the aule of past few years. There are Immense tla in this city. At the present time CHASTAIN. LANGELL & CO. Aaxocliition Infoio the work on (hi< public lands. Within the last few bodies of undeveloped land In l*ake the Fourth Regiment is one battalion County which has attract«*«! the at short of having a full complement pr«>|*< i roul<| proceed i*X|M*dltlously. days th« Oregon delegation In Con- WANT GRADED Nt HOOIJS Thr Hoard. r«*t »gnizing the Impor- gr«*ss hud a meeting with H««cretary tention of Investors and settlers, and of companies According to the rui tuner of hnvlng the work carrl«*d on imlling-'r to urge upon him the carry ulr«*ad> many private companies have mg of the War Department, it will Bohemian** < lain« There Will Be 300 Hcliolars in Shasta View aa faut an poaalbl«*, appointed a com* ing out of his announced purpose of t«*gun the r«*< lalmlng and settling up lx* luipossibl«' to secure an appropria District Next Y«*ar miller headed by Juda*' Noland to • Me nding In Oregon, as soon us pos of this land. This with the pros|«ect tion for next year unless the regt usexrtain Ju»t what »a« required by sible. th«* money belonging to Oregon of railroads Is drawfug the attention i*ient Is completed, and it will be A large increase in attendance Is of capital und homeneekers to our nec«*sary to organiz«; four new com the llerlaniation Nervine. In the H«*cretury's nnnoun<-«*ment, and sister county. reported from Shasta View school dls- panies before the close of the year. Thia committee, aa noon aa appoint* ,'t lie meeting between him and th«* The matter has been taken up witlx. tiict, which is in (Parge of Miss Amj Over 100 new buildings have in-en rd. took the matter up with (he Oregon delegation, no word was men Adjutant General Flnzer, and Klam Puckett. This district was organized ! > rected In Lakeview In the past two proper K<*clatnatlon officiala and In tioned In lh«< proas dispatches about ath Falls will be considered when the last spring and is a part of the Tule duo time reported to the Board the th«* Xlumath Project, the Idea seem y**ars and there are many more to new companies are organized. There l^tke district. The attendance his I«* built when spring opens. thing« that were required, which, ao ing to prevail that In order to expend An election will soon be held foi will be considerable preliminary work became so large that the building is far ua the stockholders of the Aa- Oregon's portion of the money in the the purpose of voting bonds to build In getting a company together, and it taxtxl to its capacity. The cause for MM-latlon are concerned, was to In* Sint«* som«* new project must be tak- 1« probable that a start will be made the increased attendance is on ac crea««' the capital atock of the Asso 1 up, notwithstanding the Previ- a new High School building. The ."•«»on to s«M!vre enlistments so that count of the addition to the populn- ciation to *«¡,000,000. and to increase I «tent s ami H«*cretary's declaration, rc- i **ed of this Is imperative, and ever? everything wlll be in readiness by tion by the large number of Boben.¡an the pur value of the ahareu of atock «■«■ti.iy made, that projects already I one seems to be of the same mind the time a utbority is received from families who arrived and bought front *20 to *30 per share. ««ommenccd will lx* finished before ¡regarding the project. The proposed the Military Board. Correspondence : property the past summer. The committee, aa I understand, any n«>w one shall b«* undertaken. ' building w ill probably cost something Is now being held with General Fin- I The Bohemians claim that there recommended that the Asoclatlon do l»<> they and the Oregon delegation like *10,000, and will b<* In k«*eplng zer in relation to plans for the pre- will be fully one bundrtxl new fami- the thing« asked and the Board unan know that there is a Klamath with the newly-erected court house liminary steps to be taken, The fol- ■ lies in this district by spring, which With the coming of the railroad lowing letter which was received from ' will mean several hundred children of imously approved thr report and Project ? As it seems to me, now la the time lutkevlew will add to her Industries ( General Flnzer last month shows that | <hoo) age. They are advocating o* call«*d a meeting of stockholders to •be held on October 22. to vote on the when th«* Water Users* Assoclaton a creamery, an Iron foundry and j this city is already being considered >:anizlng a central schtxd district, bv proposition At that time a quorum can b«« of more real benefit to Its probably a beet sugar factory. Three favorably by the board, and the es- uniting the two Tule Lake districts, was not present and the fmo'tlng waa members and th«* project than at any new stores will be opened In about fablishtnent of a company will de- and having one modern building pro adjourned to November X, when a time nine«* Its organization, by sp«*«-d- In month. Several new families have , pend on the interest taken by the vided with graded schools. The san quorum was pr«*arnt and a vote tak lly removing the obstacl«-« and th«*n come In this month to look