Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 04, 1909, Image 2

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A. O. I . W. IllAX K
Illis 1 I \n
The first snow of the season tell on
night of October 29th on the
Ilie Old Site Should Ik' Soil! to Partly
of the mountains surrounding
Meet the Cost of the New
Weil l you noil. Into my pniloi
And the valley itself was
Haiti the Spider Io the II).
covered by an inch of the "beautiful"
“'ll» the prettiest little iunior
‘I hat eier you eliti spy."
on the morning of the 30th. It is
Since the decision was reached to
The phenomenal yield of grain in
Work lias bet'ti commenced on a
doubtful if any climate « ver enjoyed
b Id a new courthouse lor Klamath
fiftyrfoot addition to the A. O. u. W. Klamath '.unity (Ills year lias placed
a month of bettor weather than Octo­
county some business men have dis­
block, lite excavation for which has tills section an among the gialli pro­
ber lias been here nt au elevation of
Of e«*uis<* It will 11 pretty little pallor. for Unit
cussed the advisability of placing the
already been completed Prior to his ducing con iti s of tlie state. Esti­
Spldi'l win 11 w I'li' one wlrte beyond Ills i'.*i"'i iitlou
4.100 feet. Give Klamath county the
new structure on the site now occu­
mid had furnlshi il IBs pretty little purlin at th«1
d< parture for San Francisco Judge mates u'. to the number of biiilul«
palm for tine w«*ather.
rttore of E W (lllletto At Co (Mang Block, Sixth
pied by the old building, Their argu­
Baldw in ¡‘tail'd that he Inl.nded mak ! 1 ’ 'Ill'll I . ' , tl." |i:<> ' COIl .el i . I i *
street t, where Io* found that lie could g«*t <»<i*-
Congressman Hawley has recently
menta are deserving the serious cou-
tlilng thin goeii to make a home pretty and «mu
r.g ii.is addition to his building, for placing it ov< r Hiv iiiilllou mark. M.n
been visiting IBs constituents in tills
Rirtulile nt prices timt wer«' «iirtlly within tli«- 111*1111 •
sideration of the county officials. for
enlarging ll." store
of 11 Spliler that had to do his own «Iruuimlng up
portion of the district, and made a
in i hern are tunny points of vital Im­
of lniHlni*HH. The fable goes on to relate lluit this
room formerly occupied by Ills lull'd- form n pretty close v*lInuit
pleasant personal impression. If he
purlieu Irr pretty little parlor was mi cosy mil
portance not only to the city but also
ware stole. When asked if tins meant
comfy" Unit Mr Fli could not r< 1st th • t**mpiii
luid voted In congress against the
the county. One man expressed! him­
tlon to enter, with dlHiintrouH r<* nits to Mt I I*.
tl.ai he was to re-occupy the building cover the tin umnt raised.
nabobs of New Ijngland it is doubt­
but to III«* entire sat Irtfiiet Ion of tin S| Id .
self as follows. Requesting that his
’’Klan . tli county hus done ii u if
and i-.invurt hi» four-at ory building
Tito story goes to h ) iow that u lien you
ful if then* would be any opposition
name be not used for fear he might
ar,” said Mr. M ii'liil
furnish a a hot»«* parlor mol 11U oilier
into a modern hotel h » refused to proud tli.
to his r< nomination and ri'-election.
If you will tile yolll ivir to E \V 1.Ill' It. A
be accused of opimsinit the erection of
Few nail? d that there would l»<
state wl.at his plans were.
will find ti nt you cun furnl>*li It <«irn| l<
Even as it is. his pleasing personality
the new building, or some «»ther
..-Il au
tnous production this
most comfortable mol aitrnctlvo 1 aim 1. i
It is stall'd, however, on reliabl"
may overcome th«- opposition.
It »0 pl axing to the eye that mi invention
* uu r
eq illy unreasonable object:
authority ibal it is the Intention of y c.i:. and ** i en 1 eports began to conn*
"pretty little parlor" will be aui to be
V. It'i
Jesse Drew hail th«* premium wheat
"The placing of the courthous«* In
pl<;iisiir>*. A not lier thing about tills I 011.
