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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1909)
KLAMATH REPUBLICAN im ms w nr hoick men TAFT MAA REVISE 1*01.ICY Nt'un «>( tl«« Wtirhl ll<>ll«'«l Down for In th<< Cotihly Court of the Hlalit of Oregon, tur Klamath County. «Jllli k l*crM*Hl and 4 0 mile* north of Klamath Falls J In Ilio mutici' of ili«« «alate of Nelson ' Ti ls work has b. eii rushed faster | Nt,w York Ju nior Jud«« Robert IHmlvk, dt'cea»«»«!. (< «HitiniK'd from Page I.) E. J- MURRAY, Editor ■’ * * The following special from Wash- ington to the Oregonian gives th«» TWO DOLLAR* PLR YEAR IN ADVANCE following int«i'«'sting details of na (ional affairs: All cotum unicat ions submitted for publication In th«' column* of this The return of President Taft to paper will be insetted only over the name of the writer. No non de plum« article* will be published. Washington next Wednesday Is ex 1 - 1 —------ peili'd to put an end to the policy of it All.Ii«> ID \< 11X11' PIONEERS' llAXyi ET delà.« «\hich has dominated tlfa Taft administration since the passage <>( Snrprix- at the Large Numla r of OKI Nearly Scvevn Huudrerl Allies t ruler th«' tariff bill last August, Since the Settires Who Were Present and « oustruetion and Eightjr-Six «lepartiire of th«' president and utmost Signed the Roll Miles Are Projectrd I his entire cabinet from Washington LEADING NEWSPAPtK OF INI tKIOR UKtbUN. than orfaiiially contemplated, *nd|a | on>,, |ia. b«uu *|wt,d to the com- u«.«« II Is .'«l.l.'nt that th.' MMJ ;«p ,................. ||lw 1(,|(| toaaee ,,r proprlated for one yam*'* work will liai Illinois rnllroad, Io succe«'d the b«> spent by spring, and th«>n It Is ex- lut«> E. II. Ilitrrlmnn, pecte.l Hint lb«' money necessary for Prineville, Ore Mall Clark of Tl •« th«' last pl«'««' of toad, about 90 tull«>* Dalles, light of way agent for the In h'tigth. to connect the two piece* or« gon Trunk, was In Prineville *■>« of road covered by present contracts, « ■ni day* Inst week. recording num ««III be api>roprlated. «roua rlgl.l of way Instrument:« for Ills Th«« construction of the cut «iff is «■ tupan.« Most of lh<* right of va« under the direction of th«1 «lilcf en- bought recently Is In th«' Mudtiri glix'er of the 8«>uthern Pacific, who country, but the iigetils at«' now «»p many matters of great importance I us office In Sau Fruticlsco, and he en,ting In tl<< Redmond and llend 41.« Null ing lackeii to make the social The following dispatch from have been postponed for settlement Is having iner. shipped to the scene of till is an<l th«> tcrlrlory Intervening ev.'nt of the Kiamath Basin Pioneer Salem to the Journal gives some in «oik fiotu both Uallfornlu and Ore pending their return. SovL t a u Ol'OUgl. SiitlA-’di. 4 1 teresting information concerning the t.on. If At preat'iit uobody in Washington dent Stearns called the gathering to ■ ailroad situation in Oregon: alio ut pretend* to know whnt th«' Taft ad order in the courtroom and asked all tin uitiA i ms. Since June 30, 1908. 167.16 miles ministration expect* to ask for puss- eligible to membership to come for of new railread have been placed in ug«> at th® coming congress. The me«>i- W. C. Welch was her«' over Sunduy ward to the desk of the secretary and «peration in Oregon according to tig- Ing of that body is oui« a month off L. X Au-.’ison of Illy ». nN in -.uw n sign the roll. This required the great ires compiled by Secretary George O. and yet the paramount Issue of the Sunday. er par: of an hour, as fully 150 of the ■ oodall of the state railroad com tn is-■ administration is not yet apparent, Cirus Giatfis cam«» In from Dortls men and women who have for the ■ion. The figures are taken from th«' The stat«' d. pai tnit'tit presents the Sunday . past twenty years or more enjoyed tnnual report of the railroads doing most chaotic condition of any of