Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 26, 1909, Image 5

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A SfitAKt S i U k Y.
fhs Yarn That Was Spun by a Trav­
eler In Australia.
What Would Happen if a Dead Sun
Invaded Our Solar Byitern.
Tharvfors Hs U«s«nt«d the Woman's
Att?mp‘. • at Familiarity.
Early In thr m - iimoii of l&5d*7,
said J M Biirion. Hit* « eterno actor,
«le were III l*i-l«-r*bui'u. Vii., ut old
I'I kx - u I i hull
i'll«- Iniallieaa wax su< It
thin nightly long runa of nil«- gre«u
•rm» i-oilld I m - » i *' u from tin* ntuge
III llumi- good old times III«- utility
|i«*o|di* did not get more Hum F.'isi u
Week I In* h-mllug |»«*ople riselleii dm-
Lillà o|i Ho- lieti gtuxj h««U««-. We li.nl
>1 tll>- Utility contingent n t ie llilined
M immi , nml n l-rl «ht M« mmi h«- w.-ia, but
In- wns so Ins.« hl* shadow would ioli
foll-iw him
lie wna often fat«'
•tur wna t'luirh-* l'ouido- k mui Ilios«*
uh] limerà who can yet all up on au
even keel may ri-iiieiiilH-r that I!. G
i-otlld «io « usa P«H-ir> lu four colora
w|i>-n rihai, ••«••li If II were imt in
III* coiitrm l.
IV •• were relienrxlng "The Willow
f'opHe," nml M im H i ' s •lie carni-. but no
Mooli a horn- up
Ills «-Mil boy xinriftl
with n ahoul. "Mr M immi !"
The prompter culled. Mr M immi !"
Thr«-«- I tea nwuy tip .luge Jolmxl In.
"Mr Moon, ibi* la you; »tilg«- Ih Willb
No M immi
t'otlld'M'k began lo pa«-«* from for
im-titer d«M«r« to I,. 1 E
No M« miu .
I luully
“Where 1« ihnt M«a>n Hint «illllty
idl«>t? Always late ami doesn't know
hla cu«*a w hen In- lieiir* them "
No M< mhi yet Il iip|x'iir«-d that 'Ila
l retta M immi luid preaciited the old lumi
w It II n fine daughter a new M immi
The fu I Iler M immi went «nit to i-ele-
brute Willi I I k - laiya niid filter on w it »
«« heelbarrowed Imme it full M immi —
New York Tel ••gin | ili
Ail Australian iruieler saya that he
nils on«- day walking In Hie till« k
scrub, coltaci Ing apt* Imeiis. w hen he
-mm- u | mhi a lurge light brown snake,
a «P«* !«■* <>r python, collcil upon the
Hi- wns lo fur the finest one lie had
ev«-r x« «-ti ut huge, lie wns probably
tell nr twelve feet long mid ns tlil«-k
us ii tun Il's leg nt the kli«-«*.
||<- h>«-k«'d Miiingi- enough to devour a
lumi, ned nt tirai the «-oil«*« tor felt hulf
Im limai to run nwuy.
Il«- r«* o« «-red hliioelf. how«•« er. and
wax oil the |io|nt of shooting lilt* xer
pi-m with n < h irge of «lust xll.lt ill
order to carry home his skin when It
ih « urri'd Io I i I iii that |.«> would l«e
worth five Him-« nx mm n If lie were
taken nil««-.
“I limi." he snys. "a leather strap
with ii buckle In my game bug, ami
with Ilila I dcteriiilmxl to tuxme the
"I started toward him. but when I
«■unie near he partly itti« oiled. <>fM*m*d
hla inouïh « cry wide. Iheri-by dlw-hxt
Itig hl* ahurp teeth, mid. hissing xfrfte-
fuily. struck ut me
I ib dui'il iM-hlnd
n »mull tree and. lemilng out nx fur
nx I dnr«-d. tried several times to
noos«' I i I iii
"After I had t«-;i*««| him for some
lime he suddi-tily started off at full
a|M*-d. I caught my gun mid by dint
of hnrd running through Hie thick
s4-rub rumini:« «I Io li<>nd him off. IH-
coihsl. nml again I trbsl the m*►»•■. but
he put Ills h«si<l under III* colls In n
very sulky iminm-r I rt*nclM*d out from
my shelter Ix-lilnd n tr«-«* nml «-aught
I i I iii by the tall, but he pulh-d nwny
with great fobce nml glhled off again.
