TIMI IIANDY Willi HIN Ul’N REAL EHIAIE TRANSFERS * ì * KliimuHi KorpoiuUoti to F New­ comb, lots 3 16, 317 In blk. ill, Mills addition; $350. A W. William« «'t ox. to Ralf Kul- bok. lol 328, blk 111, Mills addition; Announcement that Great North­ 1150. ern capitai, and noi H.'tf of Jmm « J ElUler I. Applegute el ux to Rose UBI liidlvidunlly, I h bncklng (he Orti­ E Keo.« <•, lot 5, went hull of 4, In coli ’.'runk lino, Il I h predlctotl, wll! blk. in, Ewauuu addition; $ 1,400. mim 'U Ito Iliade Tht» predlctlon conimi Dorris G osh to Hurry Cud« it. Wi» frolli a «puree dose lo Great Northern NE '« si < 9, t wp. 3 8 h, ll'terrHtH. (I. II. Woodbury el Couplet! wlth thU sluteinuiit I h thu Wynkoop, Iota 9 u>l lo. . <¡45 r W'4 N W ', NE'4 of NW'i .’J (>, BE *4 SW '4 sec 2 5, twp 2 3 8 r. 9 E ; $io William 1! Huron et ux. t<> Sara A Sly fiuta 1.2. 3. 4. r> 6, blk 5, Oppor*» (unity addition Kinmath Falls; ! Il...... * Î I». I ieo. hind wide T. I < * of Mid- 4 U feet Willits, Kia tn all» ing Hie Oregon Trunk line, tliat (tils m«-.mt either the Great Northern and Northern Pacific interests combined or Jas. J Hill Individually. It now npp«*ars that the Great Northern Is !.. IXX'ATIO.N llraidenlM of OF NEW Northeast HOME UNE PK Tl REH H< IHM H S-oo| Slioiild lie Near Population < i liter !.. I.. l.iM khart, one of the Nimrods Saturday there will be held an of tills city, Is well qualified to testify election for the purpose of selecting I to the alertness of the game wardens, a site for the new school house that A few days Mince he and a party of Is to be erected in this district. It friends went to While lake, on the is almost certain that it will come to California nnd Oregon line, to hunt naught, for there is a growing oppo­ ducks and geeso. Lockhart wandered sition to the location of the school on across the state line into California, the west side of the river. The prin­ or, ut least, Deputy Game Warden L. cipal object ion is raised by residents Alva Lewi» said he did. The result n the northeastern portion of the was tliat Lewis attempted to. arrest M. I. Allison, Tiie Great Northern, according to W’A of SW>4 sec. 9, tw|>. 39 S. r. the statements made semi-officlally 9 E; $2,675.50. will connect up with tiie Oregon Fred S Robinett and wife t(> E P. Trunk line In Hie vicinity of The Mixon, HW'* of NW'« and W'i of I Dulles liy bridging the Columbia rlv- ,fw>4 and the NW'« of NW'« of HOC. <»r. Tills plan will bring the Oregon 9. twp. 27 S. r. 11 E; $1.300. Trunk Into Portland over the Van­ Leon W. Anderson and wife to S couver liridgt» und Into th<- North P. R. R. Co., right of way. \ 1 Bunk terminals. Hot Springs Co. to l.aula Long, lot Inspection of the map will show .*> blk 48, Hot Springs addition. $600. that via the Oregon Trunk line, North Hot Springs Co. to Mrs. Lally A. 1 Hank to Spokane and the Great Ellis, lot 6, blk 48. Hot Springs addi- I Northern to St. Paul tiie Great North- . tion; $600. ern will, with th«* completion of the Hot Springs Co. to Mis. IL A. Long, California extension, have nearly if lot 7, blk. 48, Hot Springs addition; [ not quite, as short a route to San $650. Francisco into the extreme Northern S. It. Gardner et tix. to 1». Y. Gray, stales of the Middle West as any oth­ lot 2, blk 3, Gardners addition to er railroad. California fruit products Klamath Falls; $100. find an enormous sale in that terri ('. E. Hoyt et ux. and .1. II. C. Tay­ tory, while shipments by northern lor to Mrs. A. A. Von, lot 3, blk. 2 in rfiutes of perishable freight, it is said, Hoyts addition; $10. are preferable to shipments over the Mot Springs Co. I to Glennie John- southern routes, because of the lower son. lot 11. blk. 38, . Hot Springs ad- i tentperaturo. In addition to tliat, ' dltlon: $150. 