---------------- ■---------------- —--------- fic between Portland and The Dulles it is said that the track is to be re- ING TRA< K IN CANYON laid this winter with 90-pound steel. On the Deschutes road 75-pound steel Oregon Trunk Busy Blu^ling Tun is being laid. nel in Cunyou, Grading ami TO Bridge Building. DI S. HI IIS f A LINK si tills I. n through W<ed. Cal. The livestock industry is picking up, and when wo have the direct connections with Portland I look to see the Klamath Basin converted Into one of the finest dairying districts in \merlca. and Portland will bo the natural market. Truck farming Is on the boom, and wo can raise celery now that will hold its own with the best of tho Michigan variety. ‘1 want to say that wo people of Klamath Falls want to work in tho closest possible harmony with Port land, and we will do everything we can that will bring the two cities in closer trade relations. Depend upon it. Klamath Falls will put Its shout der to Portland's wheel whenever It can." said they would then Illi tho pipe with hot air Io ks< p it dry. Strawberry and vanilla li*o cream at Hie East End Kandy Kitchen Sat urday aud Sunday. Elmer Newton caiue In Thursday, and is now confined to his lied at tho ievidence of Nell Campbell. A dispatch from Deschutes to the Tells lle|H>rter la>ss of TYude From Prineville Review gives some inter , A. C. Hatcher uaa returned from This City is Due to Railroad's esting information concerning the Bail Schedule of Trains. the Klamath Agency, where ho him railroad activity in Central Oregon: been working on tiio Indian school Judge George T. Baldwin, presi With track-laying commenced on building. dent of the First Trust and Savings the Harriman road on the east bank E. L. iiik I E. II Moore, the twin bank of Klamath Falls, and one of of the Deschutes canyon, and the brothers who ate conducting a largo the most vigorous Southern Oregon Oregon Trunk line contractors work stock ranch In Poe valley, were in Hie boosters, says that the Southern Pa ing at night on the grade on the west cific can very easily stimulate trade city over Thursday. bank, a race to determine what rail- relations between Portland and When you are tired of using poor road shall be the first to reach Cen- Klamath Falls territory, that is, if Its coffee, come to Goodrich's Cash CITY Hill KI S tral Oregon is apparently under wa? officials want io. It could be brought Store and get coffee thnt you will ap about through a slight rearrange Miss N. It. Drew left for Dairy on preciate for Hie same prices. All day long blasts touched off on ment of train schedules, which now one side of the canyon or the other ; place Portland at an immense disad the stage. Mr. mid Mrs. Ivan C. Young are In Lisle McCormick of Kcno is visit from Wilson's bridge. They brought reverberate from side to side and vantage in competition with Sacra across the Columbia to the gaunt mento and San Francisco. Tho whole ing in the city. In their baby, who is very seriously M S. Whit latch of Merrill was In ill. to secure medical treatment. hills beyond and back again. Blasts problem is one whi<^i Judge Baldwin, through his conenetlon with the the city last week. from the Oregon Trunk line work Klamath Fallj Chamber of Com W. II. Wall of Keno was In the city are heard at all hours of the night at merce. has given a great deal of earn Thanksgiving day. this, the mouth of the Deschutes can- est consideration, for the particular Hurrel tthort was In the < ity frira added reason that he has been one his ranch Saturday. yon. City el Klamath Fall«, Oregon, * mw < t Ed Sutton is in from the old Lewfa The explosions have even disturbed of the prime movers in the various Bond« business men's excursions from Port ranch down the river. the wild geese which in other years Sealed proposals will be recelv -d by land to Klamath Falls. Ed McCord left on the tttagv for the undersigned, Police Judge of the have roosted at night on Miller's Should Stop at YVeexl Bonanza Saturday morning. island in the Columbia opposite the city of Klamath Falls, Orcgon, until "The relief that both Portland and August Biehn came in on the stage mouth of the Deschutes in almost Klaamth Falls business interests ds- from Lakeview Friday night. I blh day of December, 130», nt the The geese slre in the way of better connections countless thousands. S. C. Graves, editor of the Bulletin. hour ef 1:30 o'clock In the aftvt noon could be brought about simply have now transferred their roosting »f said day. nt which said date and I enough." said Judge Baldwin today. id In the city on a business trip. ground to the far eastern end of the "Two ways are open to the Southern w. W. Patch, the project engineer .hour nt the city hull In said city, ull island and have ceased flying up the Pacific to help the traveling public of id at Clear latke on official business proposal.