Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 19, 1909, Image 3

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    hi : mt toux ix xoktiiuent
A l air t ‘ oiii | hu itou Mude l>> a t ini
t'ullk for Entire Itiann mui the Inslul-
servatile t filzen limi Niions Ip
Tills I it) ami County Well.
Intioii of
Additional Iio»es.
Th*- question of the hunt Ion of the
James Hlrtiw, one of our well-
known old residents, returned homo postofflce Is prin t 1'iilly settled so fur
lust Tuesday fro mu (rip to I’ortlund, ns th« govt'i (imeni unii II. F. Mur-
t'oos Bay, Seattle, YnkLm valley, dot If mu eoiicwrned. When th«* rep-
¡iisentutlve of lite government wus
Hpoltunu und C oi - ui d'Alene.
"It seems good to got back home," hi re some tim« ago lie sulimllt* d to
said Mr. Hl raw, "for after visiting M r. Muidoch u proposition for the
th* various places ubove iiii-iitlon*<l renting of ne* ommodutlona In his
und noting pretty carefully ll>*' con building. 'This embodied the cotidi-
dltlous prevailing on tho outside, 1 (Ions that tlle entire room lie devoted
found no town of this str.«', or some to ike usi - of the postofflce, and that
even larger, that could compurc with there be Instiillcd about three liuli­
it In business. Th** menhanls In drnd boxes.
The plans f«»r lh<- new equipment
towns similar to ours nr«’ complain­
ing continuously about dull times have b*-* h rwelved, m.d wh* n the of­
nnd poor trad«*, nud upon going fice I*, rcuri aug«-<l It vili
around among th*- mewhatits here the niout convenient in tl
they state that while buslm-ss Is not pi Ivate otile« is to be I*
at Its highest point, still they arc pet­ tho post must, r and th«
1 rangement of the Interior
to« tly w ell sat Islb-d
"You »«’ more pi-oph' In Klnmnth ' tit* ly «li ting* ;ed.
Th*- leas« i I.* mude out fot' a l<-rui
Fall > on 1 hi* nt 1« V ! « H un you do In
It Is not like)
Hit ’I
ii n y of tho towm on the outxld*- of : of tell y« ara «.
und1 If Kia inn I li Fulla < I jltlK • will lie in.ul" during that iwr
th«* .*miH«*
Wilt hunched up Ilk o tho most of io*!, II s the govi-rnm* nt mal* ■* It n i
t !;«>.«< * towim uiv W« would havo u ' rulo 1 <> * In* ng** the location <if
; cstlofflco only on two condii lot*
ciowd on I hi* streets al) I he time.
"Crops in ths Wllluuivlt« valley “vh. n th'- quarters gi-l too sn.'til r
I her
do not look good on account of fhe it erects Its own building.
cold, late spring, but In the I’nlousv contingency is not likely to a: I «♦
ring the
th*« term of th«
the 1*114*'.
Ynkimn valley * « crops look during
growth of the
tl e business of tho I |«0>vt-
draw- off*. *ls s:i*-h
such us
ns to wn taut th*- pi«
Mr. Straw attended
art a diction that next year will sc* do
Ing in Spokane, but
l-eginulng of th«* fr*-«' d*-llv<'ry rya
claim, although he tai
This will do away with th
registered from this
of larger quarters, ns 't
name he did not know, drew u claim
tho onice of u great d*
In tho Coeur d Alone drawing, the
i.-* that will b<- trnn'*a<t"
numli.-r of tbt* ticket being 1.365.
