Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 19, 1909, Image 4

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reaovntod and butti-r llghb-d.
1 he
Hilt l*O< I.TItl EXHIBIT malti building wlll lui d«-vot<->t <nilr<<-
ly lo chlckena, th<> wuter Bivi, tur-
The Oregon State Fair date Is Sep­ k«-ys, vie., Ix-lng provldi-d for In thè
tember 13 to IS, and I wish to vail n««w building.
Ai-yone wlshing u premium Hat
the attention of poultiy keepers gen­
e-ally to the poultry exhibit nt this should wiltv lo F \. \\'el< li. s<. ci­
Thli exhibit nt previous fairs tili« stati» fair, Sulviu, tlregou. Thls
I been well supported and superior la a vqry uic«> bookl--t niul contuln-
> many of our western ¡«tales. We all m-eesMii » liiiormatlon f«»r luleud-
however, to make the coming Ing vxhlbllms. AI bo usk for vnlry
All communications submitted for publication in the column« of this exhibit
tie l< st that I ;>s yet been binuba limi fili Itii-m out ami at-tid lo
paper will be insetted only over the name of tl.e writer. No lion de pl line
< Cid. « eqi il. if not superior, to Hull thè s«cit-tnry. If I can tui'iilsh you i
articles will be published.
of the - lx st state fair in the west, nny additloiml luformallou, ph-aa«
And il can be doin'.
w r|te ino ita folows:
MAIN IKTEBl FOR (OMMER; I on that end of it »I
The poultry show la an attractive
111 sp.aking of th«' fair the Judge fi ntlire of every » stats fair, and poul- Sup't l’ouliiy D«-pt„ State Fulr; curi»
Judge Doolin and Putty Tour llx* -aid that Klamath county was con­
try kc pers should take a pride in
of O, \. C . Curvatila, Oregon.
< ouiitry, and What They Saw
spicuous for the ontire absence of se«-tng th«> poultry Industry well rep-
SurnriM-s Hiein.
any literature bcariug upon this coun­ .-..ct’t«'«! at this
tbis fair. \V«»
We know the
ty, and if It were nut for the school poultry Industry Is one of the most
XV. K. Brown of th«' Buena VI...«
exhibit, which is a splendid one, important in the stat«*, but a great
company, accompanied by Judge M.
Klamath county would not be on th«* many p«*«»pl«* do net look at It In that I ikl»( < Krr Water Po», r Sites I» Get
T. Doolin, superior Judge of San
map. Clerk DeLap also shartnl in way. and it Is often the fault of those
ting l< ule.
Benito county. Cal., and Marcus A.
this opinion, but doubtless their Interested In th«* Industry that they
It from Washing
Hall and wife, prominent residents
re-collection of things al the fair is do. Let us show that the |«oultry iu : ton says:
of Pasadena . Cal., took a trip Iasi
a little hazy, as they both got lost in tore^ts <stn make ns good u showing
Interest Is acute In the Imp-ndlng
week in Dunham's auto through Yon-
tlx- "Bag Hou»-.'," trying to follow nt th«> state fair as any of th«< othei t -ri-st la acute her«- In th«- Impending
na. Poe, Langell and Tule Lal. wil­
the trail of Sam Suniun is and Billy Industries r«'present<*d. It cun be struggle tx-twieu S «retary B
lies, returning last uigh.t. Judge
made one of the most attractive as and Forealer I’lnchot, ami pre
Dcolin. who. by the way. p <- id«>!
well as instructive featurha of the are freely mad'' that one or th
our the first trial of Abe Rm f, iu
c. s. n i. comi s I ms xiox I h
Th«* (Htullry department of a will Im obliged to separate*
spo-tking of his first impressious after
Is not for the spt'einl bene- from th«- government servlc««
Ills trip, said:
Is t)u<- of th«- liicorporutors of th«-
fit of poultry br<-eders and exhibitors. forestry bureau today Pinchot
"This certainly is a wonJcifr.il;'
l’r< | < -rd I.in«- Xorth From
it Is a part of th«> general scheme of outs expr«-ased th«- opinion t
rich agricultural country. One thing
Alturas, t ai.