after their ’■ people of this city: dy condition of ’he sell in this sec en. tlie first proposition carrying, th« calling on our delegation In Congress land near Lakeview and some have tion would insure good roads both STATE OF OREGON latter falling by a few votes, which and the Itvclamallon Her vic«* to se new housM In course of <*onstruction. summer and winter, and a graded MILITARY DEPARTMENT I think was due to a mistaken Idea cure the s|H*vdy completion of the en In addition to the building activi school would be much better than Adjutant General's Office prevailing among a few of the stock tire project in all Its parts. If thia ties In and near Lakeview, other parts W. O. Smith: two or three one-room schools. holders, to th«* <-ff«*ct that If the par Is don«* there will be no necessity Er ¡of the county are also improving. There is nothing which shows more Dear Sir:—I am in receipt of your value of the shares could be kept taking up any new projects In Ore , Many homesteads have b«»«*n taken communication of the 17th Inst., in plainly the growth and development down to *20, that In some way that gon. as the Klamath Project will re up In this valley during the past I reference to the formation of a mili- « f a country than will a careful study amount would be all they would have quire all the money due the State year and a larg«* Irrigation project is | tary company at Klamath Falls. of school conditions. The report» for its completion Shall we do thia, under way. to pa> for their water rights. In reply to this letter, 1 would say ftom all over the county are invari Now, as we have It from the high or w ill we continue th«* policy of com Plats were filed in tin* United that the General Staff has had Klam ably of increased attendance in the est authority, the President of the plaining umi fault finding and permit Stat«*« Land Offic«* at laikevlew by ath Falls in view for the location of sthools, and while many new districts United States, th«* Secretary of the th«* funds that may be made atallabl«* h. B. Millard, of Portland, for th«* a company when the additional com- have been organized and building'* Interior and Senator Carter, chair for this project to be diverted else Irrigation of 97,000 acres in Warner panics are organized. It is, how «.onstructed the past year, yet in man of the Irlgatlon committee of where? As the movement can only Valley. The plan Is to store the ever, not intended to organize this many instances the accommodations the United Stat«*s Senate, that the bo started by the Board of Dlrretore. waters of Deep Creek, Snyder Creek battalion at present, for the reason aie crowded. law will be adhered to, ami the re whoa«* duty it la to carry out the nnd Honey Creek In a laree reservoir, that there are insufficient funds to UPPER LAKE NEWE clamation fund must receive back wishes of the Aas«>clation. It is to b«* which, it is claimed, will be of suffi equip and maintain the same. As from the land owners the money ex hoped that it will at Ita next meeting cient size to Irrigate all th«* land it. rear as 1 can see now, part of the The North Pole is somewhere out pended. there should not now be a Issue a call for another meeting of that part of the valley. companies will bo organized at the in the lake if we bad time to go and single member of the Asoclatlon who stockholders at an early dat«* to vote «nd of the year 1910. The War De Warner Valley Is one of the most can hope, other than by an act of on increasing the par valuo of stock fertile valleys In Southern Oregon partment has ruled that a regiment look after it. However, it will keep Congress, to get any reduction below and do th«* things n<*c)*snary to Insure and Is capable of furnishing a living of eight companies in process of com in this kind of weather without being th«* cost of r«*clamatIon regardless of Its adoption, thereby carrying out the to hundreds of families. Rumor hat pletion Is complying with the law, put under brine. The box factory is running and whether the par value of the stock la wishes of at least six-sevenths of the It that the Irirgatlon scheme is being and will be deemed to conform to the ,20. *30 or *300. The price of the members of th«* Association, as evi backed by the Oregon Trunk Lin*?. same. Consequently, the national ap- work on the dry house is progress ing. It is a little cold for the car water rights for land In the first denced by the vote on the proposi In addition to the above, O«*orge propriatlon will not be withdrawn in penters, but it's got to be done, as unit has been fixed at *30 per acre tion which failed only by a few votes the case of the Fourth Infantry, H. Ayres has sent a gang of men out the house is badly needed. and before any member of thn Asso at the ni«*etlng on November 8. to commence the tunnel that will turn O. N. G. Very respectfully, The big steam shovels are slowly ciation In that unit can get any 1 will be pleased to hear from you the waters of Cowhead Lake Into making headway on the railroad cut CHAS. 8. MOORE. water, he must sign a contract agree again in reference to e. Klamath Falls Surprise Valley. This was started a