CL r riera. Th«* erection of n gov-
In spcaklu" of th" chances one bad
■it building is only n remote
fur drawing a « Ialiti. Mr. Straw said
"It wits too long a shot to get any­ possibility,
lldllt y ns it is on** of the hard-
thing. For Instance, in the Flathead •-st thing-* to get through congres*.
country th* re were 25Ò good vlalms
idi. li . in < f :
and 83,<>00 people registered; In the
S|*okn:u* r* s, rvntlou tl orc w«-r** 30 or
One of tin* largest lo ads of leltue«
3 5 good claims and loo,000 propio
,-r s i'ii in this city was exhibited
irglsteri-d, and In I’-*■ i’m-ur d’Alrn«*
la w.-.-k
W. 8. Slough.
nervation there were <»ou or 700
... grown In his garden on the hill,
good claims nnd 100,000 people reg-
It measured 30 Inches In diameter.
Mr st raw stated that travul WAN *♦ I >, inches In circumference and
It Is what Is
Very heavy and the trains were filled weighed six pound*.
with homcM*> er*, but that a good known ns the "ihnderson Immens­
i miv of them were of the class that ity," and. judging from Its vise. It Is
lode all the way out from the east in well (mined. .Mr, Slough bad it pho-
rlmlr cur without «-tiiinging their togruplo d. nnd ctiples of It ought to
I m ffh-d away for UM when some real
On leaving here Mr Hl raw was wise one cotm-s along with the old
suffering from an absci ss In his h* nd 1 stereotyped Information that "you
from which he has entirely recov­ *an't grow nothin' here but alfalfy."
The disposition on the part of
some to advance every
i VI IMilil I. IN I 11.I.ID
- against the great agricultural possl-
bllltlea of thia section Is, to say the
lliterrol I« Growing In tl'c Great «leant, most aggravating. Ninety-nine
Trade-Get ting M*rv«-m«'til—M.oiy
l per t ent of those knockers never
Huggestlous Hcceilcd,
tried to grow anything but holes In
The Bargain Week catalogue
1 the seat of their breeches; the other
It will bo a thirty-two paged one per cent merely sowed some seed
book, sixo six by nine Inches, and in the ground and expected nature to
every page will carry to the |>eople of do all of the work while they sat
Lak** nnd Klamath countie u lint of around whittling a stick und cursing
the offerings of the merchants of this ; the country.
city that will bring here hundreds of
It Is an Indisputable fact that stuff
purchasers, ninny of whom have will not grow If the seed
Is not
never liwn here before und most of , planted, and It Is seldom you will
whom will In future make Klamath find any of the,».- kickers who have
Fulls n headquarters for their trail­ gone to the trouble of testing the fer­
tility of the soli In tills ctumty. They
The question of holding a Week uro always ready with the Informa­
of Bargains hinged on whether tion that a frost killed everything
enough of th*’ merchants would be on such-and-such a date, or that a
represent «*d In the catalogue to jus­ frost will do It next week, but they
tify Its Issuance. Now that this has never volunteer the Information that
been done, th«' next step will bo to among the stuff destroyed was a crop
get ready for a proper obaervence of ! of their own that showed indications
the occasion. In addition to the of being unusually large. This sec­
county fair will bo held some other tion has Its drawbacks. There 1s not
form of entertainment, it Ims been ■i place In the world that Is free from
suggested that the Chamber of Com­ | handicaps, but Klamath county will
merce take charge of this part of the average tip with any country on the
program, nnd those of the directors globe, nnd when th*' score is tnllled
of the organisation who have been It will hi- pretty close to the top.
seen have expressed themselves as.
willing to assume the task.
If the
directors nt their meeting to-morrow
night will officially udopt the matter W ould Prove of Inimensc Iteiiellt to
It will moan Its complete success und
Hie Merchants of klmuatli l-'alls
at tho same tint«* assure tho hearty
In T xteiiding liusiness.
co-operntlon of the business men.
