♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ oi'i K I il I* nu h or KLAM.VI II <'OI N I Y. « ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VOL. XIV. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS. KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, AUGUST 12, 1909 MILLION < 1RS Ol 1.1 MBI.R Niilurul IxM'Mtioii for Car Shops unti icriiilmils--- < oui pun y Hus Great Failli hi Future of Si-n. lini mb fur Bargain W«*«*k! Tin* woik of getting up th«* catalogue I» nlmoht at nn < nd, und n splendid at* p has been taken towuid a sub- stnntlal growth In the volume of limdli«»» I hul will lie dolit* III olir city In the futur«' When the sugip-Mtlon was first illudo timt a "bargain we«k” l>« livid In thin city fur the purpose of showing the rcildentn of th« sur rounding country tbut they could buy to better nd van I ug*' In Ktaiiuilh Falls than i*l«i'»h«*r«-, li win» r«<*lv*-d by Mimic with considerable doubt. This was dun to the fact that tlie move­ ment' was iiilxiindi'i stood The Im prxMslon a««-m<-d to prevail that It meant a wholesale reduction of all arttch-s In the store. This win u iiiis- tak«*, and ns soon uh tliln fact was fully undvratood there was little dlf- ficuity In convincing the merchuiit that he ought to be In th« band wagon. The catalogue will b«* u thirty two page 1 km k. ami will <<>ntalu th«* prl«« • Hats of tin* lending merchants of the «ity. Two thousand of tin««* books will In* printed and mailed Just us iwMtn us they an* off the pn-sa,and will be went from a live mailing list to prsctlcn'1} every family' III Klnimtl aui I l.uk«' counties. The mailing will t«> done In Hi« Klanmth Ad. coinpi,n> i'ract 1« nliy ev«*ry page In the b«*«ik has b«-« n contracted for. Icsa than six retiiainliiK. » • <1 It-ev have been t**n- tatlvch a*«'»- u*d. «me of the stronif «tfoitM to > * ma«l<« In connection *»«••« this mo»«* Is to secure for the proa p«>< live traders a list of stguional 1« amt ncceaaary artlcl«»M nt reduce«« prices fur that one week such ar tides as will, taken In the nggn-g.it«-, prove well worth their w'llh- to «-..in** miles during that paitlcnlar w«-«-k io secure. Tb<* merchants of Klan,atti Falls have grn>ped th«* propoaltl'it heartily and promptly, and m«-i<- than that, they have entored Int«» th» true spirit of the proposition by »x amlnlng their atocka ami catcfull» n«-le<*(ed nrtl«'l«*a calculated to b • «I«— airable to out l> itig dint ricin whoi-c trade In wanted here. Then« «>ff<«diig» include ulmoat «-verythlng from dlnhca and doughnuts io building run- tcrlni and furnltur«- ami np«clal bargains (hat can only be told In th«* tbirty-two pngca. full to the brim, of the catalogue. It will lie wall worth waiting for the Bargain Week to do fall trading, and it In <-xp«*d«d that many ram hern will make special note of the first week In October to luy In Ihoir winter supplies In Klamath Falla Th«* endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce linn elieoUI aged the iiK'iihnntn to make the matter more than n mere scheme for their Individ- ual ends, and <*ach will endeavor to mvd th«-lr new customers on a bnnls which will Inaur«* a future acquain­ tance an<1 frl'-tidahlp, sparing no ef­ fort to make strangers to «»nr city feel thnl they are In the hnndn «if limn who appre d«i succ .«full*. By a concerted ami co-opnrnt|ve ef­ fort th«' remit enn not fnll to attract attention, and those who have care­ fully estimated the trade men have predicted that Bargain Week In Klamath Falla will undoubtedly bring several thousand dollars worth of trad«' Into th«’ city «luring that one w«'«'k, nnd in th«* year following will add many thousands through the per- manent trnde thht will lie established as a result of it. Miss Mildred L. Clemeni of Med­ ford. Or«-., I ‘ I nthc city, the guest of her « hum, Ml s ('inter. She will re­ main hero for about n month, and expects to spend most of that time in th«» noifliern part of the county with Mi. and Mr.«. Carter and fuinily. Miss Clemens is known to the newHpnpoi' fraternity throughout the State. Shi is not out of her toens yet, but has established n reputation as being a writer of ability. She has had clun g • of the circulation department of the Oregon Journal, In which posit'«, i she d 'lnonstrated that slit* possess*! executive qualities that will win for her a high station in tin* ranks of newspapordom. i II. S. MeKell, the halter, returned Tuesdny from Odessa, where he has been visiting for the pnst week. I reeling and courteous treatment that 1 this section has extended to us, and It Is our «lenire to do everything in lour power to warrant a continuation of It." Mr. Burry was equally optimistic, and was warm In his praise of Klaui- j uth. He said: ’ Klamath Falls Is one of the best j advertised towns on the coast, and ■ w<< have dally Inquiries regarding this section, Tt.la is my first visit here, but I am very much impressed wit h it, and It Is my Intention to re- turn and visit Crater lake and lf ♦ in<-nl on tfi<- railroad, l'o ligure « leading authority on internal dl'-ease** Stjucmber Sth. company "For I,'« ia*t »«verul weeks we have ♦ on lli<- wliolt- output of lumber ♦ on the Pacific coast. He Is professo.