Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 04, 1909, Image 3

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—— — — ,
Siciliens Will I online Himself to
Do not leave stock out In the fields
Ihn» 100 on cold nights.
First Trust—First Xiitnloniii
It Is cruel, besides Bound Over to Await Action of the
Alitinogli NIutlMh » Muy l,'e I mullís.
W ill Be limi on Suine I.Ines
being unprofitable When inun was
t.rmid Jury By Justice .Miller
factory. Figure» Ollen Givo h
1 given dominion over the beiists of the
This .Morning.
Captain Hieim ns will devote a'l of
Wrong Impression.
fields lie wus not given license to prac­
his time and energies to the First
spots tise Inhumanity.
Wedm sday night a young fellow Trust and Savings bank, an inxt.tu-
The assertion that church attend*
Tile longer you keep sheep the
who registered us Rogers got a room Hon that iias shown unusual strength
anco Ims fallen off to an alarming de
lakes more fine, while clover you will have
P -3CENT ’’" I. < A
Wilson's rooming house, above the ever since he took charge of It. it M vkers cf.'A'l* 48
grim I« not merely imide, but iiHsiiinod
poor In your pastures.
'• utcrLV.-.
Gem ciifc. He had shipped In from Is rumored that the capital stock of |
as a mailer of fuel, without argument
It doesn't make much difference
Portland to ' work In the railroad the First Trust will be doubled within
oi evidence, says Edward Tallmadge
whether you cook pumpkins for hogs
J. V. and his brother, J. A., Hous­
camps lie re. Before he left the next a short time, but Mr. Siemens re­
Hoot In The Delineator for Novem­
or not. Cornmeal and bran are both
morn)tig he took several suits of fused to make any statement on this ton are reading the articles In tho
ber. When figures are given, a Utile exfi n prim for i ggs of on« color. good to feed With them.
clothes, two overcoats, underclothes, point when asked about it today. Mr. Saturday Evening Post on Leadville
examination often shows that they Many people get n noil or more a
Tile full pigs should lx* kept grow­
with a good deal of interest, as they
ahd a bunch of keys from the dlffer- Siemens said:
urn Incom Insito because only puriial dozen for sorting tliefr hen fruit nc- ing bnt not too fat. They will pay
“I have severed all
connection were both residents of this historic
in place, time or details. Neverthe­ coidlng to size und color.
to winter for feeding next summer.
Ramsby, Roy Butler of the Central with the First National and will now mining camp in its most glorious
less the decline Is IlSSUIUCd Bild its
On some fin ms tin young < hl< k The early ones will go to market In
cafe, George (Jordon and Clay WII- devote all of my time to the Inter- ¡days. The author of the articles was
causes gravely asked and enumerated oiis lire allowed to roost outdoors January und February, If well fed.
son were among those robbed. The ests of the First Trust arid Savings lK»rn there at the time of the first
It Is to he admitted, ul Hi« Sturt, during lh<* summer und full. They
It Is not possible by uny known
keys were taken from lien Davis's bank. I am riot prepared to state at big rush, later attended Stanford
thin church nttemlume today is not I ould at once Im trulned to winter method to make dirty milk Into < lean
room. All that he* took he carried this time what we intend to do other University and reported for a while
satisfactory to those who loyally be quarters, und I ho sooner this Is done butter.
down to Im Fault's second-hand store -than that, we shall endeavor to make on the San Francisco Chronicle.
lleva In the church and lis mission. tile better.
The use of the separator on the
I ^should rather have one happy hen farm, If a good machine, benefits the and sold.
¡our institution one of the strong ones
There Is no need of multiply Ing sta­
Good roads are good Investments.
He had paid for his room for two ■of the county.”
tistics. One Illustration muy suffice ihnn iwo gtumpy ones. A huppy lien owner by close skimming, makes few
All sums expended intelligently in the
nights, vet Thursday night he slept
"The policy of the First National
According to a census of church-go Is the one tluit fattens the pocket­ utensils to wash, permits the use of
at tho American hotel and. breaking . bank," said Alex Martin Sr., "will be icouqties of Oregon on the roads will
Ing In the upper section of Munhiit
the skltn-mllk, new and sweet, and
Into Hora<e Dunlap’s room, took an- ¡continued along the same safe and Increase land and other values more
tan. New York City. November lb. Iler apace, no matter what her breed saves hauling a heavy load
last ____
suit conservative lines that has character­ ¡than the cost of the roads; and there
other suit of clothes. This___
1901, with a population of 13N,I6.*>. may be.
creamery eucii day. If a man
he did not sell, but wore under his ized it and tb<- Klamath County bank will be comfort and convenience, ease
It la worth the poultry ruiser’a one of two cows and does not patron-
onlv 17 Co per cent were nt church,
of movement and immense saving In
own this morning.
since their inception. That, I beleve,
7 20 being l*rot«slunt
Protestant und 10 10 while to remember tliut uu earth Ize a creamery. It will not pay to buy
Thejtollcc were notified that there i will meet with the approval of the horseflesh, harness ani venicies, be­
Catholic, Hut even this means thut floor lit iiniiculthful when the locution u separator. With good, cold, deep
was a young fellow in town who had i business Interests of the county. sides.—Oregonian.
mon* than any other is naturuiy wet and not well druined setting, the milk may be skimmed
religion attracts
been robbing rooming houses, and There will be no consolidation.”
