IROM BONAN/.A III 1.1 .El IN Aceoni|>anies S»«nat<* Committee on So It Is No llomlcr He Is Striving Complaint Is Sworn to By Morrei For Big Touting«* to Be Gained litio I« Out on I'arol«*—Ortlicr« by Enti an««* to Klamath. Maki* Haid und Get Whiskey Fonstiy <iii«l Reclamation II ill U II IT < IH 1.1» hin; II u E HEARD * lie Profesaor «oberi llvrrick posammea l i t1 ' "uilortof thè New Amerlcutl hotel iast Hat ut day evetilng ut clght a full share of thè artista scnsltive- Great Value of Water. licttrr t'onl land lam*. «»'clock, wns solemnlzcii ili«' marrlng«* liW» In rogai <1 tu thè Inni t iati«-. Homo of Mr Fi link Kldretl tu Mrs. J cms I o v e in ago he limi for next-door tmigh The senate committee on irriga I sp«', lai dispatch fro'.i Washing H. L. Walther, superintendent or E«l Mcl.auglilin, who bus been tun Dulum. \t thè appelliti'«! Iioui tilt bor a fumlly umong whoae chtirma tlon is in Portland and are li tired the Yreka Railroad, who passed ning tin« soft drink ««stabllahmeut at ton to the Oregonian gives the fol couple, lliiutteiuled, look thelr piaci s « io«l tnato was Incklug, and dusty lot of statesmen, Aecom- through this city recently In th«* the l.uki'sld«* Inn l«iir, was arrest»««) lowing Information under a wroatli wlille thè Rev. \V. Il Olle monilhg (In- profaasor's Utili« panying them is E. II Newell, direc Churchill party, predicts a great fu- Fhursday by the police for a vlo Congr«'.ss Is expected by all Midi's of Zelici of thè Mi'thodlKt chuiili prò dituglilei mudo ali unexp» < lc«l culi ut tor of the reclamation service. In turv for thls city from a railroad latiou of the local option law. He wan the Ballinger- Pin« hot «ontroversy to speaking of the trip and the impres standpoint. Mr Walther has been in arrulgti 'd befoic Justice Millet ti ls tinI'vtlgate ike various phases of that iiouni ed thè ceremony Iti a iiioh I Im- thè house of tliis fumlly. * Hl>ow ni«« At ih«' clone of ih» ih«« ina In unir roottl," sii» dvmutidi'il sion it made on the senators. Mr. the railroad business practically ull morning, who pl:tc»*d hitn under |.r«00 row during the session next winter, pi »salve mantiei ceremony congratulatlons w»re «'X- wlth elilhllsli iiuperiouamMS. Newell said of I. is lifetime. an«i is considered on.* bail to appear tomorrow morning for unless President Tuft »1 all intervene tendi'd, alter w lili h un elegutlt supper The uldy of ih« bolli«' suppreased •'Oregon ¡»as not be *n getting a of the live men of Siskiyou county, trial. and settle tin* difficulty to the satis was h «* iv «'<I Aft« r supper th» tiewly* her wuudei and look thè Ulti« visitor heavy proportion of her contribution In speaking of this city's prospects, Th. complaint against Mciatuglilin faction of all concerned before that mnrtli'd couple left for tlielr future upataliH Insili«' ili» doorJh» eh liti to the reclamation fund in the past, and railroad news in general, he is sworn to by one Morrcl, «ho on time. This new turn of affairs Is not homi' In l.MUKell valle» stoini und stared ut ilo* rug for a but It will be the policy of the service stated: Jvae 30th was sentenced to serv«« two looked forward to with relish by tin* During tli«' el«'cti leal storm Tin-it cinipi» of uiliiutuu. "limi" sii» salii, to equalise this as receipts are rc»al- friends of tin* Taft administration, "There is no getting around it. yeara in the peuitentiary on th«' day evening Hurry Nichols was stami und sai heiHi'lf firmi» In a chalr, ber Ized from the finished projects in the Klamath Falls Is fortunately endowed charge of forgery. On account of his who realize that the isau« will prob Ing under the awning In front of Illa eyes gitimi lo Ih» rug. Finally she several states. It will i> w be the pol with the location for a great railroad age, and the fact ot his being an old ably be forced upon them in congre-s pince of tinsi nets with his hands confided to lor wondering hoaU’SM, icy to return to ,ach state the funds town. Harriman knew this, and soldier. Morrcl was patohsl bjr Judge l>> the far western members, who around one of th» posts, when I her e ll ell, Il doesn't make me sick!" that have been used there once. Ore- built in here. Hill knows It, loo. and Noland. _______________ _ the lei ms have fought th«' Roosevelt policies " a Notwithstanding n sudden tt.-xb of llghtnit is entitled to mor*. and as the has known it for a dozen of years of his parole, which is conditional and who now believe they have n*i I <1 11» Ml Molti the electricity atrmk the eie list of projects ¡» marketed the •through Walker, the timber man. upon goo«l behavior, and the lecture opportunity to get mon* liberal t*«rm*i wire* mid ground<*<l near b. , funds will be directed toward this Hill has complete information about • given to hitn at the time of granting Horn th«- administration. Hui» very severe shock. He was t state to give It a heavier percentage your whole country here In the way A a matter of fact it Is gi'iierully it by th«' conn, it is known that Mor- several feet und. being cnui of its contributions." of grades, available tonnage, tonnage, and rel has on Heveral occasions been In i tid-.