<'(INNERVATION < OMMINNION TO GIVE »1,350 loll ENNAYN NEW Dill I>(<1 I-'OB RAILROAD BEEN BEFORE COI HIN FOR Al, MONT TWENTY YEAItH A New County Ruud 1» Now Being llullt Around Modoc Judgment Natlnffeil In Nett lenient of Point Estate of W . It. Mills, Who Died In I NOI Thu Southern Pacific company ba» Schools nml college» throughout now In building at Htix-kton a mam­ *J'he famous old Warren H. Mills th« Hint« uro »bowing u great IntoroH' moth dredge which 1» reported will estate «use haw finally been »«tiled lu tin» prize r< gon and California. used on the five-tulle cut across the There hits b««n many phases of the vation subject« ill Oregon. Home time ugo It win minoiiriciid 'marsh In connection with the Klam- cai« before the court», but 'he final thnt the »lute conservation coiiiiii I n - lltll Queen. i.etth-ment win reuchi d Thursday 'n The contractors for the railroad ti e Judgment rendered by Judge No­ •Ion would offer <1.350 In prize« for «•nil)» to be written by HludciitH In company are progressing rapidly. land in th« case of 'lalklngton et al the different «ducatloniil liiHtltutloiiM The grade Is completed to within a vs Ham (’. Traynor <•' al. I'bi plain­ of the »llile Hllicc thllt lllllioillii <■- few miles this »Id« of Rattlesnake tiffs were repr.nented by Webster ineiii wit» imide ninny Inquiries have point. A spur lin» been built to th« ll< line» of Tillamook City. been mude for detall» of the contest water front on the I'pper lake, an I Talkington «t al. were the or nets mid It I» evident tbut iiiuny chhuvii construction trains buve been running of the claim of the late Col. Knight will be submitted to the judging com- to the water for some time. All of against the estate, which wilt some th» material 1» hauled to this point time vine« allowed In a ledsion bv llllttee. and loaded on the company's boa' i th« Circuit Court, and tt<- silt win Nuliji-it» for E»»n>n. According to Hie plan of the cont- nml taken to the camps beyond the against the administrator of the <■» iii I mh I oii the e»»ny» tuny be written on marsh, so that all freighting by teams tat« Nam (’. Traynor and Ills bonds- the following subjects nt the desire Is now obviated. m«n. J. W. Hamaker, H. C Htiniiikcr The contractor» have now six s«;>- and J. F. Adam». The defendant S. of the writer The forest« of Ori gon. Irrigation ln»tltutlonn In Ore­ «rate camps established, and ar« «in C Hamaker, not appearing, the court gon, noil», dry land farming In Ore­ ¡ploying s«veial hundred non. allowed Judgment In the sum of Andrew Erickson, who lias a sub­ f3,426 91. The Judgment was satls- gon. road« III Oregon, tl»h Two Min of prize» will be iiwurdi'd, one to «tu contract for four mile» ofhctivy grad« l'< d and settled by th« heirs of tbq danta of the higher Inatltutlona an I near Nay lox, has the right of way J. W. Hamuker estate. one Met to the atíldenla of the high about cleared, and Is now working on It was some time In the year of achnol« mid ln»tItutIon» of n »Imilur th« excavation. Mr. Erickskon will 891 that W. H Mill» died, and since grade. The prize» in the first clang also relocate and build the county that time there have been at least will lie <75, <50 and <25, In the »<•< - road around Modoc Point. The rail­ five administrators of th« estate. F. ond cln.ia, <4 0, <20 mid <10. The «»• road grade will run about where th« I! Mill» was the first, and was fol­ naya are uot to exceed 5,000 word» In county road now Is, and the wagon lowed by J. W. Hamaker. John F load 1» to be built higher up. It 1» [Miller, J. C. Rutenlc and Ham (!. length. understood that a flr»t-class roud Is 'I raynor. During th!» time cases Itiili » fur < "outeat, Profeaeor F. G. Young of the Uni- to be constructed, and will be a great bearing, on the settlement of the •••- t it« have been decided In the coun’y, ver»lty of Oregon at Eugene, aecre- Improvement over the present one. Mr. Erickson expects to have his circuit and United Htates Federal tary of the commlaslon. In aettli g rule» for the content, deairea that no contract finished by August of next c mrt:. so many times (hat fl would paper» from colleges or unlv< manuscript must be typewritten 1» ■fated that twenty-five miles of ed much since we have been courting and submitted in triplicate, written track will be laid and ready for oper­ on It for the last »lx years. Cynthia Well, Jason, in one way on on« »Id« of page only, with each ating by the latter part of the month it 1» more modern. of August, 1910. page numbered. Jason Modern? How so? Each paper should be signed wl'li Cynthia Why, It 1» wireless.