4 KLAMATH REPUBLICAN i i E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEAUING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON I WO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCI .Monarch Mercantile Co., nidae quarantine Ward X- Obeiiehalu. Mdse county jail W. A. Walker, lumber and labor county roads .Martin Owuby, grand Jury witness s C. l.ow, grand jury wit ness ............... J. II. Danner, juror circuit court Wilbei White, juror circuit 3 15 E.W, GILLETTE & CO 6 <>•» Ih* 57.50 S JO 2 20 J G Wheeler of Aberdeen, S. I» . 36 j.» I* visit Ing tl-Is city. Mr Wheeler has invested in land in thia country, and *> •» All communications submitted for publication in the columns of this ■ 11. H Roberts, 150 rabbit Is wi ll pleasetl with his purchase, lie paper will be insetted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume scali’s 7 50 came to the c,,._. *omv time» since, and article* will be published. J. D Del’u v. 11»0 rabbit scalps 5.0<> said the thing tbit Impressed him Francis Frt*w«*r, 100 rabbit most with this placo was the fact of < <>i X i » u \i;i: ex FA( TN OX I IHM I. \XI» scalps 5 00 its sire when 63 miles off a railroad, F. 1*. Van Meter. 2 11 rabbit scalps 10.55 for In Ills country It la hurd to find Schedule of expenses, warrants Every Commercial Body ami Develop 70 rabbit drawn on the general fund Septem H. M. Bagby. ment Association in the West scalps ............. 3.50 such a town even on the railroad ber term of County Court, 1909. J. T. Co'man. 126 rabbi 1 Asked for Information. With this condition confronting him, C. R. DeLap.expressag«* and «I.J0 scalps 10 25 fr.'ight $ he made up his mind that there must 20.00 G. N. Coatcn, 81 rabbit c. R DeLap. postagt* scalps 4.05 be something back of tills place to Every commercial body and devel J. G Swim, postage and sta rabbit tionery 25.70 A. J. Cregan, 51 opment association and reputable After Invest Ignllng the 2.60 support it. scalps \\ B. Barnes, board of pris land dealer in the west w ill be askeii situation thoroughly he purchased a »6.4 3 J. B. Chambers. 5l> rabbit oners ............................... — 2.50 scalps 2.30 to furnished reliable information W. B. Barnes, expressage tract of land near thia city. W. II. Woodbury. 6x rabbit E. A. Humphrey, county 3.40 scalps about available farm lands in its sec 3.00 poor ..................................... A. E. Johnson. 95 rabbit tion to the assembled delegates to Henry W. Morrill, work on NOTH I IO < IIEDITORH 4.75 scalps county road ....................... 21 25 the National Eartu Land congress to W. W. Lewis, sprinkling P. A. Nixon, 50 rabbit In the County Court of the Slut»' of 2.50 scalps Oregon for the County of Klamath. streets ................................... 5.00 be held in Chicago in the latter part 3.30 In the matter of the Estate of I). V E. Cranee. md«<*. co. ixxvr 4 10 M McKoen. 66 rabbit scalps H. II. Roberta. I wildcat of Nov« tuber. F Johnson, d-<'i'lis«'d. Shlve Bros. & Co., mdse, 2.00 skin . ........................ NOTICE is hereby given by the 37.55 county p«x»r ....................... 1.1 this way uncommonly complete I 50 undersigned administrator of the es Esaw Keck. I coyote skin Withrow-Melhnse Co., office information will be secured, covering J Y. Johnson, I coyote skin 1.50 tate of !>. E. Johnson, deceased, to 30.00 rent ....................................... H M. Bagby. 67 rabbit the creditors and all persons hav the lands that are open for settle J. W. Lindsay, chain bearer 3.35 scalps ing claims against the said deceased 6 00 county roads ....................... ment, either through purchase or E. W. Muller, repairing A. C. Anderson, I wildcat to exhibit them with the proper 2.00 vouchers within six mouths after the skin 2.50 homesteading, together with accurate typewriter ... CO) ole 1 \\ ai d. D. H. Brat publication of this notice, to th»* Ackley Bros., wood for statements as to the possibilities in 1 50 «aid administrator at his resident'»* at sktn 2 00 courthouse i J. E. Holmes. 