Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 05, 1909, Image 3

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    ni : m ell in foiiti , am »
Ih'iil«-« l lirrv 1« Any Friction Ih’lwera
llim ami Hccrelary of Hi« In­
terior Bullinger
wan only on matter« of hualu«*» con
cerntiig the »«rvi««.”
Mr. Newell will remain In Porllsnd
until after Monday, wlom ho will al­
ternd the coiiferoli««' which I ium been
nirunged between Hecretary Ballin­
ger mid the siipetvlMlng egglnseis of
the m I x ri'ilmiiutlon divisions i«pre-
aented In the service.
('ommlaaloiier of tin* l*«n<l Olli««' Den­
nett $1*11» tlie toast on Official
lluslii) ■»* mid l aika Fri'cly
on the other hand, 1» one of the most
wholesome ex«r< l»«* that can Im In­
dulged in by lhe students, mid with
Lake Ewautia and the Klamath river
right at iimirl we have matchless op­
portunities for the formation of a
rowing club which, taken In connec­
tion with the wuter carnival, would
be one of thefeatures of this section.
"There will bs a jru«k meet held
next spring. Including, In addition to
the High School students, the pupils
of the seventh and eighth grades of
the public echtxd, In connection with
whl«h will ul*o be held debating, ora-
torhal mol «leclumutory exercises.
"In connection with his duties as
physical dlii'Ctor Mr. Faulk will take
charge of the teachers' r«vi<-w course
mid pi)* Ibly two da»»«* In science."
Richard Shore Smith of this city,
formerly captain of the Columbia
foot bull team mid fu.llback of lhe All
American hmn. when asked for his
opinion oti th« foiegoing arrangement
for physical development aniong the
High Sclxad students, »aid:
"I am more than pleased to l«'«rn
that rowing will be mad" one of the
leading rport> for the High S c « i « m >I
boys, Football I* all right where you
have a field »pe< tally prepare«l to
practice mid play on; otherwise it ih
dangerous; while rowing is ono of
the moil suf« mid beneficial sporla 111
the world.
M'e have a match!«
lake and river here for Indulgence in
ti l» vport and I would recommend,
by all m< an», that the county provide
the lM»ys with suitable quarter* aid
boat», mid in a short time we will be
given an aquatic exhibition here tha.
will be surprising."
Uomml»»loner of tbs General Land
at Klamath Fulls, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business,
Office Fred Dennett, who 1» In Port­
June 23, 190».
land, udmlls that u mistake I ium been
mud« In the changing o( the manner
of disposing of ’ the timber claims.
M ill Eiita r via Meiifonl and Fa*» tli«- That the »ule of the claims under
Loan» and Discounts........................................
$ 50,969.55
lhe upprulsenn ut program Is 11 full-
Bonds, securities, etc ..
. .
Isxlg«* 011 Hi» May to Klmuulli
ure 1» udmitted, but Mr. Dennett doe»
fhiüklng huiiMe, furniture and fixture« .
Fall»—Will Be Notable $i»lt
Due from approvi d r«*erv«> banks...............
not »late whether the Interior De­
(Tieiks and other cash items........................
partment will rei' ile from It» position.
Cash on hand
Information from Innido »ouro 11 In dI««'« imm I 11 g lit» trip, Mr. Dennett
to the effect that Hurihiiun and Tuft said:
Total .
6 2,3 CO. 10
will m««t at I'cllcun Buy thl* full. A41
"My trip out M'cst 1» ulong dlffot-
detalla of th« meeting liuvo not been «nt Illi«» from that of Secretary Bul­
arrang«<l, but they are fur enough linger. It relates »o>«ly to mi inspec­
along t>> wurraut the prediction thut, tion of the operation» of the vii’lou»
Capital stock paid In ..........................
