Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1909)
EXTENSION OF < ITA LIMITS TO ENTERTAIN* BALLINGER «TATE WILL GET ITS HALF Ballinger Slates Aliai Ile Will Appor- it lutnilicr of Commerce Arranging to Miet Him on Ills Arrival at tion the Money as Directed by Binding on Upper latke. Ism and .Not Expediency. NFAV S4TIOOL AT AGENT A Ik-^itlents of Hot Springs Addition Plaiis and Hpecifiiiilions for Gyur \A nnt to Know Certain Thing*. mudimi Also in Hands of Hii|ier- Front the lily Count'll. intendent AA limili. INDORSED IIA 4 It AMBER The lluxluess Men Nlioiild Get To. gettici' mid Decide the Çliestloll Among Tlieinoelves. Nynl'a Vogo- tnblr I'reacrlp- llo'l I» IlMlllllt- <d In all ordi nary lll»< U«<’H of wi.iiK it. Thia remedy never disappoints, It» gtod effect« be ing percept Ibi» Ji oui tiri vary first. It is com posed of ti.e pur» .t nnd the most reliable OH i <11- drugt; rlii!«, opiatua p mid other har mful ding» lin ing excluded. The mu iy dis- com- -Itllig lo- fi II •• 11 c a ■ to which wiimnn lx constantly ■ ubj clod ren der her Habla to many runitlonal disorder« that nut only tend to destroy her comfort and happlne»», but which gradually merge Into chronic and serious dl»- va»<*M. Nyal'« A'eg< tabla Prescription la without .i peer for tho succossful trentmnet of female w<*nknos», p dn- fill uu 1 di <or<|, :-e<l nion si rotation, byaterl , <■ amp«, 'bearing down pain*," infiam ui<tloii and falling of the w< nib. Thia la u tciiK'dy of sterling wcti th. Will G Steele of Crater luik. Park Among the residents of the nddl- Blds have been opened for ti.e new luick of funds was the general The yegiiliir meeting of Ilio l’haiu- complaint of the officials who at- arrived in the city Friday night, and tions outside the city limit* consid school building that Is to be elected ber of Commerce «ili belìi Thuradu.V tended th conference of lhe reclania- nad a conference with the officials erable interest la being mnntft>sled at the Klamath Agency and the con night nnd tho mailer of holding n lion thia weak. Al its close of tho Chamber of Commerce as to over the | reposition soon to be sub tract was awarded to AA' It. Lovell of liargiiln AA'eek wus tiiken up »mi con- Secretary Ballinger found hint sell the entertainment and care of Sec mitted for the ext-'is’on of the city'« Minneapolis. Minn, Like ull blds for sldereil. Tho membri« felt that II wn» surroundc d by a mass of figures from retary Ballinger, whose visit to this boundaries to Include their property, government work, there was a lilg out of tlielr »piloro io bave iiiivthlng every rec.ami'tlon district praying section Is now an assured fact. Upon rhere are at th!» time very f< w sup- difference between the bld of Lovell dlreclly tu do wlth lilla mailer, uh II for extension, completion or Improve Mr. Ballinger’s arrival at Medford j porters, the prim-lpal reason« nd- and the next lowest, it amounting to wua e ih 1 rei) wlthin thè province of ment. It wa» announced that the he will be met by the Medford Com ' vanced being that there Is no advant over 16,000. Several blds were suls tho business meli of Ilio city. Ho projects under way aud proposed mercial club mid taken via auto to age In accepting the invitation, 'it>d I t milted by local contractors, but they fiiviiiJily impresari! weie tliey wlth would entail an expenditure of 12 6.- Crater lake, arriving there in thx> that If they did come In they would were out of the runnlnf as soon uh tho movi meni nnd thè mivlsiiblllny VOO.OOO. mid that the funds on baud »vetting. He wil speud the night at only have to pay :*ddltio*ii:l taxe.'. the gentleman from Mlnena polls of holding n lliirgnln AA’eek curnivnl A. made his appearance. The building thnt they puasod amounted to only 111,000,000. AA’hat < the rim tn an esirecially prepared without any material benefits. steps would be taken by Secretary ! tent. The next morning the s«*ere- ¡yet no statement has been Issued by to bo erected wil be about lox'll feet. lui ioti; Ballinger to get around the differ | tary will be taken down to the lake. the mayor outlining tho position of It will have a ulna foot stone bu».