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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1909)
¡State, that it does not co-operate suf- Hl IHMH.M V VM uinm DOMENTE ID tlciently with the federal geological De|>arl incut Décision Holds Actual survey in compiling data used In thia Residence Evidence of Good Failli E. J. MURRAY, Editor. I work, dues not hit Oregon harder Despite lank of < ulllviitlon. than Arlsona, Nevada. Wyoming and The many friends of Miss Rostora several other Western states. Ore- French will be pleased to learn that : gon has been discriminated against the contest cuso against her home I In reclamation work, and unless the TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE stead, wl.ich was brought by the gov people get In condition to aid such eminent upon complaint of a apocini All communications submitted for publication In the columns of this u lust and able official as Secretary of agi'iit. lias been decided In her favor pa|>er will be Inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume .be Interior Ballinger, the dlscr'ml- by the Commissioner of the General I .a nd < >(!!< «' articles will be published. nution may become perpetual. Her uttorney in the ra ♦<*, When the reclamation work began Brower. I.a* Just received notice from land sales from being used in swamp in I *»02 there was a great clamor for OREGON LONKN FIVE MILLION the commissioner'* office that the de-, dralr.a : * or other reclamation work immediate results Surveys hid b x u vision of the local officer* at Lake- I Orcgoniana Should Make an Effort to in the East, it Is held that the spirit made of the tw >.blg projects in \il- view, la reversed and filial certificate Get Their Just l*n>|H»rtion of of the law is again suggested to be xotta and Nevada, so that the officials authorised to be issued. Thia case is of more than ordinnry «Iw Money Paid In. local, giving each State the benefit of * -re inclined to l ogin work «h»ro a> interest, as the decision clearly hum - , land sales therein. once By the lime Secretary Hitch-' taina the contention of her attorney The following article from the The fact that' the law permitted cock had apportioned reclamation that good faith in the matter of ac Portland Telegram will give some th 1 Secretary of the Interior to take funds among the states which se.nivd tual residence, ns shown by various idea of the way this State has fared 4 9 per cent of the funda accruing to have the strongest command of his circumstances, is of greater import in the distribution of the reclamation from each State in the reclamation attention. Oregon had practically ance than the mere matter of cultiva tion or lack of cultivation of the land fund: group, and using it anywhere else In nothing Heroic work finally got the Miss French took this homestead An irrigation fund of 13.000.000, the group, was interpreted by Hitch I'matilla project taken up. but after near Klnmuth Falla about seven years' to be used and reinvested again and cock as meaning that this was the this nothing was done. Lake, Klant- ago and baa muJe It her actual home, again as rapidly as reclamation proj- spirit of the law. However, only two ath. Crook. Malheur. Hurney and oth- having nil her personal effect* and' ects can be completed, is worth striv houaehotd belongings there ever since States were made to suffer severely. ing for. It is Oregon's, it the proper these being Oregon and North Da- ■r comities have presenter proposi to the present time, and although she tions. but If any attention was given has taught several terms of school In effort is made. The systematic, per- kola. Each of these States has con- • sistent work necessary to secure it tributed mere than $8.000.000 to the them it was only to turn the offers country districts, her effects nnd household goods have always re down. should begin when the seuate commit fund, and Ninth Dakota has received mained nt her home and «he has al tee on irrigation is here next week. It in return about $2,000,000 and Ore IlitcliriHk Ediet IVr|M’tual. ways been at home several days In al The greatest danger lies Just ahead. i ei: unfold in natural order most every month of the terms. Hut gon less than $3,000.000. These two until the Secretary of the Interior great States, with a good population Funds are commencing to return to owing to her lack of means and the recognizes Oregon's Just claim to the to begin with and immense Irrigable the government from some of the fin great difficulty in getting laborers for I clearing land during the great de amount this State has contributed to acreage, have been deprived, while ished work. Dli.