HI’.tltKM I IIOM i iii ; wiiti: < i l Y iiriefh Mr. ut I Mr Everett K Kerken- A McCabe was In town from Lake­ WHAT THE KIDNKYH IMI I «lull left Halttrduy morning for La view Wednesday. Tliclr I m < n*lng Work Keeps |'s Wlllluin Smith was In town from MEDFORD, Or«* Tito «toikliold Cygne, K uh , wli«re they will spend H. Leonard and J T. Anderson were Strong mid llcallliy. iisnf tliu First National biink m«*t Hly on Friday. All the blond in the body |ia«wn the wlnti visiting friends mid rela­ over from Illy Wednesday. through the kidneys once every three L. J. Mosier returned Friday night iind Incroased thè capitai stock front tives of Ä K«*t k.-iidull. noon John Cos vi». ter Is left tri the blood This brings Born 'Io Mr and Mrs E G. Nash, r< turn. The stink Is « onstd«r«d ti F. K. Childs and E. D. Lutz are In on many dli-cases and symptoms— Harry K'-tney mid A. Kinney. H. W. viiliiablo asset mol will probably b« Til <•« du y morning, n daughter. town from Hummer Lake, buying »iip- pain In the back, headache, nervous­ K.■«»«•** Is attorney for plaintiff. ness. hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout, Lesiti* Tellier of lliiiiansa Is rcgls- fitkeii up right nwuy. piles. gravel, disorders of the eyesight and Mr ami Mrs. John Frederick Wil ­ tercd lit the MEDFORD, Ore. John F Slovena, Miss Daisy Patterson of Davis is hearing, dizziness. Irregular h«-art, debility, drowsiness, dropsy, deposits Ilo son were here F Iduy. Mr. Wilson Is * Mis. J. I! fornici cnglnecr uf tlm Puuamn culmi. here attending the Teachers’ insti- In the- urine, etc. But If you kr<- says: MI hh Veda Mulkey and her brother, belii ve that Doan's Kidney Pills saved Mr E It ll«nms returm-d Friday evening, where Mr. McGinn, rny life I suffered from kidney dis­ LYNCHBURG, Va Five <-hlhlr«n (loin C. E, Mulkey, are down from Ft. ease for a long time before I realized on« of th«* finest criminal lawyer* in I« t their llv«*s In II fire which «le what was the matter with me. My It. E Cnntrell of th« Long Lak*- Klamuth to ntt* ml the Teachers' in- Illi d the girls' cottsge Ilf till- Pres L uiii I h - i coinpnni hi.a movcil Into bin stitlite. Miss Mulkey is one oC'lhet Port lai d, hud gon« to attend court. worst troubles were pains In my back and limbs and an Irregularity 1» the li ti fimi Church orphanage h* re ..-bool tcacheru nt the Fort. . passage of kidney secretions. I was new homo nt Shlppluglon M 11.1,1 I H AM 1*111-slltEXT unable to rest well on account of the J. (' Hotilikl*» iuk I wife of Lnk« Bowman W Dennis, rcpnwnllng CHICAGO. Ill J.ihn il Walsh has pains and felt so rtlfi and lame at times that I could hardly walk. I <11 poned of tils railroad interests, inni, vl. w «i-ri* In in» ii for n few dn»» this flu Bankers' Lff« Association of D«*s Al a m«<-ting of the directors of finally learned of Doan’s Kidney Pills, Moin*'H, In. said this morning: th«* l'ir»t National bank last Tu«-»da> and as they were so highly recom­ it is siild, th«* purchaser Is a sindícale w -i k mended I procured a box and began Gi-org«- Jury of Marysville and H I* hi'tidi'd by .1 I* Morgan a . C o of N«w Klamath Falls Is the finest little city L. F. Willits wau elected president. using them They seemed to b« just Booth ot Spring Lnk« went In town I hiiv« visited tn four years. To me It York. L. F. Willits Is one of the old what 1 required, for in less than two «•'r'dav «.•ms that It bus the greuteut future residents of the county, who needs weeks beneficial results were appar­ HAN l'HANCIHCO 11.