Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 09, 1909, Image 1

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«»1 1 1« t M, PAPER «IF
S« < c lury of Hie ltil< rlor Appuriaitly
taiVCM III« ImlorM-IIK'Ilt Io Ihivi«'
Following Is*Hie statement Issued
by Chl«f Engin«*«*r linvls In answer to
mi . siirx i xmx lim . ii an iii- the churgi'u mad« b«*fore tin* United
Slates H>-nutorliil committ«*«* on irrlp ■
Hon during its seMiotpt here. The
< liarg«* < w « ri published In n C'hii ug«»
paper and were brought lo the atten­
tion of Secretary Ballinger, who, In
submitting Mr. Davis answer, stated*
lililri« I Siipoi rliit<-iid«-iit l< x |»•-< t «*«I In
"Then* ore Hie facts. Facts are ample
a I«-« liny«, Mticn I<0<11U<<11 of
answer to any and all charges."
I plow ii < Hili i- II III lb* Mail«*.
"A Chicago paper in Its tasuo of
November 16 prints an article headeil
lint u f««w nuirn ilaya remain until Graft Husp<-< ted by B**nut«- Commit
KlutniiHi F u II h I m on the telegraphic t <•«*,' In which the corr«*Mpond«*iit
Thu Western L'ulou wire him make* Htnti-m><iits Hint are calculate!
reached thi* city, und mi office him to reflect upon th«* btiHincaa saga'lly
l»*«<ii opened In th«* rullroH«! freight and official probity of tin* late Secre­
warehouse, w her«« ih «’ miuik <* h pertain- I tary Hitchcock, Hln-ctor Charles 1»
Ing to the conipiitiy' m buKitieMH lire be- Walcott and Supervising Engineer J
Ing aunt over the line. Whether c«nii- Il Lippincott, who were r«*sponslb!<*
nierclnl biiHlneim will lie huudl«-«! be­ tor the acts called In question, und
fore the uptown office 1« o|>«*n«*d ha» non«* ot whom ur«* now In the aervlc«*
not been annuiini <■«!, nnd no decision or In poHai-ssion of th«* official docu
will be re.iched on that qu«**tion be­ menta which would disprove th««
fore Hl trl«*t Hii|M*rlnteiidcnt
Muy charges.
While I have hud nothing to do
ugaln vl <ltn tlx* city, which will b<-
with ill«* particular Irmina« (Ions ill
within th« n«-xt f< w du)*.
It I h not ileHnltely known where <|u> »lion. I am In position to give th •
the uptown office will be locati'd, but facts shown by th«* re«*«irds which en­
It I m netiil officially rumored that It I tirely exonerate Ho* reclamation ser­
will |>>* In th« aantu offi«-«* with the vice from th«* charges Implied by tin*
Wol|ji-Fargo Expreua company. Hom«* correspondent. \
"Tlie clmrg«*s concern the purchase
have uuggoMted Hint It be located In
the room belonging to the Klntnatli of lands for right of way, reservoir
fount) bank, locutc«! betwe«*n Hint In alt«* mid water rights necessary to
«iltutke nn<! the Klamath County the eolithuctlon of the project, uti1!
Abstract company, but It I h <l«mbtful J the contracts for purchases In ques­
If the bunk could »par«* It. uh It I m now tion Were all approved by the bourd
imrd an a storeroom for It« stationery of directors repr«*sentlng the waler
und other print«*«! matter. A numb«-rl users, who are r«*quir«*d to pay the
of other localImi« have been nug- ’ cost of the works.
"All them’ negotiations were In
geMted, and th«-H<< would undoubteilly '
lecelve the Indorsement of the public. . progress for a long tlm«* The partic­
Huperintendvnt May will nettle th« ulars wer«* a matter of public discus­
sion al various im «*tlngH. They wer.*
■liicatlon when he arrives.
In a pamphlet Issued by th«*
In (he equlpm« nt of the office It 1«
mid th«* purchases wer.*
the Intention of the Western 1'nloti to
Install the most modern instrument* | finally r«*comm«*nded by a board of
mid nppllam * i>. uh It antlclpnt«*« that « iig!n«*ers. consisting of Messrs Lip­
this city will b<* one of the best bust-; pincott, Sanders. Wisner, Jacobs and
neaa centers In the alate. It realises Ensign, and approved by the officials
that th« future of Klamath Falls will I of th«* water users' association before
Justify an Investment here far In ex­ lx*lng approved by the secretary of
cess of what the pr«*H«-nt population I the interior.
