THE ATLANTIC LINERS ALEXANDER’S SNAKE A Story of Magic and Credulity In th« Olden Days. THE TRUE BLUEBEARD KE WAS KOT A FLIRT. lie wax ««insclotts, but mueb buiuetl. und hl* left log wits Th«r«lor« H« gu-ottd the Wcm«n'i Attempt« at Familiarity. It«* wax riding homeward, romforta No snake that ever lived wou greater lily s<-at«*«l mid reading Ills p«ip«*r. Ik» He Was a Crucily and Malevo ­ Signs. Signals and Flags Used by fame for the time than Alexander’s lug a iiitl«* iiviir*Iglited. lie was apply- ■ Lucian tells the story A|iolloulus, a lently Maligned Frenchman. Illg hllU»«*lf cVi-ll more elosi-lj to Ills pit the Various Companies. ; master of the magic arts, had many P«-r than other lioin«*-;oliig piixx«*ngi-ra ! disciples, among whom was a practi. ■ Thus Intern In the «lav's news. In* wits NOT A MURDEROUS MONSTER. COLORS OF THE BIG FUNNELS j mg physician «ho llv»sl in Alsmotl- startled when ii woman clime up lie- I ebus, a small town on the shore of the sl«h* him and toin hed him lightly on Black sea There Alexander was born He Had Matrimonial Misfortunes. It the shoulder, ill the sum«* lime «-listing In Some Casos They Are Very Much n longing «*.««• on Ills seat. 1 of humble parentage and Imbils-d from Is Tru«, but He Saems to Hav« C««n Alike, but the Night Lights Used by He Is a |s»llte mail, mid tn* got up ' the old doctor all that he had learned th« Only On« Who Cam« to Critf on the Vessels of the Different Lines from Apollonius of nivslleine and mag "A woman with that much nerve Is Account of Them—Hu Tragic End. entltleil to n sent." In* inilltei'i*d Io Are Quito Distinctive. ! ie. He was a lad of striking appear- himself "The Ulen of a woman «!•» ; a m e. tall, handsome, with a tine head The .- np|* ««-«Uy dele»i*ble Blurbviird. It is said that but comparatively few Ilbernli-ly nudging tl mull out of Ids of hair, lustrous brown eyes and a th«* uroteiter uf mur«h*mtw polygaiuy. of the many tbuusauds of |>er*ona that oeul'” Other women standing noar each year patronize the various live« voice sweet and limpid. "God grant." th«* very tuimv of the < g»e luto n ho««* by lauglusl unrisserv«-illy II»- Idd Ills of steamships crossing the AtlautL* wrote l.u.-ian. who knew him. "that I ■ mouth <>n<- U'«-«l. If «me could, in child- ls-liln«l til« |si|H-r for may never timet with such another. are familiar with the various »listiti i hood's liuppy hour, to throw Indki rule be felt Hint Ills gissl nature had tsreli guishing sijrus and signals employed by His co’tiit u was wonderful, his dex­ her lutlls. vvxs h> truth n item who tuis Imposed upon mid that the luugti was His eagerness for the vessels of the res|>ectlve comjw- terity unitchlexx. Is-en ns < nielly nn«l malevolently lire on him knowledge. Ids capacity for learning nies. Yet It is a very easy thing to llguetl by li|st< rv as N«-t<*. Kk'iuud ill. By mal by there was a vacant s«*n| tell at u g .ui< e to »hat line any given and |u>wer of memory were equally Ma<-lH*th. tuttt quuntl So say« M next Io tile one he had given up to extraordinary." ship t>elo?g' the American Hue. for Anatole I’ntni-v tttd pray who cat» th«- woman, mid lie sat down onee Such was tin- well favored young instance. s[>«*ak with highvt authority on the more The woman turmsl and hxiktsl About nl' that one must remember hi peas.-it:' who forth from his na­ rvai facts of Lurry? In " Sept at hlru amustslly lie c«>Uld f«s-l tier the case ot the vessels of our own Hue tive town In s.