« (orni of ent. When I had used seven boxes I ii F. It Ht<*i*h«nbon, i'i oniln-nt of any town «if its size on the coast. no introduction to the people of was in better health than I had been A| i | i * ii I h upliold*« thè W ulk* r-Olls unti young mnch««r of Merrill, on Fot sale by all dealers. Price 50 I kin '. i . iih Friday. I this way rind the railroads are al­ j Integrity that Is known In every cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. «■t thè leglalutuii'. lini It I utid«*raloo»* elected. He has been hon­ mitted to th«* Mattcwiin Iti'ian« asy­ b -t btlf* <»i th«* -*-n»*«n iand and Miss Arno, who has been in Itoiid» ored by the people of th«* county and lum vas overruled by th« Court of ¡chargw.of the hospital there, arrived Muj re, broke th«* ih town this u* *-k g* ttlng . p:*!l**«. ’•th day of December, 1909, nt the A FI'W BARGAINS. at Klamath hospital. u •rid'* speed retord. lie travel««! M nrrui Williams hour i f I 30 o'clock In the aftei noon Five lots, elgn.Iy location, J1500 M mile and 800 yard» In I 47 1-5; Can of said day, nt which said date and Wh«r*- d*> you fitnl any nicer weath­ loan »750 tn the d«al. A nice cottage vz'.th bath large Hm» making nearly 54 mile* an hour. er for the full of th*- year than we are hour nt th«- «-Ity hall In said city, all NOTICE FOB 1’1 BEK ATION pro|H*sal» to purchaM* said bond» will lot, 11700. A good buy. having tight now? CITY’ OF MEXICO Hnnm llosa. In A large residence, fire lot. »3500 (Not Coal Land.) Dr. F. M. ’ Whit« i< turned W«*dn<* > be opened nnd considered, for the (b<* «tut« of Tubasro, ««■ Inuudutcd Three cottages on three lots. Itoois Department of the Interior, United States I-and Office at Lakeview, l>* ¡i (Idul wav««, cauolng «lamage m - tluy evening from Him Francl»i*o, purchase of »10,000.00 coupon sewer • m.ugn for another cottage; »2250. Oregon. September 1.8, 1909. j bonds of »aid city, or any part there­ where he has been for the past ten MASON * SLOUGH. Notice is hereby given that John lunati i | nt |5,000,<»oo. Tho loss of Slade, of Olene. Ore., who on May of. to I m - Issued in pursuance of Ordi­ Ilf« Is uukhown. bu< was probubly day a. 2 3d, 1908, made homestead entry Wednesday evenliig Dr. Merriman nance No. 130 «if said city, adopted NOTH E OF MEETING OF TIIE No 4 04 5. serial No. 01617. for S'j very large BOARD OF EQI AI.IZATION SW *4 sec. 2, N4 NW’4 sec. 11, twp. returned from Han Francisco, whore by th«- Common Council of said city To AB Taxpayers and to All Whom It 39 8, range 10 E. Willamette Merid­ HARIIIN, Manchuria Priucs ho. Ion the 22«! day <>! Jun«*, 1909, and as ho s«n( to attend th« Portola car- May Concern: ian. has filed notice of intention to (***im* Japuiii-iic ivxtuvut g *..*:al ut nlvul. ini«n«l*-d Nov. inlier 2d. >909. and un­ NOTICE is hereby given that on make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ Cor* a nml Jupnu's foil-most siiitcs- Miss Ihlen Harris of the county der an a>( of (he legislative Assem- th« third Monday in October, the scribed, before C. R. DeLap. County 1 Sth day of said month, A. D. 1909, man, «•m u»»asalnuted In-re Tuesday < I *t k * offi« i* ri-turn«d Hundny from l> of 1905. til* J in the office of the the board of equalization in and for Clerk, at Klamath Falls. Ore., on the 6th day of November. 