i the fair management to hav«* «-very Ballinger's dismissal would <
remarkable about it is that in most
Gradually th«- center of Interest iu
localities wlitre they have plenty of » ’the railroad fight that starte«i in the Industry repri'sented .it the fair in soon iia It bt-ctimc- generally
good land thi're is a lack of water, Deschutes canyon is working its way order that th«' fair ns a whole tuny i that he has. iu they Imllevc,
while here you have plenty of both, southward, aud by the eud of this b<- attractive and Instructive to visit­ luto the hands of the wufer
and all it needs is the developing, month Lakeview will bs > attracting ors generally, and it rests Inrgi-ly trusts. At the geological
with th«- poultrymen th«>mselvee to which has had charge of <-xr
which Is sure to come.
the attention of tl.e State, This utili
"Down in my section of the coun­ be chiefly due to the presei nee in that see that their own Industry Is proper-; western streuuis and locatit-t
try in California. San Benlio county. town of C. S. i. Fee. geueral traffic ly represented. Let U3 sen«! to the power sites since the adver;
we have t«j do all our irrigating with manager of the * Southern Pacific, ami fair such an array of exhibits a« will Bullinger, il wus*atat«'l
the storm water which conies in the oue of the lnc< jr I irators of the line Impress the public with the fact that retary bad carefully -x
the poultry Industry is worthy of con- rights of tlx
winter time, at which time our irri that it is propt rd to bulid u
h sideration. 1
dairymen and the prior to his
gating is don«', but here you have a from Alturas.
horsemen a.™
ind t 1 frultmcti will not fiv!d. at the
wonderful water supply nil the year
Mr. Fee and a »arty of about w«-n-
boost our busi 4 m >; we must do that withdr«-w fr tn uetUt‘m hi
around, and it Is niy opinion, from tv -four
italist i will arrive he.-e ourselves.
n«-r> a of land ulong M 4
what I have seen, that a rapid settle­ the last of tills month or the
ment will take plai*e here. Conse­
t in Sepu-mb *r, and will pr
his stat«* «-v -ry j
Balllnge r I eld the 1.
quently Klamath Falls, situated as it ' «Ci
keview in automobiles. The pur- poultry and eggs. How to k<
tbot ize i ntch wlthd
is in this enviable position, is bound pose of their trip h
not been an­
rtv-ed the land
to become the maiu artery for ail the uounced, but I il is believed to have money at borne is a vital pro!
Will follow i-d by
ii ' h . ii
commerce which will develop from to do with the i new railroad that the good poultry exhibit at the
water power all«-
the settlement of these valleys, the Harriman inter rests are going to build stimula'ing a greater int«*i
poultry keeping, will go a !o
nles, Imt it 1.« state.!
result being a bright future for your into Lakeview. Harriman ag
nts have towards solving this pre
survey that In ever
been busily engaged in btiylug up the
Another point 1 »an
thes e entries baa b
The party, accompanied by J G. right-of-way between Alturas and
.Mr. Ballinger pci:
Pierce, left this morning for Cry tai Lakeview, by way of Pitt -river can­ There is greet interest being dt Vel­
by c ongress which
creek, where they will sixnd a few you. One ot the most feasible route*; o;»ed in poultry keeping io this state,
iph-Mn this state are studying bet­
• >rer: iment to acqul
days s*?eing the sights of the Upper is now in the possession of the Ore- i’eopl«*Mn
ter methods of poultry keeping. nn'*
ton Valley Land company. This cor­
;>le in tun
i are writing ha
low Ina
poration bas had several offers, to
ers asking : if iioultry can b«- raised have b<-n withdraw-j^by Mr. B
' It is
i not u quvstlon of I.
sell out, but they have been declined.
•ssfully in this col 'try.
The ge from ntry and rcs -rv«d I
land & «cretary Bullltiger Las m
No statement as to who the pros­
Tin- Raker City Courthouse I- X'ea:
icultural college can hardly till eminent ts<- pending leglslal n för n i<* a quostlou of whether un»
pective purchasers were would be the de manti
est tò II hat County Officials
for such information, th« fr permanent acquirement If con- lt<M Li .uve bevn tuk< h up und
tnade. but it is presumed that they ih: re fore let
Wish to Sii- Erected.
us make an exhibit that gruss next te.-ulon will ei.aci leglila- Huger chicli ciuild jiot hnv
»•ere representatives of Hill and Har­ will show that good poultry
can be tlon which tb«- president at 11 <• lü­
up umLr S.«i-'.«. . Guifii-ld
"From what I saw and heard OB riman.