The people of the Silver Lake
Many suggestions have already country are becoming Interested in
been received, und they are deserv- the luopositlon to improve the high­
Ing of the careful consldernt ion of ways between that section and Klam­
In ath rails. They are alive to the ad­
those having the celebration
charge, One of the most unlqiio and vantages Ao be gained and If they
nt the Sanin tl.no practical, Is tin- are met half way there will be a
holding of whnt shall bo known as ready response. If this trade can be
•‘Mask Hay," during which everyone diverted to this city It will be of im­
in the city, residents as well as visi­ mense value to the business men of
tors, will mask. This would
un­ the city nnd every effort should be
doubtedly be a popular part of the put forth to induce these people to
program. Other Ideas have been ad­ come hero. The following from Sil­ I
vanced and should bn submitted to I ver Lake Leader will prove of Inter-
the consideration of tho managers, est to this city:
who will select the best of all tho
We are informed that
suggestions nnd incorporate them In county is very anxious for a wagon
th«' program.
road to be built from Klnnmtb Kails
by the way of Illy to this place, and
The “bortMti-rs" of tho town o( that they will build the road to the
Montgomery, Ala., have erected a line between the two counties
monster electrically Illuminated sign Lake county will do her part and
bearing the name of their community meet them. We have talked to many
on the roof of n factory facing tho of our people and they are all anx­
railroad. Tho sign Is 75 feet high ious for a road.
Every one with
and 85 foot long, lit by .,000 inntps, wl.om we have talked thnt aro fa­
and bears an Immense key nnd the miliar with the country over which
"Montgomery Your Op­ the road would go are unanimous In
portunity," with a sky-rocket effect. «aving that ti e Kinmath county peo­
The Idea Is to Impress the name on ple, when they build, should cross
thousands of passengers going by on the Slcan river nt the lower end
the rnllroad and possibly Ignorant of then keep up on the west side. Let's
tho name of the town.
’ live <ho road. Silver Lake Leader.
The Ingenuity That Is Shown by
the Woman Thief.
Ths Satchel With a Pales Hit torn and
ths Slit In ths D'sss Nssr ths Bolt,
boms ttchsm*.» t>uce«.s»ful Uscauss of
Thoir Very Simplicity.
A Good Survs/or sod On« ot Our First
The buffalo win u g*«sj surveyor. It
did not reusou out w by It should go In
ii certain dots lion, but 11« Mitre liiallm-t
t«s>k II i>y tile e.irlest mid most dire' t
paths, over bigli lands and low. to Hie
salt ll'ks ami water i-ourses which
were Ils goul. Tin- HUlh**rs of "Th«'
Htory of the Great Ltik*—
( banning **.«J M F Ijiio.lng. «ay that
the buffalo ol*s«-rved sometliltlg like
the prliielph-s which today govern the
civil englm-i r
As soot* a- the explorer land«*l on
the soutliern shores of Lake* Erie,
Michigan and Su|*-rlor be came upou
buffalo roads or -trit*«'« " Kouietlme*
th«'«*- were narrow ditf lics. a fool wide
nnd from six In* It«* to two feet «Icep.
tro'ld.ii <l*.t.o by Ihe lmpni-l of thou­
sands of hoofs ns herd after herd of
buffaloes had stamped along In single
flic Iwhiml t heir leaders.
When Ho- ArM path l>ecaine too
<l*-*-p for comfort Is« a use of repeau*d
travel the buffaloes would abandon It
niu! Is'glti n H.M oml pail* alongside Hie
first, ami tints tlte frequented traces
would is* gradually widened
Again, nil Immense herd of these
heavy animals would crash through
tin* fortstl. breaking In their rapid
progress n br< :d. d***p road from one
f«*rdlnx groumi to anoth«*r
As this
route would Is* followed again nnd
nguln by lids nud other le*r<ls. Il wotikl
becotne level ami linrd im a ris k, so
Hint there was great rejoicing hi ph«
neer settlements when the weary road­
makers. struggling with log causeways
ami swampy hollows, came urmn a
firm, solid buffalo trie e. Nor was this
nn unc<'tntiM>o ex|terlen*-r
The line of many of these roads Is
follow«*! tislny by our railroads und
canals, as It wan followed by our log
roads ami turnpikes
The buffalo followed the level of the
valley lie sworn*) round high f*>lnts
w hem-ver Ii was | -»ible, crossing the
ridges .-ii «t wilier*!»-,;* at th»' best nat­
ural divides and gorges, ami he crossed
from one side of a stream of water to
th«' other repeatedly in order to avoid
climbing up from the level, after the
fnxtiloii of our m**d< rtt loop railways.
at Klamath Falla, In the State of Orcon, at tho close of business,
June 23, 190k.