1 California Is now drawing the greater F. E. Skinner and portion of Its tourist travel from the Van Brlsmer, lot 1. prosperous farming communities of ' addition to Kinmath t lie colder northern states. ’ John A. Wilson I In fact, several good reasons nre Land Co., N% of named why the Great Northern SW'4 BE»4 of NE should invade California. John F. 37 S, r. 14 E; $10. Slovens, president of the Oregon Trunk, is now In tiie East on a mis­ Tho evangelist for the Christian sion connected with Hie building of church will be here nnd begin services the Oregon road, it is said that he next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Is likely to have an announcement of Work on tho now tabernacle nnd oth­ Interest to make when h«» returns, It er preparations are rapidly being the Information Is not given oat brought to a close, and all will lie In earll« r through Eastern sources. readiness for the mooting. Every one will be cordially welcomed to all E. R. Skelley and wife and R. I». Morris Bros.' Bid Accepted. met Thursday were preBent: Mayor Sanderson, Councilmen Willits, > (’astel, Hanks, Obenchain and Sum­ mers. Councilman Wilkins was ab­ sent on account of the Berious Illness of his grandson. The question of sewer bonds was The city council and the following taken up, and after a lengthy dis­ cussion on the matter the council in- Dack Numbers. “William.” said Mrs. Van Holder to the man of all work. "I want you to clean out that large closet In the hall Just outside the parlor. Burn all the old newspapers, waste paper aud any other rubbish you may find there.” After a short time she met William in the hall carrying In his arms a huge pile of sheet music, the property of her eldest daughter. “Wliat are you going to do with Ma­ bel’s music?" site asked. “Why. burn it. sure, as you told me to. It wns In the closet there with the other rubbish." “But I didn't mean the music. I’ut it bnck nt once." Noting bls mistress’ displeasure. Wil­ liam inquired in surprise: "Why. hasn’t she played it all?" itructed the city recorder to return to S. A. Kean Ji Co. of Chicago their cer- t'fied click for $2,000, which was re­ ceived with their bid. On investlga- tion it was found that the financial «landing of S. A. Kean & Co. was Like a Mental Moving Picture. not satisfactory. The check, which Baker—People win» have been near was drawn on themselves, was photo­ drowning say that in an instant nil the graphed before being returned upon events of their past Ilves are presented t<> their mental vision Barker—I don’t oi'«ler of the city council. The record- believe It Baker- Why not? Barker < r was also ordered to notify Morris — if it «ere true they wouldn’t allow Bros. of Portland that the council themselves to lie rescued.—Life. would now consider their bid on the N sewer bonds, which taking into con- Maori Worship In China. rideration the fact tliat the bonds will Tiie fete of the iuoou is celebrated in be. r only 5 C percent interest, makes China ill the eighth mouth of the year, and this lasts six days. Presents are the change a good stand-off. It is then made on which tile figure of the considered doubtful, though, whether moon is nppareut. and a large pagoda ncliial work will be done on the sewer is illuminated. Firecrackers and mu- sic nhd family reunions prevail, A system this year, owing to the delay midnight banquet on Hie last uight ter- which lias been caused in investigat­ minutes tiie feast, and thou tiie de- scent of tiie goddess of the moon, ing tho financial standing of Kean whlcli we call Hie mail in tiie moon, is , eight (8) and nine (9) and the south half of the southwest quar­ ter of section 21, all in town, hip 29 south of range 11 '-j east, Willamette □ R. J. M. ELLSWORTH meridian, Klamath county, Oregon, VETERINARY SURGEON containing 314 acres more or less, ac­ ANO DENTIST cording to government survey, on ifflee Crnwler-stllii« Bulbilli/ Phone 7.4 and after the 21st day of October, 1909. for cash, pursuant to order of said court made and entered in the above proceeding on the 3d day of June, 1909. ATTORNEY’ AT LAW Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Sep­ General Law Practice State and Fed­ tember 23d. 1909. FRANCES HITCHES, eral Courts Guardian of the persons and estates Examiner of Land Titles. of Charles Hughes and Mary F. ! First National Bank Block Hughes, Minors. 