Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 26, 1909, Image 6

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Nyala Veg«-
lubiy l’rescrlp*
tloti la Indicai*
•'d In all ordi­
na.y dlsi asi-s ot
rem tal y
dtaap^-duta, Ita
g'.cd officia he
lag porcvpllbln
li uni tnn vury
firat. Il •« coni*
posoil of tl.o
pure.t timi Ilio
drug-:; inercu*
and ut ber har-
tnfiil diliga be­
The ma iy dis­
colie. -ri Ina In-
f I il e ii c e a tu
sub) et od ren­
der ber llabla*
to many Functional dlHiiiders timi
not only tend to destroy her comfort
and happiness, but which gradually
merge Into chronic mid serious dis­
Nyal's Vegetable PniHCilptlon la
without it peer for the uuccvsuful
treatmnet of female weakness, pain
ful and disordered tui'iiatrutullon»
hysteria, cramps, "bearing
"lienring down
pains," inflammation and falling of
the womb.
This In a remedy of
sterling worth.
......... H I M ■■um
If A«H<H-iation Adopts Report of Coni* t'ompMJt < laims Employ«* Was T imi ’ E. T. Itelitlehl of Oklahoma Want* to
The following new books have been
received at the Public Library:
Staudish of Standish, Jane K. Austin.
Darrel uf the Blessed isles, Biu'hellcr.
There is an echo of the fire that de­
E T. Rehfield.'an ex-newsprper 1‘he Advei(urea of laid) Susan, <?. F
C. II. Underwood and wife,
Supervising Engineer E. G. Hop-
son ia in the city for the purpose of stroyed the cook house of Erickson & man of Guthrie, Okla . who for the
Hamilton and wltu, Coroner Earl
ascertaining what the water users of Peterson early Thursday morning past ten years has been connected The Postgirl, Edward Booth.
Whitlock und Chef Howard Dolile)
the Klamath project are going to do that is liable to reach the courts. E. with the Oklahoma Oddfellow mil The Shuttle, Frances II. Burnett,
returned Monday from un extended
about complying with the conditions M. Caln whs employed by this firm of the Okeene Eagle, Is In the city cn Wagner Opera Stories, Grace allrbvr. outing In the Odell Lake country
laid down by the government some contractors tor the purpose of watch­ route to Lakeview. Ore., where lie As a .Man Thlnketh. James Allen.
They lepori u delightful time, am
time ago. He brings the satisfactory ing the steam shovel at night, as well will look the country over In the In- Miss Archer Archer. Cliiru Burnham. say timi country Is curtalnly a «ports
news that the Klamath project has as deaniug and oiling it. He was at teiimts of u number of contract hold- I'he Prophet of the Great Smoky niiin's pm ml Ise They succeeded in
had awarded to It a substantial sum his |K>st that morning when the cook i era in his section who hold contrails
getting eight deer on their trip and
Mountains. Charles II Craddock.
for construction work This appro­ gave the alarm, and claims to have ! from the Oregon Vallej lain.I com Smit' Ilario, Marian Crawford
trout galore, Mini pies of which tlie\
In My Story, Hall Caine.
priation, however, is only tentative, gone at once to lend such assistance ' pan.v for land in Lake count''
brought lionie with them. Euri Whit­
its permanency depending upon what as he could In extinguishing the fire. «peaking of this county. Mr. Itehlie'.d . I'he Refugees, \. Conau Doyle.
lock In speaking of tiiut country Mild
action shall be taken by the landown­ Thursday he was discharged, his em­ , said:
"The country around Lake Odell
| Corinne, Madame De Staci.
ployers claiming that he was negli­
"This section offers far greater in­ Cuiuradoa, Thomas Dixon.
ers under the project.
iia on<- of the most picturesque I wuh
If the water users adopt the report gent in not having discovered the fire ducements to settlers, from what I Natural Luu. Drummond.
1 ever In
The Southern I’nclfic has
Indorsed by the directors of the as­ and on being the last matt to reach l ave seen of it. than Oklahomu ever Euu rson'B Essays.
certainly located In plcturetique rinite
sociation. there will be nothing in the the scene. When he asked for his had to offer. The extensive uien of Ilio Shoulders of Atlas. Mary W. through this section, an from where
way of securing every dollar appro­ time check, which amounted to about your county is a power in itself, mid
the train will piisn the hike n splendid
$53. he was informed that It would, the possibilities are great In this see- rile Trail of the Lonesome Pine, John view of tills body of u uter cun be ob­
priated for this project.
