Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 26, 1909, Image 2

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    li.or Inlerested tlian thè ChnniLar
of Commerce a» un orgunliatloii. It
The loftiest chimney In the wxrld
I lile«« They Take Action Xotlilng I h ii peiHonal mailer aliti you, and If
Klamath County, Oregon
Beauty, Comfort anil Utility Cat’ll lie was recently put into service S’ the
iou cannol taka aufficient Interrai in
l iirllii r Will lie Done laniklng Io
An libbdiop i liriMlc III (urns From a
Oflliial l*a|M*r of klaioatli County.
Oiiiaiiieil at .Small Coat.
leige »in« Ring works at Great Full»,
a n.alter limi lias uh U h foiill'la'li.n
the Holding of n Count) Fair.
Trip 'Umiligli Centriti Oregon
Mont . where it will serve to carr' off
ilo* promotion of yotir busln«*»« lu.w
When a woman plans her summer the gases from the greater part of the
iati yoil expect som» oli” ”1«” ' > do il
Thn tn)*«>tlng of the bUHlness melt
home site Is very likely to sae first large plant. The chimney, which Is
l-.r you? Time Is short, unii If yu«i
of Hie city «slli'd for last nlgl.t wum
la porch, abnormally wide, says Kate I built of brick. Is 50t> feet lu height
I do noi wunl thè mailer droppoil g«*t
"No wonder tile Indimi« of Oregon
I'REDIi is BIG TOl Klsi TRAVEI Greenleaf Locks lu The Delineator above the ground
iihuh I enthusiasm
It is ¡10 feet ill .iole b iiutlful and fantastic legends
j i u»y. Talk with your fellow mur-
; for August. Her faucy plays lightly diameter at the top. and increases
that I uh manifesto«! every movement
about Crater lake, for It Is wonderful
I ebani : confer with your competitor;
"I am sorry I came,” was the first | with window seats, steamer chairs,
gradually in diameter to the base. ■uough to awake the Imagination of lor the up building of the city mid , gì t togel lier uild decido oli wlm* yo.l
exclamation that came front the lips hammocks and awnings, and pauses
The due includes a dust chamber tn even u savage's mind.” In this spirit tlu* advancement of the material In vn.t In do; placa It in ili«* hauti» of
of S. Glen Andrews, on«* «if Am.*rica’w contentedly beside a tinkling fott>.-
which the vertically hung wires serve \ri'hliisbop Christie returned to Borl­ t«*r«-HtH of th** merchants of Klamath thè Chambcr of Commerci* wl*b us-
greatest newspaper and magazine ■ tain rimmed with fern», thi* center of
to take out the dust front the smoke and from a trit* through Central Ore Falla Three merchants came volun- mi rance» of liearly Aiiniicnal support,
writer», as he stood on ¿he rim of an enclosed court. Alas and alack!
turll«. two w«ro Htopped on tile way
Th.' du«t is removed fimu the wires .on and the Klamath country.
fl**l*ly glieli
Iloti It wlll l><* I. go
Crater latke and gated *l«.wn upon . she is often brought to an unpleasant
the poKtofflie uiid relui tanti}
by shaking mcchanistii and falls in
lo* dropped. *<.d you
the azure waters. "1 have written halt in these imaginations by th«* re-
hoppers in the door, from which it is Ii church tin* archbishop has been stayed. The rest were conspicuous cali put In thè winler trylmt I i koap
much about this wonder, have read i flection that these things are expen­
by their absence. it Is the sHine old
!< a I d Into cars in a pit below
making an extend*'*! tout of the In-
thè linai and cobwebu off thu mcr-
more, and been told a great deal, sive, and consequently beyond her
El«'« triAiatton of the Grand Trunk et lor of Oregon On the trip to tin* story slut away ami damn some one chundlsi* tliat should I h * Iti use In thè
but this surpasses all. So great is It means.
