Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1909)
WILL SOON HAVE FREE IMSI MtSI ER EMMITT OPPOSES DELIVERY OF MAIL HIE HENHON IDE \ Helicine Is Imprin t li able and Would Au<l Houses XiimtM-red Before Vuele Result in I window tiers Paying S.ufi Will Give tlie Service— Sion* Instead of la-ss. Work Should Begin Now. «Ili soclul and commercial Interests are entitled to respect. In order to pro cure and hold that respect we should maintain an attitude toward others that we would not reject ourselves under like circumstances. It matters not how much money Is expended as long as ae get % al ue re- ceixed; but when it comes to moving approximately one million cubic cards of rock and dirt to drain the Upper lake and three million for the Lower lake. It w ill tie found that with all the hard work of the senators and representatives in congress we will still be far short of the object de- i Ired. The theory is simply a myth and a delusion. R. A. EM NUTT. DANGER IN DELAY E.W. GILLETTE & CO Ividuey D ímhim - n Are loo Dangerous for lx Inumili l ulls l'isiple io XegliHt. "Won't y<ui walk into my parlor'."* Editor Herald: In 1904 the rec Haiti the Npiiler to llie I l>. The time is uot tar distant when lamation service, through the secre ” "1'1« tlie (weillcat Utile |«arlur the city council will have to take up Th«' great danger of kidney trou Thai ever you iliil spy." tary of the Interior, withdrew from the question of placing the names of bles Is Hint they get a firm hold be settlement one-fourth each of four the streets at each corner and order fore the sufferer recognizes them. townships an area of thirty-six the numbering of bouses. This will Health Is gradually undermined square miles, in the vicinity of Keno, be the first demand that the postoffiee Backache, headache, nervousness, Of c«*urtm It wits a pu tty liltle pallor, fur that Ore., for the benefit of the reclama department will make on the city Spider win a wise ime wise beVoild Ills general loll lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary- tions project. This order, being her ami had furnished Ills pretty llttlo parlor at the when it is placed in the free delivery troubles, dropsy, diabetes mil alded by the press to the world, cre stori' of I-; W. Gillett«' & Co (Mung Block, Sixth list. The receipts at the local office Blight's disease follow In merciless ated the impression by inference to striH't), where he found that he could get ev«-ry- indicate that the stipulated amount sin cession. Don't neglect your kld- thing that gix-s tn make n homo pretty and iiim- all people who were not familiar with neys. Cur«' the kidneys with the cer furtahle ut prices that wer«> «-iislly wit hill tlm liKiin« will have been reached when the the facts, that this land was un of n Spider that hail to do his own diutnmltig up fiscal year expires, and it will then be tain and safe remedy, Doan's Ixldnev claimed government land, and as of business. T|i<> fulile goi-s on to reluto that this Pills, will« li luis cured people right up to the city to see that every street soon as the United States reclamation particular pretty llttlo parlor was so cosy and - her«* III this locality. within the free delivery limits s service could Irrigate the land it "comfy” that Nir. Flv could not resist tlm t«-mptn- properly marked. Judge W. M. Thomas of Yrt'k.i, lion to outer, with disusi reus remili« to Mr. Fly, mir ru. h i w miti : i would be placed on the market in but to tho entire «atIsfartIon of tho Spider Cal., says: "I used Doan's Kidney Inasmuch as the service will not some form. Tho story goes to «how Hint when you want to Pills, and am glad to say that thev be inaugurated until this condition That there would be an opportun furnish ti a house parlor and nil other rooms is complied with, and as it takes n ity for homes or speculation, hun i - jiv .- me great relief. I was suffering if you will hie yourself to E W. Gillette A Co. you from kidney trouble for a long time, considerable time to do the work, it dreds of letters of inquiry were re will llnd (lull you can furnish It complete In the most comfortable and attractive manner, ami make the most annoying symptom being too is none too early for the city fathers ceived. it so pleasing to the eye that an Invitation Into your to be looking into the matter and Klamath Falls is going to take Its frequ«>nt passages of the kidney se The facts are that not one foot of "pretty little parlor" will be sure to lie 111,-1 wit II taking the preliminary steps neces that laud was owned at that time by place among the cities of the state cret tons. I also suffered from sever«» pleasure. Another thing nbout this