< RATER LAKE A .MYMTERY true the forest roservi.iion which win. ectabllshcd b«-. JOHNSON HATH "INHWT" sters culled "Haos." AltriKtivc HurroiiiolIngH Mirrored in '' I < y believe I nut znoever guz«-s I Finds the Stori«-» of Railroad Con- III«- Deep Ilin«- Wilier« Willi «-trmtiou I nexuggrrat«-«!—Ready ■ hi li.e lake will : die i-1 1 be dragged Striking R cii II hiii to Work for Ibis City. into Its depths, the,.- to feed I«'- In whatover manner th«- «rater H » • Ji monster or Irugcii which H. O. Johnson, president of the Hot Tin- follow Ing article from Die Chi may bave b«-en crcuted, no one can dwells therein. Tills belief was en- Spring» company, has returned from «ago Evi-uIng Post Is an Interesting uci-ount for the presene« of the lake, lian« « «1 by the l Mtidden death of an a trip to Prineville, where he went write up of ('niter luke, mid goes to whlch I h ho deeply and gloriously army officei who fell d«-ad while gaz- for th«- purpose of seeing for himself h I iow how much attention our blv»»«-«l bili«- tliat thera I h no otlier «olorlng Ing for tin- first Dm«- upon the lake. I wl.at was really being done In rall- country I m attracting In the world ut In «-urlìi, In sky or Iti wuter whlch It 1» possible that the Indian be- I road drcleM. in speaking of what he large: «un compur«- wlth il. It» phenonte- lief regarding the monster they be­ I learned Mr. Johnson stated: (Ilin Andrew» I h the correspond nal colorlng I» attribuì«-«! lo U h great lieve Inhabits the lake Is due to a p«-- "I have been greatly Interested in cut wl<> fiirnlHhi««) thlH urlici«« to th«« depili. Ho far uh ha» be«-n ascertalne«! culiar phenomenon Despite this fuel, ItM waters a re lake tlo re comes Into view, seeming­ ' mation furnished by the Herald and scenic In-uuty. California ha» her ever sweet and pure and clear, iiik ! ly, a moriKtrous dragon, which ap-j I sec u red from other sources was really Picture yourself on th«« ridge of u Yosemite und big trees, ami there are apparently are unaffected by the parently Iles close to the surface of I unexaggerated. J am satisfied that Wyoming li uh spring hoods from the mountain the wuter, und whose h«-a«l and body glorious w«-»t« rn mountuln rangt« no others Ilk«- them nothing has been overdrawn. in the Above, around un«i beneath you her Yellowntone Park, ami It I h Mil- P«-iika or th«- drougbtM of the long gently osclllat«- from side to side. ¡north everything is lively and the con- Arizonn has its Brand Can Hummer months Never changing, th«« Ho startlingly lifelike is this illu-1 spreads u panorama Of IIIUtchll'HM prein«- struction work of tbe Southern Pa­ bounty mid grandeur. All Ih«« world yon. and It »hinds alone in D m class luke forms u giganti« mirror wherein sion that many white men who have ’ cific an«l Oregon Trunk is being 1» below, Hcemlngly enveloped In ever Oregon has Its Crater lak««, und. uh are faithfully noted every change of seen It have lnsl»t«-d strenuously that pushed with all possible vigor. The Mr. Ilurrlmun says, there 1» nothing zephyr, of mountain wind, of cloud It was In reality the dragon. liiHtltig culm und p«-ne<- ¡result of this activity Is going to make Air Current» < sum - Ap|Hiri(ion. Hudilenly there springs Into .lew u anywhere equal to It. and of atmosphere. a great change in tbe map of this Careful investigation has shown l«rokcii, it-ggi-d. Impoidt g rlm «1 mild Surveyn for Yul<«iii<»l>ile Rotul». The bike was discovered I In 1853 state, and not many years will elapse that the illusion is due to th«- air! ro< k A h suddenly n« It come«« Into This gr«-ut acenlc wonder I m being by John A. Hillman und a I party of before the barren wastes of interior current» which ruff!«.- the surface ofi view It apparently to all who may de­ , prowpectorH. Iter-ause of Its ultra- Oregon will be dotted with thriving the Inkl­ irr« gularly, thereby produc- I you m >- gnzlng Into a fenrsorne < I iuhiii sire to visit It. Burveys arc In prog marine blue waters It was then towns and prosperous farmers. thut yawns beneath you a full 1,000 re»» over several point» from which : named Deep Blue luke. It IjHK since ing an aparitlun which tak««« the.' "This great development will surely form of a dragon feet, dropping uwny so ubruplly thut I! I m pur|Mi»«-d to run automobil«- ; been known an Lake Mystery, atect the future of Klamath Falls, Crater lake 1» slightly elliptical in you Involuntarily spring buck In fear r Vtouiiliiiii ( II iii I h r-. cone, remarkably symmetrical in to bc.hold n«-w beiiutlcM of nature on of th«« Ink«-, but a panorama of moun­ , gmne person will spring up and be Until r<-««-ntly