APPAIVI Eli < IIAIIIM AN OF were d««ply Indebted Io Western sen PI BMC HEALTH 4 OMMITTEE atora for tbelr votes on the tariff bill, ir First Trial Proles HuHsfat tory I« and those same Western senators Doctor Hamilton, the local county Meulis u Permanent Market for It the Meut Gels the N I 0,000.000 will, without exception, be demanding physician and health officer, received tin* Future Rond l»»ue Il Will Ike (hilly Eastern support of th« bond-issue a tetter from A. C. H««ly, the secre- Alter M Ntrcnuoil* Fight. blit Another delegation of Sliver l.ake , tary und treasurer of the Southern ----------------------------- - ranchers arrived In the city Saturday Oregon Medical a «»(latlon Informing Not wll hdmidlng the fact that I lie I BIN < 1’1 V WILL BE< <»ME morning, having brought 388 head of him that he had been appointed chair propost i! luauo <>f bonds for 110,000,• COMMI IK Iti. .MKTR4 »POLIN (Utile for J c Mltclmll. It consisted man of the (ommltlee on public 000, lu bo used In ((»lllplctlng (lie of HI. Adams. J. H Cliff, W. Klt- health The other members of the (»■cluiiuil ion projects now under colt Portland Journal lionata the < lilcf trldge, W. B. Ousley, Curly Stockwell, ((immittie are Dr Hhaw of Ashland struct ioti. will have I Im support <>f City of Noulliern Oregon. Mr. and Mis. Walter Buick, Klnnear und Dr. Hester of Jacksonville. President Tuft un»l th« »«nut« com- Dr. Pickle of Medford Is chairman The following editorial from th« Hul< k und Charles Pitcher. In speak (UllU.'C HU li rigatimi, It la going lt> ing of the prdspectu for this city en of the social and entertaining com- have 11 Hlremious I line III passing eon- columns of the Portlaud Journal give« joying the trade of the ranchers of niltteu, with Drs. Seely and Lock- gross. Thu follow III« dlspuich from »mne ld«a of th« favorable light In the Silver Lake country Mr. Ousley wood of Medford as bls associates It Is Washington Indi» «tes that eastern which Klamath Fulls stands. The ((»mmltte« on program and s< nutors and congi «ssiiien un all umi)' I such faith In her futili»’ that U going m M "We have bien keeping pretty scientific work Is as follows: Dr. city, as tin* Journul this ito m«k<* hinnlfestlna opposition to the plan close track of affairs down here, mid Rwedenburg of Ashland chairman, President Tufts' propesili I hut con trutlifully saya. "the commercial the result has been that most of th« Dr Flanagan of Grant's Pass and Dr of Houtlieuslern Oregon " gress »hull uulhorlz»’ the Issuance of ■net ro|H>lls people up our wav t,:" wlll come to gut her of Roseburg. Falls has * A big sture ut K lanini li 910,000,000 worth <»f bonds In order There are three associations In the Kinmath Fails for their winter sup lo lui «• uddlllonul tunda with whirl) und«rtnk«n a woithy «ffort to show state of Ortft>n formed by the med plies. With most of them the thing to complete «uvei min nl IrilKUilon III»* resourcu* of Iti»’ country tributary the proj»Hts In <ourse of construcllcpi In lo thè town by sdtlng salde space for U an experiment, which, if It proves ical non, which recommend to for state board of health measures satisfactory, will result In their doing <1 display of the produci» <>t furili, i he West lias already nut with UII- the the «are of the general health of ull of their trading here. The roads stop and mill It Is said ut » li«, d. u»ual ci IU i I miii In th»* ITuat. ami It is people of the state. They are the Wil dally becoming more uppiiri'iit I hut •lai I l»e display has surprl.u’d «ven are now In fairly good condition, and lamette Valley Medical association, that new we uppr. ( late the fact that the mer optimistic settler of the leglalmliiti when proponed next the mo«t Eastern Oregon Medical assocla- the chants of this city are anxious to winter will be vlgoiously opposed In country. and the Southern Oregon Med- Hon n«w have our patronage or they would Khimuth Fulls Is located In a both seiiute mid bou»« of r«pr»»s«nta- leal as»o< latlon. with headquarters at ciiuiitry. with th« mllruud Ilm* less not do such good woik on the roads. I Ives ✓ These different assocla- Until recently the "The party that came down here Roseburg \ number of 111 fl (lent lui Eastern tian a year old lions work and confer together, look- ni’Wapapei s have criticized the pro «•(lien an» ((>n»lder«d fit only for with the .Mitchell rattle is going to Ing after the health of the people, th« stockman nnd the herder, wl ’ h tnke back a great d«al