•"this man. Abel Ady, afterwards
would warrant, although the business ,
originating in this city will exceed | made th« «• charges mid the supervis­
that of any office of a xlmllur size on ing engineer, J. B. Lippincott, de­
manded an Investigation. The ac­
t he ('oust
cuser was called before the board of
directors and questioned regarding
< oi ur noten
bls proofs. Whereupon, as shown by
a copy of the nilnutes of the board,
The Jury in the case of the Stat«* vs.
Mr Ady stated that. 'So far ns any
<> K. Anderson, charged with suhor-
fraud or Intlmutlon or unythlng of
nation of perjury, was completed
the kind was concerned, my letters
Wednesday and the trlul of th«* case,
to the secretary of the interior wer«
begun. The day wuh spent In hearing i
never Intended to be so taken,* that
evidem.it for the prosecullou. The
lie still maintained that 'the prices
principal wltn«*> *<•* for the stat«* were
to be paid were beyond the real valm*
Mi«< k WlllianiM, an Indian, and Clyde
of the property, hut that such prop­
erty was necessary to th«* project and
Clay Cann, who was indicted with
that there was no graft connect«*!
Jess Copeland und others on a crim­
therewith,' also ‘that he would have
inal charge against Ethel Ward at
be«*n willing to have agreed to pay
Merrill, withdrew hla plea of not guil­
double the amount agreed upon for
ty In tin* circuit court thia afternoon
th«* canals, etc., to save a year's de­
und plead guilty to u charge of sim­
lay In the construction of the proj-
ple assault. In view of the fact that
he was not one of the most guilty of j
Threats Xol lliiili-
the parties, und the further fact that
"The statement that the settlers
a heavy tine would mean a heavy bul­
have been deterred repeatedly front
lion on Ills mother, who Insisted on
pressing these various charges by th**
paying the same, Judge Noland Im-
reclamation service engineers threat-
posed a light tlm* of $ 150, after hav­
< nlng to divert the funds needed for
ing administered a severe reprimand
this project to other sources Is abso­
to the young man.
lutely false and without foundation.
Joseph lleitlnger of Bonanza, who
"The large physical and financial
was Indicted for violation of the local
difficulties which it wuh necessary to
option luw, wns arraigned and en­
overcome In connection with the
tered a plea of not guilty. Ills case
Klamath project were indeed a seri­
will be set for trial tomorrow.
ous objection to Its adoption, but the
Chappel Seamens, charged with
department was required to take up
gambling, and whose cash bail has
a project In Oregon by the provision*
b«*en declared forfeited, appeared be­
of section 9 of the reclamation act.
fore the court Wednesday und en­
which provides:
tered a plea of not guilty. Ills case
* • • To expand the major por­
waH set for trial Thursday.
tion of the funds arising from the
John Woroch and Charles Woelk,
sale of public lands within each
both natives of Germany, were given
state and territory hereinbefore
naturalization papers In court Wed­
named for the benefit of arid and
nesday afternoon.
semi-nrid lands within the limits
of such state or territory.
The masquerade ball which will be
"The provisions of this act have al­
given at th«* Opera House New Year's
ways hampered the servlet) In obtain­
eve Is attracting great Interest. Thia
ing favorable terms for undertaking
Is the fourteenth annual ball given by
any vregon project, as the owners of
Mr Houston. Each year three prizes
the neci'ssary rlghtH of way always
of >10 each are given one for the
have the best legal advice, which Is
most original costume, ono for the
able to assure them that the govern­
most comical, and the other for the
ment must take up work In Orcg.in
best sustained.
under the terms of the act, and Is
therefore at a disadvantage In mak­
I. C. Young anil his brother, I). E. ing favorable contracts and In select
Young, were visitors In the city from Ing projects favorable for Irrigation
their ranches near Wilson's bridge purposes.
"The specific purchases referred to
arc as follows:
Condon Is In need of houses, re­
Damsite and res«*rvolr site at
ports the "Tinies.” Will Condon fine
(Continu<si on rage I.)
asnan for putting up houses there?
I.E ll»l\G I'AI'ER OF
NO. 36
IIS 1*1 Bl.H I I » < AMI'Alt.X
Nun- to lb I'rtidui five of .Much li»ti«--
ill to tl>e Entire Klanuitb
I It \IXN ,X< 1N. fl A XI» Iff
111 >1X1. ns HEX IXTEItENTEIl IX
l,<-iiving Time of Train From M «*«*<1
W ill It«* < limigcd to I-lie O*< lin k
in tie* Alt« moon.