“This time li«* f'M'k refuge tinder a
fallen tree nml ix-L-re I «•«•ulti li.-a«l
him off ««nx gliding down the hole of
Mime wild nnlmnl.
"1 reached the x|M«t just uh the Inst
two «ir thr«*v f«*et of Illa lx«ly were
disappearing, nml seizing Ida tall with
both hand*. I liutm on des|«crntely.
I With my L-i t l«rn>-< «I ng-iltixl a limb
of Hie tr«*- I pulhxl till tin- tail era« kixl
nml snapped n* If It would break n*un-
Kometlim-x lit* pulhd im* to with­
i 1er
in n few In« la*» of ih<* hoi«*, nml then
I w«-u'd bran- t-iyoi-lf agxliixt the limb
nml drag Idin halfway ■ nt.
“At ln*t I gr«-w so tirisi Hint I had
to let go my hold, nml with many re­
gret* I saw Hie l.i-t few Inch«** of the
tall disappear Ixun-ath th«- earth "
It 1s |M>i«,li>le though It Is not prov­
ed. that stars ig.iy sometimes ap­
proach om- um.tlM-r nml «-ven "leap
mildly from tln-lr apb<-r«-a.''
would happen wen- an unknown star
or n dead null to I iihk I i - our nuhtrsys-
l••Ul';" n»ka n wilier In lhe Loudon II-
lu*tt'ii«<-d News, wlro’ answer« his que­
ry in two way«. In tin- firxl p'u e, the
star might rush straight Into the sun
ami by Hie bent of th«- oilllslon re­
dm«- Hie sun mid all its pfriiets to a
ni-lnil' ti* imixa ««lllioiii form or struc­
ture. But It I* mor«- iii.itht-muH«-a ny
prebulih* that just a* comet* i«pprou«*b,
circie ami re- ed«- from tin* suu. ««o the
starry Invader of our system would
approach our xystem and ri* <-de froiu
It. Iinvlng allrrtxl It Ix-yoml ris-ogrii-
But wlmt would lx- Its eff«-ct ti[H>n
our sun? The sun us we know It
tixl.iy I* expltmlvely ••lusti«-.
tongue* of flufm- w hh It w ould <-on-
suiue n little plaint like ours at a
mouthful •-ontlnunlly leap from It
with -|> im -<|> of «everai hundred inll«-a
ii M«-«-oml.
Till* on -rmoit* explosive
force I* rc*lrnlm*l only by the greater
force of the sitiTs gravity. But If an
appro.-«« hliig star a* great a* the sun
cam«- within striking dlstam-e of It
then along tin- line joining lhe two
I mx II i - m . each would I,-gin to pull Hie
other, n* today the im*>n pull* up the
earth's w eans.
The mighty pull of Hu- Rivalling star
would neitfr.'illze the xun'a gravity In
one direction, and the sun would. In a
sense, evpl-tle
Out from our nm-es-
tral sun ami from opjMHdte «Ides of
It would fly two great lengthening
arm* of matter, reaching fur Ix-yond
the furthest planet.
