Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1909)
Nyal'a Vege nej If the cost of Installation will table Proscrip not cxcc«»d 22.000, put tn a Mptic tion Ip Indicat I'lii» kccouuta for the Many Hurveya t'uptaln Wlckstrom will soon begin J. G. Pierce Stale« That Ue Will Ile- tank. ed In all ordi Farmer» Are lleu«*»t«*d to Ncnd In the Fissl Melba»«* I am in favor of the construction of a new annd barge, in This Mcctbui, Nays a Mali Who nary dls< lull's of gin Injunction Nuit When City lle»i 1'tiey Have and Win New and will lay the Eagle off until the w< tn< ii. This Installing a septic tank in conn«»ctlon Is In P on IH oii to Know Marts I »Ing the Lake Glory for Klamath. remedy never bin ge Is built, which will take about with our sewt*r system. disappoints, Its The CTamber of Coinmeree Is At three weeks* time, ('. It. Delap, < «unity < lerk Be g'.od «Beets ba Notwithstanding the fact that the If the City Couucll will listen to modern, and Install a septic tank in ‘ work on plans for the securing of ex- Hteauier Hooligan Is disabled rm p' III ptllile lepreu'tittitives of the Harriman linen of the demand of the business men | hibits for the Seattle fair, and if any connection with our s«*w«*r system. t'rystal and Ntenmer Hornet will take troin t.ii very declare that they are paying uo at- th«- city it will not dump the sewage Brat. It is com Judge II. L. It<*ii»i>ii The right assistance Is given there will be her place until sh<> Is repaired. Wt posed of II.o of Klamath Falls into Igike Ewatina thing to do Is to install a septic tank shipped from this county on«' of the > tention to the Porter brothers, and hear Hip launch t'rystal also an« punt t nml thn All of the business men who could Dumping ol th«* sewerage Into our llnest collections ever sent out of the thut th«'»«* gentlemen are only trying tallied serious dumnge In t'rystal most rwllnble be s«*en to-day were aske«! for an river would Is* a calamity. Stat«' It is Impossible for the inonb- to hold them up for u stiff price fur creek by ctdlldliig with floating i . iw - drug:; mercu- the Oregon du» right of-way of opinion on the best methtid to fol rliils, opiutes Ab v Martin, cashier Klamath Co. bers of this oiwaalxatlou to get out logs. and other har low whether to dump th«» sewage Bank If the sewerag;» is carried and gather .the material. They ar«* i Trunk, their actions belio their Ttint big, fat. good-natured, mful dings be into the lake or install septic tanks. down the river a reasonable distance all busy men, and the time devot«*d to words. Every effort Is being made to M-n dog, Captain Parker, sn.vs ing excluded. I get men and material to the front Their replies speak for themselves. in pi|M*« and th«*n discharged, that the woik that has been and will be KJamath lake navigators must The mn ly dla- J. G. Pierce serves notl«?e ou the would be all that is neceucary. ! done is often a heavy burden for j and that tbe struggle In going to be servo th«» marine rules mid not sound cuiic.-riitig in- ',« stiff one Is Indicated by (he appar- city that he will enjoin It just ns soon f I u e it <• o s to W. A. DeHell, c:i«hicr First Nat , them to bear. Wluit they are doing a distress whistle when they are nut » I- h woman us the sewage is dumped Into th«» tonal Iktnk I am ili favor of install I Is of as much Importance to the lent disposition on the part of both in dlstruss, us It's a little expensive Is constantly lake. And he w ill not be alone in the Ing a septic tank in connection with farmers of this county ns It is to any ! factious to disregard cost. to go mil«-.» out of your course for subj civil rea A gentleman who was In the city suit. Klamath Falls will never use our sewer system. i one other class. and it Is up to them der her liable nothing, with uo neud of a r«'icue. I tIlls week and wlio Is in a position io l-ake Ewauna for this purpose, and <’. K. Bniudenburg, real estate \ to nt l«;ast do a small portion of th«- After some delay the lights have to many r-incllonnl disorders Hint any money spent in laying the out- septic tank in cou;..