th«» Paul Itlcht of Merrill » uh In town the blessings of this country signed m.dness In this state. Aside from executive departments, as a result of Monday. the roster. this there are now under construe-’ the policy of delay. Changes in the J. G. Stev«'n*on wa* over from Lost President O. A. Stearns delivered tion in this state 6S1.25 additional ! diplomatic corps at London. Paris and river Sunday. a brief address of welcome, which miles and 86.21 miles are projected Pekin are on the table, and the new II. F. l.ooseley Is here from his was heartily applauded, as it strongly it may be reasonably certain that the I huv«' «mm«' fine young HolHtcIn Far Eastern au«l Latin American bu ranch n«nr Odeaaa. expressed the sentiments of the plo- proposed roads will be completed1 bulls (or Mile; A I st«» k and accli reaus are yet to be put oa a working IL C. Baker of l-akevlew was regl*- mated. M F. I.OOBI.EY. Ft Klam neers and their families. This was within the next few years, basis. tered at the American Monday. followed by several musical numbers. ■ Following is a list of the railroads ath. Or«'. In the absence of Secretary Nagle A. J. Bagley and family drove down The Pioneer double male quartet was that have b«?en placed in operation In the department of commerce and la from Bonanza Sunday. A Fl XV II Vitti VI'S. heartily applauded and responded to Oregon since June 30, 190S: bor is administered by Solicitor Earl. Mr. and Mrs. John Lind of Dairy an encore. The ladies' quartet gave Corvallis and Alsea River railway , wt o Is acting secretary since Ormsby ; Can «ere In town over Sunday. a musical number that addt*d to the company. Corvallis to Glenwood. 2 1 : McIIarg, the assistant secretary, re- A !*>*• Judge Noland lias been confined to entertainment, but as usual the vocal miles; Sal*m. Falls City and Western I signed. The customs division of th«' lol. his horn«« by Ilin«' s the past few day*. solo and encorexb.v Mrs. Don J. Zum railway. Dallas to West Salem. 14 A treasury department, which adminls- E. B. S«'dge and N. Clunna of H<>- walt was the crowning event in the miles; California railway company, ,erg |h Three cotinge* on thr««« lot* Routs new tariff law. is being su- natu-a lire stopping at the Livermore • nitign for another cottage. 82Z9U musical ¡ine. Weed to Klamath Falls. 9S.65 miles: pervised by Charles I) Hilles. assist Mrs. R C. Cowley and Miss Gladys The pioneer poem by Captain O. C. Kenton Traction company. Swift ant secretary of the treasury, in ad- Pool of Lorella were here over Sun Applegate was heartily applauded. It Packing plant to Columbia slough, 5 jnion to his noth i: of mi . fiim ; of the regular duties, w li Ich day. recalled to the minds of the oldest miles; Oregon Electric Railway com-, HOARD OF I «JI VI.IZATION - - I are in themselves onerous. Jud Pop«'. W. II Norton and W D To settlers the stirring days when life pany. Garden Home to Forest Grove. i AR Taxpayers and to All Whom It It is understood here that this May Concern; was freely given as the cost of our ¡9.10 miles; Oregon Railway i and | hiatus of public activity on the part Liberty w«-re In th«> city Saturday nnd NOTICE la hereby given thnt on Sunday from Fort Klamnth. present civilization and development. Navigation company. Elgin to Joseph. jof h|gher offlcllUa of the ailrt|llll9tra. the third Monday In October, the W. II. Hadley, the Merrill rancher, Following the musical and literary 62 miles; Umatilla Central Railroad tlon has 11th day of said month, A. D 1909, not been without result. 