1 and a »rr.ckrg« eMcii ling onlv about tweuty-flv* miles. But it Is not alone lumber that the tie» road »ill ham out of Klamath E. J. MURRAY, Editor «ounty. During September c »real ex- ports employed by the Hill lines ma io an exhaustive examination of the up- A special iue«'tlng of lit«' city council I er pot tion of Klamath county as ft east as Silver Lake and Paisley into was called Thurstlay night to discus-«) IWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Lake county, and throughout the Dev the proposed ordinance allowing the We i vantage over this portion of Oreg>-i' troduced by the mayor and members of the couiuM, It was , Congress Klamath county wheat has long years on the franchise, to be glv«'u . Ix-en known for its high milling qu.-.t- ihe company ami to allow them no The members of the Klamath Falls -tty, but until this year lack of trau-- tights to the pob ahead)’ elected In Realty board met at luncheon today i rt 'ion prevented its t lpm-4 f <0 lit«' telephone coKipnuy, this last An interesting article in the Ore- < utside r.lllls. though it was aougl t am -mliuent to curb their powers at the Hotel Livermore, with Judg'- H. L. Benson as their guest. Mr. | gunian lends to uphold tile belief for Id -tiding purposes. This year th«' should they buy out the present own- Benson was requested to be present i that Klamath Falls is to be the ob- (top harvested was the largest In the «rs of th«» local company. Another for the purpose of explaining his th«v- ; jective point of the Hill road through 1 ist >ry ot the agricultural develop-i amendment stated that they should ory as to the sale of the swamp lands, Central Oregon. inent of the basin, and as a result n ch ar th«» street* nnd rebuild all pav- There is no longer any doubt that good many cai loads have been ship tt:< nts. leaving the street* In us good when reclaimed by tue government, for the benefit of the Klamath pro­ I the objective point of the Hill ruH- t>ed. California millers drawing >1 condition after ’hey erect their poles I road through the Deschutes couutiy this source ot supply. Three local or change the position of any already ject. The members were so favorabl) J is the great soft pine timber region mills, at Klamath Falls. Merrill and er< .«I. ns th«' tri ts w. i<> b- fot>- impressed with the scheme that they lot Kltmath county, and tint Klam­ Ronanxa. are steadily grinding am. they i<>miuen<'< d work. Th«> orders recc|v«'d by the foreman appointed a committee to confer with ath Falls is to be the terminus uutil iec« dying their full complement of the: the Water Users’ association and tbe ) such time as the road is pushed on < rop, but there Is more than may be of the telegraph compauy, who Is now Chamber of Commerce with the ob­ 1 to San Francisco. Two crevs of en­ required for local consumption dutlt.g In the city with a g.-ng of men ready ject of passing a resolution to be sent gineers have been engaged lu the the coming year, nnd this surplus will to commence w to congress asking their aid in the I northern part of this cour ty, one be qub kly absorbed by the mills of should erect poles on the northi'rly matter. It is hoped that a law may making a preliminary serve, of the tie So them Pacific lines In Califor­ side of Main str«*et to about the mid- die of th* block In which the Liver be passed by congress allowing the entire route to the east side of Upper nia and t'regon. proceeds front the sale of thes? gov-i Klamath lake, and going out over Eacl s creed!ng year will recor I more hotel stand*, Tho ma)or and council agreed that « r:’lient lands to be applied toward I the Southern J’aeitlc (rout here, an 1 largely rvnsed production of cereal paying the cost of the Klamath pro-j representing that the party was a crops f 1 t ils country, for the Irrlga- wired already on ject. 11 this is done it is believed 1 baud of timber cruisers driven out tion sy j U ui Is being pushed to com those that the troll« that it will materially ’ sen the bui-l of the woods by the heavy snows of pletion and will add many thousands have to erect whet den which has been p.aced upon the) the past few weeks. of cres to the producing areas for electric car system, land owners. Beginning nearly four years ago the seasons of 1910 and 1911. That have as many polet I It is conceded that if the farmers j with tbe acquisition of the Klamath means more tonnage for the railroad« visable. The recor directed to notify t are to pay the high cost for water) Lake railroad, extending from Thrall and new wealth for Oregon. of th«' comjiany at San Francisco that that some assistance will be necessary I to Pokegama, and some 30,000 acre« the co'tncll was w illing to allow them and the proposition suggested by Mr. of timber land that had been brought < It H. ITE STATE OF SlshKOC to build their line up Klamath ave­ Benson appears the most feasible one 1 into the holdings of that company by ' oslte or near their yet mentt-ined. It is claimed that lervey Lindley, the Weyerhauser. t»l T OF Sot TIIERN OREGON IXIi nue to a point NORTHERN (All FORNI A office on «Main str- ’. nnd thence up these lands were given by the states Timber company has bought other. one of th«» side streets to Main. of Oregon and California to the Unit­ holdings of the Jenny Creek plateau After the council met last Monday ed States government to be used for Î and throughout the choicest belts of I ion a new bid for tic «wer bonds was :c- the benefit of the project, and that in ' the great Klamath forests, until the| celv«-d by Recordcr Leavitt $40.00> simple justice the people under the, holdings of the big syndicate now