« « ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ KLAMATH REPUBLICAN.; KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 25, 1909 VOL. XIV. DIRECI I INF TO CRAI ER N l EEL MAKE n AURINI, Utili HOI TH ER N I’M ISIABIISII IIIROUGII RAILS on Siri lie Mill (onni-it Willi (In- I p|M-r laikc anil Automo bile« nt tlie Isimling. Willliim Gladstone Hte.-I of Port land, president of the Crater Lake company, was In Him Francisco inai week In consultation * Hi Charles H Fee, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, for the purpose of making u traffic arrangement where by boats can be run i-n Uppei Klam ath lake to connect with an nutomo- bile line at Klaniuth Fall* to Crater lake. Both Steel und Feo stated that an agreement would bo reached "We are going to have a ul.'isi boat and auto line to Crater lake " declared Hl vol. "A special rate will b<> made by the Southern Pacific, This will enable u* to tranarorl |x-<>- pie to the luke untll such time ns the Houthern Pacifir build*! to Natron from Klamath. When that ’Inc Is completed wo have the a -iirimco of tho government that It v III build a road from Natron to tho lake for automobile*. We are also preparing to «hip largo quantities < f c-Murnt from here, as there I* <A> vllvlit sand al Crater lake and we will build a number of cement house i and cot- < II IN. Be nd Country Boomiiig—Hill I» Now Pure liiixiiig Itighl of W ay .Near Ih-nd Charlv« Grave« Is in th« city from bls rain h at Odell lak«1. He 1« hav ing u store built on'hi* ranch, and 1« getting ready for the town Hint will spring up there when the railroad Is coinplotcd that fur. Two crews of surveyors are wont ing In that country, Mr. Grave* say», one for the Hill, or Oregon Trunk. Iln« ami the other crew arc running a survey for th«- l-ovett, or D<-»<hut<-«, line. The lllll survey runs right • through Mr. Grave«' burn und black smith «hop. and the other line I* ulso ¡surveyed ucron« hl* ranch. 'The two MAYOR CALLS OFFICERS MEETING ELECTED XV. I . BARN! S, Till: BOX KING OF TIIE COAST, (OMEN HERE Another May Be Erected at .Meadow ' l<ake to I W the llx-iijxr Grati«- ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ LEAKING PAPER OF HOI I II MIN OREGON. NO. 34 30 MILLION BOND ISSUE of Lumber. MEIIMlW PAN If LAKE IS LIMBER ( O.M ORGANIZED SPICIAI 11 ICI ION OH ICIAIS ORDIR MAL HIM RY Al ONCE Election Will Be Held D<-< ember 3l*t Payroll of Tlii* ('omfiuny and That of to Decidi- I I hoi ii (»realer Mr. Barm-* Will Amount to Klunuilli Fall*. A Ixiut $7,h4M> u .Monili. The mayor called a Npeclai meet- Ing of the city council Tuesday night und tlie committee appointed to fix the polling plans and uppolnl the Judges und dork* for the coming el<-< I Ion to be hehl for the purpose of voting on the qu<-«tlon as to whether the outlying uddltion« be incorpor ated with the city or not, gave in A meeting of the stockholders of 4 he Meadow Lake- Lumber company was held Tuesday, at which the fol- : lowing officers were elected: Presi dent, Frank McCornlck; vice-presi dent. L. Jacobs; secretary, G. T. Gef- ty; treasurer, F. T. Higgins. Mr. Biggin« left yesterday morning for Portland, where he will purchase their report. the machinery for the new mill, December 31*1 was fixed as the which will be located in the nelgh- date for the election. Mayor San borhood ut Meadow lake, The equip- derson and Councilman Wilkins had merit is to be of the most modern previously made a tour of the addi type, and when completed the mill tions mid fixed the necessary polling : will be one of the most complete and places. These were approved by the , up-to-date in this section of the state. city counc|l. The Meadow Lake company is the For the city the officers for the concern that W. F. Barnes has con- election are as follows: trailed with for the material for his First ward: Judges, O. A. Stearns, planing mil) and box factory. . The II. M. Wilkins, R. S. Moore; clerks, contract is a large one. and insures F. Armstrong, F. E. Stahlman. the success of the enterprise from the Second ward: Judges, J. M. Foun start, especially so as Mr. Barnes is tain. J. L. Fielder, E. S. Virgil; | one of the substantial box men of the I clerk«, H. P. Galarneau. Wm. Wag- j coast. The erection of this mill and Nearly one year ago this paper pre dicts d that Klamath Falls would be the center of the box making indus try of the Pacific Coast, and it would sec-m that that prediction is in a fair way to become true, The latest ar rival In the field ts W. F. Barnes, who has Just closed a contract with the Meadow I»*ke Lumber company, through it* agent, C. P. Gregory, whereby he agrees to take not l«?ss than 3,000,000 feet of lumber a year. The contract carries with it the usual provisions Incident • to such transaction«, and in thi« respect is in no wise different from any other business