Loans and Dlacounts ..................
| 50,UG9.55
Bonds, securities, etc......................................
Bunking house, furniture and fixtures .................................
Due front approved reserve banks ...........................................
Checks and othor cash items......................................................
Cash on hand .
.................................................... .
As numerous n* they are Ingenious
arc the tricks of th*« mialeru shoplift
•rs, declare *tor*- <l«-te* live*. II l.i-eps
tlie *l«'te*'tlves busy to "get oil ‘ to the
del l< es of the ni*-ii unit wom«'ii w lit*
live by their wits In sleiillng from
stores For Irli k* that nre canny few
cliisses of i rlmlnala, it I* said, up |
prtsich I hem.
‘I lie iiietlnsl of sti-nllng by using th«
waichel with ii fills«' bottom Is «me of
the i-leicrest «if the tricks.
Well «lis'-'iilswl. tin- shoplifter enter* |
it sloe«'. Iler *•)*•* mil on-r the < <>un-1
ter*. Hili' |H-rcelv«-s tire object alt«' I
wants m-tl illy MUiictblng small and
valuable, soinclliiics a pur «• n custom
<-r In.- left 1.« in. "ii the 11 uiit«-r.
over the oiiji-. t tl.c sh> pllfii-r pin* >■* i
her satchel. Pretending to delve into
tlic r.ili liel to i-xtrii* t ii pur « or hand- I
kerchief, the ifiicf lifts a falm* Isittom i
In tlic Img. reaches ui.d* r It. draws In- I
ride the dc-ir««l article, adjlists tin- ;
fills«* Isittoni, «loses th«* satchel and '
walks nwny,
“llul l III« Is only i, ii <‘ «if iiuiiiy « lever I
riis*-* *'iup:i*i *-d," di'cliir<*d n defivtlve I
th« otlx'r day. "The women «-specially
are irvycnlous. Tliidr drees, of «-ourse, i
I m -I|> s tlicm.
"One of the meth'*!* of stt-allng Is
for the shoplifter to have a slit In her *
dr« * nci.r the I h -I i . A* sla.* siamls near i
the «-outlier * lie cun deftly wiw th*'
article desired. Is' It ii place of lace i
or ciatly fabric or a Idt * f Jewelry, i
and slip It Into Hie skirt. The folds of
the skirt are voluminous nnd coucenl ,
tin* thing stolen.
"Nome tricks nre *u< «ensful because (
of ti.elr almpliclty. A fashionably ,
dressed woman may walk into the I
clothing ilejiartmciit, look over «-out
stilts, pick up one, fold Ii neatly up. '
place it under her coat und walk I
He Swallowed It Alive and Had to Kill
It After It Was Down.
“If she Is detected she will Indlg* |
nmitly ilcclaie tlmt she Ix-ugbt the suit : A farm lalsirer from the Interior on
some time before and tlint she has I hl* fir-t visit to Ixindon dropfwd Into
a small oyster simp where a number
brought It l>.K'k to la> ultered.
men «-.i re eating raw oyster*. The
"Or n woman, her hands giKterin-.*
with rhiv * nnd «lie- ■<) in the latest i extreme satisfaction displayed on the
style, nia; walk’Into tin- store some j faces of those about him created long­
winter «lay. She wears only a rl« h ings of a gustat« ry nature In the new
arrival, who tslgcd bls way up to the
coat of dark fabric.