ral -d I here, and the vis lying public nance of Mr. Ballinger and
ree u'ds show limi thè luti I
Coupled with th«- coming of Mr. at the fair will be pleas d
the outside, Klamath county is the |
and the ¡orney g -neral will rcconimt nd. all
longer itati for thè monta
most prosperous of all. both in re-'
¡«onltry breeders wilt I m - pit ?ased In wat' r power which was not In
Thi r*« >rd» <»t tl,i* Ito
gard to crops for the present year that a basis of agreement has b«'en increase d orders for stock,
hands wt.. n President Taft -
alto show thut
and improvements in general. The reached between the contending fac-
There b will be s teveral ww f«-.l*.*IIW augurated will be retained
'latter of th
ms sere matta of 154 ac
talk of men posted on Klamath Fall, Hotts, and that Mr. Hlll is to witb­ 3t Ided to the exh ilbit. Amor
ig them
■fitly by the government t
of Robert
is tt-at this p’.a e is the coming city i draw from the field. it was for the U' ill be a me L-l j*oultry I ons
tai m ethods.
n In «
of the northwest.' The foregoing I
certain conc«’»- yard with a fir: : ot fowls In
Mr. Ramsey miy» Col|lns
Final Ac-
statement was made by County Judge j >ions from Harriman that Hill started modern cc dony hous v ill boi
\ I,IF. su» HALLI XG'I.R
«1. Follili» I» l'efrtirtrii lo
J. B. Griffith, who, in company with ¿cult, and now- that
at he I bas secured I O'«V 121 and a portable ■ imi ul try f
ugent for Ih« United Mls-oml
County Commissioner S. T. Summers. I what he was after he is ready to pull will ronfine them on I green
Secretary of *•“* Inter .< r II.is t<>
returned from the Seattle exposition oui. The concession demanded was front <tl the main building!
< an .lit for an Interview O»«-r
la nl«-j
iti«ap|H>!ntment Is expressed a’ the
rd inn «»r iti«»
Thursday night.
steamer traffic arra.igenienti from flock of som
the Telephone.
pure brt id
esftitc o Kot»«'1I Laughlin, an
. failure of Secretary Ballinger In hin
In comparing the value of lands Portland to San Francisco. Little fowls will demonstrate
the U'«o 1 of
1 addrys* yesterday io advert to the I Insane person. ha. render«-«! am! pro-
here with these on the outside, the credence, however. Is given to this this Louse, We would
SPOKANE. Wash . August 12
like also 1 ■ o
attitude of the ilepai inient toward settled for set itlcnimt and filed In
judge said: "One thing that im-1 tale, although if It proves to be true show as an object lesson
a poo- '.' pe I Before he left to join the Hcnute com I Plachot and Newell. Ballinger n-ad , said court Ills > final account of th««
pressed me greatly was the cheapness ¡no one will be greatly surprised, for of house and ard. with
a mix«-1 lot mitt«** on Irri.-ation wt hj. Is touring j bls address from a prlutrd paper and I administration <>f aulii estate and a
of Klamath county lands, They are. neither Mr. Harriman nor Mr. Hill of chickens of all size
shapes r nd I the Northwest, Secretary Ballinger ; mad«* i,o mention of the stralixd Mu­ I petition that aid account be ullow<s|
selling lands in Eastern Oregon and!are ih lb te business for the fun they «•«•tor. Buch as Is frequently foua-i
in I Friday refused to giant an audl- tations.
land that said gunrdlnn I >e discharged,
Eastern Washington for three or four • rive, Hill wants something from lb<- backyard or on the farm,
If.i er.ee to a reporter sent to Intei view
and that Saturday, the IIth day of
times what we are asking here, aud Harriman, - nd if he gets it he will therefore, some beard of h--rl«h
11 him regarding the attitude of the de- ward Pinchot was made plain yester­ September. 1 !•<»». at 10 o'clock a. m,
they are not any better than our pull out; if he does not. then he will a-iltar i- - e-< tor -y ill corid'
mn a partmeut of the Interior toward the day afternoon when they biased from of said day, at the court loom of said
lauds. The cheapest lands v.-e heard build.
of this type and dona' • it toi"at r l,<jW,r trust in Montana.