« to purchase said bonds will draw of the Deschutes to the wheat both towns. In the first place, th-j Ralph Evans was in the city be opened and considered, for tho Shasta Limited, which passes Weed fields. Thursday from his ranch near Dor purchase of $10.000.00 coupon sewer about 10:30 a. m. (southbound) Railroad transportation of its own bonds of said city, or any part there could be stopped a moment there. ris. and the earlier establishment in the of, to be issued in pursuance of Ordi Onions, cauliflower, lettuce, pars That seems to me to be the easiest field of contractors at this point has way, and would necessitate a wait at ley, celery, at the Monarch Mercan nance No. 130 of said city, adopted by the Common Council of said city given the Harriman line an advan-Weed of only 2 hours and 45 min tile Co. utes. as against 20 hours and 45 tage in commencing track-laying. on the 23d day of June, 1909. and as W. L. Fairchild returned to his Last Friday a track-laying ma minutes under present arrangements. home at Bonanza on the stage this amended November 2d. 1909, and un By selling tickets for Weed on the chine was put at work at the material der an act of the Legislative Assem Limited. Portland merchants would morning. yard, one mile east of this point, and have just about an even break with A. C. Watson and Thoe. Wood bly of 1905, filed In the office of the where the Deschutes road leaves the the California cities. Even now, the were in the city from Merrill Thanks S> cretary of State, February 13th, main line of the O. R. & Si. Shasta Limited is forced to stop at 1905, entitled an "Act to Incorporate giving day. The track is now laid for a dis Edgewood, five miles north of Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Janies Dixon are in he City of Klamath Fails." to hook on a helper, and a minute or tance of one and one-half miles ami Suld bonds will be payable twenty two at Weed would not delay the from their ranch seven miles out >u the track men say that ten miles Wiil train appreciably. But I suppose it the Merrill road. vva; from date of Issue, Interest to be laid by the first of the year. would take miles of red tape to get Jack Cunningham is putting the ¡be paid semi-annually on the 1st day this concession. rail 3 In the material yards -are finishing touches on the house at the of April and October of each year, \n th( r | lan that would obviate Hannon ranch. now on hand sufficient to lay thirty- principal mid interest payable In law that whole day's lay-over at Weed J. T. Alexander came up from Dor ful money of tho United Staten nt the four miles of track, and ties are piled would be to move up No. 15 a couple ris Friday evening to attend to some up in sufficient numbers to corres of hours and send it out of Portland office of the City Treasurer, Klamath business matters. pond, while kegs of spikes, angle say at 5:45 or 6 p. m.. and hold the The mayor is having n drain put in Falls. Oregon. Said bonds shall be bars, galvanized iron culvert, bridge Weed-Klamath Falls train a little at Fourth and Mam, along the side sold for cash paid down nt the date timbers and other construction ma longer. This would give direct con- , of the crosswalk. of sale, and for not less than their nections between Portland and Klam terial are scattered in piles over sev Boot nza. Wednesday par value and «hall draw Interest nt Born— In ath Falls, and so far as I can see th-? eral acres of ground. The track-lav only difference it would make would morning, Novernh*r 24. 1J09, to Mt a rate not to exceed six per cent per ing machine designed by L. C. McCoy, be in the arrival of No. 15 at San ■ and Mrs. Jam -s B> il, a daughter. annum, and be issued in denomina the engineer in charge of the steel Francicso a little earlier in the morn- ' Sheriff Barnes was over in Merrill tions as follows, to-wlt: construction, was built in tl;e yards ing. I don't know whether the busi Friday subpoenaing jurors for the 20 bonds of the denomina here, and the workmen are now in ness interests of Portland and Klam coming session of the County Court. tion of ................ ........... ,....... $1,000.00 ath Falls have influence enough with Mr. and Mrs. Patty of the Model 30 bonds of the diyiomlnu- stalling a hoisting engine on a der the Southern Pacific officials to se bakery left Saturday morning f >r 500.00 rick car, to which will be added a cure either one or the other of these tlon of Corvallis, where Mr. Patty will take derrick for heavy bridge building. concessions. It wouldn't make any of the denomina- 50 bonds a position. The track-laying machine, which is difference which plan was adopted, 100.00 tlon of The ducks and geese have com the first of the McCoy design ever it would give ideal facilities to both menced going into the grain fields, Each proposal to purchase said cities." and the ranchers are out in full force bonds must