-i stood here that the policy of Every senatorial throat in the par everything else, minisi rat luti will be to ask some men who wer«* standing administration He has complete an intoxicated condition. Labi night th<> ad u»ked him what wus the matt ty of the United States senate com memoranda of all the conditions on Morrcl was intoxicated, and a search ciiigrens to strengthen the laws of ( concluded to go home, lint wl mittee on the irrigation and reclama the Klamath river between here and of him by thè polle«' revealeil a tlask cctiservation along the lilies of the attempted to get his keys, foun tion of arid lands is so sore and the coast, for- he has had men in of whiskey. l'pon being questione«! Roosevelt policies. In that event his arms would not work Illa parched as the result of riding over there time and again getting data. I by thè police, he confesse«! that th<* Hecretnry Ballinger at least will be I from hl« «'Ibows down wer«« par dusty roads and dry sunny prai- The source of this information has liquor wa- given to him by Mel.augli placed in the position of having at his horn» and It wus not until about 3 «. that it is said all the luembers of been Walker, who owns an immense lin Acting on this, and other infor fight ih» friends who think th.-y opcrn-d th«« the next morning that he had u committee have decided beyond tract of timber south of your county, mation. McLaughlin was placed un- i elpii'K him by taking up th«* eu of them He mn'lii» to be all question that the West needs irrigat- and who is closely connected with !«ler arrest this morning and his room against th,* forest and reclutici Why llurvcy!*V «h» «•X« lullui'd. now. with th» exemption of a ing. and that it must be done w ithout Hill. Walker, in cruising his timber. jet vices. I searched. Two Standard Oil gasoline Is th«' mattvrT” any delay. That the lutei lor di'parttnv'i.’ uni mad«« notes and surveys of all of this 'eases were found in his room filled "Oh," h<- r< pit. d. i i» ti ««•■«•«> 11 », "I Director Newell says that the trip country, and Hill has them. It would with botth-s of whiskey, These boxes the ’«»’•»miry nnl rwlumatlon s «- iv I«-* h HILI. M ll lltRIl I I lltsl , III I — ergot my toothbrush ** of the senators has proved one of the not surprise me in the least to see wer. • shipped in by express from Dor- \v ill be bom s of serious contention In As most of us know. I’ T. Bai num hardest that any committee from that Hill enter this country and build a « «ngr< hh this winter Is stronglv tmli- ris died but it few months after Ills com l»ll»\' I ll I lit I M body has ever taken in seeking in line down the Klamath river towards cateil '«‘h«* hous«* committ« • .it. agri petitor In the "show" business. Adam formation for Congress. culture controls practically all of th«* Forepaugh. , Eureka. This is a feasible railroad Hie tcuchct "They have been riding daily over ’. proposition, for a g-ade of less appropriations under which the for than Roman who When Bar ar. the dusty prairie roads, and as a re one per cent can be obtained from Il ill It«* la><iit«-«l in tin- Elliott estry bureau opcratis. and hitherto p,«arly gates thr«i' tino«» suit every one of them has been suf Hornbrook. Cal., It has made Its business to Inqulr» Forepaugh. w building mid Fully E«|iiip|M-d. to the coast. and fering from sore throats and colds. from here to Hornbrook a good grade specifically into the sorklngH of that ly. '•Wall, P.i They have decided that the West can be obtain«*d by following the riv Klamath Falls, inside of the next burcuu. • this time!” needs irrigating, and that there is an er. In going down the Klamath riv thirty days, will have a modern ga Llkewls«* the house committee on P. T. did not answer, but smiled as awful lot of dry country around here er. Hill would tap a new timber belt rage established here. The Baldwin terrltoriea two years ago requested he pointed to a large bill posted near that could be improved by the careful of vast area, and would also open up | plumbing shop has leased the Elliott the interior department to furnish th«- main entrance. It read. distribution of water. one of the largest copper properties building on Wegt Main street for this cotigrt**.'