1909. nftcriioun uh tic *t«pi*c<| off tho tr*.lu «retary of State, February 13th, Klamath county, Oregon, will attend Han Francisco, where she wont for Claimant names as witnesses: at the courthouse In the city of Klam­ I ' a <'« loan who had follow* I him fur John Tipton of Olene, Ore.; Her­ Portola week. , I''8 '. entitled aa 'Ail to Incorporate ath Falls. Oregon, and publicly exam­ Hat piir|H*-<>, hoping thoicby to Inc the assessment rolls of Klamath bert Tipton of Olene, Ore., A. T. Mr Hamilton «in down from llusk the City of Klamath Falls." county, nnd corr«*ct all errtirs in val- Wilson of Olene. Ore., Sam Dixon of i*Cotta. Th« assassin was nr- I«*Inml Haiitrdiiy Ho brought a l*lg Said bond» will be payable twenty uatlon. description of qualities of Ol*-n<-. Ore. t- t* d. b it uot before »«*v<- ul other ARTHUR W. ORTON. five point buck's head which he trot . at f.-oui date of issue. Interest to lands, lots or other property assessed 9-30-11-4 Register. by the assessor in nnd for said coun-j ii mb«rs ot th« party wen* injured, to ar Mount Pitt , paid semi-annually on the 1st day ty; and it shall be the duty of all per­ includlug Consul General Kuwakan NOTH E FUR PUBLICATION l'nc|* Jon Cannon snvs th«-r« an­ *f April and October of each year, sons lntc-r«*st*-d to appear at the time and place ap|«olnted. <;«•».. ri.l .MumiK*-1 Tnmuku of the no fl I«-* on him, and the Sain'innh l-rlncipal and tni* :cst payable In law- Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, Not Coal I-and. bouth Manchuria railroad, and Prince .! money uf the UaUed States at the this 23d day of September, A. D. Preu rc ma; I. ■ that fii**s are I. -t - I 1 90». Department of the Interior, United !' 's prlvnt * aocrctarj’. j* (•'. e of th,- City Treasurer, Klamath particular, cither. J. P. LEE. States Land Office at Lakeview. ST. MH'IH. Mo Pnald.nl Tuft i Hon . Georg** T. Buidwtu returned Fail. Oregon. Said bonds shall be Assessor in and for Klamath County, Oregon. 9-23,10-14 Oregon. Oct. 5, 1909. mid Bpiaker Cannon apparently hold Tuesday evening from San Frnnclucn, Isold for cash pn!I down at the date Notice is hereby given that Eduard tho »am beliefs regarding wntorway where lit* has lxw*n for the past few of sal*-, and for not k-ss than their, Brady , of Keno, Ore., who. on July 3, I par value and s: all draw Interest at Improvement m n pert of a national weeks on business. 19o3, made homestead entry No. policy of conaerving the streams. The K. T. Merrill Monday Morning ¡a rnte not to exc « for the improvcni« nts. Mr Tail's * attorney for I 20 bonds of th. denomi na­ plaintiff. to ii» a» lot» of tlx* cutglass that • E, k , Willamette vviiiamette Meridian, has laiulH <:• rb«*l on Monday shipped i i lion of utterances nrc not »u far-r«-a«hlng re- ■ il. ooo,oo < • is sii|»|M»scd to lie of liigli qual- < > filed notice of intention to make final guiding th« creation of a 14-foot four carloads, 500 head, of fin«* mut­ ^30 bonds of th. >lcnomina- < > O i'y- five year proof to establish claim to 50u .0 <• lint Claimant names as witnesses: ambitions works Mrs. B. I Kilgore, Bonuuza Bulle tified check upon some responsible nn- cranks on. which is a very < • Richard Kearns of Keno, Ore., Wil­ 1 tin. bank, payable to the City of Klam­ good thing for our custon»«*rs, Nashville, Tenn Dr L. <’. White, McKendree returned from j liam A. Otey of Keno, Ore., J. R. Crc«*ars for............. der her liable 18c to or before December 1st. The tlght- ('off«***, |M*r pound......................... Wm. Wagner of the Home Realty to many runctlonal disorders that Tea, per |H>iiiid.............................. 