1 coj ote Tule Lake poetoflh e. Klamath Coun various farming lines in the various Ackley Bros., 1 lumber for 1 50 ty, Oregon, th»* Mime being th«* place skin 1-1.20 county roads •» states. eovote John Hibberts, fol th«* transaction of the bus! i.ess • D. V. Kuvkendall. telephone 3.00 of said «‘state. skins The executive committee of the. 4 00 bill . Myers. I coyote W. E. Dated September 1st. 1909. congress is going after facts in this 8. T. Summers, expenses of 1 50 skin J. M JOHNSON. trip inspecting court 3 coyote A. Steral, 9-2 9-30 Administrator. way because it wants real fact^. It 50.00 L. houses ................................. 4 50 skins 21.25 •> will gather data that will be of euor- S T. Summers, county p«M>r coyote A. C. Bu mieli, NOTICE R. H. Dunbar, co. bd. of ex 3.00 skins rnous value and which could be gat I - aminers . 15.00 To the Stockholders of the Klamath Charlea Paulson. I hobcat ered in no other way. Having gath J. M. Platts, mdse, court 2.00 skin .. Water Users' Association: 3.95 house supplies ............. ♦ i Wm. H. Royse. I coyote ered this information the congress W. E. Eaught, co. bd. of ex You ar»- hereby notified that a sp<* 1 50 skin 4 20.00 aminers ............................... will devise means for placing it bc- E. A. Johnson, 5 coyote cial meeting of the stockholders of Chas. H. Flackus, viewing i skins ................ «. 50 fore the farm-seeking public. 4.00 county road ................... •> the Kia math Water Us«*rs' Assocla- coyote Joe Weeks. It fts planned to have each jocalitj G. G. Anderson, viewing skins I tlon will be held in Klamath Falls, 4 00 county road T. M. Harris. •> coyote where there is available farm land Geo. T. Cline, Oregon, at th«* Houston Opera Hous«» ♦ 3.00 skins 7.00 county road .... There aro lots of things In our ali» « ••ai l, Watdic« and represented at the congress. Plans W. H. Boren. 3 coyote on Erlday, the '-2d day of October, « C. E. Robertson, shingles Diamonds lots of small, Ibexpvnslv 4 50 Irles that come vi skins have been worked out to such an ex 11.00 county poor ... 1909. at the hour of 2" o’clock p. in., ♦ West. coyote 3 L. A. ceedingly handy every day, either ls for another or Burrell Short, viewing coun < tent that the very great success of the I 50 for the purpose of the stockholders skins for your own uso. tas-kets and Charms In gr. it vurh-ty, ami 16.00 ty road ................................ M. McKoen. I coyote skin congress is assured. The co-opera Geo. T. Cline, surveying ('bains and Rings at sii price,. Hat Pins, Stick Pins, Brar«»- ♦ 3.50 voting upon Increasing the capital and 1 bobcat skin 19.00 county road .................. tion of most of the state-executives lets and Sterling Silver Toilet Articles. Wo nr«« receiving Midway Tel. & Tel. Co., stock of the association from $2,000.- ■ H. H. Van Valkenburg. telephone ............... Interesting Novelties marly every day. Como In and «•*<* them has been secured. Many governors of 48.00 viewing county road........ 000 to $.6.000,000 and increasing tile K K K Store, blankets coun states are upon the advisory-commit Geo. T. Cline, surveying 18.75 par value of the shares from $20 to ty poor 21 1.00 county road ......... <........... E. E. Greely. Hue county tee of the congress. .Federal officials ■. J. J. Whitcomb, viewing « 10 65 $30 per share. poor farm 72.00 county road also are participating in the move W. H Dolbe r. furniture 4 ALBERT E ELDER. viewing i Al mo Newton, 40. county pool . . ment. S»-er»*iary. 16.00 j county road 16.00 Ward & Obenchaln, md «e. It is not the plan to make an-ex- : Geo. T. Cline, office rent 20.65 county iKxir GREAT SALE Of LATE K hif i * * H.