-ction with our li; l*or necessary to make a success gather reliable Information, stated been Installed and the new mill Is not only tend to destroy her comfort Hid hnpplmbut which gruilually - that tiler«» Is no doubt but that Hill fall with this object in view will be sewer system Is absolutely neces I of the move. now running night and day. , moi'K«' Into chronic and serious «lls- i Is back of the Oregon True.k. "Few wasted. What is must I« s rvd by th«.» t'hain- sary. Wo graciously acknowledge th. <'US«*S. people realised that Harilmnn was Those w ho favor the «se of the Nynl's Vegetable Prescription Is (Tuts. Ilohcrts, luudware liter« bant I < r Is for th»» farmer* :<> gather saut- visit uf Mayor Mutt mid party, «or- lake offer only tw«» reasons for so d«>- J—There is hardly enough current In ■ P of the best th«' b iv«». Thl i will forced Into aetivltyby Hill," said thl slstlng of Mcsdmui-s Mott, llrookH. without a peer for lliu successful tr<'utinnvt <>f female w«'akn«'»s, pulu- Ing: First, because It would be the river to k«*ep it from fr«*exing I rec.ulrt • but vary 'ml - work for th-m -teiitl -man In discussing the proposl Morgan and Huson. Mr. Muti I» ful and disordered monstrutntlon, cheaper; second, that the Klamath over In the winter time; bow wilt the .u individuals, but I all of th«'U'. I IKe tlon. "When Harriman put has sur Mayor of Oakland, Cal. All w i, hysteria, cramps, "bearing down river is amply able to take care of It. river take cart» of th«» sewerage in a hand It will m»an cn exhibition veyors into th«> Held he did so only out for u day's picnic and ti g pain»," liiflamin.itlun and fulling of th«* womb. This la a rorni'dy of In both instances the position taken summer when the water Is low ? ln- i’at will be coir.pleic In ever«* c»- after he hud definite Information that others besiih* promoters were lutvr- and mnd«> genorous use of sterling worth. is untenable. The additional cost in stall a septic tank, by all m«*ans. j lai« These ipt-clirt-'r: should by <■«•- swing, «nd promls«*d to nee rated In the project :«-d line into Uen- curred by the installation of the E. \V., <M>«tan, vx-SlwrllT Don't ilvcred to the secretary ■ of th«> Chant- UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY St. Cloud in the future. tral Oregon. HU sources i of Infor- tanks will be so small as to be hard make a cesspool of our beautiful ber of Commerce. It. H. I Dunbar. In THE COMMDDORE Cor. 7ih and Main Streets ¡nation are almost limitions and ab- ly worthy of consideration. Rough lake. Install a septic tank. this city. Th«' l ay harvest 1« now on Klamath Falls .... tlregoa solutely reliable Many ol the eur- estimates plac* it at considerably less Ji lin Ntilts, c\-M < \-M iyor i)iir I think and doubtless many tin«* specimens veya run were made only for the* pur NEW Pill NIA i im \ \ t ||| K( h than $2,000. As to the Klamath riv river will take care of our can be collected that will make a rep poue of locating t lie strategic p«nuts Klamath A Fl W BARGAIN*. er being large enough to take care of sewerage without the expense of ill- utation tor Klamath county. Every aril thus be abb* to head off any In I ’ lve loti, location, 21500. lhe sewage, there would be no argu farmer should bear In mind the great stalling a septic tank. vader. This particularly was tine of loan (750 cn the deal. Can ment if there were a current or full The recotd that was establish«*«! at Sac- the line that has been surveyed from llcnry Boh in. plumber A nie« cottage with bath, large enough to do so. Between this city i.t • and the pt Ida • felt over the Klamath river is entirely adequate here to l.akevi *w and the other to lot, 21,00. A good buy. and Keno the river is practically Grtater glory can be to disjHtse of our sewerage without i laurels won Alturas. Hill Is coming Imo Kinin- A large residence. fli « lot. |.«5oo level, ihe fall being only a matter of won at Seattle. It was demonstrated causing a nuisance. ath Falls. As yet no d- Unit" d eci h Ion son. Th«> trust«*« s are In thè city to Three cot taxes on three lots Routa a few inches. Doos it seem reason at Sacramento that thb is county need Geo. Hum, htu'dware dealer I b has been reached us to the route to «lay for ih«* pur'«««»" <>f mnklng ar 2 n> >ign for another collage, 22lt»O. able to suppose that the water will have no fear of going up against any rangement*« for thè ereclion of a MANON a NLUUUII. move fast enough to serve the pur lieve we ought to take care of out- -ection of th«* Pacific Coast, and win be followed, but when a decision Is lious«» of worship II wl|| la* locnt<>«l little lake Jo-*n her«». It is one of n-ached you will >.