» FINRL WIND-UP A liberal response from the public ha» somewhat demoralized the assortment and sizes in our stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings and Etc. This is the result of a Great Sale advertised by this firm, and while we had not /he slightest idea that we had gained so strong a confidence among our friends until our Clearance Sale announcement was made. For this we extend to all our many thanks and appreciation, and trust that those having taken advantage of our sale are all well pleased. We now throw the balance of Our Summer Stock to the Public at very much less than their Former Prices The prices do the selling—our salesmen simply attend to your wants. Here, now, DIGEST THESE BARGAINS, and don’t let the other fellow get ahead of you. c Our Clothing Department Has the Appearance of Being Struck by a Kansas Cyclone. However, should you find your size left in any of the lots as given below, DON’T HESITATE, BUT GRAB! LOT 0 LOT 1 LOT 2 Regular $8 ami $*> Suits for $5.25 Regular $10 to $13.50 Suits for $8.55 Regular $15 to $17.50 Suits for LOT 3 LOT 5 LOT 4 Regular $18 to $20 Suits for $13.65 Regular $25 to $30 Suits for $19.85 Regular $20 to $22.50 Suits for S hoes SHOES $9.75 $16.25 S hoes Our first announcement saved our customers on an average of $1.00 on each pair of Shoes; of course, our stock was more varied, but NOW SEE what’s doing; the assortment is no/ near so complete—but THE PRICES ARE ALSO NOT NEAR THEIR REGULAR VALUE. \ lot of $4.00 Shoes for $2.95 $2.85.\ lot of $3.50 to $4 Shoes for \ lot of $4.50 and $5 Shoes for $3.35 $2.45 Prices That Will Make You Buy a Hat Whether you need it or not. Ml $150 Hat* for 95c. Regular $2.00 Hats, $1.45. Just a few head coversleft, and they must go regardless of their former costor value. Regular $2.50 Hats. $1.90. A lot of $3.00 Hats. $2.35. A lot of Straw and Canvas Hats, 35c. A lot of Straw and Canvas Hats, 10c. Broken lot» of I NHt.RWt lit, lol MIIRIS, N I.i KWI.AR, KO.X, Si St' E \ III.IIS, anil intwrous oilier items that is not enough left to make apectal mention, must be cleared off our shelve* HELI’ 1'8. We will quote the price* ami you furnish the ea«h; W du not bring your entire wealth witii you. as you will find it quite hard to resist tile tempting bargains. Of «nurse, you cannot Idame us for tempting you in this manner, for we «re compelled Io do so to make roum for our new Fall Htink. Remember, this is the wind-up of this great sale. These Bargains will wait for no one. “First come first served 44 CLOTHING & SHOE STORE- will tube Mr. Heidel a wook or two to C. N. Myers and wl/e are in from Wash., left Tuesday on an overinnd 10, township 38 south, range 6 east, ant in and to the following described look over the routes on both sides of their ranch to-day. trip to their borne, going first to Willamette meridian, Crater Nation­ real property situated in Klamath J. F. Driscoll was down friftu the hike and make his report. lliloma Dunn of Bonunza paid this Prineville, via Odell. Before leav­ al Forest, Oregon, estimated to be county, Oregon, to-wit: sansa Satuido). (ieo. S. Willoughby and II. L. Le • city a visit Wednesday. ing, Mr. Crippin purchased three 150.000 feet B. M. of live and 10,000 SW^4 of Section 30, Township 39 Doer •<■ <»< i *>p< tied Sunday of Eurooo sere registered at t! e hend of horses from Cox Bros, in feet B. M. of dead yellow pine, 60,- C. G. Hunt and L Howard left for South, Range 10 East, Willamette will close hove uber !»t Lakeside Wednesday. Merrill, and the remainder of their 000 feet B. M. of live and 1,000 feet meridian. Lakuviev Tuesday. W. It llluuchard and fumlly Editor Allen of the Merrill Record, camp outfit was purchased here. B. M. of dead white fir. 30,000 feet L. A. Willkins of Dorris was In Together with all tenements, for an outing on Cherry creek 8un- C. T. Wilson and George Schukenicht, B. M. of live and 500 feet B. M. of hereditaments and appurtenances the city Wednesday. 4 all of Merrill, were in the city Tues­ dead lodgepole pine, saw timber, log thereunto belonging or in any wise J. F. Kimball mid "Thud" left day. I.. C. Slsemore of Ft. Klamath was scale, more or less. No bid of less appertaining. Huturduy morning on u Aniilng trip to A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. In the city thia week. than $3.00 for the live and $1.50 for ATTORN EV AT LAW The proceeds of said sale will be land on business. W. C. Meaner left on a business E. K. Leavitt of Yreka, Cal., Mr. and the dead yellow pine, $1.35 for the General Law Practice State and Fed­ applied in satisfaction of said execu­ Mrs. Sllna Obenchaln mid her Mrs. F. A. Stevens of San Francisco trip to Pokegnma Wednesday. live and 50 cents for the dead white eral Courts