-an-h of fame and for­ Femmes de la lóu-ls- Itiene et Ktitre« gaze, even tlrough lie mini«* n bluff at tune. Soon he fell In with one Co- is that the funnels are bla k. each with «'oiites Merveillet«." One ktrevv al­ being lnt»-ns«-ly lnter«*"1»-d In tils pup«-r its white I mix I. When you see an At­ conmts a shrewd tipster for the ra.-ex ready that «'liarle-. I'errwnlt first wrote. Pis-tty raw. It «rem«-d t<» him. f*»r n lantic llucr at night with a blue light and somewhat of a Juggler. Th«- two In nl>oiit Iflttü. the Mat««ríenI blogruptiy Woman d»*lit>«T'.ltcl,v to Ink«- the sent rogues Joined forces ami moamlcred forward, a red light amidships and a of ltluel«*ard. but nue 4i«l not lUiovv- Arriving at untll now how deeply Perrault, prob­ of a total stranger and then «It there blue light aft you know at once that about telling fortunes. Pella, they found a grrxt numlx-r of ably through falx«* inform.xrloti. vvr«wg- and liiugtr at I i I im I h « mi«v h<* was such she is of the American line. huge, harmless snakes which lived In ed tin- mem ,y of an •xce*l«-ot and ill a tiMi'k All Cunanlers show a red funnel Then the woman xp«»lie to nliu. with black rings and a black top. the houses, played and slept with the trouted pe:«<-iiage I rom JI. T'rat.v«* "Aresi't y»n> going to talk to me?" «lie while the night signals consist of a children and «lewtroy«*d poisonous ruts. we learn that Al B«-riwtr«l Ce Moiitra asked blue light and two roman candles, Alexander promptly purchased one of gonx. of old irnd tiobl«- «<«-«« ent. live« lie roiild stand her fmnllhirlly no the largest, a veritabl»* nmnster. so in l«k>«l or ther'-irbouts ¡.- i- Then* are but two of tin* lending tame that it wonld coll aismrt his body Chateau T.e* Gtii.’lrites. on lrt« e«tnt«*s p<*1 :•»* of »hi h betvv«en < ouiph-gnr and Pievrrfonds. carry crvpn v I t -I funnels -the North Then be made a human face for it out Th«* castle, of f*tllaiid-Am.*r- of lin«-o. painted It Ingeniously nr. I pect. was ln»‘.d«* a tren»- tn* hnuse of Cleveland l-euder lea lines. The first employs a perfect­ shaped It s<> that the month would taste ami wealth, fte o»ta*r. nnl. «roly a miinra« lie ¡aid :» little Tb«y Wrr« th« B -ginning* cl th« a cream funnel with a white hand an t shoot in anil out at the will of the tuft betaw the iow«-r i‘p ||«* was Having ■» further use for known rhrnUL-k the cotmtrysl«?« an Mcdern Restaurant. green bonlers. Signals displayed at master. night by these lines are. in the case of Comunas, he either administered p»»i In primitive tin;«-« tlx- only place* Blaetscmf bte-aase hte hair was ver-.- the North German I.loyd. .wo blue red son to him or let him die from some black. an«f tl:en*for<* Ma clow- shave* lit London w !i«-r<- tin- public corfld lx* lights, one forward and one aft. and. in infection ami returned with his snake clnu-ks and chit« were- mark-wily tvhie entertnlued with f" <1 had i»«-«-n th«* the case of the Holland-Am ricn line, a to his native town. Then- he declared He was a tin«* Agtiro *f a clan who. c«»oks' sh«»|*« Th«* fa moil« Ea»t t'he-ap green light forward and aft. wlU» a himself a prophet and nnmninod that In .«pit«» of his m.