» wlillit tin« Cascade range Is the big pei aera will run about 10,000 feet, PIK »El .HM »ll A BENEDICT FREIGHT OFFICE MOVING plaintiff filed against you In the »pong«« tl.iil extra« 1» I'uclfl« North- and the demand for pine grows with above entitled causa on or before the < >nly tilg I l.liig« lu wtorc for t’ounliy ■ weal moisture u» the ocean winds every yeur. Malting Profitai.le I sc of Ili* Suiti- Agent Thompson of the Southern 11th day of September. 1909, being the date prescribed by the above en­ pass nn r to Central Oregon. Kain- incr Valutimi ami Spring« a Sur- luto W lil< li He I» Throw Ing Pacific company Is very busy these titled Court In the order for the pub­ Livestock Illg TonimK«- I full varies from u tra«« to 20 and 30 »rise on I riend» Mere. days transferring I he freight from lication of this summons for you to Opening Uiilge. Liv«*stock Ims bean the leading In- j Imdies. But there I» < «rmpiii utlvxly the old location to the new freight appear and answer said complaint, diistry, and will continue one of the | little of this vast urea lliat can be I'rof. Cl a». A. Howard, who is house. The freight headquarters and if you fail to so appear and an­ ‘•Central Oregon la a greul coun­ i clit»»< d utl«l In the present i< h to the railrwiiy befor« alKUghter. her«*: and passenger traffic where It will Klamath County, Oregon, by order ha» bcou staled so oflcn? Ther«* ia of the Hon. George Noland, Judge of There wlll be millions of acres of ’ h i have been proved along Ilo* line "One of th« prettiest and most In ­ have to be reckoned with by these the above entitled Court, made on the filerò «in empiili to suppuri u city of ih« (>. It x N In Umatilla, Union rang«« land In Central und Southern teresting events of the* year wa» that outalde towns, such as Medford, 3d day of July. 1909. The first pub­ Ih«« slxe of l’uriliinil." ami lluker countlua on th«* «'astern Oregon; for«-st r« >i*rv«*» are numer­ of th«' marriage of Ml»» Cora In* Fon- Grants Pass and the like. Already lication of this summons Is of date In »wi<-piiig torni*, ridi in th«*lr ous, and grazing wlll constitute a slope of the sum«* range. talgm* HI aw of Eureka to .Mr we surpass Ashland in it*»» than car- July 29th, 1909. and the last will be • «in« xpre»»ed diluii» and lieti vy wltli of date the 12th day of September, permanent source of feed for On the West Is lit«* Ciunatlc rang*«, Charles Abner Howard of Klamath load shipments; also Redding and 1909 liruml»«*, ilo* grtuit engliieer referrod Industry. This stock part of giving numerous spb-ndld streams, Fall», Oregon. Wednesday evening. Grants Pass, and when these mills RICHARD SHORE SMITH, io Oregon'a luti-ut empire. Mr. Hi«* and print«* of which Is th«* Deschutes To Htate is sure to become one of the I August 1 Ith, at 8 o'cloik. The wed- get Into operation on the Upper lake' v«-n» »«•<•» unly big thlnga, for he lui» most important l»<*< f centers of th«* D. V KUYKENDALL, tl « southwest ar«- f««uitllig big work fot big periplo, West 7-29,9-12 Attorneys for Plaintiff. In present developed rondi- and systems of lakes marking Lake! bride'» parents, Mr. an«i Mrs. Fred­ at ail as to tonnage.” t'oniiul l>r«gon*ln Iti» <•>«■» I» u big lions Onturlo, Klamath Fail« and ami Klnmntli counties, and entering erick HI.aw. on North Main street, | Mr. Thompson expects that within coutiiry Ilo »•■<•» In It Hi«' potenti»!, other new railway points grow thou- SIMMONS to some extent Into lliirney. Abun­ ami was w|tn«-»scd by about fifty r«*l-1 the next few days everything will I m * mit tIm preseiit. In III«* lonely rcm li«*» sands of tons of alfalfa to feed th«* t dant flowing wati-i is found through-' straighten« d <>ut In the new ware­ In the Circuit Court of th* State of alive» and Intimate friends. <>f iiplnnd tli«*re I» rlslng unothur beef und mutton thut Is driven there out this ri'gion for Irrigation, and the i "Shortly before the ceremony Mr. i house* so a man's freight can be Oregon for the County of Klamath. Hpokuni* or Boi»«*, rulli onda huslcn Rose E. Kees«*e. plaintiff, vs. John >¡111111111 Is sufllclsntly h«*uvy to op«*n annually