4Oc to not only tend to destroy her comfort Star Tobacco, per plug............... and happiness, but which gradually more on or before July 5th, 1910, Ivo purchaser Friday evening, killed Ilorscslioe 'l'ol*aix'o, |u*r plug . . merge into chronic and serious dis­ Sp«*ar Head Toliacco, ju-r plug eases. the purse Io be divided 75 per cent a couple of geese, ono of them weigh­ Ri<-e, pi-r pound ................................... He, I Oc and .It Nyal’s Vegetable Prescription is to the winner nnd 25 per cent to th«* ing 18 pounds, This I h the record Beans per |iound ............................................unds for.................. 1.00 the womb. This in a remedy of < i New Orlenns after hl.< long trip down Griffith, who Is teaching school there. Dried Prunes, 2(1 |M>unds for................................. 1.00 sterling worth. Sugar, |u*r sack ............................................................. (1.75 the Mississippi from St. Louis. Before night it was rumored Huit UNDERWOOD’S PHARMACY Portland. Tug day was a great Charley was to be married, but he Highest Price Paid for Hides and Produce Cor. 7th and Main Streets HUCCOFS. says, "Worse luck, no!” Klamath Falls - • • • Oregon I • Rare Cut Glass Í WINTERS Goodrich’s Cash Store NOTICE To the Stockholders of the Klamath *• Water Users’ Asoclatlon You are hereby notified that a Spe­ cial Meeting of the Stockholders of the Klamath Wntcr Users’ Associa­ tion will be held In Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the Houston Opera House, on Friday, the 22d day of October. 1909. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of the Stockholders voting upon Increasing the Capital Stock of the Association from »2,000.- 000 lo »«1,000.000. and Incri-nnlng th« par value of tho shares from *20 to »30 per share. ALBERT E ELDER. Secretary. In pursuance to the above notice the Stockholders of the Klamath Water Users' Association met in the Houston Opera House In Klamath Falls. Oregon, on the day nnd hour set for the meeting and adjourned to meet again In the Houston Opera Hous* fn Klamath Falls. Oregon, on th« sth day of November, 1 909. at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. Al.BERT E ELDER. 10-27-21 Secretary. NOTH E OF MALE OF HEAL ES­ TATE In th«* County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. In the .Matter of the Guardianship of Charles Hughes and Mary F. Hugh««, Minors. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, guardian of the persons and estates of Charles Hughes and .Mary F. Hughes, will sell at private sale an undivided one-slxtb interest each of said minors In and to lot four < I) and the north half of the northwest quarter of section 28; lots six (6», eight (St and nine (91 and the south half of the southw«*st quar­ ter of section 21, all in towmhlp 29 FOUth of range 1 1 4 east, Willamette meridian, Klamath county, Oregon, containing 314 acres more or less, ac­ cording to government survey, on and after the 21st day of October, 1909, for cash, pursuant to order of said court made and entered in the above proceeding on the 3d day of June. 1909. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Sep­ tember 23d, 1909. FRANCES HUGHES. Guardian of the persons and «^states of Charles Hughes and Mary F. Hughes, Minors. 9-23, 10-21 NOTICE. Parties wishing sagebrush land clearer call on or write, W. W. WASTES, Klamath Valle. Oe. 13-3tf SALE OF LATE Ml SIC GREAT SHEET V If you desire some fine bargains in Late Popular Sheet .Music, write to Charles S. .Mitchell. 209 Almond st.. Ashland. Ore., for latest free music catalogue. DR. J. M. ELLSWORTH VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Orti« CriMler-Utlli. Ru*t