« with data relating to Alaska "Wait for llurnum Coming Boon.” "Joking aside, however, the party, land but after in the world. This route would also purpose. They will put In a new railroads and coal land*, in spite of its rough and nerve-rack bring the line in touch with the vast front, with 14-foot doors, and hero continuing the * Investigation for a ing trip, has seen something of the when automobillsts pass short period the department gave it ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ holdings of Walker and Weyerhaus- after work being done by the government As a strong effort Is to be , er. Another matter which is bound through this section of the country in up. in reclaiming arid lands in the west to come will be the opening up of need of repairs or supplies, their made In congress next winter to In* ern states. It has come to realize, 1 Link river between these two wants can be taken care of. A reg crease the amount of coal land which lakes. think, what the country is before we ular auto livery will be established may be held under on«* managem«*nt The lumber interests are so great < • Formerly Sanderson's take hold of it and what it is after for storage purposes. In connection it Is believed almost unavoidable that < > that this undertaking will become ab we get through with it. I showed solutely necessary. There are so with their repair department, they (oiin-eMM or one of its coinmlttpci them the Yakima project in Wash will install a turning lathe, brazier, lutmt investigate the < onservntion many splendid power and mill sites We are selling strictly for Cash, and by so doing are able to quoit ing’.on which has already cost 33,- • these as our prices: on the. lower lake available for the vulcanizer, etc., so that almost any row. tR’J.OOO and which req litres i 115,000,- needed repair can be attended to. In Mr. Ballinger. It was announce 1 at manufacture of timber that an open, < I $O.QO I > < >0 pr so more to complete it. navigable channel between the two view of the immense amount of auto the department. Is expected to arrive « * • » A "I went the committee to see our bodies of water will be imperative.” mobile traffic that has passed through In Washington today, The purpose work in Eastern Oregon, Idaho and this city last summer, which doubt of bls coming anil length of bls stay A-lti. Bov G, mh I till«- Tea Wyoming, but what I am afraid of is less will be small in comparison with arc unknown to the interior depart Frinii», 20 |l>« Magar, Ilm* gran., I I H m . ail that they will get so tired and worn future traffic of this nature, this in ment subordinates. Mr. Ballinger la Star T, «I mi , ««« out before they finish that they will novation will certainly be hailed w Ith expected to accompany the president H oi «,-aliiM* T o I m » i co LNc ir lie Get« No Satisfaction at Salem N|M*arii<*a<l Tolmcco to« want to skip part of the route laid delight by tourists who will visit on Ills tour of the Pacific coast stut«*:; fie Hill Apply to the I nited f out for them, When they finish this this section In the future. Last year the latter part of September. States District Attorney. trip they will have a six weeks' va- just such an establishment as this Acting Secretary Pierce of the in cation and then start in through Ne- The effort that is being made to was inquired after time and again by terior department confirm«-«! today vada and California, coming up the get the Oregon Valley I .and company autoists coming in here, and as th!» til«.* ieport that Secretary Ballinger W«* appreciate the country trade and extend a hearty welcome Yosemite valley and into the Klam in the clutches of the law has reached ci'y will be the headquarters for the was on his way to Washington, 'll .5 to you when you come in to see us Highest cash prl< •» paid for ath project in Southern Oregon.’’ Country Produce, Hides and Furs. < < .Salem, but is evidently doomed to anti; trade of this county, ft will add department report on the Cunning ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦•♦« ♦♦♦•♦♦* Mr. Newell said that he had not meet with failure, The another link to its development. , ham Alaska coal entries,, concerning matter was I seen Mr. Pinchot on this trip and oh Ich there Is a controversy between pr« -.ented to the State Iuind Board could not say anything about the al th«* Interior department and the for and Treasurer Steel, the only mem NEW fl tercation between Mr. Ballinger and estry bureau, will be completed by ber of the board in the city at the Mr. Pinchot. He said, however, that the time Mr. Ballinger arrives, Im* time said: he thought Mr. Ballinger was making By driving her new 1909 Packard will not be forwarded until after the "Since the transaction between the a close study of the reclamation and "18 ” ov«-r the road from Medford to secretary has had an opportunity to Booth-Kelly Lumber company and irrigation problem and was doing his Crater lake in eight hours anil fifty- peruse it. the Oregon military road grant was pj be3t to acquire what knowledge; he Resolutions indorsing