I* McNamara of Grunts Puss wu ! in th«* city Tuesday. George Ager was III from his i until G. M. l.ow ut Ashluud Is paying a , f Friday J. W Fulton of Illy was In the city Sat urday. bolli ut Merrill, are In town. R. II. White« of Ft. Klamath was lu Wil«l plums nr«' ripe. an<! the binali boy I» out with bls »ack these morn the city Friday, C K. Mulkey of Ft. Klamath was ings. In tfcv city Friday. F. M. Rolfe ami wife returned J P. Harter of Merrill was In the from Rocky Point Momiii'i whzi v* city Friday. they have bet'll for the past w«‘«'k. Cora E. Key'd of Asiumid I« visit >1. William* of Caldwell, Idaho, lug this city. I arrived In the city Friday. Mr. WII- H. Schmoll r Jr. of Dairy visited th«' I Illium Is taking a look over Ihls •ee- city Thursday. tion. M Pn i;et and wife of üörris wer.« May Hntcheldi'r, Mr*. Robt. Me in the city Monday. Ke«' and daughter uml Miss Snelling J. Frank Adams was in the city of Lakeview arilvc«l In th«» auto Mon I Friday on business, ¡day night. D M. Rhoads of Odessa paid the Geo. Huniphr*) ha» gone on a vaca- city a visit last week. I tion to Rock' Colei where h«1 will | F. Bloomington was register««! ut ; me«'t Ills friends. I. Grattan and Xfr. the l^^ktsld«» Saturday. I Jones of Portland. J. I.. Carr of Merrill yvas registered I Colonel Allison Ims negotiated a at the American Saturday. 1 .ale w ith Denver parties for the south- J. H Stewart of Merrill was in th«' '«•list corner of Fourth mid Klamath; I «'tty on business Saturday . consideration $3,500. C. H. MrCuniber of Dairy was In 'I Mrs. Sieve Low was brought to I «insisting of Saddle, Draft and Driving Hors««, inngltig from 1.050 to on business Saturday. | tow n Saturdat stiff» ring from nerv- l.iiOO pounds, also. Yearlings, Tao yeai -ol«li> and Sinking Colts, Io bo T. F. « ampbell of l.angell valley I on i prowl ration, nml Is undor the was In tow n on business Friday. sold to the highest bidder lu Klamath Falla, Klamath county. Ore care ot Dis. Whit«- mid D«-Pu.«. G W. Oldfield, Justice of the ,«eace Died, at 9 p. in. Friday. Lewelia. TERMS OF SALE All <>i Merrill was in the * lty Monday. i daughter of Mr and Mrs Guy Weih O. T. McKendree, th«1 sheep owner Ierly, aged four mouth The funeral on«» year’« time ut H per I of Lakeview was In the city Monday. took place Saturday afternoon. Frank t'pp and family left for u va Married, ut the Catholic cbur<'ii cusli. cation on the Upper lake Saturday. Saturday, Miss Mary M«iran mid S. C. Graves, editor of th«' Bonanza j Mr. Clyde Patty, both of this city, Bulletin, arrived in the city Saturday. | Rev. Father Grc nwood oHlclatlng. J. U Miner and Jas. Ryan returned Born, Saturday morning, tu J from their trip to the timber last and Mrs John llurk«», w l.«> resid«* m w eek. ( the bendquatiers ot th«' «'«'latumIon W R. Wilson and Tom Caluies of < ,i«*i vice nt Spring lake, a nlne-p«»und Merrill were registered at 'in- \merl- i boy. can Monday. Miss Ruby Hillis arriveil home r ASHLAND Want «id Girl for telephone op-, I from Berk« ley. where sii«» has been orator; one with experience in th«'1 attending the summer law course, to fV/////// ///<// work preferred. Apply at Klamath i Falls office. tt | I resume her duties with the law firm * -^-m qppBiei- • % Dan Driscoll and Fred McKendree J of Benson & Stone. ot Bonanza were ill the city on b-.isi J. V.Houston left Sunday mum- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I Ing for Portland to visit his duugh* new Monday. Prof Lion! Bridge of Hoch« »(> r. N. Y, Ims l>< < n H« «-tired fot X Frank Rose, the contractor from ■ ter, who receutly underwent an op- Principal of th«- Commercial Department Mr Bridge is most highly X 1 Macdoel, is registered at the latice- I «*ratlon for appendicitis nt one of the elidei »«•«! by E E. Gay lord, ex President of the National lltislm • .» f I hospitals ther«», and also to attend side Monday. Educators' A« - ««« Im Ion. Prof. Zamr. Pres of the Zanerlan Pen Ari X Henry Schmohr and wife of Swan ! the convention of the moving picture School. 8 I. Williams, Pres of the Rochester Buln«»« Institute. X I lake were in the city Friday ou a i «'Xhlbltors. and other» Mr. Bridgi* has taken two post graduate courses, um! jr F. W. Egllngton. who was former- i shopping trip. b*ing an >'V|>rrlen<«*>l business roller..