r ¥ 4 IIUM liH ABE A Nl t l EHH ' WANHINGTON MEN HUY LAND t llOM MILLEIl IH HURPItlHED I WIIAT THE KIDNEYS DO I lie Hydraulic Htonc and Brìi k Com- HiiliMtaiitlnl t ltlzcn» I-nun Northern Ialini In tlie Fort Klumatli County r Their Unceasing Work Keep« !'• Kt rung und Healthy. |iuiiy H um Proven mi liii|H>rlanl State Hee Advantage of In- lt« u< lien Figure Tliut Astonishes All tlx- blood In th« body psaaes through the kldtx'ya once every three veatlng Now liKluslriul Fu< tor Already the Former PiildlMhcr I * minute» The kidneys niter the blixid I In ■ work night anil <1.« . When It Is expected that thirty «lays will Several jiractlcgl young furmeru F. I*. Croiieinlller, formerly pub healthy they remove about 500 grains m « o the complet Ion of the Jacobs' from Klickitat county, Washington, lisher of the Herald and now receiver ■of Impure matter dally, when un- | healthy souid purl of this Impure mat block at the corner of Sixth und Malli have been her«« for the punt weuk|of the land office al Lakeview. Is In ter Is left in the blood Thia brings This st met ure bus been I (Miking a f« w days. This Is tils I on inuiiy dlsiasea und symptoms pnln In th« back, headache, nsrvoos- with the gri'i.test Interest, .While It ; nesH. hot. dry skin, rheumatism, gout, buy land on thia visit, still th« coun- -ln<«‘ he was fortunate enough to get gravel, dlaordem of the eyesight and i bearing, dizziness, irregular heart, try look' d mo good to them tliut they J Ollt of Hie newspaper business and ■ debility, drowsiness, dropsy, deposit» by th«« bought two siiiull Duels ami secured I Into a governmental berth. During in the urine, etc. But if you keep the niter» right you will hav« no trouble coin puny 'option« on larger holdings. that time many change» have taken wlih your kidneys. Jes.ie Freeman, Hterllng Mine, The party hum comprised of Robert, place In this <lty and county, and bls comm uni Jacksonville, Ore., »ay»: "I actually Al«x and Wlliluin Cheyne, Ham L. return finds him unprepared for the believe that Doan’s Kidney Pill» saved my life I suffered from kidney dl»- Courtney, l.ee Benson und W Thomp great transformation. «■ase for a long time before I realised son Robert Cheyne bought the A (•always had a good deal of faith I what was the matter with me. My K ith I iui 'I place of forty acres near in the future of Klaruath Falls and I worst trouble» were pains in my back und ll.'.'ilis and an irregularity in the Henley at *15 per urn* Mr Court | Klamath county," said Mr Mr, Cron«- ipae nge of klkdney secretions. I was ney purchased tin front It II. miller, "but I have come to the con- ! unable t'« rc<t well (in account of the (pains and felt so rt111 and lame at Slioi I and look h n option on unother elusion that I was not quite the seer times that I could hardly walk I ’ tract. Al««x und Win Cheyne secured I hud believed myself to be. During tlnally 1« arm'd of Doan's Kidney Pills, and as they were so highly recom an option on 160 acres of lund under the past year the changes t hat have mended I procured a box and began I the ditch, mukliig a siibHtantlnl puy- taken place far exc««ed what I thought i using them. They seemed to be just I required, for In less than two [ incut to hold the property. Messrs. possible, und I am now icudy to be what weeks beneficial results were appar ; B>>ii»on und Thompson buve |i«as««d lieve that the prediction of 25,000 ent. When I had used seven boxes I ; was In better health than I had been I III« O K barn and will engage In Hie for 1915 will not fall far short of the ¡for years" Foi »ale by all dealer«. Price 50 livery mid h««d business. mark. cents. Foster-.Milbiirn Co., Buffalo. Th« members of th« parly who "One thing in particular that has New Yoik, sole agent» tor the United ■ have become interested in farm land» astounded me, t«a well aa everyone Htates. Renx-mbi r the name -Doan's- no longi'i Is tlu't tnitnl- have returned to their Washington who l.as had any knowledge of the and take no othei Lwled as to llielr nu a bulld- home to dlspos« of their holdings fact, Is the tremendous Increase in It Is said that the Jack rabbits stood Ing mntcrlul As I of cf- there, so that they can come here at the values of lund In Fort Klarnatb l < I « M once to occupy the lands they have country. The demand for property It 1» th« intention of these there Is very strong, and th«.