I the rostrum Georg«» Turner, an nitor- court, nt the court Lous ■ In Klariath
of were from >150 to |250 per acre,
llie fair we will s«-t It up w here it will j
Efforts ware made throughout the ney for n private Irrigation company Falls, Klamath county,
Oregon, has
including irrigation, and from that '
shew by contrast the difference be-: *•*>' io s< him, but the secretary re- at > .'mo. Ail». Turner, who I- a been duly apiadnted by said
D. B. Worthington, founder of the tvo n what it should he and what it f,,**ed <** ,r,Mt w,th hl" »■«««-•*
up. Consequently there is a great
In- deb ttate, criticised former Governor for the s> itlet lent of said account
deal of talk on the outside about this :
the fr quently is not.
I terrogstor
except through th« me Par nt- of California for Pardee's at- and the henrlng of mid p*i|tl«»n for
section, and there is sure to be a ! city Friday evening. It Is four years
It Is also planned to have u dre 4e j 'limn of a private secretary.
tack on Secretary
Ballingui. The discharge, at which time anti place
Secretary Ballinger.
great movement of homes«<ekers here I since Mr. Worthington was in Klam-
Finally Ballinger «aine to a tele- delegates hissed Turner and h
foul exhibit to demonstrate good and
ti r<*- any person Interested In said estate
ath Falls, and while he ex|rect-d .»»or
in the very near future."
t.'P'-s of market fowls am! ap- phone and the following conversation tired in C'.nfuslon.
may appear and tile his exceptions In
While absent Judge Griffith and many changes, he was not prepared f-eved methods of dressing, 'ill. ... I occurred:
> li
to the said dual acount, and
Commission« r Summers visited Port­ for the great transformation that has , ibow the market qualltb.-s of diff«-r< n» I
"That dope you put out is all noun« <-d today that it hnd r«-< <-lv>-d contest the tarn«- and show cause, If
r< nt
land, Roseburg and Eugene, confer­ i tak_n place in that time. Eighteen t.c«
is toi
dr as table fowl. The plan Is
«* «"<•
ttn<! •«•HP-
Rcores of resolutions ■ omnie tiding any. why a filial distribution of said
ring with architects, and made a j years ago the publishing of a news-| ¡r-. v i aid--
Bld«- well fat«
I m-
of the Hoz«- Chief Foresti-r Gifford
Plnchot and estate should not lie ordered.
thorough inspection of the court­ ' paper was not attended with luxury. ; '.veil i i.« poorly fattened ones, ami w< *|1»«» •■«<• ,,mc® and
«"*1 ,*-*' '«*"
Director F. II. Newel) of the United
houses at those points to get ideas for , It was a cas<- of scratch gravel, and <!,•cried
and poorly dre-c. <1 a-.- el-1 statements of Collins, which 1 would States reclamation service In
the new courthouse that is to be built scratch hard. Thin Mr. Worthington mens of several of th«- popular bre«-<ls •*'te ,o Mbmit to you," said th«- re­
est terms and demanding the ret en-
here. They also insjiected the plans did until he tired of the task, and i wlll be shown dressed. No proviaion porter.
lion In oincti of those ofllclala.
of the Baker City courthouse, which bidding adieu to his friends he hied has be
sen made for prizes for dressed .
— ”
"i'll have no conference with . you.
were in Portland, conferring with the
1 fowl; If this can be arranged for • r®l»H»d the secretary; "you have mi»-
architect and contractor who planned er field for the pent-up energy and ■ announcement will be made of the B,«tcd the case.
and erected this building. It Is a ability of a man of bls caliber. In I fact later.
Tell Us What
“I can prove to you by the records
On Saturday, September 4. 1909.
three-story structure, with the jai' ’ ; his farewell address to bis subscrib-
I hope to send out later more com- , that tl.e power trust grabb* «1 Mon­ there
You Want
on top, and cost >125,000. These
These, •rs i.e predicted Klamath Falls' plots details of the exhibit;
mean- ,#nn •«nds." was the reply.
plans, of which they made a partial future.