I 25,000.00
uni«»» uiifor«"" «ii oliala« l«a pruv«nt lleid division» ol the Genera) Laud
Undivided profit», les* expenses and taxes paid
It, Klnmuth county will »<•«> the Ollie« on Hit* t'oiiBi s:id after I g< t
Due to bank» and bankers..........................................
world'» greniest executive nnd It» through In t'ullforn'a I »hall p:o«<"l
Individual deposits subject
to check
Demand certlficat«m 1 of deposit..............
greatent railroad magnate greet «u< h 1« Halt Luke and ot h r points ulong
Time certifirotes of deposit....«............
other nt Pell'an Buy lodge.
li e route East, and plun to re.n Ii
Cartlfied checks ......
M'lien Tutt Mt' ppcd Into the M'lill« M’uMhiugtoii on August 20th.
Savings deposit» ....
lion*'' I k by no liman» carried on bl» Mill ll< aw <1 Mill» M ork
$ 62,360.10
»houlderM tee loud of untagonl»m «re­
"Congress lust y«'ur gave our de-
al «d by hl* prcdwcMimr. He I m a man partmenl un appropriation of 11.-
brainy enough to think unu u< t for 000,000 for th« purpose of ctirry Ing
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath,)ss.
lilin»< If, and whatever l e do«» Il will on land InvestIgatlona through the
I, J. M'. Siemens, cashier of the above mentioned bank, do sol-
be ii Taft policy out and out. Thl» »pe'iul field «ivi«" of th«- General
«■mnly sw«ar that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowl­
chai in tel Itftlc wiiw ui'ver moie promi­ Lund Office, and 1 urn more than
edge and belief.
J. W. SIEMENS, Cashier.
nently brought out than In the Presi­ pl'-usi'd with the result» that have
GEO. T. BALDMTN, Directors.
dent'» attitude toward» the "male ac­ been accomplished alreudy.
It en-
torn of groat wealth" nnd other m
abl«d 11» Io Increase our lorce of spe-
her« <>f th« Ananias club, I ii* regnrd < lul mt«nl* greatly mid otherwise
for Mr. Harriman has always been place us In a position to char 11 p hc -'
most cordial, mid unb'MM affali» of cumulated busln«*»» tn a satisfactory
gent mom* nt demand II, be will not matin' r, and my Inspection thus far
pili» by the d'xir of tb« great railway lui* «otivlnced in«' thut the chief» ot
magnate w Iti out lifting the lalch- t) « different dlvl»loiix. a» well a* al!
th«' Ito 11 und«r them, ure making
Col M'. II. Ilidaldrd I» now on ili « •irni 't effort» to perform th«lr du-
ri 'l I I |()\ < Ir.< I LATEI>
wuy to New York to rccelvo final In tlci fulthfully. There seems to be no
-A. choice line of Invest­
r;t 1 uctloii*. Incidentally, he may go doubt the personnel of the public ((«-sldeiits of the Out-ide Territory
ments that will make
to MTi»hliigt«u. M’hetter be doc* or land service ha» b«-«n gr«-atly im­
Should lie I iil.’glitci>«'«l <111 Advan­
not, no one will know what he I» go­ proved In r • nt years, and I feel cer­
Ilio pnrclmser nxonoy
tage >>f < oming in Limit»
ing to do until after the tusk ha* tain that 1)4» condition will prevail
be II completed, for th«' Colonel I» hcnc-foith until It will about reach
A petition calling for a »pedal
noted for 14» remarkable ability to perfection.
election to vol • on th«' extendon of
k«-p 1.1* mouth »hut. 11«, iievertli« Nev« Finn Not Siitisiactory
the city limits was placed in circula­
le*», I» pretty certain to be master of
"Relative to the regulation Im- tion Saturday, The provisions there­
ceremonies at mi event that will at­ p<>«d by the Genera! Land Office a of are an follows:
tract world-wide attention mid the short time ago to sell the timber
chief uuiglfttrntc of the nation will lands through nn appraised valuation, Fetitlon for changing the bour.darh'r
ionie und t hl» »way for the brief I must admit that it has not operated
of the City of Klamath Falls.
period he remala» at the lodge.