of merchan posed bond lusile as unnecessary and They are In an even better position alfalfa as cheap winter feed The dise Within the next three or four Inudl Isubie The»« paper» rcfi»’«t the than the state officers to know the sentiments of many Eastern men In old delusion seems to be fast disap weeks there will be many others conditions in the different cuunties. pearing Klamath Falls promises to come here, and the result wlll be luitb bianche« of congre»» men who and to recommend measures for legis nave never b< < n In u)mputhy w ith the bis on«’ the commercial metropolis of quite profituble to the business men lation. a.i the doctors of the various policy of iisluliuln« the Western Houthensturu Oregon, largely by rea of the city." Once th« Mr and Mrs Buick will continue cities under their care are almost »I» a» i I » by government aid. nnd ut the son of Ila Ideal location country settles u large population on to Ashland, where they will visit without exception members of one or propel time the«« men wlll line up will <«nter uboiit the place, and th« wlth frl«nds and relatives lor the the other of the different associa again«! »liui'i.i bond legislation tions. Their work cannot be too town wlll profit by the efforts now next f»w weeks nil) be presented highly < ummeuded. and they should mud« to Induce settlement and proper < anuí it Mill la-mi oppokHlon. have tl e earnest co-operation of the cultivation. I »i'.l f.I l\(. Full M \ITI1! Spenkci Cannon unquc»tl»nubl) people. "An exhibit of fruits, grains and will oppone tlx* bond propo«itlon He In Scarcely enough can be said gra»scs kept constantly before th« ».»< (»lie of the IIK'Sl deterniltK’d oppo- public will have the «ff ti o' encour 1 omniendailon of the work being done Hit.Il S. il< Mil. XXI» lr Illa of th« reclamation bill when It >8 ANZ V REPRESEN I Ell aging diversified farming, of promot nt Dliy Prairie b: J. R. Edler. whose It wu> before I lie bou«« mid, but for ing more scientific cultivation of th« nl »’«’p rang« from Merrill to Harney limi Exhibit in the S< I xhi I Display at the powerful <-<>11 nt er-Influence of soli and showing to the world the lake. The artesian well borer which tin- Seattle Exposition President IliMtsevelt, would have mystifying results of th»* mixture of recently arrived by railroad is now killed that measure, notw Ithstunding in operation n-ar Kenn Springs, sand nnd water." Superintendent Dunbar has called ut tl.ut time he I ad not yet become Though Edler himself, as Is only the attention of the Herald to the »peak» i From Huit day to this Mr right, will receive Immense benefits, fact that the High School and the < aitnon ha» been opposed to any legls- what It nx’iins to the settlers and school at Bonanza were represented lutimi which would tend to peifeet I-oiliestcaders of that banner flat can In the school work exhibited at the th« national H-« lumai Ion law. mid al- President Tuft of rhe United States hardly be estimated Every spring A.-Y.-P. fair in Seattle. In speaking ways I.» lin» b< ■ 11 successful. und President Porfirio Diaz of M»’X* after the snow water dlsapirears, the of the matter Mr. Dunbar said: Mr Cannon, u» chairman of the ico mei und ex» hanged expressions of gras« mid feed in that country withers "The winning of the award is a npproprlnt ions committee, when he good will Sut 11 »day. while the bands and dies for In» k of water. The sbe»q' source of the keenest satisfaction was fighting the Irrigation law, pre und cannons of the two «real repub- 1 lust leave, and the cattle soon follow, me as a citizen as well as a worker in dicted ll'Ht the time W'oulll collie u»-» joined tl« Ir echiM'« across the Rio and save for an occasional stray band the schools of the city. In addition when con«re«» would be ask«d to Grand«. of horses no sto< k can feed there dur to the honor that conies to the city inake direct appropriations for con- Piesidcnt Diaz was met til the ing the hot summer months. Now, schools equal credit Is due to the Htructlag Irrigation projects, and lie Amerlcau approach to the interna- with the wells that Mr. Edler is sink High School and the Bonanza school. ' declared 1.Is pur|»o«e to fight all such 11 lonal bridge by Secretary of Wai ing all this will b ■ changed For scv- both of which were represented in h elnlallon. The bond Issue, it is true, Dickinson, Brigadier General Meyer oral years past Mr. Edler lias used the exhibit, The honor Is big enough 1« not In any sens - a