'ei' In the city Monday tn ntt< n<! th« th«> board of cqunlUatlon in and for numbers at the courthouse the gath- eath-'nnmiwnv PumJi. t/m to Pilot Rock, i company , Pendleton Practically all of them, from the pres Klamath count«. Oregon, wIII attend meeting of the Water User«’ associa at the courthouse In the city of Klum ering adjourned to Red Men s hall. ¡14.50 miles; Portland Railway, Light ident down, have been giving close ath Fulls, Oregon, nnd publicly exam tion. where a banquet was served by the and Power company, extensions. study during summer months to de ine the aascssinent rolls of Klamath Mr nnd Mrs. Lucien Applegat • county, nnd correct all errors In val Pioneer ladies, assisted by the Native 12.22 miles. partmental affairs with a view to out Daughters of Klamath Basin. Sev-1 Following is a list of railroads now were in from their Swan Lak«' ranch nation, description of qualities of lining a definite administration policy lands, lota or other property assessed to attend the tu«« ting of the Wat«'» by the n«*c**or In nnd for said coun eral after dinner speeches were made under construction, a part of some of , in each. ty; and It ahull be th® duty of all per Users’ association Monday. by the oldest settlers. Several hours the roads now operating: sona Interested to appear nt the time were spent in conversation and fa j Oregon Trunk line, south from the The different exhibit*- potatoes of I High school stiike at Cleveland. and pin« «* appointed Dated nt Klamnth Falla, Oregon, telling reminiscences of the days mouth of the Deschutes river tap- unusual size, pumpkins, beets and Ohio. Boy* insist on dictating the this 2 3d day of September, A. "when we were boys.” The* gather- proximately) 160 miles; Oregon East- wonderful sheaves of grain In the hours for recitations and noon lunch. 1909. J. P LEE. ing was representative of the entire ern Railway company. Natron to exhibit building certainly l<x>k fine.1 All quiet, however, among the klnder- Assessor In ami for Klamath County. Klamath country, and all present Klamath marshes, 152 miles; Des- ind ¡»r® about as good a proof of the K>Den*. On : I" I I Those who have not met the board were enthused with the bright pros- chutes Railroad company. Deschutes luallties of the soil in Klamath coun- NOTH I. - 133 ----- pects ahead of the organisation that «o Redmond, miles; Northwest- ty as could be found. Those who are of equalization and attended to the Las been founded to perpetuate and ern Railway company, point on O. R In charge of the building are ever assessment on their property should I To th«' Stockhold«'rs of the Klamath The board will be In session Water User»’ Association: keep sacred the memories of the long & N. company’s line near Huntington ready for any exhibits that may be sent In and, as It is their intention to' lintl1 ,hc ,Mh of ,h|s month, Toil ar«' hereby notified that a spe ago. |to Lewiston. Idaho, 150 miles, about DAIRY DEVELOPMENTS 110 of which are in Oregon: Pacific Railway and Navigation company. Hillsboro to Tillamook. 91 mil -s; Bedverton to Willsburg. 10.53 miles; Pacific and Eastern Railway company. Eagle Point to Butte Falls, 20 miles; Sumpter Valley Railway company, Austin to Prairie City, 22 miles; Ore A local threshing machine company has completed its threshing of the grain in the valley and stored away the machine for the season, having done its work successfully ‘r. a finan- «.'lire gon Railway and Navigation compa There are two of the largest and ny, belt line from St. Johns to Wood oldest apple trees in the county on lawn, 7 miles, and the Valley Rail the Dave Shook place. This year road company, from West Woodburn the two yielded some forty-five bush to Woodburn, to connect with the els of apples, which are of the finest Oregon Electric, 2.7 miles. quality, and as keepers have no super Though no mileage has been com- iors in the state. pleted on the Natron branch, known The wet weather of the past week as the Oregon Eastern railway, yet has had the effect of starting the clearing of the right of way, grading, growth of the rye already sown and construction of trestles, culverts and of placing the soil for plowing in tunnels is In progress on more than first-class condition. seventy miles of the road. The Sump Both schools in the valley were re ter Valley railroad hopes to compbite opened Monday after a week’s vaca Its extension from Austin to Prairie tion, due to the holding of the county City by January 1, 1910. More than Sunday II. Rabbet« of 771- the Home cial meeting of the stockholder* of the Klamath Water Users* Assocla- tion will be held in Klamath Falls. Oregon, at th«' Houston Opera House on Friday, the 22d day of October, 1909. nt the bout of 2 o’clock p. nt. ’fi" Uity li.