*- "The Klamalh Uh« tubar of Corn no-lit with cement floor, Over this merce commenda ili» «pirli of thè ence In totals was not divulged, but where a boat will be In waiting to ' the city council In the premises. Those most vitally interested In will lie the school rooms and assent merchaul.i of Klumuih Full» who in his address at the close of the con- i take the party for a ride, ference economy was the keynote. During his-stay at the* lake he w ill the matter ure «the residents of the bly hull, with twelve-foot celling ii c imi empii te u llarguln AA'eek.’ dur AA'hen they will be plastered throughout and lx* ili K whli'h specilli prlexs wIII he Iliade He closed by saving he was pleaaed i designate the location for the big Hot Springs addition. with the personnel of the reclamation hotel thm is proposed to be erected ' purchased the property from the I'nt of the sumo character of construction un ineri i ululi»», a» n ni"un» of detti- i Springs company it was stipulated In that characterizes all government olisi mt Ing lo people of tho Interior servid.', and that all requests for ap 1 there. At the conclusion of his stay at tho their contract with thnt corporation buildings. portionment of the reclamation fund thè udvii city as a re ¡lake he will l>e taken In charge by tffat the price paid for the lots In- would be taken under advisement. This structure 1» to replace the one tali timi < center. It is suggested That AA’nshington is getting more ■the Klamath Chamber of Commerce. eluded the construction of aidewalkj that was destroyed by fire last spring, thut thè lato selected lie coincident than her queta of the reclamation The trip to Agency Landing will le and sewers. The question that Is In but wil be superior In every respect. wlth thè exhibit of tho annuiti fair." fund, her project? absorbing more made by auto, where coaection will teresting them is whether the exten In addition to the school building AA'hlle the Indorsement of the than 50 per cent of the receipts from be made with the boat. This will sion of the limits would vitiate the Superintendent AA'ilson has plans and Chambei of Commerce mid» to the AA'hen specifications for n gymnaalum build marita of thè propositlon Just thnt the sales of public lands, was a state afford the secretary an opportunity provisions of that contract. to see the source of the water sui>- the conference was held betwee.i tin* ing. This, however, will not be let nuch. tl-.i nieri'hunt» of thè city ment ma<'i by Secretary Ballinger. Cur. "th and Main Streets council and A H. Naftzger. ex pies- by contract, the work thereon being should requiriono «uch approbation, "But." he said, "an adjustment ’>lv for the Rreut irrigation system. Kia mat li Full« • • • • OregoM ident of the Hot Springs c-iii ’ i any . Beiug pressed for time it is doubt done by the day. It 1» 1:1« desire to for thè affnlr I h olio thnt should colli is being contemplated whereby each state will get its proportionate share. ful if be will remain here for a day. certain agri'ements wer** made, blit furnish the boys with faillltlea for matili tho i onslderutlnn of thè busi A I FAA' II.« KGA1.NN. The law in view will allow every but every effort will be put forth to to what extent these will bold the in-door athletics that will bo second ness mini who I h dealrou» of expumi-1 I city is what the residents of thl* ’ get him to do so. One of the peculi ad- to none In the state. The beneficial Ing his tiude territory. The mor- Five Iota, sign !y location, flboO. state 51 per cent of the fund ac t ffects of this course is Indicated by chant willing to have his trade re Can loun |7&u < u th» <i»«l. cumulating «¡'.rough the dis;»osition arities of the secretary is strict ad- dltion want to find out. In the Fairview addition the rest the deep Interest already manifesto I main within the confine» of the city I herence to his schedule. In this re- . of public lands." A Uiou collag * with bath, larga "Being the umpire oi a baseball ' spent he Is like President Taft. If dents are principally interested in In th new gym. ami It may be ex or count ■ will, of course, see