Mr. Hopson is full of enthusiasm not be issued, but that what money ' tlon. owing, to your ’ vast resources
tained. which is about ten mils long
for the pushing of work here. He is was due him would be held as par-1 .As to Klamath Falls, , 1 ani greuily The Biography of a I’rnlrle Girl, by three and a halt wide. The rail­
desirous of seeing the Klamath proj­ tial payment for the loss sustained by Uken with this place, und have no
road will also puss right close to Salt
Elenor Gates.
ect forge ahead as it has never gone the destruction of the building.
doubt but that there is a great fu­ I'he Malefactor, E. Phillips OpiH'll- creek falls, another beautiful sight,
Friday Cain made another request ture In store fur this city. As it has
ahead before, and if he receives the
with its water fulling straight down
encouragement that he has the right ' for his money and was again refused, 'all the necessary attributes, such an Jesus Christ and the Social Q iivh I Ion, for Jot) feet or moro. A b to scenic
to expect, there will be such progress and he then placed the matter in the i water power, timber, location and ag­
beauty, tin- proposed main line
Francis G. Peabody.
made here that it will not be long hands of C. C. Brower for collection, ricultural resources. In one thing Bob Hampton of Placer, R. Parrish through this country will beat the
j Mr. Cain is above the average of the i this city is lacking, though, and that i'he Seats uf the Mighty, Gilbert Sink (you route one thousand fold. «’ UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY
until the project is completed.
Cor. 7th and Main Streits
Mr. Hopson was seen by a repre- workmen usually found around con­ Is civic pride, which doubtless with
it Is ho much more diversified, and
■entative of this paper at the offices struction camps. He came here soiik the adveut of the railroad will come The Second Generation. David firn- yet they get through there on an easy Klamath Fulls .... Oregon
of the reclamation service and in the time ago for the purpose of securing along all right
Your main street ' ham Phillipa.
: employment as a stationary engineer. should be paved and the yards kept Th»’ Circular Staircase. Mary Rob»>rts
course of his remarks said:
IM»\ I U \\I LAND OI I l< I
It was stated by one of the parti
that thl-i wuh the first time for quite
“In a general way, I can say we ■ In this he was disappointed, and ac­ in condition, so it will be presentiibl ■
a period that Klamath Falla parties
have » vwy substantial allottment, cepted employment with Erickson 41 to the great number of tourlsta who A Spinili r in the Sun. Myrtle R«-<’d
which is purely a tentative allott­ Peterson as a matter of necessity. will visit this city each year from now The King of the Golden Civ r, Rus hud visited this region on an outing
Lake Odell Is reported as alive with
ment. It is fixed on a purely tenta­ When he was discharged he was out on. The first impression one gets of
trout of the dolile vnrden variety,
tive basis, with the provision that the of funds and. being a stranger, he a city is generally a lasting one. nud I The Juckline. Opie Re'l l
■nd It is no trick nt all to go out In
Klamath Fulls dues not want tin
various requirements which were re­ finds himself in a rather awkward |>o- with a little work and care this city First Principals. Herbert Spencer.
loiild be made very attractive. One Data of Ethics, Herbert Spencer.
the morning and come back by noon United Htates laud office nt least
cently demanded shall be complied sition.
Reports of this character have from suggestion I would like to make Is '.'udd'nhead Wilson, Mark Twain.
with sixty of the speckled boautles. that Is the dictum of President Del
with. If those demands are not com­
to time reached the city from the sprinkling of your roads with a What All the World's a-Seeklng, 11. Deer also abound In the forest there sell und Dirci tors Martin mid Imlbecr
plied with the allottments will be
At this time of the year still hunting of tlie chamber of Conimeli e The»,
utilized at some other place. Other the camps of Erickson & Peterson. cheap grade of California crude oil
W. Irvine.
projects have been cut down to prac­ If such practices are in vogue the em­ to alia.' the dust, which would im­ The Silent Places, Stewart E White. has to Li- resorted to. On account of meeting of the directors of the organ
the drynet-i In the timber tl.e crack irutloii held Thursday uight The mat
tically a maintenance and operation ployee is practically helpless, for if prove beyond description their prea- ! i Th»? Riverman. Stewart E. White
ling of the twigs In walking scares gnnlratlon hold last night. The mat
Klngsinead. Bettltia Von Hutton
basis, among which is the great Yuma he brings suit he has to give bonds etit dusty condition."