-tnlfesr advnirtngea as was a great thorou,-'ifar«-. down whl- h the god Aeacuhiplux was alxiut w» ap­ a good match, dhf not gvt on well with white light under the bridge. the «tall« • f tin* butcher« alternated Two lines use buff tunnels, the White pear. The fieopie were credulous, ex­ wotaen of Ms own rank In life. This with those of th«* ««x»k» You «-ti«*«e a Star and the Hamburg-American, the citable and eager for a new divinity. was due to tn Incto-nble «hym-s» on his Joint nt tin- flesh market, and y»»ti car- difference between the two being that, When tire great day arrived Alexan­ [>nrt Pleasant pretty girts win» rhx! It next «b«*r t»> I»- «sx«k»s! for while the former shows a black top. der pretended to discover In a puddle had tss-n v-wll brwught up Attracted you by a certain hour If you wished the latter is plain buff throughout. of water a goose egs which he ha«l him Immensely, twt alm fllled him. for »Ine. y»*u must being that with White Star night signals are two green placed there after removing the con­ with an lnd«w«-rlbaMe tertwr. you. for the rs»»ks sold no ll«|uor nl lights flashed simultaneously. tents. substituting a« small envArri« though they seem to have provided, ns The first m>table result" of this nf- Quite a number of lines carry black snake Just born ami csrvftilly s«nttlng wan ‘.bat t-b* tinfbrtuna«* or time went on. more mid ux»re >»f th«* funnels—the American with a wliitu the shell vvirtt wax. Wlten the multinnlc phan. for stiob he lta«l hewn since Ids nntural ac«-ouipanlm«-ms of mriit. »u»-h baud, as mentioned above; the Anchor, had gathered he broke- the shell rad early youth, -«mpnl«»- of ¿Biking pro- aw bread, vegetal»!«-» ami pastry which is entirely black; the Bristol, produm-d ti.e tiny crunturr: whlclf in l«>sal.« for th* hand <»f any of tl«a at- Till« habit «-outlnui-d iii.ill well Into with a variegated and fancy touch, the a few motn- nts grew tohetbe mor»at«r tracthre and high I «ni l:i«tfcs In* th«» the refgu of Ellzalx-tb. ami »«■ l«»ng black smokestack being relieved by a from Pella by the slmpl«» process of neighborhoods married a wrtain Co- ns such an Inconvenient >u«t>>m pre- white band in the center and a blue substitution. Thereafter the big stake, lette Passage.« fns.-mntlng girl Itv her vall«-«l there <-»>«il In the regular service of the 11-imburg- life. He gaw-seances. r«M fortunes in seen« kuovvtx who was g-»tng round dim* abruad lie uiust have t-ad ns Amerlcan line, as distinguished from writing and even spot» freely, wifi* the country with i dal ring tsaar. timcb trouble with txirterage and has the express service, we find that the the aid of rite proplmt « wntrihsunial Things went well e-rougli for a few .' krls ax a country party has Imlay nt But about the time that color is plain biat k. while the Bed powers. Alexander gr<*w rit h and pow­ mondts. and TtN-ri Colette*, «tu» had at ■ n pl.-iih- Star is black with a white band and erful. kept .1 small iirniy «f reta □•vs first rev oled tu beitr; a lady of qual­ Sbakes|s-are »-mne up t»» Lomlon n and spies, wielded n> tittle influence ity. began to hMtg for her o.d frissiom. remarkable cluinge l«w»k place In th«* a black top. The Scandinavian-American and the- over the government »iw at B-ape by way »f a rooai that had a dts»r snilden development of th«- tavern mid in the second. The red funnel of the French line creature to prevent th-/ ■' «covey r-f 'its leading to wliat bid leen water the conxequeut withdrawal of th«- «■ookobop The worshipful company has a black top similar to the funnels deception after his de: th. G - -. .-«-Liar meadows. :»n»l so to <>|»co country. of pasteiar*. as tbe cook* were called. of otlHT lines, but with different pro* vey in North Ameri att Review. I’.