Mr. Baldwin to make a change of this in few could credit them, It is my
crop for yield in Yonna valley, his
it doesn't take more to fiirnldi tl|<* lion»
th«' center of the city w< bi be a
character, provided he can secure th«' opinion, however, that
dm*a to build It. Hut you will find pricea h
three acres threshing out 12S bush­
n. ) take
that future
able that you w III wonder why you <li<
services of a first-class hotel man. His
els, or 42 2-5 bushels per acre. Emil
advnntm.o of It nnu litive all tho*«' nl<«* tii
would not thank us for. It has been
plans along this lino are quit«* exten­ and even this Is something of which
ag>> J11.1 drop In »mm dm anil got tiieii* prl*. mi
Flackus had the next beet yield -
my experience that where such a
till I on <• furnlshliigN. You will be surpris' d
sive, and if put into effect it w ill give th*' pc'ople of the county huve reason
with 357 bushels off of nine acres, or
will find that you can afford that easy rocker; that
thing was done it had a tendency to
to Klamath Falls a hostelry that will to feel proud. The old cry thut Klam­
new carpet; one or tw«> of those pr«*tty rugs or
39 2-3 bushels per acre; but he
localise the business district, with the
¡have no equal outside of the citi. . of ath county is nothing but a stock
mt squares (lint you litive wunted mi long to bright­
claims that fully 100 bushels were
en up smile piirtlculm room
th** pi I* * on
result that tne growth of the city suf­
Portland and San Francisco. These country is effectually dlsproven by
some of tin* other tilings that you think you can’t
blown into the straw stack by the
fered a severe handicap, if the new
plans include thu conversion ot the this record, and It may not l>e sur-
afford at present; you’ll find that they art* not be­
steam blower. Be that as it may. the ;
yond nach after nil. but that you can afford them
courthouse is erected on the Main
present store room Into a large office, prising that the near future will hear
liow mid not have to wait
yield was not so bad for ati off year
street block it will only be a matter
mriounded by a balcony. The fixtures
on a dry hillside. Can the basin,
of time until it is surrounded by busi-
and furnishings v.ill be the v«*r.v best. ing but a grain auction. The price
with its irrigation, make a bigger
Ht-SS blocks of more or less beauty.
An elevator will be put in and space paid for wheat this year Is a high une,
the frame thus created detracting ma­
provided for news and cigar stands, every thing considered, This is matti­
No schools In the valley next week
terially from the artistic effect that
with the possibility of a drug «ore. ly dun io the railroad, li tile same
- because the teachers want to at­
naturally should be a part of a public
Later, when the growth of the city amount of wheat tad been produced
tend the annual institute.
building. It will give to that local-
will warrant it, an annex will be con­ I efor. the railread came It would bo
John Jones has been improving his
it* the appearance of a small coun-
structed on the hili in the rear of th«* II drug on the market. Now, however,
home lately, making his house more
try town, and have a tendency to de-
building, and the roof of th«* present tiof only the wheat, but the manu­
comfortable and sightly and build­
preelate proi>erty "at her than en-
structure converted into a roof gar­ factured product can l><* shipped out. • j *
ing a stable on bis homestead near
hance its value.
and the time* is not far distant when
Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns
"Another bad effect it will have is
It requires no stretch of the imag­ !:•••. h will play an important part In
Dave Shook recently sold some 260
and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every-
the dividing of the business district
ination to se" th * advantageous post- til" freight tonnage from this city.”
head of fat cattle, the result of a
thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or
of the city. Already this effect is ap­
Martin Brothers ar*' buying quiin-
Is building occupies fpr the car­
year’s growth from his herd, I have
parent to too great an "xtent. Main
rying out of such a program.
It ilties of wheat, as is also T. W. Ste­
not heard exactly what he got for
street should have an unbroken line
would make It one of the most pop­
Agents celebrat.d Ellwood
the bunch, but if I were to guess it
of business blocks from the bridge to
ular hotels on the coast, and would I m ia nento people. Martin Brothers are
would b<* about $32 a head, Such a
and everything the farmer needs,
the Hot Springs addition, and the
certain to s"curf* a patronage that Moping-flour, and «xp««t to And i*n
figure would bring him tne neat sum
time will come when this will be a
would make it a success. One of th" ou’iet for all of the surplus of tlivir
of $''.320. He also sold to other buy­
ibility, provided s .me barrier,
problems thut has been confronting m l this year.
ers 28 head of horses and mules, at
such as the courthouse would be. is
The quality of Klamath county
the city tor .«ome time is hotel nc-
an average price of $150 each or
not thrown across the path.