In speaking of the Otegon A’allev The Ruling Passion. Henry Van Dyke. the game ii»«'
Lake Odell is about ter of securing the removal ot the of
project in California, so I think the for the costs, which the majority of
130 miles northeast of here, and ficc to this city was brought up, and
Klamath project is very ^’■•unate tn construction workers are unable to laitid company's contracts held by Th»- Blue Flower, Henry Van Dyke.
being able to secure a considerable do. It is a matter that will be people in his section, he stated: The Chaperon. C. N und A. M Wil­ the best route is via Fort Klamnth, the secretary was Instructed to In­
"There are about 1 1,00 (200-cen-
theme to lleavcr Marsh, thence to form Doctor Daly of Lakeview that
share of the funds. The purpose of brought to the attention of the dis­
Crescent I formerly Odell) mid from the Chamber of Commerce did not
my visit here is to make inquiry as to trict attorney as soon as he returns tracts ot the Oregon Valley lamd The Virginian, Ow.»n Wister
Crescent to the lake it is about 1x propose to take liny hand In the ef
what has been done by the Water from his vacation, and it will be pre­ company held by people In Oklahoma, 1 lie Big Fellow. Frederick Palmer
There are Ideal camping fort that was being made to bring
Users' association in signing up the sented to the grand jury for investi­ Kansas and Nebraska, and it is my The Chippendale«. Robert Grant.
places near the lake, ns the timber th« land office to thia city; that it pre-
marsh lands and the bylaws of the as­ gation at its adjourned meeting next Intention to proceed to Lake county The Royal End Henry Harland
and look that section over. This com­ rhe Whole Family, by twelve authors. entirely surrounds It. and tourists ferrisi the good will and the trade of
sociation. There are a number of month.
Steps have been taken to secure pany has made some very glowing in- Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In two going there should also take in Halt that town to any benefits that might
matters which I have to attend to in
creek falls, which Is 7
miles west accrue to this community from the Io-
volumes, by Lafcadlo Hearn
this office the next day or two, and ! for .Mr. Cain employment to enable duceuients to prospective settlers
It 1« about cation of the office here.
after that I am expecting to visit
when he will appear in person and see tor myself just what the condi­
n three-clays* drive from Klamnth
Them- may not lie the exact words
Clear lake, Tule lake and Merrill.
that will be used In the letter to
"Mr. Scofield, in charge of the bu­ ask the aid and protection of this in­ tions are over there and make a re­ "54-40. or Fight." Emerson Hough. Fails to this place.
port on the same to Interested pa'tii-». The law of Psychic Phenomena.
reau of plant industry for the Agri­ quisitorial body.
Doctor Daly, but it la In «ubatami
One thing struck me as peculiar, i Thomas Jay Hudson.
dose that Is handed out to the
cultural Department, has been exam­
uh vr Tin; mois are doing
|H-ople of this county by an organisa­
ining the marsh lands at the experi­ STEEL ARRANtil.NG IIALLINGER though, was that In none ot their llt- The Law of Mental Medicine, Thomas
j erature Is there any mention what-] Jay Hudson.
mental farm near Ady. He has ex­
The stegmer Hooligan last week tion that they mo supporting and
I ever of Klamath Falls or Klamath New Creations In Plant Life, W. 9. brought to Long Lake mill 100,000 from which they have reason to ex­
perienced considerable surprise at the
' Harwood.
large amount ot salts found in the Goes to Seattle on Request of Sec­ county."
fpKt of logs from Crystal and 50.000 pect better treatment. Lakeview I»
retary for Conference Kegnrding
Mr. Rehfield had the distinction of i Lewis Rand, Mary Johnston.
marsh lands, the salts being mostly
from Rattlesnake. We understand coming here to trad* not bei ause it I»
Visit to Crater laike
being the last man who was admits*.I The Passing of Thomas and other ■lie li now making her way from actuated by motives of philanthrope
carbonates, or so-called “black al- '
to the bar tn the Territory of Okla­
stories, Thoma« A. Janvier.
but because it can do better In Klam­
kali." The existence of these salts
Crystal with .loo.ouo f«et more.
Falls than anywhere else. Its
are likely to be a very serious men-: • Will G. Steel passed through Med­ homa.