transaction of a similar character. Wherein lie* the im portance of BALLINGER AND BORAH PRE PARING KILL FOR THIS SI M PROVIDES FOR RECLAMATION With Borafi Dulling the light, anil Bac k* «! by Ballinger and Taft, Bill Will Mutely Pass. Senator Borah' has submitted to Secretary Ballinger the outline of a bill he has prepared authorizing the Issuance of bonds to facilitate the construction of government irnga- tlon projects. Borah and Ballinger are agreed that such legislation should author- Ize bonds aggregating $30,000,ttOO this transaction is the announcement to be issued by the treasury depart- that it is Mr. Barnes’ Intention to .. ^.t as needed. These bonds to ba erect In this city a factory for the paid cut of the reclamation f.in.1. and purpose of utilizing the output of are not to be a charge upon the fed the Meadow lake mill. The entrance eral treasury. of Mr. Barnes into this field carries As soon as General Lawler of tho ' with it more importance than would Interior Department returns to usually follow any other individual Washington he. Ballinger and Borah connected with the box-making busi- will work out the details of this bill ness on the coast, He is one of the which will then be presented to con- ns their head- working with Bend largest. If not the largest, factors in gress. Both Senator Borah and Sec- quarters and will probably return to his line of business in tl\e West. To retary Ballinger are hopeful that Portland that way. his genius is due many of the many- i congress will authorize the bond is- Th«i country round Bend Is bootn- important inventions that have done | sue. 1 Ing. and farmer« arc pouring in there so much in late years to raise the The measure will have the active i by the hundreds and nettling out on making of boxes to a plane where support of President Taft, who the high desert. The Hill company ■ha» already start«-«! purchasing their tier. the factory to be erected by Mr. cost of manufacture was reduced to a ¡earned on his trip west that it is right of way south of B«-<id along I Third ward: Judge«. B. S. Grigs Barnes will employ sufficient help to minimum and the profits correspond nothing but plain business that all th«- Dem-hut«-«. Crews ar«- busy by, Chas. Woodard. C. P. Gregory; ( ■ ¡. 1-. r6n in the n.-iuL boll.,.. .«1 ingly increased. Not so many years of the reclamation works be rushed grading and working in the Des clerks, Clyde Brandenburg, W. 8. .of $300 a day, which will prove to be ago he started in the business in to completir i. n- the ^»rlleet dale tag«-«.’’ chute* canyon as fur south ns Mad- Shlve. a very important item in the success Klaniathon. where bis capital was of possible. With his support. supple The plan for lrnn*f«-rrhig the i rns. A* the work 1» almost entirely The following polling places were ' of the business men of the city and the shoe-string variety. He soon mented by that of Ballinger and at earner Klamath will proltubiy be closed out there with a handsome Borah, the prospects for the passage rock work, but a few men can be fixed In the city: : the upbuilding of Klamath Falls. tarried out In the early spring, nego profit and again entered the field,' of the bill are very bright. worked nt ono camp, nnd *o camp« — First ward: Navigation buildiug, tiation« to this end having already I selling out the second time with have lx-« n established all along tho UAll.l ’ oAD WORK IN DESCHUTES near the bridge. been under con-«deration between I greatly increased profits, The third river but a few mil«-« apart. At the Second ward: City hall. the Navigation company and M. R COLNTY TO PAY EXPENSES ( on*truction, (»railing and Bridge- time he entered the field he became ; Third ward. Noel building. Doty of this city, who will probably rate they are now working It seems Building Being l*u*lied by such an active competitor of the trust highly probable that the road will The people of Klamath county, The following Judges and clerks do the work Mr. Doty 1« experienced Rival Camp«. that it purchased his property and through the County Court, have con be completed to Klamath Falla within i were appointed from the various ad in this class of work, and If he se holdings, paying therefor $100.000. tributed $150 to help pay the ex ditions: cures the contract, will transfer the two years. The railroad work in Central Ore- Both lines are busy, Mr. Graves For Hot Springs: Judges. C. F. gon seems to be going ahead at the He again enters the field, with the penses which will be incurred by C. boat intact. «tales, and Intend working all win Stone, Burt Chliders, XV. F. Faught; greatest possible speed, according to I intention of making his factory here T. Oliver on his trip to Omaha and With the Klamath on the Upper ter. a* it seem* to bo their Intention clerks. A. B. Cleveland, W. S. Wiley. all reports. A big construction