♦ ♦ ol ì I« I M, I’AI’EH OF KLAMATH COI N I Y. ♦ * VOL. XIV, KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMA'IH COUNTY, OREGON. DECEMBER 23, 1909 EXTENSION OF Cl IY LIMI I S NEX1 ODI SI ION OP EO VOTERS Ml i:\ I YORK NT ICI DM >ND The Harriman engineers now sta- ■‘While Miss Pearl Klnsruore of tiom-d In Csntral Oregon are dally East Wind, Ind , was coming down expecting to receive older* to coiii - | fairs Tu«'»<lay she slipped and bruin«-«! ' .iiem«' n line southward from Re«l- «herself on th«» landing.” iiioik I through this section um! on to "Arnos Mlttleby of Woolpost, Ka* , i connect slth the line building nor'h while harnessing a fractious horwr irom Klamath Fulls. The Bulletin was kick«-«! Just south of the corn ha* re< < lv«-d this information during crib. He is able to be out. again. th« pu t week, at«! It comes from a "While Harold Or«-en of Beulah, most i«-liable source, the authenticity Mlii? , was • «orting Miss VRilet Goof ----------- « home from a church sociable Satur in a result will have to let them cool of which cannot Ire doubted. This news simply confirms Bern! day night a savage dog set upon them a little before sending, or the lineman people In th«? !• bell'-f, which 1 they . hav«? and bit Mr. Gr««-n four tlrm-s In the may undertake to Cool the r<-ul <>f Ii«l«l for many moons, that the Harri public square.” jour humble news rustler. "Joseph Tutt of Grimmelsburg. la , Willie Liberty and Foster are cut• man Hue now building up the Dos- climbed on the roof of bis house last lchut«* would not establish u terminus ting wood in Sevi'n Mlle for the Ad- urns’ dredger, Thcy have quite u lot nt any point In Central Oregon. Th«? week to firn] a leak and slipped and of It to cut. uml get limber from th • only logical thing Is for that road to fell, striking upon his back porch, t>< extend« «1 southward to connect causing serious Injuries.” i «serve. "I*alah Trimmer, of Dolbury, Neb., C. E. Hoyt left a f«?w days ago for with the Klamath Falls road, and was plaslng with a cat on Friday thus glv<* th«' Slarrlman system u Elmira, Cal., to visit his father, who wl on th«- animal scratched him on through line from Sun Francisco 'o llut a few days remain until th»- , la dangerously III. Ills brother, matter of tho extension of the city George, I* riding on the Klamath In- I’ortlnml east of tho Cascade moun the veranda." limits will be submltt«>d to the voters dlnu rem-t vat Ion, um! is not aware tit tains, thus avoiding the h«-avy grades and expensive floods and washouts of tin- city and the nddltlotis that It in the fact. i “ ('. Burnett and bride came •ip Richard M«>lhass Is having his team tlie west sld«- tn the mountains. sought to be uunexe<l That tho mat- i last Sunday from Merrill ami left This announcement Is of special lu j on Tuesday morning for San Fi an- ter of becotuing a part of the city or i shod today, and getting ready to go not In 1» ing seriously considered by to Klamath Falls for freight tomor terest to Bend and vicinity, as ll ¡cisco on their wedding tour. The the r»'»ld<'t>ts of these additions la tes- row. Others may hnv«, to fall In lino means that wo will hav«? competing i marriage occurred yesterday at th«? llfied to by the attendance at the last later, a* provisions are running short, |:oads. a factor of much importance ! I I bom«- of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Miller .it ineoting of the city council of a nuin- ami it may I*« some time before we building up a new country. Beni Merrill. R«-v. Craig of the Methodist : llulh'tln. l>er of those residing in th« north- will get another boat. cnurch officiating. ♦ * LEADING PAPER OF MOI IIIUl\ <>IÍH.O\. • • NO. 38 RAILROAD CONTRACTORS WOULD LIKE INVESTIGATION hi(li( <itioiis Now Are that Annexation Will Petterson States I hat He Has Never Re Be Rejected By Every Addition fused Work to Men Sent Him SI NUMI Nl CAN BE CHANGED I NEED MORI Al PRESI NI I IME At 8 p. m. Thursday the jury in the «as«' of II. E. Pointer vs. the Klamath Falls Land and Transporta Foor Hundred Additional Men to Be tion company brought in a verdict l’ut on at Modoc Point Rebuild awarding tie plaintiff damages to the ing th« < ounty Road amount of $2,759. The defendants this morning asked for ten days in which to prepare a motion for a new- "I have never refused a man a job trial. w hich was granted by the court, who was sent to us for work since