«k< ry clos.-d a deal where for the purpose of the *’~'kh elders | by they acquired the lease, fixture* voting upon Increasing the capital and jtock of the grocery store for slock of th«- association from 92,000,- merly owned by G. E. Luttrell. 000 to 96,000,000 and Increasing the The agricultural specimens In I ho pur value of the shares from 920 to Exhibit building are being added to |30 per share. ulruost dally, and the remnrknble ALBERT E ELDER. Secretary. feature of the display is that it 1909, Howard F. Bhrpherd wa» up- polnted Admlnislralor of Ilio estati« of Nelson IHmlvk. d«'«'eu*ed. tiierefor ull porimtia htivlng i lalms ngulii'it Ih«« «alale of »alti il'<iii*'«l olitili proHi-nt thè sanie wlih proper voucher*, duly ver 1(1 ed. widilli slx montila frolli tini «lato «>f ibis noili'c io me, th«' under- ’ «Igne«!, al in« regi estste ofilce In III«» 1'11« of Klamnth Falli. Oregon Daled thl* 7ih day of Ociober, 1909, ut Klamnth Fall*. Oregon. HOWARD F HIIEPHEHD, Ili 7 I» 21 AdmlnUlrator. ENTRAI Long, slim bay horse, branded H tln> Shook brand on left shoulder. Reward will b<- paid for Information leading to Ills recovery. Shook Hunch, iO-21-tt Dairy, Ora. I II XV I III V I Its For Klumath county la'xls Hend m* description, term* «nd price, and I will h «>II It for you. Ramsey Realty Co.. 217-211 Central bldg , cor <> and 1 .Main st . Loa Angle*. Cal. AS YOU READ •«The Iles»! and the Jungle,” every drop ot f ph mg blood in «out make up «■■ 1.1 tingle. Your indignation at t!.e condition« exposed will le •Imo t !o«t in your admiration <T J.«.!,•<■ l imiter ’» panic, «inpie-handcd fight ami your realization that he it I'crtorming a insgniheent public service. • You’ll find the NOVEMBER EVERYBODY'S i ven l iable magazine. Special Display by ANKENY and AMERICAN JACI&TRADES GASOLINE ENGINE ¡iter, Rung Sipiuutor, CbopH Fe« <1, Ele. Have s W n it «' • State your nerds, rito t««r «■•tok-g. ilrnU.» |»|ar one need be afraid that there will not ' Healty company went hunting with be room for his vegetables and fruit. “Be friends. Mr. Rabbet« killed the The more exhibits sent in the happier |'luail limit and scvernl ducks, but : Wagner got the record goose. the management will be. Saturday J. M. Evans and Son of CHAMBERLAIN MAS NOT HERE to Make the Trip With Senate Committee Until tailed to Mississippi Expected Fully , delay In order that ti e »"ttlers may get water on their lands at the earliest possible time. He also wants an«l will Insist that the department of Irrl- , gallon furnish a written statement of the rxpense or cost of this project— why and on what the money has been spent, etc.—In order that the settlers may have a voice In the mat ter and know whether the money In vested has been economically admin ing: Robert Hardie of England made Now aren’t those good roads worth istered or not, because upon the fact a quick-shaving record by shaving six all they cost* of the cost of the project depend* the men in one minute and twenty-six "The Muse of Poetry" has been cost of the water per acre to the n cond*. sold. We suspected as much. farmer* and rancher*." to Marshfield, a distance of 72.21 miles, which is expected to be com pleted within the next few years. The Oregon Railway and Naviga tion company has proposed a branch from Woodlawn to Troutdale, 12 miles in extent, and