little lot. II •<>''. A good buy. As It pected that the Klamath Agency will •toud in 'i bargain week, for the rea game," said Director Newell, “ is a I he decid s that he cannot remain any th,* construction of sidewalks A larg. re»I l< re. fii « lot, |3S00. picnic compared to distributing water. . longer than the time now allotted now Is very few of the propert«' ••«'ti turn out some athl>*t *s that will at son 'i<* will not care to lose the profit Three cottage» ou throe lota Hoots tract attention throughout the state caused b; the reduction. I was actually surprised, however, at and the Chabber of Commerce of this er* lav* provided these necessity But tlle • ncugn for another rottugo, flziu. put him During the winter months travel In «he 3carrity of complaints agninst ■ eity and Medford can .MASON a HLot'GIL met 11 ant who Is li believer In big the service. There were no com through without apparent difficulty this s *etion of the city 1« attended sales nnd small profit», w ho I« de plaints oet of the ordinary. In any ' it w ill have a considerable weight in with difficulty on account of the mud ill ous of bring more than n local in- community there are soreheads who the effort that is being made to I ti The streets are also In a deplorable Note iiiitcm t< I - Are Now in tin* I-ielil st It ut Ion. who wl«hi*H to see thou»- Bendy to Begin AA’ork—Cun might kkk at one fierscn receiving duce President Taft to forsake the condition. If they were given assur and* of dollars <onio to the city du r- AA'hcr«*:.«, the Supreme* Chan Bulbi in Two Aem*. more water than they, but we were railway and make the/ journey to ances that these evils woul l be r *»• Ing the »i ring mid full months, thls cellor <>l the Universe In 111» omnipo not even overburdened with com Crater lake when he is on ti.e coast inlled it would have a strung 1’ifiv- man will see the merits of the Hur- tent wiHtlum La» taken unto himself All o* tNe construction work for gain AA’e* k and lie an earnest SUp- once on the action taken. plaints of that nature. Reclamation two months hence. tin* beloved wif« of our brother, M«ik th«* railroad between this city and luirter of the movement is much like the water system of a L. Hu rm1, b«< It therefor« Natron Laa been placed under i I m >T EAI«M AN EMITA SACK city. As soon as a main reaches a MISS .ABBI.EGATE Thu question of having a bargain Heiiolved, by Klumath Lodge No. I HOM THE MONEA DKAAA 1 11 control 'it H. P. Hoey, who directed week should be decided on by the corner, residents living up the street AA INS SCHOl.AKSHir 9#. Knli'ht« of By thia i, thut while the bubi'lng of the line from AA’eed merchant III emaci ves. and for and dov.r the street wai.t to be pro that we bow to the omnipotent decree, yet Thief Get- small IU*w:ii«l for Hi- to Klamath Fall* in ull of the AA'eit purpose u meeting should be vided with water. AA’e encounter the At UnhetHity of Oregon—Prove» the held, we depbue our brothur'» great Io*» i there Is nu liner piece of mountain Di-lioae-t Effort». Efficiency^ of the Klanuith same requests, but we are hampered Merchant- engaged in the same line» with d p and hearuelt feeling, I railroad than that just completi I by by lack of funds and it is impossible Comity School». A theft was attempted In Mr. Hoey, «nd the fact that the bal of business should mee t and agi ce on »oi’teued only by the confident hope for us to acomplish 120.00v,000 the store of Crance & Co. Friday. ance of the lltiv lias b<-en turned ov *r a program of price«, Sonie have ad- thut in *,ie great day that »he may If anything were necessary to tes worth of work for $7.000.000. vaticed the argument that this agree- again be united with her now ko Jiut the would-be thief only got an "In th-? conference this morning tify to the high standard of teach empty shot sack for his pains. While to him Is a recognition of hL ability ment wll! not be lived lip up to. to It lonved family; that our brnthar runy completion of all contracts in 1910 ing of the schools of this county it waiting on customers the clerk, after as an engineer tl.xl Is wi ll deserved s»*em« unlikely thut this city Is filled ie«t stMuie In th>* promise that In the construction of this Bn ■ wlili business men whose word Is of was favored, but to do that over may be fr.nnd In the winning by Miss making change, left the money "Death Is but the gut .