Baclfic railway from the St. Law rente Crater lake country he went by auto Ixuaiis«* there Is no cclebtatlon.
liolnea eust of beri*.
that it paralyzes the analytical pow­
A wide porch built in th«* old way,
Those who w«*r<* present I uh I even­
river to Monckton Is being lousld- unibile from Medford and relumed
ers of man, and drives out the poetic w ith a solid root of shingles added
fancies that ordinary scenes bring substantially to the cost of a house, ered. A water power site capable of charmed with the wonderful scenery visibility of holding a fair. There
John Shook of Bonanza returned
forth. Greater than Niagara, greater but there are several ways of getting generatlni upward of lOO.ftOO horse- and tin* great possibilities of the vast wiih no opiiuHltlon. blit liter«* was n from Ashland Friday. It ' wan Mr.
than Yosemite, greater than Yellow­ round this IHiint. To-day we realise power, greatly in excess of the re­ empire through which he Journeyed w hole lot of unci« nt history tIii inthed Shook's intention ■<> go to th «»• buckle-
‘ i am very sorry," said the arch­
stone, is Crater Lake. All this worltl that we do not always desire a solid quirements, has been selected at
oi> r. Every failure of tin* pant wuh ; i >«* i i y psK li. but upon receiving word
does not possess a jewel so wonder­ (torch roof, and our porch may be as Grand Falls on the St. Johns liver bishop, "that the SIOO.UOU provided luredly pictured; « very sue« <> hh wuh ; front Ills wife, wlio is there, that ber»
ful. and the genius has not yet been wide as we choose to have it when it nearly equidistant from the two by the legislature for the const ruc­ glossed over to muk<> It uppvnr ns «lull 'ries w«*r«* very scarce, ho concluded
born with power sufficient to picture is covered only with supported beams points between which eloctriAciitlon ¿ion of the Crater lake road has been uh possible. Oh, It whh un enthusi­ ! «lot to go.
held up in the courts. In my mimt
to the finite mind the wondrous mag­ over wl Ich vinos are trained; or. a is proposed.
\ new use for balloons is proposed the completion of that road would he astic meeting on«* of those that
nitude, unsurpass«*«! beauty and en­ terrace porch may be built, which ■
would tnuke a fellow feel like hiring
thralling splendor of this.’*
means merely that a floor is laid and by W. D. Boyce of Chicago, who ¿1 most powerful advertisement for th«* a good h I i <>«I Kentlemsn of color to R
¿tate. Crater lake Is on«* of th«' gr«*at
It was Mr. Andrews’ first visit to surrounded with a low railing; over,
United States Commissioner
Crater I-ake.
He went there, ac­ this an awning may be stretched suit of natives and big game. which «onderà of nature The sunonnding
ho foolish uh to think Hint the I oih I
companied by Mrs. Andrews. Miss from the house to the edge of the he will hunt uot with the ride but ountry Is wonderful and sublime I
i «less men of tliu city rated u tinker’s
I.ina Brady. Fred S. Shoup. T. A. K. porch and secured there by iron up­ the camera. His Idea is to attract win only there for a few hours In
| CUHM whether th«* old town went Io
Fassett and Col. M. G. Wilkins, and rights or by slender wooden posts. wild animals in their native haunts by tl >* c.i'ly morning, but after th«* short
i the devil or not. The business tliell
it was his expectation to see sori«.- Where these posts are twined with
glimpse I I ad. with th«* sun just ris­
Office. Third and Main, opposite City
I evidently «Io not cine whet Iler the
Tclrpnune fit»!.
thing out of the ordinary, but what vines they are not an unattractive photograph them in such natural sur­ ing across the lake. Is something I
|tru«le g*«vH to Medford or Ashland.
he found so far surpassed bls antici- addition to the house, even when th«* roundings by flashlights.
will never forget.
but they do car«* to sxpr«*«» tlt**lr opln- I
The generation of electricity by
paUons as to rob him of his great awning is not in use and is rolled up
"The roads In th«* national park nr«*
ions ot their competltiii h timl cush
descriptive powers.