be accompanied by a cer built, as has been demonstrated al Klamath Falls Booming hunting them. ready, is a success. tified check upon some responsible Judge Baldwin and other officers Miss Edna Houston returned from It is much cheaper of construction of the Klamath Falls Chamber >t bank, payable to the City of Klam Merrill, where she has been visiting than the other machines now in use Commerce took this matter up with | Mrs. Robert Dalton, who was Miss ath Falls, for five per cent of the in railroad work and requires fewer the Southern Pacific months ago, but Hazel Burris. amount of bld. • men to operate it. With a gang of the complaint has been hanging fir? ■ Mr. Lathrop of Reno, Nov., is th? The Common Council reserves the ever since. Touching upon the gen guest of the rising young attorney, 35 to 45 men a mile of track per day right to reject any and all bids. eral era of prosperity through which can be laid. The Roberts or Harris Klamath Falls is passing. Judge Horace Manning, whose father he A. L. LEAVITT. knew in the early days. types, while faster in operation, re Baldwin spoke in glowing terms. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Miss Roxa Shive, who recently re “Our people are prosperous an 11 quire about 100 men to work to their Fails. Oregon. turned from Portland, where-she ha« thrifty, for the deposits carried in capacity. been Attending college, has taken a baud at Klamath Falls, Oregon, No our banks aggregate over $500,00'.', The principal advantage claimed Shive position as . bookkeeper in vember 4 th, 1909. and that is pretty good for a popula- for the McCoy machine is the small tion of about 3,000. Within the last Bros, grocery store. Attorneys Manning and Smith have NOTICE Foil PUBLICATION number of men required to operate few months much colonization work ' ; moved their offices from the VVith- Not Coal Land. it. In the event track-laying over- l.as been going on in the tracts which I row-Melhase building Into the 8. P. takes bridge-building or grading, the ar? under the government irrigation White building, where they will have i Department of the Interior. United canal. One group of Bixty-five Bo States Land Office at Lakeview, number of men held on pay is not so larger rooms fronting on Main street. hemians, most of them men of fam Oregon, Oct. 5, 1909. Miss Ruth Newton, who has been i great. ilies and all of them thrifty farmer.) in the city for the past ten days un Notice is hereby given that Edward The material yard equipment also of the Middle West, viaited our val der the care of a doctor, who re- Brady, of Keno, Ore., who, on July 3, includes a machine for curving rails, ley and already nineteen of them ■ cenily set her broken arm, left for i which is operated by a gasoline mo- , have bought from 40 to 60 acres of' the ranch Saturday morning with 1903, made homestead entry No. land each, and we have assurance 3102, Serial No. 01159, for N % SE% tor. • her father. that a great many more of them will ' Two new civil suits have been filed SE% SE% section 10, SW % SW >/* Ten miles of track will carry the settle in our section. Other com-! Harriman line’s work to a point munities in different parts of the’ at the County Clerk's office. J. T. section 11, township 41 8, range Bradley vs. J. E. Rutenlc. Sult for 17 E, Willamette Meridian, has where some of the heavier bridge : country have sent their agents to the recovery of money. John Irwin, work begins and svlll permit the ship Klamath Falls recently, and we are attorney for plaintiff. John H. Mat filed notice of Intention to make final ping in of material by rail and pro getting a great deal of new and high, | ney vs. Oliver Kinney, Ada Kinney ^vo year proof to establish claim to class population as a result. and A. Kinney. Sult for the recovery ' the land above described, "before C. mote faster construction in that lo Rush Work on Extension cality. "The contractors are rushing the J of money. H. W. Keesee, attorney for j{. DeLap, county clerk, at Klamath Falla, Ore., on the 20th day of No For both roads the work near the Klamath Falls-Natron extension witli plaintiff. True DeLap and Tiz Griffith wetjj, mouth of the Deschutes is light com | utmost speed. Four miles of track ' vember, 1909. out duck hunting the other day. Claimant name« as witnesses: pared with that farther up the can have been laid north of our city and They spied a bunch of Sinks out. on work will lie pushed right along j Richard Kearns of Keno, Ore., Wil yon. The Oregon Trunk liae, in the lake and, crawling through the through the winter until the whole rules on their hands and knees, both liam A. Otey of Keno, Ore., rounding the bluff into the Columbia 35 miles of the present project have • » J. R. River canyon, has a rock tunnel to I been finished. The Natron end is tho of them blazed away. No ducks rose, Clemmens of Dorris, Cal. so