« prices knottier structure thnt Is being >e«<nr«-d erected With these blocks In the resi- 'gentlemen to Interest a number of have reached a height that th«« i In this optimistic hud never dreamed of «fence of J A Thompson A differ i Washington farmers In lunds it I «•nt far«« from that used In ito« Jacobs section. Il is quite likely Hint as a i ’ is now only u question of what the block lu being employed, and Is prnv- r«*sult Klamath county wilt gain u | 1 limit is going to be. very desirable claw«« of citlxens who "What has happened in the Fort Ing very popular Til«« value of thia Industry to the will do th«*ir part In making this s« < - country I find has (M curr««d elsewhere I . . ‘ < Ity ha» been d«m«»u»tiated to a large lion on«- of th«« wealthiest agrlcul- in the county. The demand for land number of th« buslm«»» men of the turai dlntrlcts in ih«« stai«« of Oregon I» lncr««aslng and wlth it thè prie«- In All of thè purcliunc» inaile and op Klmnatb Falla I se«« many changes «Ity during the past few months Thousand» of dollars have been pal<l tioii» sccurtd w««re through th« Home, that glve me a good d«ul of satisfac- out for labor, and thia found Its wav Iti-alt) company, whlch flrm bus re- tlon, und th»« day is noi far dlstant Into th«- «hannela of business, every cently nucceeded In int««reMllng sev when It will be the second city in the line being benefited Plans are un era! diwlrablw reaiifonts In Klamath ! state." der contemplation for enlarging the landa. feet, they are hard t » stope of thia industry, and It la aaf<< to aay that the time la not far distant when It will be one of th«« principal revenue producers in th«« city DICII.I.INf. Itili W ITER IN IIINNI 4 4I.I.EÌ tlla-lllpl lacing Mad«' to Locate III«* Fort hlnmulli Art «•»lun How 1 c II Burgdorf, Ll»k«y Michael. C. brother» and other r««»idents of Yun na valley have employed th«« service« <>f Mr. powers, th«« driller who brought In moat of the artesian wells In the Fort Klamath country, to drill a well In Yonna valley. In the ho;>e» that the artesian (low from the Fort At lust reports he may be lapped wag down 500 feet, having made over 200 feet th«« first things »re looked for If is wuc- »«■•sfili. One resident of Oden. seems to have been thoroughly con- vI need that mtealan water would be found, and the finding followed by a deluge, for It Is reported that h«« cam«« I to the county seal for the purpose of securing an Injunction to stop opera tion», basing Ills plea on the belief iti : up like exclamation points wheu our president crossed the western plains after having Indorsed the |>ollcies of "Nelson Aldrich" and "Joe Cannon." RESO! Ilf EH DOLLARS Loans and Discounts Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from approved reserve banks Cheeks and other cash items Cash on hand » 51.734 55 350.78 2.150.74 2.491 42 900.78 3.809.77 Total ................................................. » 6I.49S.04 LI A Bl LU I EH ItOLLAR.H Capital stock paid In .............. Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Due to banks and bankers ............... Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit....... Time certificates of deposit ........... Savings deposits . . ........................... $ 25,000.00 1,508.59 3«.17 19,457.48 70.00 7,585.00 7,748.80 Total . S 61.49S.04 State of Oregon, I County of Klamath.iss. I, J. W. 8iemene, cashier of the above mentioned bank, do sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. J. w. SIEMENS. Cashier. Correct—Attest: G. W. WHITE, GEO. T BALDWIN. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before methis 9tb day of September, 1909. P L. FOUNTAIN, Notary Public. choice line of Jnvest- rnents that will mealro lino j)vireliasser monoy’ Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages Nyal’e Vege- tably Prescrip tion Is indicat I I V II TIIK IM>%s I THAOE FAI.!