M'" th«' undersigned qualified elec-
tn my entire satisfaction, nithough at
Th« program now under connld- the tlui" the order win promulgated tore of th,« City of Klamath Falls,
• ration provide» for the Pre»ld«nt to It wn. considered to bo the most feas­ respectfully ask that the question of
leave the car» nt Medford, proc«'«- I ible Holution of the problem of the changing th« boundaries of the City
by auto to Crater lake, thence disposition of lands of this charac­ of Klamath Falls as follow»:
through th« Klamath Agency to Fell­ ter. There I* no question but that the
Beginning at corner to Section» 31
can buy, where a brief stop w III be m t of June 3, 1878, commonly known and 32, Township 38 South. Rang«?
made, nnd then on Io thl» city, where ns th« timber and »tone law, ha» out­ 9 East, on township line; thence east i
he will board the car* and cont lune lived It» u»«fulue»». and there ought on township line two mil«» to south-!
south. An effort is being made to to be a new law pa**ed to meet pres­ east corner of S««tion 33. said town-;
Induce him to make hl» stay long ent condition*
Those who drafted ship and range; then«:«' north on sec-'
enough to permit of his landing some the old law were doubtless slticere in lion line one mile to north«'a*t corner
During the Season of 1909
of the big trout that «bound In thu th«4r Intention* to protect the for­ ot said section 33: thence west on
water» of th«* bay. but th«' l’r«»td«tit'» est» from fire un«l devastation, be. *«•< tion line one-half mil- to corner
via the
i on* t t to thl> lias not been r«««'lv< <!, enu** th« del i«’«» on the measure In­ on noith line of said section 33;
and uni« *» It I* provldsd for In tt< dicate tlat on« of the prlnci;ial pur- thence northwesterly to southeast
program It I» certain that lie will p«»aes wn» to place th« land* In tnd1- corner of block 4 3, Hot Springs addi­
not lemaln longer than lhe allotted vldual ownership with the Idea that tion; thence northwesterly along
time, for Mr. Taft ha* a reputation the entry n:au would take an late-c.' northeasterly line of blocks 43 to 52,
of »landing by hl* schedule and gel­ In protecting their holdings from
inclusive, and said line extend«‘d to
ting there on lidie.
c*t fir«»; but It nppear* that thorn the north line of Section 28. Town­
'Ili«' visit of III«' 1’rcMldent to Crater who were thus actuated by honest ship 38 South, Range 9 East; thence
lake will bring prominently to the at­ motlvi's. never took I nt«» constdera- west on section line to the southwest
tention of the nation the nece*»|ty for tlon the multitude of abuses that corner of the SE% of SE '4 of Sec­
To OMAHA and Return - - - $70.30
It» preservation and development have been heap«*! upon the law tion 19. said township amh range;
To KANSAS CITY and Return, $70.30
mid will result In the appropriation through th«> medium of speculators thence north ono-fourth mile to the
of *ti«'h money a» may he uecess'.ry and fraudulent entries. At the tim<* northwest corner of said SE1« of
To ST. LOUIS and Return -
to make It easy of acce»» to the tour- the pre*«nt appraisement system was SESection 19. said township and
To CHICAGO and Return - - $82.80
1*1. It will be th« opening of tl c era adopted thl* »• "P was taken after a range; thence west one-fourth mile
other principal cities in the East, Middle M’cst and South
of the great development that Is to car« fill canvas* of th»’ »Ituatlrm by to sotithweHt corner of the NM’% of
Correspondingly low fares.