the Bandon and Port Orford railroad expects to con nect those two points with steel fa a For the benefit of the barbers it short time. is ju3t as well to reprint tbe follow Noti««« la licreby gl veti (lini liy or* dei- of Ilio County Colili of KlnglvHi County, Stillo of Oregon, Iliade and «'iitor<<l oli Ih«' tilli day of October, change the exhibits periodically, no! Senator Chamberlain's mother. who is S9 years old. Is v ry seriously ill 11 her home in Natchez, Mi s , and "shows" some old-timer* of th«' coun- the senator vac called to her .led- ly as much as it does visitors to I side two weeks ago, and so was un Klsmath. Now that the rumor of T.-ddy’s able to be with the senate committee on th«'lr visit here, much as he : R'ath has been denied, Johnson and wished. i I' ffrie* have signed artlcl«». and Taft h A. Caples, i rlvat" 'fcrotary l.i muring the end of bl.« tour of the Senator Chamberlain, when ¡nt • i.ntlnent. It might be just a . w«'ll to viewed by a representative of this pa ¡mention that til« is a glorious coun try, with the brightest future pros per Tuesday, said in part: pect*. "Senator Chamberlain was ."very institute. i 32 miles of the Pacific Railway and Cyrus W. Walker, who I* her«: for anxious to be with the senate com Jac Reuck expects to rent his ranch Navigation company's railroad, the this fall, and if he succeeds will Lytle road, building from Hillsboro to mittee on irrigation on this trip, and the purpose of organIzlnrg giauge? In build a residence in Bonanza, thus Tillamook, Is in active operation. The especially during their visit to Klam ■he county, wild Monday that thl« city being able to further educate his two train:« are being run dally from Hills ath Falls. He Is very anxious to hav«« •nd the brightest prospect! of al the project here pushed to as early most any city he had vlsltrd ili the boys. boro to beyond Buxton. Messrs. Geo. Ritter at^i Jap Ben- The Oregon Western Railway com- a completltlon as possible. He wants «tale. The depot, he said. proved nett have bet n doing considerable pany has projected a line from Drain to avoid as much as possible all the •hat the railroad company Intended ,o work lately on the dam for their pri vate irrigation project on the Upper Buckmaster creek, and they expect to be able to water several hundred acres next year. The sawmill in the timber In the northern part of the valley Is turn ing out some fine lumber. ADM1 \|SI'll VIORN NOTICE TEI.Etilt A I’ll l< ’ TAI’H | make It one of their chief* shipping : points. Th«; recent dispatch from Van 'ouver, Wash., relative to the filing |of incorporation papers of the Hill road and de Ignat Ing their terminal point "at or near Kiamath Falls, Ore." has had the effect of putting a broad smile on the faces rtf the real • state people. Several parties own ing business lots are seriously study ing the matter of building. It Is an Indication of certain growth for the future thnt will give encouragement to all lines of business. , ft (It, i‘» )• ti». » » » « t '• ♦« ! «. •<« • >L« ht 4 í«»r I ■ I I e j ity »r I In i«« r t » »• • • I it I if » «. »I . M «fr «utiM »»t« i ,»r nn í 4 t bl. ». J » 4141 •< W Í « . .<} i ttr, r I T€#r I <»rtn 4* i v/o .’ i n- • I I « i < lUIM-rMl« r. r « I t .. rot J SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist betwet n you and me. . I am trying to make my naine and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don't holler ami cuss if I have worked for you and it’s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and give me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain amout of satisfaction in buying goods anti feeling they have their dollar's worth. Those are the very kind of goods I carry ami are all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to have your business. I have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. MCHATTAN