tun.1' Is that sary tor the prompt carrying out ,f the United States. It was all in the that are lending their uld in the tight headaches and «llzxy spells. I was in It doesn't t ike more to furul.ih the liouso <lmn it do«>:i to build It. But you will find price« so ronaon- their orders when tho time arrives hands of private owners, and had that is being made against t ubere li a bad shape when Ihnin's Kidney Pills able that you will wonder why you didn't Ink«» for them to issue them. been from fifteen to thirty-five years. losis. This campaign has beróme were brought to my attention nnd I advantage of It mid have all these nice things long The character of the signs that procured a box. 1 began using them ago Just drop In some day nnd g«‘t their prli-cs on The order withdrew from settle world-wide, and one of the principili shall mark the streets is something ment the farm of the w riter which he agencies aiding tn the work Is th" and felt better In a short time. I was all house furnishings, You will bo surprised. You will Hod that you can afford Hint «-a»y rocker; Hint that should not be passed by lightly. had owned for almost thirty years. sale of Red Cross stamps. The*' finally cured of the lameness In mv now carpet: one or two of those pretty rugs or Many cities have made the expensive back and all th«' other symptoms of stamps are issued at Xmas time an t This was deception No. 1. ai t squares that you have wanted so lung to bright mistake of purchasing street signs en up some particular room And get the price« on About one year later the Califor sold by the American Red Cross. Th > the trouble entirely disappeared. I that lasted but a short time, necessi- nia and Oregon legislatures each plan is to have merchants througb- hav«> no hesitation In recommending some of the other things that you think you can't afford at present; you'll find (lint they are not be tating the doing over again of the passed an act ceding or giving to the out the United States purchase them Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone suffer yond reach nfter nil. lint that you inn afford them work. It has been found that the United State's all tule or marsh land nnd on each package sold to place ing from kidney complaint.” now and not have to wait. most ornate and durable sign is the within the Klamath project that one of th-se stamps. The Portland For sale by all dealers. Price 50 i___ blue enamel background with the might be drained by the Unit'd Store of his city has purchased a cents. .Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. • name of the street in white. These States reclamation service. supply of them, and every package New York, sol«' agents for tho United may cost a little more than the less Stat«>a. Now. the solons of these two great leaving it - store will have on« of attractive sign, but since they are a states no doubt gained the admira these attached to it. Remember the name !>onn‘* permanent improvement, cheapness tion of an Indulgent public for the The sale of these stamps In Oregon and take no other. should not be the first requisite. They magnanimous spirit exhibited. What are In charge of the Visiting Nurses' N are manufactured by a large number is the result? They gave somethin-: association of Oregon, They are sol I of concerns, and consequently no that they did not own, and could not for one cent each, the proceeds, after monopoly exists and the city will be give. There are none so liberal as deducting a small percentage which able to get them at the lowest price i those that have nothing to give. They gov's to the American lied Cross, to Itaiiitall and i'cni|H'r.iturc Illis Been Except loua I — Precipita Hoti Ex- consistent with first-class material. might as well have given a quit-claim defray the expense of issuing the reed» That of lai»l Year. A uniform style should be followed deed to Mt. Shasta, or anything else stamps, will be used in Oregon for in the numbering of houses. The an they did not own. The land con- the prevention and cure of tubercu Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns Thursday night the thermometer tiquated method of starting at o losis in this state. Oregon has pur ! was all in th.- and Ammunition, Cutlery—in registered just 12 degrees ubove z«-ro. end of a street and continuing witfi chased 1,000,000 of these stamps, This was as low as the mercury fell ds of the speculators. tiling in Good Hardware—No out interruption until the city limit3 and it is expected that every one of during the month of November just ;s was ........ ptioa Ni>. 