fot shipment. Rich fe«dlng E K. Font« 1, a»>*istant Instructor of found in the dark, in the old Iwa- to tup unotlier Yuklmii vulloy. and «enters wlll spring tip along the new I Cotes, defendant i vast opport unities for storage basin«« 1 tlon it was Impossible to handle the must« ’ at Baker University, sang ‘ Be ­ ih«- Diegon wh«-at yb-hl 1« lift«*«! fumi Sult to quiet title. lit»-, to with It will I m * druwn range »itch as th«* government reclamation' loved It Is Morn.' Mrs. 1-antz of I freight with anything like a system. To John Cotes, the above named H.OUO.OOO bushel» to 40,000,000 or stock before llnul shipment, und |w«'tk usually <‘Oti»truci» Ot«-g found I a n«l lit Ils KaUieiitie Combs of Bev- H' tlon for-man and crew. on or before the 16th day of Sep­ eulerptlao yet undertak* n In niivlgu- possibilities of ull avenues of devel- tember, 1909, being the last day of throughout Malheur. Harney, Lake., f»ry, who untied th«* ribbons, w hich Geli illliuovi'lllellt »«w» Olii) what optnent. It Is this that Mr. Htevenul the time prescribed In the order for Klutnath, Ciook, Wa»co und Hherman i were then it retched to form an al»le. Gì« goti ha» «• «*«i for y«*ur», and he empha»ixes. Holl Is rich; there 1» I the publication of this summons, the counties 4LTAMONTS lilt, < Hop Next «am«- little Lot« hen Lipp of lai first publication hereof being on the thiuk» it Idi* to repcnt. «mu- rainfall, an«l Intelligent applies- i Harpe, beautifully dressed in white, 5th of August, 1909; and if you fail trfexlan PowsIblliH«-« tlon of proven method» w ill bring I Not New to Or**g««n I'eopl«- Judg* George Noland Is expecting so to appear and answer, for want beating the ring on a pink satin Artesian po»»lbllltl<-» In sections forth marvelous cereal crops from "If Oregon lit* seen ihese thing» cushion, tlmn the bride anti her fa­ a banner c rop on the Altamont ranch thereof th«* plaintiff will apply to the of Central On-gon are undoubted by Central Or«-gon lands Court for the relief prayed for tn the There are i so long tint the people arc no longer tber. They were met at tile altar by this year. The Judge says, with a complaint herein, to-wit: for a de- tit«* nbl«*st geologists studying the m«*a»ure|e»a acres,' like thos«- lu Was­ Impressed, und If your people have the groom. Rev. A. M. Spangler of smile, that he expects probably 15,- cr«*e that the defendant l as no right, formation, At th«* head of Hummer co and Hhernmn countl«*», along the I any doulit us to developments In the , 000 bush« Is of barley off of about title or interest in or to the following lake a tremendous spring, forming line of the Columbia Southern uml I the Congregational church performed NW% of rentrai teglon und th«* south, let the ceremony .uslug th«- Episcopal 320 acres, but outsiders, such as described real properly: Anna river, break» Ironi the |illl»lde, Great Hout hern, where wheat grows | NW 14, EH of SW14 and WH of them wait a little While and they will ring service, Mr. Shaw gave his Robert Emmltt. »ays he will bet It E'.i of Section 36, Township 39 »iiKK«**tlng nn Itnnienau artesian without any care and no dry farming I b.-hotd something t<> arouse them." daughter away. The bride was beau- will run sixty bushels to the acre. South. Rang«* j] East of Willamette stratum under the s**ml-nrld cou n try application*. The*« lands wilt be meridian, and for the costs and dis­ »Bld Mr Hievens "What Is the use tlfully gowned in white satin with a to th«- north With the Ca«cad«-H ami mirli- to lnct«*u»e from 15 bushels per bursements of this suit and for such of discussing details now? A good veil aad a wreath of orange blossoms. Blue mountains on either side, th«* acre lor spring and 30 bushels per other and further relief as to the •.OHt «. Kill Pl BL1CA1 it »N railway will be built at once Into tile "Mt. and Mrs. Howard will be at Court may seem just and equitable. formation dipping right, melting aero tor fall sown until they reach region You will need no other ur­ home al* r September 25th In Klant- impartiu nt of the interior, U. S This summons is served by p'lbli- snows, numerous deep mountain