Secretary purely a governmental transaction, I two minutes actual driving time, and could concerning ft. cannot see wherein the State has any at no time »»king for a "mere man's” Ha'iinger’s irrigation policy were Asked about the report that he right of interference in the lottery assistance in handling the car, Mrs. unanimously adopted by citizens of might resign, he said: proposition or the Oregon Valley Edgar S. Hafer has set a new record El Paso at a banquet in honor of the ‘ This has been my life work, and La 1 company, wherein thl-re is to be for the trip, And the record was El Paso delegation to th»* recent na Enrollment of tiudenlt pait year 460. I don’t expect to leave it unless I die I'' • a drawing upon approximately 300,- made in spite of the fact that she tional irrigation congress at Spokane. All graduates placed In good positions. or am turned out. Of course, I can- Filled but 50 per cent appllcetlons lor office help ; 000 acres of agricultural lands In drove a distance of seven miles out not tell what will be done in that . .1 good position of her way on Elk creek. Reputation for thorough and personal Instruction. Lake and Malheur counties.” way, but I believe the work has been Safe and relining Influences The record established by Mrs. Can be had by ambitious young men The effort of interesting the State helped greatly by the present visit of I In the affair was made by E. T. Reh- Hafer stands high among those made and ladles in the field of “Wireless” Send for new Folder end Succe»» Stories. the tenatorial committee to the West. or Kallway telegraphy. Since the 8- fieid of Guthrie, Okla., who was in by professional chauffeurs. Not an I have told the committee that if I this city a few days ago, and who is accident did she have, but handled hour law became effective, and sine«- Hi. there was any criticism of tne de the Wireless companies are establish ijTfH her car throughout ilk«- a veteran. .bitter in his denunciation of the partment or the way it is being run, ing stations throughout the country whim She is the first woman to drive a car methods of the company. He stated 110111011.) CUMPTTENT WITHOUT i II Apt iE that it wanted it discussed and Inves there Is a great shortage of telegraph , that he was going to present the mat to the rim of the lake. tigated to the limit. Positions pay beginners from The car, with a woman driver, ers. ter to the Land Board an«l use every "I know there are some com 170 to |90 pe month, witli good ; effort at his command to force action which equals the record set by Mrs. plaints, but if there has been any dis i on the part of the State. If hi; fails, Hafer, will find that it has Its work chance for advancement. The Na- honesty or misapplication of funds I I he is going to take the matter up cut out. Tribune. tiona) Telegraph Institute of Port- don’t know it, and I want it investi land. Ore., operates six official Instl- i with the United States District Attor gated to the bottom. I am not trying lutes in America, under supervision ney at Portland, and see if there is O. T. McKendree has sold to Eletll- to shield myself nor anyone else. All of K. I II. and Wireless Officiais, and not some national statute under Ing & Ward of Surprise valley 3,500 I want is satisfaction with the work which the | government can pro ewes, The ewes will be driven here places all graduates into positions, being done and a steady improvement It will pay you to write them for full ceed against the promoters of with their lambs, which will be in the character of this work.” details. M rs . M. M c M illan , Prop’r. the deal. shipped to California, The ewes will then be driven to Surprise valley, to America sends about 1,000,000 Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites A vein of lead and zinc ore has Hie northernmost mill in America be turned over to their new owners. ! tons of goods a year to ’he Ear Rast Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club been discovered on the grounds of Is a flour mill at Vermillion, 700 Mr. McKendree states that he Is In of the banana tree. Rooms, Etc., Etc. the School of Mines at Plattsville, miles north of the United States the market for 1,000 tons of hay, but Wis., and will be opened up by the boundary and within 400 miles of the the present prices asked are prohib Horton will ship out four carloads of : > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS studens. Arctic circle. itive. cattle from here. Irrigation and P o I ii I k Out the Hone« of <'oiiteiil Ion—M, o «* for Goodrich’s Cash Store 4 Corner of Main and Seventh Streets Fruit Jars, quarts half gallon doz «•«5 Dry Goods Staples, Gents’ Furnishing; Good.«» Boots and Shoes and Ladies’ and Children’s Furnishings Facts Worth Noting / hKITII^V'Ahl,Wh H,k swims Lakeside Inn, 7 i è f r ♦