A* the star
piismal. Its moi iiig max* would give a
further twlxt to the sun nml would
«mil th«- arms of matter Into the ahafx*
of a great double spiral. Form nml
motion wrnild thus I m - liiqiarted to the
nebula Hili* i rented, ami frem the
solar system thus extinguished Iti ca
ta*tro|die a new xun. with pfam-ts con­
densing from the liimpx and inequali­
ties In th«- proj«*cting arms, would
He wax riding homeward, comforta­
bly seated ami reading bl* paper. Be­
ing a trifle neiir*lght«-d. he was apply­
ing hliii*i-lf ei eu more «-lowly to hl* pa-
|x*r H iiiii oilier hoiiiegoing passengers
Thu* Inieul In tlx- day's news, he wax
startled when n woman «-alite up be­
side film and touched him lightly on
tile shouhler. ut lhe same lluie casting
a l-Higliig eye on his seat.
il»- 1« a polite man. ami be got up
"A woman with that much nerve I*
entltle<l to a sent." he muttered to
"The Idea of n woman de-
lllx-rutely limiting a man out of hl*
Other women otatidlng near
by laughed unreoervedly
He hid hlx
emtiarr.ixxiiieiit Ix-lilnd hl* paeper. for
In* felt that his g«»xl nature had Ix-en
Impoxtd u|x>i> and lb.it the laugh wus
on Idm
By and by there wn« a vacant «eat
next Io lhe «me lie fan«! given lip to
Hie woman, and tie sat down once
more The woman turu«-d and l<»>k«-d
at him ainute«!ly
He could feel her
gaze, even though h<- made a bluff at
being Intrnoely Interested lt> til* pu|x*r
Pretty raw It »eemed to I i I iii . for a
woman deliberately to take the »ent
of a total stranger nml then sit there
ami laugh nt him because lie wax xueb
a mark
Then the woman s(M>ke to tllrn.
“Aren't you going to talk to me?" she I
He couhj aland her f.imliiarlty no
longer. "Well, of nil the"- lie atop-
|x-d right there when lie |<s>ke«J a round
nml recognized her It was bls wife!-
Cleveland la*ader.
A H«bit Which Strengthen« ths c»
hstivs Unit* of ths Nailon.
Le»- Ila,a half tile member* of I hr
Filili «I htm«*» armile nml I ioii - i - of rep
n-M’iiiitihea nr»- militi- born In the
•miles w III« li they repl iselil
•mild mon- i teiiily »how iln- xl«rl at-
tli Illes of tin- A iiu-ii an people and
(lint ixih-tniii Hiii-t mingling of the in
tai lilla li I x nl Hit- sei et ili «tales wlihlt
mid* an mii< li lo Un- i-nlieaivr unity id
tile millón
lhe boy w Im go«*a In n
dl-tillit »lull- often m i oiupll-liex tlinre
Hlilli lhe one w Im uim - s straight nil In
Hie fiMilprlida of hl* fill her III the
imme tilla, i-
I t en Ihmiel U i-li*lrr
•tn* ma I m - hi la Hie nid II i.v Flair,
w h>>*i- I iii I iii - ih e anil dignity In- *■■ tn-li
«II*tillilial mid W Ilnar pc-pll- inouriie-l
I i I iii an Hltnrri-ly wlu-u III* gii-ul lile
• limed.
Till* wmideilng from alate lo alate
lui* rraulttxl In I lie i-rgmilzllig In New
lurk rlly of imiti) abile xta-IrHea
tt lili-li lililí In gnllii-r to .i-llu-t Ihe mi
tile* iif Ihi-lr re«|>r« tin* abile* mi
liiliilli tn rei lie tin- pli-ii-mil liiei-mrlra
of the old home iliii*. wliti Un ir limn
of ths Thsator
Earlisr Days.
ay a* a Teachar With
■ a Pupils.
Speed Manifested More In the Mottone
Than in the Results.
•'Biirlx-r*.' remarked Hie muti with
Hie allori Im Ir 'ate Isiru unable In
Ju»t you go lull* a »Imp, «< l
«lid the other dny. wanting a tnilr >ui.