the high averages ot portion« of cation ther«*of tn the Klamath Repub­ guinent. The railway will do tile ath Fulls, Oregon." Ink**» ami l.lglt p«-uks giving the high I East« rn Washington. Land Office at Lakev'ew, Or«gon. lican by order of Hon. George No­ rest." Mr. Howard is well and favorably presaiire reservoirs, no reason «an In- Oregon will be amazed at her own land. Judge of the Thirteenth Judi­ August 13, 1909. There Is something grimly senten­ known in this community, where he cial district of the State of Oregon, advanv«*«! to giilnsay artesian devel­ neg|«*cte advertising to th«* world the new u quarter wholly unexpected, comes Pin Sit Al. DIREI TOR FOR HIGH SENW14. NESWK, NWSEVi Sec­ 1 »09. eration to come. Stute Engln«-«*r 1 land of agricultural wonders, and J. C. RUTENIC, relief, and the act mil, real work of SI HOOI. Alon 5, Township 38 South, Range 9 and Lewlw says that this marvelous 1 giving to the railway builder a protlt- II nijevelopi J I o|«enlng the Steli!«'»! H. W. KEESEE. ‘stream cun by made to develop 1,- ' able tonnage for his lines. Prof. J. T. Butcher, principal of East, Willamette meridian, and the 7-29 8-23 Attorneys for Plaintiff. region of the United Stute« lx at uvo.omi horsepower. the bigt. school, states that the pros­ timber thereon, under the provisions Th«* flow of What la the use of talking hand ! of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts W INTED IN MshlUll pects of the school were never better the river 1» uniform throughout the m»w ? Weightier Industrial elements SIMMONS. for a good season than they are now. amendatory, known a3 the "Timber year, the descent 1» rapid and regu­ Ilian words nt«« In play Construe- Ned Connelly, who was employed He predicts an -nrollment of 150 to and Stone Law,” at such value as lar, and for 130 nil!«-« It 1» in a can­ lion of transportntlon lines 1« ensured might be fixed by appraisement, and in the Circuit Court of the State of yon where the cost of harnessing en- on the B. S. Grigsby ranch near the start off the opening of school. Thel greater dlspal'h tian the m«*:i»ag<- that, pursuant to stich application, Oregon for Klamath County. Gap. was placed under arrest by professor Is very anxious to make ar ­ igy would be as low as for any nnnottnclng th« good news. and the the land and timber thereon have hydroelectric plants yet built. This Sheriff Barnes Thursday on a tel­ rangements for several students who J. Frank Adams, plaintiff, vs. F. O. Htatc 1» suddvnh «ailed to th«* duty be n appraised. June 14, 1909, the itream. when Industry warrants, will egraphic advice from Sheriff Howard d< sire to take advantage of our ex­ Pierce, defendant. >>f developing n realm Io warrant the timber estimated 225 M. board feet bx-oitie a tremendous producer of of Siskiyou county. He will be de­ cellent high school course and wishes To F. O. Pierce, defendant: railway outlay. It Is truly not a time at $1.50 per M. and the land $2 4.50; wealth, giving to th«- teeming com­ tained until this evening, when Sher­ .<> And places where their board and In the name ot the State of Ore­ for woid», a« Mr. Hti-vens suggest», that said applicant will offer Anal gon. you are hereby requlr«*d to ap­ munities of Central Oregon jKiw-er iff Howard will arrive to take charge room can be earned by working out- but the day of action. proof in support of his application pear and answer the complaint of the for Irrigation, manufacturing, light­ of the prisoner. The offense alleged ilde ««f school hours. He also desires Centra! Oregon 1» a fact unknown and sworn statement on the 22d day plaintiff fiied against you in the Any ing ami all other electrhal require- Is the larceny of a horse from a Por­ room and board for others. With tie multitude It I« believed to ! of October, 1909, before R. M. Rich­ above entitled cause on or before the met t« Water power Is conceded to tuguese living on the Klamath river person interested in this will kindly 11th day of September, 1909, being The sclent I lie1 be arhi a« u rule, apply to the professor. Mr. Panek of ardson. U. S. Commissioner, at Klam­ the date prescribed by the above en­ b«> the great future Industrial factor. below B»-«w lek farmer and experimenter have found ath Falls. Oregon. titled Court in the order for the pub­ Ypsilanti, Mid«., Mid... las accepted the Th«* l><*»chut< * wlll be more than 500 more. Holl 1» decomposed ha «alt. Any person is at liberty to protest lication of this summons for you to <<><»!