mile or so above Shippington. ing to pay that price, and so it will nearly two years ago by J. C. Stur- company. Small consignments of ice are be be with members In other units, as Respectfully, g«*on. wtio came out from the East MRN. COOK DINGU8TED ing hauled from here to town every they are completed, ao what is the W. E. FINZER, to r«*clalm about 50.000 acres of few days. WITH HER HUSBAND ua«> of delaying the early completion The Adjutant General. Surprise Valley land. Nothing, how The spectacle of an ice tnarain ex of the project by refusing or neglect ever, was done until Ayres took up PRINCE ALBERT, Sask., Jan. 5. tending clear across the lake just ing to do the things that are asked Nile la Ih-tcrmin«-«! if Possible to Have the matter. Experts claim that the —That Eskimos murdered Dr. S. K below Buck Island is eliciting much of ua, when it will not, and can not, land which the Cowhead Lake project Andrea and his two companions. Dr. comment. This can be seen most any Nome of the Money N«*eurr<l by make one cent's difference to ua. And will Irrigate will produce as much to Strindberg and Herr Fraencknell, winter on Klamath Lake and is a Iler Husband itoturned why delay and put it off, aa now la the acre as any of the choi«*e land of who sought the pole twelve years harbinger of a break-up. To be more the time when plana are being formu the valley that has been under culti ago, was the belief expressed today explicit, it is a wall of ice from on* lated for the coming aeaaon's work, vation for thirty or forty years. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. — That Mrs. by Rev. Father Turquetll, in chatgt* to two feet high caused by the great and aa the working season la ahort in Many thousands of acres of Gov of the North Saskatchewan Catho.ic floes crowding upon each other. this county, unless everything 1s Frederick A. Cook is disgusted with ernment land have been fenced in by Missions. Father Turqetil recently The election In this neck of the ready to begin early, not much can be the actions of her husband, the dls- the stockmen and used by them ex brought the news of the finding of woods is a thing of the pas’. Com credlted Arctic explorer, and la de accomplished. termined If possible to secure the re clusively. This unlawful holding of what was supposed to be Andrea's ment is unnecessary; suffice it to say Blds for work should be advertised turn of some of the money she la said Government land has worked a great balloon, 900 miles north of Prince that we met the enemy and we are now so that contracts may be let and to have advanced him at the outset hardship on the small cattlemen and Albert, near Reindeer Lake, In Ei- his. the contractor have time to get of his recent Arctic trip, waa the the sheep men. For several years klmo territory. The only warm thing in this local ready, thereby obviating the neces statement today of Mrs. R. C. Steb these stockmen have tried to per From the Indians the priest learn ity are the heels of a jack rabbit. sity for force account work, which bins, a close friend of Mrs. Cook and suade the Government to grant con ed that a "big white house covered He has just naturally got to run it some of our members are so much the wife of a member of the Arctic cessions to them for a nominal sum. with ropes," came to the Eskimos' he values his scalp. It is nothing opposed to. In my opinion the earlier that they might retain the use of the camp with three men who were hun unusual to see a long string of sir.oke Club of this city. the project Is completed the less It Mrs. Stebbins declared that so far land. The Government has not re gry. The men died, said the Indians, with a jack rabbit at one end and a will cost per acre, as the engineering as sho knew Cook has given his wife ceded from Its former position In the a few days after they arrived. hunter at the other, the rabbit, of office expenses appear to be about the no part of the money he has real matter and now Insists that all fence 1 course, in the lead. Fath«*r Turqetil, who understands same whether there is one or one ized from hie lecture tour. She also land belonging to the Government be the Eskimo language, was convinced The New Year's dance at 8t. Cloud thousand men at work on actual con hinted that Mrs. Cook Is withholding thrown open at once. was well attended. The intense cold that there was something the natives struction, so why not the Board of Much of the Government land that were concealing regarding the ex blizzard of the evening did not seem certain records of the questionable Directors call a meeting of the stock has been worn out by continued pas plorers, but he could get no further to cool the ardor of the dangers to Arctic trip until she Is reimbursed. holders at the earliest possible mo turing will be resettled ind then with information. From their actions he percept’bl«* « egree. The n.xt events ment to vote the increase of the par the opening of many thousand acres said he believed that the white men scheduled are a mask ball on 8t. Val value of the atock from *20 to *30, W. H. Clarke arrived In the city now fenced in. the sheep men and the