they raised up to see if by any ARTHUR W. ORTON, construct, on the approaches of ' scene of similar activities, and it will chance they had killed thorn all, and not be many months before the en 10-14-11-18 Register. which work is now under way. Be not till then did they realize that all tire 59 miles tinder the two contracts tween the mouth of the Deschutes along they had been stalking a bunch will be completed, We have been A FEW BARGAINS and Celllo a great part of the con given to understand by the railroad ‘ of decoys. W. W. Nickerson has suggested to, Five lota, slgn.ly location, $1500. struction is in rock. company that the remaining 120 the mayor that the best, way, prob loan $750 cn ths deal. Can The Harriman road is laying rails miles will be taken care of in the nlco cottage with bath, large A ably, to lay the sewer system would budget of 1910. When this gap has of the continuous Joint type, which is been closed it will mean a tremen [be to join the pipe and lay it in place lot, $1700. A good buy. now the standard type of rail on the A largo residence, file lot, $3500. dous Impetus in tho trade relations on top of the street, then get. a bunch O. R. 4 N. main line. The main line between our district and Portland. Three cottages on three lots. Room of the O. R. & N. is built of 75- Why, even now we are shipping hay of men to stand on the pipe until it <ncugh for another cottage; $2250. MASON t SLOUGH. pound rails, but for the heavier traf- Into Eugene via the circuitious route i sunk to the proper level. The mayor Z Of coin e II was a pretty little parlor, for flint Hplder wa.i ic wise one wise beyond Ills generation and had furnished his pretty little parlor at ths Stole of E W. Gillette & Co. (Mang Block. Hlxth street), where lie found that lie could get every thing that goes to make a home pretty and com fortable al prices that were easily within ........... ans of a Spider Hint hud to do bln own drumming up of business. The fable goes on to relate Hint Ibis particular pretty little parlor was so cosy nod »unify" that Mr FIs could not resist the tempta tion to enter, with disastrous results to Mr Fly. but to tiie entire nut Infliction of the Spider Tho story goes to show that when you unnt to furnish n a house parlor and all other rooms If you will hie yourself to E W Gillette A Co you will find that you can furnish It complete in Hu. most comfortable and attractive manner, and make It so pleasing to the eye Hint an Invitation Into your "pretty little parlor" will lie sure to lie met with pleasure Another thing uliout tills I on. 1 Is that It doesn't lake more to furnldi tho house than II does to build It. Hut you will find prices no ttnson- able that you wlll wonder why you didn't take advantage of It anil have all those nice things |< long HI o Jl M drop In some d i' ami g«-t tlo-lr price» .1 on all house furnishings You will be surprised. You will find that you can afford that easy rocker; that new carpet; one or two of those pretty ruga or art squares that you have wanted so long to bright- eu up some particular room And g"t the price« on some of the other things thnt you tlilnk you can't afford at present; you'll find thnt they are not be yond reach after all. but that you can afford them now und not have to watt. — Sixth St., Hang Block «'* »U 4> e»w-U 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ■e 4 4 t: - 4»-U -1- e’s -U eja uL «J,»L -U X Dependable Hardware Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or shelf-worn goods. Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences and everything the farmer needs. CEO. R. HUHN. the 4 4 4 4 4 «X 4 4 4 4 4 Hardware Man 4 4 City Meat Market WEISS Ä ARMAND PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FKESH. SALT JI ND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS OREGON CALLS: More People Low Colonist Rates ToOregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 18 - VIA THE Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co -------AND------ Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From From From From From Chicago ... St. Louis .... Omaha St. Paul Kansas City $33 im ) 32.00 25.00 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposlt the amount of the fare with the nearest O. II. St N. or 8. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered In the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone Interested in the State for Oregon literature. W.M. MiMlltltAY. Generili Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Terwilliger of -------------------- 3---------------------------------- - W. S. Worden has returned from Merrill and their two daughters, Marjorie and Vera, were in the city over Sunday and returned to their ranch this morning. the Klamath reservation, whero lie had been on business connected with his duties as Southern Pacific right- of-way agent. «