in the <a <t of th«' Old Springs Dis we have been on this job,” said Gust tilling company vs J. II. Wheeler, Petterson of Erickson and Petterson, the defendant not appearing, on mo the railroad contractors, this morn tion of C. C. Brower, attorney for the ing. Mr. Petterson was speaking to a plaintiff, the court allowed judgment Herald repr«?sentative in regard to tho in the sum of $317.25 and costs an-l article which appeared in last ev a- interest. j ing's paper. Mr. Petterson went on i The jury was secured and takln,; to state that they have never I ml of testimony begun this morning in enough men at any time during their eruiuost section of the Buena Vlstu the ease of E. E. Fitch vs. Iranfei Van present contract, and could use more and lllohn additions. That they want FORT KLAMATH. Dec. IX. Brimmer. Tl is is a suit for alleg' d men in their camps now. to bo annexed Is nit certain ns that There will l«c n program render <1 commission due the plaintiff on th«- They had stopped shipment of in» n they sill not he uni« <s soinetlilng I* ut the school house Friday afternoon ’ale of 1-tl acres of lane! near Merr‘11 on the 16th of this month, but within don« to guarantee to them th« bene und nn ull-nlght dance Christ mas «•«« to one A. J. Morey. Thos. Drake ap a few days they wtui.d need 4 00 addi fits they s»?«k. When these residents nt Mell.UM hall. pears for the plaintiff and H. M. Man tional men on the work around Modoc apepared before tin' council they were 1 ’ 1 The blacksmiths are busy making ning for the defendant. The jury, Point and the re-establishment of the ussur.«! by the mayor that ns soon as nn«t repairing sleigh*, although we Tli«' report of the reclamation work after being out a st ort time, return«?d county road. At tl e present time they they- caillo In the city would order wa rearcely have good sleighing as far M.iki Franai« Effort to Stem «lie Tole on the several projects, which have a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for are working about 250 men. ter mains lal«l ami lights installed. south os the Agency. Bl‘1 th«’ we-iiber of Public iin«l Official In beei- filed at Washington, says of the $202, the full amount sued for. "We would like," said Mr. Petter Si me ilnuht the authority of the city dignation. prophet, offers t<> bet ther«- will be Klamath project: son, "to have the facts known. I bare tn du i> lint investigation proves that The judge and attorneys went over t«o more storn.y wcatlier untR Jan- During th«? m«»nth of November the been busy looking after our work, and It I h within the power of the council nary 1st. !f thls I* true w«? will nave principal work performed on the the docket this morning and the fol have only been in town four times in to direct the water company to lay to pr<»*: our wagi-ons li«’<» s«-rvlc« Stirr«'d Into action by tlie expose In Klamath project was on the Clear lowing cases were set for trial: the past seven months, so did noc mains io any point within the city ¡Tuesday evening's Herald. Erickson 41 The State ot Oregon vs. August ugniti lake dam and dike at the southerly hear much of the reports being circ-t- limit» In the mutter of lights the Peterson are working with a frenxv vs. AJuir«*' dredger Is patching up U>o end of Cl«'ar lake. Clear lake dam Liskey for January 13; State Jated until I saw the article in the «Ity linn mi contract for them, but It l«-v> wade li ri Spring fro 1 the mouth today to make amends for the i’ls- haH been completed as to earth and Daniel Liskey for January 14. Herald last evening We would be may b«' us»iim«<l thnt If requested to .1 The cas»- of the State of Oregon vs. «.«>• • i, r to w • I bri-lco .a graccful conditions that have been rock embankment, The rock paving . , glad to have the grand jury invesii- do ho th«* Light anti Water company prevailing In connection with th" Chappel Seamen on a c __ __ __ _ • • «it :.t th. y finish ht oh they .a on the water side has been carried gate the charges made, and if they will lii'tull lights whenevi r requested t< «i : it run two su t** on the lo.in I shipment of men Into this city by em well above the water line, and is prob bling is now being tried. The regular can prove that I ever refused work io to do so. ployment agencies of San Francisco. ably completed at this time of writ panel and a special venir were ex "< north .