-ctor Newell stated mand for labor In this vicinity, she the federal reclamation fund, which is Arizona, which has contributed but in an Interview while in the North has not been able to cultivate as much above $8.000.000. The States has re $426,206 to the fund, has been al west this year, “The actual revenue land as she otherwise would have which will be derived by the govern I done, though some land ha* been ceived less than $3,000,000. lotted $7.636.350. and Nevada, con ment from these different projects tilled In every year. The United States Senate is not the tributing but $206.700. has been al Her final proof, which she macle during the ensuing year will aggre enthroned power for distribution of lotted $4,108,000. last year, was held up because of a gate approximately $1.000.001 This the reclamation fund. That duty has Get Back Gifts | contest w hich bad been begun by the I fund will be expended In the various' government, and »be could not get n been placed with the Secretary of the Most of tie other eWstern States, j states ni the proportion as it is col- Fearing of the contest until laat De W en »-.i a eu have received somewhere near what ¡ lected.” cember. when It was tried before cock held the latter office there was they gave. California contributed $3,-| United State* Commissioner Alex PROPRIÍIOR5 From this statement It seems ap- little hope for Oregon to receive anv- 468.492. and Fas been allotted $3.-| Martin Jr. The contest wax bitterly I parent that thet cadency will be to way near what justice decreed that 997,900; Colorado gave $3.830,917.1 prosecuted by the special agent, who make perpetual the Hitchcock dis was here at the time, and was vigor State, but since R A. Ballinger has and has been allotted $4.0015,000; crimination against Oregon, unless ously defended by the attorney for taken the post a regime that recog- Idaho gave $3,567,822, and has been Secretary Ballingen ovurruh»» what the homestead claimant. nizes Oregon is a legitimate claimant SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS allotted $4,991,000; Montana gave he has admitted to be an Injustice to The officers of the Lakeview land for federal consideration has begun. office decided against the claimant, $4.041,661. and has been allotted $4.- the state. To aid any good effort that | Mr. Ballinger has frankly admitted 053.000; New Mexico gave $1.645.- ; may be made to bring to Oregon her baaing their decision apparently whol ly upon what they ctmsidered a Inck that this State had not been receiving 481, and has been allotted $1,315,- due proportion of this fund, as other < of cultivation of the land, and seemed its due proportion of the reclamation r ASHLAND r J 000; South Dakota gave $2.565,156 Western states are receiving, the peo- to wholly Ignore all other evidences fund. To him the States prayers and has been allotted $2,350,000; ■ pie of the state wil have to do ener- of actual residence and good faith ' must be addressed ultimately* but it But the department appear» to have Wyoming gave $2,466.318 and has getic work. will not be amiss to impress the irri given weight to many other circum • • been allotted $4.856,000; and Wash An increased appropriation should stance» and to the Judgment and hon- gation committee of the senate with ington gave $5,092.793 and has been I be made to have geological surveys IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT X eaty of the witnesses, all of whom, the unfortunate plight in which Ore allotted $3,521,000. Prof Lloyd Bridge of Rochester, N Y , has been secured for X pressed, in conjunction with the na both for the government as well as gon has been left. Principal of the Commercial Department. .Mr Bridge is most highly " All of these Stales have received ! tional survey, gathering authentic for the claimant, testified to the effect Oregon Entitled to More endorsed by E E Gaylord. ex-President of the National Business <> that the homestead was her actual substantially what they contributed data about ail parts of the state. At Educators' Association. Prof Zsncr, Pres of the Zansrlan Pen Art ¡1 borne, and her only home, during all Out of the total of about $50,000.- No difficulty was found by the Secre every opportunity, such as the meet-1 the time in question, and the com Sc’-ool, 8. I. Williams. Pres of the Rochester Business Institute. ' • 000 turned Into the reclamation fund ta.