It Is not fair to With this kind of location It «III pay closely, und Just as good butter made
human Interest.
Louis Hill, president ot the Great
morning City .Policeman Walker
The Klamath County bank has pur­ Northern railroad, has been lost in
i ontrnst It with all other concerns1 to put In u bourd floor.
us with a separator.
and Roy Butler, who had )o-t an chased from Capt. J. W. Siemens all
liens will not iuy during lb« cold
It will cost no more per pound to
combined. sheer weariness und luzl-
| the mountains again, the second time
overcoat, went down to the train, 1 of his stock in the First NUationai
Whnt other human months unless given food rich in egg grow a colt thun a calf.
ne«H Included!
within a few months. This kind of
There Butler identified the thief and bank, thus securing control of that
1 feed wheut und sklui-
Interest can move 77,000 out of a ¡material.
Put a blanket on the driving horse
advertising would be great for theat­
he was arrested by the policeman and institution. This is the most impor­
population of 435,000 to dress, and inilk, which uie splendid egg-produc­ now to keep his coat short and glossy.
rical stars, but in the case of Mr.
lodged In Jail.
tant transaction that has occurred in i Hili its advantages are not clear. He
There are several ways to break a
take at least two hours of their time, ing food», und ulso include parched
Justice of the Peace Miller Friday I this city since C. W. White disposed
and pay an average of twenty five to ■ urn und Kuffir corn lu the bill of colt, but don't let the man do It with
j should wear a bell when he gets off
committed the thief, this of his interests in the First National
a club.
fifty rents, and that not occasionally, fare.
the right trail.—Oregonian.
time under the name of -Tod Fitz­ to Mr. Siemens and associates, about
Take no chances by having too
but regularly every Sunday? If
New York
All Information re­ gerald, to the county Jail to await the two months ago.
Negotiations for
the church Is not satisfied, it is be­ | many chickens together In on« flock.
action of the Grand Jury.
in progress for
muse Its Ideal Is so high because, If you see they are getting to be
They even come from far-away I [ some weeks. The First National was
according to Its great commission, it crowded In their winter quarters,
Plush to do their trading here. Fred recognized as a valuable asset and
ian never rest until It In proclaiming niuke thrift und health a certainty by be getting from her husband is being
Chaistrand drove in Friday from there were severaj financial men
For an up-to-date wheel, gvS
Its glad tidings to every creature'
¡dividing them up or selling some ot
a Itambier, on sale at the GUN
1 though It was stated that Referee C. Warner valley.
seeking its control, but Mr. Siemens
lint even so, the church should ; them.
REDMEN DY N't E GREAT NUC< ESs . preferred to turn it over to local cap­
What ratio of attendance to
You may have an Idea thut poultry II. Young would soon be able to sub­
Tents to rent. Guns, We carry
italists and accepted the offer .made
You are mit his report to the court, in the
population Is It reasonable to ex ¡can hunt their own grit,
a fall line of sporting goods.
decorated the Redmon's hall until it by the Klamath County bank.
pert? The entire population, as given I wrong. Grit is as essential as feed • äse of ullmony. If grunted, Colonel
was truly beautiful. A large crowd
There will be a reorganization of j
by the census. Includes Infants, In­ ¡ Get u grit box, fill it with crushed : Astor will make a division of his
dressed as Indians and under almost the institution within the next few­
valids and others incapable of attend 1 rock uud oyster shell, und hang It on
every disguise, danced till the wee, days, when a new president will be I
ante Of the remainder, not all ate the wall where dirt will not bp . So fui as can be learned, Mrs. Astor
Opposite the Americas HoteL
lias given no testimony before the sma' hours and had a wonderful time. elected to fill the place made vacant
nt liberty or leisure ut the same hour eci atcheil into II.
l’irò«;-» •M.
(The fortune tellers were especially by the retirement of Mr. Siemens.
or on the same day. hi our Increas­
We know when November arrives I referee.
popular, and altogether the dance Aside from the election of president,
ingly complex civilization the number that winter Is not far off. There will
Harbin, Manchuria. The assassin was a great success.
there will probably be little change
<>f occupations which can not T h com be u number of nice days this month,
of Prince Ito was tfl -ntified as Inchan
the directorate
pletely suspended ut any hour must and advantage
should be taken of
Angen, a former editor of a newspa- I Tuesday morning the Central cafe, about the same.
What percentage ought to good weather for repairing the
per at Seoul. He wild he was one of with Messrs. Sasser and Donnelly as
be deducted?
ihouses, painting, whitewashing, or
iir<.nrLdnru will r^r.iu.q ng 3 first I
sot 1 11
1:1 organization of tvrenfy Koreans ProPr**‘or*- **» reopen
In a canvas» by the Boston City ¡whatever work might be necessary
And get ground ready for big
who hail taken an oath to kill the
Missionary Society, out ot 1,7*5 tn- ' before real winter COUICS.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
crop return« next year.