«i tl>e We»'d '.meh ¡a single man I will be glad to make A cm «ful canvass of the situation Portland am! Sa< raniento. The move ing. hausted, and it was necessary to se good. We are using, nndreds of men, would Indicate thnt the sentluieut on th«'lr part, however, may be too Work on the dikes progressed sat lect ncn « .. <» >Lc audience In the end of course get all classes, many ft FORT KLAMATH. Dec. 20 —(Spe ngalnnt coming Into the cltv Is over late to stem the tide of public Indig isfactorily and economically during court room before a jury was secured. whom would not work If they were whelming In all tho additions. In cial I The wi-athi-r Is very cold ami nation that has been aroused c»v»?r the the month. One of the Ciiief difficu!- District Attorney Kuykendall is con ! given a chance. We have a ware Fairview addition It la receiving no w<> have good sleighing. conscienceless manner in which the tles met with was the necessity for ducting the prosecution and II. Nf. Mrs. M, J. Arnal left for her bom«* house nearly full of worthless bag- favorable conHideratlon; In tlie Hot i laborers have been treated, t’cgnlx- hauling water for some distance in Manning is representing the defend gage which was shipped here witii Spring* addition no Information «s j near Roseburg this morning. ance of the *ltuation has already tie«'»i order to wet the embankment. The ant. Henry Nixon, who is employed by men who never showed up. They ' volunteered, the residents thereof re tak«n by Judge Noland an-1 District present indications are that the dam want to come into the country, and fusing to express an opinion on the Ed Hoyt during Mr. Hoyt's absenc«*, Attorney Kuykendall, and It Ir almost < Ol N< IL DE< IDES IN FAVOR OF and dlki's will be completed at a cost take this way of getting a free ride. question. The Indications, however, will haul hay from their Melbas« certain that it will be pres«>uted to SEPTIC TANK well within the original estimate«, i These men wno are making this ur<* that th«« vote again*« annexation ranch. the grand jury when it reconvenes showing economy in construction Th«? heavy rain thl* fall has spoiled Plans und Specifications of j kick now could be working if they A< cpt win lie heavy. In th« remaining ad January 13th. work. wanted to. A man by the name of Entire System of the City ditions ti c sentiment I h favorable and hundreds of tons of hay for thos«? who A demand has been mad »for r-n in The flume on the Adams canal her Stevens was shipped from Portland in Engineer the vote therein will bo practically dl«l not got their stacks covered. vestigation by the Railroad commit«-1 tieen rebuilt and the canal consider J. H. Ilesslg had his team turned charge of a crew of nine men. Be unanimous, provid«-«! they cun bo as- ion. am! it is practically certain «hat ably widened below Merrill. The city council decided at Mond’.y cause he and three of the others could loo*e In the town lot yesterday, nn 1 aured of lights and water. v itliln a few days Railroad «’onnufs- The work or rebuilding the oil evening’s meeting on locating the r.ot be given a job together they re Under the circumstances the muti one of them fei) In nn old well an<l t loner West wil visit tbtj « Ity an-1 Ad >ms «flume across Lost River has main sewer of the contemplated sys fused to work and demanded trans ' nearly froxe to death before he WM ell cun take no ofllt lnl art ion on the probe the matter to the bottom. His been taken up and lumber is being tem <m Main street, and also for the portation to return on. They told Tho well was six feet i discovered. after the additions bo matter until «onilng will b«' th<> signal for ,he coin- brought on the ground for this pur installation of a septic tank am! Mr. Wing of the Southern Pacific come u part ot the corporation, but ' deep, and hat! five f«'««t of water in it. i lenccnient of a movement having for pose. A scow is being built for use pumping plant. 1 The hor«e ’ « head and front feet were company that they had been refused tlie mayor ami nil of the members in its «nd the wiping out of such prac on Tule lake, in addition to a gaso- The «nt ire plans and specifications j work. Being asked if they wanted a terview««! on tlie question have ex all that could be seen above water. tices by employment agencies, so far line launch, which was recently pur-lag pianlu.