nod ask I be luit ber how Im-g II will
ile lobi tin- 'tlh. sismi twenty
mlnuiex!* mid I mid tn go ahead
"That bnrlM-r honestly believed he
wna hurrying bui he muldll'l lente
otti limar Dille aulpalilpa alanti tin-
buck of the Urik they are all NO fem"
of dolila, limi hr had lovtll til«- le.ilr ax
If he were ■ til*elliig priceless marble
Whi'il It gol to l>r al-'Ut hulf an lioiil
I xni<| to him. 'You’re n pretty luid
judge of Huie, aren't yottT Hr i-iiitie
lue k with Mitiirililng alami not want
Ing tu tutu otti n |MMir job
"I've known II Io linpfH-n often In
tiir ease of abating
When you Irli n
barber 1« hurry lie daatiea around on
the tiled flimr at Imminent rl*k of full
Ing amt he Mplnxbea the hit ber luto
your ryes ami your mouth, Ipit i I m * faci
rema Ina that he takes n« iiiuv I i lime
ns u » uj I to ruli ihe lather Into your
face mid ns much time Io xtbtte you
"1 la-gin to believe there la some
nori of rule regarding lime Hull all
barls-ra observe. Iie>-aune I luite tlnnxl
them lime I naked a bnrlx-r lo hurry
abat ing uh *, and he had all lhe motions,
bui look up jUal ax mil' ll lime ax
when he uriti along ul 111* usual gall
"I Imagine lliry Ix-lli-te llie < ustonicr
will lx* Mtlafivd with lhe uiqiearatice
of speed, nod iliat a the reason they
run around «> and breathe heavily as
if wladed w heir elm aging front our
aide of lhe « hair Io the other." — New
York Suu.
Engraved Geme of the Ancients.
Engraved genia arc among the moat
Intereallng objects of art Inherited by
ita from the anclentM
Though many
of Hie cameos mid Inliiglkia were eu
gravisi on previous «times over 2.0HII
yeurx ago. they urv still as clear mid
fine as If they were cut yesterday
The designs •-ugnivnl on these stone*
Indicate timi the obi Greek* mid Ro­
mans regnrd«xl them as charin* against
• accident or mlsLirtune.
This suix-r-
stltlon generally i<x>k the form of a
fondness for r«-pr«-*<-titmlon of cvrtaln
animal*. Fnllors uff*et«d the dol|ihln
iMx-aiixe It was licllcved Io lx- Hie marl
tier's friend. Women, xo fur as tlxlies
were nmcerned. preferred Hu- n-pre
Mentation of th«' prolific aringa of th«'
Adriatic, which was u symbol of fruit
fitltx'sx I mh ihih «- of the great iiuinlier
of Ils egga The nut wax worn as mi
emblem of Industry. liy the frog wns
Illdlcatisl tile Ideil of resurrect Imi. be
cause that Intercalili g I mi trachino re
news Its yoiii h each spring l-y xb--«l
•Hug Its old akin. ■
Partaining to Fish.
nil n LI*Zt rtnpaody
After a few motílenla
way you played this
ibis.' he would answer:
Hilgers tom h the keys you
the piece mentally Hint
bale H«-ttled In your mind
Sweets Are Orest Osby Savers.
Largest Roo-n In ths Houss and Has
Dsd In ths Corner.
Holland. <>f nil countries. 1« n me mo­
rial to the un« «Nixing labor of tilan*.
linnds. It exist» not I mmhii *«- the sen,
hlgh«-r Hinn It* gr«*-n stret«-b«-s. xuffrrs
It to. but l*-> iiii - m - mail by th«- lal»>r of
hl* hands and of hl* brain linx kept
th«* water l«n< k
Tlx- Dutch |x*>ple
ba vc not only ennied their In ml they
have made It.
“When him- they found Him* to do
, It nil?" yon ii»k yourself
But you are
J to know more <«f th«- work w hich In
Hollniid never cense«.
Of lhe work
i w lil-'li g<**H <-ii w ithin tho»«- Ii»u*<*n you
' know- nothing until nt Delft you make
i your first nequalutamc with a Dutch
! kitchen.
The kitchen 1« properly a Inrg«- room
! ns compared with the other ns>ma In
' Hi«* boil»«*, for It lx the gntherlng place
■ nt nil time* f(>r th«- family. The table
1 1« round and staiidx not quite In the
< «-tiler of the riMHu. but so that the
nilslresN. sitting nt one side, enu reach
li«-r liiitnl out to tl-e atove without ris­
In one tainier of the kitchen lx such
a I mm I as you have never t»een lM-fore
Th«' xtlflly stari li«-«l white muslin cur-
t n I ns uiiikc It liM>k like a bllml window.