II Contract 1% Enter«'«! into Witii llie
Muter • ompany, Kates M ill
Ke Krduced.
Tin letter from^t. M. Kelly, secre-
tar> of the I’ndirwrisers’ Equitable
. Rating Bureau of Portland, which
wuh r u! ut the meetli.g of the city
«■out,<11 Monday evening, copy of
which was published in last even-
i Ing s Herald, ha* aroused the keen­
est interest among th«* busin<?ss men
of the city, jt is the concensus ot
opinion tiiat all reasonable steps
should I».- taken to bring about a re­
>■ v .« ,i< < ■ ¡liable to th«* p«*ople ot duction of the Insurance rates In this
i i tl Fall*. The schedule sug- city, since It I h an admitted fact that
tl ■ railroad company pro- the) are away too high for the mer­
' i t . departure of the train chant* to carry the amount ot insur-
W><d at 5 p. m.. urrivlng her«* tnce their risks require.
A h stated In a recent issue ot this
",'i p m. Tl Is will ullow of con-
■ ctlon b' li g made with trains Nos. paper, the water company is willing
I and 15, and do away with the nc- to a«*cept from the city the ordinan«:e
Mtty of th«* lay-over at M’eed. 1* h * formerly signed by the mayor and
'«•r the present sch«*dule the train ffulch It at first refused. It would
•aves Weed at 1:30 p. m., urrivlng seem that all that was necessary to
rn<< t the di in a nd a of the insurant**
' <*r<* at 6 p. m.
Tills «bange is offered In response people Is to pass this ordinance again
to the demand made by the l'ortlan.i and then put it up to the water com­
Commercial club and th«* Klamath pany to accept or reject. M'hile n«»
<*l anil» r tit Commerce, and If th«*««» offl' lal expresHion has been received
organizations approve of the pro­ from the mayor or members of the
posed schedule it will remove the «•uncll as to what action will b*
i taken should the ordinance be again
present cause of complaint.
Those of th«* business men who submitted, the general tenor of their
were seen this afternoon objected remarks woulij indicate that it w ill be
ntn nuously to the proposed change, art< <| on favorably.
The reduction of rates, which wi’.l
giving as their reason that it would
bring the passenger* Into the city amount to 23 per cent of tin* preseat
from 9:30 to 12. as It recognized that tales chatged. Is sufficl«*nt to secure
during tin* winter It will be a difficult tip* earnest consideration of the city
matter for the railroail company to offi« ials. as well as every property
keep up its schedule. These gentle­ owner and business man within the
It is recognized
men «’Xpressed themselves as favoring district affected.
th«* retention of the present schedule that if a fire of any size should occur
until next spring, at which time tho it would entail an mormons loss, tor
chung«* could be made without much there is not a bunding or stock it
merchandise in the city carrying the
Inconvenience to the public.
All of them expreased th«*mselv<*s amount of insurance necessary to of­
us favoring a change In th«* schedule fer at least a pittance of protection
of train No. 15, so as lo make con- from loss. If, through the reduction
m-«*tl<>ns ut Weed under the present of the rate of insurance, the business
.schedule, but It is doubtful If the men are enabled to protect them­
railroad co tn pany will go so far as to i selves within a reasonable limit with­
change the schedule of a through 1 out an) additional outlaf, then it be-
conies the duty of the city to furnish
train to meet that of u branch.
th«* means that will bring about this
Wm. McClure was In the city Tues- much-to-be desired condition. M'hile
duy from his ranch and said that the this city has been very fortunate In
frost and snow had greatly improved th«* past, it offers no guaranty that
th«* roads, though they were still very such will be the case in the future,
rough. Bill said that there had been and the chances are too great to ad­
a great change In this section in th*? i mit of any risk being taken.
26 years he had been here. In the !
Either Newton brought his daugh­
curly days, of course, there were no
fields, and oil«« could drive from the ter. Ruth, into the city M'ednesday
city straight across country to the morning to have the arm she recently
gap. Bill says there is no country like ' broke, treated by the doctor.
this, and though it looked pretty des- '
S. O.»Johnson, president of the Hot
olate the first few years he was here. '
now he Is confident that it will rank , Spring) Development company, left
as one of the greatest farming and Friday morning f ic San Francicco
with his brother.
ranching sections of the country.
it 1« now up to tin* people of Klam-
Hi Fulls to di*clde whether they want
ctiunge in ti e train schedule or net.
he railroad company wired Its local
III« «• this morning announcing that a
us rendy to make a change In the vt
val of He psa«M*nger train on tie
allfo.ida Sort I «astern ho as to ad­
it of n connection with one train
■ >
north and one from «?*«•
al piovld'd tl<* pro|io*>«*d sched-
1» B Campbell left Saturday for
Mrs. H. I,. Boggs, formerly a resi­
St. Thomas. Canada, where he was dent of this city, was in from the
calle«! by the serious illness of hl* ranch on the Merrill road to do some
sister. He will be absent probably of her Xmas shopping.
about two months in all.