¡out of sight.
i aermotors or "wind turbines.” as they good, and considering th* roughness
In speaking of his trip last even
Th«» most desirable floor for a ter- 1
of the country ti e roads leading to
niouloiiH business communiti It at 1«
ing. Mr. Andrews said:
; race porch is one of cement, and in England, as shown by an exhibit at the lake ar«' good, but If a road wer«*l
. ! ni fri dirt llaak
"The mind of the average person (this case a rail 13 unnecessary. Small the s vent let p annual show of the constructed from Medford It would I*, going to wake up some fine morning
ami Trant lihlg.
naturally places everything on a com­ I trees in tubs and potted shrubs may Roa) Agricultural society at Glou a great thing fot Oregon."
mercial basis. Bringing Crater Lake be set on the outer edge, and the ef- «■ester, The exhibit included a !4-
The noted traveler Is also enthusl I
from the high pedestal of art to the feet with a red and white striped foot turbine on a 60-foot steel tower astlc over the future possibilities of ntuM li st th«* Chamber of Commerce
plain level ot business consideration, awning overhead, with low basket | driving a variable-speed generator, the central portion of the state and should Ink*' hold of the celebration;
Hint it was Its duty. Well, that may
it is no rash statement to say that chairs holding cushions of Turkey- with considerable excess storage- bat- all of Oregon tn general.
be; hut if the buslncHH men suit for
Crater Lake is worth millions of dol­ red calico, and a few small rugs or terv capacity to provide for calms
"1 am coin Im ***1." be salii, "that
Chamber of Commerce to butt In
lars to Klamath Falls,
mats of red and white grass matting, Current was supplied for an electric Oregon Is to be on«* of the greatest
have to come to this city to see it. i is gay and brilliant, and yet it will grill, kettles. Irons ami fans, as well «tut**« in the union. Th.«* world knows without being asked to do so they wlll I
KI.AMAI H F Al l>. «•»<►:<»«»N
It is the natural gateway, At pres- i readily be seen that here is not half I as a butter churn. a cream separator, but little «if Or* gon. ot Ita varied re­ have plenty of time to rest
ent they may enter from the other [the expense of the old-fashioned . circular saw and a d<*ep-W«<ll pump sources. of Its vast reaches of timber t'hnmln*r of Commerce Is p«>rfectly
side of the mountain, but when the I roofed-in porch.
1 By division of th** Storage battere In- and rich Innd awaiting development. willing to lend its assistance, but the
railroad Is extended, when this b 3.
to two parts it is posslble to use 50- My trip has opened my ey«*s as they business men will hav«* to expr«*«« a
desire for It to do so
When the
comes the mein line, there will be. INN TttK SOPIMtr.XOF THE PRESS volt current for driving the machines
hav«* never before been openad I be-
only one way. lo-day there are |
and 25-volt current for lighting, the Ilei«* Oregon I» to be a great «tute of Chamber of Comni«*rre took charge
Closer relations between physi­ latter permitting the use of metallic-
of the Railroad Day celebration It
hundreds of thousands of people go- ■
H/fbrow- Me/hase ttuililing
many temple, larg«* cities and (oil-
hail to go around with hat lu han«i
ing about from place to place seeking cians and the press were advocated filament lamps.
tinned prosperity.”
and beg for funds. Th«* treatment
sights to satisfy their desires. They by Dr. J. W. Pettit of Ottawa, presi­
that was liund«*<l out by many of the
have not se *n anything equal to dent of the Illinois State Medicai So-
m <» i : e ID\ ertisixg
Crater Lake, and never will. Few of city, in h.is address at the fifty-ninth
busln<*«H men was sufficient to justify
them have heard of it. When these annual meeting of the society at
■on««* of the officers of th«* <*l.amber to
The annual cry for help has »1-1
Klamath county received some definitely state that when n«*xt they ottiir in Auirrican Bank A Trust Con
people learn of what is hidden a wav Quincy, 111., May 19th. While depre- ready commenced snd it looks as it
psny's Building
in the mountains of Klamath couuty, eating advertising of a sensational or Klamath was going tn suffer more more free advertising In the east last t«*ok charge of a celebration th«* bust
PHONE <514
they will come here as they have
I than ever this year. From all lec­ week, when the New Haven t'nlon nets men would come through more
*>l»MiTH f*LLS
gone to Italy, Switzerland. Chinx, tion to the public good thaï could tions of the county conies th«* report; of New Haven. Conn , printed a three- graciously. And that Is where the
Japan—all over
the world—and I be accomplished through publicity of fthat the prospects for big crops were j column picture of the catch of fish In matte*- rests.