The .Music Master, Charles Klein.
ace to the successful cultivation of ford Wednesday evening en route to
propeller early last week and later trade will remain just as long as Its
i Uncle William, Jannette Lee.
the marsh lands, unless the most ; Seattle from Crater lake, being called
broke the starboard wheel, neomslta- people can better themselves here,
I Madame Butterdy, John L. Long.
careful precautions are observed in there by a communication from Sec-
tlng two new wheels. Stic Is iixiiln and no longer.
i on her run. In better shape than b«> '
thé reclamation work. By careless I retary Ballinger requesting a con­ Judge Benson Declines to lh- a Can* , Emmy Lou, Geo. M. Martin.
. In Viking Land, AV. 8. Munroe.
diilate Because Family Is Rep-
hr ndling, large bodies of these lands ference to arrange for the cabinet :
fore, as both wheels are of tlie latest
Essays on Literary interpretations, pattern Hpccd wheels.
« _>uld be readily ruined. It will be official's visit to Medford, Crater lake
rvsented on the Slate.
Five lots, xl«n.ly location, 11600
Hamilton W. Mabie.
ecessary to so arrange the works and Klamath Falls. Mr. Steel will
During the past week the «tramer Can loan 1750 cn th« deal,
Already the hum of the political The Day of the Dog, Oeo. Barr Mc­ Wlnenia brought lOU.OOO feet of lum-1
that a continuous definite passage of also attend a reunion of the Steel
A nlco cottage with bath, iarg*
water shall be provided. The Agri- 1 family to be held August 22d at the i bee is in the air and candidates for
her from Odessa to th«* California box lot, (1700. A good buy.
I the various State offices are very Practical Electricity.
cultural Department is*planning to a Exposition grounds.
A large residence/fit • lot. |XMin
Additional accommodations in the; ' modestly
suggestions— Ilubiyat of Omar Kayyam.
considerable extent facts and experi­
The steamer Hornet In the last two
Three cottages on three lota. Roon.
ments to determine the cheapest and line of tents and bedding have been through their friends. Several well- Good Btorles from the Ladles' Home trips has brought about 75 tons of tncugu for another cottage; (1150.
most effective way of handling this received at both Steel's camp and j known men have their wires working
sand from Modoc Point, consigned to
Prospect, and there is no difficulty In , in this community and frequent rn«-n- i A book of toasts.
extremely difficult problem.
builders In town
j tion is being made of Dr. Withy- i Plutarch's Lives In three volumes.
“It was reported a few weeks ago securing ample accommodations.
The Hti-atiKT Eagle left Monday for
At the meeting of the Commercial combe of the Agricultural College of Encyclopedia of quotations.
that the senate committee had aban­
her work on the tipper end of the
doned their proposed trip to the club held Wednesday evening the Corvallis, Mr. Bailey of the Dairy ¡ Common sense dictionary.
Parties wishing sagebrush Ian 4
lake. Part of the work will be the
Klamath project, but I have heard president was instructed to appoint and Food Commission and Judge History and Government of theUnltcd moving of about 1,000 cords of wood clear«». call on or writ«,
nothing officially to that effect, so am committees on reception and enter- Dimmlck of Oregon City. It is also I States, in six volumes.
from Crystal to Modoc and other
hoping they will be able to come out ' tainment of the Ballinger party at rumored that the Democrats may Gibbon's History of Rome, In five points.
Klamath Falls, Or«
have a candidate for gubernator'al
here some time in September. I am Medford.—Medford Tribune.
Juvenile Stories.
honors from this section In uo lew
also hoping that the Secretary of the
E. W. Van Antwerp of Glene wut*
C. II Daggett returned .Mondai
AND ROOSEVELT NOT a person than Dr. Daly of Lakeview, Jo's Boys, L. M. Alcott.
Interior will be able to visit this
In town Tuesday.
evening from Rocky Point.
who, by the way, would be no sine- i.ittle Men, L. M. Alcott.
project about that time. I visited
cure in a game of this kind. He l<as Little Women, L. M. Alcott.
the Umatilla project with him and
A professor at a well known engi­ hosts of friends all over the State, Rose in Bloom, L. M. Alcott.
he then stated that after attending
the irrigation congres« at Spokane he neering college says that but for oc­ and if the ten thousand new settlers Under the Lilacs, L. M. Alcott.
was planning to visit the Yakima casional innovations In the applica­ in Lake county materialize through Eight CoiiHins, L, M. Alcott.
country in Washington and thereafter tion of learning, such as the follow­ the efforts of the Oregon Valley Land Old-Fashioned Girl, L. M. Alcott.
would probably return to Portland ing, he would find it hard to judge company, who can tell what may Jack and Jill. L. M. Alcott.