A team was organized at the meet­
Th<> school library books are now ing of the Woodmen of the World
ready for distribution, and may be Tuesday evening, with Dr. Leonard
had by calling at the office of the In charge.
county school superintendent, J. G.
Swan, at the courthouse.
Mrs. M’ill Humphrey was in the
city from the ranch on the Midland
/ August Buesing, formerly a clerk road M'ednesday, making purchases
at Shive Bros.* grocery, but now at the local stores.
ranching near Merrill, was In the city
Thursday and took a cow and some
William A. M'rlght is planning to
supplies back home with him.
go to Southern California to spend
the winter.
At th«* meeting of the Woodmen of
the World Tuesday night, twenty new
"Too much of a good thing,'*
members were admitted to the lodg<*. sighed the preacher's wife, as she
They will be initiated on the evening filed her suit for divorce.
of the eighteenth.
Mike Galarneau is hauling grain
Owing to the storms and the con­
from his ranch with two four-horse
dition of the roads the local Institute
nt Bonanza has been postponed until
such time as the weather shall clear
C. N. Myers is in the city from his
homestead on the Ft. Klamath road.
Two Germans filed naturalization
Janies M'oslow of Merrill was in
papers nt the county clerk’s offi«*e
Wednesday, on«* John Woroch and the city Tuesday transacting business.
the other Charles Woelk.
Th«* first step in the campaign that
I h going to rriage Klamath county
known from coast to coast has been
taken by the Hot Springs company,
uri«l in in the nature of a topographic­
al map of the section lying between
Mt. Shasta and Crater lake and be­
tween this city and Medford, lt cov-
era a territory approximately l.'.'i
miles long and nearly 100 miles wide
It is the work of Gibson Catlett, the
scenic artist of Portland, and co..t
The map was received Thursda),
and has been on exhibition
at the of-
flee of th company, where It has been
viewed by a large number of people.
It wa« taki a to San Francisco oa
Friday mor r 1.; by President S. O.
Johnson, where it will be placed on
txhibiHon. Several similar maps are
to be made by Mr. Catlett, and these
will be sent throughout the United
States. Accompanying them will be
a pamphlet on the Klamath country j
now being prepared by the Hol |
Springs company. This publication
will be the finest ever issued by any |
company or city on the Coast.
The topographical map, which will
be the leading feature In the publicity I
campaign, is remarkable for lt3 detail ; i
and accuracy. Those familiar with ,
the territory will have no difficulty in
finding many points of interest pror j
inently portrayed on the canvas,
farmers throughout the Ba-l,
have little difficulty in locating their
lanclies and most of the prominent
buildings. It gives the homeseeker a
comprehensive idea of the greatness
of this section, at the same time car­
rying w ith it the impress that the fu- I
lure must hold in store for the Klam- i
ath country a development that j
means wealth for those taking ad­
vantage of the opportunities now of- j
In discussing the proposed adver- i
tising campaign to be conducted by
his company, he said:
"M’e came to the conclusion some
lime ago that instead of doing «
much talking, the thing most needed
was to get this country before the in­
vestor and the homeseeker in a man­
ner that would bring them here to in­
vestigate. Accordingly, we employed
the best talent obtainable to preparci
for use reading matter, maps and
photographs of the Klamath country,
and are now at work compiling this
data into a pamphlet of which every-
cne here will have reason to fetl
proud. The one dominating factor in
all of the work has been accuracy. I
Wherever figures are given they car.
be abs«Autely relied upon. The fac-.-«
about this country are good enough,
and no exaggeration is needed.
"This publicity plan of ours will
take in all of the Klamath country,
and one section will be benefited -is
well as another. I believe that it will
result in bringing more people here
during the coming summer than have
ever been here before, and if Klam­
ath county does not grow It will be
the fault of the people here.