If the buslnews men
their coming means the leaving in I the right sort.
I never better. Already the hay har-1 Link river. The publication of this want a fair and a c«*|«*bratlon during
their wake vast sums of money. It
"No agency is more potent for ! vest I as begun, but th«* first great , picture and the accompany Ing article that period they will have to ail fol
is to this class of people that this city good or evil than the secular press.” obstacle to be met is the securing of ire due to the chain letter »ent out th«*nis«*li<-H. There will be nu further
must cater, and it is to meet their «aid Dr. Pettit, "By secular press I sufficient men to put it up. Th«* by Col. Allison recently. The t'nlon effort mad«' to In Ing them together I*,«
demands that preparations will have mean more particularly the newspa­ yield of alfalfa w ill surpass anything | said:
tboiw* who have been fathering th«*
to be made."
per. which each day reaches fully 90 ever seen in thia county. As high as j
"George J. Bassett of the John E. movement. New leaders will I.»;-,* t*>
The party arrived here from Fort per cent of the reading public, By four ton» to the acre will be the] Bassett A Co. hardware dealers, Is step In; other» will have to pa»*
Me lune some d<sirnt>le land
Klamath Friday evening and left far the larger paît of the public, es­ amount of the first cutting
In no the recipient of a letter from Col. M. around the subscription blanks. f«>*
tl> ni loillgr for llliproled prop-
next morning for the south. As a re- pecially busy people, get about ali lection of the county where «are has L. Allison of Klamath Falls, Ore.
t hos«* who have
suit of hia coming millions of readersitheir general information from the been exercised will the yield fall be­
"The letter states that a party Of never undertake
of the publications for which Mr. Ab- l newspaper.
bui for
low three tons.
t h reo nu*n whlpp<<l the Klamath river time
There are
drews writes will learn of Cnt v
"The newspaper Is the only source
It is the wheat crop, however, that i for a distance of three-quarters of a iu< n who forget
wlii< li water Is un yrt ready.
larke and Klamath county.
of information for fully one-half of is going to be the winner. There are 1 mile with ordinary Ashing tackle, he*' n gentlemen and merchant* at t**e
Solili' lllolec lalllgell Valley
the reading public. It is the pur­ ranches where the yield wlll be over their labors being rewarded with 10.1 «at«»' time to make It palatable f«u
land lo vitliangc for lami linder
veyor as well as the conveyor of in- forty bushels, and the average l*ounds of trout.
Th«* largest I Ash Ilin»«* who have hud th«* hardihood to
irriga lloii tirar Kls 11 Utili Edil*.
! formation, and the average editor is throughout the county will be over weighed 8% pounds. The above «¡v to raise funds for a celebra* ton
During the stason of 1910 the
actuated by as praiseworthy motives thirty bushels to the acre, This In- picture shows the effect of five hours' ojtce to engage in the sume WOI'K
Southern Pacific railroad, on all of
in bis field of activity as we are in eludes the dry ranches also,
angling had on th<* members of the again.
its lines, will make a headliner of
\<>TI< El» TIIK
ours. From being simply a record
On«.* of the finest pieces of barley party.