the huge remains of form and rising 845 feet above the um««d of. forming u picture whlcii tain. plain, lake and sky which has -mistress of the vast country to the I the mountuln containing ('rater lake lake. it is known as Wizard island, will never fade While memory Irst». no superior. '•■ast sind north. hud no name During the summer of and it has a crater of its own which At the bottom of th«- 1.000 f«««-t of It I h ImpoMHlble to stund on the rltn 1896 th«- MuzamaH. a mountain- "Klamath Falls is a city of destiny. Is fully 100 feet deep, and contains sheer, ruggird, painted biiMiilt rocks of Crater Ink«- und guz«« Into Ila blue cllmbiig « lub of Oregon, visited It will grow, but the rapidity of that snow during the greater part of the are the wat«-ni of a mugh- lake. Mir depths, 1.000 feet below, without ('rater lake ami chrlstem-d th«- moun­ i growth will depend more upon Die year. rored in Its blue depth» I» a n< w f«-«-ling th«« most powerful emotions, tain Mount Muzama ' pres» nt residents here than on an/ Almost noth- At present Do- most pleasing meth- world no, not a new world, bill the which continue when one has de- ing wum known of th«- lake and Its ' one thing. Every man, woman and od of reaching Crater lak«- 1» by ratl- very twin of this one, reproduced H««-nd«-d to th«- level of the wuter, and Hurroundngs, however, until 1895. child . hould fill up on optimism an«! road to Klamath Falls, From this w ith startling clearncsH Huch, In tiontlng In n boat on It» bosom of in­ when W. O. Ht«««dc. a mountaineer point there Is a Journey by boat con- I—<<>iue a booster. Money should be brief, I h ('ruler hike, hldtl'-n in a »nd- tense blue, guz«« upwuril and then of Oregon. start«*d a movement to I raised ,o advertise "he town and coun­ Burning the greater part of th«« day on di«« of th«« Cnscud«- range in Houtha-rn downward on a constantly changing have this region created a national ty und nothing should be left und«»ne Upper Klamath lake, This lake is Oregon. panorama of b«-uuty. to crush out every knocker that might park one of the most beautiful in the In thu jears to come this lake will i want to ply his unworthy vocation. This fragment of a one«« mighty III January, 189«. President Cleve- West. |M« one of th«- greatest and most talk«-«! There is no room for such here, its mountain Is the only sign left of that land slgned a proclamation with- Leaving the lak«- near th«- Klamath about wonders of the world, and peo- ■ ' t| tumult In natur«« ages ago, when the drawing ten townshlps from the resources are unlimited, and its fu­ Indian reservation, there is a stage ple will com«- In largì- numbers to en- ture the brightest of any place on the internal und volcanic fires of this market, but on account of strong op- ride of twelve miles through beau-; Joy Its maJ««Htic wonder. For the Pacific coast. My company stands western coast range, as far north as posit Ion the blll was not puHs<*d, and tlful forests to Eort Klamath. From |ii<-»«-iit It is a silent, un< I u I iikh I nnd ilood and Runler, were bluzlng and the project lay dormant for many Fort Klamath the distance is twenty- ready at all times to aid in every way llttl«- known wilderness, fnr awuy possible to advance the development throwing forth their stone und mol- years. two miles, the road leading through from evldenc«*» of civilization, a ro­ of Klamath Falls and Klamath cjun- ten lava Mr Steele practically gave his en- <-ne of the most piituresque valleys mantic region In which the lover of ty. and it can always be counted on in [tlre time and energy to th«« project, of the West, fraught with interesting nature may lose self and rrvul In Origin is Mutter of ( <>iij<-< turc. Th«« m««th««m«« easily acce-alble to all hlghoHt between Alaska und Old Mex­ bill creating the Crater Lake National Anna creek canyon and through fur- eat of primeval beauty. resident of this city for some time, who may wish to enjoy It» charms, for ico. That It was a volcano there can park. died suddenly Friday, death be- the progress and development that be no dlHput«*. President Roosevelt presented Mr There are scIvntiHta who believe Ste«-I«- with the fountain pen which (RANCE-IIEN 1.1 NF. are conquering the barren spaces of ing due to paralysis of the heart, su­ thnt there occurred a mighty explo ­ perinduced by pneumonia, from which the great West are rapidly coming he used to sign the bill. Recently Mr. Miss Essie O. France and Archie sion which tore away the top of D i I h this way. Steele has been placed In charge of Henline were married at the residence he was recovering. Mr. Calloway