, but the grandson pull» lhe curtains
I Itack. nml In the r«*e«s form«*d by the
• doael on on«' »hl«- mid the «-orner of
I the r<M>ni on Hie other you ace the
' place where your hoxles* Bleep*. There
[ nr«- a high feather 1**1 ami many cover-
The young uiix|M>||cd human animai
has a liking for sugar Ju*t a* Il lina
for sunlight, for frexh alr, for play.
for paddling Iti thè surf ami pliluglng
Iti thè Htrviim or for L mm I w hen It lx
hlingry and al«*ep w heu It lx tln-d
and. xtlbje«-l. of «-our*«', lo reu sonn ble
limitili lolla, a* w lideaome ns nuy of
ih«- ottieni Thl* I* pnx-laely wliat our
a|H«'|allatx Iti chllilreii'a d|s«-ns«-H ami
bromi mlmlrd Limlly pliysh-lana bave
I m ' i 'I i urglng for d<* nde* pu*t. and II
Woiild l>e xaf>* lo xu.i lliat, liext to Ilio
buiilxiiuieiit of star« by Lxxls. grnelx
limi papa from thè titirxcry and thè
ailbstltutlon of pure, sweet milk, few
tlilug* li ni- «Ione more lo iucrca««* thè I Inga.
Tile stove tx a brick one. set in a
vigor ami liappln«*** of tmxlerii etili
dren nini to «ut dow n oitr dlxgriiceful d«*cp old flri'plu«-«'. Tli«' <ild mantel Is
pll«*! with Iraax vrasela. which tin*
Infuni mortuilty tinnì ili«- fr«-e ami In
lelllgeut u*e In thè nursery of aweci old woman uses nx though they were
common Hu. tin one side Is a china
frulla, prese«-««•a. sugar tuff» nu«l Imi
statu«- of the Virgin. On tin- other side
terxeotctl Wixxla lini- illusoti in S ii «-
tinder n gins* c I o I m - I s n waxen statue
cesa Mngnzlne.
of tiiieen W’llhelmlnn In her n«filing
gown. Neu Idea Magazine.
Date Cako With Cofia« Icing,
One half clip of blitter creamed,
Ths Oldest.
one mid one third < up of brown sugar
Three old spoit* were chatting after
added .Hid bcm together, two egg* well
beaten. «Mie-half t«-a-p«x>ntnl «-Inmimon. a copious dinner, when «»lie of them
one half trii*|HM«iiftil nittnii-g. nm- and said. "I bet
my urniie I* tli«1 oldest."
Th«' bet wax Imtm'dlalely accepted,
one half tea*|>ooiitiil* bilking |Miwder
one Imlf cup-wvet milk, one mid lliri««- ami Im priHluei-'l hl* card, rending "Mr
quarter «-up* sifted flour Hire«- «|U:tr- Alx-I."
"Oh. dear M!" mild lile xix-otid. allow-
ter i up ilates «tones renioied.
t ilt
tip tine mill reserve n little of the flonr Ing Ids card. “I am Mr. Aduni."
"Min«' Is th«' l«-t." t-rpllcd the other,
to shake m er I hem
I'lxg Two ti I ilespooi! fills strong
producing Ids curd, mid I hey could
strained coffee and the «mm- quantity rend "Mr. II Ginning" printed on it.
Judge's Library.
of lhe while of mi egg stirred together
Thicken with |xiwdered augur until
stiff enough Io apreiul All« iv lhe cake
A Bright Boy.
to cool before It I* leed Boston Post.
"Now. Tommy." said th«' tencher,
“you tuny give me mi example of coin­
Gstting Down to Facta.
“1 love you."
