NEWFLL’H HITT IS HO II I Iago to-day. Klamath Falla is reia- I im l> In the aaiue position and should REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Private lte< liinuitioii Peoph* Hu ill to H««>« t'alIfiiruiM unii Oregon Mu»l ( olonrl llolnlilril Hoon No I Im «on be governed accordingly,*’ Have 1 nitwl on Hratlle's Present by llo Should < ImiiKo III« "Times are good back east,” said Allll'lld I** h lo Hliut Oul l'olll* City Eiigiii«-«-r. Former HI u I oihom I. lie, lu dls< usslng the revival of busi­ luti MaiilpuInHon, ness slme the disposition of the tar­ WAHHINGTON, August 1». -It Is W. II. Holablrd returned Thursday iff bill. "They have splendid crops HAN FRANCISCO, Auguiit 19. at Klamath Falls, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, ita'«-«l flat the opponents of Director June 23, l»09. After <>I> hci vlug ilio operatimi ut ilio ovoii I uk from Now York, where he buck there, with the exception of the W II. Ilolublrd returned laut even* corn, which, on account of the fearful F It Newell of th«* L’nlt« «! Htates rec­ now illroi't prlmary law In Nuli Finn* lamation service, who are ««-«-king to REHOIRCEH IH1LLARH Cisco, wlivn ilio candldatM for munii Ing from New York illy, where ho bent of the pust ten days, will be In- drive him out of the federal service, tpal otti««« wero iionilniitoil Ibis w««*k. 1 hml boon on private bimlm an He left Juied seriously. All lines of business ¡have unit'd upon R. II. Thompson, tlovrrnor Finnk W liannon uf <>i«•- I for Pelican bay tills afternoon, where lire picking up and I look for the re­ Loans and Discounts ... ........... 6 50,969.55 • city engineer of Beatth«, as the man Bonds, securities, etc............ ............... 2,304.27 gon to-dn.v stutcìl tlmt il wm blu be­ he will rontlniie to mrry out bin pinna turn of the good times of the two ¡whom they will urge upon President Banking house, furniture and fixtures .. 450.74 line thul California would timi mimo for Improv« ment sturtod prior Io hla ^eurs ugo to be with us again at no Due from approved r«'serve banks................................................. 3,627.66 j Tuft to be named as Newell's succea- to mnko novornl ametidmetila of lh<* , ilepurt 111 foi ilu oHKtvrn metropolis. .distant date. That 1« the feeling pre­ Checks and other cash items ...... ... .......................... 55.48 sor. statuto na II ni umili ut prwiont. Ilo When naked relative to the report vailing generally throughout the east, t’ai.b on hand ......................................... 4,952.40 Capitalists who desire to prevent Hint Mr. linn Iman would be here this and Hal Is what, In the end, Is go- nalil the govi rnment from <*ngngfng In the Total .......................................................................................... 62.3CU.1«) Irig to make things hum.” "l am not entirely fnmlllur with {year, Colonel Ilolublrd suld: reclamation of arid lands, and who "I have no information whatever the direct primary law of California, , wish to do that work themselves, are ItEAI. EH I’VI E TBAN h FERH LI A BI LITI EH IMH.LARH under which the nominalIons of Hun from Mr. Harriman that would cause 1 back of the fight on Newell. This Franciscos enndidnten were mudv me to chungo the statement that 1 Pierce Combs <-t ux to C. C. Tillot­ | may be asserted withtiut fear of suc­ Tuesday, but from what observations made some time since to the effect son. HW'A sei 28, tp 40 s. r 10 e, W. Capital stoc k paid in .......................... 6 25,000.00 cessful contradiction. Against Newell Undivld«.'d profits, less expenses and taxes paid .................. 1,508.78 I have taken of the* operation of the that Mr. Harriman would not be in in , 16.559. I his enemies raise the spurious Issue Due to banks and bankers............................... 1,553.21 law. I believe the Ciillfornlu legista- ' Klimiatb Falls this year. No prep­ Chas. E. Worden to Luna C. Hrnlth. Hat he is going beyond the law In Individual deposits subject to check ......... 15,946.54 turi* will see tin* n*-*< .»Ity of chang arations have be.»n made for his com­ lots 3, 4. 5 and 6 In Idk 2 In Fair­ lH-mar>d certificates of deposit....................... 55.00 | conducting his burtau, indulging In Ing portions of It In some reapects ing." Tim«- certificates of deposit.... ............................ 8,285.00 view add. to K F , JfiOO. ; th« same technlcalithes of legal In ­ CerHfitrd check.-* ................................................. 