FACI* FROM Till-: 4*ORT U II.LING TO I t IlN Ol I It INKENI [opeu canni and tho obligations of tho tire working time to the census work di i< ” ii n> i hi cm I government carried out. during the period of the enuniera- --------------------- FORT KLAMATH, D«*c. 13 (Spe- The recent «'oliipb-t loll ot the West Director Durand's Statement Regard tlon. You understand, of course, that so dal) The telephone lin«* to Fort «in Pacific railway Ims called forth a ing Qualifications, Duties and Supply Extra Water for I mwii Irriga i far uh the otllclikls of tho reclamation "The compensation to be paid to ; ComiMMisatioii tion or for the Sprinkling of servi«'«* III'«« concoriiod w«< would lie great deni ot newspaper comment re enumerators is fixed by the cenami Klamath Is now arranged so that the Streets act, and an allowance of not less than th«* throw of a switch will make of it glad to dlscoiitImi«* ilio portion of tho ga i'll lug tlial ronil, and eapei-lally -44 United States Census Dir«»ctor two nor more than four cents to.* tt telegraph line, and. Ml'. Editor, thi« canal which pass<*s through Ilio thick to th« engineering teuts i«<-«-oiiipiUhe<i Durand has issued a statement defin each inhabitant, not less than twenty bit of news to you is by telegraph. Indications uro thut the old Alik ly settled part ot the town. The only in its construction. The Maxuma, ic«* bouml at the eny canal nulsanc«« is to b« ubnted to [ leasou why ilio «linai Is contliiu>'d Thut tin* best engineering talent ing the qualifications, duties ami ‘nor more than thirty cents for each compensation ot census enumerators. 'farm reported, and ten cents for each We«*«l bridge. tri«*«l to l«*ave th«* rlv *r th«* satisfaction of all parties ami th«« through tills portion of tin* city Is to obtainable has been «>mpl<iye<| there He states that one of th«* duties im barn and inclosure containing live yesterday, and may hav«> succeeded, benefit ot the city. The matter lias deliver (hi* forty-olio Inches of water Is iio doubt, mid 'list th« host trans posed upon the supervisors by the stock not on farms, is provided for as the weather hgre has moderated been before member« of th«* council which th«* government Is obligated to continental line so far construct«*« census act is the designation of suit all subdivisions w here the director of considerably. and tin* reclamation servlc«* otllelals- deliver. If the city can and will tak«> him been the r«-sult iio one questions Freight Is deliver«*«! to th«» Fort for some time, but It was only w Itliiii upon Itself this obligation nml lay a Great cre«ill Is duo th«* Western Pa able persons to be employe«!, with the the census shall deem such remuner cents per th«* lust few days thut any definite plp<> for the purpose I believe nn ar eitle engineers for tile work they hnv> consent of the director of the census, ation sutllcieut. in other subdlvi- from Klamath Falls at 1 as enumerators within their respect sions the director may fix a mixed pound, the entire dlstanc«« being cov understanding could be arrived at. rang« meni can b«« made whereby tin* accomplished. Hut we do take Issue ive districts. It is further provided rate of not less than one nor mote ered by teams. Th«« summer rat«* Is Mayor Handerson has been poum! water dellvererl Into the plpu by th«« with the stlkteilielit that the liest pox that such persons shall be selected than three cents tor each inhabitant 35 cents when It is handh*d by boats. Ing away at the gov«*rnm«*nt ottlcluls <<rvl<<* will l>«* sutllcieut not only t « iibl<- line ikcross the Sierras lias been solely with a view to fitness, and enumerated, and not less than fifteen Quit«* a lot of freight Is now due. trying to get the mutter settled either siippl« the fort, <>no Inches befoi«« -«-< ur«-«l To say that the Western Pu Jas. Wheeler Is Jehu at this eml >( I by th«* government putting In a pipe mention«*«!, but such additional lands «-in«- engineers have secured Hie beat without reference to their political nor more than twenty cents for each party affiliations. farm reported, while in subdivisions th«* stage line for the winter. The line or else turning the ditch over to within th«* city limits as will lx* ben«* line available would In« nearer tho "The census act provides that the i where per diem rates are necessary, mail is carried by wagon through th«* city, and hits at last met with su< titl'd by water s -rvlc«*, to a total truth. 