“Why er." said Tommy with some
"I’««- hoard that lieforr."
hrxltiillon "why er why m«> fodder
“1 worship ynii madly."
mid me mmlder wn* I mi II i married on
••|.<"ix«- talk "
d<» sanie dny.” Hm-por'x Weekly.
"I cu.-iiiot Hi«' witlunit your love.
"G«-t some il«-«« stuff"
Shrewd Girl.
"Will you marry me?"
Ella - Belin lx mi economical girl.
"Well. now. there’s some «-limit
Stella There Is no doubt about that
thit" liidimnipoll« News
She la etigmrrd to n < lergyimtn. nml
r.lcxslngx mi th«-«*, little man! (Jo
n-tlxlilng when you « nu Never mind lhe
teacher’s rule not to run away from
•< heol Tnk«' your hall and alder pol«'
mid Ihrll limit III«' «leepe«t tlole where
tile «vary triilltlets bi le by the cmivoli
xtr<-ainlet's «Ide
You'll get ll<ki-d nt
home, of «our*«', and you'll suffer grvnt
remorse, but w lien dndily bin ' s your
•trlng lie'll gnxp mid any. •Ry JI ng!"
And til« rod and reel lie'll anatch nud
start out to make ii «nteli when your
jin l:el In* doth imi
Blessing* on you,
little man! Lox Aligelea Exprcsx.
Coed Advice.
ni." salii tin- boss, “come
He !ip|irone|icd
ve iiinde a mistake Lir­
Just a Hint,
ón to the next job. Don't
Mr Rinviate Is that dock right?
I nil day lidding a lot of
Mhs he Pink twcnrüyi I think II
•lies." Louisville Courier
It's been two or
must ms'll cleaning
thr«*' hours going that last hour New
There never wns a dny Hint did n d York Journal
bring It* own opportunity for doing
Iluw many times n day do you mm
good Hint never eoul l have been done
meniti How imiti,v times duriti!.’ n dm
befere mid never can I* again.- W. II
do you find fault? At hlsoti Giulie.
ho snys that she asked him
couldn’t perf< rm the marriage
mony mid save tho wedding fis1.
York Pres*
if he
a Success.
Wife of the I'rofesser Charles. here
lx n telegram n n explosion In your
laboratory mid the place wrecked
Professor - Thank goodness!
Him ex|M*rlmeiit was n xui-eexa. nfter
all - New York Journal.
Wars the Beginnings
Modern Restaurant.
;>m<» CrlMler-siiiu Huil-iiue
E. L
Fhoae 7M
Oeneral Igiw Practice State and Fed­
eral Courts
Examiner of f-and Titles.
First National Bank Block
Noth-« is hereby giren that F P.
Ci Miemlller, administrator of ihe •?-
'ate of Daniel
oiemiller, dec. .«M*d
has filed his Ltiai account of ie «- I-
minlstratlon of said exate with the
clerk of the county court of Klamath
ouct; , Oregon, and that said court
la* appointed 1«) o'clock, a. m. of
Friday. 8 ptember 3d. 1909, as tho
time for hearing of objections to such
final account and the settlement
thereof. Thi» notice is publish«-d by
order of said county court entered
August 2d. 1909.
F P.CRONEMILER,Administrator.
J. C. Rutenic. attorney for Adminis­
In primitive timrx the only places
in London w here the public could be i In the Circuit Court of the State of
entertained with f«*-d Imd tx-en the
Oregon for the County of Klamath.
cooks' xhop* The famou* East Cheap
American Bank and Trust Cum-
wax a great thoroughfare, down which ■ puny, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. E
the stalls of the butchers alternated
B. Burwell, defendant.
with those of the c<M>ks
You cbot>e a
Suit in Equity to Foreclose a Mort-
Joint at the t1«*xh market, and you car
tied it next d«M«r to be c«x»k«-d for ' gage.
you by a certaiu hour, if you w ished
NOTICE 13 hereby given that by
for wine, you must bring that with
virtue of an execution and order ot
you. for the cwkn sold no liquor, al­
Th. Shifting Sands and Point of This
■ sale duly issued out of the a'.ove
though they seem to have provided, as
Ivolatad Place.