— a num do plume, not with the writer s BIG HALE OF IX »IS IN name, mid the name of the writer HOT HPRI »GN ADDITION Chicago News. should al«o be placed In an envelop« I a plaining to Jones The past six week» have been busy together with the title of the ennn/, "1 sav, Jones, dine with me at the on«« for the Hot Springs company In sealed and sent with the manuacrlrt. Mr. bouse tonight, will you?" In order to aecure a uniform treat­ the matter of property »ales. "Ceitainly, with pleasure. Will ment of the subject», outlines for Painter, the local manager of th» your wife expect me?” company, states that they have sold earn subject have bi«-n arranged and "No; that» the beauty of It. We can be »«cured from Professor Young. more property to Individual» during bad a quarrel this morning, and I Following I» the outline on Irriga­ the past six weeks than they did during the year previous. Between want to make her mad."—Peekskill tion: la.Indium. 1 History of Irrigation In Oregon. November 8th and the present time fitty-twii lots have been sold In the 2 Methods of npplylng the water Tin- I -ual < "ustoni 3 The value of Irrigation to th« ¡ Hot Springs and Railroad additions Contributor I should lik? to leave to the city. ■tale a» a whole. these poems with your editor. What Mr. Painter accounts for this rec < Condition« peculiar to th« »la*« i.i the usual procedure? 1 havent that have retarded the development ord-breaklng activity In city real es­ done any magazine work before. tate to the fact thnt the people, both of Irrigation. Office boy—Well, the usual cus­ 5 Hearing of conservation of wa­ here and on the outside, are realiz­ tom Is to leave ’em, 'nd call back in a ter supplies on the development of ing more fully the great future of the day or so and git ’em.—Human city, and also to the further fact of Irrigation. Life. 6 flow far are the principles and the extensive and systematic system method» of Irrigation a» practiced ir. of advertising recently adopted by the Ill» l*n far obtained. ing young man, "but as a rule the (bl Measure» necc»sary for more Campbell, D B. Campbell, C. E. Wor­ chorus Is good enough for me."—Lip­ den. C. F. Stone. J. V. Yaden, Gus extensive development. pincott's. Jones. C. Nark, W. R. Bentley and A. W. Dlngleday of Klamath Falls; Tactic»« One Recommendation Edward Mills, B. L. Davis, G. F. The Customer—Can you recom­ M Prtiger, the former manager of Beard, G. W. Harrison, K. G. Dunn. mend three complexion powders? the fashionable and gay Savoy Hotel San Francisco; L. C. Austin, E. A. The Chemist—Well, madam, I In Izuidnn, has come, at a salary of Wood and J. W. Newhart of Duns­ can't say that they will wash like th» j <50,000, to conduct a restaurant in muir; II. E. Pries. A. E. Pickford and natural complexion, but they won't New York. C. II. Cooper of Weed; Antone Fem- rub off on a coat sleeve!—Sketch. Discussing success with a reporter, Inis and Klamath Realty company of McCloud; J. F McGuire and J. T. Bil­ M Pruger said: lingsley of Mt. Hebron; W. Peterson •'Success, leaving aside thorough of Oakland, Cal. practical ability, which wo may take i for granted success depends on tact, Another Plan That Failed on sympathy. While waiting on a railway plat­ "I'll Illustrate this with an episode: form a traveler noticed a stranger "A Manchester man took hl» wife who he though would probably be of to the Palace music hall. The Palace service to him. girls camo on and did their notable "Are you going by this train?" no 'dance aux jambes dans rar,1 or 'the asked the man. "I am." "Have you dance of the uplifted limbs,' as one any luggage?” "No.” "Well, sir, can might say In English. you do mo a favor? It won't cost you "The Manchester woman, regard- ; anything. You see. I've an excess of luggage, and the officials will make Ing this dnnee, sniffed: me pay extra. You can get the sur­ " 'Well, that beats me!' she said. "Without either sympathy or tact, plus panned on your ticket and It will save mo money. Do you see?" "Yes. , her husband chuckled: "'You bet It does!’ "—Exchange I nee; but I haven't any ticket." "But I thought you were going by thin train?" "So I am; I'm one of the Another Ceremony Necessary company's detective«."—Philadelphia The young piarrlcd man had been Inquirer. on the road about a year. Ho hnd . No R<-lief to Him Just told his wife that the firm had I given him a position In the store, and I “When you are angry,” said the ho would not have to travel any 1 man of gentle Instincts, "stop and count a hundred.” more. "A hundred." echoed Mr. Serious "Oh, won’t that ho fine, George!" she exclaimed. "Now we'll be mar­ Barker. "If I could stop at a hundred counting up my wife's millinery bills ried again and settle down." I wouldn't bo angry.”—Washington Getting Itiil <>f Him Star. "8s-H-RUH-say, ma."stammered Bob­ laical Option bio through the suds, « h his mother "You say that local option has scrubbed him, "I guess you want to ( been of grent benefit to this section got rid of mo, don't you?" "Why no, Bobble, dear,” replied ’ of tho country?” "Yes, sir," answered Colonel Still­ his mother. "Whatever put such nn well. "As soon as a lot of us citizens Idea Into your mind?" "Oh, nothin’," snld Bobble, "only realized how far anybody would have It seems to mo you're trying to rub to go for a drink we organized a good roads movement." Washington Star. me out."—Harper's Magazine. Effort Io llltcl'c»l < olligi- Mild II lull N< bool Hludi-iilN lii Re»ouri«» of tllO State NI RYEY MAI'N ARE FILED I corn. and .lie roads wi'' make an ef- BY THE AltEGON TRUNK fert to mc< t the necci.«’I es of the o..tll naiin a la • »hare of the east of Crrecent lake, where it goes traffic that will be developed by the onstrations will be given in such vital subject» a» General Farming, Fruit up the east fork of the river. It plants of tin timber i nr. Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy­ passre near Rostand, entering Klam­ ing, Poultry-keeping, the Business ath county near the northeast corner NEW ENT NOTES OF N< IEM E Hide of Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, of section 2 In township 23 south of The United Htates, Germany and Blacksmithing. Mechanical Drawing, range 9 east, being about five miles southwest of Itosland. it runs in a Great Britain produce four-fifths of Cooking, Sewing, Dressmaking, Ilonin Management, etc. southerly direction, passing to the the world’s supply of pig Iron. Over <19,000,000 worth of gold All regular courses begin January west of the Walker range of moun­ tains, and ends at a point on th« ¡was produced in Alaska last year, to 4th and end February 11th. Farmer»' south line of section 28, township 2 7 j 1«»» than <1,000,000 worth of other Week February 14th to 18th. A cordial invitation Is extended to south of rang« east. This point 's : minerals. A wealthy English automobile en­ all interested. practically 66 tulles due north rd Good accommodations may be se­ Klamath Falls and eight miles from thusiast uses a »eismograph to regis­ th«- north line of the Klamath Indian ter the Jolt» imparted to his car cured at reasonable rates. No age limit above 16 years. No entrance reservation. The survey practically by rough roads. Although the winters of Montreal requirements. Prominent lecturers parallels that of the Oregon Eastern, being but a quarter of a mile east of are noted for their severity, that city have been secured for special topici. the latter at the end of the former’s is 350 miles nearer the equator than The instructional force of the College London. numbers 100. Excellent equipment. survey, In 27-8. The Shoshone irrigation dam in A special feature is the Farmer»’ There is no longer any doubt thnt the