- L. Holgate, witness cir- i<. hibit of the products of various re .- cuit court ........................... Ml SK- 9.20 John Robin, milk county 4 00 poor gions. The idea is definitely to reach ,O.:K.-Transfer Co., hauling lf you desire some fine bargains In Pharmacy, 3 00 Underwoods | coal to ro«'k crusher Late Popular Sheet Music, write to 40.65 drugs for quarantine and inform the millions as to the J. Scott Taylor, printing 4 20 Charles S. Mitchell, 209 Almond at , Crisler A: Stilts, meat coun farm home building opportuniti»-s of O. K. Transfer Co., ha-.iling Ashland. Ore., for latest free music 6.75 ty poor 1.00 I • seats to courthouse ........ catalogue. r ASHLAND C. V. Fisher, medical serv the sections in which the various , D. -V.- Kuykendall, telephone 15.00 ices county p<x>r bill 1.00 commercial and promotion organiza- ■ O. A. Stearns, fruit inspect ' Ackley Bros., lumber for “HAVE W»Z A NAVY?’* 18.60 tions are interested rather than to j ! or . 22 40 county roads Crisler As Stilts, meat coun- ¡Campbell Bros., bread coun Ambrose Bierce says we make a display of products of the f"»w tv poor 14.35 1.40 ty poor ................................ think we have and gives our score thousand people who personally. . Farmers’ Imp. & Supply- Klamath Falls L. * W. Co., IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT .’ o 40.60 lights and water bump of patriotism an awful Prof. Lloyd Bridge of Roche <t< r. N Y . bus hern *«■< ur«*»l for will be able to attend the congress House. supplies for coun 4.85 A. D. Hurpnld. refunding ty roads what. k. Principal of the Commercial Department. Mr. Bridge Is most highly 1 9.2B The congress means to promote a | R. tax»»« .............. A. Alford, boarding I o console ns, E. Alexander endorsed by E. E Gaylord. < x-President of the National Business Rose A. irhriiold, refund 15.00 desire for farm life and increase the guard quarantlre 1 6.50 ing taxes ...................... Educatois* Association, I’rof. Zirner, l’r> ’ of the Znn< rliin Pen Art Powell takes us to “ I he I.and ' Model Bakery, bread county momentum of a movement toward the |KX>r ...................................... 3.80 School, 8 I,. Williams, Pres, of the Rochester Business Institute, of Lovely Ladies,” and shows Total $2.521.30 farm now felt everywhere in America. J. M. Evans & Son, bread and others. Mr. Bridge has taken two post-graduate course«, anti C. R DeLAP, County Clerk. us the tru st leautiful women .90 for quarantine ................... The cost of participation, to com- being an experlen« < <! business coll« g.* teachers and an expert pen By Chas. F. De-Lap, Deputy Clerk in the w« il<!. It ’ s a mighty ■ Dr. Geo. H. Merryman, care man. he will b«' 11 derided acquisition to th«* commercial school fra •»icrcipl bodies, will be nothing ex 10.00 of county charge interesting art clc. j Dr. W. S. Johnson, care of ternity of the coast. Prof. Brtdg»* Is an <'Xperl»*nce<l Instructor In cept the expenses of such delegates Y ou’ll find t v cry page of the 5.00 NOTI' E OF .NILE OF REAL ES county charge.................... Calisthenics, Gymnaatics nnd Athletics, and th«* young men and TATE as n.av be chosen to represent the H. D. Stout, cash advanced women of the Ashland Commercial College will have an opportunity 20.00 county poor ....................... farm land interests of various sec for the best training In these linos. IT. W. Stephens, lime for In the County Court of the State of well worth reading. Look itover. tions. The sessions of the congress 1.00 Oregon for the County of Klamath. courthouse ......................... P. RITNER, A. M.. President will extend throughout an enure E. H. Hayden, sprinkling In the Matter of the Guardianship of 5.00 streets ................................... Special Display by Charles Hughes and .Mary F week. ; D. B. Campbell, house rent lo.oo county poor ............. ......... Hughes. .Minors. ANKENY and AMERICAN Land owners and dealers are also x<fl K E OF FILINI» (>l PLATH t B. P. Alexander, bd. of ex NOTICE Is hereby given that the : naked to participate in the work cf 20.00 undersigned, guardian of the persons aminers ....... ....................... 