mike the northern half of K'anintli the b«st legal advice nt our conm:>.n<l, SE', of sai«l Si>ctlon 19; ther.ce
< c.unty ti tourist I « sort of world - id« ami I understand 1 that an effort 1* north one-fourth mile to the north­
O j Sale .Tty 17, June x, 3; Ja y 1, 3; August 11, is
about to be mativ here in Oregon to west corner of said XM’lt of SEX*
test the matter in the federal courts, Section 19; thence west on north line
To DENVER and Return, $65.30
cot use I hop«' sincerely that this V. i'l I.« of lots .1. 9 and 10 said ixection 19
I I V hi its1 i it
On Sale Hay 17, July 1, August 11
done, as It may result tn H'l’vlag one-half mile; thence south one and
Next year the Klamath County many Intricate | problems lucid mt one-fourth miles to southwest corner
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit
High, tn addition to the work offered thereto."
of lot 1, Section 30. Township 38
October 31st.
heretofore, will give a thorough lie M'n* tile M hide "M otli*"
South. Range 9 East: thence east
Theso tickets present some very attractive features in ths
course In normnl training work. Thl»
M'heii asked why he had register'd one-half mile to southwest corner of
way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enab-
will be especially Interesting
interesting to at the hotel from Milton. N. D . ill lot 4, said Section 30; thence south
ling passengers to make side trips to many interesting points
teacher* and
mid prospective teachers steal of the national capital, Mr. one-fourth mile to southwest corner
en route.
who have depended upon our S'ate Dennett said that it was bls old ii.HU« , of iot 5, said Section 30; thence east
Routing on the return trip through California may be had
normal schools. In conjunction with he having been a resident of th« plac«' one-fourth mile to northwest corner
at a slight advance over the rates quoted. .
our city schools this work can be ad- ai the time of being first connect« d of lot I, Section 31, Township 38
Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will
mlnl*t 'red ns «ffectlveiy a* In a nor­ with the public land service «»* th« South, Range 9 East; thence south
furnished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or
mal si-bool nnd will afford teachers »•oveminent.
At one time Im puli three-fourths mile to southwest cor­
MM. Mc.Ml'KIlAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon.
an opportunity to receive their train­ lislud a weekly newspaper tiler«' ner of NE *4 of SE *4 said Section 31;
ing in their own county and State in culled th«' Globe, he <l«'clared, and thence east one-fourth mile to south­
spite of the fact that we have no was not only editor In chief, buidnes« east corner of NE>4 of SE *4 said
normal schools. In connection with mnnng r. reporter and offic«' boy, ’»«it Section 31: thence south one-fourth
NOTH E OF PRIVATE SALE OF northerly 51 degrees 4 minutes west
this u cvlew com.*« in the common also performed all the composition mile to place of beginning,
100 feet to the place of beginning;
branches will be given.
Bi> submitted to the elector* of the
necesHt'.ry In setting the type, having
all being situated la Klamath Coun­
been .ildlged to master this hrr.i ■ Ii of City of Klamath Falls, and also to
In the County Court of the State of ty, State of Oregon.
M uller Buh k. a prominent rancher newspaper work in ord-T to Insti •• the electors of the territory alxiv«1 de­
The sale will be made on or after
Oregon for the County of Klam­
<>t Silver I.like, mid Mr*. II M-. Hig­ •lie appearance of the sheet a» ng-
the 7th day of August, 1909, and
ley. hl* .«Isler, of Tephuiines, Ihnmi-
In the matter of the Estate of bids will be received at the office of
cial election to be held at the earliest
go. M< xlco. arrived In the city Inst
Thomas Drake, corner of Fourth and
Thomas Hodge, deceased.
Friday. Mr* Higgins I.* en route tc
Under an order granted by the Main streets, City of Klamath Falls,
I’ortlund. where she will join her
M'hethcr thl* city shall expand and County Court of the County of Klam­ Oregon.
hushuml mid return to their home I11
The terms of the sale: For cash,
be«onM a Greater Klamath Falls re­ ath, State of Oregon, dated the 26th
M xlco. Mr. Buick. In speaking of Ilowing Mill Be Fr<*loiiiinatltlg Fea­
mains In the hands of the people liv­ day of June, 1909, I, the undersigned gold coin of the United States.
trade illations l*t»i‘in his section
Dated this 26th day of June, 1909.
ture Thl* Year
ing outsid« the limits of the corpora­ administrator, will sell at private sale
and Silvi r Lake, said that dotlbtle**
tion. Tin y must cast a majority the following described property, to
that tiud" In the future would come
Prof Butcher, principal of Klam- vote on the proposition or it will not wit: An undivided one-half interest Administrator of the Estate of Thom­
Mr. Buick nnd som«» other
as Hodge, deceased.