-rrault caltrd this room " e petit <»alr portions of color. On this line the inc«." but It was nlx> known as "the e«*n«««| to enjoy the nioiu-poly <«f pr»e vldlng hot nieitls Edmund Gosse In The Kind Cat. night signals are a blue light forward, wretched |«rfncesM-s' root»." I»e«-ause A nelgbl*/r of old Mrs. ILirrhigton a Floretitlti* painter had covered Its Ihir|H*r's Magazine a white light amidships and a fed killed a fine pig one day. He y the porphyry fluoriug of the tuotn. any other projwt undertaken by inmi The Hamburg-American ships for l«4li pork chop, and carried it home to her which s«igj:est«*d bóaslstnins. — it Is never llnl-lied Like a < m-midwr Montragvux apiwartsl inconsulabltr vine, soys ii writer In I’npttlar Me services, regular and express, show mistress. The minister happeaavl to two red-white-blue lights in quick sac- call on the old lady the next day. She at tin- dlsapiiearaiMs*. wlUch wa* com­ cliatd<-s. the Inst mt it «ruses to grow cession at the stern. The Bed Sear­ was just frying tit» chop. She told plete, of Colette. Ills first wife, and It Iw-ginx to wither There mttst lx* displays three red lights, one forv« wd. the minister how miraculously it had doubtless Ins lot would have been far continuous expansion mid enlargement less unhappy if he had la-ver triisl X» Larger - urs re«ivlri* m-»r«- |x»werfnl lo- one aft and one amidships, all flashed been brought to her by the caL "And, oh. sir.” she said i ivosly. “it. ' 'console- bimselff This, most unfor­ comotires. and both In turn »all for together. The Scandinavian line- etn- p’oys one white-red. follow»«! by one- was almost beautiful to see tlte way tunately. he 4k! by marrying oce beavler rail». bigger roundhouses, red-white light, ami the Wilson put* the swoet animal brought lue the pork. ' Jeanne- de la « 'ks-lie. «lio t» rued >Mit stronger bridg«**. longer film forms and out two red lights about sixty feet chop. It quite recalled to my mind, to la* a violent dip• «mntii.-ic. Blue- •idiugs. Inercasird safety devl«-»-s. w till»- what we read io Holy Writ about beard was of a nature so I. jidly inid Hie xtruightenitig of i-urvex and th«* apart. nobl«- that, iiirtiough in a fit of mad leveling of gvutlew I »»use In for their It will be observed from th«- fore­ Elijah and the ravens."—Exchange. passion she lurarly killed lion with a abure of attention on even tlx- oldest going that the night sign-tls of dl tie- kitchen kulfe. In» hoped to roads. Little wonder, then with our The Courtship Gale. different tires vary, while the fnnneiw We have been, shown a «*opl«t ami ras no terri­ made ea<-h y«*ur. that they are the un­ fied that at>«r ruslw-d wl'ally Into the failing lair*»tn«-t«*r of t lie tetxlneK» ac­ into consideration the flag or penvant warm aoapat<*ie on ea< U side, th* in she flies. Every line. -.-■ la Ls of une gate |H»»t. takes the young suan by I with the prime ses' r«A-use flag of the Red Star line is steel foot. 1 he girt can. If vhe likes, Montragoux carne with his aeventb a military Imxl In full blast, and then wife, Jeanne d«- Ia—poisse, cl«*veretrt smblv tily tin- tune sto|»p<-d ami "Halt!” exactly the same as thitl of the White set this part at a later hour than 10:3:) and most faacinatiug of a family of rang hoarsely out ii|>on the air. Star company with thovokjra rever »-«1 —Jones County (Ga.i News. utterly unscrupulous adventurers. No "Who's Interrupting Hie con- —flag white, star red. one knew anything about tin- ajpposi-d c«*rf?" flipivintly lii<|iilr«sl tin* Ameri­ Cibraltar's Searchlight Battery. The flag of the Hamburg-American For ships to puss around Gibraltar, late busbatel of the mother. Of the can. «-«Igltig cb»«e to the «»iterator line ls an elals.rate affair-white and "That." siilil tbe man. surveying him blue diagonally quartered with a bbrok Englands and the world’s greatest two brothers, a u and a musket­ anchor and a