» A I' SUK> If It' f E $2 OF Ladies’ Suits, Men's Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Millinery, Etc. Thrown to Mercy of the Public Ì I « > This Sale will be of short duration, as} t is the Greatest Sacrifice ever made in this line in the State of Oregon NOTICE TO DEALERS: Stock and Fixtures will be sold Wholesale and Retail SALE SAT- AT 10 A. M. SEPT. 4 BRICK STORE CO. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON NOTICE: Any Former Customers of this Store Having Accounts with Us, Kindly • Call and Settle at Once * 28c 85c Levi Strauss Overalls Cut to 3c a Spool 5c Coats Thread Cut to - - $2.48 $12 Ladies’ Silk Skirts Cut to 1.89 $5 J. B. Stetson Hats Cut to 75c, $1, $1.50 Ladies Muslin Draws Cut to 28c $2.50 and $3.50 Ladies’ Shoes Cut to - 48c $1.50 Children’s Shoes Cut to - - 48c $4 and $5 Ladies’ Trimmed Hats Cut to 48c t $1.25 Men’s Dress Shirts Cut to 48c 20c Bath Towels Cut to 6c $15 Ladies’ Suits Cut to $3.89 12c Canton Flannel Cut to 6c a yard 75c Dress Goods Cut to - - 18c a yard $1 Pillows Cut to - 28c 75c and $1 Corsets Cut to 28c $3 and $3.50 Men’s Dress Shoes Cut to $1.18 15c Men’s Black Hose Cut to - - 4c Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Trimmings, etc., will be sold at 50c. on the dollar. Nothing will be reserved, so get here early. No telephone orders accepted; no C. 0. D.’s; no goods charged RECEIVER 4