7-1, 8-1
nth County High School, In un lnt»»r- be effect uni. M’hnt Inducements are In Lots 1 and 2 of Block 34 Original
resident» of tils sect Ion will shortly
offered to them should be clearly s«»t
view, state»:
mali«' som«' recommendations to the
“Athletics will bo given proper at- forth in order that they may have nn an undivided one-half Interest in Lot*
County Court as to the location of
tention in connection with the other intelligent understanding of th«* sit­ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 78 of Klam­
new roads nnd the repairing of the
courses nt the Klnmnth High School uation and pass judgment on the ath Addition to said Town, now City
old one* between tbl* city and hi«
this Henson, and to that end the serv­ proposition accordingly. As the mat­ of Klamath Falls, and an undivided
T jai
section, lie having received as*nr.’41 co (
I •«-.
Pumps Water, Runs
ices of A. F. Paulk, graduate of the ter now s ands. the limits will not be one-halt interest in the certain par
from the county officers that t tie
Milker, Separator,
State Normal School of Michigan,
H. ' “M m »»';
imine will haw their attention.
Chops Feed, Etc.
Beginning at the most
I now located at Travers City, Mich., resident» in th«' outside territory is follows:
Save8 Wage»
practically unanimous against the
have been secured.
Stat«» your need»,
For Hale or Trade—residence and
"The healthful,
rite for «'aUleg. Moutieu paper
business property
the bent tows rowing will be made one of the pre­ fully overcome if the Council will grees 56 minutes east 60 feet, thence
In the WIHamotte valley.
dominating features instead of foot- clearly set forth what concessions it southerly 51 degrees 4 minutes east GENUINB FAIRBANKS SCALES. WINDMILLS
Motor«, Gfosolin«Elgin««, 8U mb Pump». Boiler«
Inquire at. tbs Boston Store,
ball, which, wlthoul a specially pre- will make to them provided they con­ 100 feet, thence southerly 38 degrees Dynamo»,
» Engine».FevdChonn«’^,Win^millPnmpe.Pi p*Fittln««Ae
56 minutes west 60 feet, thence AU CarrlxMl lu Stock at ltJRTLAND, O IU l G ON
pared field. is dangerous. Rowing, sent to enter the corporation.
"There urn two pluc«» for every
dollar a vii I In li 11 • fur i •«'liitiiul Ion work
during tli<< calendar year 1910," utild
F. II Newell, director of the Itrr
luinutloii Bervice, who reached 1‘ort-
liiml Hut unlay. "Thut la the reason
u lonfi icnee Ina been arranged bo-
twviii the a ti pc r v I al n g engineer« of
th« entlro reclamation field unit Her­
niary I tn 111 n
which will bo held
In I'orllunii next .Monday. At that
time the demand from the different
dlvlaloiia for fillida will be considered
mid un apportionment mud» of the
reclamation fund when» it will nc-
eo ii i p 11 ah the b«»t results."