time went on. more and more of the ’ named court and cause on the 12 th
Tber«- are few names more w idei y natural accompniilmcnts of meat, such ! day of July, 1909, upon a decree
known In the Fulled Simes or locali­
' made and entered for record in said
as bread, vegetables and pastry.
ties about wlil li a greater ignorance
This habit continued uutil well Into court in said suit on the 10th dav of
prevail* than Gape Hatteras. Situated the reign of Elizabeth, and so long
, July, 1909, In favor ot the abov j
ax it I* :«t t!ie angle Where the long as such an Inconvenient custom pre­
strip of sand Ix-acli from Fu|ie Henry vailed there could have tx-en no rea 1 | named plaintiff, directing the sale of
south turns at a tight angle to the comfort for any citizen who chose to the premises herein described, to sat-
i isty the sum of $2,190.70, and $33.50
westward, with th«- widest part of dine abroad.
He must have bad as I
I'nmlleo sound between it an<1 the much trouble wiib porterage and bas­ . costs and
disbursements, and the
nuilultiiKl and with the beach I mi B i kets as a country party has today at | further sum of $200 attorney's fees,
west mid mirth cut Into several Islamlx a picnic.
But about the time that maxing a total of $2,424.20, with in-
by Inlet* fr«-m ** und to ocean, its |x«- Siiukest-care came up to London a
• crest on said sum from the day of
altloli I* laolntixi. No means of trans- remarkable change took place in the
rendition of said decree, and ac­
portation exist along Hie t«ea«-h. and custom.« of the town, and the practice
with the nearest railway station from of public hospitality and entertain­ cruing costs.
Now, therefore, in view ot said ex­
which il regular trtinx|M>rtntion route ment was singularly facilitated.
and in compliance with same,
Is (qierated nearly a hundred miles
The nature of this < limige lay in the
away It I* an easier place to talk i sudden development of the tavern and I have duly levied on said premises
,- i I m ut than to visit.
the consopient withdrawal of the and will, on Saturday, the 14th day
Like all aanal i-romontorl«**. the point cookxliop
The worshipful company of August, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m.
of the « ape I* always moving. An old of paxtelarx. ax the cooks were called,
on said day. at the front door of the
wreck ludaxhhsl <l«*-p In the sand and censed to enj«>y the mono|K>ly of pro­
court house at Klamath Falls,
showing «-lily the stumps of her masts viding hot uienlx. — Edmund Gosse in
Klamath county, Oregon, sell at pub­
nml Ixiwsprlt ami H
rusty skeletons Harper's Magazine.
lic auction to the highest bidder for
of wh.it wen' ome lu-r chain plate*
in hand, all the right, title and
and dea«l ey«*s Is now a quarter of a
Railroads Ara Never Finished.
mile or more inland
Twenty years
In one resjiect a railroad is unlike interest of the above named defend­
ago she is sahl Io have lain ill the
any other project undertaken by man ant In and to the following described
water. « where she stril- k or drifted
—It Is never finished, l.ike a cucumber real property situated in Klamath
ashore, the hied now outside of her
vine, says a writer In Popular Me­ county, Oregon, to-wit:
having lieen built up since by the ac-
chanics. the instaut It ceases to grow
SW Vi of Section 30, Township 39
Hon of tin- wind and the waves,
It begins to wither There must be South, Range 10 East, Willamette
Two feature* connected with the
continuous expansion and enlargement.
Milling of tile tlsliing.skiffs used here-
Ijirger cars require more |x»werful lo­
alMiuts are new to me. fine Is that of
Together with all tenements,
comotives. and tsitb in turu call for
using a memlx-r «if th«- crew ax shift­
and appurtenances
heavier rails,
bigger roundhouses, hereditaments
ing ballast. A | lank I.* run out over
stronger bridges, longer platforms and thereunto belonging or in any wise
the side, lhe Inner end caught under sidings, increased safety devices, while appertaining.