yellow shield In the »-en­ fortress, without being observed even eer. one was a low rascal arxl a mere bhimlly. "was tin- vol» e of Napohsm ter. The North Orman I.loyd C-'tg is at night is a practical impossibility, sponge; the other llvist on gaming and Bomipnrte giving the order at the bat a handsome one. showing a design of owing to the great battery of seurvii- ou the gtssl mi tore of women to whom 1 tie of Walerloo " —----------- L__ a key and an anchor crossed in the liglits arranged along the bottom of be made love. Anne, tile sister, was That Was the Trouble. center of a laurel wreath in blue on a the rock. A ship running either in or the ln to n «b-nt ?" n«k»-«l on»* of tils zontal bars, with stars,—Edwin Tor- the lookout officer« are satisfied as to final tragedy of M. de Montragoux's frl«*ndx career. The tinture of this trag«sly "Ob. 1 haven't got the nerve." wax rime in Cincinnati Commercial Trib­ her intentions.—Popular Mechanic*. may b<* lufem-d. but It I h curious that, the reply une. while Perrault represented Bluebenr«! "Never mind that." replied the Clothe«. "Clothes don't make the man,” quot­ as taking a Journeys in order to lay a frlenil "Thedentixt will fit «1 the nerve Just One Sentence. trap for his wife, th«* fact was exactly all rigid " Kansas City Journal. ‘‘They say that Stevenson frequently ed a sage. worked a whole afternoon on a single “They made me!" said a retired opl«o«lte. Both la-fore and after his marriage he had heaped b'-m-flts on Literary Analyeie. tailor. line.” When he was "Fhnk<*-|.«-m-«-'x works are marvelous "And where should I be If It wasn't (II these wretches. “That’s nothing. I know a man who has been working the last six years on for suits?” chimed in a lawyer’s clerk. oblige«! to go away In tin- matter of revolntlonx of poetry" an Inheritance h<- gave all his keys "I’ootry!" «-clioed the fta<’<>nlanscorn­ one sentence."—Boston Transcript. without reserve to his wife, warning fully ••'I'ln-y are merely n coll«*ctlon Something From Nothing. ‘ It is ini|s>sslble to take something her out of pur«* love npalnld the un­ •if ciphers. wi:b some figur«*s of speech The Two Power Standard. “England thinks her navy ought to from nothing." quoted the wise guy. happy associations of th«* prlm-«*ss«*s' thrown In to milk»* them harder.”— be Just twice ns large as that of her •Well, you come pretty close to It room. As soon ns lie wax out of tile Washington Star when yon t.-ik<- tin- conceit out of some way a trap was laid for him. and it principal rival." Hie Wise Plan. "My wife likes to regulate her ward­ people." nd 1< <1 tin- simple mug.—Phil­ was In Hint very room Hint he was most treacherously assassinated. Th«* "I never have nny ln« k " robe along those identical lines.”— adelphia Record. "Neither do I." responded the other worst ami the best of It was that M. Pittsburg 1‘ost. A wise man thinks liefore hr speaks, de Meritts, after marrying th«* wealthy citizen. "Therefore I kwp out of en­ widow, became an exemplary husband terprises requiring got»* of luck to lie The liar Is sooner caught than th* but n fool speaks and then thinks of a aucceaa."—Ivoulartlla C-ourier-Journal. and subj«*ct of the kink. what he has been saying. cripple.