«i and recommended by City Needum Johnson Is In town today job they replied in the affirmative, pressed themselves as being in favor | n- Oregon Is concerned. chased for this purpose. Both res- Engineer Zumwalt and endorsed bv and Mr. Wing told them that he «Ion <-f i. wsiit mains I from the Petton Slsemore place. H«‘ of I seis will be used in the work of en- Engineer Moore were approved by the would put them to work. They then to accommodate tile residents, ami it *ald he was feeding 67 head of horses SHORT ROUTE TO CRATER LAKE larging outlets on the south shore it «ouncil. The location of the main said that they guessed they didn't nnd mules, 60 cows and 220 calves, I h not likely they will stultify them- the lake. isewer on Maiu street was favored by want to go to work, but wanted trans selves by repudiating a pledge made lie will leave in a day or two for Residents of Butte Falls held a Reconnaissance survey of all lands Councllmen Willits. Hanks and Sum portation. The rest are all about the Lakeview. In the name of tho city. mass meeting recently at which time south of Clear lake has been under nters, and also by Mayor Sanderson, same. Of course, handling so many Will Ellis Is in town, ami will visit The question has also been raised it was decided to urge tho construc way, ami the survey work in connec (.'astel voting against it, Obenchain we have men quitting every day or so, about tho payment of the sower bls brother until after the holidays. tion of n roa«i from the Geppert pine«» tion with the marsh unit has been fin not voting and Wilkins being absent i but it is not our fault. We need tneu Willi«' Norris I h better today. bonds, objection being entered again »« to Prospect, a distance of five miles, ished. The location of the mains on Main and are glad to get them. the additions having to pay uny part which will open a direct Medford- street had previously been approved of them without receiving the bene FORT KLAMATH. Dec. 22 (Spe AV. F. Arnold, whose wife has been by th« council at a meeting he'«! on Butte Falls - Prospect - Crater Lake fits. Since tho bonds will not hav«? to cial I Chas, and Buck Zumbroni road, This route will cut seven miles conducting the Goin restaurant, ar July 87. At that time the septi? tang WILL OPEN OFFRE HERE bo pal«! for twenty yearn, and since it came In from the Falls yesterday. off of the road to Crater lake as fol- rived Sunday evening from Toronto, was abandoned and it was determined I h quite likely thnt these additions They left the Falls at 9 o'clock nnd Edmund M. Chilcotte, a r?cent ar Canada. He states that all the way to dump the sewage in the river lowed at present. will come in before thnt time, this got here at 8. They walked acrons rival front Wallace, Idaho, will open The Butte Falls residents will send coming west, especially after leaving Councilman Willits stated that be npectrA loses Its force. The pro rata Klamath lake ami were sorry they did a real estate • nd insurance office in a delegation soon to wait on tho Chicago, you hear of nothing but Ore voted against the septic tank at thnt on each lot will be very small, and not buy skates, as they are both pro this city as soon as suitable quarters county court and urge the building gon and the Klamath country. He time on account of the excessive long before tho bonds uro due others fessional skaters, ami could have can be secured. Ho first came here of th«» road. Medford Mall-Tribune. says that it is the best advertised sec | price being asked for suitable nron- will hnv«» been issued to pay the cos’, made a record trip. tion of the United States among tour |erty on which to locate the plain. in 1907. a? d was so favorably lm- of installing tho system In tho addi M. F. Loosley and Chas. Brophy are pressed with the prospects of the ists and homeseekers. IIECEIITS FROM FEDERAL I Since then the council had been of- tions now nought to be annexed. In town today from the saw mill. Klamatb country that he made sev- LAND SALES FOR OREGON I fered property at much more reason They have closed for the winter, nnd Perl R. Merrill, cashier of the Mer oral investments in farm and clty able price. win start up in tne spring with new property, with a view of permanently Out of tho receipts from sales of rill branch of the Klamath Coun’y FORT KLAMATII NOTES Now that the plans of the system machinery. John Utter is In Klamath public lands in Oregon last year $88:?’, bank, was here Fridty as a witness locating. Falls