objective point of the Hill railroad Northern Wyoming, which will be Week, which comes this year Febru­ through the Deschutes country is the 310 feet high, will be the highest ma­ ary 14th to 18th. Lectures, discus­ sions, and a general reunion. great soft pine region of Klamath sonry dam In the world. During the whole of last year Lon­ For further information address county, and that Klamath Falls Is to don's famous clock, "Big Ben," never Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col­ be the terminus until the road Is to varied more than four seconds from lege, Corvallis, Oregon. be pushed on to San Francisco. the correct time. Beginning nearly four years ago Although aluminums can be welddd with the acquisition of the Klamath Miss Marie McMillan, who has been to other metals with a blow torch, Lak« railroad, extending from Thrall visiting in Portland the past month, two pieces of aluminum cannot be to Pokegama, and some 30,000 acres returned home Thursday evening. Joined in that manner. of timber land that has been brought A steel canal, within a few feet of Into the holdings of that company by a mile in length, twenty feet wide and Hervey Lindley, the Weyerhauser twelve feet deep, has been muilt to Timber company has bought other distribute water in connection with a holding» of the Jenny creek plateau Nile irrigation project in Egypt. and throughout the choicest belt of The largest relief map in the world For an op-to-date whrw*L the great Klamath forest until the is on exhibition at London. It repre­ a Ramtiler, on «ale at tbe Gl * holdings of the big syndicate now ap­ sents Uganda and surrounding coun­ NTOIIK. For «ale or rew< proximate 159,000 acre». This rep­ try to a total of 401,683 square miles, Tenia to rent. Goni. We cnrr-> resents the investment of several mil­ and covers 2,079 square feet. ■ full line of «porting gixMla lions of capital by this company. A new space and fuel saving cook­ Shevlin & Carpenter, heavy oper­ ing utensil, patented by an Ohio mat., ators, have recently made extensive contains three receptacles which may THE GUN STORE purchases. The Deschutes Lumb er from which the mortar is fed gregating about 200,000 acres. automatically in a smooth, clear The coming of these timber men to stream. this section of Oregon is recognized An Italian army officer claims to by those in touch with the facts as j have perfected a wave power motor the first advance of Hill interests !n | with which he lights his home and And get ground ready for big this territory. Confident of the speedy decomposes water so as to obtain crop returns next year. revival of business folowing the dis­ hydrogen and oxygen in commercial turbance In the Autumn of 1907, quantities. Sonic good bargains can be these associated timber men. all in Sincere Praise had in sagebrush land. close touch with the Hill railroad In­ Poet—DiDd she think my sonnet terests, sought to take advantage of SWAMI* LAND in desirable the existing depressed condition ->f was good ? Friend—She must have. She didn't the lumber market and demand for locations will be higher in price timber, thereby driving many good ' believe you wrote It.—Kansas City- soon. BUY NOW. bargains in taking over holdings of Journal. the best yellow pine timber.. It se«»'s Hubby's Big Head this was done with an understanding Mrs. Youngwife—I'd like a hat for that the 11111 roads would build a branch n« non as necessary to biJ my husband, please. I Clerk—What size madam?, for the traffic to its natiti al outlet In Capt. O. C. Applegate, Mrs. Youngwife—Dear me. I've markets of Middle West and Misi's- BICYCLE S BUY FARM LANDS NOW FRANK IRA WHITE »Ittpl valley states. Th? market de­ mand is tapidly being rtimulated in the «tiun-ry east of the Rocky moun- *:iins by lumper crops oi wheat «ni forgoten the size, but he wears a fif­ teen collar, so he would take a twen­ ty or twentv-two hat, wouldn't he?— Boston Transcript. I-I AS your boy or girl got a bank account with the First Trust and Sav­ ings Bank? If not The Republican will start one for nothing Office Manager Fifth St., Near Main.