entine's day, February 14, and on per share, so we may be able to say Monday from Bonanza, accompa small cattlemen will reap a good har hnd shot some deer or other animals St. Patrick's day in March will be a catred in the estimation of the In to the Reclamation Service that we nied by hla wife. Mr. Clarke will vest. dians and the superstitious Eskimos fancy dresa affair. have compiled with all requests and have charge of the Klamath Barber had killed them to placate their rods. removed all obstacles, and now It Is Shop during the absence of the pro Mrs. Jas. Wheeler, of Fort Klam Chaa. Burggraf, the Albany archi up to them to get busy and build the prietor, Jas. E. Swansen, who will ath, Is a very sick woman and Is tect, arrived in the city Tuesday. Norm* TO THE PUBLIC ditches and works? leave for Los Angeles next week. Mr. not expected to live. Dr. Merryman » ---------- Mr. Burggraf furnished the plans for I believe the situation Is so critical Swansen will spend about six weeks was phoned for Wednesday and will We dertre to Inform, the people of tha County High School and will Just now that the Board would ba in Southern California on account of be In attendance. The physician at Klamath Falls and vicinity that we probably submit plans for ths new justified In employing a man to visit ids health. Klamath Agency waa also summoned. have decided to close out our entire Court House. SITUATION IS CRITICAL ♦ ♦ LEADING PAPER OF WITHER» OREGON. * ♦ NO. 40 MAY HAVE LAKE COUNTY MILITIA CO. DEVELOPING NO MONEY FOR FARMS FUNDS CANNOT BE USED FOR EX PERIMENTAL STATIONS SI OPS SWAMP FARM WORK ■Suggt-Hl«-«! That Mater I vr* Hhoul«l Funiioii Building to < <>n- linu«* tl>«- Work A recent ruling of the Secretary of the Interior bad the effect of stopping any further work on the gov ernment exp«?rim«;ntal farms under the Reclamation Service, at least for the present. Besld«« the swamp land farms, the Service was making ar rangements tor a lease of upland on which to conduct experiments in dry farming. These plans will also have to be abandoned. In his ruling Secrettary Ballinger stated that he can find no provision in the Reclamation Act for the use of any of the funds for the purpo-te of securing lands for experimental pur poses or for the erection of buildings thereon. On all of the projects where ex perimental farms were being con ducted, an arangement was made be tween the Service and the Plant Bu- leau of the Agricultural Department whereby the Service was to furnish the land and erect the necessary buildings and the Bureau would stand the expense of operating the station find conducting experiments In the Klamath Project, the Service secured a 25-year lease on a tract of swamp land, which still bas about 22 years to run. It is believed that the ruling will not invalidate this but the buildings necessary will cost about *2000, .»• r.niess these are provided, the Department of Agri culture will be unable to c< ntinue. If this should prove to be the case, it would mean that all of the expense and work of dyking and drainage in preparing the land would be wasted as far as any benefit to tbe land own ers under the project were concern«*! It has been suggested, in view of the conditions, that the Water Users' Association might consider it to tbe advantage of the farmers to take up the work and provide the necessary money for the buildings and thus carry out the arrangement with the Plant Bureau. DISPOSES OF INTEREST IN THE AMERICAN BANK « TRUST CO. Financial Institution Now Owned and Officered by Melbases, Schal- lock and Daggett Another important change in Klamath Falls financial institutions took place Monday when Maj. Chas. E. Worden sold his entire Interest in the American Bank & Trust Com pany to his associates, Fred and Guv Melhase, Fred Schallock and C. H. Daggett. Mr. Worden's holdings is said to have been *35,000. Following are the new officers of the bank elected Monday: Fred Melhase, president; Fred Schallock, vice-president; C. H. Daggett, secre tary; Gus Melhase, treasurer; A. M Worden, cashier. The bank is capi talized at *100,000, which is fully paid up. It was determined at yes terday's meeting that the trust de partment would pay four per cent interest on time deposits. Hereto fore the bank has been paying but three per cent. It is hardly necessary to say any thing in relation to the new officer* of this institution, as each and every one Is well known to the residents of Klamath County. They are al« business men who have made their money tn this county and show the utmost confidence in the country by reinvesting their money here. The tank owns the building which they occupy on the corner of Main and Fifth. No reason is given for Mr. Wor den's retiring from the banking busi ness. but It is generally understood that his other large interest* de mand bls entire attention. Major Worden was one of the moving spirits tn the orgsnization of the First Na tional Bank, qs he was also ths founder of the American Bank 4k Trust Company. -...........— ■ ■. — - I Mrs. F. E. Boyd is here from Oak land as a witness in the Contest case against the homestead of Mrs. Meyer.