th«' lee waxlilx'iinls. while on the outer the straightening of curves and the
The proceeds of said sale will be
end. with legs dmigling over the water, leveling of grades come In for their
in satisfaction of said execu­
alts the mall acting nx ballast, and
share of attention on even the oldest tion, order and decree, interest and
this not In racing, mlml you. but in
roads Little wonder, theu. with our
every day sailing. The other Is th«' railroads consuming nearly oue-half of costs and all accruing costs and over­
pr.K-tl--«' of "in «bling." as I heard it
all our manufactured steel and iron plus. if an> there be. to be paid unto
called. In m«xlcrate w«-mh«-r. when tin-
and fully one-half of all the lumber said court to be further applied as by
skiff Is only lightly glhllng along, one made each year, that they are the
un­ law directed.
man will stand up alongside tin* cen
failing lainmieter of the business se-
Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon,
terlMiard on the weather x|«l«‘ and. fac­ tlvity of the nation.
this 12th day of July, 1909.
ing outwnnl. will steadily ns-k side­
wise from on«' foot to the other with
Th. Wonder, of Scianca,
Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon.
faster. And |x'rh.-i|is ft does.- Char-
It was left for the exhibitor of a i
lolt«' Observer
phonograph In the streets of L'trecht.
according to an American traveler, to
Ths Rrd Sea.
put the finishing touch to the wonder­
In th«' li«sl sea reefs of bright pink ful Invention. There was the sound of
coral are clearly to lx* s««'ii. Much of a military band In full blast, and then
th«' r<* ky Ixsl of this sea Is the work suddenly th«' tune stopped mid "Halt!“
of the coral Im-ect. But probably the rang hoarsely out upon the air.
Puttti« Water, Rung
triu* reason for th«' mime of the Re«l
"Who’s that Interrupting the con­
Milker, Separator,
sea Is l e< nus«* along Its «'astern shore cert?" flippantly lu«]Uirvd th«' Ameri­
Iles ayclent E-loni. Tills word signifies can. «stglng close to the operator
Chops Feed, Etc.
“r««l." Il wns giien to tin* region not
Saves Wages
"That." xald the man. surveying him Í
from the color of Its sandstone hills, blandly, "was the voice of Napoleon
State yonr needs,
rite for catalog. Mention p*par
but from its iM-ople. These ar«' the Bouapnrte giving the order at the bat­
descendants of him who cam«' In faint tle of Waterhio."
mid weary from huniing nml said to
III* brother. "Feisl me. I pray tliee.
That Was the Trouble.
with that same re«l pottage, for I tun
A Wichita mail was fussing because
faint:" therefore was his mime culled of bis ael lilng teeth
“Why don’t you
go to a dentist?" asked one of his
Only • Man.
"Oh. I haven't got the nerve.
Little Muriel flow into the house the reply
flushed .-mil bren 111 less.
"Never mind Hint." repllt-d the
“Oh. mother." she cried, "den’t scold friend
The dentist will fled the nerve
me for being late to ten. for I've had all right
Kansas City Journal.
such a disappointment! A horse fell
down, mid they said Hint they wore
Literary Analysis.
going to send for a horse doctor, so of
"Sh:ik«'s|ieure's works are marvelous
course I had to stay. And after I’d revelations of |x>etry "
waited ai-.d waited lie came. mid. oh.
"Pix'try!" echoed the Baconian scoru-
mother, what do you think? It wasn't fully
"They are merely n rollectlon
a horse doctor nt all. It was only a of ciphers, with some figures of speech
man’" Everylxd.v's Magazine.
thrown In to make them harder."—
Wnslilngton Star
It Is the little pleasures which make
life sweet, ns the little displeasure«
nuty do more than aflll< tlotis can to
make It Idtter.
Confide n secret to a dumb man tod
It will make him apeak.- l.ironltiB
His Wisa Plan.
"I never have anv It»« k "
“Neither do I." re*|x>nd»-d the other
cltlxen. "Therefor«' I keep out of en­
terprise* requiring goloi of luck to be
a ams-ess."-l.cMilsville Fourier Journal. I
.> kL'.f V . .Jt