4>epnrimont of the Interior, Land and estate of Charles Hughes and' the congress. The reputable dealers ¡Geo. T. Cline, surveying 39.50 Mary E. Hughes, will sell at private i road .................................... Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Reptem- in farm land of the country are in a Irwlne Hodson Co., books ber 11, 1909. sale an undivided one-sixth Interest - 30.55 each of said minors in and to lot for sheriff ........................... position to furnish definite Informr- NOTICE Is hereby given ti ni town- A. L. Young Machinery Co., four <4» and the north half of the ship plats surve* ed under Com iurta tion with reference to the lands of > 7.50 northwest quarter of section 28; lotH | extras for road grader. Nos. 769 - and 771, for S'. section 2, t six 16). eight th) and nine (9) and, r. iy locality, and the publicity arising D. T. White, waiting on • r<>|< returns next year. N V4 h-i'ilon II. township 3 m south, 50 00 tl ‘ out h I alf of the south we t quar county poor ....................... isnge 15 east. W. m.; 1 i-tlons 14, 15, • ro:n the proce«*dings of the «*ongre 5 1.25 ter of M.*H. Wampler, road work «tlon 21, a>l in township 29 22. 23. Naecilon 26, N'i section south of range 11’4 east, Willamette j v ill be of Immense advantage to the Klamatk Republican, print 27, township 38 south, range 1«; east. 107.10 meridian, Klamath county. Oregon,! ing W. m.; • ections 3. 4, 9, 10. 15, 2 3, 2 5, land owner and dealer in the dev'dop- J. D. Witt, care of county containing 314 acres more or I«- hs . ac-. □ R J. M. ELLSWORTH 36, W1-. aicilon 2, V,'1 s»*ctlon II. i :: o 5 o poor ......................... cording to gov rnmont survey, on : lent and increase of the homeseck- ■ W1-- h-i flon I I. N1- and HE :t sec (disallowed $8.00) VETt niriARV SURGEON ■•ml after the -' i ’ day of 1 :• ■ - < »i»«-r. tion 16, N* ' and HE *4 section 22, ing and homebuilding spirit. 14.87 1909, for cash, pursuant to order of H. Boivin, supplies .... ANÜ DENTIST N'4 and HE *4 :<>< iion 26, township J. E. Ooeller tc Son, sup «aid court made and entered In the ( f «icr-HHiin H nl»ti nr H hu •• 7Vf 38 south, range 17 »a«t, \V. m.; see- 23.25 above proceeding on t)e 3d day of plies for poor farm D«>iil le Shift. lions 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, i si <■- 10. NOW. •I. D. Witt, care of county June, 1909. tlon 11, NW'4 sectio '. h * <■- A practical joker recently made his 11. 97.50 Dated at Klamath Fails, Oregon, Sep poor ....... -........................... tlon 15, NE% sect Jo 1 6. (disallowed $8.00) first trio to Niagara Falls, and a tember 23d, 1909. 38 south, rang«* 22 en W. Glass Prudhomme Co., book Ai TuliXEY AT LAW ERANCES HUGHES, serti» n 2, NW >4 and guide that he hired was trying to 1 4.00 Guardian of th«- p< i --ons and estates for sheriff s office section 33, General Law Practice State and Fed and 8'Xi Kill am Stationery Co., I»?t- Impress I Im with their magnitude. of Claries Hughes and Mary E. south, range 22 eaat, ter file cabinet................. 29.00 oral Courts Hughe, Minors. 9-23,10-21 I1l<d in this «ifRci. on <)«lob''i- 151 "Grand!” suggested the guide. D. B. Campb«.*ll, lumber Exnmlni-r of Land Title«. <ll|L (>. 1 909. county roads...................... 