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, Frank
and visit the Klamath, Orland and the extent of his usefulness.
Ashland, Oregon
This question was asked upon an
Judge Henry L. Benson says he is
possible other southern projects dur­
ing September. It is oossible also examination paper: "What steps out of the running, for he has his The Enchanted Island of Yew, Frank
that A. P. Davis, chief engineer of the would you take in determining the hands full of business here, and then,
Shorthand and English are taught here In such a manner that,
reclamation service, will visit this height of a building, UBing an aneroid again, his brother, Frank, will doubt­ Tlie Aenid, for boys and girla, A. J.
our students win success.
project at about the same time.
jess be a candidate for re-election as
Modern furnishings, thorough course of training, practl-
The answer was: "I would lower Secretary of State. It is up to Klam­ The Four Corners at Schoo), Blandi­
“With reference to the establish­
cal Instructors, Individual instruction, and healthful location.
ment of a land office branch at Klam­ the barometer by a string and meas­ ath county to produce a candidate
give our students a decided advantage.
for this high honor. It Is on the I The Four Corners In California,
ath Falls, I think something of the ure tile string."
map now since the advent of the rail­
kind would be excellent. It is nec­
information may be had for the asklng.
road. If it should happen that a Giris Who Became Famous, 8. K.
essary, with the great amount of bus­ I
Republican from this section who
iness in connection with the Klamath
Story of Sir Walter Raleigh,
project to be transacted through the
¡and office, and needless considerable urday for their home in Los An- tanglements should receive the nom­ The Story of David Livingstone,
expense is Incurred by the settlers In geles. They have been here for the ination ft would do more to reunite The Story of Stanley.
having to transact the ordinary rou­ past few weeks visiting friends and the Republican party In Oregon than Five Little Peppers, how they grow,
M. Sidney.
tine of business with so distant an of­ relatives. Mr. Oakley is president of could be accomplished In half a dozen
Five Little Peppers, midway, M. Sid­
fice, If a branch of the land office the Imperial Investment company, political conventions.
could be established at Klamath Falls His visit here had the effect of in-
Five Little Peppers, grown up, M.
or if some government official at creasing his interest in the Klamath
L. II. Hoy, the Silver Lake sheep­
Klamath Falls could be empowered to country, and he stated before leav- man, arrived in the city the other
transact the land business here, there Ing that It would not be unllkely that day with 12,000 pounds wool, which Five Little Peppers, abroad, M. Sid-
is no question as to the saving of his company would make some sub­ will complete his shipments for this
Camping Out, C. A. Stephens.
time and money that would be ef­ stantial Investments in this county.
year. He will return with a load of
fected. This matter is, of course,
sugar and salt for the Silver Lake Tip Lewis, Pansy,
The Rifle Rangers, Mayne Reid.
purely within the jurisdiction of the
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r
The Scalp Hunters, Mayne Reid.
land office, but I believe the question
Alex Martin Sr. and his son, George
is ripe for presentation to the Sec­ Martin, and family of Berlin, <l*r-
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Klrendall re­
Modern improvements.
78 rooms anti suites, £
retary of the Inferior for his consid­ many, arrived in thin city Saturday. turned Monday from the huckleberry The Boy Hunters, Mayne Reid.
The Desert Home, Mayne Reid.
Parlors, Two Club
Mr. Martin is an Oregon boy, having berry patch, where they have been I The Lone Ranch, Mayne Reid.
been born in Jackson county, and the picking berries and hunting for the
C. DetrfCkssen of Tule Lake was fact that he has the patronage of roy­ past month. Mr. Kirkendall killed I
In the city Tuesday. He will leave alty in that country speaks well for two black bear and Is proudly ex- , Geo. Alger, the rancher, was In the
his higli ability as a dentist.
city Tuesday,
hlbltlng the hides.
shortly for San Diego county.
mitte«- (adorned by the Director»,
l*n>Ject Will Get the Money.
Slow in Re«|H>n<ling mid Holds
III» l*H) in Consrqueiice.
know If All Oregon Valley Ialini
t'oiiqiaiiy Maid Is True.
Ashland Commercial College
Lakeside Inn,