camp, ’greater than»any of its predecessors, the East with the car of exhibits sent lake and tho Houthern Pacific actlve- to complete the railway* at the earli- Fairview: Judges, U. B. Finley. reputed to be Lovett's, which is em and those who know him predict to show the effete Easterners what ly pushing the publicity end of the oat possible date. Allen Stansbie, J. E. Godfrey; clerks. ploying all the men and teams avail that it will be known far and wide can be done on Klamath soil and affair, It will mean that there will for its size. what is being done right along. E. E. Byers and Ed Hayden. be plenty of bu«lness for all of the able in that part of the country, has The factory is to be located near j NEW TOWN IN ( ROOK COI NIA Judge Griffith, in making this con Buena Vista: Judges. F. R. Matt, craft on tho Upper lake water«, been established within two miles of A. J. Sangerman, Henry Crumpack Madras recently, and the work of the depot and to start with will be tribution toward the expenses of the I 50x100 feet. This will be added to trip, said: JCThis money is paid out Twenty-seven acres of land In the er; clerks, Frank Riggs and Alex SI lit II toils OX MOV E grading has already been begun ■ from time to time until it reaches of the advertising fund, and this ex- center of tho townsit« of Hillman, Nosier. there. ¡the proportion that Mr. Barnes has hibit has seemed to be a most desir Cro< k county, was transferred yes Polling places in the various addi MADRAS. Ore., Nov. 20. The According to the Madras Pioneer, | in mind, and as he is a man of big able plan of advertising the county. terday by the (’rook County invest tions were at the bathhouse. corner party of railroad engineers under work has also been commenced on ideas, it may be expected that the The whole county will receive a bene ment company to the Oregon Trunk Esplanade' and 8prlng street; Fair-1 Fremont Crane which has been at the iarg- bridge to be placed across factory will be in accordance there fit from it, and hence all should line. The consideration mentlfined view grocery Btore, corner I'pham this place surveying permanent loca Willow creek by the Lovett line, with. other valu- and Sargent streets, share the expense incidental to it." and Henry ■ crews at present blasting for bed tion and setting grade stakes for the in the deed was "$1 and Mr. Barnes’ coming to this city is able considerations.’ Front house, corner Crumpacker’s rock upon which to build abutments Oregon Trunk line down Willow the result of nearly three years of la Hillman is a townsite on the sur mid California avenue, lot 1 block 43 EXCURSION TO THE ORIENT rrw-k canyon, have completed their for the bridge. The entire length of bor on the part of Mr. Gregory, and vey of the Oregon Trunk iine and lo- Buenn X’ista ndditlon. work in this vicinity and this morn the bridge, including approaches, | The Seattle Commercial Club is he is to be congratulated on the suc- rated between Madras and Bend, be A discussion of the proposed ordi will be over 1.100 feet, with a span ing moved to tho Deschutes canyon cess with which he has met. In dis- organizizng an excursion to the ing about the center of tho Des I nance for the protection of the busi near Wnrmspring ferry, to continue of 130 feet. The same line has sev- j cussing it Monday, Mr. Gregory Orient for business men, their fami chutes Irrigation and Power com ness men of the city against street their work In that vicinity. eral miles of roadbed and a few lies and connections, to leave Seattle said: pany'» segregation. It was called vendors, etc., was had. It was Porter Bros.’ force of carpenters milts of gra<1e completed south of, by the S. S. Minnesota on December more than delighted with "I am Hillman because tho founders wisheij deemed advisable to have Judge nre still erecting construction camps M.-.d.-as ■as. If the rest of the road is as securing the interest and capital of 22d and return about March 5th, to combine the names of Hill nnd Drake, the city attorney, look up the far advanced as is this portion, it i for the crews soon to be at work Mr. Barnes, for I realize that it 1910. The Minnesota will touch at Harriman, the two systems that arc question and draft some sort of or- near Madras. Commissary supplies will be but a few months before the means more than most of us imag Kobe, Yokohama, Nagasaki. Manila building Into central Oregon. dinance regulating such vendors. line is completed as far as Madras. are arriving dally nnd Indlcatlons First-class round ine. This factory will be followed and Hongkong. "Ono of the conditions of the This ordinance will bo directed point to a tremendous amount of The entire right of way has been by others, and it will not be long be trip will be $250.00. Space for ex transfer of this property was that ngainst persons who may come