'Iio' Pit river pans, which war enumeration of population and agri- because of the difficulty of enumera- from the* Falls, and will continu« [ cess. In a lett«*r received by tho amount not ex«* «*dlng two second secured by the Southern Puclllc com tuny twenty years ago. aud which culture shall begin on April 15, 1910. tion, the enumerator may be allowed, [thus until the passing of the Ice on mayor from Supervising Engineer feet during tl.o Irrigation season. they have succeeded In k«.«eplug closed and that each enumerator shall com- in the discretion of the director, a [the lake. I believe an arrangement of this i Hopson, he states that he is willing Io Chas. Zumbrom; John Knot'i* recommend to the Washington oflb-o kind will b<< siktlsfikctory In every way all tlios«« years, has boon demonstrat plete the work required in his district compensation of not less than three within thirty days in the case of rural nor more than six dolars per day of I brother-in-law, is paying him u that not to exceed two second feet of I'ln* city will be relieved of what It ed by recent surveys to bo fur super lor to the Ilm« aocurcd by the Western districts and small towns, and within eight hours actual field work each, visit. water bo furnished th«* city, provided ‘considers a nuisance; It will furili *r Tom Kinney has left Odessa, an! th«* city assume th«* obligation of de I be nbl«< to utilize the space now occu Pacific. This Is evident from a com two weeks in the case of any incur- Except In extreme cases, no claim for porated city, town, village or borough mileage or traveling expenses will be now has charge of the Shive place at livering the forty-one inclo-s own« I pied by the canal as a roadway, or tho parison ot the grades. The Western which had 8.000 inhabitants or more allowed to any enumerator, and then Crystal Creek. | by residents of th«* city, and also lay i land can be iiermlttod to revert to Puclfic engineers were limited to u We are out of spuds and coaloil [th«* pip«* to replace the ditch. under the census of 1900. Ionly when authority has been previ the abuttora to their great advantage. grad«* of 1 per coni, or 52.M feet pei mile. "It is desirable where possible that ously granted by the director of th? and now have to eat sour dough In this case th«« ditch ran be filled ' On th«* other hand, th«* reclamation bread by cundio light as a conse land th«« right of way now owned I«;' [service will tie ivllevod of a source of From Klamath Fulls to Lookout the enumerator shall live in the dis census.’• the grade was less than one-half of 1 trict he is to canvass. He should be Attention is called to the letter of quence. ‘the government would revert to tho much trouble am! tho expense <>f[ per cent, with a very slight dcgr«*e of Men are still at work on the break original owners. Mr. Sanderson went : maintenance. familiar with its territory and the the president, addressed to the sec general character of its people. retary of commerce and labor, a copy in Anna creek, but the water con [over the matter fully with Engine' Mr. Patch and I will be very glad curvature, and nothing that could b<* "The census requires as enumerat of which is appended to the stat >■ tinues to pour out over the valley, [Patch this morning, and an agree to hear that the city d<*slr«*s to *.«i clunsod as heavy work. From Look ors active, energetic persons of good ment. concerning the matter of polit and the Fort is certainly getting *ts ment was practically reached as to a ahead with soni«* such plan ns Hun out to Alturas the grades ure pra< address. They must be thoroughly ical activity on the part of the census share and more of the water that is fair proposition to be submitted. [gesti*«! by yon, und you man roly o.