♦«> some lively pose sought? With the certainty of ning more than Its share of the «ni thè corner ncur thè hunx» of Mrs injunction suits, and the fact that th»- the show places of our city. Install a awards. The fact of being a contrib move» made in this neighborhood, If LaPrurlv. The lucr«*ns« in populntlon septic tank In conn«*ction with our Hill comes in here ho will go out by Klamath County headquarters In walers of the Klamath are without utor to the «-xbtblt and a factor In sewer system, and make our lake a win <>f Merrill and on to Alturas, or In thl» scctlon «>f thè couuty baa boen San Fiauclsco Is the Hotel Havoy, perceptible current between here aud building up the reputation of this In 11 at directiou. Then, and not un rapili, sufflclently so to warrant th«* corner Van Ness Avo, and Kills St. Keno, it would appear that there is pleasure spot iustead of a pest. county should be a sufficient Induce <>Mi«r Shirr«. n*.en haul I am in til then, will work be < onim«*nc«»J on eriMtlng of th«* proposi*«! struetur«*. Walter E. Conner, Prop. Take "Turk nothing left for the Council to da but ment for every man In the count*.' to favor of anything that will dispose the Harriman survey, So it will be nud Eddy" street curs at Ferry, gel to abandon the idea of using Lak«* go out into his fields and .«elect that of this sew«»rage proposition and not all along the line. It off at Van Ness and walk one-half will make lit- Ewauna and adopt the metho«! rec which h«> believes Will be a fair rep tie difference In the end. however, bl<H k north. 2-lXtf ommended by its engineer—that of become a nuisance. resentation of his crops. G. Van lli|M*r, mercliant -Don’t do for Hill will continue south just the septic tanks, the only sanitary meth anything to contaminate our lake, same. st \ od at the disposal of the city. E. II. Iteames It is my opinion It Is a fact well known to certain •«♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦«»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<•♦♦»♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«•♦« Following are the opinions of the *> . > that if the sewerage of our city is of the higher up:« that Hill is receiv business men of the city: Ex|M*rinieiit» With Heliographs to Dc- ing strong encouragement from |{. E. Wattcnlwrg, contractor In- taken down the river a projier dis- termine Their Utility in Iturn- some of th»* big timber interests of stall a septic tank, by all means, in tance tbe Klamath river is large lug \\<H «I». enough and swift enough to dispose this section, These syndicates are connection with the sewer svstem. of the sewerage without injury or in anxious to see the second lino H. C. Telford, lumt buil«l«*r—A sep WASHINGTON. July 22. Expert- through here, for It would mean convenience to this locality. the tic tank is absolutely necessary. Au Nila» Obenctuiin, nx-rchant— The ments will be made in the national saving of thousands of dollars an- inspection of th? sewer back of forests during the summer with the nually In the matter of freights. Before •»•!<•« ting jour |Mi¡H r you should become familiar with Goeller's mill verifi-s this statement. Klamath river is large enough and standard heliographs which are now a has sufficient current to disperse our J. W. Siemens, City Tnwunr—I new SptiiiK Style» ami learn wliat general e tTota nrr to pre» sewerage. The Willamette takes care used in the War Department. Ono of tin IN\ ITES Btll.INl.Ml think a septic tank in connection of the sewerage from Cottage Grove these experiments will be in the Kan- vail thia w'th our proposed .«ewer svstem u mill the »elollon to Portland and on. which is not iksu national forest in Idaho and the B.illitiger's Coming \\ III Help Bixist necessary. afforded tar etceeda anything etir shown In the rlty before. much larger than the Klamath, and other in the Stanislaus forest in Cal the Development of < rati r latke Geo. Chastain, menhant—If a surely the Klamath can take care of ifornia. It is Intended to discover septic tank will save our beautiful nml Northern hlanuitli Ue have Unii Paper from 111 cents a double roll and up. whether these Instruments will h* of our needs in that line. lake and river from contamination, use In national forests to report tiros II. Merryman I am abso- Ue do |wi|M-r hanging, painting, kalsondnlng and Intiurior i Dr. G. IL install it by all mea:.s. Klamath Fails, through the Cham lutely ii n favor of the installation of or transmit other messages In areas C. T. Oliver, ma-.