2. are reached should not be followed shelf-worn goods. them will be sold before N«'w Year ’ s and last, comes the propo past, when on the 15th of the month here. The more modern practice of sition from Briggs and Benson to day. the mercury registered 12 above. Thu Agents celebrate d Ell wood Fences allotting to each block the numbers drain the deep water lakes, sell the In Portland a strong effort is be hottest day during the month- a rcc- between one and one hundred should beds thereof for actual cash value ing made to have the people have one and everything the farmer needs. ord for freaks and unprecedentel be adopted, the even numbers being and apply the proceeds to the cost of of these stamps attached to every weather- was the 3d, when the me.- uniformly on the same side of the irrigation of the Klamath project, package, bill, letter, invitation, an cury stood as high as 63. street. This will enable a person to which appeals to the writer to be the nouncement or check, nnd if it meets November, 1909, broke all records direct strangers to the exact loca worst deception yet practiced. with success it will give a tremen- for 23 years. This happened not only tion of a particular number, as well These lakes include Upper and dous impetus to the fund, and make in Klamath county, but throughout as being of great assistance to busi Lower Klamath and Tule lakes. No next year's fight against the white the Northwest. Floods, rivers break ness men in locating the residence of one ot these first-thinkers have ever plague easier to win. ing their channels and sweeping their patrons. These- «natters In satisfied anyone yet that the beds of Oregon, fortunately, is compara- across the fields cutting new courses themselves are small affairs, but in these deep water lakes would be of tively free from this dread disease, as they went, frost, snow, and record the aggregate play an important part any value after being drained. But but with the Increase ot immigration rainfalls are some of the new records in the life of a city. Portland real admit that the land will be of tte the time is not far distant when it mad>- by this eccentric month of this ized its mistake too late for correc most valuable—did anyone ever will play as important a part in the year. On five different days snow tion without entailing considerable think of the damages that would ac state's deathrate as it now does In fell, though each time but a trace1 »ense, but even now the question crue to the boats navigating the wa older and more thickly settled com yet the mere fact that it should snow of renumbering the city is receiving ters, the floating logs, the sawmills, munities. The time to prevent this so frequently at this season is al PROPRIETORS a great deal of attention from its res- the electric power, light and watei is in the beginning, and every penny most unknown. The total rainfnll idents. AIL KINDS OF FRESH. SALT companies? The damages prior to given toward the promotion ot this for the month was 5.30 Inches, drainage construction would approx campaign is that much gained over ceeding by almost 4 Inches A SHOE STOKE FOR ALL imate one million dollars. Success an enemy that has claimed more vic- amount of rain that fell during No AND SMOKED MEATS ful drainage of the Upper Klamath tims than all other diseases com- vember of last year. The greatest If you are hard to fit in shoes, our SAUSAGES OF ALU KINDS lake would necessitate the blasting of bined. rainfall for any one day was .93 of store is the best place in town for That In the future this city will an Inch. a channel 200 feet wide 20 feet deep you. In the first place we have such for at least one-half mile through play a more important part in this The terrible rainfall has flooded shoes as O'Donnell's, United Work- solid rock, besides a drainage canal campaign is certain now that a star*, many of the fields and made ponds men, Foster's High-Grade for women through the bed of the lake for a has been made. there ar.d in the roads, causing a vast They are the world's best in high distance of 20 or 30 miles. To drain si MMtlNS amount of delay and Inconvenience to curiosity peculiar to till deer, and If grade footwear. High tops for out- the Lower Klamath lake would re the farmers, ranchers and builders you happen to be riding on one of of-doors, and a score of other depend the plains where they are feeding, In tin- Circuit Court of the Stall' of quire the dredging of the bed of the Mr. Blair, who will occupy Mr. throughout the county. able makes. In the second place, our will circle around and around, ever river channel from 12 to 15 feet Withrow's houseboat "Red Wing" Oregon for the County of Kinmath. shoe men know how to fit shoes, and getting nearer nnd nearer in an