- At this meeting will be heard Pres­ li --I- laid ut woik on tin* plans and ♦ would la- almost an iin|H>Hsil>il- ♦ of medicine In the University of fa'- ident Kerr, Director Withycombe and Ifornla and is a man of recogr.iz-'l Prof«»ssors Lewis and Scudder. With­ up«* Ifl« ni on» ne«« .mrv for the carry­ ♦ lly; it is too vast. This Is a very ♦ ability in his profession. He dis­ out qu<»3tion these men are among ing on in th« wink of changing our ♦ Ili11 m >tlali( fu< tor in (lie di »<-lop- « cussed the question of the disposal of the foremost in their various lint's of pn-.«-iit hue to nn electric aystem," ♦ IIM-llt of Klamath Falls, for it « sewage from this city, and was sur- work to be found anywhere in the .aid Mr H iitm •» today. "Our com ♦ im-ans that tin* I pper lake « puny Im ; mad«* «•• riuln promis«** to ♦ short's will la* «lotted vs ill» im- ♦ prised when he learned that it was West. PI III I« W IMs TO KNOW President Kerr, lately from contemplated to dump the raw aew- Utah, ranks a.« an educator far above th«* p*’ of this city, and we nr«* ♦ inciiM- sa.» mill plants, th«- |my- ♦ going to «. rry them out. We now ♦ rolls of wtifi li Klamath Falls ♦ Too Mo-li Timi- lias Alr>-a«ly B«-cu age into the lake. the ordinary. His work in Utah for l3>st—lutei fer«-» Hilft I larga in "The city will make a grave mis­ the cause of agriculture was magnifi­ have bld 1 for th«* rebuilding of th« ♦ Wil get the full la‘li«-tlt. J li ♦ \Vi«-k Progr.ou. take,” said the doctor, "and if slich cent. He was the main influence Ilin-, anti within thirty «lays a force ♦ liver. Superintendent Shasta ♦ a plan is carried out it will be re­ which brought the agricultural col­ of m* n will be busy wltli th« work ♦ Division Southern Pa< Ific rail­ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ gretted later. Throughout the world lege of that State to rank with east­ ♦ Mr. Brow »ti will be here the first of ♦ road. ♦ this question is receiving the carefu. ern technical institutions. He will « ♦ tin- week, , when the finishing touches « ♦ ♦ LOTI'. STRAYED OR STOL ­ will be ■ e piled to our plans, and We ♦ ♦ « ♦ EN T. • Klamath County Fair ♦ att«»nt|on of scientists. All agree do as well for Oregon and the Klam­ that the septic tank method is the ath. i bo lu a position to mak«- n will then ♦ Association. Information as to ♦ proper one. The additional cost is definite * •itinouiic«-mt*nt us to when Director Withycombe is already J H. Dyer. ■up«*rlntend«*»it of the ♦ its wb< real.«nits will b<* thank­ ♦ small and the results are permanent. the servi* ■ will I»«- Inaugt.ruted ” known here. His inter«tst In thia dia- ♦ We build nowadays for future gen­ trict dates back to the time when it In thin tasiiu of the paper appears Shasta division of th« Kouth«-rn Pa­ ♦ fully r ■<■. Ived by ♦ ♦ erations, and the community that for­ was an isolated and unknown quan­ cific railroad, which Include» th« THE PUBLIC. an advert .‘•mciit unking for blds for « gets jiosterity pajs the penalty for its tity in the State's assets. He is the ♦ Callfoi nil« Northeastern, an«! Mr. Ing of three hundred poles. the supplì selfishness. Throughout Europe the man who lately told the farmer to to b« u»«-d tor th * stringing of wir«'«. Barry of th«* general offi*«-a tn Ban For tl., past month the people of larg*- and small cities had to come to look for an ultimate land value of Relativo to the • source from which Franclwco, were In tin- city Friday Mr. Dyer 1« the city ’lave been walling for th«* the septic method of sewage disposal |150 per acre in the Klamath dis­ their power, Mi on a tour of ln»p«-«lfon they i-xp et lo get I the b«-»t booster Klamath county tian fair UHioclatlon to do Homething after their population had been dev­ trict. R« am es -aid. about holding a fair this fall. As it astated with disease. America is "We have a x «-• clow-'l m> <‘intruct Ami Ms boosting 1» not without rea- Professor I^ewis is the State's fore­ now stand', but a few weeks remain coming to that point today, and it is most horticulturist, and can do this which we pro- •on. for he t aries up his statements ' for Ine vowel with In which anything can be done, and only a matter of a short time when pose t<> <-p«*i ate I th«* cani. We ar«* w Ith facts and ligures that astound locality untold good. Prof«?»3or Scud­ unless a tart Is made at once the tiic most optimistic resident of eVen any other method of sewage disposal der as an agriculturist already knows figuring v .th tiie Gal«'« company, and I Prior to his departure he county w'll be presented with the will not be tolerated by the common­ this district and has carried on co If a definite and satisfactory arrang«- the city- wan »«-«-n by a representative of the samefiizzlc handed out la»« year. That wealths. operative work here among the farm­ nn nt run be reached with that coin­ Is «in«- thing that the business men "In this city there is too much at ers. He knows forage crops and till­ iMiiy w«- v.Ill get the power from It.” Ib-iald and talk«-«! quite frewly alxiut of the e«>ple of the Interior ad- town is such that you cannot afford The railroad were trained away from ® • farm by that the h*-« <*snlty for n plant of their Ims in store for lh"in viaed fully about what this city has to jwpardize it by unsanitary con­ company 1» figuring with a good deal • •w n wi uldn’t <>xM. book it .ehods which could not be as­ to offer, la order to do this a defi­ ditions. Klamatn Falls will be a Tl'.i-ie will be u«> regret on th«* part of faith on Im* future of this •<•<•- similated or be made of practical use. nite date must be set at once. If greater center of tourist travel. Des­ The book method ideas have been «il «h - « it? to gee the present horse tlon. as will be seen by const ruction tl«* fair association Is not going to tiny sa« s so. and with such prospects < al I ii I tin• m i ¡'p Io n.1 There and equipment that has been com- largely eliminated through the ad­ For instance, take tak" hold of the .fair it should come I should advise every pr«?cautfon that vance of the farmer as a class, l’a« b en no dinposltton on the part pleted thus fai out and say so. in order that others will promote the healthful surround­ of the uqbltc to urg<* the Imiuivltat«* tl e station bi ndings. which have though the greater factor in making may lake It up and carry it for­ ings of the community.” the agricultural colleges valua *1e chang«’, toi It la r«'*'ii conatr icted «> tit Ills line In small ward If it is going to manage it. it lie« in the fact that the instructors Invest tu «mt in not ii paving one a! towns, and they «-quul the name cla»» should announce the date on which HIGH SCHOOL OPENS SEIT. « in these institutions have come to this time, Th«* ctimpuny has had of buildings In towns of 5,' It would have made th«* deems It is warranted In this belief u.ible Advice on Tlieir »York. OF SEI’TIC SYSTEM chaiige I m for*« thin. Now, however, of your futur« . or such construction up farm problems in the field. A they t.re going to make the system and equipment would not be In- K I*. Kelly Suggests Tlmt Sanitary The Klamath County High School farmers’ institute now­ means, some- stalled. one of tl *- best In th«* ntat<* . ojiens Monday, September 6. 1909. thing to the farmer. .M c II kh I» lb* Followed. I The «*! •< !i ifientIon of the line In President Kerr will deliver a lec- "Klamath Falta, speaking from an There is every indication of the larg­ matters. th«* beginning of what will l«e a pro­ opei-ntlug standimlnt. is th«» nat ural R. P. Ki-llyT one of the leading at­ est enrollment In the history of the ture here on educational an«i may be assured that his lecture gram <>f e a branch, but will Kelly's first visit to this section, but School building Thursdays and Fri­ combe will discuss the subject pany pr«i;-oscd to ugain turn Its nt- be the main lln**. We figure tiiat this hi* Is more than ever enthusiasitlc In days of this week from 9 a. m. to "Building Up the Dairy Herd." There tention t » th«* dovelop|nent of the route, on »inglne ex|iense alone, will regard to the future of the city, In I p. tn.. where he will be glad to con­ is not a Kiamath farmer who can af­ Buona Aiata addition. Since the mean a saving of between 65 and 75 speaking of the sewerage system fer with students concerning their ford to miss hearing what will be said by this authority on the subject putii«* th» re has b«*«»n no effort to per cent, us one engln«- will do the about to be Installed In this city he work for the coming year. PU/«I» Itili, property. Now that t he woik of five on the route now «»per­ said: Many inquiries are being received of animal husbandry. Professor Lewis will handle the era ot prcspeilty Is ulrout to dawn illing «»ver th«* Slaau.vous besides the “In our little town of Eureka, at the office for board and room. Per­ the own« is propose to place their i saving of numerous other expenses which has not over 3.000 population. sons who could board and room stu­ subject of horticulture. Information holding,' hi mieli shape ns to mal e I and doubtless never will exc«-«*«! that dents would confer a favor by writ­ on orchards and gardens is needed connection with operation. I them »<*ry .¡.