—Spanish Proverb. »QlKKK FIH.lkH OF LIGHTNING flunnol v«*st, l.omloii Ixincet Gives Account of the broken. Tin* field around was strewn wIlli frugnients of the clolhes, which Mysterious Element wer* torn fumi top l<> botlom I'orhapa th«» most surprising result of n 111; ii t it I ii g stroke is to l><> seen in iiivntlors it « a*«» In The Flutti marioli hoots wor«' partly lorn I sfis In which three women wer«* ntiimllng round a tlioxi* «ases where no r«*ul harm la reaping macliln« when one of Hmm produced, il.oligli tin* Injury to the was stru k by llglitnlt'g and killed; clothing mny make It certalu that the tin* otln i » w' i «• i ilnjui» I. but tin y lightning did hi«* the |»erson mid »-v--n wi'it* xti Ipped ubxiiliiti'ly naked, even u vviitch chain Lns been fused with­ their boots being rem«»»« «I. out injury to Its owner. mor«< common «'v.'i, It Is, how for tmiipormy moi .in nncotiM'lousm'sH to be present, cvevu A very If peifect health lx regained. curious <-ff<-< t lx xotiK'l Im»'* producml lleport Frinì» III»* < apllol < Ity Imli- cal« » En gci- I'crcclltaK'- l?tm< I v|M*< le«l. Th«» p« i -oti xtrm k Is killed ami y«*t In» remains In th»* very uttltud«* In w Id» h In* was at tin* liiunieiit of diati» In regard to tin* Oregon hot« crop Hight farm laborers were resting ut dinner thin» under mi oak tree when the Hnh'lii Sint» «man i|Ui«t«-x a local hop dealer us follows w«-r»* nil xtriiik mid kilbtl by the) Wl » n tin» Mime flush of lightning fouinl tiny appeared to l>»» siili ent- »g On«» held a glass, another wn carrying n pice«» of br«»ad body The wax found standing with th«* Tin» most bower still In her hand. «il » i«v>'n.i| tlist t!i»'» i» ur<* im>r« mo'dy Tin* majority of ■ilble ti month ago. In another «as«» a woman wax truck alili«» picking a poppv "li«*for«* th»* baling of the present crop I» finished It will probably I*«» Imps this year than was thought poi- to ■routh anti a third limi tils timid on u pinti». ittii'H probably »xplnnatlon of Hies«* «>»•»nr tin- reports now c »m|ng In slw»w that the cr«ip 1« coming down much light. ** tian wn« cxp»*etvd Infor«* picking I»«*- gmi, mid nt the same time mohi bus of developed In ninny tin* >nrua ons»-t of limi »'ffictuully eliminated tjn* | h > m I i Igor mortis, anil II has b«*«-n shown blllty of damage to th«* crop by ver­ < xpcrlmentally that In animals kill» »1 nili» In th»- «arils where tin* viti«*» In el»-« ti 1« Ity tin- onset of rigor mor had the best nilcntlon the dninag«* tls can be hastened by Im u aslng H Ins, of ««mix»'. i><*<-n lightest, but I -tretigth of the curri-tit have s» -ti many yards th«* i»u«t few Perhaps the most curious u< » <»n> days, ami I have not s»-«-ti many panlann-nt of a lightning shot k Is th«* w her«* th»T<* w«*r«* no trin e« of niobi stripping off of th«* clothes Ti l In the .varila wln re the lie«» were per .»■ar- '<> I m * Very common l>r G inltti-<| to work their havoc unmolesl* Wilks of Ashford, Kent. d» scrib» s a < <1 tin* crop Is «I» < l<|«* |MT |N»|||ld . HI .50 . 18 .1.1 . i » .It .07 Hu*r ì h I ìkì «», I« r plug Hot m Toi .•< < • , | h r , lug Npeur Ih-.ul Tolu»« < o, * « liiiuikk ji« r in. i .l< Il |Nl« kugr \ inlet Out*«. pa< kitgr \ lolef I'lilimlie lb»iir llolh'd <> m ( m , in bulk, IO |M)im<|n for l>rh*/.'/ <.<>, \ GIZAIIFA'JFS CAN III Ft M'MI FVIMYWHI PI POINTING ToP I HISS' HÍ»«»« VSIHI l.t \s»»s I < >1/ I HH IZ IZt v MZKUII « SI ì I FAS Facts Worth Noting /• Enrollment ot student* pat! year 468. All graduate* plactd In good position*. Filled but 50 per cent sppllcatlon* for ofile* help. Reputation for thorough and personal Instruction. Sale and refining Influence*. Send for new Folder and Succe»» Storie*. I lMKniilNtHh<'PEI’ *mi»NT.swiit:N rUNlllJIIJ COMPTENT WITHOUT ( lIMfftE i Lakeside Inn MRS. M. McMILLAN, Pmp'r. Modern improvements. 73 roonm mxl HiiiteH. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two ( lui» Rooms, lite., Etc.