"In Hi«» <-". h department she will ask I counter In anticipation of eating a
to sec some fur lined c«slt.s. Oh. sb«» Is ■ real live. Juicy oyster
very puriit uliir nnd tries on otn* after ' It was Hie first time be had seen an
another, tltls-r* ustomers come up. and oyster, ami lie became at once Inter-
the sah'cl.idy gets busy with them , estod. and when the shelltlsb had been
finally uucased be proc«s-d*-d to bal-
while madam i. trying to suit herself.
"While th«' >.il*-shidy Is tutla'd site | nni-e It <>n the «-nd of hi* fork. then,
puts *>n on«' of the richest sable trim­ with a look **f extreme satisfaction,
med coals, turns on her h«**l mid 1 gulped It down
walks nwny. 1‘erhnps the salesgirl I "Great H*-ott:" shouted a man stand­
may not noth-«' the loss until there is ing near-him. “You haven’t swallowed
the oyster alive, have you?”
un n< < aunt of »to* k.
There was a horrible pause
"Ea< h month from fifty to sixty ar-
r< -I* nr<- mail«' In III«' nvcrug«' large I "That critter will eat right through
department store. The det*- lives must you!” shouted another.
By this tint«- the poor countryman
be extremely - areful. for a false « barge
would pre* Iplt.-ite a suit for damages. I wns shaking with fear am! horror. He
commence«! to have terrible pains in
w hich wouid mean many ttmusanda.
"t’ertuln departments hold «*i>eeial hl* abdomen nml wits soon doubled up
He b«%rg*-d some one to
lures f«>r shoplifters. The jewelry de­ In hl* agony
to get the thing out.
partment is iin.irlably gunrd«*d. When
He continue«) to grow worse, when
th« furs <-om«' tn we have sieuths who
keep tln-ir eyes often for the woman some one suggested that be take a
who likes to take a fur to the window dooe of tabasco sauce, which it was
to examine It. then ruaping for the claimed would kill the object that
<loor; the woman with the false skirt wns creating such terrible commotion
and the woman who puts a fur on and in Ills internal arrangement.
He gntspe«! the tiottle with avidity
audai ioasly walks away.”
Although Hu* sales departments nnd nnd t<x,k a draft Ills condition, which
the detective depnrttnelits work to- I befor«' bad iie«’n alarming to the vic­
gctlicr, there exists la'twecn them a tim. now ussume«l a serious phase to
spirit of justltiuble rivalry. If a de- the t*ctpetrntors of the hoax.
The man gasped and choked. He
tecth«' pen-elves some on«' getting
aw ay with fpsols It i asts dlscr«’dlt «>n became bla« k in the face, and tears
th«' ihtsoii behind tin« counter from were running dowu his face, when
which the goi'ds were stolen. There­ some one thrust a bottle of oil into
fore the sales folk keep an alert watch bls mouth, and be was forced to drink
copious drafts.
for simplifiers.
The effect was magical. The oyster
one might Imagine that goods are
dumped |H-llmell on the counters of was evidently "dead." He became
the big stores. As a matter of fact, the mor«' «x*mpos*-«l. and when he dually
ethclcnt saleslady will have everything recovered bls breath he said:
"We killed it. But when that darn-
so arranged that she will notice the
dlsap|M>nritnce of an article almost Im­ «*1 stuff got Into my stomach that oys­
ter ruslu-d around ns If a shark was
If a saleswoman susfiects a person after it.”—London Scraps.
she Immediately notlflea the head de­
tective. If It Is a woman, a woman
detective Is usually put on the Job. It
Is said store managers usually And
women more ctlli-icnt than men.
Few arrests nre ever made In the
stores, as an arrest gives only und««-
slralile publicity. The detective usual­
ly follows suspect<xl persons from the
store nnd nrresta him or her outside.