ef deep 300 feet wide for a distance of this winter, has been called back cast Sult In Equity for Decree of Di are a help in finding just what you fort to see what you are and why vorce. about 15 miles, besides a drainage by the illness of his father. need. you came. channel for 20 miles more. Arthur Newby, plaintiff, vs. Minnie There will be a Christmas tree at If yourAdeas are hard -r to fit than All hides are prime nt this season Newby, Defendant. The United States reclamation ser St. Cloud. Buena Vista addition. The Nevenil Hundred Dollars' Worth your feet, you will find in our stock of of the year, with the perfect prime 'io Minnie Newby, the above-nam-'.l vice is now experimenting with the Shippington people will co-operate to Hides Airead) Brought in Illis shoes at 13.00 to |S.OO (and all the about February, and as hides of all drainage ot Tule lake at the present make the holidays come and go pleas defendant: Early in llie Season. prices between» every conceivable kinds are bringing a good price, those time by opening a channel into the antly. in the name of the State <> Oru- shape, style, weight and leather. We Now that the trapping season han' engaged in the fascinating sport of gon, you lire hereby required notorious lava beds of Modoc war ap Major Worden's big houseboat have the best .-elected assortment fame, hoping against hope, that the "Lady Vera" has been leased by the started in earnest. It Is in order to ensnaring tho unwary wood folk find pear and answer the complaint ilad shoes in Klamath county. Our serv water will find a subterranean pas Southern Pacific people for a board note that ihe variety of fur-bearing that they me amply repaid for all against you in the above entitled ice is directed entirely to fitting shoe* sage into Pitt river under a high ing house at their waterfront, during animals to be found In this section in their work. suit, on or before the 20th day >f to feet—not feet to shoes. We find range of mountains some 40 miles the winter. < xt- mdy large. Otter and mink ar January, 1910, that being tho day that if we look after the service the distant. There is no other manner I'AKE lol II molt E of the last publication of summons, The steamer Eagle has gone Into every year trapped around th«' var sales take care of themselves. “ * — by which the waters of Tule lake winter quarters. The last benevolent ious lakes in large numbers, and as and the last day within which you are are not satisfied, we refund your For Colds or Ln Grippe most peo required to answer, as fixed t»y tho can be drained, it being the lowest act. of the benevolent Captain Wick- their furs bring good prices, the tlm«' money, Our repairing department >s altitude of any point in the Klamath strotn was to, haul the steamer Hor and effort expenib-«! In catching these ple prefer the mild vegetable laxative order of publication of tills summon-. the best in the state. We also sell Basin. The prospects of success of net. end a loaded barge off a mud little fellows bring excellent returns. in "Weeks’ Break-I p-A-('old Tab If you fail to appear and answer, tho leather, tacks, cement, etc. J. R. this experiment is not considered flat in Agency lake. Then through the marshes the trap: lets" to the Calomel laxative In other i l.ilntlff will apply to the court for Ritter. Klamath's Exclusive Shoe with sufficient seriousness to cause set out catch skunk and racoon, both (old rem*dies. Sold by Underwool th" t.lief demanded hi said com- A new steamer Is to he built for Store, next door to postoffice. i the speculative price of land in the the lake trade and (.'apt. Wlckstrom having hid'-s highly valued by th«- pharmacy. plaint Said suit Is brought to secure bottom of the lake to rise in the mar of the Eagle I f the man who will furrier. dlsHoiiiilon of the bonds of matri THE CITY BEAI TIFI L ket. Those who hunt in the mountains Joe Wright and family drove over mony existing between yourself and build her. The new boat will be The cost of draining these lakes feet over all, and 14 feet beam. She bring ba< k as a result of their win from Ashland, where they have been plaintiff. In North Yakima the women have enlisted in a war against unsightly would more than probably cost more will be a stern wheeler of about 100 ter's work fishers and marten, sliver- residing, and will make their resl- Tills summons Is published In tho billboards, unclean streets and the per acre, counting cost of construc horse-power and be used exclusively tipped though these are very rare dene«» In this city In the future. Mr. Klamath Fails "Republican," it week mid cross fox, coyotes, black bear, Wright, is a brother of Mrs. George ly