ai>- at 6 per cent, with a premium of project are entitled to the proceeds ) proximate 159,000 acres. This rep­ • Poor old Oregon, which once in- »250. from their sale. resents the investment of several mil­ clud 'd nearly the entire Pncldc It was Following tils discussion the board lions of capital by this one company. ' coast, will soon be confined to the ri >ukl meet tonight at City Engineer took up several other matters of im­ Shevlin & Carpenter, heavy oper­ Wilammette vbllev. If the many move­ Z1111 salt’s office snd look over the portance. among which were the sale ators, ; have recently made extensive ments for state division are succese- maps nnd surveys of the city, to de­ of additions to the city and the en- j purchases. The Deschutes Lumber ' fill. Promoters have long been work­ tcrmlne whether It would be adlie­ forcement of the regulations laid company, 1 formed by Alpena. Mich., ing on the formation of a new state abb' to lay the sewer on Main st reel down by the board and the commis­ men; the Yocqui Lumber company of front portions of Oregon. Washington or Klamath avenue. sions to be charged on sales. Minneapolis, the Hixon Lumber com­ and Idaho, and it is reported that the pany, S. S. Johnson and G. H. Gil­ prospects are bright for success. christ have secured holdings aggre­ A VOICE FROM THE Southern California wants to be sep­ HIENA VISTA HEIGHTS gating about 200,000 acres. arated from Northern California, an«! Ilill Interests Break Ice. It will require two carloads of pa the latest movement Is to create a To all whom it may concern, and to Tht coming of these timbermen o new state to be called Siskiyou out per to print Oregon's new code. The the town council in particular. this section of Oregon Is recognized of Southern Oregon and Northern code will consist of two volumes, an«t You have advertised an election on by those in touch with the facts as . California. there will be printed 5,000 sets, or 1« December 31st in behalf of the voters the first advance of Hill interests \ At a meeting of the Jackson County total of 1 o.oot) volutri«*», a respecta­ of the additions in question. I wish nto this territory., Confident of the! Press association last week resolu- bly large library. State Printer Dun- to ask a few questions. Is this to be sjseedy revival of business following tlons were passed endorsing the Iway estimates that the printing will a case of taxation without representa- the disturbance in the autumn of movement, and committees appolnb-l take 70,000 pounds of book paper. tion? Before this municipal pump- 1907, these associated timbermen. a'l Th«» first volume has already been 1 to co-operate with the press and peo­ kin is pulled from the vine, and be- friendly and In close touch with cho ple of the section involved and call a complied, and the copy Is being placcj fore we vote we want to know if we Hill railroad interests, sought to take convention of representative citizen* in the hands of the printer rapidly. are to have the rights and privileges advantage of the existing depressed at Shasta Springs, Yreka, or sont«» William P. Lord, James IJ. Montagu.', I the rest of the town enjoy. Are we cordltlon of ll’t lumber market and , other California point, in the near fu­ James Godfrey and William P. Lord to vote “yes,” and then lay the water demand for t’mber, thereby driving ture, and formulate plans and out­ Jr. compose the commission created pipes and mains out of our own pock­ many good bargains in taking over line a course of action to bring the by the last legislature for compiling 3 ets? Are we to vote “yes,” and then I.tiding; of the best of yellow p 0 ; «3.9 IX h : i 20«. S3 10.000 «IO MU fit 30,402.«4 «40.50 3« 00 2.092 0? 31.71« 00 I.020.00 14» 11 «.SHI >0 f.Oll 00 * i 4«,r.»fl 00 oo »0 00 01 Total II ic.it Stat« of Oregon, > County of Klamath. Iss. I- " I’’ l-'«ll. «ashler of th«» emnly swear that the uh«>v«* statement edge and belief. Correct Attest; Subscribed and »worn to before tu«> above named bank, do sol­ Is true to the best of my kuowl- W A DELZELL. Cashier. L. F. WILLITS. GEO. T. BALDWIN. J. A. MADDOX. Directors. 1 19th «In* of November. 190*. I. FOUNTAIN, Notary Public. Before Yon Buy Your Winter Supplies Don’t forget to get our prices on Canned Goods, Sugar, Beans Dried Fruits mid everything in the Grocery Line. Try our 25c. Monarch Coffee. You can’t beat it in quality MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY Pilone 1051 - RI* arc tn a '3‘'è. ï ft 4k k ri L a for every use. Cut generous­ ly full. Two hip pockets. Foiled seams. t Continuous fly. tHWig (8 9 *« f in COPPER u! A Splendid Ovprall •Y Miarill.UAM AC!). M4»atis.iwfrf t UeFfttuct (-’ i SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist between yon anti me. 1 atn trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don’t holler and cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it backhand give me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain ainout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. 'I'hosc are the very kind of goods I carry and arc all made by the most reliable firms. 1 would like to have your business. I have been told that 1 am on’the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your­ self RIGHT unless you sec my stock before you buy AX ARTI.ESN DISTI N( TION Lewis, aged 3, asked his mother wliat he was made of. The mother replied, “Sugar, because you are 01 sweet.” Soon pfter she heard him declare to his little colored compan­ ion, "I am made of white sugar and you are made of brown sugar.” De­ lineator. t (he flying Ar tilg a cudgel r work IVPHATTAN 11 J