-way to a bet- >20,000,000 will be required, and it Rachel E. Applegate cf this city of drawer slightly open, out of which nothing is being overlooked that will •o little value. If »itch should be the ter life; may be necessary to stop work in the scholarship of 1200 offered annu protruded the sack In which the make It second to none on the coast, <'ii.«' the finding out for a lertiilnty A volume grand, rewritten mid re- one place to aid another project. The ally by Ute Oregon branch of Colle change Is kept. He Went to the op- and in order to accomplish such a re of sm h a fact would |><* worth the vl«*«l; sult It must necessurilv be In the having of the sale. It Is simply a The reclamation service has dug as giate Alumni at the University of pesite slle of the store, A life much broader hnn the on« and while hands of competent men much as the Panar. :• canal, but its Oregon. There were fifteen appli his back was turned the thief show of weakness on the part of the we see. The Utah Construction company Is work beiug distributed the task does cants for the scholarship. Of what we are. or w, at we bopo reached over the counter and took going to let its part of the contrail merchant > to advanco such nu argil- The selection is based on the show seem so great. By the end of 1910 i ment. to ba.” the sack out iff the drawer, which we will have spent 160.000.000 on ing made by the applicants in their fortunately was empty, the change to subcontractors, and they arc now Be It 'urther re«olv I, that tho reclamation and we have provided high school work. Miss Applegate's being all In the till. Mr. Crance was j going over the,line for lhe purpoa«* member» of Klamath lartge No. V», llEBoltTED St H IDE I of niaklt g Mtiniates on the work victory is one of which the county homes for 10,000 people.” Knights of Bythla», of K li* mu th FnU». in his pr'vat" office when the occur ¡ The same program will be carried nut Director Newell also stated that an may v.ei) feel proud. She is a young rence took place, and there were Oil«* of laikc County Olib-ot s«*t(|i-r» Oregon, extend to OU’ bereaved and there were; ()n ».nd. and the subcontractor» attempt would be made in the en lady of untiring energy and ability, quite a nnd Olili Ini- Tahc» Hi» liuti Life hrothet cur earnest nnd heartfelt number of customers in lhe, an. PX1^.tPj t() arrhe here thl. week. suing year to complete all the larger and it tray confidently be expected store at it 1» reported that AVIlllnm Cole. | sympathy In thl« hour of Ills great No Information can be obtained as to reclamation projects. These as enum that the laurels she now has won will On a sign in the store is printed . when lhe work will be completed, who for the past seventeen years has, sorrow; erated by him include the following: be added to during her stay at the the following: ‘ Bring back my mon That t! e»e rwolullons bo ■pread in j aside fiem the fact that the road can b< -n circuit court bailiff of take I Roosevelt dam . in Arizona. 70 university. ey sack." which will not very likely 1 be ready fur operation within two • ounty, committed suicide last Satnr-i full upon the mlniitea of thl» lodge miles above Phoenix. be done, as the thl *f 'ere this Is j year« if the company wl- he» to rush ■ day by shooting himself Billy Cole, and be* then sent to our bereaved Gunnis< n tunnel, largest in the St BOOL DISTRICT NO. 11 doubtless thinking of the wisdom of matters. One section, where It las b<*en one of the most faithful 1 brother, Mark L. Burnt, at Dorris. world, in central Colorado. VOTES Sf HfMlI. BONDS the old saying, "AA’ho steals my purse Cai. croH»:-.i the divide, will involve very servants Lake county ever had. and It I Dike at Patbfir.dar dam In central K. L. ELLIOTT, steals trash.” is with regret thut we learn this, for heavy work, and if anv delay it Election I- Found to Ik* Is-gnl and