re- In another y«-ar the Southern Pa­ great mountain to a depth of fully th«« reservation, and Is devoting his of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crissler Thurs- t timed a few days ago from Dorris, cific railway system will have pene­ 7,000 feet and blew Into the air entire time to exploiting t and mak­ day night. .Mrs Henline is the daugh­ where he had been ill with pneu- trated the mountains and the plains »•-ventiH-n cubic miles of earth and ing it acc<>M»ible to tourists. ter of Mr. France, formerly engaged monia. He was still suffering from hereabout», to within ten miles of 1 hl» rock, the material dropping far away Indian liegciids Arc Interesting. I in the general merchandise business the effects of the disease, but felt that lake. Even now the railroad has - from th«- mouth of the crater. They The Indian legends regarding Fra- in this city. Mr Henline is one of the he was sufficiently strong to remain polnt to rock» more than 100 miles rnached Klamath Fulls, which fact ter lake, should they ever be com- promising young men of the city. He out of bed, contrary to the advice of distant from the crater, which, they makes the trip to Crater Uk«« much pletcly written, would make an In- is filled with the energy and push that his physician. That morning he arose, claim, were deposited there presum­ terestlng st«»ry book. Until recently make progressive business men. and stating that he was feeling fine, and easier than it hns been heretofore. Edward II. Harriman, entranced by ably by th«* greatest explosion of nil very few Indians have gazed Into the his future is certainly very promising. was proving it by dancing around the til«« beautleH of this region, ha» eu- times. He is at present employed in the room. The exertion was too much .depth of th«« lake. ho IT RAISES THE DOUGH CRESCENT — EQa-PHOaPHATC BAKING POWDER and doca more than the higher price powders and deeo it better. ONI POUND 25 CINTO •OLD BY OHOCLM The school board of District No. I held a m -cling at which the follow­ ing members were prevent: I V Hl«:mens, F Sand«-rson, P. L. Fotin •ain and Professor Dunbar. The h«-alth officer was instruct-?-! t-< inspect the M'hm the Upi «.— lake section to the public school. The rate agreed upon for this servlte i? $72 per month for thirty scholars. A covered bus is to be furnish«?d. This arrangement will obviate the nv"«-«isity of erect!n; ,i school buildin" on the Upper lake and on account of the limited number of | upils there at present is more de­ sirable all around Men can be found who are willing to go to Africa as missionaries who are not willing *.o take care of a cross baby for the tired wife for half an hour. >.OTI< D FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8 Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, August 13, 1909. NOTICE is hereby given that John c. Beach, whose postoffice address is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did. on the 16th day of March, 1909, file in this office Sworn Statement and Applica­ tion No. 01703, to purchase the SENWK. NESWK. NWSEK Sec­ tion 5, Township 38 South, Range 9 East. Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3. 1878. and acts amendatory, known a3 the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, June 14, 1909. the timber estimated 225 M. board feet at $1.50 per M. and the land $24.50; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 22d day of October, 1909, before R. M. Rich­ ardson, U. S. Commissioner, at Klam­ ath Falls, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or init'ate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi­ davit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. ARTHUR W. ORTON. 8-19 10-21 Register. For Klamath county lands. Send me description, terms and price, and I established a »mall home on Pelican There are other scientists who in­ They hav«« ever been awe-stricken Goodrich Fash Store. MrM. and Mrs. for the weakened condition of his will sell it for you. Ramsey Realty bay. within a few miles of th«« rlm of sist that the molten lava burst forth In Its presence, and they believe it to Henline will make their residence in heart and he sank to the floor, dying Co.. 217-218 Central bldg., cor. 6 and in about twenty minutes. the lake, und If his prediction comes from Die side of the mountain, more he the dwelling place of the gri-rl this city. 8 Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. The Boston Store Complete Outfitters for Men, Women and Children Let us outfit your Boy for School. We will save you Money. < > Boys’ Suits at Extra | x Reduction < > ♦