115.68 The visitor did not seem Impr ssed. I 11 •( Xiitionul I mk rim k On mid after raid date nil of su J. P. Lee, stamps an«l post l\ Iniii.il li Falls, Oregon lands Will be sub) -cl to :«» li’Ctloi “Millions of gallons a minute,” ex 2.00 age ........................................ entry or filing on if snid lands s W. 8. Johnson, medical ser l iftlt St., Near Main. plained the guide. not oth« rwls ■ 1«cived or npproi* vice» county poor 50.00 To All Taxpayers and Io All Whom It “How many in a day?" asked the ated. (disallowed $70.00) ARTHUR W. ORTON, May Concern: Klamath Falla Iron Works, tourist. Register. 33.22 NOTICE is ! - r< bv given that on su pptie ■ count hm d “Oh, billions and billions,” said I REI) P. CRONEMII I.Eli, the third Monday In October, the Shire Bros. & Co., ntd <■ Receiver. 40.00 18th day of aid month, A. I). 1909, county poor guide. the board of equalization in and for (disallowed 125.75) The other looked acros« anil down J. B. Griffith. expenses of Klamatb county, Oregon, will attend at the court lions- |n the city of Klam visiting courthouses and up, as if gauging the flow, and ath Falls, Or'gon, and publicly exam W. E. Bow-loin, printing then turned away disinterestedly. PATTERNS ine the as« m imnnt rolls of Klarnath rieCALt W. E. Bowdoln, printing « 'i t< -1 |i,r i.fylr. |wrf<rt ft, * Irnptif it V ■ n-t count , and correct all errors In vn(- "Runs all night, too, I suppose,” Ward & Obenchaln, mds<*. »«. ..... ly r. ir'y 4'1 y • . S..I4 tn i.«.i y . GASOLINE ENGINE r ' ry eny an I to-' n in tl ' Un o<l y f -t- « Nod I JACK i county poor ... . 4 0.00 ir.'lon, (le.u-rlpt.lon of qii.ilities ’of I or mi he remarked nonchalantly. Cin.idt, t r 1’7 tu.iil <li»<-< t. More »,,.1 (I. n uinpn Water, Run« lands, lots or other property assessed (disallowed $0.75) 2 irfti any oli. r t Ite, Send lor lieu cstslogi.c. Hhn** by the a« • or in and for said coun rjcrAi-n magazine Ward & Obenchaln, mdse, Milker, Separator, The guide never recovered. 13.50 ty; and it. shall be the duty of all per county poor ............. More i ilc. ril>< ■» tl n any other faahlon Chop« Fei <1, Etc. p.l r - z -it- million a ir. nib, Invalualih-. Lut- R. It. Hamilton, county phy sons interested to appear at the time Haven WaffeH < t ■ . i, |ntt-rn«, rr< »makinir, n>illini-ry, A society of Danish scientists 85.00 and plac«‘ appointed. sician's salary .................. | tin t.-wini-, f .n- y r.redii wo It, foiitdrim/, Stat»» yonr Ilnrn, supplies Dated at Klarnath Kulls. Oregon, «'.qiirftr, .|,i .rii , lie. On y SO cent, a formed to develop the resources of Geo. It. rlto for f r I h I o ^. Mviitloii jujtcr v-. r ( -«.rtli double). Including a tree pattern, 23.30 this 23d day eif September, A. D. county road Greenland, has discovered in that buhacrib.- today, or aend lor Barnpl« copy, Horn, supplies 1909. Geo. R. land rich deposits of graphite, asbes WONDFiffFI L IX'HJtr.MENTS riEXIIINE J h J ... ..... , WINDMII.I.H . .............. J. P. LEE, 5.50 county poor farm . .................. kaiiihan . ........................ Hf’ . Al.fH. t.i A - i-ntc. I*o bi I I -ig« p -ro, urn catalogue I fu»«», Llotom, Oa«olf no Ent;'nog, * “ “■ ’neg Rtgam Hiesni Pimps, P If-I*«, Bollan Boiler» tos, mica and copper, the last being Monarch Mercantile Co., Assessor In and for Klamath County, and in v c c.li prize ofc a. Addreia * ♦ knrlne» EnpHea > j ’M«1'?hQDnara,Wln< Md'ThonnerB.WIn^uillirnmnn ,i’.llirnn>n« .Plp*Pbtin„,£i PIpePhtiniB.^e mdse, county poor Or* gon. t-SS, 10 II 20.75 I ¿11 LuirL <1 hi bun k nt I'hH I IsANO. OltlXiOji very plentiful. t ;; k E c CAU co .. 2 » to 2« tv. 37th st., niw yosh Sixth St., Hang Block • Pretty and Useful Things in Jewelry I NOW IN NEW QUARTERS Crisler & St’its Building WINTERS OCTOBER EVERYBODY’S BUÏ E L. :: LANDS NOW ELLIOTT FRANK IRA WHITE JA0MADE3 FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 5 4