tion, order and decree, interest and niece, Murlon Murtin, returned from and Itolund Huddleston of Bakers­ fir, $2.25 for the live and $1.25 for il. Vandert of Odessa was regis­ Examiner of Land Titleg. costs and al! accruing costs and over­ 8:ili Ftmiclsc i l’i field, Cal., nre touring thia section in tered at the Lakeside Wednesday. the dead lodgepole pine, per thou­ I First National Hank Block plus. if any there be, to be paid unto Frank Ankeny and Henry Straw their White steamer, sand feet, B. M. will be considered R. H. White of Fort Klamath was Klamath Falls Oregon said court to be further applied as by left Saturday morn g on u *1 hing and a deposit of $200.00 must be Mrs. Frank Ward, assisted by Mes- in the city on business this week. law directed. trip to spent. r c ecl: sent to the First National Bank of dames Henley, Wilson and Jennings, Herman Chandler of Lakeview Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Marrlago licenses Issued: G. V. NOTI: E OF VDMINISTRATOR'S Portland, Oregon (U. S. Depository), entertained yesterday afternoon In Burton to Maude St. Tiiotnas; O. E. entertained Friday afternoon il pai«l this city a visit this week. FINAL A4 "COI NT to be placed to the credit of the this 12th day of July, 1909: W. B. BARNES, Crawford Hill of the Spring Lak Rucker to Mary C. Story. United States, for each bid submitted 7-12,8-12 Five Hundred wbh played and re­ Notice Is hereby given that F. P. to the supervisor. Timber upon Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. country was a Falls visitor this we, k. Editor Graves of the Bulletin was in froshments served. Mrs. Frank irá P. E. Lewis of Odessa was regis­ Ci >n< miller, .¡'ministrator of the cí­ valid claims is exempted from sale. th« city shaking hands with ills old White won first prize and Mrs. H. F. tate <«f Daniel Ci niemiller, dec« .«sed cronies and hustling for business for Murdoch was awarded the consola­ tered at the Ijckeside Inn Wednes- Ims filed Ills final account of le ii i-1 The right to reject any and all bids bls enterprising publication. ministration of said esate with the is reserved. For further informa- j tion trophy. Mrs. Harshbarger left I day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Melhaee are clerk of the county court of Klatuatli tion and regulations governing sales, J Misses K'tnk c.i d bchnel^i r Saturday morning, for her home in i taking a mouth's outing on Short county, Oregon, and that said court address the undersigned. Sunday morr.it i. for Fan Francltwo. San Francisco. has .ip|K>lnted 10 o’clock, a. m. of where they will study the latest 'cr£ek. M. L. ERICKSON. Friday, September 3d. 1909, as the that Chinese children play J. G. Griffith and j. T. Summers, W. E. Hall of Ft. Bidwell wi« one time for hearing of objections to such styles In millinery and purchase their Forest Supervisor, county commissioners, County Clerk ; of the California visitors to our c it« final account and the settlement “ Blind Man’s Buff” and lots fall stock. , Medford, Oregon. i thereof. This notice is published by­ Del.ap, Sheriff Barnes and Clyde I during the past week. E. H. Lawrence, the cigar manu­ of other games, just like our order of said county court entered « II. 8. Mc-Kell and wife left Wed- August 2d; 1909. facturer, left Sunday morning for Bradley ier. Monday morning fot | SHERIFF’S SALE. o.vn American “kiddies ”? Spokane, where he will try his luck Seattle and the fair to be gone two nesday for Rocky point on an outing. F P CRONEM1LER, Administrator. In the Circuit Court of the State of weeks. It Is an officlnl vlstt on the J. C. Rutenic, attorney for Adminis­ through the city Tuesday. on the land drawing contest am) will And that there ar? some Oregon for the County of Klamath. trator. 8-5—4t Chas. Greer of Merrill, bound for visit Olympia undt he Seattle fair on part of the Commissioners, as they American Bank and Trust Com­ bacteria so good for us that desire to inspect several courthouses tho Rogue River country, passed his return. pany, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. E with the through the city Tuesday. PROPOSALS FOR GRAZING they’re called “indispensable”? 8. E. iccnbice, clerk of Pine Grove on the trip. In connection B. Burwell, defendant. proposed new courthouse for this See the Frank Ankeny and Henry Straw school district, Is in the city to-day Department of the Interior, office Suit in Equity to Foreclose a Mort­ conferring with District Attorney city, which It is their alm to hnvo returned Tuesday from n deer hunt of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C., modern In every particular. In the vicinity of Clover creek. Frank July 15, 1909.