« lii'ully th> same, but the work will Keci’snarlly be somew hat heavier, with trustworthy, honest, and of good hab supervisors and enumerators In ac flooding things up this way as a con According to the understanding lour co-operation. its. They must have at least ordinary cordance with this letter any enumer sequence of the break in the creek's tentatively arrive«! at th«, properly Whenever the city will submit n ii slightly greater d«-gr«*«' of curvature One short tunnel will prohuhly be education, and be able to write plain ator must 3ever his connection with bank. owners along the ditch who are nf definite and satisfactory proposition ly and with reasonable rapidity. In any political committee of which he the matter will be referred to th-* ne« « usury In I'll river canyon, on ar FORT KLAMATH, Dec. 15.— (Spe fected are to pay for the pipe an I count of the rigid curve limit unde«' general, preference will be given to may be a member before entering on complete filling the ditch after the Washington offic«« ami request made I w hich the engineers work, but «ven former enumerators if they are at his duties, and must refrain from p> cial)—The Long Lake Lumber com pipe is lain and cover«*«!. Where tin- I tor authorization Respectfully, i with the greatest possible expenditure present physically able to perform liticaf'actlvlty during his term of em- pany is hauling baled hay from her«* line is across public thoroughfares E. G. HOPSON. to their camo near Pelican bay. : there the line will b«« on« of cheap the duties of the position. ployment Hupcrvlalng Engineer. the city is to do the same. The gov < «instruction, und will permit of oper Richard Breitenstein and Mr. Rlch- 'eminent Is to Inspect and lay th«* pip«* "Each person seeking appointment TWO STRENUO!. S CAMES ation nt the lowest possible cost. jardson arrived Monday for hay from In consideration of paying for th«* as census enumerator must make a FAITH FROM IHK FOllT From Lookout south, down the Pit the Pelton & Siaemore ranch. Tim [ pipe the property now used as a right written application to the supervisor Wednesday night at the opera othy hay is 415 per ton. FORT KLAMATH. D«c II Tw«*n i r|v«*r, u similar grade tins been M- for the district of which he is a resi of way is to revert to the original dent. and said application must be house there were played two very On account of the lake being frozen owners, and the entire city is to be ty I Inches of snow on th« level, uiul cured. Insuring for the Hout hern l*a made throughout in the handwriting fast basketball games. The Swasti over people on the W eat Sid«* ar«* be- furnish«-«! 100 miner's inches of water the big flak«« nr«' still coming down |clfic by fur the best of all the trans of the applicant, and must be in kas aad the Olympians, two teams coming short of supplies, and are "up during the entire year. The city, «n Anna creek has broken Its banks and I continental lines, both nn to coat of Is pouring Its waters over th«* vulle, I < construction ami operation dorsed by two representative business composed of girls attending the High against It for the mall. i turn, assumes the obligations now and flooding the Fort. Ablebodled men of the community in which the School, played a brilliant preliminary Mercury 4 above at Shattuck's this encumbent on th«* reclamation servlc«* game, in wbeh the final score was 22 men have gon«« to the scene, but It Is applicant resides. morning, and the dogs and coyotes to furnish th«* forty-one water right«, to 4. in favor of the former. Octavia doubtful If lmm«*dlut«* repairs can b<- All applicants for appointment as run on and sport on the crusted snow. leaving tho city fifty-nine miner’s made. Th«* break In the ertek'n enumerators will be required to take Arnett did the best all-round playing, Il«rtha Evans ct vlr to W F Aran* Loosley and Ryan Sisemore. Jno. inches of perpetual water rights. banks was caused by accumulate! an examination, to be prescribed by considering the terrible odds in favor r« vcral lots In blk 65, Nichols addi Knott. Chas. Zumboom and Jas. oGr- The letter from Engineer Hopson I« snow forming*a «lam The washout Is the director of the census, to deter of the winning team, who so com to Klamath Falla; 410. tlon don were on a successful fishing ami as folows: pletely overwhelmed her team mates. quite extensive, and much work will: mine their fitness for the work. This A Patterson et ux lo L. Garber, hunting trip at the head of Wood For the victors Pearl Harding an-l be required b«*fore tfu* water can be Portland, Ore, Dec. 3. 1909. examination will be of a practical river today. 