> is A » ERI 4INTY ed ia all ordi nary diseases of wemen. This W ill Double Force Nevi Wirk—1,200 remedy incver' Men Now ut Work. disap7«>ints, its 1 g'.od effects be- ' Social und Industrial conditions In ing perceptible Cha» Horton, the big stockman at from tan very I the United States demand that Indus- , Olene. has just returned from The ürst. It ¡s .s com- | . trial edumtlon for th«' rich and poor i posed of tl.e' Dall«*» and Bend, where he has been pure-.t and th« ullk«« should be democratic. This con shipping cattle to the I Hill camps most reliable clusion was reached by many leaders drugs; mercu- I along the Deschutes Mr Horton re rials. opiates i of workingmen and industrial edu- |cclved the contract for supplying and other har- J calors addressing the American Fed mful drugs be- I beef to the men working In Porter Ing excluded. ' eration of luibor'a committee on in Bros ' construction camps. and was many dis- ! I dustrial ««ducation today. concerting in- recently notified that they expected fluences to Suggesting that European countries to double their force of men, and that which woman were far ahead of the United States is constantly , he should b«< prepared to allow eight subjicted ren- ’ In the matter of fitting young girls head of beef a day. Instead of four. der her liable and boys for a trade. Charles F Rich to many runcttonal disorders that as at present not enly tend te destroy her comfort ards of New York city, originator of Porter Bros. are now employing sad happiness, but which gradually the National Society for th«« Promo 1.2(10 men, and will add 1,200 more merge into chronic and serious dis- ’ I eases. tion of Industrial Education, argued within the next week or two. Mr. Nyal's Vegetable Prescription is that the committee should fight for Horton says it Is a pretty busy co un- without a peer tor the successtul treatmnet of female weakness, pain a plan that would relieve the Amer try up there, and almost Impossible ful and disordered menstrutat Ion. ican schoolboy of th«« confusing plight to get a bed in any of the towns along hysteria, cramps, "bearing down pains," inflammation and falling of ef not knowing what to do when the road the womb. This is a remedy of- turned away from achtml. Twohy Bros, are at work on the sterling worth. He declared that more than one- «•ast side of the river, where the Har- fourth of the boys left th«« public ' rimati survey runs. Cor. 7th and Main Streets schools in New York before gradua , Mr. Horton, who is in a position to Klamath Falls - - - . Oregon tion because they "were sick of It.” < know. said that Hill's road will come This he regarded as due to lack of A I’FW BARGAINS. to Klamath Falls, and that, there be Industrial training. Five lota, sign Ay location. 11500 ing competition, freight rates would President James Duncan of the Can Ions $758 <n th« (*.«'al. ■ be much lower and the passengers A nlc« cettoge with bath. !arg« Federation strongly indorsed t he given every accommodation. lot. $17u» A good buy. proposition of introducing industrial A large residence, fl-e lot, {3590 training Into the Inst grades of t h«> li is very doubt fui that Congress- Three cottages on th res lots. R««w grammar schools. man Tawney will benefit from the «ncugn for another cottage; 82250 MASON * SLOUGH. President's tariff speech In Winona, FALL IN LINE at Klamath Falla, In the State of Oregon, at the clone of business, September 1, 1909. ABSTRACTERS Mrs. Annie Besant says the coming man will be seven feet toll. What a horrible time that man is going to have crowding into a Pullman berth. UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY THE FIRST TRUST ■« SAVINGS BANK M ASON & S l OU G H Mr. Plnchot is satisfied; Mr. Bal linger ls satisfied; Mr. Taft is satls- tied, Mr. Glavis alone iwtns to be possessed of a lemon. llll.l. ROAD TO KLAMATH REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF MASON & SLOUGH OREGON CALLS: “More People” Pass the word to vour relatives and friends to come now Low Colonist Rates ToOregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 18 —VIA THE— Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. ------- AND------- Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From From From From From Chicago ............................... St. Louis ............................. Omaha ___________ _____ St Paul Kansas Citv S33.OO 3Z.