200.00 When tin* question Hint Is upper­ tinder the California law. a« I under- j Luna C. Smith i-t vlr to Martha A terpretation as In their fight, on For- Savings deposits .............................................. 9,811.57 stand It, there is no chec k to prevent , most ill the minds of most of tile peo­ Craddock, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 In blk |«**t« r Pin« hot. No doubt remains that the building of the voters from registe ring In n party for ple In till* Hint« Total ......... 6 62,360.10 2 In Falrvtaw add. to K. F., 62,000. ! d'-finlt«- plans have been laltl to oust the purpose of nomlmiting a weak . llo «chutes road was touched, the E I). McDonald vt ux to Nannie i Newel; Powerful influences are candidate In one party so the oppos­ Colonel wuk lull-rested til ollie. Ill- E Ln« - y, lot ■ 3, 4 and 5 In blk 4 In Sta’*^>f Oregon, I I working, pt rbaps secretly, and per- ing party candidate* will have no trou­ wum told that the announcement was <)p|s>rtunlty i «Id lu K. I*'. 6120. CotiW of Klan sth. It*:«. | baps not, but It has been de«id««l that ble lu beating him In the election. made that the Hili line, if con­ I. J. W. Stamens, cashier of the above mentioned bank, do sol­ E D. McDonald ft ux to Allen M. he must go. emnly swear that th«? above statement is true to the b«*st of my knowl- 'Ity experience', the c itizen« of Cal­ structed, would not come through Lac>y, lots 1. 2. 3, 9 and 10 In blk 7, Of course, these plans were not re- edg«« and belief. J. W. SIEMENS, Cashier. ifornia Will see the necessity of the Klamath Falls. Opportunity add to K F , 6200. Correct—Attest: G. W. WHITE, ' vealed to President Taft. As a for­ "I have traveled over practically amendment to stop this. The Ore­ GEO. T. BALDWIN, Directors. John G. Patterson to J. E. Whit- mer Jurist. Taft will be appealed to gon direct primary law should be every road and trail In Eastern Ore­ i latch, 30 fi-fet frontage on Front i on the ground thut inasmuch as he 1 amended the same way. gon." said lie, "and I want to say -trei-t In town of .Merrill, 61.250. ; has d«-clared for a strict adherence to "Neither law as it stands at pres- ■ that Klamath county 1« the choice of Klamath Development Co. to Wm. th«- statut’ •*. th« r«-for<' Newell's al- ' ent ha« u che « k to prevent this move* them all. with her timber, wuter and L Albright. H«4 of 8W% of sec 16. j !eg«-«l acts of bureaucratic adtnlnls- | on the part of politicians. I b«*llnv«* agricultural resources. and N% of NW% of see 21, in tp , tratl'in in going beyond the provision ' there* «I celibi be scum other check "Klamath Falls Is the natural gate­ 3ft a, r ft e, 6100. , of the laws are reasons why he must i thun simply haling voters Uiak<* mi way lor a road to Kan Francisco, and J. L. Sparretown to Wm. Bassett ! leave th«* directorship of the reclama-, affidici It tlmt It Is their lutuntlon to when people say that It Is a hundred <-t nl. N of KE Vi sec 7 and W’A lion bureau. vote* sue li uncl such a party nt the miles shorter to San Francisco by of HW <4 of sec 8, tp 39 a. r 12 e. The only substantial Issue wldeh i election following leglnfration." building a rallioad from Betid to 62.900. j could be raise«! against or for Newell A, choice line? of invent* Hovel nor Benson Is u native of Paisley, tl.«-n to laikeview, thence E I* M' Juinnld i t ux to Flora A. i was, "Khali the government r««clalni \ California mid be h o I" ' ii In C.illfor down Pitt river, all they will have to merits» that ’will malre Igirkln. loti 4 and 5 In blk 6 In Op- i al! the lands possible, or shall It leave • nln for three weeks visiting hla tela- do to convince tbeniselv*-s they are isirtutiity add. to K F.. 6100. tlie purchaser money | the reclamation of all possible to prf- tlves mol friends at Han Jose-, which Is wrong Is to take a pencil and draw a Wm IL Webb et ux to F. T. Hig­ i vale capital?" bls old home H<* is accompanied by line to Han i-'ranclsco on the map. gins. NE14 sei 19. tp 38 a, r 10 e, The proponents of governm«-nt rec- his wife The result will be that It will be 61 .ooo. [ lamation argue that it is better for Tin- governor Intends to remuln In . found thul It Is about 160 miles long­ Jno F. Wilson to R. P Lathrop, the settlers that the government re- I Hmi Francisco for several days before er In addition to that, no such rev­ lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of blk 78 of claim, because that would obviate th«* 1 enue-producing country will be found returning to Oregon Klamath Falla add to K. F., 610. I settlers remaining forever industrial; via that route as will be found Will W. Baldwin et ux to I. S. j subjects of private corporations.' through here. Railroads are built, as Ml Ite HAN T < OMINI. Iti Iti: Visit I.