"M’e are willing to go ahead and
do all of the heavy work. All we ask
is that the people here put their
shoulder to the wheel and tell the
home-seeksr and investor what a fine
country this is. There should be no
knocking, fault-finding or sectional­
ism. There will be ample opportuni­
ties for all if they only take advant.
age of them.”
Came Here a Year Ag<» from South­
ern California—M«*ll Pleased
With III«* Pr<m|H*« I h
In a letter to the Oregonian .Mr.
Masten, a Southern California man,
who less than a viar ago moved Into
Klamath county and started ranching.
m but a further proof that the set­
tlers are pleased with the land and
with care and attention may accom-
plish more In the way of record cropi
here than anywhere el.*«*.
The article as it appeared In tho
Oregor.ian discussing Mr. Masten’s
letter an«l the letter itself appear lie-
low :
The pleasant climate, beautif il
natural surroundings, abundant au I
constant water supply, and the fer-
Hllty of the soil on the Klamath P'*-
jecc in ..orthern California
Southern Oregon are proving attract­
ive to many farmers in other sections
of these ctates. and a large influx of
new settlers has begun.
In this connection it is especial'*
f* .-sting to read the exiierience f
a to ha/r farmer from the Imperi .1
valley Th^’aiif°rnia* w,io took UP *lt!‘
home o=» i «« Klamath project a little
over a year ago. Mr. Masten's ex­
I erience
where irrigation 1 is now practiced so
successfully, was doubtless very vai-
liable to him in his new oome, but
his success must be credited largely
to the natural advantages and climate
of the Klamath country'. Mr. Mar­
ten says:
residence of only one
year in *100 Klamath valley we have
raised g/ain, including oats, barley
and wheat; also alfalfa. Having a
spring of four niontns in which to
sow crops, the farmer nas ample tlm?
with a snib.. outut to put in a large
crop. M'e sow wheat in March, April
and May, and our yields average 30
bushels per acre. Oats will make a
sure crop if sown as late as July 1,
Our average yields per acre this year
are as follows: M'heaj, 30 bushels;
barley, 60 bushel^ and oats 60 to 75
Our alfalfa yielded four
tons to only two cuttings, thus mak­
ing the labor on each very small in
comparison to the yields. It sold for
$12 to $15 per ton baled. Prices re­
ceived for other crops are as follows:
Wheat, 90 cents per bushel; oats.
$1.50, and parley. $1.25 per hundred
weigh* The alfalfa yielded us a gross
of $60 per acre, and it is my exper­
ience that the labor required to farm
Klamath land is about 10 per cent
less than in the majority of farming
districts of California and elsewhere,
where the same crops are harvested.
In thia section the probable yield of
these crops without water Is a little
lews than half that on the irrigated
farms. The market value of the
ranch on which our crops are grown
is $70 per acre, and it is all under
goternment ditch."
Mr. Masten expresses himself as
being well pleased with his change of
location and expects to do even bet­
ter with his land next year.
The bazaar held Wednesday un­
auspices of the Women's
Guild of the Episcopal church was a
success far beyond the fondest hopes
of the ladies who have labored so un­
ceasingly preparing articles for the
affair. It was a high compliment to
the character of the work that it was
practically all purchased shortly after
the doors were opened, and the regret
was general that the supply was s«»
limited. Nearly all those attending
took advantage of the opportunity to
partake of the tea or coffee and cake
that was served. So successful was
the affair that plans are already be­
ing considered for a greater scope for
next year.
der the
Klamath Falls is gradually taking
on the airs and graces of a sure-
enough city. Now we are to have an
exclusive wall paper and decorating
firm open up a new store. Bamber &
Peairs, both experienced and capable
painters and paperhangers, have re­
cently stocked their new quarters
with the very best and most econom-
leal line of goods on the market.
from the 10-cent kitchen patterns to
the finest of parlor decorations. They
carry everything, and the mere fact
that the various stores in the city
have started specializing and capable
men trained in each line are running
J. Frank Adams is in the city front
the establishments is a further proof
that this city is really going to be one his ranch near Merrill.
of the cities of the Coast. Their new
Eugene Spencer was in from his
store is opposite the Baldwin build­
ranch at Wampus Friday.
J T Roberts was !n the city from
S. E. Iclnblce, clerk of the Tine his much in I oe vallev Friday.
Grove school district. Is in the city
Byron Jackvon was down from Ft-
Wm. Tingley was in the city from 1
Mr. and Mrs. James Edsall of Bly
mid reports that the new schoolhouse
Klaniath Thursday.
his ranch near Midland.
Is rapidly approaching completion.
are visitors in the city.