into rnllroad business at this place within purchased by the Oregon Trunk line, fore Klamath Falls will be known hibit on board will be provided. the Oregon Trunk line build a freight the city and, leasing a building, sell the next few weeks. all payments being spot cash. Plans along the coast as the center of this Stops will be made of from one to and passenger station pn It and such out bankrupt stock in competition are also being made for the construc industry. There are plans now un three days at all ports, and seventeen Monday morning, tho 15th, tho switches and sidetracks as would bo with the city merchants. tion of the steel drawbridge which der consideration in connection with days at Manila. Applications for full thermometer at thlH plnco registered necessary," said F. II. Cooper, presi will be built across the Columbia the Meadow lake mill to erect a fac- particulars and reservations should 4 below zero. In looking over tho dent of the Investment company. seaport by cutting a canal to Puget tory near the mill site. This factory be made to J. M. Shawhan. chairman % metrological registers at this place "The property consists of 27.% acres The car which C. T. Oliver and his Sound. will be for the purpose of using the of the Publicity Committee, 700 Ell In section 16, township 1, range 13 for the years 1896, 1897, 1898. 1899 A. G. Duhn.e of Minneapolis, who competent assistants had arranged so grades of lumber and con er's Music building, Seattle, Wash. cheaper and 1901. 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 east of Willamette meridian. Hill well left Wednesday for Omaha and has extensive timber holdings in this verting it into boxes and box ve- nnd 1908 (tho other years being man Is to be on tho lines of both the the East. The car will go down by country nnd over in Lake county, is . neer.” W. F. Haskins of San Francisco is missing), we find that this snap was Oregon Trunk and the Deschutes way of Sacramento, and let the Call- in the city for a few days. When in the city as the guest of W. S. Wor the coldest ever had at tills place nt railroad, and we hope to make it one that the timber fornlans know that the people of this seen, he stated The Horton, Brown, Howard Com den. Messrs. Worden and Haskins this time of year, the nearest to It of the most Important of the central section are cnpable of raising grain wasn’t moving much, as eastern pany are now killing 200 beeves are the owners of the Pacific Wash being in 1898, when it went down to Oregon cities."—Portland Journal. and vegetables that are really worth money wns too tight to Invest in tim monthly for the laborers on the Ore- board and Woodenware company of In zero on tho 8th of November, ber here at tho prices asked at pres gon Trunk railroad. It is expected the Bay City, one of the largest man Mrs. Davis is very dangerously 111 while. the year 1896, on tho 26th and 27th ent. The lumber industry will be that within another month to have ufacturing concerns of household The car was somewhat smaller nt her hyme back of tho public of November the thermometer regis school, and as the family Is almost than wns expected, and so some of one of the greatest of th- Industrie* to butcher nearly double this num utilities in the West. tered 32 below. Last year tho cold- Duhme bcr.- Silver Lake Leader. Mr. I destitute, several nre providing for the exhibits were rather crowded, of Southern Oregon. est weather experienced In this Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Northridge their maintenance. There nre four yet there was plenty of room for a b<Sloves, vet at present with the al month was 10 abovo on the 28th. were In the city from their home at Dr. R. R. Hamilton left Friday little girls, the oldest about nine. All sufficient number of specimens of the most exorbitant prices asked for the Silver Lake Lender. They left for Dairy, where Condon. morning for Portland, from which those wishing to aid them should products of this county to show the various claims, very little can be they will visit Mr. Northridge’s fa city he will’go to San Francisco. He F. T. Maxwell of Dorris was In the send their contributions to Judge effete East and Middle West what Is done toward tho proper development expects to be absent about two weeks. ther, the Rev. Northridge. of the vast resources here. being done here. Miller. city transacting business Tuesday. crew« nr«- apparently working In har mony, their lines crossing each other buck und forth. The lllll men uro now working near the Indian reser vation, but the other crew Is «till 1 several mile* behind them. The men who recently arrived In town und left for Portland the next morning were timber cruiser* und, according to Mr. Grave«, have been working up around pine mountain for tho past month or so. No sur- veyor* so far have left. They are