3% acres of SW % of SW « sec I. character, consisting chiefly or wholly Marjorie McClure made several cl«*v«y Hon. F. T. Sanderson, Mayor, Klam turned back Into Its natural channel twp. (I B I i•> i.. 41" plays, though the entire team dif Willie Norris is not Improving a bit A curious fact, but nevertheless true, j of the filling out of a sample sch«?d- ath Falls. Oregon: I^iuls Gerber «1 ux to Mabie J Pat from his two-weeks’ spell of sickness. Anna creek's banks, like Wood river, 1 ule of population from data furnished cerv excellent work. Dear Sir — Referring to notl-e are considerably higher tnan th«* vul- [ tcraon, blk 4 >>f Terwilliger a«ldltioti The final score in the big game be Dr. White may be called tomorrow If and, in the case of enumerators whose served by Oscar L. Carter, city mar ley below. During th«* Irrigation sea to city of Merrill; 410. work will be in rural districts, the tween the High School and the Car he does not improve. Win. Tobin et ux to F P. Hlxou. shall and chief of police of Klamath son In many places all that Is re- [ Mr. Spink is now taking advantage filling out of a sample schedule of dinals was 14 to 11 in favor cf the Falls, on Mr. W. W. Patch, project qulred to flood tho lam! is to make W% and HE *4 of NE<4 and NEH >f Cardinals In the first half the score of the good sleighing, and Is haulin ; agriculture. HE Q sec. 26, twp. 27 H. rill |1« Each applicant is furnished with was 5 to 8 in favor of the Cardinals, his hay from the McCoy ranch to the <*ngineer. In the matter of the Ankeny ik cut in the bank ot either stream . Edward And«*rson ct ux to F. P. ditch, 1 note a - complaint by th«* and the water easily flows as it may I Agency. b*it th« High School team materially an illustrative example of the manner Hixon, W *-» of NE% tec. 3. twp 7 H health committee of the' common be directed. strengthened when George Du Fault Wheeler is bob-sleighing his barn of filling out the population schedule, and HW‘4 of HE *4 »«*<■ 34. twp 2« .*». council as follows: J. F. Loosly has gone to Han Fran - ' and in country districts with a copy ?nd John Sierr.ons were substituted full of hay from the Richard Melhase “An inspection of the Ankeny ca- cisco t<j purchase heavier machlnery i. 10 E; 61,600. ranch. in the second half. The game wan ex of the agricultural schedule to which, A. Hatch to Chas. P. Ilray NW V. The Adams’ dredger I? near the nal running through the city new for the Utter & Burns saw mill. The in the main, the work of the census cellently played throughout, entirely ace. 26, twp S. r 5 ■; 110. by the reclamn- owned and operat«-d same will be installed early in th«* enumerator is confined. These form? fr«?e from rough and unsportsmanlike Weed bridge. Intends to cut a canal Emma L. Gardner to John Irwin, tion service • • • reveals a de spring work, and was a rplendid encourage west from the bridge to Seven Mile. of schedules are furnished for the iu-1 plorable state of filth an«! contamlna' A big boy wns born to Mr and Mrs. lota 6. 7. 10 and I 1 In sec. 3, twp 4'« formation of the applicant and should ment to all, showing the value of just H, r. I IE; 110. ling matter and substances seriously L. Hesslg, the genal partner of Ora Engle on th«* 9th Inst. be studied and preserved for use in such athletics. The feature of tho N H. Mon 111 to J. I*. Harter, blk I contaminating and menacing the Hessig & Co. of Ft. Klamath was a game was the brilliant playing of Du Dave Noah fell from th« roof of hlH connection with the examination 14, town of Merrill; 4400. health of the people of the city • • blacksmith shop y«*stcrday and aux- [ referred to in the preceding para Fault and Stephenson for the High visitor Thursday. He reports that Howard Shepherd to II. F. Shop You may be reassured that the taim-d a fracture of three ribs. School some twelve Inches of snow have and of Hayden for the Car- graph. herd, 100x2k feet In lot 3, blk. 1«. fallen in that country and that the reclamation service will promptly dinals. "It will be necessary for each Klamath Falla; 410 an<l other. take steps to remove any filth or oth The Uidverslty of Oregon expects thermometer has already registered enumerator, before entering upon his Katherine L. Hall to Blooming as low as three degrees above zero. er contaminating matter liable to en to