«-«-- lot i, oi blk 6 in K. F., 610. I which would Always be able to levy, electricians would aay. on the Um* of G. W. White vt ux to J. A. Maddox, , as an annual toll, ” al! that the traf­ Owner of I lirce IHu Hlttrr« I'ropoM-s least resistance. part of lots 3 and 4 In blk 17 of K. fic would bear” on famlli'-s living on { Io Mc-ll Out mid Engage In Mer* Euricrn Oregon Is n large coun­ F . 610. reclaimed land. c lu«ncll«lng Here. try, and there Is room for more than Geo II. .Merryman to A. 8. Moor­ The proponents of private reclama­ one railroad here, but as to what Mr J. F. Sullivan, the owner of three Hill's Intentions are I know nothing land. lot 7 and 50 feet off from the tion Insist that the governtn« nt i merchandise stm«*s In Siimi«, with Wildcat railroads, however, arc a south end of lot I In Buena Vista add should not enter into anv buslnen | when private capl’al stands ready to I headquarters at Manhattan, Nev., is thing of the past Railroad* are now to K f . 6i«i. .1 T. Totten et ux to F. D. Cour- dt. th.-t work. paying this section u visit. He Is built with a view of returning the intimately c*«nti.*ci«> Inter­ the money, and are also constructed i Whoever controls the sources of Irri- Geo. B. Snyder to Wilbur White, view with a representative of this on the lowest grades and the short­ lot 7 in blk 18 In Fairview Addition i gat ion water in the mountains con­ paper he staled; est ami most feasible routes." ' No. 2 to Klamath Falla: 6-0. During the Season of 1909 trols tn large part power sites. Thus, "Although I have had but little "How about the line from Alturas; F H cCormack et ux to William water power cor|>orations are in uni­ chance as yet to Investigate all of do you think that line will be con­ via the loithrop. lot I of srctlnn 30 and lot 2 son with those groups of capitalists your resources, I will say that what structed. Colonel?" of section 29, twp. 38 S., range 8 E. who wish to prevent government r«*c- little I have seen Is a revelation to "As to the Alturas narrow gauge m<*. You have here a c ombination of, llne It may be built, and there may «if sim -H oii 29, twp. 38 8.. range 8 E. lamation. It has been noted here that prac- { timber, agriculture and tourists - i he others built. But where does It W M : 660 Long Lake Lumber company to C. tlcally all attorneys for private rec-; any of which will sustain a coun­ start from? Why. Reno, which is the E Wordin, Fred Melbas«* and Gus lamation enterprises and for cap- I try, and you have all. end of the Southern Pacific. Many from "It Is my opinion that this conn- ' foolish railroad schemes are carried Melhase, lots 1. 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 In ttalists who desire to reclaim instead blk 50 of Nichols* Addition to Klam ­ of having the government do it. are try has a gieat future before It, and through, but not so easily now as ath Falls, with planing tnllland other backing Ballinger in his fight on New­ It Is my Intention to return home.1 formerly. • buildings thereon; 69.000. ell and are supporting Thompson, put my business In shape so I can ' "There Is one thing I want to speak who is a fellow townsman of Ballin- ; To OMAHA and Return - - • $70.30 return here about the first of the about," continued the Colonel, em­ PLEVNA NEUS. ger. For instance, it has been cited I year, and take In the whole- sltlia- < phatically, “and that is the statement To KANSAS CITY and Return, $70.30 here that former United States Sen­ tion carefully. I do not think you i that was sent out to the effect that Mrs l>. lieavilin of Klamath Falls ator Geoige Turner of Spokane, who1 To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $77.80 will have any regular boom here for President Taft and Mr. Harriman viaited with relations In Plevna Sun­ sprang to the defense of Ballinger, is lhe* next year or two, and up to that would meet at Pelican bay. It Is ab­ To CHICAGO and Return - - $82.80 day. the attorney of the Yuma Irrigation' time It will be a steady growth. A solutely foolish, anil the man who and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South G. W Heavtlin. G. F. Sevlts and and Development company, an Ari­ boom 1s sure to