< ommodations. It has long been rec­ wheat Is such as to make It .very de­
more. These animals netted him some
"It is my opinion, and that of sev­
ognised that soni* thing must be don ■ sirable for mixing with the softer va-
$4,200 or over that.
Dave is the
eral with whom 1 have discussed this
to provide for the future. ■ The time 1 ie> les.
most extensive ranchman in the vai-
question, that a site for the court­
| is not far distant when Klaniatb Falls ■th** dry
ley—or we’d all be getting rich, But
house should be chcsen on some of
will be the niecca for thousands of ; Here to
this aggregate of $12,500 isn’t ail
the heights of the city, where the
tourists, and to meet their require­
clear gain, for his help and board
building would show off to better ad-
ments will necessitate the erection of
and the family expenses — which
vantage than it would if placed bn
1 more than one hotel. If Judge Bald­
amounts to several thousand dollars
the old site. This can be d"-e now
win makes the change he will have
—has to come out of this. On the
at a comparatively small outlay. Take
made provision for the next year or Popular \i quitti« Play ground Pa
other I.and, that isn't all the earn­
the High School as an example. 1
1 two for the caring for the traveling
ings of the iar..h, by a good figure;
am free to say that it would not have
public, and his hotel will be one much
lb Ing Clues io $2il,<*OO
because he turns off a neat sum every
sought after by the tourist, whose'
half the effect if it had been placed
year for surplus grain, hay, l^ogs and
lower ground. The same will be
first consideration is the securing of
Mayor F. H. Sanderson closed
true of the courthouse.
the best accomtn dal Ions possible.
deal Friday that involves the transfer
don’t- look to an outsider as if Mr.
"Another matter that should re-
of his natatorlnm to L. O. Mills and
Shook was likely to fail -soon.
I X-
c *ive the consideration of the county
E ! Hickson, and Involves a cnsh con-
George Ritter is one of Yonna's
Is the amount of money that can be
* ld< ration In the neighborhood of
successful farmers and cattle raisers.
realized from the sale of the court-
I am informed that he recently sent X IM 1 Decide« It Is Good Policy to ' $20,000. The deal Inchides a lease
house block, It is not necessary to
lor a term of fourteen months, with
to market 54 head of fat cattle, net­
Leave \\ Itile llis w I um - s Are
sell it at once. It could be held for
an option to buy at the expiration ot
ting him some $1,500. Besides, his
in Good < ondition.
a couple of years, when its value will
tl.at time.
granaries are full to repletion of
be great enough to go a long ways
Sunday morning no little exclte-
The natatorlnm has been one of
wheat, rye and oats. He knows how
towards paying for the cost of the
to economize and look after things. ■ meat was caused when Roy Butler the ixipular pastimes of th«* men,
new building. This money could be
1 tut nod up missing. Butler has been women and children of the city, and
Jacob. Rueck i.i another Yonnaite
turned into the county treasury and
«onducting an oyster and tamale pat- has done milch to spr* ad th«* fam<* of
in a measure reimburse the taxpayers j who is ahead some $3,000 on the ior in the Central cafe, and when he
the hot springs of the city. It was
for the expense incurred in building credit .-ide of the ledger from his cat­ i'ti•; d tlat he was losing, decided to
looked on as a dubious investment
the new structure. I have never men-
eave his bills and the country a'ir , wlien Mr. Sanderson announced thut
Mr. Rueck puts
ToOre^on will prevail from the East
tior.id it to a person who. after look- surplus of grain.
¡he i ; d collected all the money lie he would erect Hie building, bill the
ing at it in the same light that I see most of hi3 surplus earnings into !c.ii'lu. He not only neglt cted to |u>y ¡results justified his judgment, as It
bank stock.
it. failed to agree with me."