issue, .is a supplement to the Fel - [ COVRT NOTES duties, to receive a commission, un camp Bros., lota 1 and 2. blk. 46 danger the health of the community. runry number of the University B*tl i Mr. Hessig is a real pioneer, having der the hand of the supervisor of the The court room was well filled come to the coast away back in ’64 [ I request that you wll have such mat I« tin, n compl«-t«j directory of al! Or«*- 1 Low m* nd-lltlot, to Bonnnzn; 410. district to which he belongs, and to last Thursday during the progress American llank and Trust to T, J landing at San Francisco on June 4th ter promptly pointed out to tin* prop gon high schools. It will contain the take and subscribe an oath or affirm of the Anderson trial, The defense Jackson, lot 2, blk 7, Lakeside add* er officials of the service. namra of th«* teachers the subjwt*-i of that year, living in this country ation that he will faithfully discharge is presenting their case, and it is Referring to informal discussions tnught by each, their prepaintlon. th.* tion to Klamath Falla; 41. in thote early days when flour was all the duties required of him under probable that the trial will be con George C. Hill to Netha II. Illll, lot worth 42 a pound and an ounce of between yourself and Mr. Patch rela- nnntlker >t years In th* •«igh scl-ool the law. cluded and the case given to the jury ralt was considered of more value five to a possible filling in of part c «urse. ite., and Is to b« sent frc«t of 19, blk. 37. Hot Hprlngs addition to Klamath Falla; 410. “The census act also provides that either this evening or early tomor than an ounce of gold. of this canal and to the suggestion charge Joaeph Bennett to Bertha Evans, an enumerator, after accepting an row. The witnesses for the defense advanced by yob at the public meet The ()<!<! Fellows have elected offi lot I, blk. 64, Nichols addition to appointment and qualifying for the were rigidly cross-examined by the Piles relieved by one application jf ing of November 9th, I believe an ar W. O. Klamath Falls; |10. work, cannot, ‘without justifiable attorneys for the prosecution. Rectol, the sensible pile remedy. Con- [ rangement of this kind shoul«! be en cers for the coming term: J. N. Kirkpatrick <*t ux to A. E cause.' refuse or neglect to perform Demurrers were filed in the Liskey tains no opium or cocaine... Pile pipe tered into. • This seems to me the only Smith, noble grand; F. C. Hamler the duties of the position; and he will cases, which will be argued in the furnished free. Money back If it feasible plan whereby the City of vice grand; O. A. Stearns, secretary; ('rance, lots 5 and 6 in blk 1. F->it KInmath; SI. further be required to devote his en morning. falls. Sold by Underwood's Pharmacy. Klamath Falls can be relieved of th« P. L. Fountain, treasurer. ALL ABOUT ENUMERATORS — 1 HECTOR’S Good Goods GOOD HECTOR’S Low Prices NEWS SANTA CLAUS HAS APPOINAED US HIS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR KLAMATH COUNTY, AND SHIPPED HIS STOCK OFTOYS HERE. HE REQUESTED US TO ADVISE ALL THE GOOD BOYS AND GIRLS OF KLAMATH COUNTY TO COME AND SEE THE LARG EST ASSORTMENT OF TOYS HE HAS HAD FOR A LONG TIME. BE SURE AND SEE SANTA CLAUS’ WINDOW DISPLAY AT HECTORS' CHILDREN’S SHOES We have reduced several lines of children’s shoes that would make good, sensible Christmas gifts. Ask to see our new line of skuffers. New New New New New New New New New New Neckwear, 25c to $1.00, Handbags, $1.50 to $10 00 Belts, special price 75c, Back Combs and Barretts, 25c to $2.50. Box of Ruching, assorted colors, 39c. Women’s Romeos, $1.50 and $2.00. Handkerchiefs, 5c to 50c. Children’s Handkerchiefs. 3 in box, 25c. Sweater Coats, $1.50 up co $5.00. Mufflers, knitted, 50c and 75c. IF YOU GET OUR PRIC ES YOU SAVE MONEY SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Women and Children’s Coats, all reduced, practically at w holesale cost. Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats, all reduced. Men’s and Boys’ Suits, about one-third to one-half price. Men’s Heavy Fleeced Underwear, 50c; Boys’ 40c.1 Men’s Heavy Gray Wool Underwear, $1.00. Men’s Extra Heavy Wool Underwear, $1.50, Big line of Felts, Overs, Packs, Arctics, German Sox, Rub her Boots. 1 RY IT! 0. M. HECTOR, Successor to the Boston Store