< lit »I SE III RNED >ositlon as physical director of the gr«'at coal mines appear and answer said «complaint, such a» gives eternal life to lh<* rich school and will also have charge of this purchase before entry, or initiate and if you fail to so appear and an­ Yellow pin«* timber for 200 lull«*», I vineyards of portions of Italy. Aiti­ The cook house In camp No. 2 of the normal training course. The ad- a contest at any time before patent swer on or before said date fhe plain­ and a heavy stand of sugar pine In Ind«* of ti tabi«* land ranges frolli a issues, by filing a corroborated affi- tiff will take judgment against you Klumatb, Crook ami Lake offer an Erickson A Peterson. Southern Pa- dltlon of a physlcal director Is one few feet io 5,000. Beginnlng wlth davit in this pfflce, alleging facts for the sum of $1.332 and for his Immediate railway tonnagi* und In­ tlllc contractors, located three miles >f the best moves ever undertaken by costs and disbursements of this ac- the rims of ihe Columbia canyon, thè w hich would defeat the entry. sure th«* low ent cost for building ma­ north of town on the proposed Na­ the faculty of the high school, as it tlon. h ) o | h < Is upwmd to thè south «trilli ARTHUR W. ORTON. terials for th* hordes of fat titers sure tron branch, btiined at 3:30 a. m. not only promotes the physical con­ This summons ts served upon you Lake county 1« reached, where a 8-19 10-21 Register. by publication in the Klamath Repub­ to enter that region when assure«! a Thursday. Th«* fir«* originated In the Jition of th«* students imi implants nobl<* plateau of marvelous fertility lican. a newspaper of general circula­ mark«*! for their products All of th«* cook stove. The loss will probably a spirit of devotion for our home lo­ tion. published at Klamath Falls, apr«*ads for dozens of miles, and upon SIMMONS. eastern slop«* of the Cascada moun­ reach 9500. The cook and helper st Huttons. May It not be long until Klamath County. Oregon, by order of it grow all cereals, vegetables ami tains Is manti«*«! with pine. At Bend had a narri.w escape from th«* flames we hear the "Rah. rah, rah!" of 150 the Hon. George Noland, judge of the the hardl<*»t temperate sone fruit. young throats In honor ot the brick In the Circuit Court of the State of above entitled Court, made on the the forest tenches the l>«'schutes. and From Ontario, on the Snake river, 3d day of July. 1909. The first pub­ Oregon for Klamath County. Mrs. O. Halverson, mother of Mm structure on the hill. to the south it cross« a the stream and the «lope Is upwind to th«* west to J. Frank Adams, plaintiff, vs. G. lication of this summons is of date extends eastward in th«* Paulina James Swansen. left for her home in July 29th. 1909. and the last will be the In1" ami Klamuth plateaux. Fiank Sargent is now a full-fledged L. Frazier, defendant. mountain range for miles From the Los Angeles Thursday. Mrs. Hal­ of date the 12th day of September, To G. L. Frazier, defendant: 1909. Rainfall Ade«|U.iti- in Main \r«*a ('oltinibla to Modoc county there Is n verson was so taKen with this coun­ snight of tie grip, having entered RICHARD SHORE SMITH. In the name of the State of Ore­ Climate Is uniformly excellent. solid 1« ’t of yellow pin«* of varying try that it is he.- intention to return the ent pic y of A. D. Miller, who is and gon. you are hereby required to ap ­ Ocean airs equalise summer mid win­ width, which will insure billions of in tin- spring at.«! settle here perma­ the local representative of various D. V KUYKENDALL. pear and answer the complaint of the j 7.29,‘9-/2 Attorneys*for 'piaintiff. Portland houses in this section. if lumber. Th«* average stand nently. ter. taking the breath of cold or heat. HTEIKNN' OPINION' « » e-« ■