-y of the Interior in locating suffi and others. .Mr. Bridge has taken two post-graduate courses. and ' • lug here of the Senate irrigation missioner holds that she acted In all from the Western States embraced in cient projects to use the full quota <-t i being an experienced business college teachers ami an '-Xpert pen- < I committee, the people should voice respects in good faith. the reclamation law, Oregon has giv the State's fund therein. But tn Ore man. he will be a decided acquisition to the commercial school fra- ‘ J their protest against the manner in ternlty of the coast. Prof. B'ldg» is an experienced Instructor In ’ ’ en more than $8,000,000. The total gon and North Dakota, the former which Oregon has been neglected, un HUAI. ESTATE TRANSFERS Calisthenics. Gymnastics and Athletics, and the young men and ! I expenditure for the Klamath and with some of the finest and most ex til every one understands the plain women of the Ashland Commercial College will have an opportunity Umatilla projects has been but $2.- tensive projects open in the West. ; Geo, B. Snyder to Wilber White, for the best training In these lines. < > facts. A $5.000,000 fund wisely used 919.000. and as about 25 per cent of the work has never been permitted to ' lot 7 in blk 18 in Fairview add. No. and turned every ten years to new P. RITNER, A. M„ President ’• the Klamath work is properly charge reach the minimum specified by the projects would in the next fifty years 2 to K. F.; $10. able to California, Oregon has. in fact, law. Oregon and North Dakota are F. H. McCornack et ux to Wtu. prove a tremendous wealth factor for] received in seven years of reclamation being milked to build great projects Lathrop, lot 1 of sec 30 and lot 2 the state, which is worth any reasona been duly ap|>olntcd by said court work materially less than $3,0000,- in Arizona and Nevada. The only ■ of sec 29. tp 3s s, r 8 e. W. nt ; $60. for the settlement of said account ble sacrifice at this date to win. 000. By the provisions of the law and the hearing of said petition for Long Lake Lumber company to C. other State giving heavily to the fund That the state could finally get the creating the fund a major portion of discharge, nt which time and place Gus E. Worden. Fred Melhase and and receiving nothing is Oklahoma, amount of Its contribution to the any person Interested In said estate it must be applied to the States ¡which las contributed $4,748.6081 reclamation fund used here, as most Melhase. lota 1, 2. 5, 6, 7 and X In may app«<ar and Hie his exceptions In whence it is derived. Fifty-one per and received only $12,000. in Okia- And get *£•■• ill'll ri iuly for l>l|{ of the other western states have done. blk 50 of Nichols add. ■ to K. F.; writing to the said final acount, and cent of the Oregon contribution ihoma it is stated that few if any good contest the same and show cause. If is not doubted, It is merely a matter $9.000. I would be IL 168,632, a good million | projects can b? found, but the argu G. W. White to Emily A. Ilutnph- I1 any. why a final distribution of said of vigorous, careful work. i Home good Ixitgnln« mu le and a quarter more than the State estate should not be ordered ment cannot apply to Oregon, for pri- When Central Oregon is opened by ¡ rey, lots 7 and 8 In blk 7 In K. F.: has enjoyed. It will be said that the THOMAS E STANLEY. hull in hiigelit noli lumi. ' vate capital is taking those in this the proposed railway line, there will $5.300. I 8-12-9-2 Guardian. Klamath and Umatilla projects when Stat“ rapidly and the national service be 10.000.000 to 12,000,000 acres of W. C. Gordon et iix to H. It Ynn- I SWAMI* LAM> In «IrMrnUr completed will call for a larger ex ■las never made the thorough surveys government land brought within cey. lot I In lilk 6 of Buena Vista penditure than $3,000,000, In fact liHMtloiiN Mill I m * higher In pi ire 'in ti e va»t Interior to prove whether reach of the settler. Much of this. add. to K. F.; $350. slightly more than 31 per cent of the 4 MISI. Ill ) \(>H . ¡local projects are available. R. H. White et ux to T. J. Jackson. land will be taken up in the next de- present total contribution from the Ft. Klamath; The only States that g> t an appre ■ade or two. probably assuring Ore- lot 60x110 feet In I State. But the most rigid and hexstile $2.000. ciably greater sum than they contrib gon fir»t position for years among interpretation of the law would not F«»r «fi U|M«»»<1nlr w hrrl, gvM Chas. J. Winton uted are Arizona. Nevada, Wyoming the states In land -alci. If the Oro- tolerate alloting to the a State the * Itomhh'r. on «ulr at the Gl & and Nebraska. Wyoming gav» but gen right to use this fund is eitab- Yawkey, trustee, 2,625 acres In fps legal minimum, and then U3ing a por |*<»r «mir or roe«. < apt. < >. $2.466,318, and has been allotted $L- iisbed, the state wil be guaranteed 32 and 33 s, r 7 e, W. m.; $100 and l$*N«r to fa*ol. <e$irm IV r rerrf tion cf that minimum for many years Office Muiingi r 856,000, and Nebraska, giving but a superb development work that must valuable consideration. M Ìtali litir of IIfitf if« mu fa In hastening completion Mt' projects in increase Its population many hundred Chas. J. Winton et ux to C. ( ’ . $946,190, has b< en allotted 82,961,- Fifth Si., Xciir .Main. other States. If the Hitchcock con-| thousand people. Yawkey, trustee, S’i of SW *4 and 000. THE GUN STORE struction of the reclamation law is NE'/i of SWVi and 8W% of HE % .