-.liant—A septic a septic ■ tank, or any other approved where there Is no quick method of ber of Commerce, has issued to Sec do orating. » tank is the only thing for this com- method of disposing of this city's communication. The conditions of retary of the Interior lialllngvr a cor m unity. sewage, . if the current of Klamath climate and latitude, as well as the dial Invitation to be the guest of this » s|>ecles of inflammable trees In the city when he visits Crater lake. Pres Bert Childers, brick manufacturer river is not sufficient to carry it off. —Install a septic tank in connection C. F. Stone, attorney—In my opin two forests are sufficiently different ident De l zeli Friday sent the follow with our sewer system. ion the depositing of sewage in the to determine whether the Instrument ing telegram: W. W. Baldwin, hardware m<*r- Klamath river will contaminate the is suited to some localities and not “Will G. Steel. Portland, Ore. “The Klamath Chamber of Com ciiant—Don't ruin the waters of our same to the extent of violating the to others. Easy and quick communication to merce extends a cordial Invitation to law. lake, but install a septic tank. In tlw Spring I» thè Urne lo «lo ymir llouar Pnlntliig. and you Marion Hauk«, hardware men haul all parts of a forest must be had If Secretary Ballinger and party to visit Zim Baldwin, plumber—I am in ►hoahl M-lcct y«mr grade of paini wlihli wil| noi fati«* or |«*<l fire is to be kept down. Anyone who us on his Crater lake trip." favor of the installation of a septic —I am absolutely in favor of the i.i- off. Our Paint» are Guarnii (ceti. U<* bave Just rviehcd the While It Is practically decided that knows of the fearful damage wrought tank in connection with our proposed stallation of a septic tank, and thus by forest fires on private and unpro President Taft is to come to Crater lairgrst Nliipnient of Paints ahown In liti» city, ami tini» gi»c i save the contamination of th<* Klam sewer. tected lands each year will easily see lake and this city, steps should be you a complete Bue froiu wliich to svlcct your colora. ath river. Hiram Munbak—I don't believe J. II. Ma »«HI, real «-state To my that through Are patrol, use of tele taken to Indicate to the chief execu-, in contaminating the waters of the DI It PAINTS ARE» PEU GALMI.N. phone lines and other means of com live of the nation that he will hr- wel Klamath. Any improved method of personal knowledge a septic tank munication, such as Is maintained in come and that the people of Klam We ba««* Wall Paper from IO cents a double roll and up. avoiding such a condition is the was installed In Eureka. Kas., about live years ago. Four years Ster I the national forests, the losses can be ath county want him to visit the thing. W<- do pa|s*r hanging, painting. kalaomlnlng aio! Interior reduced to a minimum. greatest wonder In the world, which ■ Frank Ank«-ny, merchant—Install made inspection of this tank, which « is located within Its border. Medford decorating. WORK Gl AllAN'l EED. a septic tank in connection with our was not more than 200 yards distant NÏSKI5 OU TO voi E has already done this, but Inasmuch proposed sewer sy stem by all mean«. Tom a large dwelling houv*. a:*<i ON LOUAI. OITION. as Crater lake Is a strictly Klamath -p r\T TXQ B,ehn Building It. I. Hammond, merchant —Dump found no offensive odors or condi • JLVo V/JU 1x0 One Block West of Public S< hoot county affair It would be more ap- tions arising therefrom or hea.'d any tote Will lie By Pre« inct. i»c«l 1« il «If ing sewerage into the river Is bound proprlate if the invitation came from Victory <>f tin* "Dry»." to become a nuisance. Any method complaints as to the same in that Its home neighborhood The depositing of to obviate this is what we want. YREKA, July 22. Siskiyou coun If Ballinger comes to Crater lake, H. T. Chitwood, druggist I have sewage into the Klamath river would ty citizens will be allowed to vote on and he has stated that he will do so. personally Investigated Ashland’s certainly contaminate it, and some the precinct opti«>n question, provid It will bring Into line another Im system should b»* install'd t> pre septic tank, It is a perfect success; ed the antl-saloon people will pay the portant factor for the development no odor or nuisance therefrom in its vent this conditioi.. ««xp<-rue of holding th«- special elec of scenic wonder. M rw. M. M> Millan, prnpri'-tr« «• Install immediate neighborhood. tion. This will cost about 22,000. Ashland, Oregon one, by £.11 means, in connection with |jake«ide Inn Tourists stopping he>« This was the conclusion reached AT WORK ON FISH LAKE use Lake Ewauna constantly as a by the Board of Supervisors this aft our sewer. WHAT WILL YOU NEED FOR FUTURE LIFE? Commercial, IRRIGATING CANAL Ivan Daniels—If a sewer system means of recreation and pleasure. If ernoon. after having given two days' Shorthand and English are taught here In such a manner that is established without a septic tank these waters are polluted it means careful consideration to tl <• petitions our students win success. it means a series of injunction suits that one of the chief attractions for of the "{Jrys” and the "wets." The W ill ( over l and In Vicinity of M.