Mr. Newell left \Vualihigtoll last
April, nnd during the Inst four
month« hni visile«! practically every
i «* lultlAl Ion mcijei i throughout III»
West for the purpoic of acquainting
hlmm If wflli the work being doin'
nnd the need» of each Individual
Project« Begin i<> Pay
"'I hc lnat year I tin been th« moat
active «luce the lte< lumatlon Ser vice
wni c.»tubllshed," Continued Mr. New­
ell. "Under the law governing thin
impoilant work the proceed» from
tin* public land sale* of the different
weotc'iii slates go Into n fund which
la dlaburaed under the direction of
th« Interior licpnrtment for the rec
laination of mid land«. Accretions
to I Ida fund nr< expended In th« sum«'
direction I'ndcr tills net of Congre-.ca
twenty-four aepnrute
project» hnvo bc' ii undertaken In the
sixteen St a t«n or territories con-
«crnccl. N< utly nil of the«« projit ta
arc now returning n revenue mid the
question to tn- d«ti rmlncd now 1» thut
of iiiccting the demand» for an ex­
tension of the »< I vie e
"During Ihc year 1909. 700,000
acres have b««n reclaimed, nnd from
th<Mi land» the government Is Just
beginning Io g«t fruition from many
years «if work. The n«'tunl revenue
which will be derived by the govern­
ment from these different project»
during the ensuing year will aggre­
gate approximately $1,000,000. This
fund will be expended In the various
States In the same proportion ns It Is
«cillccted. The retain* from the»«
project* w ill lucre a»« annually from
the fact that under the regulations
of the department the act tiers cannot
be required to pay their assessment»
until two annual Installment» become
Thia melin* that the revenue
from this Moure«' will Increase mi-
< liarg«-» to Settle 1» H mimw I
'It 1» true that In some of Hie
pro J'« Is the charge to sett Ic-ra parti'*!-
paling In th« bem-tll* of the servic«'
Ins been increased when such settler»
availed thcmselViM of the service aft
er it had been installed. For exam­
ple, In the Minidoka project In Ida­
ho. the coal to the original »«t'l«r wus
$22 an acre. Thou« who availed
themselves of th« service after it had
been Installed were iis*e*n«<| $30 an
There are several reusona for
thia Increased i«*»cs*nicnl
"In th« first pin««, the settlement
nf n previously unliihublfcd district
iiiiturully add» to th« attractlvene**
of that section
Secondly, »cttlers
who .icqtilrc land after the project
ha» one* been I'stabllshed must pay
lti<n pro)Mirtlon of ths ltici«.t*«d cost
uf th«* necessary extension* <»f th«
•crvlc«- In addition to these reason»
the Iman lint Ion of u reclamation proj­
ect In Itself Increase'« the value of
land adjacent to thut originally
•> 'rved in »on'« Instance* such land
I i .' ih Increased from $5 to $35 an acre
"Just n:i soon i « h ('«mgr«** adjourns
»• ninny of ihc member» of the »emit«
committee on Irrigation a» find It
convenient will vl»lt the various r«c
Initiation projects throughout th«
western stnte*.
Senator Carter of
Montana I m chairman of this commit
l«c. The other member* lire; Sen­
ators Wurren of Myomlng, Flint of
California. Southerland of Utah,
,1'incM of Mil«! Iiigton, Holub of Iduho,
Brigg» of New Jersey, Nixon of Ne­
vada. Hall") of T cxiih , Newland» of
Ncvnda. (lore of Oklahoma, Smith of
Maryland mid Chamberlain of Ore­
gon. This committee will Inspect the
reclamation work* mil
then by will become acquainted with
lhe in'««!* of the Hervlce. An appro­
priation covering the expense* of the
committee wan provided at the recent
gcHslon of Congress "
No Friction, II«' Suya
Mr. Newell declined to dl*cu».* the
reported Inharmonious relations lie-
tween himself and Secretary Bnllln-
g r. who I raid to lie desirous of up-
pointing City Engineer Thomson of
Seattle tts Newell's successor, "One
has to go away from home to learn
the newt«." rcpllid Mr. Newell In ap­
parent frankness when asked con­
cerning the repoti<'d friction between
himself and the Secretary of the In­
terior. "This is lhe flint I have heard
of It," continued the reclamation di­
rector, manifesting some »ui-priae. "I
have seen Secretary Ballinger only
n few limes since lie WllH appointed
Secretary of the Interior, and then It i
M ason &S lough
City Property
Farm Mortgages
Summer Rates East
Southern Pacific