No more notable forecast time we wish our poultry friends'
IVe «Ili pian, «-stliiintc and con­
1 ben you have misconstrued what draft and driving horses, ranging
examination, suited them so well that has ever ap|>«ared in type, for within would do two thing«: .First, boost
has happened.’* retorted Ballinger, fiotti 1,050 to 1,600 pounds; also tro et for any Iron, Htonr, Bri« k, Fon-
arrangements have been made to the period designated has come to the poultry Industry and the show; ’’• *111
not see you until it Is yearlings, two-year-olds and sucking crete or Fraine Building for construc*
send them here this week, at which pass the great development lx- fore­ second, look over their flocks of
tion In Houllicrn Oregon. We guar­
straighten« d out."
colts, to be sold to the highest bidder,
time a thorough study will be made saw.
I chickens and their neighbors' chick-i
‘■you're the only one whit can In Klaninh Falls, Klamath county, nii Ice Econoiny, FUI« iency and hatla-
of them, and doubtless a decision will
Mr. Worthington I h editor and pub­ | ens and let us see what section of the
Straighten it out. Mr. Secretary.**
j Oro. Terms of sale All under |100,
then be reached as to the design for lisher of the Beloit Dally News, one J state can make the best showing at.
Ballinger's reply whs to hang up six months'tlm«*; 1100 and over, on«
the new courthouse. It Is practically of the leading newspapers of XViscon- the state fair.
his receiver ami terminati! the long- year's tlm«* nt 6 per cent with good Kclsi-y Block Opp. American Hotal
decided, however, that the new court­ sin. He is postmaster of the city and
First, we want an <-xh»ibl! that distane«* Interview
J security. Two per cent ««IT for cash.
house wlll be a two-story pressed one of the leaders In the movement will appeal to the fancier or br ■ •«tar
Secretary Ballinger last night gave
11. II. LOW, Proprietor,
brick structure, with the jail In the that I h making Beloit a great munici­ 'I pure bred stock; second. ,ve want
to the Spokesman-Review a state­
attic, and found
>ns sufficient for pality. He wlll remain here for a ar. exhibit that will appe.il t > the
ment of his side of the case. He said:
supporting one
more stories will week or ten days. His old friends man who Is less Interested In breed­
"I have Information from Wash­
be put in, in cu
the future needs ! are glad to see him, and he has I ing exhibition fowls as he ii> in prac­
ington that, the public records show
Team, brown mare and light bay
of the county u ...and It.
already become popular with those tical methods of poultry culture. A
For mi U|et<ednte «»h«*rl. r**k
that no jxiwer sites or dam Hites were horse, 15 or 16 hands high; mare
The foundation will probably be i who have taken up their residence successful state fair poultry exhibit
a Itambtar, bn sale at th* GUN
taken up during the time that 1,000,- branded TC on left shoulder. Ten
put in this fall, if weather conditions i since he left. His name is not un­ must have both. If we can <o >ur
For Mie or mat.
000 acres of land were opened for dollars reward for recovery of team
permit, and the work on the main familiar to nearly everyone in the part the poultry building< will bo entry In
Tenta to rent. Guna. We carry
April. Even If the land or Information leading to same will
part of the building will be begun city, for he has left behind him a crowded with visitors, and the poul­ available
n full line of »|M»rtlng (tomia.
for power sites was entered bo paid by Hynek IJalln at Kobo’s
early next year.
reputation as being the best news­ try exhibit will be the mos. talked
It could not proceed to patent, bn- ranch seven miles south of town, or
While in Portland Judge Griffith paper man that ever lived in Klamath of feature of the fair after It is over, caline of
a provision In the order address or leave word at City
met Mr. Hoey, who has charge of the Falls, and the best proof of the cor- structed. With this addition to the
throwing It open to entry.
Bakery, Klamath Falla.)
construction of the Natron branch, redness of the statement Is the sue- dlsplny space a larger and mote at­
J. R. CH A Mil KH*.
The department of the Interior
who informed him that he was ar­ cess that has followed his efforts in a tractive exhibit can be made. The
the Amrrleaa Hata*.
making as substantial progress as It
Chas. i’attee of Bonanza arrived In
ranging to put on a big force of men larger field.
Pboui KUS.
main building is being thoroughly did under Secretary Garfield, only it the city Saturday morning.
E. J. MURRAY. Editor.
These Summer days by
putting away stuffy car­
pets and let us lay a fine
Art Square or a Matting
on your room. Never
mind what the price is;
we won’t take all the
coin you have.
Citv Meat Market