«l- Modern furnishings, thorough course of training, practl- i tourists is taken from us. against the city by property owners. Supervisors were unanimous, after fortl, Talent anti Phot nix cal instructora, Individual Insti'iictlon, and healthful location. -I. G. Piewc, real estate— I am they tad come out of an executive give our students n decided advantage. The Fish Lak« Irrigating company more or less interested in property session. $100 Reward, $100. OUR GRADUATES SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS. Addi- of Medford, Ore., Is busily engaged from Klamath avenue to the south The date for holding the special The readers of this paper will be pleaded to tlonal information may be for the asking. in the construction of the Irrigating ern city limits, and will bring an In le»rn that there to at leaot one dreaded «11«"»«» election will be fixed in a few days. junction suit against the city when that science baa been able to cure in all it« The anti-saloon people wanted a canal, starting nt Four-Mlle creek, xewerag«- is <Ie|x sited in the river as ■tattes. and that is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh chance to vote on county option. The which will, when completed, supply cure 1« the only pooltive cure no« known to contemplated. the region around Medford. Talent the medical fraternity, catarrh being aeon saloon people wanted no election at T. \V. Ntephens. rec.l estate If the atltutlonal <1' m ’»M‘. requires a eon*tituiiona) all. The Supervisors struck what and Pho nix with water. The cnnitl sewerage is conveyed a proper dis treatment. Hall’» Catarrh Cure la taken in they <l«-em to be middle ground l>y starts al Font-Mlle lake, running by tance down the river I think the river ternally, acting directly upon the blou<l and allowing the people to vol« on pre ditch eight miles, then by canyon to mucous surface« of the »y»t m, thereby de. is the proper outlet for our sewerage «troylng the foundation of the dlaeese, and cinct option. Half a loaf Is better Fish creek, thence by ditch front Lit ♦ system. giving the pat ent stri ngth by building up than no loaf, and each faction has tle Butte to Hanley ranch, then-1«» by C. E. Worden -Sp ■ king from past the constitution and a««>«tu>K nature In doing half a loaf apiece. Fish lake l.uh to Phoenix, Talent ration in cities its work. The proprietor« have no much faith and Medford experiences and ob in Ila curative powers that they offer One n been a river Hundred Dollar« for any ca-e It fail« to cure. WAN T RAILROAD ASSESSMENT Th«- ditch, when complehtd, will l>* whose sewer outlet IN’ SISKIYOU REDUCED. ten f<«d on bottom and eighteen feet nor larger than **end lor li«t ol •e-**rnon‘»'-» with no more cur* our Klamath, I would say that the on top. At Four-Mil«» lake a dam Is WEED, Cal , July 22. The Cali Klamath river will take care of our We continue abstracts, as well as fornia Northeastern railway yester to be constructed thirty feet high and sewerage without adding the expense make new ones. Let us complete a retaining dam will be put In at 1’lHh day sought to have the assessment of of a septic tank. MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. yours. Klamath County AbHtraet 220,000 a mile on Its lines In this lake, It is expected I hut It will take 0 L. Jacob«, merdiant Install asep Co., opposite Court House. 4-8tf county reduced to 210,000, but the about throe year:« to complete th Li tic plant in connection with our sew J Modern improvement#. 73 rooms mid HuitoH board declln -d to make any such re work. er system. It is the modern, hygienic duction. Jere Burke of the Houth- Sample Iloonin, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club NOTICE. The mall boat Curlew I« now mak- way. ern Pacific company made a Htrong KooniH, Etc., Etc. Parties wishing sagebrush Ing 90 miles a day, so Captain «'a'- Alx'l Ady. real estate I am not at plea for the reduction. kins Informs us. They go to Agency present interested, but ultimately a cleareu call on or write, W. W. MA STEN, landing and return, calling at Odessa SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS septic plant will have to be installed. Luclen Applegate of Hwan Klamath Falls, Ore. was in the city Friday. both ways. I>. V. Kuykendall, District AMor- 12 3tf KEITH TANKN AKE WANTED I* :* » • : : : • :I : • : » : : ♦: ! : Wall Paper QUARANTE ED pAINTS F Ashland Commercial College P RITNER, A. M., President Lakeside Inn,