Mr. Merchant, it Is up to you. If
Crater Lake and will instruct every
of events, the newspaper now cov­ in the county is that to be found on
"Mr. Bassett received the letter * ott show the proper spirit you c**n
agent to urge tourists to visit the
ers almost every field of human en­ the Altamont, it Is believed that it after It had traveled twice across the l-.ave a fair that will be II credit • <»
lake. The Southern Pacific will ad­
deavor, even to the extent of main­ will run over 75 bushels to the acre. continent. In his letter to the colonel you and to the town one that will
vertise Crater Lake as it has south­
taining departments for the teaching | The same reports are coming In from he evinces his doubt, as is most b ing In the people from the oiitehle I
ern California and Yosemite valley
technical knowledge, which, all over the county.
natural, that the fish were caught
tine that wlll tnuke business (or
in the past. A conference has been
though crude and imperfect as yet,
with a fly. He says, however, that hi* \t.»IT. Tills is YOl’R business Indi-
called for early spring of ail
is an effort in the right direction.’*
Fred McKenaree of Bonanza watt is willing to be shown If his trans­ vldtitill.v. You are es much Interest» 11
advertising men of the various lines
Concerning advertisements.
Dr. at the Livermore Monday.
portation is provided for."
in It as your brother merchant an I
and a tremendous advertising cam-
Pettit said In part:
paign undertaken to educate the peo­
A broad definition of advertising
ple of the United States as to the
would include everything in an ad­
greatest natural wonder of the world.
With this in view the railroad com- vertisement, wt ether paid or other­
pany has urged Will G. Steel to make I wise. which is intended to benefit the
preparations for the season of 1910 individual. If such an advertisement
as much as for this season.
The plans which Mr. Steel ha3 in­ i logical objetefon to it. It is the ele­
cludes the erection of a rustic inn on ment of fraud, intentional or other­
the rim of the crater. This building wise, which makes advertising by our
will oe fronted with a huge porch, prof* ssion so objectionable. Any ad-
twenty feet in width, upon which I v.Ttisement devoid of exaggeration,
visitors may sit and view the lake, ither expressed or implied, should
the rim of the crater being less than ' be regarded as legitimate."—Medical
fifteen feet from where they are sit­ ; Sentinel.
The “Republican”
Sleeping accommodations as
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parrish of Mer­ >
well as a splendid dining service will
rill returned to their home Monday. !
be provided.
Mr. Steel is now at Crater Lake. Accompanied by Mrs. W. W. Yandaii
He took with him a man to run the i of Bishop, Cal., and Mrs. E. E. Mar­
boats on the lake and is making prep­ ten of Penoyer. Cal., who have be**n
arations for putting water at Crater i visiting them for the past two weeks,
Camp, as the new site on the rim of they took a trip on the Upper lake
Sunday. Mesdames Yand 11 and Mar-
the lake has been christened«
Everything for the comfort of vls- len returned to their bornes Monday
ilors this summer is being provided. morning, charmed with the beauties
Hay will be sent up, as well a3 a of Klamath county.
large supply of gasoline, so that
C. S. Scot! .*ld, agriculturist in1
horse and auto alike can have their
'•’arg.* of tie Western Farm Exten-1
Mr. Steel wilj address the members •ion and Investigation in th** Bureau
of the National Editorial association j of Plant Industry, and Dr. L. J.
when they gather In Seattle on July Briggs, who Is in charge of the patho-1
22d. He will tell the pencil-pushers logical laboratory of Washington, D. [
of the wonders of the lake and doubt­ C., left Sunday morning. They will
less do much splendid missionary return direct to Washington. These
work. He leaves Crater Lake Satur-1 gentlemen, were here Investigating
day for Portland.
the conditions of the marsh lands.
Leo S. Robinson has sold to A. A.
A. W. Bell of San Francisco is pay­
Mehaffey 183 acres of marsh land ing a
_ visit
___ „
to J. F. _______
Kimball ___
of _____
south of Midland. Mr. Mehaffey Is city. Mr. Bell is a partner of J. W.
an employee of the Southern Pacific Farris, who Is the son-in-law of Claus
j Spreckles.
3-1 AS your boy or girl got
‘ a bank account with
the First Trust and 5av
ings Bank?
not The
Republican will start one
for nothing