Wyoming. C. C. HOGUE. Billy was one of lhe old frontlei caused it will be at till* iwilnt. l’ieton svstc-m in Yakima Bond» Will Ik* Sold at Once. J L. VADEN. F« H IIncklcberries. . Two a» datants have been assigned’ type that Is fast disappearing over' VA'aShitlgiOt, Committee. the divide, aud n good, fnllhfitl man ' Superintendent Swan attended a Mr and Mr». J. AA’. Bryant re- : to Mr. Hoey, one to be »’aliened here Boi'e s'Mem in Idaho. he was, too, both to the community ! and one at Natron. special meeting of the voters of turned Friday from the httckle- Miuidok« system In Idaho. D. I. McCollum of Holland was In in which he lived and to his country | Belle Fourche in South Dako’a, school district No. 11, known as berry patch, where they l ad been for the city on bucine»* Thursday. In the early forties, when men of i Lone Pine district, called for the p*t;-- their annual supply of this luscious BEAI TA ( O.MMoN-SEVwE largest ea.rr. dam .n the world nerve and stnmnlii were needed on Dam on Yellowstone in Montana I pose of vovng on tho question of fruit. The abrndance of these ber Nt »Tll K. the <-oa«t to pave the way for the AA'hen the ey«?» ache from pro bonds fot a new schoolhouse. The ries that were In evidence last year Dam u, Pio Grande in New Mcx civilization we now have around us. Parties wishing ««gebrnah iaod vote was unanimous for the bond Is- i.« strongly emphasized by th * scar longed exposure to the wind, bathing ico, to oe continued. AA'e extend our sympathy to Lake clear«*, call on or write, them with a hot salt water solution J sue. and the sentiment favors build- city this •: ason. The quality Is poor, W W. MASTEN, ' ing a neat, modern structure, with and ns a consequence they went to will give much relief. l'«e a teiu-poon- i county In the loss of this faithful« COUNCIL MEETING I1-Stf Klamath Fails, lira 1 improved grounds and a good heat the marid. and picked the blueber- ful of salt to a cup of water and servant of theirs. bathe the lid* for several minutes ries to be found there. Wiseacres Mayor I» Authorized to Secure Option ing plant. The passing of the old Lone Pine schoolhouse will mark an have a happy faculty of predicting It w ill do no harm If some of the wa on Block of Isind to Ik- Used other st';. In the progress of Klam- the kind of winter that wilt follow ter gets Into the eye». for City Purposes. To prevent discoloration of bruises ■ ath county the crop of huckleberries. If there is an abundant crop the winter will apply a cloth w rung out of water a:* I The clerk, S. E. Icinbice, was In A special meeting of the city coun hot as can be borne. Change often. cil was held Friday night, wh -n tin. Klamath Falls for the purpose of be severe, if a scarcity, the winter The woman who comes In from a ■ raving Attorney Kuykendall pass on will be mild. If all signs do not fail principal subject under discussion long ride or a tiresome day's shop the legaliiv of the meeting and have this section should see a very mild was the extension of the city limits. ' the neccr.-F.ry papers sent to the winter this year, for the crop Is the ping and dashes cold water on her It was discovered that a few minor WHAT AVILL YOU NEED FOR FUTURE LIFE? Commercial, face is courting wrinkles and an aged State [.and Board, which, by law, has poorest it has been In years. » errors had been made in the ordi Shorthand usd English are taught hern ip such a ninnnnr that Mr. Bryant brought der/n two ap|>< arance. Instead, dip the fingers 'the first option on the bonds. It ft nance, necessitating the drafting of our students win success. Into cold cream and cover the whole bucks and a bear, lie Is not satls- a new measure for submission to the understood that the election was Modern furnishing», thorough course of training, prsril- fled with t!:Is record, which Is the face ami neck with It. After It hna council. Another ordinance will be I found legr.i and the bonds will be is- cnl instructors, individual Instruction, and licalthful location, been on about five minutes, wipe off Plans are now best repoi'ed so far this season, and prepared at once, and a special meet i rued