newspaper printed and published r,tter of vacant lots, Without aval' tion together with accruing damages, as a tug. men have protested at various inter-' than the present cost of Irrigation of nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of For some months past we have bobcats, panther nnd lynx in nbun- Luttrell. vals throughout the country against the dry land. Instead of a surplus, been anxious to'locate the bull calf dance. There arc still left up on the Honorable George Noland, Judge of County School Superintendent salil Court, and dated December 6th, these outrages and the other delin we would be confronted with a de that chewed the skirt off our last higher ridges a few of those timb'-i quencies of municipal housekeeping, i ficiency. shirt, but we are much surprised to wolves which formerly hunted In tills J. G. Swan attended the school meet 1909; the first publication to bo made Theories are easily formulated, but find that said calf is connected with vicinity In large bands, killing the Ing In the Plevna district, five miles on the 9th day of December, 190», but women are infinitely better fitted than the masculine portion of human practical construction requires money the Express in the capacity of Ship deer and cattle. In th«- fall these old south of the city Wednesday. At the and the Inst publication thereof on ity for the handling of a crusade and muscle. The writer admires le pington correspondent. Most every- marauders follow the deer across the meeting the board voted teseli bonds the 2Oth <lay of January, 1 » 1 o. 12-9 1-20 against the general unsightlire.-s of gitimate advertising of the pros one knows that all kinds of cattle hillH to the lowlands near the coast, mid build a now schoolhouse. HENHON Ä STONE, coming back in the spring as the dv<-r these nuisances. Woman’s sphere pective resources and opportunities chew their cud, but Attorneys for 1’lnlntlft. again turn toward the mountains. On The Eady MaccaboeH gave a dunce extends beyond the home and the of the country, but most strenuously "TIs said if bovines young or old this side of Ihe Cascades the d<-<-r are , in the Redmen liall Wednesday even bridge club and they are the ones to. opposes deception or false inferences. A FEW BARGA INH. Should chance to lose their cud mostly blackiall, while cast of the! ing which was well attended and very organize and conduct the work of At the present, this locality is In ex They'll always after locoed be, Flvo lots, location, 31500. mountains the mule deer roam and , successful In every way. After the beautifying this city, for they are tlm treme demand of a class of people And don’t see as they should." feed up through the ravines nnd In i dance an excellent supp--r was served Can loan |750 cn the deal. expert housekeepers and master? 11 who will procure small home farms LODI the forks of the rivers. A few mono-| A nlco cottage with bath, largo and employ their whole time, force housecleauers, and understand. and energy to procure the best pos The moi ling of Ilio Masons, which lot, $1700. A good buy. The presidential Thanksgiving tain sheep are still left, but these are A large residence, fit« lot, 33 500. William Dean Howells deciares sible results from each tract. We proclamation declared: "We have now protected by law, as are the was (ailed for Sunday afternoon, De Three cottages on three lots. Room that the sense of humor is more fully are already over-burdened with a lived in quietness.” But that was great bands of antelope which range comber Sth, has boon postponed until developed in England than in Amer class who were attracted by decep before C«x»k and Peary arrived or a(ross the plains. These deer are Sunday, December 12th, on account incugh for another cottage; 32250. ica, and a sarcastic editor remarks tive inferences and arc in search of a Jeffries and Johnson decided to wear swift of foot, and can outdistance the of th< Elk'H memorial services. MASON A 8LOUGH, tliat if corroborative evidence were “something for nothing" proposition each other out before the big match old cowhorse and leave the swift required, this statement would seem "Dry town," thought, the old-timer Commercially this county is now by talking about what, they could and ’ coyote hound far behind. Restless to supply it. entitled to appear on the map. Our would do to each other. mid wary, they still have that terrible ns he waded across the street. I ’ Sixth St., Hang' Block #4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4’4* 4* 4* 4’4* 4*’f’X * 4 4* Dependable Hardware 4 F ♦ F 4 F 4 F 4 4* 4 4* 4 4* 4 4* 4 X F» e * GEO. R. HORN, the Hardware Man 44 4 City Meat Market MEISS & ARMAND