drain upon the and Governor Campbull of Texas. ‘th;: prairie every spring for his lamb- for all. and will be an incentive for Federal treasury, for It Is proposed After being welcomed to the coun Ing ground, but has been forced I« higher alms next time.” to redeem the bond» out of the I'ecln- try by Seen-tmy Dickinson. Diiiz was move for lack of feed before the sum ■ nation fund Ncverthr-less, Mr. Can welcomed In the name of the state of mer set In. With water and poss'blo NyaFs Vege non wlll enter objection, mid his op- Texas by Governor Campbell, and to Irrigation the land will be fruitful ail table Prescrip posit loll w ill cart y much Weight. tion is Indicat he city of El Paso by the mayor. «■immer. The few homesteaders thee« ed in ail ordi Narrow Lastern tico». The Infantry win drawn tip about ( Aui be greatlv ... benefltted, as tbev nary diseases of I women. This Lined up behind the speaker will the house where the meeting of the well know In a few years this bar remedy never presidents look place, and when Gen- be that strong Eastern dement that ren tract, flat as n pool table, will be dlanpp lints. Its g .t:d effects be 1 as nev er nudel Stood or m ver b... »'inl Diaz arrived came to salute. i(hanged from a desert Into a fertile ing perceptible Iteveil |n the Irrigation polle) of the Captain Archibald Butt, the mili Kurden through the efforts of the irom tavery first. It is com y.ov» rnttu’ui Among them lire nmn tary aide of President Taft, emerged , biggest sheepman Jn Southern Ore- posed of the w L< believe ilm government should from the house as the brilliant en gon. pure ,t and the have left the reclamai Ion work to the tourage arrived at the block, and es most reliable The part played by the sheepmen In i druge; mercu- d-itos; thoM* who believe private (•••■ curled President Diax from Ills car H e colonization ( f this coun’try has rln'.a, opiales t»’i;.rls»’s alone ahould huve undei - riage to the pn sente of the president* scarcely been 1» cognized, yet they and other har mful drugs be tuk» il Ih» reclamutlon of the dcscit, of l lie United States. have made the way easier for the ing excluded President Taft grasped President farmers 11 nd ranchers who have fol nnd those who tukc the nar.ow vie .v The many dis concerting In- timi thè government ahould noi ent -r Diaz's hand warmly, told him how lowed. In the history of the West fluences to upon a poli,')- whlch wlll benefit cui) «Ind tn- was to welcome him In the they have been ever Conspicuous, which woman Is constantly i «>ne sectlon of ih»’ country. name of the people of the United mid in the eolonl ;atlon of Southern s'tbj ctod ren- j I _ Ilefore thè Eastern peadmlnt- o States, mid expressed the hope that Oregon Dave Edl r has done mole der her liable, -inctional disorders that objei tors ran lie won over or a milt tie cordial relations that hud existed 1 an I.Is share and dune It well. not only tend to destroy- her comfort ilont number <>f them to milk ■ the for so many years between the two and happiness, but which graditali) hi-nu Issue a possibility. 11 campaign great republics of the westers heml- " II S'erv' " ’(I. fl. Id manager of merge Into chronic 1 and serious dis- eases. Ilf Clini lit Inn must be carried on nt sphere would continue for ages to 1 'e Washington creamery of !’» NyaFs Vegetable Prescription Is without a peer for the successful land. Is in the city for the I- >tli ends of the cnpltol, mid Illese t.llh 1,. treatmnet of female weakness, pain President Diaz, who speaks English '""^Ing oxer this county as a p'ns fill and disordered men.strutation. no 1. miint be mndc io understand that b * pri.< tieni business methods call for with fluency mid accuracy, replied In l,,-,',*v’‘ dairy section, lie has spent hysteria, cramps, "bearing down pains," inflammiitlon and falling of three days traveling through the .M«r- the womb. ill* Imini’dinte use of mon» money I he smile happy Vein. This is a remedy of w than Is nvallnble In the reclamili Ion Half mi hour later, or shortly be rll country , r.nd la convinced that sterling .worth. tin re Is no locality In Oregon equ.ii fund net nl the present time. fore noon. President Taft emerged \pl Retort From XV cm I. from I.Is temporary residence, erossi’d to this for dull ) Ing. lie expects io Cor. 7th mid Main Streets If the sectional line Is drawn, W»«ri- the International bridge, nnd was re r» main for several di»>s long”i- prose- Klaniatli Falls .... Oregon ceived In his turn by President Din. e King his investigations. A h III».’ Mi'Xhun chief had left ’ i- i A deed was placed on record Fri soldiers on his sld»’ of the l iver when da) conveying from Colonel W. A. I 1« iiime visiting In the United H'ates, Ilolnblrd to Mrs. E. II. Harriman the .-o President Tuft dropped bls ml’l lot at the corner of Eighth and .Main tmy escort nl the bridge approach ' st reels. pelled to bow to the demands of the end rode over the Itto Grande r.<- East before that measure could be eonipanled only by his military mile, I ST1: AA I passed. Having made that concession f'aptuln Hutt. Long, sllnf bay horse, branded S The (•»•ii’mimicH In Juarez wen* io Hie East llie West will di’iuand n ern senators and represent ath eu I ri.bably will nmk« use of th»* fact ’lint the tariff bill passed nt the re.' IM >» avion was n measure manifesti! l»i ) ■ mer benefit to the East tliuti t'l t1« West; that th»’ Wi’st was com I REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST TRUST <» SAVINGS BANK at Klamath Falls, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, September 1, 1909. DOLI.ABH Il ENO I I« EH 9 51.734 55 Loans and Discounts ............. Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash Items Cash on hand ................ 350.78 2.150.74 2.491 42 900.78 3,8(19.77 I «1,498.01 Total = DOLLARS l.l A EH I 25,000.00 Capital stock paid In ........... Undivided profits, less expenses and tax -a paid Due to banks and bankers ............ Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit......... Time certificates of deposit. .......... Savings deposits .................................. 1,598.59 38.17 19.457 48 70.00 7.585.00 7,748.80 t d 1,498.04 Total State of Oregon. ) County of Klamath,Iss. I, J. W. Siemens, cashier of the above mentioned bank, do sol emnly sw«ar that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. J. W. SIEMENS, Cashier. Correct—Attest: G. W. WHITE. GEO. T. BALDWIN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before methis 9th day of September, 1909. P. L. FOUNTAIN, Notary Public. M ason &S lough ABSTRACTERS A. choice line of invest ments tlint Acrili make tlio purehfiser money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON &. SLOUGH OREGON CALLS: “More People” Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now Low Colonist Rates ToOregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 18 VIA THE Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. ------- AND Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) Front Front Front Front Front $33.00 .. 3J.OO 25.00 25.00 25.00 Chicago . St. Louis Omaha ....... St. Paul . Kansas City FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R & N. or 3. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone Interested in the State for Oregon literature. AVAL ALAIIRR.AY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. <444444444444444444444444 X 4 í» 4 i* Dependable Hardware * F 4 b Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns * F and Ammun.tion, Cutlery—in fact every 4 F UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY F 4 thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or 4 ? shelf-worn goods. 4 is I Agents celebrated Ell wood Fences— 4 F A FF AV BARGAINS. and everything the farmer needs. F Five loti, sign ly location. SI f F <’n n Ionti 9750 in the (•«al 4 A nice cottage v-'th baili, lar«» b 4 A g(M*(| Ion lot. 9I7’H F A 'urge r«sld’tic ». fi-e lot f '•••’ $ 444444* 4*4*444*44*4* 4444*4*4*44*4*4 * CEO. R. HURN.the Hardware Man i Three cottage« <>n three lots Rnvu m >ig(> tor another cotrsire. 9-2-0) M XN’IN A SI.Ill till N«>1 K E. return fiivor on this Irrigation bond pi'i.etlcally fdenlliiil with those !n El iho Shook brand on left shoulder. late Parties wtublna sairet»r»i«n bill. That argument, even such lead '•a I. except Hint Instead of receiving Reward will be pni»l for Information »’Icare» call on or write. ers as S-nators Aldrich, Hale mid th” otlb lnl res|>ect« of General Diaz, leading to his recovery. Shook Ranch. W W MASTFN. Klailiud' (»il» I »r. ¡Dairy, Oro. 10-21-tf it Jtf Ciane »'annoi ov »rlook. for those men Mr raft paid Msov’i. Geo. II. Dunham and G. C. Prici William Shook, who brought In a of Everett, Wash, are In town look tine bunch of Klamath county mi.les ir.g over the farming land here. Friday, returned home Saturday. L. Brannon was down from Fort P. E. Lewis and Ben Uallett of Odessa are in town. Klamath Saturday. I