imp ediatcljr. give our Htudonts a decided advantage. he Is going back next month and bag with a soft cloth anil then bathe the . N , being drawn for the building. ing of the council called to act there OUR GRADUATES SUCCESS IS 0URNSUCCES3. Addl- some of li e big fellows that are fur- face with warm water and soap. Tan I on. tlonnl Information muy be > ad for the asklng. and sunburn have Hometlnies been ther up i*> the mountains. The council authorized the mayor $100 Reward, $100. ln< radii ably aet by the use of cold to secure an option on a block to be The r>*»d<-ra of thl« paper will txi pleaded to water when the face Is heated, the HOME FROM THE FAIR used for city purposes. l«*»rn that there 1» »1 leant one dremjed dlaeane shock to the delicate akin nerves tb«t eelenee tian te r n »hie to core In atl ft» No action was taken on the matter Manea, and that is catarrh. Haii’a Catarrh County Officiali« Report a Good Time closing Hie pores and preventing any of the sewer bonds further Investi mid Are Proud of 'I heir Home Cure la the only po«ltive cure now known to later applications being effective. gation making it necessary to post the medical Iratcrnlly. Catarrh being aeon. County School Exhibit pone final dispoFilfoi of the matter, • iltutlonal d'K.-a»*, require, a conrtltniional VOI ¡I WATCH A# A COMPASS An adjournment v taken subject treatment, ttall’a t a'arrh Cure I- taken IB- County Clerk D Lap and Sheriff teraallv, acting directly upon the blood and to the call of th ■ a "or, wh en al! niucoaa surface« ut tho ayattni, thereby de. Barnes returned last night from a The polnis of the compass may be questions preyent t evening will •troylng the foundation of the di»ea«e, and ¡trip to ti.e fair, and report a d<dlght- determined with the aid of an ordi giving the patent »tr< n/ih by building up , fill time. come up for furthe, consideration. Clerk DeLan, in »peaking nary watch. It is simply nocer’ary the conalilutlon and a-Hiatln» nature in doing < f the Klamath County School ex to bring the watch In a position so it« work. The proprietor, have »o much faith Ir.d'an's Body in Lake I d It« curative power« that they offer One hibit, raid it was very fine, and tiiad that the hour hand Is directed toward A phone message from Ft. Klam Hundred Hollar« for any ca-e it fall* to cure. It «"nTficd quite homelike for pooph tin* sun. The south tlienll<*s exactly ath Thtiradey reports th ■ finding of Send for li»* of le-i’men1»!« of this K"»lon In a strange land to midwny between whatever hour It the bi dy of Si.mmy Andy in the lake run acro«s the familiar names which may happen to bi* nnd the numeral MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. near Moi.oc point, Sammy Andy was AVhen some one inadvertently pro he found there. Literature, setting Nil on the dial. Let its suppose, for _______ : one of the old river Indians, posed a toast. to “Ottr Next Presi- out the inducement» offered to homo Instance, that it it 1 o’clock, and that Modern improvement«. 73 room« nini i RIlitf'H, J and for a long time was in the eni- dent" at the banquet given in honor seeker» In this county was, however, the timepiece is held In the position ni».I. \ Sample Hoorn«, Bur Boom, Parlors, Two Club ploy of ,’udge Moore as a servant, of Governor Johnson of Minnesota bonspicuous by its absence. Klamath Indicated. The direction of the He wag one of the oldest Indians on and Governor Hughes of New York county is being talked of a groat deal direction of the numeral II will then Rooms, Etc., Etc, / the reservation, well kaown to the at the A.-Y.-P., each celebrated guest on the outside. Judge Griffith and be the exact south. If It be 8 o'clock old settler», and well spoken of by rose and simultaneously reached County Commissioner Summers are the numeral X will Indicate the exact SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > J them. across the board for the other's hand. expected in this evening or tomorrow. southerly point. UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY I I Ashland Commercial College Ashland, Oregon RITNER, A. M., President VA WWW WWW WWW < WdVWW4b