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. W.M. McMURRAY. General Paseenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Minn., Mr. Tawney’s town. The Min NOTICE, nesota Republican press continues to Howard L. Shepherd has begun Parties wishing sagebrush lane tile good work. iiti<l today sent down be severely critical of both Tawney clear««. cal) on or write. a lot <if gialn. fruit and vegetables to and the speech. W W. MASTEN. Tonight the exhibit booth on the lie placed in the exhibit building on 1$-3tf Klamath Falls. Or* i When Senator Bailey challenges < ourt house grounds will lie llliiml- afw wf* ftVjm »a e«vm «3« «'« m-rm eta «ia «a •»v«m a»vm m a»vaw «ra eia «’• a»f a the coitrthous«« grounds. Mr. Shep ’*r ’ jr vjr W W W W VW““ # listed, and from now on Is ready for herd Inis done a great deni In the I Mr. Bryan to a joint debate, Mr. NOTICE ! Bryan finds thnt the unity of the < xhibitH that may bo submitted. Those way of advertising this country, and Democratic party, etc., will suffer Tn th»' Stockholders of the Klamath I who arc In charge earnestly Invlt«* the now again Is first with his contrlbu- Water Users’ Asocial ion. i when two of Its ablest champions farmers and ranchers to submit all You are hereby notified that a Spe lion to the exhibit building. cial Meeting of the Stockholders of start to maul each other. «Jpclmens they may have. Th«« ex Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns It Is up to the rest of us to follow the Klamath Water Users’ Associa hibits will lie «hanged now and then, tion will b«' held in Klamath Falls. and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- tils example and fall In line. That Mr. Taft possesses a sense of Oregon, at the Houston Opera House, and there will be plenty of room for on Friday, the 22d day of October. ( thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or j humor Is proved bv his assertion that nil that can be sent In. ami every 1909. at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m.. Harvesting the last of October Is the Republican party is not a free for the purpose of the Stockholders I shelf-worn goods. farmer may be certain that his ex an unusual thing, but tie vert heless voting upon Increasing' the Capital trade party. Agents celebrated Ellwood Ithere are still several ranchers who Stock of the Association from $2.000.- ; hibit will be very welcome. ooo t<> $t; oiin.eoo. ami laer«MÌB* the! 111 the I „ , . ... .. t The object is to let the passing have not completed this task. and everything the farmer needs. President luft has never expressed par value of the shares from $20 to $30 per share. st ranger a n<l those who have lived | vicinity of Midland there Is yet a cull- the hope that corpoi at ions would de ALBERT E ELDER. here for Home time know what can be islderable acreage of grain In which Secretary. velop paroxysms of delight at the done on Klamath county soil, and If 11 he headers are now at work, Little prospect of being taxed. .iTt ¿tt ili j T î iTt îTk jTà aJTk jTt il*; ¿1*; 11T». j T; il- lit lit j T» In pursuance to the above notice all help as they can this will be ac- threshing has been done, and Judging •’t * w^« the Stockholders of the Klamnth eompllshed more efficiently and thor from the many grain stacks it will be Water Users’ Association met in the ESTUAY ; Houston Opera House In Klamath oughly than otherwise. late In the season when the golden Falls, Oregon, on the day and hour Mrs. S. C. Hamakar of Bly, accom Chas Anderson and wife of Merrill Long, slim bay horse, branded S — I set for the meeting and adjourned to grain Is finally stored away for safe panied Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hamakar , have been at Hornbrook for the past meet again in the Houston Opera the Shook brand on left shoulder. A New York woman left her hus keeping. House In Klamath Falls. Oregon, on to the city Friday, the latter coming j two weeks, visiting Mrs. Anderson's Reward will be paid for Information the 8th day of November, 1909. at band because he threw eggs at her. to attend the meeting of the water parents. They returned to Merrill leading to his recovery. Shook Ranch. the hour of 2 o’clock p. m John Jacobson of Bly registered at That was not only Impolite, but ex ! Friday. ALBERT E ELDER, users. Dairy, Ore. 10-21-tf j the American Friday. travagant. 10-27-2t Secretary. * Dependable Hardware * F * F * * B * B F * F b * i * f GEO. R. HORN, the Hardware Mart * * 4* Fences— I ! I I