now looking after a car load of 043 goes to the credit of the state in in the case of E. E. Fitch vs. Daniel and the location of the mains have Mr. Chilcotte is well known ■ been decided upon, the council ex- FORT KLAMATH. Dec 16 (Spe freight. They will have to wait for throughout the Northwest, having the reclamation fund, and $4 1.144 13 Van Brimmer, which was set for trial ; pects to proceed with the advertiso- cial > M«‘rcury 6 above this morning th«> Ink« to open before they can get served as secretary and treasurer of this afternoon. paid to the state for Its schools. nient for blds. It is expected that this Dave Noah is getting «round again, Il to the mill. the Wallace, Idaho, Commercial club Washington state gets $446,SOO to and Is able to lams tho job at least. Most everyone Is putting up their its credit in the reclamation fund, and A 30 h.-p. Rambler automobile ar , matter will be taken up at the ad- for two years, and also having charge No work Is turned away, for he has a Ice now. as they are afraid this Is the rived last Friday from San Fran Ijourned meeting to be held Thursday of the Idaho mineral exhibit at Seat $19,303 for Its schools. first-class blacksmith In charg«' of his last chance. The Ice Is nine Inches cisco for Guy Merrill. Mr. Merrill, evening. tle last summer. shop. thick nnd half clear. The thermome NO PROOF THAT CtMIK who is in the city, says he thinks the THAW DENTEI» APPEAL Bud Parker’s smiling fnce may tie ter went to 6 degree« below xero Mon Getting Even REACHED NORTH POLE roads are fit, and he will try the mn- aeon among iih again, lie Is happy day night, which will add another Miss Passay—What a lovely gown cil i ne out by returning home in it. Justice McKenna of the Supreme to bo with us alH<>, although discon Inch to the Ice. The report comes from Copenhagen you have on! But haven’t I seen t Court of the United States has denied IL Mason returned last Sunday W. solate over tho prospects of nnvlgn- before? Anna creek is now freexing up, that the committee of the University a petition of Harry K. Thaw for a tlon. Ills trial trip was futile. Ice and leave Its channel most any place. of Copenhagen in its preliminary ex from Lakeview, where he has been Miss Tartleigh—No, I think not. writ of error to the Court of Appeals I h two inches thick on Agency lake, Great damage will result to th«' val amination of his records, failed to dis working on a large ditch contract. You see I’ve only worn it at very of New York in the case In which with an additional two inches over ley as soon as high water and tho cover proof that Dr. Frederick A. Mr. Mason states that his ditch con Thaw made an effort to obtain release smart affairs this season.—Brooklyn crusted Bnow. Life. (haw commences, as the breaks In the Cook reached the North Pole. The tract is practically completed, but on front the Matteawan asylum. Tho Maxama is back to the Weed creek*« banks have not all been fixed I committee has not completed its In account of the cold weather he had to The effect will be to leave Thaw in close down for the winter. landing, and awaiting tho breaking from the pr«'sent flood. vestigation. No Happy Medium the asylum. up of tho Ice. "Where Is Totten, and "What’s worrying you?” W. E. Dudley of Grand Junction. Training The arrangement and decoration of when Is he coming?" This seems to "Motor car,” answered Mr. Chug E. A. Palmer, roadmaater of the Colo., who has been here for the past The pugilist must demonstrate, the Union Pacific booth Is under tho be tho leading question. Shasta division, arrived in the city gins. “It either goes so fast that I’m two months, left Tuesday morning for Before he starts to fight, Mr. Editor, those nows Items must personal direction of Mr. Kellj, an last Tuesday. Mr. Palmer is successor hold up for speeding or so slow that his home. He is so favorably im expert In this line, and far surpasses By long and arduous debate bo hot, ah yesterday the line was out I’m warned not to obstruct traffic.”— pressed with Klamath Falls that he to Mr. Kruttschnit, who Is sick. ar.J That both his lungs are right. because of the burning of a fuse wire any decoration that has been noticed Washington Star. was taken to his home in the East. —Washington Star. expects to return here in the spring. at Klamath Falls central office, and in the Corn Exposition. CONTRACTORS GO TOO FAR WORK DONE IN NOVEMBIR