(tractive to th«- public. "As to the location of car shops very much, we have a septic tank in ing or calling on Mr. Butcher aud here. Every one feels subconsciously this division terminal, of course operation aud it lias given perfect stating terms. Also those who have that the Klamath apple will arrive In I tnat is a matter that will lu* left to; satisfaction. In fact, it is located not work whereby students could earn due time, and such information as IIOI-A "»Us SI rm TAXES I my ruporlors. Speaking, though. mor«* than 150 yards from the house ’ part of their board should report to Professor Lewis will bring will help Iti Junet lori, if Grilliteli, Would Tic | from a peisonnl stnndptilnl, it is my of a bank president, causing n<» nui­ ■ Mr. Butcher, as several students have the people here to start aright. 1 p the Entire System— Council Professor Scudder will handle the ; opinion that this is the proper place sance whatever. We have a river , inquired for such privileges. wli.oild Move < niitioiisly. for them, ns wo have right at hand right at hand to use for this purpose The teachers' training and review­ subject of forage plants and tillage. her«* the necessary li«'«'« --¡iry water power to ■ if we saw fit. whose current is much courses will doubtless prove very Improved tillage methods are needed H P. Hoey, construction engineer operate an larg«* shops as might be | swift« r than that of the Klamath, but popular. Several teachers have In­ here above all else—something to re­ for th« California Northeastern, was deemed proper to install. after considering ail phases of the quired concerning them. The train- tain the soil fertility and conserve a«kt««l for an opinion off the prac- "The traffic on this line thus fa r qm-stlon it was decided to Install tl is ! Ing work will be given as it would be the yields. Better bred grains are tlcaliilit»' of the cltj lining la»ko has b, en nn .amazement to the rull­ i modern method metho«! «if sewerage, with with 1 ' in a regular normal school. The re­ wanted, and a greater variety of Euwar.a a.» a dumping piace for th«' road <>t!l< iais. Where does ìi nil go first-class i results. This town, with view work will cover all branches in them, information which tells how ! sewag«* of tin* city. Ho said: to? 1 Both passenger and freight the splendid futur«* it has before it. ’ .which teachers are expected to take best to improve our farms is what is "if the current of the Klamath I traffic on this line has b**en very can well afford to adopt this mod examination. For further informa- wanted. rlv«*r wa» «witter than It is It might heavy, and away beyond our expee- ern method of sanitation, and It ■ tion. call on or address John T. All the lectures promised are on b«> all light lo us«* It us an outlet for tatlon. Tb>' future tonnage on this should In* done.’’ subjects of vital concern to every in­ I Butcher. Principal High School. tin* H. ivnge of tlie city; but ns It is 1 line, w hen coni|il«*te ¡«-m should cause the coun­ tl <■ Upper lake shores will In* dotted I .signing tils document, which will will release him from two studies the Pokegama team Sunday. Th«» cil to putiHo before It will go to tlu»| with immense, saw mill plants, the doubtless luive the « ffect of bringing that he would otherwise have to take; Keno boys came out winners by a expense ol pllli'lng th«' outfall direct-! pay rolls of which Klamath Falls to onr country a number ot sports­ the first year. "The president re­ score of 16 to 5. The boys report a marked," said Mr. Van Riper, “that good time. will g't the full ben 'fit. In addition men in the near future. ! we must have a very fine school here Sam Padgett and James Eubanks to the foregoing, your wonderful I Examinations for teachers' state and to he able to make such a showing. have gone to the mountains after Uniter lake and th«* other scenic beauties which you have In this coun­ county school certificates began \V«*d- It will not be long before it is recog­ large game. They expert to be gone try will doubtless make this section nes.iuy, and will continue throughout nized in other sections that Klam­ a month Mr. Sly Is in the store dur­ a nieccli for tourists, from which you the week, under the supervision of ath county has the finest schools In ing Mr. Padgett's absence. Thomas McCormick has been noti­ will derive hnmcn.se benefits. Taken County School Superintendent Swan, ' the State." The recognition gives Garrett one fied by the reclamation service to va­ idtogetber, is it strange that tin* rail­ assisted by Professors Faught and Among the Interesting articles to road company should have such faith Alexander. There are nine appli­ ; point better than a freshman, which cate bls n sldence by September. cants for certificates, five for county Is more than anyone thought pos­ be seen In tin* dead letter exhibit In your future? O. H. Melss, the cattle man of Mon "1 want to state, too, that the rnil- certificates and four for State certltl sible, and proves the thoroughness of nt the A.-Y.-I*. are a man's ear and ¡the Klamath High School training. tr.gue, was In the city Saturday. road company appreciates the kindly cates. a woman’s sculp. w ? t ■Hi