I th" rent due, but failed to pay his | has proven on«* of the best Invest­
George Smyth of the Mt. View
Hilled h"lp. and so there are a i . hiii - ments In the eftv. It
I Is the intention
The people of the Christian cdiurch ranch is erecting a large addition to
ior of persons rather anxious to in.-e* i of Messrs. Mills and I Hickson to main-
met at the bath house Wednesoay af­ his residence, which he finds neces­
I him again and s"ttle their accounts tcin it on the same high plan It has
ternoon to attend to the ordinance of sary because of the great increase of
Butler drifted In here about a I occupied under the management of
l.apti.-m. Three were baptized, and freighting travel that come« his way.
month ago and arranged with J. V Mr. Sanderson, . lid it will doubtless
four more are to receive the rite Sun­ He wants to be able to house as many
Houston for the rent of the Central prove a gnat attraction to an increas­
day immediately after the morning as 40 travelers if necessary, Pros-
«afe, and as he had previously tended ing number of devotee» of swimming.
services. Mr. Sanderson’s kindness in perity is coming his way, too.
bar for Mr. Houston, he had B’.tly
When asked as to what he intended
allowing the free use of the bath
trouble. Over in Lakeview, Butlet to do, now that he was free from
house whenever needed is very much of helpers to lower Lost river, where had tried the
restati rant business, business cares of the natatoriiim,
3_- 00
appreciat.-d by the church. Most ex­ he is building a bridge for the county.
first behind Whorton’s saloon, ami I Sanderson stated:
< linaha
Joe Kessel went to the falls with a
cellent addresses are being given ev­
afterward on the street he put tin a
St. Patil
25 00
"I have mad«' no definite plans
ery evening at th" tabernacle. Come load of sheep pelts one day last week. ttand which
Kansas City
he named the “Blue the future. I have nothing on hand
and receive a hearty welcome and Joe knows a thing o/two about I '•.lul­ Goose.” As
neither of the ventures ■ at the present time, and am therefore
ling sheep for the market.
hear a very Instructive sermon.
.v<-r** successful, he decided
to try free to devote all of my time to the
The Republican was wrong in stat­ tills city, and though he succeede 1
Dqposlt the amount of (lie fare with the nearest (». It. & N. or H. 1’.
duties of mayor. There are many Im­
George Rounsville and his son from ing last week that all of the share­ lili’.jx if, there are others rather i:ori*y portant matters now before the coun­
Agent and ticket will be delivered In the East without extra cost.
Nevada are busy building four houses holders of the L'pper Project were he ever started In.
cil that will demand a great deal of
in the Hot Springs addition across the present, either in person or by proxy,
It had been his habit to get mi the time of the members and myself
Se nd us the name and address of anyone* Interested in the State for
railroad track, near J. D. Church’s at the last meeting of the Water about eleven o'clock and open the res­ and I intend to give all the time
Oregon literature.
residence. They have an option on Users’ association?* Some 3,000 acres taurant and so it was quite easy for necessary to carry to a successful con-
WM. McMURRAY. General I’asse nger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
twenty-two lots, aqd are expecting to in Yonna valley were not represented him to get away on the morning train elusion Hitch business policies us may
build on all of them, selling the at that meeting.
and have no one miss him until about be decided on by'thc* council."
houses on the installment plan.
Misses Kittle Wells, the teacher, noon. This he did. Sheriff Barnes
and Miss Elsie Oden, an Elghth^grade phoned«to hold him, but too late; he
New York. That Mrs. E. II. Har­
Spratt Well*, the big cattle man of
The bank clearings
The fact that I he brick thrown at graduate of last year, left Dairy Sun- had already passed Weed, and was riman intends tv take an active part Bly, and Ills family and Miss Nellie here will exceed thAse of nny other
Premier Asquith at Giascow, says the day to be in attendance at the insti­ well < n his way.
tn the management, of the vast estate Simpson have returned from .Seattle, year t»y almost 150,000,000.
Minneapolis Journal, missed him by tute Monday morning. They helped
Just now the grocers and stor'e- left her by her husband Is indicated Since the 15th they have been visit­ record for the banner year of 1907
about thirty feet casts dark suspicion to make up a jolly party on the stage keepers are bltsy finding the answer by the fact that she has leased a suite ing with friends and relatives In Ash­ was |350,»32,432, while the total for
to the Falls that afternoon.
on the suffragettes.
to that old riddle, "Who's what?”
of offices on Fifth avenue.
land. They left for home Friday. 1909 will easily reach 1100,000,000.
Sixth St., Hang Block
Dependable Hardware
GEO. H. HOHN,,he Hard*areMan 44
5C 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 '• 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* X
More People
Low Colonist Rates
Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co.
Southern Pacific