¡Japanese rtatesman. The assassin
One of the best methods of keep-
lUvIduals 1.900. or approximately
¡chefs and restaurant managers, both church will give a social Thursday
used dumdum bullets poisoned with
two-fifths, were detained from cliur h ting tho poultry bouse warm in win-
Some good bargain» can be
¡having at different times conducted evening, October 28th, at the home of
for good reasons. With this agree -ter nt small cost Is to keep the floor
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hogue, on Sixth
the Central cafe for Mr. Houston.
had in sagebrush land.
the most careful estimates. Not more well littered with dirt, cut straw, hay
New York. Robert luivett was to­
i street. Every member and friend of
SWAMP LAND in desirable
than sixty per cent of the population or leaves to the depth of from three day elected president of the Southern
.Medford, Ore. The case of D. W. the church and congregation is in-
could assemble for worship nt nny to six Inches. This protects against ¡Pacific and William Mahl vice-presl- Hazel vs. the Southern Pacific com­ ! vited to be present and enjoy a social
locations w ill I m * higher iu price
loss of bent and prevents cold cur­ dent. Lovett was already president pany was taken up before the federal ¡evening. A musical program has
one time.
soon. BUY' NOW.
Making nil them allowances, how­ rents from below, and may also be of the Union Pacific.
court. Hazel was struck by a freight been arranged and refreshments will
ever. It Is evident thut the Impre-sloii used to scatter the grain in to keep
train and almost killed last winter be served. No charge.
Cincinnati, Ohio. College women while crossing the track.
that church attendance In unsatisfac­ the fowls active. Farm Journal.
are better equipped to serve in the
A newspaper, "The Oregon Hub,”
tory Is justified by statistics available.
Mr». Emellne Gouidin Pankhurst, home and for the uplift of humanity,
W. C. Walker, formerly of Sher- ;
Instead of the possible fio per cent,
Capt. o. i’. Applegate,
a militant suffragette from London. Is ' according to the consensus of opinion big talk of Jim Jeffries and Jack man county, as editor, has recently j
only 17.« per cent were found in the
Office Manager
In New York and Is denouncing Eng-^,howu ln lhe dl„.IIMlona of the an- Johnson Indicates that neither of been started at Redmond. We extend
< hurches of upper Manhattan. Seven
llsh prison authorities who are ford- „uaI conv..nllon of the Association of them would make nn ideal polar ex­ our greeting and trust that It may
Fifth St., Near Main.
yearn earlier, Dr. Waldron found only
27 1 per cent of the Protestant pop­
frying to starve themselves in jail—I
ulation of Boston nt worship. The
probably believing tills Insane act will
■ ■ ■ ■
unchurched population of New York,
make them
according to the City Federation of
dvntl.s will i>e tint the signal for the |
Churches, In 1905, was 1.071.9SI,
glorious resurrection of woman's
while members and non-com muni­
Says Mrs.
1’ank hurst:
cant attendants were respectively
■‘Forcible feeding Is horrible and In­
337,289 and 18S.931, or. In percent­
human, and is done to rob the victim
age of the whole population. 26.7
of her dignity and make her efforts
against 20.5 for the two classes of ad­
In behalf of the cause ridiculous. It
herents combined.
Is also very injurious.” But, Mrs.
But the fact that the hold ot the
Pankhurst, Isn’t starvation Injurious?
churches upon the population today
Sacramento Bee.
In unsatisfactory does not necessarily
mean that It has declined. Hero Is
London, Eng.—Mrs. Chapin, n
where the mistako is so often made. leader of the suffragettes, caused an
People jump at the conclusion that so early morning thrill at the Bermon-1
THE 1*01 i.im
deplorable a situation Is a new thing, desly by-election when she smashed a
and a proof of deterioration. This bottle of carbolic add on n ballot-box.
does not follow.
Her Intention was to burn the bal- j
George Cook, n tourist guide from
Klamath Hot Springs, was brought
before Police Judge Leavitt Monday
morning charged with being drunk
Ho was arrested
Sunday evening
lots In the box as a protest against tho
exclusion of women. What she ac- ,
compliHhed was the burning of sev- j
oral election officials and the assur­
ance of her arrest. Miss Chrystobel
Pankhurst, In an interview later, de­
plored tho injuring of the officials,
but vehemently asserted that it was
I-IAS your boy or girl got
a bank account with
the First Trust and Sav
ings Bank? If not The
Republican will start one
for nothing
shortly after coming Into the cUy. It the government that drove women to
seems that Cook was cold after his ! such acts.
long ride, and walked as if he had
been Imbibing too froely. Night
The Saturday Evening Post re­
Watchman Townsend suspected him marks that, among hla other jobs.
of bring Intoxicated, He proceeded President Taft is president of the j
to arrest Cook, who, not recognizing
Red Crus»
Cross uiiu
and the Culuiii-
Colutn- '
.... American lied
the policeman as an'officer, made a Ida Institution for the Deaf and
slight resistance.
i Dumb,