conic, as lhe people sent It out belongs to the Ananias Correspondingly low fares. Owen Sorrels were riding In the zona concern which sought to prevent I In this United Stales have gone 'land club. It gave me no end of trouble. swamp Sunday. the government’s proceeding with the crazy,’ mid It Is niv Intention to get ' It was scattered broadcast through­ Ou Sale flay 17, June 3, 3; Ju’y 3, 3; August 11, 13 Faulknen Bros, are cutting hay on reclamation of tracts and went so far l the big sorrel team belonging to Bob they had Implicit faith in the future Falls. nt the* Houthern Pacific depot, lie* re­ Short became frightened at Childers' State High School, College Preparatory, Teachers’ Review. Book-keep­ E. Thompson of Long Lake was at ported Hie robbery to the police* and prou.h of the city. What do you ing and Stenographic Coursae Taught by Competent Teachers. automobile and Ixdted down the coun­ know about It. Colonel?" (i. Byers' place Friday. although a quick response was made, ty road. Before they had gone a hun ­ "The railroad bus faith in Klamath THOROUGHNESS OUR MOTTO Blanche Foster of Round Lake Is the officers could find no trace of the dred yatats they ran Into one of W. T. YAN SCOY, A. B„ I’rvaident. .A. C. CREWS, Secretary. thief. Ilium said he was Jostled by I'u'ls, and 1 believe you will hnve n visiting with R. A. Alford and family. Moore Bros.' light poles. One of the a stranger while* climbing aboard the* population of 25,000 In 1915. When horses had a leg broken and was so Ivan Daniels has returned from car, and when he* took bls Heat dis­ I enme here four years ngo this city badly mangled that It will have to be ; bud a population of only about 700 Waldo, Cal., where he has been for covered Hint lie* had been robbed. shot. Th«' other was scratched and people. You have 3,000 now. Fig ­ the past two weeks on business con­ Sacramento lice. ure lhe ratio, and you will find that It nected with his new position. He has cut quite badly, but the Injuries nre One* of the* most urgent needs of, will be over 25,000 population tn resigned as cashier of the Light and not serious. There was no one in the j wagon at the time. the County High School Is places for 1015." Water company, and will sever bis students to secure board and room. When asked what lie though* connections with that corporation Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns ALMOST DOWN AND Ol ì Citizens of Klamath Fulls should co­ about the proposition to bring *he during the next month. When ho and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every­ operate to solve this problem. Many land office to this city, he said: leaves here he will go to Waldo. Del thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or The street car met with an acci­ students are coming from different ' "The land office should certainly bo Norte county. California, where he pnrts of the county If they can find hunted here. Klamath Falls Is the will assume bls duties as manager of dent Saturday forenoon that nearly shelf-worn goods. n suitable* plncc tei stay. Some of nnttirnl place where all importnrt the Central Oregon Mining and Mill­ sent It to th«* scrap h«'ap, though Agents celebrated these pupils desire to work for their things In this country should dlvei-go ing company. This company is ex­ It did not place it beyond repair. Ono of the trucks broke down, tv Ing board and room. People who could from. You have tbo location here tensively engaged in working pincer and everything the farmer needs. furnish n home for students where with which to command these things, mines near Waldo, and the position street car traffic for all day. The ol«l they may either pay or work for such not nsk for them. If Los Angeles to be occupied by Mr. Daniela Is one machine la getting weary of its clink's accommodations should phono Mr. bad asked for permission to do every­ of responsibility. He will enrry with Hiid, overcome by its anxletv'to get Butcher, who will be* In his office thing that has been accomplished him the best wishes of his frtepds In .mt of buBinenn, it has begin, a aeries of bucking contests nil its own. from I) n. m. to 12 this week. there It would bo nothing but a vll- this city. 1IENHON DIHt I HHEH l'IllMAIllEH TWENTY-FIX E THOUSAND THE FIRST TRUST »«SAVINGS BANK M ASON & SLOU G H ABSTRACTERS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH Summer Rates East Southern Pacific Co. ASHLAND College Preparatory and Business School