>5- Gets Worst J Miss Lachael E. Applegate, one of, It «HA MIIKH m . to be accepted, it would seem impos of sic 25. tp 32 s, r 7 ’ 4 *>, W. tn.; • ho* I $$«• ri< A m a matter of fact, which Ì3 >.! • .Mi-rilH Re< >rd t■ pr“sentatlvi<i sible to proceed on any other basis FINAL AKOI NT $100. etc. .......... »•«H than giving to each State, for imme known to all Oregonians and engf from Klamath county to the A.-Y.-T*. CFa.c. J. Winton et UX to C. C. In the County Court of the State of diate and exclusive use, at least 51 , nc. r-s who i ave st..died the vast re X'>o:-:Itloi: at Seattle, has returned. Yawkey, trustee, NVi of N*4 of hoc Oregon, for Klamath County. Iva Whitlatch reinained at Ai- 1 Mill gion of this State lying east of the per cent cf the funds taken from each , 17, tp 32 s, r 7 H e, W. m.; $ loo, etc. for a time to visit relatives. ; In the .Matter of the Guardianship of bany State in forming the reclamation Cascade mountain range, there are as Jno. H. Koehler et ux to C. C. the Persan and Estate of Robert Applegate gives glowing ac- fund. This course would give to Ore many, if not more, good irrigation Miss Laughlin, an Insane Person. several <,f the pleasantest half- Yawkey, trustee, E% of NW % and gon enough funds Immediately to car projects avallab!“ here than in any counts of the < xpositlon and pro- Notice of Settlement of Final Ac NH of SW% of sec 11. tp 33 s, r hours you ever put in—get the other State of the West. A number of nounc s It a decided success on the ry through another big project. count and Discharge. 7% e, W. m.; $100, etc. September EV I'. R VBODY’S Some of the ablest students of the streams cut through the semi-arid re- whole, but says she was seriously dis Joi n H. Hoehler et ux to C. C. and read in this order: “ Happi reclamation law declare that its true gion, carrying terrific floods d tiring appointed that aside from the very Notice lx hereby given that Thomas Yawkey, trustee, 320 acres In secs E. Stanley, ns guardian of the person ness,” “ The Mcllowdrammcr” ereditable school exhibit from Klam the winter and spring seasons. Lands spirit and meaning is that the funds and estate of Robert Laughlin, an and is In tp 32 32, 19 s. r 7% e. ath county, our rich basin Is without and “ What Shall We Do accruing from each of the Western adjacent are of the richest soil when Insane person, has rendered nnd pre States should be used for reclamation watered. The average rainfall, extent an exhibit of our farm products, W. m.; $100. etc With the Old.’” sented for settlement and filed In Wm. E. Slightam et iix to John therein, so far as the same may be of watersheds and contour of the which she thinks would not have been said court his final account of t|>e After that read where you practicable. By establishing a mini country give just as good projects surpassed by anything in that line on Day, W <6 of W *4 of sec 2 : In t|> 28 s. nd ministration of said estate nnd a will—you’ll say,“ Htrt't i. ¿ond petition that said account lie allowed ¡ mum, below which the Secretary of here as <an be found in Arizona and exhibition at Seattle. The Alaska ex r 8 e, W. m.; $100. etc. magazine. " Try it and sec. Joseph p. Colaban et ux to W. P. and that said guardian be discharged, the interior cannot go In his appor Nevada. But Oregon has been un- hibit of minerals, furs, etc., was very and that Saturday, the 11th day of SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S tionments, the principle is indicated able to get the preliminary surveys flue, California and Oregon fruit dis Sedge et al, lots 2 and 3 in blk » In September, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dairy; $10. the town of plays superb, and the government ex- By establishing a Western group of and perhaps never would under the of said day, at the court room of said Special Display by Walter A. Welch to S. D. Tooker, court, at the court house in Klamath hiifft, as usual, very Interesting and States for the reclamation work, and prior administration. i lot 3 in blk 1 In town of Dairy; $25. Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, lias The complaint made against the instructive. ANKENY and AMERICAN preventing the money derived from i KLAMATH REPUBLICAN E. W. GILLETTE & CO. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR ORtGON Sixth St., Hang Block City Meat Market WEISS A ARMAND ALL KIMS OF FhESH. SALT AND SMOKED MEATS I BUY FARM LANDS NOW, BICYCLE S FRANK IRA WHITE If You Want fo Spend