It Is snlil thnt arrests for shoplifting
In New York excis'd 3.000 a year. In
thnt city a full dcscrlfitlon of nil shop­
lifters caught nre sent to the Retail
Dry Goods nss<M-lntlon. which In turn
distributes the Information to the va­
rious mcmlsTs.
Only by concerted action nnd with
highly organised staffs of detective«
can the stores cope with the Ingenious
The detective system of the big
stores, however. Is now so pcrf«»ct
thnt It is dnngerous to attempt shop­
lifting Even the cleverest shoplifter
five* a long lull term In the pursuit of
her nefarious work.
More than thnt. If a shoplifter for
any reason should «’scape paying the
penalty of crime In one city she may
not be so fortunate In another. T»e-
acrlptlona of all suspected ix-rsons arc
sent out broadcast, and arrest In an­
other cltv may menu a jail term oven
though the thief may have escaped
punishment prevlonsly.
North Xmerhan
Not Desired.
Having at enormous pains got her
length, breadth nnd thickness about
right, the woman heavetl a sigh of re­
lief. “No fourth dimension In mine.
If you please!" she exclaimed, with
unmistakable feeling.
Some aver that the feminine mind
l.s not attracted by metaphysics any­
“Will that youug man ever go
home?" demanded the Irritated head
of the house.
"1 cues* so. father." replleil the ma-
terfamillas. "He always has gone.”—
Washington Herald.
A Concise Explanation.
“now does that man always manage
to appear as th«1 leader of you people?”
"I suppose." answered Farmer Corn-
toMtel. “that it’s simply because he’s
smart euotigh to get ahead of us.”—
Washington Star.
Not Consistent.
“Whnt wns I saying when I dodged
that automobile?"
"You were saying thnt life Is not
worth living.
But If you think so
why did you dodge?" — Louisville
Man Is made of dust, but he Is usua’-
ly -»tit for more. -Exchange.
Total ..................
Capital stock paid In ...........................................................
3 25,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid....................
Due to bank* and bankers............................................................
Individual deposits subject to check .....................................
Demand certificates of deposit......................................................
Time certificates of deposit...........................................................
8,2 85 00
Certified checks ....
. . ..
Savings deposits .....
Total ................................................................................-.........S 62,360.10
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath,)M.
I, J. W. Siemens, cashier of the above mention«*] bank, do sol­
emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl-
edg<- and belief.
J. W. SIEMENS. Cashier.
GEO. T. BALDWIN, Director*.
M ason &S lough
olioioc? line of invoMt«
ments tliiit ^vill
tlio pttrcliaser money
City Property
Farm Mortgages
Summer Rates East
During tne Season of 1909
via the
Southern Pacific Co.
OMAHA and Return - - -
KANSAS CITY and Return,
ST. LOUIS and Return - -
CHICAGO and Return • -
and to other principal cities In the East, Middle West and South
Correspondingly low fares.
O j Sxle nay 17, June x, 3; Ju y a, 3; August 11, la
To DENVER and Return, $65.30
On Sale ¡"lay 17, July 1, August 11
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit
October 31st.
These tickets present some very attractive features in the
way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enab­
ling passi'ngers to make side trips to many interesting points
en route
Routing on the return trip through California may be had
at a slight advance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will
furnished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or
WM. McMVRRAY. Gcmra! Pnasenger Agent, Portland. Oregon.
College Preparatory
and Business School
State High School. College Preparatory, Teachers’ Review, Book-keep­
ing ami Stenographic Coars« Taught by Competent Teach«>rs.
W. T. VAN 8COY, A. B., President.
A. C. CREWS, Secretary.
Do» J. Z cmwai . t ,
E M. B vbb ,
V’ic«^PreB. and Treas
Map«, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Rsar E Wrntarw, Secretary
\ i •
Klamath Falls, Oregon
14 <*♦«■♦ ♦«» «4* «»♦■>« *8*
♦♦♦«99 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