9-23,10-21 j Klamath Falls, Oregon E. L. ELLIOTT NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARI» OF EQUALIZATION BICYCLE S To All Taxpayers and to All Whom It May Concern: For no U|*-|o>rllng at the courthouse in the city of Klam­ ath Fails, Oregon, and publicly exam­ ine tho assessment rolls of Klamath THE GUN STORE county, and correct all errors in val- nation, description of qualities of J. B < JtAMBKlMv. lands, lots or other property assessed Op|MMirr H'Hei by the assessor in and for said coun­ ty; and it shall be the duty of all per­ Ph-*. M»S sons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 23d day of September, A. D. 1909. J. P. LEE, GASOLINE ENGINE Assessor in and for Klamath County, •r ... Pumps Water, Runs Oregon. 9-23, 10-14 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE 2 TRAJU N.tw«o Milker, Separator, H. Chops Feed, Etc. In the County Court of the State of P. Saves Wages Oregon, for Klamath County. State your need«, rite for catalog. Mention paper In the matter of the estate of Nelson Dimick. deceased. GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, WINDMII.L8 Notice Is hereby given that by or­ Dynamo«. Motor«, Qaioline Bngtn^«, Steam Pump«, Boilers t En r i ne•. Feed Choppers, WIn<* mi 11 Pnmps. Pi peFi ttinlULik« AJI Carrtvd In block at PO KT LAND, OREGON der of tho County Court of Klamath "De man dnt answers a gold brick circular," snld Uncle Ebcu, "makes de old mistake, lastend o’ tellîn* Satan to glt liehlnd 'lin. lie thinks lie kln glt County. State of Oregon, made and abend o’ Satan."- Washington Stnr. entered on the 6th day of October, 0« Oath. 1909, Howard F. Shepherd was ap­ The Court Von will swear that the prisoner stole your aiubrella? The pointed Administrator of the estate TlnintifT Your honor, I will swear of Nelson Dimick. deceased; therefor that lie stole the umbrvHa 1 we car- all persons having clnims against the vying Cl »’•eland Ix»nAer estate of said deceased shall present Wouldn't Hang *ba Jury. An old negro named Ephraim, hav­ the same with proper vouchers, duly ing been sworn on the Jury in a mur­ verified, within six months from the der trial, for some time resisted a ver­ date of this notice to me, the under­ dict of guilty for no other apparent reason Hum Ids strong aversion tocapl- signed. at my real estate office In the tnl punishment in general. Finally the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. the services. Evangelist Holmes re­ Skellcy, prominent residents of Riv­ foreman explained to him that It was a Dated this 7th day of October, question either of hanging the prisoner quested all members of the church to erside, Cal., arrived in the city from or hanging the Jury and that It all de­ 1909. at Klamath Fails, Oregon. ^.JurAt him nt Mr. Gregory’s ofllco Frl- Rocky Point Monday night. They pended on him. "Fo' gracious, rah.” HOWARD F. SHEPHERD, replied Uncle Ephraim, "on dem rea- left this morning for Riverside. wt.v evening nt 7:30. 10-7-10-28 Administrator. sotiiuenta de pris'ner aui alio* guilty ” JÄCKSRAD&3 FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO. McCALL PATT Cell br.itrJ (or Hylc. per(rct fit. Jimplicitv >n t reliability nearly 40 jteiri. Sold in nearly every city and town in tiie United St.itea ami t inrnl«, or bv mail direct. More sold than any other make. Send lor tree catalogue. Mat ALL’S MAGAZINE Mor, subscribers than any other fashion m.lgsain,—million • month. Invaluable. Lat. esl styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery, plain sewing, fancy needlewoi k, hairdressing, •tiqualte, wm>d stories, etc. Only 60 cents a year (worth double), including a tree pattern. Subscribe today, sr Mnd tor anaipls copy. wowsnruL inbucsmcnts ’ Io Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue * and new cagb price offers. Address