* tene hers and an expert pen- X Mrs. Lee Bell, wife of one of the I ly postmaster at Bedfivld, waa In the man. h«' will be n decided a>«|tils|tlon to the commercial school fra X I city Saturday, lie reports that the prominent merchant« of laikevlew, t< tnlt' f>t th« coast Prof Bridge Is an experi«'nr<«t Instructor In X j registered at the Lakeside Friday. I postotflee at Hadfield has been discon- Calisthenics. Gymnast I« .« and Athletics, and th«' young nun ani ? H. J. Winters and wife returned , tinned, and hereafter mail for parti«"» women of ilo- Ashland Conimi retai College will have an opportunity X Thursday from Odessa, where they I In that vicinity should be a for the best training In these linen, X i have been on an outing. i to Bonanza. Mrs. W. T. l.ee, dnughter-ln-law of Mis« Nina Wilson left Monday P. RITNER, A. M., President § Captain J. B. Lee. left for her home for Irving, Kas, where she ex in Sunnyvale Friday. | pectx to remain for the next year ut- Leo. S. Robinson of Alameda. Cal., 11< tiding school. On her return aho who is largely interested In swamp ; may be accompanied by her mint, : lands in this county. Is tn the city. ' Mrs. L. M. McHugh, who expects to Police Judge Leavitt left Friday I I make her home here. I morning for Mono county, fa1 . to A. Turner returned Monday from | visit bis mother, who is seriously ill | the huckleberry patch mid brought I. M. Whitlatch. A. Anderson. A. R. I with him fifty gallons of huckleber i Messerly and John Ratliff, all ot Mer- ries and three deer. He says the b»»r- • rill, registered at the American last rles are line and th«» hunting better, and if be had not tired of the sport Have E. W. Muller add an attach he would «till be then*. ment to your phonograph eo you may The sheriff sold at public auction enjoy the new 4-mtnute Amberol rec Saturday morning in acc«>rdance with ords. 11-17 a decree Issued out of the circuit court Mr. and Mr«. R. S Barter, who July 10, 1909, wherein the American attended the land drawing In Wash Bank and Trust Co. was plaintiff nnd ington, will return home at the end E. B. Burwell defendant, the SW *4 of s«'C. 20, twp. 39 S. r. E. W. M.. the . of the month. Mr. J. H. Neff and wife of Kansas bank bidding It In for the amount of City, Mo., who arrived In thia city Judgment and costs, namely Monday, left Tuesday for a trip to 446.20. Mrs. H. Hudson and daughter of Crater lake and Spring creek. F. W. Riggs, foreman of the Job Montague are paving this section a department of The Republican, left visit. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates returned Monday on a well-earned vaca tion. bound for the Upper lake and Friday evening from Hillsboro, Seat the huckleberry patch. tle, Portland and Newport, where C. K. McIntosh, vice-president of they have been visiting for th«- past the San Franclaco National bank, several weeks. Mrs. O. M. 11«ctor, wife of O. M. and William Berg, both of San Fran cisco, left Monday for Spring creek Hector. proprl«*tor of the Boston on a fishing and hunting expedition. Store, with her mother and two chil ■ OLD Mrs. W. F. Barnes, with her son, dren, arrived here Thursday and Marion, and two daughters. Hazel will remain permanently. and Goldie, left Friday for the Judge M. T. Dooling of S;in He Lake of the Woods and may take in nito county and W. K. Brown of llie the huckleberry patch before »turn- Buena Vista company left Tuesday ing. morning for a *r.'» to Crater lake L. E. Reed, a real estate man of and thenci! home via the west shore Portland, formerly a conductor on « of the lake. the Astoria & Columbia Rivet* rail Will V., J. F. Jr. and llobt. S road, is paying this city a visit. Mr. Adams, sons of J. Frank Adams of Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns Reed is an old acquaintance of Cir Merrill, arrived In the city Sunday and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact evury- cuit Judge Noland. and left Monday morning for Kan A white owl, which It is snld Is Francisco, where they will attend thing in Good Hardware -No shoddy or only found in Alaska, was recently the Mt. Tamalpals Military School shelf-worn goods. killed at Altamont, and Is on exhlbk this season. tion at the Gun Store, having been Mrs. J, W. Siemens left Sutidav Agents celebrated mounted by J. W. Frey, taxidermist. on the Wlnema en route to Cherry and everything the farmer needs. The