—Sealed proposals for gage. Kuykendall In regard to the iesuance AUGUST EYERYSODY’S NOTICE is hereby given that by A horse that was taken from the ! and Henry succeeded in bringing letting grazing privileges on the of bonds to build a new schoolhouse Klamath Indian Reservation, Oregon, Joe Sylva ranch last week was found down a two-point buck, but they virtue of an execution and order ot In I hat district. under the permit system, will be re­ C. II. Dnggett and wife have re­ on the TopHy grade about three days don't seem to know who killed it, as ceived at the office of the Commis­ sale duly issued out of the a'ove I For Sale By sion« r of Indian Affairs. Washing­ named court and cause on the 12tii turned from Los Angeles, where Mr. after It was missed. It evidently bad they both shot at once. ton, I). C., until two o ’ clock p. m. on day of July, 1909, upon a decree F. E. ANKENY J no. J. Laipple of Vancouver, Daggett attended the Elks conven­ been turned loose by its rider and Monday, August 30, 1909, and will tion. They mado quite an extensive was on its way home. Several horses Wash., son-in-law of Dan Ryan, Sr., be Immediately thereafter opened in made and entered for record in said AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY tour of the southern country and re­ have been taken In this manner on of Ft. Klamath, arrived in this city the presence of such bidders as may court in said suit i.n the 10th day of the upper Klamath and taken to the Tuesday night and left Wedneeda' attend. Maps showing the location of July, 1909, in favor of the abov' port a delightful trip. 11. E. Williams, formerly of I.an Butin creek country, then turned for the Fort. Mrs. Laipple has been the reservation and all necessary in­ named plaintiff, directing the sale ol formation may be obtained on appli­ gell Valley, was in the city Saturday loose. The people are very Indig­ visiting her father, who is reported cation to the Superintendent of the the premises herein described, to sat­ nant over the work, and it. will go quite ill, for some time. hauling lumber for ids new I onic, Klamath Indian School, Klamath isfy the sum ot $2,190.70, and $33.50 costs and disbursements, and the very hard with any of them If caught. Agency, Oregon. Elmer Applegate is realizing about which ho will erect on bls 100-acre R. G. VALENTINE. further sum of $200 attorney s fees $100 an acre from ills volunteer po­ ranch recently purchased from C. 8. —Dorris Booster. 7-29, 8-23 Commissioner. making a total of $2,424.20, with in Ira C. Johnson of Illinois, one of tatoes out on his ranch. Tills item Moore, about six miles from this city. terest on said sum from the day of II. W. Stoddard ami wife of Pitts­ tile old guard of this section, re- Is respectfully dedicated to the calam­ SALE OF TIMBER. the rendition of said decree, and ac­ burg, who were registered at the turnod to his old slnmplng ground ity contingent who adorn tho mourn­ cruing costs. Lakeside, left Monday for Crater Friday and I h making the rounds ers' bench situated adjacent to the Medford, Oregon, July 2. 1909. McC.’.LL PATTERNS Now, therefore, in view of said ex­ Cult brute I for style, perfect fit, simplicity on I on courthouse free water tank to-day meeting his old friends. Mr. lake. The gentleman and hlB wife Sealed bids, marked outside, "Bld, reliability near v 40 yt rs, Sold in near •/ every city and town in ti e United State* «rd Timber Sale Application, April 28, ecution and in compliance with same, are touring the country on horseback, Johnson last visited this place in square. Canada, or bv mail direct. More *o'lorie*, etc. On y 50 cent* a timber standing Imperial valley, California, where he merchatdable dead his mother, whoso age Is 93, and panied Government Engineer Heidel year (north double), including' a tree pattern. __ ________________________________ _ «or down, _____ ___ has large interests, and is also large- and all the live timber Klamath county, Oregon, sell at pub­ Subscribe t >day, or send for sample copy. to Fort Klamath, from which place wore it not for this fact ho would ly Interested in the San Pedro har-1 marked for cutting by the forest of- lic auction to the highest bidder for WONTEHFL’L INDUCEMENTS 1 the latter will look over tho pro­ remain here permanently, as he t» Amts. I*«» • I b < ’"4 j* urn catalogue bor development._____________________fleer on a designated area located cash in hand, all the right, title and thinks there Is no country like this, posed automobile rond to Crater lake, and new cash ¡ r'zeo: v s. Address C. B. Crippin and wife of Yakima J within the NW% ’ ’ f SW l 4 of section intorest of the above named defend- TEE McCJUL O.. 233 lo 2 IS VJ. ÍTA CL. KZ17 YGX1 returned Friday night. He reports it both In cllmnte and people. E. L. ELLIOTT Did You Ever Know