bird Is a curiosity, and worth ex creek,, where she and her sons will amination. enjoy a week’s outing. Captain 8le- Mr. and Mrs. Georg«' Chastain and uens accompanied his wife as far as two children and Mrs. Sutton re Wilson's camp, where her sons had a turned Thursday from their out- team in waiting. Ing on the Upper lake, George says The ease of the State of Oregon that the only fault he has to find with vs. John Doe, presumably a man by bls vacation Is that ft. was not half the name of Thompson, who was ar long enough. rested for assaulting F. E. il effe r- Mr. and Mrs. li. D. North returned man with a knife, was discharged by lu-It’l h. WITHROW, Secretary Thursday froth Odessa, where they Justice Miller Monday on ac ih »N J. ZIJMWAI.I E M. BUHH. were spending their vacation Mrs count of lack of evidence, the costs C. E. Vice Preaident xnti North savs that she did not kill anv being assessed to the plaintiff. • President T reaaurer deer nor catch any fish, but she laid The Southern Pacific company has Map», Plana. Blue Print«, Etc. to rest 999,7*17,421 mosquitoes, by •«warded to Henry Boivin th« eon- actual count. tract for the Installatlon of nil H. T. Barnett came up from Mid the plumbing In i the new passenger land Saturday to meet Mr. and Mrs. lepot, which Is under construction, H P. Thomas and two boy*, who ar ■ind new freight « depot. The services rived from Ukiah, Cat, Frldav even >f Mr. Boivin were also secured to ing. They will reside permanently ■ mperlntend the lai Ing of 2,000 feet In Klamath county. Mrs. Thomas and >f sower pipe for the railroad com Mrs. Barnett are sisters. pany. (111 BRUYS. Stands Like a Stone Wall Tanis Ctttlt, ItertM, H«p—1» Practically Indutrwtible ,, » a t irtin n //^ Saturday, September 4,1909 AMERICAN FENCE Buy yiwir new fence f«*r years to come. Get the big. heavy wires, the hinge joint, the good galvaniring, the exactly pn>portionc«i quality ot steel that is not too hard nor too soft. We can show you this fence in our stock and explain its merits and super iority, not only in the roll but in the held. Come and sev us and get our prices. Poultry Fence, Barb Wire. Iron and Steel ROBERTS & HARDWARE HANKS DEALERS PHONE 173 WHY WHY not sell us your POULTRY? WHY not sell us your EGGS? NOT TRADE WITH YOUR FRIENDS ? —---------------- We wish to sell you the CHOICEST GROÍ ERIES, and we also wish to Bl Y OK TRADE for your EGGS. POI I.TRY, VEGE TABLES, HAY AMI OTHER PRODI < E. Ji. B.—We not only wish to supply Groceries to the Farmers, but also to ship their produce at the greatest prolit to them. 1 WHY MONARCH MERCANTILE not sell us your VEGETABLES? COMPANY ?Ho°51 Klamath Fa’ls WHY not sei! us your PRODUCE? I Pretty and Useful Things I t I ♦ in Jewelry There are lots of things in our store besides Watches and Diamonds—lots of small, inexpensive articles that come ex ceedingly handy every day, either as gifts for another or for your own use. Lockets and Charms in great variety, and Chains and Rings at all prices, Hat Pins, Stick Pins, Brace- lets and Sterling Silver Toilet Articles. We are receiving interesting Novelties nearly every day. Come in and see them. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS ff I ♦ WINTERS Crisler & St'Tts Building SATISFACTION The feeling I want to exist between you and me. I am trying to make my name and satisfaction synonymous. You can help me. Don't holler and cuss if 1 have worked for‘you and it s not been satisfactory, but bring it back and givi" me a chance to make my word of guarantee good. One receives a certain amout of satisfaction in buying goods and feeling they have their dollar’s worth. Those are the very kind of goods I carry and are all made by the most reliable firms. I would like to have your business. I have been told that I am on the WRONG side of the street nevertheless you are not treating your self RIGHT unless you see my stock before you buy. MCHATTAN or- 40 Head of Horses H. II. LOW, Prop BALDWIN HARDWARE CO <4444444 444 44444444 4*4’4’ 444 X f* 4 b Dependable Hardware 4 4 4 4 4 4 F h 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 El I wood Fences— 4 4 4 4 4 4 f Hardware Man 4 4 4 Kr 4 *4 4* 4 4 4 4 4* 4 4 4 4» 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4» 4* 4 4» 4 4» X GEO. R. HURN, the Abstracting Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON